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Seed germination was compared among wild, in situ-managed (wild plants let standing in areas cleared for agriculture), and cultivated populations of the columnar cacti Stenocereus pruinosus, Polaskia chichipe, Myrtillocactus schenckii, and Polaskia chende, species representing a gradient from higher to lower management intensity, respectively. We hypothesized that seeds from cultivated populations have higher water requirements to germinate than seeds of other populations, and that such difference is stronger in species more intensely managed. Germination was evaluated under water potential treatments at 0.0, ?0.2, and ?0.4 MPa. Interspecific differences were identified; germination rates markedly decreased in S. pruinosus and P. chichipe as water potential reduced. M. schenckii seeds germinated better at ?0.2 MPa, and seeds of P. chende in all treatments. Seed germination of wild and cultivated populations was similar in all cases and, therefore, at the population level domestication does not appear to have influenced variations in germination of the studied cacti species. However, experiments to test whether germination of seeds from plants with clear signs of domestication differs with seeds from other plants and their differential germination and seedling survival in wild, in situ-managed and cultivated environments could help to precise the influence of domestication on these plants.  相似文献   

Biophysical conditions and in particular soil conditions are generally seen as important determinants of land use and receive much emphasis both in land use planning and in attempts to understand actual land use patterns. This paper explores the justification for this emphasis. Based on a study of farmers' decisions regarding land use type (forest, pasture, fallow or crop) and crop choice in the Colombian Andes, the paper shows that despite farmers' detailed knowledge of the diverse soil conditions in the area, other factors, such as total farm size and market and input-related concerns, are more important for farmers' actual choice of land use type and crop.  相似文献   

Paleoecology of Laguna Babícora, Chihuahua, Mexico was reconstructed using ostracode faunal assemblages and shell chemistry. The paleolimnological record is used to show the magnitude of paleoclimatic changes in the area from 25,000 years to the present.Faunal assemblages consist of four species of the genus Limnocythere: L. sappaensis, L. ceriotuberosa, L. bradburyi and L. platyforma, all associated with Candona caudata, Candona patzcuaro and Cypridopsis vidua. A paleosalinity index developed from these assemblages indicates that the lake's salinity fluctuated frequently from oligo- to meso-haline conditions during the last 25,000 years. This pattern and low salinity range are in good agreement with modern TDS (here used as an indicator of salinity) values recorded from 26 wells and one spring from the area (258–975 mg l–1). To estimate paleotemperature we examined the trace element content (Mg/Ca ratios) from individual valves of L. ceriotuberosa and L. platyforma, the two species most commonly recorded in Laguna Babícora.Shell Mg/Ca ratios of 204 specimens of these two species were used to estimate water temperature (Mg/Ca) by means of experimental standard coefficients. Our data show that paleowater temperature ranged from 5.6–21.3 °C (with 2 values ranging from 0.2–4.8 °C), which suggest a close correlation with atmospheric temperatures around the lake. These results are in good agreement with a modern mean winter temperature (3.5 °C) and mean summer temperature (20 °C) recorded in the area between 1970 and 1980.  相似文献   

Lago de Zirahuén (19° 26 N, 101° 44 W) lies within a montane basin in highland Michoacán, Mexico at 2075 m a.s.l. The lake basin has high recreational value and is promoted as a tourist attraction. Four short (<1 m), sediment–water interface cores were used to investigate Late Holocene environmental change. The cores span approximately the last 1000 years, based on 210Pb dating, AMS 14C dating and tephrochronology. Cesium-137, Americium-241 and tephra layers from Volcan Paricutín (AD 1943–1952) and Volcan Jorullo (AD 1759–1774) provide independent age markers. Cores were analysed for diatoms, magnetic susceptibility and heavy metals (iron, lead, manganese, copper and zinc). Drier climate around 1000 years BP is tentatively inferred from the diatom assemblage and is concordant with other regional records. Increased soil erosion between ca. AD 1100 and AD 1550 may be associated with Pre-Hispanic settlement in the basin, but there is no archaeological evidence to support this. A period of catchment stability occurred during the early Colonial Period, ca. AD 1550–1750. The dramatic decline in the indigenous population following the Spanish Conquest in 1521 may have promoted vegetation recovery on the basin slopes. After the mid-18th century, a significant change in diatom species composition is observed along with an increase in soil erosion, as inferred from the magnetic susceptibility profile. Concentrations of copper and lead also increased. These changes are associated with the establishment of a copper smelting industry in the basin and increased Colonial agricultural development. Recently, tourist developments and commercial agriculture have impacted on the basin. The diatom flora has changed dramatically in the last 20 years, apparently in response to the onset of cultural eutrophication. The palaeoenvironmental evidence suggests that the lake is responding rapidly to land use intensification in the basin, which may have implications for future developments.  相似文献   

