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Contemporary cartographic research on mapmaking and map use has a broad mandate and, as a consequence, researchers need a broad suite of methods. Consistent with research developments in other geographic subdisciplines, cartographic researchers now use qualitative methods. They offer the advantage of bringing research closer to the problem-solving realms of mapmakers and map users. Our purpose here is to discuss an array of qualitative methods for mapmaking and map use. Questionnaires, interviews, and protocol methods are used to gather verbal data about mapmaking and map use. Ethnographies produce data from direct observation of mapmakers and users. Maps also are sources for document analysis. We use examples of published cartographic research to elaborate on each of these methods.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that there is a need to examine the feminist ethics of volunteering in the field, specifically as it relates to issues of positionality, power and reciprocity, and participatory methods. Reflecting on dilemmas I experienced as a volunteer with the Girl Scouts of San Diego while conducting research on their annual Girl Scout cookie sale, I debate the relationship between volunteerism and fieldwork more broadly and question the effectiveness of volunteerism within a feminist geographic methodological framework. In light of the dilemmas that arose in the field as a volunteer and researcher, I question whether we can consider volunteering as “good work.”  相似文献   


Urban governments frequently compete with each other in their efforts to attract new business enterprises that would contribute needed jobs and tax revenues. The results of this competition, however, often depend upon the bargaining resources available to the adversaries. The rivalry between South Bend and an adjacent municipal jurisdiction for a Sears department store provides an example of how differing resources may influence the outcome of such competition and how in general the process is biased toward suburban locations.  相似文献   

This study examines the spatial distribution and impact of nonroutine accidental releases of hazardous materials relative to the demographic composition of residents in nearby communities. First, atmospheric dispersion modeling methods are used to delineate the impact zones of worst-case accidents in two New York counties over the last ten years. Next, using accidental reports for 1997, GIS and statistical operations are used at the census tract level of the two counties to determine whether these incidents disproportionately affected disadvantaged neighborhoods. The results suggest that the areas of high-impact from accidental releases of hazardous materials are best characterized by a large proportion of families below the poverty line, Hispanics, and other minorities.  相似文献   

In this Intervention we discuss possible engagements between an inherently diverse urban geography and an emergent “urban science” dealing with information technology-driven, quantitative analysis of urban data. Although initial responses from some quarters of the urban geography community have been dismissive, we highlight three ways in which urban geography could positively engage with urban science: (1) by exhibiting greater ownership of our discipline’s past and the legacy of spatial science; (2) by resisting equating post-positivism with anti-positivism; and (3) by recognizing that the inherent ability of urban science to address post-truth thinking can be a useful building block in a pluralist approach to urban geography. We contend that (a) urban geographers need to be open to the use of new urban science methods to interrogate the pressing issues of our time and (b) where appropriate, inject cautionary tales of the dangers of a naive positivism in an uncritical urban science.  相似文献   

The designation of streets by number is one of the hallmarks of North American urbanism, yet very few studies have examined the geographies of street numbering in U.S. cities and towns. This article provides one of the first comprehensive, nationwide assessments of the spatial distribution of street numbering and lettering practices across the United States. Drawing on data collected from Google Maps, census records, state almanacs, and related sources, we analyze the proportion of incorporated places in all fifty U.S. states that have adopted some form of street numbering or lettering; the regional variation in the prevalence of alphanumerical systems of street designation and the relationships between the occurrence of street numbering, population size, and date of incorporation. In doing so, the broader aim of this study is to undertake the empirical groundwork needed to develop a more nuanced critical theory of the social production of calculable space.  相似文献   

Entering overseas markets provides challenges for firms, especially for those with little international experience. These obstacles can be compounded for manufacturers of advanced machinery, as previous research suggests that a physical presence is necessary for the successful implementation of their products in export markets. One way for producers to address this issue is to participate in trade fairs, which enables a physical presence of staff and machinery to be established. Evidence from a survey of Korean machinery producers at a recent trade fair suggests that a physical presence is related to the importance that firms ascribe to exports and to the role of trade fairs in new sales.  相似文献   

The assessment task of the final course in a bachelor of secondary education program is examined for opportunities for preservice geography teachers to achieve the course aims of integrating, consolidating, applying, and reflecting on the knowledge and skills they have learned during their initial teacher education program. The results show that the preservice teachers did better in some areas (integrating, consolidating, and reflecting) than in others (applying). This has implications for curriculum renewal in geography methods courses—specifically to provide more opportunities for preservice teachers to practice applying the knowledge and skills they have gained during the program, essential for their future roles as senior geography teachers.  相似文献   

