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ABSTRACT. Even the casual visitor cannot fail to notice unusual activity on the slopes of Northern California's Mount Shasta. Prayer flags, altars, and crystals are found in the meadows; drumming, chanting, and meditation are commonplace. Non‐indigenous spiritual pilgrims have found Mount Shasta a sacred place. An amorphous group of spiritual seekers, these are sometimes referred to as “New Age” adherents or “Crystal People.” Within the Shasta‐Trinity National Forest, the situation of this sacred site exemplifies the difficulties of reconciling nonsecular claims to public lands with secular management mandates. Spiritual activism at Mount Shasta includes recently successful opposition to development of a Forest Service‐endorsed ski area. Using a questionnaire survey and interviews, we compare the characteristics, activities, and attitudes toward resource management of spiritual pilgrims and others who visit Mount Shasta's meadows. Conclusions are drawn about the environmental values and concerns of all visitors and of spiritual pilgrims in particular, including some that bear on pilgrim activities and ecological restoration efforts.  相似文献   

黄嘉玲  何深静 《热带地理》2014,34(3):308-318
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Despite recent interest in sacred (fetish) groves as remnant forests, few studies have investigated their sustainability and conservation role in West Africa. This article employs a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analysis of time series images (1960‐98), comprehensive social surveys and ecological field methods to evaluate four sacred groves and eight unprotected tree stands in the coastal savanna of Ghana and compare these with vegetation in the distant forested hinterland. There were strong similarities and substantial differences in tree species between different sacred groves, and between these and the unprotected stands and proximate deciduous forests. In addition, far fewer tree losses were documented in the sacred groves than in the local unprotected stands. Although these sacred groves were on average only partially representative of deciduous forest vegetation, their stronger sustainability compared with unprotected tree stands may be important to consider in detail for conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines Māori women and the ways in which their bodies are constituted within particular cultural spaces, namely at urupā and sites where food is gathered. Māori bodily rituals, and the impacts of colonization on these bodily rituals, are explored to reveal a ‘nonwestern’ perspective on exclusion. Kaupapa Māori research and postcolonial theory have been combined to produce research that respects and nurtures Māori practices. Colonial notions of blood and menstruation, which inscribe women as ‘dirty’ and ‘unclean’, are critiqued. What is advocated is a Māori perspective that constructs Māori women as connected to Atua, and as powerful, sacred and life‐giving.  相似文献   

Although there has been significant work done on the creation of sacred space in residential housing, not enough attention has been paid to a particular segment of Chinese religion leadership in Singapore – spirit mediums – and the processes in which they practice within the political ideology of the modernist Singaporean state. In this paper, I will show how spirit mediums operate within “unofficially sacred” spaces, specifically house temples that subvert and resist functionalist policies of the Singapore state. Using two visually focussed, participant‐observation case studies, I will argue that this subversion is sustained in two inter‐related ways—one, through the visual comportment of the spirit medium's body through behavior and aesthetic markers and two, through the social prominence of the spirit medium when he or she is in a trance. These two factors come together to temporally displace the importance of the physical location, allowing a spirit medium to operate in any location, “official” or “unofficial.”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Transplanting pilgrimage traditions, or the process of remaking the collective self in sacred places, requires new sacred places as worthy destinations. As people migrate from the lands where sacred places developed to those where such places may become only a distant memory, many communities attempt to recover their pilgrimage tradition by co‐opting sacred sites of host communities, maintaining links to their homeland, or re‐creating sacred sites in the lands of resettlement through replication, (re)recognition, creating movable rituals, celebrating sites of sacred embodiment, and ritual historicizing. Examples taken primarily from Catholic and Hindu experiences in the Western Hemisphere illustrate this preliminary typology. Transplanting pilgrimage traditions may be viewed as anchoring our individual, existential quests to fleeting ships of “collective selfhood.”  相似文献   

