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草地生态系统是地球上最重要的陆地生态系统之一,中亚地区拥有世界上最大的连片草原,具有发展畜牧业的良好条件。但是近30年来中亚草地生态系统出现了显著的退化,同时畜牧业也出现了整体衰退,畜产品转而依赖进口。研究采用生态足迹方法,分析了中亚地区草地生态承载容量及其生态占用的变化趋势及特征,发现中亚地区草地生态容量远高于全球水平,尚有较大的开发利用潜力。通过对中亚各国畜产品国际贸易的分析发现,各国畜产品国际贸易呈现逆差,且净进口量逐年增加。畜产品对外依存度持续增加,不利于中亚地区畜牧业持续性发展。未来,中亚国家应从产业政策、生态治理、科技创新等要素着手,进行系统优化和提升,提高草地畜牧业生产率,同时加强草地生态保护,实现草地生态经济系统的协调性和可持续发展。  相似文献   

The varied altitudinal gradient of climate and vegetation is further complicated by mass elevation effect(MEE), especially in high and extensive mountain regions. However, this effect and its implications for mountain altitudinal belts have not been well studied until recently. This paper provides an overview of the research carried out in the past 5 years. MEE is virtually the heating effect of mountain massifs and can be defined as the temperature difference on a given elevation between inside and outside of a mountain mass. It can be digitally modelled with three factors of intra-mountain base elevation(MBE), latitude and hygrometric continentality; MBE usually acts as the primary factor for the magnitude of MEE and, to a great extent, could represent MEE. MEE leads to higher treelines in the interior than in the outside of mountain masses. It makes montane forests to grow at 4800–4900 m and snowlines to develop at about 6000 m in the southern Tibetan Plateau and the central Andes, and large areas of forests to live above 3500 m in a lot of high mountains of the world. The altitudinal distribution of global treelines can be modelled with high precision when taking into account MEE and the result shows that MEE contributes the most to treeline distribution pattern. Without MEE, forests could only develop upmost to about 3500 m above sea level and the world ecological pattern would be much simpler. The quantification of MEE should be further improved with higher resolution data and its global implications are to be further revealed.  相似文献   

Desertification control is a crucial way to enhancing the ecological conditions of arid and semi-arid regions, and maintaining sustainable development globally. Designing and improving an ecological compensation mechanism for desertification control has great significance related to achieving balance amongst the needs of different economic subjects and the assurance of a sustained and stable supply of desert ecosystem services. In this paper,(1) the theoretical bases of ecological compensation for desertification control were re-analyzed;(2) the research status and challenges of three important topics related to ecological compensation for desertification control were systemically discussed, including compensation standards, ecosystem service supply-consumption process and multi-scale effects, and resource-environment basis and policy orientation;(3) a research framework of ecological compensation for desertification control based on the process of desert ecosystem service supply–flow–consumption was proposed;(4) and finally, seven priority research issues were discussed, which aimed to support ecological compensation policy-making and ecological engineering implementation for desertification control.  相似文献   

干旱区在全球范围内广泛分布,并养育超过三分之一的世界人口。人口增加、城市化、土地退化和气候变化对人地耦合系统产生了重大影响,并深刻改变了旱地社会生态系统。特别是在发展中国家和全球环境中,旱地的退化已经对数百万人的生活构成了严重的威胁。这篇综述评估了已发表的关于旱地社会生态系统的文献,以揭示当前研究趋势和热点。介绍了旱地社会生态系统框架、复原力测量和制度转变方面的基本理论和进展。在今后旱地可持续性的研究中,我们应更加重视和加强制定一个更普遍且适应性更强的框架和更实用的战略,以便进行长期协调和建立伙伴关系,并实现对生态服务的具体认识。  相似文献   