Distances from points to closest shorelines in a given direction are used, for example, in some models for estimating wave exposure. Such distances, also called fetch lengths, can be determined using standard geographic information systems. However, performance may be a problem if these distances are required for a great number of study points. Two new algorithms for determining fetch lengths for study points in the same directions are presented in this paper. It is assumed that the two‐dimensional map is stored in vector format, i.e. shorelines of islands and mainland are stored as polygons. The first algorithm works on a set of undirected line segments derived from the shoreline polygons. The other works on a raster representation of the map. The algorithm saves memory by postponing the rasterisation until necessary. Both of the new algorithms have superior efficiency to a previously reported algorithm when the number of study points is large.  相似文献   

Urban Outcast and advanced marginality belongs to a theory culture rarely engaged in comparative urban studies. Here the potential of advanced marginality as a comparative research strategy is explored paying special attention to the concepts of epistemic reflexivity, analogical reasoning and homology. These concepts are applied as the foundation of a comparative research design comprising three necessary and interconnected analytical moments linking reflexivity, theory and empirical analysis. Empirically this strategy and design is confronted in the case of four Danish “Grey belt” housing estates. The empirical confrontation demonstrates that both strategy and design are relevant and productive. Nevertheless, there is a need to question, adapt and extent the six original properties of advanced marginality. Secondly the empirical confrontation demonstrates that both strategy and design can contribute to the current conversations on the comparative in urban studies empirically and conceptually, underscoring the curiosity of its eclipse in these conversations.  相似文献   

The countries along the “Belt and Road” (B&R) should devote their efforts to top-level planning in the field of agriculture, so as to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture in the region. This will require a precise assessment of the sustainability of agriculture along the B&R. With a view to understanding the concept of sustainable agriculture along the B&R, combined with the interpretation of the agricultural objectives contained in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this study uses statistical regression analysis and trend prediction to predict the social and economic development trends in terms of economic growth and urbanization in the countries along the B&R up until 2030, and the corresponding impacts on agricultural resources and the environment. The results show that the future prospects for agricultural resources and the environment along the B&R are not promising, and meeting the future food security needs of the region will be difficult. Only by adopting innovative policies and implementing strategic planning can the goals of sustainable agricultural development and food security by 2030 be achieved in this region. Therefore, countries along the B&R should formulate agricultural development strategies from three aspects: building an agricultural cooperation platform, setting up special funds, and innovating the agricultural cooperation mode, so as to achieve the sustainable development of agriculture in the region.  相似文献   

我国是世界上采金最早的国家之一。大约四千多年以前,中国人已开始采金。商、周时代,掌握了黄金的冶炼和冷加工技术。汉、唐、宋、元、明、清各代,山东、黑龙江和云南等地,都出现过采金热潮。我国历史上采金以砂金为主。唐朝刘禹锡有一首名的《浪淘沙》词:  相似文献   

种族与民族这两个概念往往易混淆。本文从两者的关系入手.对在教学中如何阐述这一问题略陈管见。  相似文献   

成继龙 《地理教学》2014,(21):19-22
当前教师在创设教学情境上主要存在如下误解和偏差:重视认知性,忽视情意性;强调生活化,弱化地理性;追求真实性,误解虚拟性等。只有正确处理好三者的关系,才能营造出魅力四射、充满活力的课堂。  相似文献   

吴智安 《福建地理》2005,20(3):58-61
地理教学中存在着“点”、“线”、“面”三要素,与《福建省历年高中地理会考提要》中指出的3种能力要求一一对应。本文旨在通过三要素与3种能力的对应关系,阐述在高中地理教学中注意把握和理顺它们的关系,以全面提高地理教学的整体质量。  相似文献   

正新疆哈密市位于新疆维吾尔自治区最东端,91°06′33″E~96°23′00″E,40°52′47″N~42°49′00″N。东部、东南部与甘肃省酒泉市肃北县、安西县、敦煌市为邻;南接巴音郭楞蒙古自治州若羌县;西部与吐鲁番地区鄯善县毗邻;北接天山与伊吾县、巴里坤县为邻,总面积84977平方千米。哈密市建设能源基地的思路是"煤"飞"色"舞,"风""光"无限,产业配套、科学发展。"煤"飞指的是作为能源之都,要实现煤的二次转换,"煤从空中走,电送全中国"。"色"舞指的是哈密的有色金属,随着东天山有色金属成矿带被列入西部大开  相似文献   

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