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The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen(<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs(>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity.  相似文献   

利用原地生宇生核素测定暴露年代时,通常会假设地貌体侵蚀速率为0。研究表明,该假设会低估地貌体的真实暴露年代。搜集2009~2012年全球不同区域56个岩石样品的宇生核素10Be测年数据,探讨侵蚀速率为0对于侵蚀速率为0.5、1以及2 mm/ka的样品,在不同暴露尺度上对暴露年代计算的影响幅度。结果表明,对于1×104a尺度的样品暴露年代可能低估约0.5%,1%,2%;对于10×104a尺度的样品可能低估约5%,7%,20%;对于50×104a尺度的样品可能低估约40%,70%甚至100%以上。  相似文献   

本文选择蒙古中部地区的两个模型多边形对植被多样性进行调查研究。它们都位于干旱、半干旱少雨地区。基于Landsat TM影像,本文研究了多边形区域的NDVI随时间变化的多时相NDVI值制图,得到所选择的具备不同值NDVI区域的全尺度景观特征。这一特征在对耐旱环境组的植被分析中得到了证实。该过程中将近整个实验多边形区域的植被偏离得到了追踪。NDVI的时间分布分析呈现出数值的降低,这说明了在戈壁,稀疏植被存在耐旱趋势。在半干旱气候区域中偏离植被趋势与牧草地的重载负直接相关。  相似文献   

黄河上游官亭盆地喇家遗址地层光释光测年研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对黄河上游官亭盆地喇家遗址周围黄河第二级阶地广泛的野外考察,在官亭镇下喇家村段发现了典型的风成黄土土壤层。在地层剖面可见其齐家文化层古地面被数组地震裂隙分割。有一层团块状的、鲜艳的红色粘土质泥流层覆盖了遗址的古地面,并且填充了地震裂隙。经过详细观测和采集光释光样品,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR) 获得该剖面样品的光释光(OSL) 年龄值。在此基础上,结合大量14C年龄数据和地层对比方法,确定官亭盆地黄河第二级阶地形成在35.00 ka BP,其后风成黄土土壤剖面开始发育。同时断定全新世古土壤S0中间所夹红色粘土泥流沉积层及其下的地震裂隙的形成年代为3.95 ka BP。结合磁化率和粒度成分等气候替代指标分析,表明在35.00~11.50 ka BP 晚更新世晚期,亦即末次冰期的晚期(MIS-2),气候寒冷干燥,沙尘暴活动旺盛,在官亭盆地第二级阶地上堆积了典型的马兰黄土层(L1-1)。在11.50~8.50 ka BP全新世早期,沙尘暴活动堆积了具有过渡性质的黄土层(Lt),反映气候逐渐变暖。在8.50~3.10 ka BP 全新世中期大暖期,气候变得温暖湿润,降水量增多,沙尘暴活动减弱,风化成壤作用强烈,堆积形成了黑垆土类古土壤层(S0下、S0上)。  相似文献   

本文探讨了印度中部喜马拉雅地区生态系统服务对生计可持续性的评估和支付。本文数据收集自生物多样性资源的主要和次要来源——有形商品和无形服务。生态系统服务与高地(提供者)和低地(受益者)相互关联,并为广大人口提供生计支持。该区森林覆盖了约63%的区域,生物多样性丰富。同时水资源也很丰富,恒河及其支流满足了全国约42%的用水需求,并且水力发电约为30000 MW。由于环境清洁无污染,环境可持续性指数较高。尽管耕地仅占18%,但农业生物多样性相当高,这里生长着多种作物品种。然而,由于地形崎岖、偏远和不利的环境,高地人民无法以最佳方式利用这些生物多样性资源。高地人民贫穷,面临严重的营养不良和粮食短缺问题。因此可以考虑对有形和无形的生态系统服务进行估价,并进行支付。对下游群众使用的无形资源进行征税,向上游群众发放绿色红利。  相似文献   