近年来,随着城镇化和旅游业的快速发展,加速了夏河县城市公共空间的更新建设,但也带来场所精神蜕变、识别性降低等一系列问题。在对夏河县进行社会调查、路网拓扑建模的基础上,采用模糊综合评价法、空间句法、核密度分析等方法对场所空间品质、空间活力进行系统地探析,进而对场所单元、丛拉商业文化场所等5处公共场所组团提出了具体的营建策略,并提出场所系统的营造应从构筑系统化的场所、坚持多组团多策略的营造原则、从多主体进行场所营造、营造高通达性的场所、以热点场所单元策动场所组团和场所系统的营造等视角出发营造一个高品质、高活力的场所系统。同时,期望能够为旅游型城市公共空间的场所营造提供一套可借鉴的公共空间评价方法和营造策略  相似文献   

采用动态、辩证的观点对宗教空间进行了重新审视,通过女性穆斯林在广州先贤清真寺的空间实践,说明宗教空间不仅是被宗教经典和历史定义的神圣空间,也是穆斯林群体经由自身丰富的实践活动所不断进行意义再生产的日常生活空间。广州先贤清真寺的女性穆斯林移民群体在全球化的多元氛围中突破了原先家长制的宗教教育体制,转而从公共宗教生活中认知宗教,形成更加包容、进步的宗教观念,增加了自身的族群认同。另一方面,基于女性宗教空间开展的日常生活实践,则不仅为女性穆斯林群体融入新的城市生活提供了丰富的社会资本,更让一部分女性穆斯林成为全球贸易中的参与者。这些都有助于城市中女性穆斯林群体社会地位的提升。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Although mountains have been studied for centuries, they are the subject of only a slender body of formal literature. Instead, those who study high places in specific regions construct working definitions and continually recraft bibliographies. Studies of mountains often focus on comparatively limited themes: physical processes, ecology, or sacred spaces, for example. As scholars become interested in environmental degradation and the development of mountains, there is all the more need to develop a mountain geography literature that expands the study of mountains to include the political, economic, cultural, and social dimensions of their environments and peoples. Three areas‐cultural geography, political ecology, and conservation theory‐are suggested for additional research.  相似文献   

戴光全  保继刚 《热带地理》2005,25(3):258-262
以实际资料分析'99昆明世博会和顺德花博会的特点问题,并对大型事件活动(会展)场馆性质的转变问题进行了理论探讨。分析表明:'99世博会和顺德花博会期间,各项指标均呈现明显的马鞍型变动曲线,其特征是前紧后松、中间平缓。应用消费社会学和社会行为地理学的理论,归纳了事件活动(会展)场馆作为消费空间性质转变的一个理论框架。基本结论是:大型事件活动(会展)场馆性质的转变只有融入其所在地方的旅游发展大潮,成为当地出色的景区,才能获得可持续的发展。  相似文献   

Australian education policies advocate equal opportunities and non-discrimination through legislation that people with disabilities willing to attend ‘main-stream’ schools must be accommodated for. In this paper, people with mobility disabilities talk about their high school experiences in New South Wales, Australia. We are particularly interested in how these men and women talk about the affirmation of bodily differences within various high school spaces. Adopting narrative analysis and a feminist approach we understand identity as constructed spatially. Our interpretation is focused upon how school spaces helped to shape participants’ sense of self and in turn how participants shaped school spaces. We present a series of vignettes which illustrate how participants with mobility disabilities negotiated their bodily differences in and through school space.  相似文献   

This paper examines fees for access to New York City’s public swimming and bathing spaces from 1870 to the present. We argue that, beyond generating revenue and rationing space, charges for admission to public bathing spaces have served to condition how permeable those spaces were to various groups of potential users. Municipal actors involved in administering baths and pools have used fees to maintain and order these spaces; to distinguish between deserving and undeserving users; and to include and exclude participants in an ostensibly universal public. Over time, fees have been naturalized, erasing these motivations and giving cause to their outcomes. We problematize the fee in order to address both theoretical questions about the nature of public space and practical ones about how municipal administrators govern amidst competing pressures to serve, develop and regulate urban residents and their communities.  相似文献   

