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This article investigates the geographies of subprime urbanization, and by extension, the displacement of 2007–08 financial crisis to the Global South. Previous research examined the formative ways that technological innovations enabled mortgages to deterritorialize and circulate on secondary markets. Less is known about how cities with underdeveloped financial systems and housing markets have been impacted. The case of Tangier, Morocco, is used to argue that the geography of the crisis must be understood as a particular mode of urbanization, subprime urbanization, predicated upon the creation and exploitation of housing submarkets into new geographical frontiers. Subprime urbanization emerged in Tangier in response to the historic contradictions of regional disinvestment in northern Morocco. Weak financial inclusion for local low-income homebuyers led State bureaucrats to increasingly use housing policy to encourage European investment into Moroccan property markets, thereby transforming policy away from improving homeownership access and inclusion toward an urban model centered on the logics of international property speculation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to improve the quality of investment decisions in petroleum. The model presented enables the decision-maker to explicitly consider two major objectives when evaluating new petroleum opportunities—financial and technological gain. We utilize MultiAttribute Utility Theory (MAUT) to consider simultaneously the technological challenges of petroleum exploration into the capital budgeting process of an exploration and production firm. The MAUT methodology presented in this work demonstrates that in some mature areas the advantages to exploration are restricted further only to financial gain, based upon the present economic potential of the basin. On the other hand, other seemingly less attractive areas, such as deep horizons in deep-water basins, may represent attractive targets for new exploration as a result of the interaction of financial gain and technological advancement. This advantage reflects the technological gain as a key factor for future operations for oil discoveries in areas with big geological potential. The model presented in this work enables the decision-maker to consider explicitly the risk and rewards associated with both financial and technological payoffs, the decision-maker's tolerance for those types of risks, and the relative importance of each of those objectives in the context of ongoing petroleum exploration decisions.  相似文献   

傅雪莹  陈才  刘继生 《地理科学》2010,30(2):197-203
金融危机已取代工业危机成为经济周期的标志。通过分析2008年金融危机,揭示全球金融危机传导的地理层级性规律:第一层级,金融危机在世界金融中心间的传导,是通过信息对市场的影响而实现的,在经济地域上具有点对点传导的特点;第二层级,危机从金融中心向发达国家传导,是通过金融系统对实体经济的影响而实现的,具有点对面传导的特点;第三层级,危机从发达国家向发展中国家传导,是通过流向发展中国家的资本流和贸易额锐减而实现的,具有面对面传导的特点。详细分析每一层级危机传导的机理和特点,为中国今后金融危机防范提供启示。  相似文献   

珠三角新晋跨境制造业企业地理集聚与区位选择   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
珠三角的跨境资本因其文化多元性、地缘特殊性而受到国际经济地理学家的广泛关注,“多元资本主义”等多种理论框架被提出以解释其特殊性。然而,由于数据、方法的限制,相关研究多停留于理论及定性探讨层面,基于微观企业样点的研究较为欠缺,特别是纳入企业异质性等新经济因素的定量模型研究更为缺乏。论文基于微观企业样点数据,综合考虑传统一般经济因素与制度、集聚、创新、企业异质性等新经济因素,采用核密度分析方法以及空间回归分析,研究了2005—2009、2009—2013年2个时段的珠三角新晋跨境制造业企业(new-born cross-border manufacturing firms, NCMF)的空间分布格局与差异,并重点关注金融危机前后(2005—2009年)这一特殊的经济转型时期,珠三角NCMF区位选择的影响机制。结果表明:①珠三角NCMF的空间集聚程度较以往有所降低,2005—2009年与2009—2013年2个时段的NCMF在结构与分布特征上呈现出较大的差异,热点区位在2005年后开始由珠三角东岸地区向西岸拓展,2009年后则再次呈现以东岸为主的集聚特征;②金融危机前后,珠三角的发展动力发生了根本性的变化,以往吸引跨境制造业企业的劳动力成本优势与开发区政策优势逐步弱化,而集聚因素、创新因素以及企业异质性成为影响跨境制造业企业空间集聚与区位选择的关键影响因素;③处于动力转换期的珠三角,需要通过构建完善的制度环境、建立创新网络、增强要素集聚、根据企业偏好制定多元化引资政策来重新获得发展的新优势。论文旨在从企业微观层面揭示经济区域内部的外商直接投资区位,同时也为理解转型时期中国以珠三角为代表的外向型经济区域的动力转换与空间重构提供实证参考。  相似文献   

