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The American Great Plains is a region dominated by a flat, treeless, semiarid environment that has challenged population settlement for over 140 years. As railroad companies successfully attracted pioneers to settle the land, state governments established hundreds of counties. Following Jeffersonian ideals, many of the counties were small in area so they could better serve the local agricultural‐based population. When states established these counties, they envisioned that the population would continue to grow and the Great Plains would become the breadbasket of North America. Unfortunately that did not materialize. A succession of hardships combined with serious environmental constraints has discouraged large‐scale settlement in the region. Many counties reached their maximum population in the early 1900s and their totals have decreased ever since (in some counties by as much as 60 percent to 80 percent). This has led a number of government officials to consider consolidating counties much like school districts have been combined. Using Logan and Gove counties in western Kansas as a case study, our purpose is to understand how attached people are to the county in which they live. Employing multiple methods, we gathered information about how different segments of the population regard their local county. We learned that changing computer technology and the Internet has the biggest impact on peoples' attachment to the county seat.  相似文献   

The Great Plains is the grasslands of the central United States, but precise delineation of this region has evaded agreement due to the transition between Great Plains grasslands and forests of the eastern United States. After comparing Great Plains delineations in readily available geographic information system layers, I established a northeastern boundary using evidence from historical tree surveys during the 1800s. Additionally, I described tree presence within the Great Plains over time and potential drivers of change. The definition documented here diverges from others by including most of Iowa and part of Illinois, and even small sections in Indiana and Wisconsin, but excluding Missouri due to regular tree presence overall at landscape scales of ecological subsections. In this definition, the Great Plains had an extent of 2.29 million km2 in fifteen states, including Indiana and Wisconsin, and 2.19 million km2 after removal of open forests in Oklahoma and Texas. Tree presence occurs within the Great Plains and tree encroachment is not a new process; however, tree encroachment is increasing in the Great Plains, which causes a decrease in the grasslands region. Nevertheless, clarifying the historical eastern boundary provides a solution to the problem of competing versions of the Great Plains region. Key Words: ecotone, prairie, savanna, tree encroachment.  相似文献   

There are great spatial variations in the distribution of the fast growing populations of India. About 70% of the 1981 population is concentrated in only 40% of the geographical area. Such a pattern of population concentration, with its spatio-temporal dimension, can be understood better if examined at the macro-regional level considering the physico-climatic and socio-economic diversity of the country. This is done by way of analyzing district level data for India as a whole and also for its various macro-regions. The study reveals that the Great Plains and Coastal Plains and Islands have a homogenous distribution and a higher population increase. The Deccan Plateau shows the most homogenous dispersion of population. The population is declining in the Northern Mountains and the Great Plains but accentuating in the Coastal Plains and Islands and the Deccan Plateau. The north and south of India are showing opposite trends in population concentration.  相似文献   

One of the most recognizable and important changes occurring in the West is rapid population growth. This article intends to address questions associated with whether patterns of population growth and income migration are associated with “new” and “old” West economies. Rural restructuring in the U.S. has created a group of counties with service-based economies. In the Mountain West, a number of counties with service-based economies are located in areas with high levels of environmental or natural amenities, creating what has been termed the “New West.” Migration to the rural parts of the Mountain West, and the income transfers associated with migration, are increasingly concentrated within these New West counties. Rapid population growth, the changing characteristics of in-migrants, and their spatial concentration in New West counties provide a basis for conflicts over what the rural West is becoming.  相似文献   

One of the most recognizable and important changes occurring in the West is rapid population growth. This article intends to address questions associated with whether patterns of population growth and income migration are associated with “new” and “old” West economies. Rural restructuring in the U.S. has created a group of counties with service‐based economies. In the Mountain West, a number of counties with service‐based economies are located in areas with high levels of environmental or natural amenities, creating what has been termed the “New West.” Migration to the rural parts of the Mountain West, and the income transfers associated with migration, are increasingly concentrated within these New West counties. Rapid population growth, the changing characteristics of in‐migrants, and their spatial concentration in New West counties provide a basis for conflicts over what the rural West is becoming.  相似文献   