The expansion and upgrading of Chinese industries have accompanied with the spatial restructuring process across the country. This paper provides a literature review on China's industrial geography, paying special attention to industrial agglomeration and industrial clusters. The increasing industrial agglomeration and development of industrial clusters have been the prominent characteristics of dynamics of industrial landscape in China. The major driving forces of China's industrial geography include economic globalization, decentralization and regional competition and rebuilding of regional advantages. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research focus.  相似文献   

As an important branch of human geography, transportation geography has experienced three periods of evolution: foundation, systematization, and rapid development of the discipline. It has gradually become a relatively mature discipline. During the period 1930– 1980, the development of transportation geography consisted mainly of the publication of theoretical texts. During 1980–2000, it gradually became a systematic discipline. Since the start of the 21 st century, transportation geography has focused mainly on exploring the impacts of transportation on socio-economic development. Currently, studies on transportation geography have led to significant developments in a number of areas, including transportation theory, facility distribution and planning, transportation flows and network analysis, evaluation of transport modes, transportation planning, and simulation and assessment of urban transportation. Such studies have also enriched human geography research, provided a wider geographical overview and elucidated the development mechanism of transportation, as well as helped to understand the impacts of transport development on socio-economic systems. Some findings obtained by geographers have been widely used in transportation geography and related fields, including the four basic laws of transportation generation, the hub–spoke mode of transport organization, the subordinating and guiding functions of transportation on socio-economic development, regional transport dominance measures, accessibility measures, and spatial organization of port systems.  相似文献   

近百年来,中国乃至全球生态退化日趋严峻。根据联合国千年生态系统服务评估报告,全球约60%的生态系统处于退化与不可持续状态。我国中度以上生态脆弱区面积占陆地总面积的55%,荒漠化、水土流失、石漠化等土地面积占国土总面积的22%左右。生态技术在遏制生态退化进程中发挥着重要作用。本文旨在系统梳理和分析国内外生态脆弱区水土流失、荒漠化以及石漠化治理技术,提炼目前生态技术及其应用存在的核心问题,并提出针对性建议。分析表明,近百年来国内外在典型脆弱生态区退化生态系统治理方面做出了巨大努力,积累了数量众多的生态技术;生态技术的演化表现出从单一目标向兼顾生态、经济、民生等多目标复合模式演进的特点;在生态技术演变的同时,生态治理及生态系统管理政策和措施也发生了巨大变革。生态治理存在的主要问题包括:生态技术缺乏地域针对性;缺乏用于评价生态技术的指标体系以及技术优选与配置方法模型。针对生态技术数量庞大和应用范围广泛等特点,本文建议首先确定包含四个层次的总体分析框架,在此基础上,制定四级评价指标体系,采用三阶段评估方法(The Mert),基于利益相关者参与式评估、专家知识、退化生态系统监测、国家重大生态治理工程效果监测、国内外近百年生态技术分析等手段,实现对生态技术从广泛到深入、从定性/快速到定量/精细的逐级评估和优选的目标。  相似文献   