This article examines household-level characteristics that predict water insecurity in low-income rural and periurban communities on the Texas–Mexico border. We employ two logistic regression models (binary and ordered) to identify household characteristics that are more likely to result in water insecurity. Our analyses yielded unexpected findings: Whereas socioeconomic factors are weak predictors, immigration status of household members is a significant variable that contributes to household water insecurity. Policymakers need to pay more attention to marginalized communities as “universal” water access still leaves populations without adequate, reliable, and affordable water in the Global North.  相似文献   

Assessments of the conservation status of natural resources have been conducted at large (i.e., global, continental, and countrywide) extents. Studies at finer scales, however, can yield increased detail needed to identify conservation strategies for smaller scales which can contribute to goals at the larger extents. Our study was conducted at the scale of a single state, San Luis Potosí, in Central Mexico. Although the state harbors great biological diversity, large areas covered by natural vegetation communities have been and continue to be destroyed by land use changes, cattle grazing, and mine-generated pollution. Our purposes were to quantify the proportion of distribution within natural protected areas (NPAs) of land cover classes, soil types, ecoregions, and altitudinal steps. In addition, within individual NPAs, we aimed at assessing risks. We conducted our analysis at the 1:1, 1:250,000, and 1:1,000,000 scales depending on layer availability. Our results show that actions within the state could contribute to federal and global conservation goals by protecting sites of globally imperiled ecosystems (cloud forests and natural grasslands). At a finer scale, we identified that piedmont scrubland, medium and low tropical moist forests, wetlands, and low elevation habitats are rare and/or constitute conservation omissions within the state. Similarly, ecoregions with mesquite, semi-deciduous, and moist tropical thorn forest, wetlands, and low elevations (<1200 m.a.s.l.) are conservation omissions or gaps. Finally, at the smallest scale, risks within some protected areas (PAs) include the presence of agriculture, cattle grazing, and mine tailings from mines dedicated to extraction of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn. Therefore, management within these PAs should minimize such risks through identification of the most important conservation zones within the PAs, and implementation of local legislation prohibiting such activities at the immediacies of conservation zones. Approaches like ours within similar administrative units will help identify ecosystems that are vulnerable and not well protected. However, to prioritize conservation action it is also important to consider surrogates such as species from different groups and ecosystems, as well as rarity and complementarity of such surrogates.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that planning theory and practice should engage more with the normative political vision of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. They reject the transcendent authority of the State and arguably by extension, planning. As planners we should be concerned: need we reconceptualize, or abandon the planning project? We outline their vision, highlighting key concepts including lines of flight, revolution, the new land, and immanent organization, and use two cases from the United States and Mexico, the Food Commons and Center for Integral Farmer Development in the Mixteca, to show that planning in accordance with Deleuze and Guattari may indeed be possible. We end with questions: is what we describe planning? And what is planning – or what should it be?  相似文献   

Hurricanes represent a common threat to coastal communities, affecting livelihood strategies and assets. Households are resilient if they can recover from a stress or shock while maintaining and arranging assets to secure a sustainable livelihood. The objective of this research is to measure the degree of resilience in the coastal households of Oaxaca, Mexico, following a hurricane using the asset approach and describing diversity, connectivity, and slow variables. The results show different degrees of resilience among the households and that social, natural, and financial capital are relevant to resilience. The diversification of income, savings, community help, natural resource use, and government transfers is among the most important assets. In particular, social capital and natural capital determine the structure and dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

Organized and hosted by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, the 4th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau was held in Lhasa, China on August 4-7, 2004.The Symposium was undertaken by the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, the Bureau of Science and Technology under the Tibet Autonomous Region, China Society on the Tibetan Plateau, and the Institute of Plateau Meteorology. Academician Sun Honglie to…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe BohaiSea is a sem i-closed shallow sea w ith a m ean depth ofaround 20 m ,com posed oftheLiaodong Bay,the BohaiBay,the Laizhou Bay and the BohaiBasin,and connected to the N orthY ellow Sea through a latitudinal strait. The tidal dynam ic…  相似文献   

With the advent of climate change,winter temperatures have been steadily in-creasing in the middle-to-high latitudes of the world.However,we have not found a corre-sponding decrease in the number of extremely cold winters.This paper,based on Climatic Research Unit (CRU) re-analysis data,and methods of trend analysis,mutation analysis,correlation analysis,reports on the effects of Arctic warming on winter temperatures in Hei-longjiang Province,Northeast China.The results show that:(1) during the period 1961-2018,winter temperatures in the Arctic increased considerably,that is,3.5 times those of the Equator,which has led to an increasing temperature gradient between the Arctic and the Equator.An abrupt change in winter temperatures in the Arctic was observed in 2000.(2) Due to the global warming,an extremely significant warming occurred in Heilongjiang in winter,in particular,after the Arctic mutation in 2000,although there were two warm winters,more cold winters were observed and the interannual variability of winter temperature also increased.(3)Affected by the warming trend in the Arctic,the Siberian High has intensified,and both the Arctic Vortex and the Eurasian Zonal Circulation Index has weakened.This explains the de-crease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang,and why cold winters still dominate.Moreover,the increase in temperature difference between the Arctic and the Equator is another reason for the decrease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang.  相似文献   