90年代发展中国家国际资本流入的新特点及其影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从1992年起,流向发展中国家的证券资本以较大的优势超过了国际直接投资。在全球经济一体化、金融市场自由化和国际化的背景下,国际资本跨国流动呈现出规模巨大化、运作方式机构化、流动形式多样化的特点。庞大证券资本的注入在给新兴市场国家带来益处的同时,也可能造成伤害,这一点在墨西哥和东南亚金融危机中已经得到证实。因此防范和化解国际资本的流入所带来的金融风险,是新兴市场国家当前所面临的严峻课题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how efforts to achieve local economic growth conflicted with long‐term sustainable resource use when road accessibility was improved between a supply area – the households and household firms in a Philippine fishing village, Dinahican, previously hampered by very poor transport conditions and accessibility – and its major market. Findings indicate that improved road access to big fish markets stimulated investment in production enhancing inputs, which allowed increased fish landings and sales outside Dinahican, together with employment and incomes. At the same time, poorly implemented fisheries resource management resulted in overfishing in municipal waters and obvious disparities in access to productive resources. Thus, while road investment in relatively inaccessible rural resource rich areas may spur economic development as an underutilized production potential is released, it can facilitate resource depletion and intensify an unequal distribution of benefits if the enforcement of laws and regulations is lacking. In the case of Dinahican, coordination between infrastructure supply and the implementation and enforcement of fisheries resource management is found to be urgently needed.  相似文献   

Whilst the term sustainability has undergone considerable transformation from its original intended meaning, in the context of agriculture it is considered to have relevance to four aspects of the activity; the maintenance of production, financial returns, employment opportunities, and the stability of the ecosystem. This article's appraisal of market trends suggests that the key issue of substantially improved financial returns for Australian agriculturalists is at present unlikely for some enterprises. What is particularly discouraging is that downward trends have persisted, despite the many efficiency gains in agriculture. Further gains from technological developments and trade liberalisation will be limited for many agricultural sectors. Whilst initiatives to reduce land degradation have achieved a high public profile, greater effectiveness can be achieved in this area. There is some scope for significant improvements in the overall performance of agriculture, but the most achievable gains will probably be confined to those specific enterprises that can use geography to greatest advantage.  相似文献   

The economic geography of United States’ institutional investments as of December 2010 is presented. With a self-declared value of almost $13 trillion, it is the largest class of equity investors. Included are all investors who file Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) form 13f, meaning they manage at least $100 million. Analysis is undertaken at both the firm and metropolitan levels. The largest firms and targets of investment are determined. Geographic concentrations of both investors and their major stock holdings occur in a small subset (the top 10 largest metropolitan areas). The rates of returns on investments are shown to differ by metropolitan area of investment and by urban rank in the urban hierarchy. Intra-metropolitan investment provides worse rates of returns, countering suggestions of informational advantages for local investment. The network of interurban investments shows a clear hierarchical structure, with New York City being the dominant investment centre.  相似文献   

本文以台湾花卉苗木产业的发展为研究个案,探讨商品作物全球化的趋势下农业区域的新意义。台湾的花卉苗木产业崛起于1960年代末期,而于1990年代后期面临生产过剩危机。缓解危机的出路,一方面是产品结构向耐储运产品(盆花与苗木类)转移,另一方面生产与贸易向大陆内需市场转移,使台湾花卉苗木业者藉先发者的生产技术与通路优势,以跨界生产网络再结构其自身,也将台湾花卉产业进一步地镶嵌在更复杂,更动态,更不确定的全球经济的竞争中,从而挑战了传统的重粮主义的农业区域及其治理。  相似文献   

R&D投入的区位模式与区域经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对中国R&D投入的区位模式的实证检验,从投入一产出绩效的角度认为集中投入的区位模式具有较强的适宜性。利用聚类分析技术,按照R&D的投入强度和及其对经济的带动效应、科技化效应、产业化效应将中国各省区划分为6类地区,具有代表性的是科技化模式和产业化模式。其中前者适合于技术存置较高的少数地区,而后者具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):373-396
Attention has been devoted to the globalization of international property investments during the 1980s and the role of Japanese investors in major financial centers and tourist resorts. This research seeks to establish how the locational preferences of Japanese investors in North American real estate markets were established. It utilizes a survey of 39 Japanese investment companies, together with important secondary data on investment outcomes, and distinguishes a number of ways in which information concerning overseas real estate investment opportunities was reviewed by decision makers in Japan. The results show that Japanese investors, far from being footloose, had fairly fixed locational preferences, were tied to a restricted range of centers (mainly New York, Los Angeles, and Hawaii), and hesitated to expand into a wider range of locations even after some time. Japanese investor behavior is shown to have ramifications for “world city” theory.  相似文献   