Racial/ethnic diversity in the United States has increased significantly in recent decades, with minority groups now accounting for almost one-third of the total population. At the same time, growing diversity has spread into rural and non-metropolitan areas. Research suggests that changing diversity in the ‘New South’ has seen growth of non-Black communities. The question, however, is the degree to which increasing diversity equates with increasing intermixing or, alternatively, whether racial/ethnic clusters retain their prominence. This paper examines the geographic manifestations of growing racial/ethnic diversity within intra-urban context, using census-tracts as scale of analysis in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) of Knoxville in Tennessee. The statistics used for analyzing intra-urban variations include Diversity Score, Theil Entropy Index, and Location Quotient. Tract and Block-group data for White, Black, American Indian, Asian, All Others and Hispanic are used for computing these indices. This paper concludes that diversity has increased during 1990-2000, and has dispersed into suburban counties. However, segregation and clustering for certain minority groups has also increased, in particular African-Americans still remain the most segregated and most clustered community confined to specific geographic locations. This research holds significance as local economic development patterns are very much guided by the geographic variability of human and social capital. Applied research can suggest avenues for growth and can help rebuild local communities. This paper will also contribute to literature focusing on methodological challenges in measuring diversity and its geographic manifestations.  相似文献   

Phil Rees  Faisal Butt 《Area》2004,36(2):174-186
The paper compares ethnic change and diversity across two recent decades using common group and area definitions. Ethnic minority groups are shown to be growing rapidly at 41 per cent between 1981 and 1991 and 39 per cent between 1991 and 2001. Some groups have grown swiftly (Black Africans, Bangladeshis), while others have seen moderate expansion (Indians, Other Asians). The White population has hardly grown and the White British population has probably declined. Black and Ethnic Minority (BEM) populations remain concentrated in metropolitan areas in 2001 as in 1991 and 1981. Whereas between 1981 and 1991, BEM groups were concentrating into metropolitan areas, between 1991 and 2001 deconcentration began for most groups. The London region stands out as highly dominant, housing more than 50 per cent of BEM populations as a whole in 1991 and 2001. However, between 1991 and 2001, BEM groups grew outside their core areas. The consequence of BEM population growth and spread has been a dramatic increase in ethnic diversity in all regions.  相似文献   

通过2015—2019年河北省长城沿线县域旅游产业集聚水平测算,归纳河北省长城沿线县域旅游集聚现状特征,并在地理权重矩阵的基础上采用探索性空间数据分析,探究各县域人均GDP的区域分异规律,运用空间计量经济学模型探讨县域旅游产业集聚对经济增长的空间溢出效应。结果表明:(1)河北省长城沿线县域的旅游集聚差异整体上呈现收敛态势;(2)人均GDP的空间正相关性显著,空间集聚度大体呈现稳中有降,且逐渐向均衡态势发展;(3)县域间人均GDP正向空间溢出效应明显;旅游集聚正向效应显著,是影响人均GDP的重要因素。基于以上分析提出相应建议,有利于县域间旅游经济活动的合作与竞争,对于长城的保护与传承也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Micron-scale pseudomorphs of calcite after ikaite were discovered in microbialites from Manito Lake, a large hypersaline lake in the Great Plains of western Canada. Although environmental conditions in the lakes of this region (seasonally cold temperatures, high salinities and elevated productivity) suggest that ikaite should be common, this is the first documentation of lacustrine ikaite in Canada and the Great Plains region of North America. The calcite pseudomorphs form a porous dendritic fabric, comprise the interiors of massive shoreline microbialite mounds and pinnacles, and are encased in centimeter-scale, laminated dolomite-aragonite rinds. Because of the limited thermodynamic stability of ikaite at or near freezing temperatures, the psuedomorphs of this mineral provide evidence of an extended cold episode during the first millennium AD. The Manito deposits also show high δ13C values, indicating elevated productivity and δ18O signatures are consistent with precipitation in a cold, somewhat fresher lake than present.  相似文献   