Geomorphology is one of the main subdisciplines of geography.The research achievements and prospects in geomorphology have received considerable attention for a long time.In this paper,a general retrospect of geomorphologic research in China over the past 60 years was firstly addressed,especially the research progress during the last 40 years.Based on a summary of experience and a tendency of development,perspectives of geomorphologic research direction in the future were provided.It is concluded that the discipline of geomorphology has made great progress in the aspects of geomorphologic types,regionalization,as well as their subdisciplines such as dynamic geomorphology,tectonic geomorphology,climatic geomorphology,lithological geomorphology,palaeogeomorphology.We believe that persisting in the unity principle between morphological and genetic types would be conductive for the development of traditional landforms and integrated landforms.In addition,five perspectives aim to enhance China’s geomorphologicl research capacity were proposed.They are:(1)strengthening the research of basic geomorphologic theory and the research of integrated geomorphology to expand the research space;(2)focusing more on the research of geomorphologic structure and geomorphologic function to improve the application ability of geomorphology;(3)constructing a comprehensive resource,environmental,and geomorphologic information system and building a sharing platform to upgrade the intelligent information industry of geomorphology;(4)putting more efforts on the research of coastal geomorphology and marine geomorphology to assist the transformation of China from a maritime country to an ocean power;and(5)cultivating talents and constructing research teams to maintain a sustainable development of China’s geomorphologic research.  相似文献   

本研究对印度北阿坎德邦奈尼塔尔地区的农业用地进行了时间序列分析。该研究基于Landsat5,Landsat7and Landsat8卫星图像数据,使用随机森林分类器对该区域近21年(2000–2021年)的农业和非农业土地进行分类。陆地卫星图像使用谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台进行处理,随机森林分类器的选择则是基于随机森林(RF)、支持向量机(SVM)和分类与回归树(CART)之间的比较分析。对总体准确度、用户准确度、生产者准确度和Kappa系数进行了评估,以确定研究区域的最佳分类器。结果表明,2021年RF、SVM和CART的总体准确率分别为96.38%、94.44%和91.94%;类似地,RF、SVM和CART的Kappa系数分别为0.96、0.89和0.81。陆地卫星在农业和非农业地区的分类图像显示,该区域在21年间(2000–2021年)农业用地减少了4.71%。该研究还表明,过去4年(即2018–2021年)该区域农业面积下降幅度最大。本研究对于发展中国家了解农用地变化并采取适当措施以保护该地区的动植物非常重要。  相似文献   

秃鹫提供了宝贵的生态系统服务,在生态系统平衡中发挥着重要作用,但印度本土秃鹫数量在过去几年有所下降。掌握秃鹫栖息地的分布现状对于管理和防止秃鹫数量继续下降至关重要。可以预见,目前的气候危机可能会进一步导致秃鹫生境适宜性的变化,并影响现存的秃鹫种群。因此,本研究利用物种分布模型,对印度中部一个秃鹫栖息地的短期和长期变化进行预测,并以统计和图形的方式呈现数据。选择MaxEnt软件进行预测,是因为它与其他模型相比具有一定的优势,如只使用现有数据,在数据不完整、样本量小、样本间隙小等情况下表现良好。采用全球气候模式集成学习算法(CCSM4、Had GEM2AO和MIROC5)以获得更好的预测结果。14个稳健模型(AUC 0.864–0.892)是利用7个秃鹫种群(长喙、白臀、红头、银灰色、埃及秃鹫、喜马拉雅和欧亚狮鹫)在两个季节共1000多个地点的数据建立的。选定的气候(温度和降水)和环境变量(NDVI、海拔和土地利用/土地覆盖)被用于预测当前栖息地,未来的预测只基于气候变量。影响秃鹫栖息地分布的最重要变量是降水量(bio 15,bio 18,bio19)和温度(bio 3,bio 5)。在目前的预测中,森林和水体是影响土地利用的主要因素。在较小尺度上,随着时间的推移,极端适宜的栖息地面积减少,高度适宜的栖息地面积增加,总适宜栖息地面积在2050年略有增加,但到2070年有所减少。在更大的尺度上考虑,2050年适宜栖息地的净损失为5%,2070年为7.17%(RCP4.5)。相似的,在RCP8.5下,2050年适宜栖息地的净损失为6%,2070年为7.3%。研究结果可用于制定秃鹫的保护规划和管理,从而保护其免受未来的气候变化等威胁。  相似文献   