Analysesonthephysio-psychologicalstateoftheexpeditionersinAntarcticaZhangWencheng(张文诚);WuWen(巫雯)andYuYongzhong(于永中)(BeijingIn...  相似文献   

Six sites between 0 m and 4000 m were sampled for plant and soil chemical characteristics along the Río Loa, Atacama Desert, Chile. Sites located between 0 m and 1500 m showed lower species richness, higher plant cover and higher herbaceous productivity than the upper part of the altitudinal gradient. The number of species varied non-linerly with precipitation along the altitudinal gradient. Plant cover and herbaceous productivity in the lowlands is characterized by thePluchea absinthioides Distichlis spicataassociation of anthropic origin. We propose that vegetation structure along the altitudinal gradient has been affected by past and present human activities, and climatic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, stable isotope(δ~(18)O, δD) investigations were completed in ground ice from a deep borehole in the Beiluhe Basin on northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to unravel the isotopic variations of ground ice and their possible source water. The δ~(18)O and δD of ground ice show distinctive characteristics compared with precipitation and surface water. The near-surface ground ice is highly enriched in heavier isotopes(δ~(18)O and δD), which were gradually depleted from top to bottom along the profile. It is suggestive of different origin and ice formation process. According to isotopic variations, the ice profile was divided into three sections: the near-surface ground ice at 2.5 m is frozen by the active-layer water which suffered evaporation. It is possible that ground ice between 3 and 4.2 m is recharged by the infiltration of snowmelt. From 5 to 6 m, the ground ice show complex origin and formation processes. Isotopic variations from 6 to 11.1 m and 20.55 m indicate different replenishment water. The calculated slope of freezing line(S=6.4) is larger than the experimental value(5.76), and is suggestive of complex origin and formation process of ground ice.  相似文献   

A geological feature in the Qaidam Basin known as the “Shell Bar” contains millions of freshwater clam shells buried in situ. Since the 1980s, this feature in the now hyper-arid basin has been interpreted to be lake deposits that provide evidence for a warmer and more humid climate than present during late marine isotope stage 3 (MIS 3). Global climate during late MIS 3 and the last glacial maximum, however, was cold and dry, with much lower sea levels. We re-investigated the feature geomorphologically and sedimentologically, and employed optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to verify the chronology of the sediments. We interpret the Shell Bar to be a remnant of a river channel formed by a stream that ran across an exposed lake bed during a regressive lake phase. Deflation of the surrounding older, fine-grained lacustrine deposits has left the fluvial channel sediments topographically inverted, indicating the erosive nature of the landscape. Luminescence ages place the formation of the Shell Bar in MIS 5 (~113–99 ka), much older than previous radiocarbon ages of <40 ka BP, but place the paleoclimatic inferences more in accord with other regional and global climate proxy records. We present a brief review of the age differences derived from 14C and OSL dating of some critical sections that were thought to represent a warmer and more humid climate than present during late MIS 3. We attribute the differences to underestimation of 14C ages. We suggest that 14C ages older than ~25 ka BP may require re-investigation, especially dates on samples from arid regions.  相似文献   

1IntroductionInJune1992,theworldsummitorganizedbytheUnitedNations,withparticipantsincludingnationalleadersfromaroundtheworld,concludedwithAgenda21(UnitedNations,1992),theRioDeclarationonEnvironmentandDevelopment,inRiodeJaneiro.Thedeclarationpromptedcountr…  相似文献   

AcomparativestudyontheionosphericcurrentsystemsintheAntarcticandArcticregionsXuWenyao(徐文耀)(InstituteofGeophysics,AcademiaSini...  相似文献   

This article examines land-use development applications for minority religious facilities in two local government areas on the rural–urban fringe of metropolitan Sydney, Australia. Using critical discourse analysis and underpinned by Lefebvre's (1991) conceptual triad of space, the work interrogates the way in which place identity is generated and codified both by land-use planners and local residents through spatial representation. This representation is revealed in discourses around the compatibility of minority religious facilities for particular zones, lack of a sufficient minority population and social disruption. These discourses reveal a construction of peri-urban space that is aligned with particular elite Anglo-Australian activities (horse riding and gentleman farms) and land uses (rural residential, small-scale agriculture and the ‘bush-church’). These case studies illustrate the potential for the creation of exclusionary, abstract space by urban planners but also the ways in which local residents use discoursive strategies to ensure the stability of their position as elites in rapidly changing spatial situations.  相似文献   

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