中国生态交错带(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态交错带(Ecotone)是指两个群落或两类生态系统之间的过度带,具有脆弱、敏感和易变等特性。20世纪70年代以来,在典型生态系统研究的基础上,生态交错带逐步成为生态学研究的重点。中国地域广阔,地质、气候、植被等生态类型复杂多变,蕴育了不同类型、不同尺度和不同规模的多种生态交错带,不仅为科学研究奠定了广阔空间,而且对我国经济、社会发展,以及文化多样性保护具有重要支撑作用。本文根据我国大尺度下生态交错带的地理分布及其生态环境特点,构建了以土地利用类型、自然气候特征和农业经济发展"三位一体"指标体系,并以此为依据对中国典型生态交错带进行了划分和空间分布范围的界定;在此基础上,分别对北方森林草原交错带、北方农牧交错带、西北荒漠绿洲交错带、西南川滇农林牧交错带和东部海陆交错带的动态变化、基本特征和存在问题进行了研究,对全面认识我国生态交错带自然演变规律,促进区域生态环境保护和优化经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生态技术措施对河流年输沙量的影响遵从统计学原理。本文以无定河年输沙量为因变量,以无定河汛期降雨、暴雨和生态技术措施面积为自变量,采用逐步回归方法,分析研究了1956–2007年时段生态技术措施对无定河年输沙量的影响。结果表明,(1)计算建立了由"无定河7–8月降雨量"、"生态技术措施面积"和"无定河最大一日降雨量"等三个自变量组成的非线性回归方程,相关系数R2=0.857,显著性水平?=0.001。(2)调整R2=0.717,说明回归方程"解释"了52年时段无定河年输沙量71.7%的变化。(3)生态技术措施面积的标准化回归系数在三个自变量中绝对值最大,说明其对年输沙量变化的影响最大。(4)通过实施生态技术措施,到2007年治理水平年,即使是在7–8月降雨量和最大一日降雨量均为研究时段内最大值时,计算年输沙量为1.49亿t,仅为历史最大值的36%。  相似文献   

本文在界定生态技术概念和生态技术识别需求的基础上,梳理了现有的技术识别的方法。目前应用于技术辨识的方法主要有德尔菲法、技术路线图、层次分析法、专利计量法和文本挖掘法。其中"德尔菲法+层次分析法"把生态技术纳入到社会经济系统中进行系统化的识别,主要是构建生态技术识别的指标体系模型,分别从技术特性、技术水平和性能、经济、社会和生态效益视角进行识别;专利计量法从客观角度出发,依据生态技术自身的特点和发展规律,对其进行识别。本文认为"德尔菲法+层次分析法"和专利计量法这两种方法结合了定性和定量技术识别的优点,应该成为开展生态技术识别的首选。  相似文献   

中亚国家距离公海遥远,仅凭管道出口或进口石油,因此面临着来自油气管道沿线国家巨大的地缘政治压力。本研究选取了哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦作为中亚出口国代表,选取吉尔吉斯斯坦作为中亚进口国代表,从相关性、多样性和国际关系影响三个角度,利用2005—2016年联合国COMTRADE数据库的能源贸易数据,分析中亚国家所面临的能源风险。研究结果显示:哈土两国的石油市场多样化程度较高且市场之间相关程度较低,这种市场配置使出口国、过境国和进口国之间的关系对石油出口的影响较小;而土库曼斯坦的天然气市场因为多样性不足,国际关系能够对天然气出口造成较大的影响;吉尔吉斯斯坦的能源进口仅来源于数个相邻或相近的国家。本文认为中亚国家的能源安全深受四个政治因素的影响:(1)与俄罗斯的关系很大程度上决定了中亚国家能源出口市场的格局,因为中亚国家市场多样化的关键在欧洲;(2)中亚能源博弈的管线竞争对中亚国家能源出口安全有重要影响,因为这些新管道能够将中亚与欧洲和中国市场直接联系在一起;(3)中国作为邻近中亚的巨大能源市场能够帮助中亚国家有效回避俄罗斯对能源出口的控制;(4)对于进口国而言,中亚地区的地缘政治格局对其能源安全起到了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

宽城传统板栗栽培系统位于京津冀水源涵养功能区。传统板栗栽培系统以农林复合为特征,有研究表明相比于单一板栗种植模式,复合种植具有更好的生态效益。但当前当地农户大多以单一板栗种植为主。通过生态补偿,可以激励农户转变板栗经营方式,达到传承中国重要农业文化遗产、并提高生态效益的目的。本文引入偏好系数修正机会成本,通过访谈及发放问卷等调查方法,获取宽城地区农户单一板栗种植、板栗–栗蘑复合种植、板栗–小米复合种植以及板栗–养鸡复合经营投入产出状况与劳动力外出务工收入,通过分析和测算,得到结果如下:(1)尽管三种复合模式的净收入较高,但其经济投入比单一板栗种植模式多,单位投资的回报率低;(2)宽城地区青壮年劳动力外出务工的平均收入高于当地种植业,因此当地板栗复合种植生产模式具有较高的机会成本;(3)研究结果表明板栗–养鸡复合经营模式无需补偿,板栗–栗蘑复合种植模式至少需要补偿1608.5USD ha~(–1) yr~(–1),对板栗–小米复合种植模式最低需要补偿198.3 USD ha~(–1) yr~(–1),才可以保障农户获得其创造的全部价值,从而激励农户恢复传统的农林复合生产模式,实现经济和生态效益的双赢并传承农业文化遗产。  相似文献   