With basic information from 8353 archaeological sites, this study describes a holistic spatial-temporal distribution pattern of archaeological sites of the prehistoric culture sequence from 9.5 ka BP (ka BP = thousands of years before 0 BP, where "0 BP" is defined as the year AD 1950) to 2.3 ka BP in the region that extends from the Yanshan Mountains to the Liaohe River Plain(i.e., the Yan-Liao region) in northern China. Based on spatial statistics analysis – including the spatial density of the sites and Geographic Information System nearest-neighbour analysis, combined with a review of environmental and climatic data – this paper analyses cultural evolution, the spatial-temporal features of the archaeological sites and human activities against the backdrop of climatic and environmental changes in this region. The results reveal that prehistoric cultural evolution in the Yan-Liao region is extensively influenced by climatic and environmental changes. The Xinglongwa, Zhaobaogou and Fuhe cultures, which primarily developed during a habitable period from 8.5 ka BP to 6.0 ka BP with strong summer monsoons, have similar maximum density values, spatial patterns and subsistence strategies dominated by hunting-gathering. Significant changes occurred in the Hongshan and Lower Xiajiadian cultures, with a significant increase in numbers and densities of sites and a slump in average nearest-neighbour ratio when the environment began to deteriorate starting in 6.0 ka BP. Additionally, with the onset of a weak summer monsoon and the predominance of primitive agriculture, sites of these two cultures present a different type of concentric circle-shaped pattern in space. As the environment continuously deteriorated with increasing aridity and the spread of steppe, more sites were distributed towards the south, and primitive agriculture was replaced by livestock husbandry in the Upper Xiajiadian culture. The most densely populated areas of the studied cultures are centralized within a limited area. The Laohahe River and Jiaolaihe River basins formed the core area in which most archaeological sites were distributed during the strong summer monsoon period and the first few thousand years of the weak summer monsoon period.  相似文献   

Wang  Kexin  Xu  Xinghua  Sun  Xuefeng  Tu  Hua  Zeng  Qiongxuan  Lu  Yiming  Lu  Huayu  Wang  Shejiang 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(3):406-416
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The Luonan Basin is a key region of early human settlement in Central China with more than 300 discovered Paleolithic sites. Artifact layer 1 of the Liuwan site...  相似文献   

选取南洛河上游洛南盆地10 种植被类型下40 处样点表土苔藓开展孢粉与植被关系的研究.结果表明,表土中孢粉组成能很好地反映植被类型.森林表土中乔木植物花粉含量平均值大于40%,且有较高含量的中华卷柏孢子;疏林草原、灌丛群落中乔木植物花粉平均含量分别为13.2%和16.6%,灌木植物花粉相对草丛群落含量较高;草丛群落和农田中乔木花粉平均含量均<10%,草本植物花粉>80%,灌木植物花粉<1%.洛南盆地表土孢粉总浓度平均为1.42×105粒/g,与植被覆盖度关系较弱,而与植被类型有一定联系,能辅助植被类型的辨识.聚类分析和PCA分析都能较好区分森林和非森林植被,前者能较好地区分松林和混交林,后者能较好地区分农田和灌、草丛植被,且比聚类分析更加稳定.松属、栎属等乔木花粉具有较强的扩散能力,能指示区域植被,松属没有表现出很强的超代表性,栎属具有低代表性;蒿属花粉与植被覆盖度间的相关关系较差,具有明显的超代表性,其大量出现与人类的干扰有一定的联系,禾本科花粉具有很好的植被指示性和低代表性,藜科花粉的高含量主要指示了高强度的人类活动;中华卷柏孢子在地层中的大量出现具有指示森林或松林环境的意义.  相似文献   

The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen (<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs (>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity.  相似文献   