The Ogallala Formation of Miocene/Pliocene age is present over a large area of the Great Plains in the central US. The formation is composed of mostly clastic material eroded and transported eastward from the Rocky Mountains by eastward flowing rivers and streams. It contains the life-giving water that supports the population and farming activities of this vast area. However, this precious water resource is fast being depleted. The geology and geologic history, groundwater recharge, irrigation development, and water law and management of the region are outlined so as to highlight the nature and extent of the water problems facing that region and point to a more sustainable path. Further strengthening local water management and coordination with state government as well as better interstate coordination of the High Plains states will help sustain this critical water resource for generations to come.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Latin America's lowland indigenous groups have been characterized in contradictory ways. Are populations shrinking or growing? Do groups face cultural extinction, or are they increasingly asserting their ethnic identities? This article uses a case study of the Tawahka Amerindians of Honduras to show how basic demographic techniques can shed light on these issues. A multimethod approach resolves conflicting reports of population growth and ethnic admixture within the 1,000‐strong population. Household surveys indicate a contemporary growth rate in excess of 4 percent; a review of historical sources suggests that this rapid growth has been building for more than fifty years. Although genealogical evidence shows high levels of interethnic mixing since 1900, the Tawahka retain their language and identity. The potentially negative effects of rapid population growth on local resources are likely to be mitigated as the Tawahka translate their renewed ethnic identity into political gains, which in turn have increased educational and economic opportunities. Closer attention to microdemographic processes is recommended for those involved in the long‐term management of Latin America's indigenous homelands.  相似文献   

Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.  相似文献   

Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.  相似文献   

Rural dilution, a term originally used in the UK in the 1950s, refers to change in the social composition of rural populations: those elements engaged in primary production (and its necessary servicing) are thinned out by agricultural restructuring and labour shedding, while at the same time in-migration of new elements (retirement, long-distance commuting, lifestyle migration) is occurring. The extent to which such dilution occurs is influenced by a number of factors, including distance in travel time from the nearest metropolitan or other large city, location with respect to the coast/perceived environmental amenity, and rural population density. This paper explores changes in traditional rural communities in Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, which lie 2½-3 hours' drive from Adelaide and have been subject to substantial rural dilution. Drawing on two detailed surveys of the strictly rural (dispersed) population of the region carried out in 1984 and replicated in 2000, some important social impacts of the recent migration flows are identified, including changes in perceived community identity and allegiance, shopping and business patterns, and the very recent impact of the uptake of electronic communication innovations. The paper concludes with an assessment of the extent to which the trends identified are likely to continue, and mould future communities in similar distance and amenity situations over the next 10-20 years, changing the nature of rurality in Australia.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the demographic processes that contribute to population growth and redistribution in a multiregional system using a new method. The method incorporates a historical perspective that can be used to trace dynamic population processes as they evolve over time. It uses an open multiregional projection model framework in identifying the contributions to regional growth made by each of the principal demographic components of change: fertility, mortality, immigration, emigration, in-migration, and out migration. At the same time, the method recognizes the importance of disaggregating the native-born and foreign-born populations. Available public data and indirect estimation techniques are used to develop the data inputs for the projection model, with which the regional population changes for each 5-year period between 1950 and 1990 were reconstructed. Regional growth rates for the foreign-born and native-born populations are partitioned into the separate demographic components of change, and the projection model identifies the separate contributions to regional growth made by each population. This allows a direct comparison of the impact of immigration with those of corresponding native-born contributions effected through internal migration and natural increases. Finally, the application of the method allows the identification of the contribution that 'recent' (post-1965) immigrant cohorts have made to the composition of the youngest age groups in each region, and also to simulate the impacts of zero immigration scenarios on regional growth.  相似文献   