新文化地理学视角下的国外宗教地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在文化全球化大背景下,宗教地理研究具有越来越重要的现实意义。国外宗教地理学研究在新文化地理学思潮的影响下,促生出许多新的议题和研究方向。本文依循于人文地理学中地方、景观、现代性和尺度这4 个重要概念,梳理了国外近10 年宗教地理学研究的新进展。发现其研究议题主要集中于日益重视对“非正式神圣”场所的探讨;基于人本主义研究范式下的神圣地依恋研究;随着跨国主义兴起的宗教移民身份和认同研究;宗教文化景观所暗含的政治和象征性意义的解读;宗教的多尺度分析,以及神圣与世俗间的互动分析等等。在总结国外宗教地理研究的新态势的基础上,对宗教的定义、宗教地理学与宗教性地理学的辩证关系、宗教地理学的研究趋势等进行了探讨和反思,以期为中国包括民间信仰在内的广义宗教地理的本土研究提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

吕龙  黄震方  陈晓艳 《地理研究》2018,37(6):1142-1158
乡村文化记忆及其空间载体的研究对于乡村文化的展示、恢复与重构具有重要意义。基于文化记忆理论框架,界定乡村文化记忆及其映射空间的概念和空间类型划分,以苏州市金庭镇(原西山镇)为例,结合地方志文献和GIS空间分析法进行乡村文化记忆空间的时空格局特征以及影响因素研究。结果表明:① 乡村文化记忆空间类型可依据文化记忆的形式和记忆场的构成,划分为生活生产类、功能象征类、社会表征类、精神意识类等类型。② 在时间格局方面,生活生产类空间一直保持相对平稳的增长态势,在明清时期达到高峰,其累计留存程度较好;功能象征类空间和社会表征类空间则呈现“倒U型”的变化趋势;精神仪式类空间基本由始至终融会贯通保持了平稳的发展态势。③ 在空间格局方面,乡村文化记忆空间自明清时期开始呈现聚集分布的特征,主导分布方向呈西南—东北向且由南向北逐步拓展,分布密度呈现由南向北的变化趋势,密度核心区域多以生活生产类空间为主。④ 影响因素研究发现,人地关系的变化是前提条件,民间信仰、民俗文风的兴盛是重要条件,官方支持、氏族及名人名仕的传承是保障条件,这些都影响着乡村文化记忆空间的格局变化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to locate the making of social spaces as a particularly salient approach for understanding sustainability. Castells' spaces of places and spaces of flows are interpreted generically and a new social theory, Jacobs' moral syndromes, is introduced to underpin the production of these two spatial forms: commercial agents through their network practices make spaces of flows; guardian agents through their territorial practices make spaces of places. Both spaces are considered to be the outcome of city-work. A new division of labour is devised: four primary types of city-work are identified: hinter-work, net-work, territorial-work and hierarch-work. These ideas are considered as tools for thinking about developing spatial policies for sustainability. In conclusion, Jacobs' theory is used to discuss what the general strategy has to be for tackling sustainability.  相似文献   