Transient landscape disequilibrium is a common response to climatic fluctuations between glacial and interglacial conditions. Such landscapes are best suited to the investigation of catchment-wide response to changes in incision. The geomorphology of the Trub and Grosse Fontanne, adjacent stream systems in the Napf region of the Swiss Molasse, was analyzed using a 2-m LIDAR DEM. The two catchments were impacted by the Last Glacial Maximum, LGM, even though the glaciers never overrode this region. They did, however, cause base levels to drop by as much as 80 m. Despite their similar tectonic, lithologic and climatic settings, these two basins show very different responses to the changing boundary conditions. Stream profiles in the Trub tend to be smooth, while in the Fontanne, numerous knickzones are visible. Similarly, cut-and-fill terraces are abundant in the Trub watershed, but absent in the Fontanne, where deep valleys have been incised. The Trub appears to be a coupled hillslope–channel system because the morphometrics throughout the basin are uniform. The morphology of hillslopes upstream of the knickzones in the Fontanne is identical to that of the Trub basin, but different downstream of the knickzones, suggesting that the lower reaches of the Fontanne have been decoupled from the hillslopes. However, the rapid incision of the Fontanne is having little effect on the adjacent upper hillslopes.We tested this interpretation using cosmogenic 10Be-derived basin-averaged denudation rates and terrace dating. The coupled nature of the Trub basin is supported by the similarity of denudation rates, 350 ± 50 mm ky− 1, at a variety of spatial scales. Upstream of the knickzones, rates in the Fontanne, 380 ± 50 mm ky− 1, match those of the Trub. Downstream of the knickzones, denudation rates increase to 540 ± 100 mm ky− 1. The elevated rates in the downstream areas of the Fontanne are due to rapid incision causing a decoupling of the hillslope from the channel. Basin response time and the magnitude of base level drop exert the principal control over the difference in geomorphic response between the two basins. The timing of the filling of the Trub valley, 17 ± 2 ka, and the initial incision of the Fontanne, 16 ± 3 ka, were calculated, verifying that these are responses to late glacial perturbations. Unique lithologic controls allow for one of the fastest regolith production rates yet to be reported,  380 mm ky− 1.  相似文献   

Lu  Ying  Sun  Xuefeng  Xu  Xinmin  Liu  Yalin  Yi  Shuangwen 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1436-1450
The Lanshanmiao(LSM) Palaeolithic site,which was excavated in the summer of 2017 by the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,is the only excavated palaeolithic site in central Zhejiang Province to date.Luminescence dating methods,including optical stimulated luminescence(OSL) and thermal transfer OSL(TT-OSL) for quartz and post-infrared(IR) stimulated luminescence(p IRIR290) for feldspar,were used to determine the age of the LSM site.The results showed that the LSM section developed before 145.5 ± 12.5 ka and ended after 17.1 ± 1.0 ka.The TT-OSL dating of samples NJU2576 and NJU2615 showed that palaeolithic artifact-bearing layer was between 150 and 100 ka in age.The age range of the palaeolithic layer mainly corresponded to the transition between Marine Isotope Stage(MIS) 6 and MIS5.Our study showed that hominins prominently occupied the LSM site during the glacial and interglacial stages,when it exhibited a floodplain environment.  相似文献   

运用孢粉浓缩物AMS 14C测年和氨基酸测年方法结合气候地层对比,建立神农架地区大九湖盆地DJH-2 孔的地层年代序列。依据孢粉分析结果并结合沉积环境,将大九湖盆地中更新世晚期以来的植被演替和古气候演化划分为六个阶段:① 275.0-188.0 ka,寒冷偏干,寒温带针叶林、高山草甸;② 245.0-188.0 ka,暖湿偏干,常绿、落叶阔叶混交林;③ 188.0-129.0 ka,冷干,寒温带针叶林为主,过渡为高山草甸为主;④ 129.0-71.8 ka,暖湿,暖温带落叶阔叶林;⑤71.8-15 ka,冷干,寒温带针叶林与高山草甸间隔发育,中间有喜暖种属增多的迹象;⑥ 15.0-1.0 ka,暖湿,亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶林。孢粉组合特征及单种属特征所显示的盆地气候变化反映了良好的全球冰期、间冰期气候旋回。孢粉浓度特征反映大九湖盆地气候变化受北半球高纬冰量与低纬太阳辐射的双重控制。  相似文献   