The Nebraska Sand Hills are a distinctive eco-region in the semi-arid Great Plains of the western United States. The water table underlying the Sand Hills is part of the High Plains/Ogallala aquifer, an important water resource for the central Great Plains. Lake levels are affected directly by fluctuations in the water table, which is recharged primarily by local precipitation and responds quickly to climatically induced changes in regional water balance. Instrumental records are available for only 50–100 years, and paleolimnological data provide important insights into the extremes and variability in moisture balance over longer time scales. A set of 69 lakes from across Nebraska was used to establish a statistical relationship between diatom community composition and water depth. This relationship was then used to develop a diatom-based inference model for water depth using weighted averaging regression and calibration techniques. Development of the inference model was complicated by strong intra-seasonal variability in water depth and the linkages between depth and other limnologic characteristics, including alkalinity, water clarity and nutrient concentrations. Analysis of historical diatom communities from eight lakes allowed for the reconstruction of lake-level fluctuations over the past several thousand years. Comparisons of the more recent portion of these reconstructions with the instrumental Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) showed that sediment records may not faithfully reflect short-term fluctuations in water level, except where sedimentation rates are very high. However, large and persistent changes in moisture availability were discernible even in longer, low-resolution records. Thus, diatoms are a useful addition to the tools available for understanding past drought in the central Great Plains, especially when trajectories of change are constrained by data from multiple sites or other proxies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines the dramatic changes brought to English townscapes by Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism. These “new” religions have arrived with the large‐scale immigration and subsequent natural growth of the minority ethnic populations of Great Britain since the 1950s. The article traces the growth and distribution of these populations and religions, as well as the development of their places of worship from front‐room prayer rooms to cathedral‐scale buildings. It explores the way in which the British planning process, dedicated to preserving the traditional, has engaged with the exotic.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic evidence and radiocarbon dating of sediments from the Great Bend Sand Prairie in Kansas indicates that significant deposits of aeolian sand have accumulated in the region during the late Holocene. Radiocarbon ages obtained from total humates in buried soils suggest that five periods of late-Holocene stability and soil formation are preserved in dune fields at approximately 2300, 1400, 1000, 700, 500 and 300 years B.P. Reactivation of aeolian sand in the past 1000 years has resulted in a variety of well defined, parabolic dunes. In general, events in the region correspond with established chronologies elsewhere on the Great Plains and in particular correlate well with dune fields in north-eastern Colorado. Overall, results indicate that the threshold of landscape stability on the Great Bend Sand Prairie can easily be crossed in the current climatic regime.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on applied urban geography by examining spatial patterns and processes of changing racial/ethnic diversity within the intra-urban context of Knoxville metropolitan statistical area. Knoxville embraces a diverse economic set up with opportunities in high-tech research and development, manufacturing, tertiary/service-sectors, construction, as well as entertainment industry. This serves well for its continued population growth, including minorities during 1990–2009. This paper explores how the neighborhood-level socioeconomic, demographic, and built-environment characteristics relate to tract-level racial/ethnic diversity, measured by multi-group diversity score and its components. Tools such as isarithmic surface density maps, correlations, principal components and regression analyses are used to examine processes of change. Results indicate that diversity in 1990 associates with negative change whereas diversity in 2000 associates with positive change. Though overall diversity sprawls and increases during 1990–2009, diversity among non-White declines during 2000–2009 and shows spatial confinement. Regressions suggest complicated mosaics of changing neighborhoods, providing evidence of invasion-succession, filtering and resurgence of ethnic-enclaves in specific neighborhoods. Concerning the six counties of the MSA, Knox is the most diverse whereas Union the least, though the share of Hispanics tops in Loudon and Asians in Knox. In terms of strategic planning, findings from this research can be used in creating equitable and sustainable urban communities that can improve the overall well-being of people by reducing racial/ethnic and socio-economic disparities that might occur as undesirable consequences of fast increasing diversity.  相似文献   

县域尺度下中国人口老龄化的空间格局与区域差异   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
2000年以来,中国的老龄化进程加快,人口老龄化已经成为中国社会经济发展必须面对的新常态与核心问题之一。本文从县域尺度出发,基于2000和2010年的人口普查数据,应用标准差椭圆、地理探测器等方法,分析了10年间中国2283个县域单元人口老龄化的空间分布、区域差异及其影响因素。结果表明:①人口老龄化空间分布模式多样,胡焕庸线西北半壁以均质化、轴带特征为主;而胡焕庸线东南半壁则呈现出核心—外围的分布特征。②2000-2010年间,人口老龄化均值从6.7%增至8.7%,表明中国县域全面进入老年型社会,步入老年型的县域多集中于内陆、东北地区、丝绸之路经济带沿线区;10年间人口老龄化总体空间格局较为稳定,但人口老龄化的变动趋势差异显著。③人口老龄化在“胡焕庸线”两侧、不同地域类型间、城乡间、民族自治地区与非民族自治地区间、贫困与非贫困地区间存在差异,且差异变动的方向并不一致。④影响人口老龄化的核心因素为各区域往期人口年龄结构、步入老年序列人口比重、人口流出的比例等。  相似文献   

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