“生产-生活-生态”空间识别与优化研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“生产-生活-生态”(简称“三生”)空间识别与优化研究是在识别现状空间结构、格局及问题的基础上,对未来空间进行优化布局,实现空间的均衡、可持续性发展,是一种更具综合性的国土空间分区方式,已成为当前学术前沿和国土空间规划亟需解决的实践问题。论文通过文献调研法、对比法和归纳法,系统梳理了“三生”空间概念内涵、识别与优化研究现状。目前,“三生”空间识别研究取得了阶段性成果,但“三生”空间形成的内在机理与概念探讨不足,“三生”空间的定量识别方法与技术体系研究有待完善,“三生”空间动态演化及驱动机制、空间冲突诊断和问题分析较为薄弱,“三生”空间优化理论和技术体系尚处于初级阶段。未来,应形成“三生”空间识别与优化“质”“量”观,借鉴国际空间规划已有的研究成果,以“‘三生’空间形成机理与概念界定、定量识别、演化机制挖掘、冲突诊断与问题分析、优化调控与模拟”为主线,系统构建“三生”空间识别与优化的理论与技术体系;同时,重视具有水平方向和垂直方向特征的山区“三生”空间识别与优化研究。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1089-1117
Urban open space provides a unique conduit for the sociospatial study of urban history. We propose seven categories to help scholars historically situate and analyze urban open spaces: food production areas, parks and gardens, recreational space, plazas, streets, transport facilities, and incidental space. We use these categories, and the contrast between grey and green space, to compare examples from archaeological, historical, and recent times across a broad geographical range. Top-down and bottom-up actions dialectically intersect in the establishment, use, and reproduction of urban open space, and many open spaces prove to be particularly flexible in serving the general population. These findings can inform comparative urban analysis, and they help contextualize current debates concerning the socioeconomic, political, and urban ecological functions of open and public spaces.  相似文献   

As we move about and interact in the world, we keep track of different spaces, among them the space of navigation, the space immediately around the body, and the space of the body. We review research showing that these spaces are conceptualized differently. Knowledge of the space of navigation is systematically distorted. For example, people mentally rotate roads and land masses to greater correspondence with global reference frames, they mentally align roads and land masses, they overestimate distances near the viewpoint relative to those far from it. These and other distortions indicate that the space of navigation is schematized to elements and spatial relations relative to reference frames and perspective. The space around the body is organized into a mental framework consisting of extensions of the major axes of the body. Times to report objects around the body suggest that the relative accessibility of the axes depends on their perceptual and functional properties and the relation of the body to the world. Finally, times to verify named or depicted body parts indicate that body schemas depend on perceptual and functional significance. Thus, these spaces (and they are not the only ones important to human interaction) differ from one another and are not conceptualized as Euclidean. Rather they are schematized into elements and spatial relations that reflect perceptual and conceptual significance.  相似文献   

张延伟  裴颖  葛全胜 《地理研究》2016,35(12):2227-2237
以土地利用、社会经济、高程数据为基础,应用BDI决策多智能体模型研究大连市沙河口区居住空间宜居性。结果表明:① 大连市沙河口区星海湾街道居住空间适宜性评价数值为32.186,居住空间以星海湾街道适宜性为最佳,其次是南沙街道25.288,黑石礁街道22.098。② 绿地影响着居住空间的适宜性,居民的生活离不开优美的生态环境。③ 适宜居住空间有绿化较好,公共设施完善,居住空间所在区地面平缓,交通发达且及居民点聚集不十分密集的特点。总体而言,沙河口区居住空间宜居性差异性大,东南方向居住空间适宜性较强,全区整体呈现?型分布。  相似文献   

2002-2012年长春市城市功能空间耦合研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
申庆喜  李诚固  周国磊  马佐澎 《地理研究》2015,34(10):1897-1910
以长春市多年用地现状图和统计资料为数据源,以ArcGIS和SPSS软件为分析工具,引入静态耦合度和动态耦合度概念,从居住空间视角对长春市城市功能空间耦合的空间差异特征进行了动态研究,分析了城市功能空间耦合的动力机制。研究发现:① 长春市城市空间扩展仍未摆脱圈层扩张的窠臼,居住空间表现出过高的扩张强度,是城市功能空间低耦合近域扩展的重要原因;② 城市功能空间耦合的地域差异显著,核心区动、静态耦合度均高于外围,城市功能空间处于重构期,外围则处于低耦合的快速扩张状态;③选取耦合度指标通过聚类分析方法将中心城区划分为高耦合比较成熟、高耦合趋于成熟、高耦合新兴、低耦合比较稳定、低耦合新兴和低耦合特殊城市功能空间六类。  相似文献   

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