The first-stage of an ecological conservation and restoration project in the Three-River Source Region(TRSR), China, has been in progress for eight years. However, because the ecological effects of this project remain unknown, decision making for future project implementation is hindered. Thus, in this study, we developed an index system to evaluate the effects of the ecological restoration project, by integrating field observations, remote sensing, and process-based models. Effects were assessed using trend analyses of ecosystem structures and services. Results showed positive trends in the TRSR since the beginning of the project, but not yet a return to the optima of the 1970 s. Specifically, while continued degradation in grassland has been initially contained, results are still far from the desired objective, ‘grassland coverage increasing by an average of 20%–40%'. In contrast, wetlands and water bodies have generally been restored, while the water conservation and water supply capacity of watersheds have increased. Indeed, the volume of water conservation achieved in the project meets the objective of a 1.32 billion m~3 increase. The effects of ecological restoration inside project regions was more significant than outside, and, in addition to climate change projects, we concluded that the implementation of ecological conservation and restoration projects has substantially contributed to vegetation restoration. Nevertheless, the degradation of grasslands has not been fundamentally reversed, and to date the project has not prevented increasing soil erosion. In sum, the effects and challenges of this first-stage project highlight the necessity of continuous and long-term ecosystem conservation efforts in this region.  相似文献   

正Under the auspices of the Geographical Society of China and Sun Yat-sen University,the 4th Asian Conference on Geography was held from December 6th-10th,2018 in Guangzhou,China.Under the theme of"Rising Asia and Our Geography",the conference attracted over 500 participants from 27 countries(regions) worldwide,including 21 from Asia.  相似文献   

绿色发展已经成为旅游产业可持续发展的重要理念和有效方式,开展旅游业绿色发展研究将有助于推进区域生态文明建设与旅游地绿色可持续发展。本文采用系统综述方法,通过回顾旅游业绿色发展历程,将我国旅游业的绿色发展划分为2个阶段:可持续发展理念下的萌芽探索阶段、绿色发展理念下的起步发展阶段。此外,文章从旅游业绿色发展的部分重要研究方法、绿色发展概念内涵辨析、绿色发展评价指标体系、绿色发展效率测度及其影响因素、绿色发展法规标准、绿色发展模式、企业绿色发展对策等方面对旅游业绿色发展进行较为系统地综述,指出我国旅游业绿色发展的积极探索对发展中国家的借鉴意义,并发现大多数研究主要以定性研究为主、定量分析为辅,相关理论体系尚未形成。因此,今后的研究应不断深化研究内容,丰富研究方法,从而构建理论体系。  相似文献   

目前,关于里海的两个主要问题是水位变化及其生态条件。历史上,里海的海水入侵和衰退对该区域的生活和生产有很大影响。应用地质数据、历史数据和考古数据,以及观测数据,本文对地质历史时期里海水位的变化、年度和季度变化以及短期的波动进行了研究。文章对解释里海水位波动的两种不同的方法进行了论述,并认为里海水位变化是受地质、水文气候和水量平衡以及人类活动等因素的影响的多级过程,其中主要影响因素为水文气候的变化。  相似文献   