王博  许淑婧  夏敦胜  贾佳  赵爽 《中国沙漠》2013,33(3):840-849
塔里木盆地是北半球中、高纬度粉尘的重要源区。本研究在盆地南部的民丰县设置现代粉尘采样点,于2006年1月至2007年12月逐月采集样品。研究结果表明民丰县自然粉尘的月沉降通量为49.95 g·m-2,春、夏、秋季数值接近,冬季最低。粉尘中磁性矿物含量低,晶体粒径粗,矫顽力高,赤铁矿含量低。塔里木盆地自然粉尘和黄土高原黄土的磁学性质对比分析结果显示:黄土高原黄土的初始磁化率略低于塔里木盆地的现代降尘,二者的原生强磁性矿物的晶体粒径较粗,约为5 μm。粉尘在黄土高原沉积后,随着成壤过程中的生物化学风化作用加强,大量细粒强磁性矿物生成。同时,赤铁矿含量的增加也是指示成壤作用强度的重要标志。在塔里木盆地,人为源粉尘的磁性特征主要表现在强磁性和较低的矫顽力两方面。对盆地边缘地区的城市粉尘调查结果发现:北部城市粉尘的人为源输入强度高,磁学信号强;南部城市相对较弱。这与当地的经济发展状况、人口密度具有良好对应关系。环境磁学是进行粉尘环境监测和物源示踪的有效手段。  相似文献   

黄土高原晚更新世的植被与气候环境   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李秉成  孙建中 《地理研究》2004,23(5):641-648
通过对黄土高原上陕西洛川、富县省等黄土剖面的地质调查、采样和孢粉分析 ,在曾被人们认为孢粉贫乏的黄土中分析出了大量孢粉 ,作出了黄土地层的孢粉浓度图式。结合其他地区数个剖面上孢粉组合的变化 ,阐明了晚更新世的植被与气候在时间上演变与空间上分布的规律 ,证明了各地植被在时间上的演变韵律十分相似 ,说明它们同受全球气候变化的控制 ;但在同一时期各地植被不尽相同 ,则是局部自然环境差异所致。  相似文献   

The Koshi River Basin is in the middle of the Himalayas, a tributary of the Ganges River and a very important cross-border watershed. Across the basin there are large changes in altitude, habitat complexity, ecosystem integrity, land cover diversity and regional difference and this area is sensitive to global climate change. Based on Landsat TM images, vegetation mapping, field investigations and 3S technology, we compiled high-precision land cover data for the Koshi River Basin and analyzed current land cover characteristics. We found that from source to downstream, land cover in the Koshi River Basin in 2010 was composed of water body (glacier), bare land, sparse vegetation, grassland, wetland, shrubland, forest, cropland, water body (river or lake) and built-up areas. Among them, grassland, forest, bare land and cropland are the main types, accounting for 25.83%, 21.19%, 19.31% and 15.09% of the basin’s area respectively. The composition and structure of the Koshi River Basin land cover types are different between southern and northern slopes. The north slope is dominated by grassland, bare land and glacier; forest, bare land and glacier are mainly found on northern slopes. Northern slopes contain nearly seven times more grassland than southern slopes; while 97.13% of forest is located on southern slopes. Grassland area on northern slope is 6.67 times than on southern slope. The vertical distribution of major land cover types has obvious zonal characteristics. Land cover types from low to high altitudes are cropland, forest, Shrubland and mixed cropland, grassland, sparse vegetation, bare land and water bodies. These results provide a scientific basis for the study of land use and cover change in a critical region and will inform ecosystem protection, sustainability and management in this and other alpine transboundary basins.  相似文献   

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