云南元阳梯田的传统稻种作为重要的物质基础千余年来维持着当地人民的繁衍和生存,是当地农业长期稳定发展和粮食安全的根本,其独特性和不可替代性赋予了梯田应有的农业物种价值。针对当地传统稻种资源的逐渐流失,深入了解传统稻种丧失和保护的影响因素有利于保护维持政策的制定。本文主要调查当地传统稻种种植和保护现状,分析影响传统稻种多样性保护和丧失的因素,构建传统稻种保护影响指标体系。通过分析,进一步识别对地方稻种维持和管理有特殊解释意义的可控因素,并对当地传统稻种保护和维持提出相应策略。  相似文献   

陆上风电场的建设和运行干扰局地植物群落的演替,对局地生态和气候的影响受到广泛关注。研究陆上风电场与局地生态、气候之间的关系,准确评估陆上风电场对局地影响,是促进绿色能源可持续发展的基础。本文对现有的现场数据监测、遥感数据反演和数值模型模拟研究方法进行归纳总结,发现陆上风电场对局地植被指数、近地表温度、风速、土壤湿度等产生了明显影响。陆上风电场降低了局地土壤含水量、增加了近地表空气温度、明显改变局地风速,并导致风电场内部局地植被指数降低、植物生长收到抑制,鸟类和蝙蝠等生物死亡率出现上升等现象,但对于风电场外部植物群落,尤其是顺风方向则呈现积极促进作用。总体而言,研究成果存在区域差异性,研究结论不具有普适性。陆上风电场对局地气候的影响,气候对局地生态的影响和陆上风电场对局地生态产生的直接影响三者之间的作用机理仍没有清晰准确的解释,还需要进一步提升观测数据的精度、准度和连续性,结合土地利用类型、局地微气候指标、植物物种等指标构建具有针对性的模型体系,并在此基础上,为宏观把握陆上风电场对气候生态影响提供支撑。  相似文献   

As is well-known, Nansha Islands in the South China Sea(SCS) are of important strategic position and invaluable ecological value. Therefore, many attentions are paid to either the political and legal aspects of exposed features that matter in the maritime delimitation, or the physical and geographical characteristics of coral reefs that are the predominant structures of these islands. However, it seems that they consistently lose the connection of sciences and humanities in the research of Nansha Islands in the SCS. In this study, we carry out a combinative research, based on remote sensing data using satellite imagery analysis together with historical materials using literature investigation, so as to reconsider to the geographical characteristics of Nansha Islands from a standpoint of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS). After thoroughly appraising the statuses of these newly formed sand cays, several high tide features of Nansha Islands are identified. By means of the comparison of satellite images coupled with reference to nautical charting and sailing directions during different time periods, we can conclude that the statuses of these high tide features formed on reef platforms are relatively stable due to the growth of reef-building organisms although their migration patterns are subject to external disturbances, and hence the cursory judgment pursuant to the relevant provisions of the UNCLOS about whether a coral reef belongs to a low tide elevation only based on outdated references or ex parte evidences is not reliable. Moreover, it is accordingly justified to improve further development and perfection of the maritime legislation by eliminating such ambiguities with the growth of coral reefs and the evolution of sand cays being both taken into account.  相似文献   

近年来,生态服务具有价值且可以量化已被人类社会广泛接受。尽管各级财政转移支付的生态补偿及休闲旅游、有机质产品的实物贸易与消费和各种民间资本资助的碳汇造林基金等在一定程度上实现了一些生态服务的部分价值,但生态系统产品——生态服务的价值要像工业产品一样获得经济上的实现,以支撑自然—经济—社会协调可持续发展却依然任重道远。本文分析了生态服务价值构成、流转与消费格局,揭示了生态补偿、生物产品消费、休闲旅游及生态服务交易在生态服务价值实现中的作用,由此提出生态服务信用概念和生态服务交易过程中亟待解决的问题,以期为跨区生态补偿、发展生态服务产业、生态服务交易提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

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