高菠阳  刘卫东  宋涛  冯锐  计启迪 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2718-2730
“一带一路”倡议的深入推进加速了中国企业对外投资的步伐。而对于这些“走出去”的企业而言,往往面临着东道国社会环境及治理结构变革、制度制约、文化冲突等多重挑战。此前经济地理学提出的“主动嵌入”和“被动嵌入”,并不能完全解释“一带一路”倡议背景下中国企业在“走出去”过程中所呈现的“外资”与东道国治理结构、地方制度文化环境之间的复杂相互作用关系。本研究构建了“全球-国家-地方”多尺度嵌入的分析框架,以缅甸莱比塘铜矿为例,阐释企业如何通过多样化制度创新,顺应东道国的社会变革,突破制度和文化的制约,从而取得政府、企业、当地社区“多赢”局面的合作模式,从而从新的视角理解制度的多尺度性和尺度之间的相互作用。研究发现:尺度要素之间存在耦合关联作用,且作用模式有不同的组合,同时多个尺度要素的嵌入和影响过程也存在时序效应。最后,结合莱比塘案例,为中国企业“走出去”提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

市场间邻近性与广东省出口企业的地理集聚   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘君洋  朱晟君 《地理研究》2020,39(9):2044-2064
对外贸易是塑造广东省产业空间分布格局的重要力量,深入地探讨出口贸易与广东省企业集聚的内在联系机制,具有重要意义。本文从出口市场与本地市场之间的多维邻近性角度,为广东省的企业集聚发生机制提供了新的解释,具有一定的理论与政策参考价值。本文认为,企业的出口市场与本地邻近性越低,企业自身越难以远距离地直接获取关于目的市场的出口知识。在这种情况下,企业为了实现出口的成功扩张,其在空间上倾向于集聚分布,以在本地获取相关知识的溢出。基于2000—2016年中国海关进出口贸易数据,本文对广东省出口企业的外部出口市场格局以及内部空间集聚格局进行了描述,并实证测度了企业的出口市场与广东省在地理、经济、文化、政治和制度五个维度上的邻近性与企业地理集聚水平之间的关系。特别地,本文运用DO方法对企业集聚水平进行定量测度,还原了企业集聚的原始微观形态,一定程度上弥补了现有对于集聚水平测度方法的不足。描述性分析表明,一方面,广东省企业的出口市场具有多样化的特点,其扩张一定程度上遵循“邻近性”原则;另一方面,广东省的企业空间分布呈现明显的“核心-边缘”格局。实证结果表明,当出口至与本地在经济、政治和制度三个维度上邻近性较低的市场时,企业在本地更加集聚。市场间地理和文化邻近性对企业集聚水平的影响不显著。同时,该影响效应在出口市场为发达地区和发展中地区的企业样本中具有差异。  相似文献   

Thailand has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and an important factor contributing to this phenomenal growth is foreign direct investment (FDI). Taiwan's investment in Thailand, led by small and medium sized companies in labour intensive and relatively low technology industries, has increased dramatically since 1986. While Western multinational companies have been interested in using FDI to expand their markets in the host country, Taiwanese FDI — in a pattern similar to Japanese FDI of the 1970s — has been taking place in selected developing countries to lower production costs and export manufactured products to third country markets. Taiwan's exports to Thailand have also shown a marked increase since the Taiwanese government allowed large scale FDI in 1986. Although small at the global scale, Taiwanese investment in Thailand has contributed to an increasingly integrated East Asian economy.  相似文献   

刘桂荣  鲍曙明  佘金凤  张红历 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2153-2166
基于空间统计分析法和GIS技术,使用经济普查的银行、证券和保险机构数据,对大陆31个省份金融产业结构的时空演变进行分析。结果表明:从时间来看,中国金融产业的演变具有明显的阶段性、跳跃性、非同步性和非平稳性的特征。从空间来看,各省金融发展不平衡。服务于低端金融需求的银行机构在空间上的分布渐趋均衡,而与投资和保险紧密相关的高端金融机构在空间分布上差异则不断扩大。随着金融安全与投资、融资需求的增加,未来中国金融系统中保险和投融资的金融机构比例将会不断扩大,中国区域金融系统在空间上将呈现部分行业空间差异不断扩大及另一部分行业空间分布差异不断缩小的两种状况同时并存的趋势。  相似文献   

African dry forests provide non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of high commercial value, such as frankincense and gum arabic. Nonetheless, their deforestation and conversion to croplands is intensifying. Expected higher financial return from crop production is a main driver of conversion, but research supporting this underlying claim is scarce. We compared the financial returns for two crop production options (sesame and cotton) and forest use, in a dry forest area known for its frankincense production in northern Ethiopia. Net revenue was highest for sesame and lowest for cotton agricultural use. The forest based revenue was intermediate. The revenues from the crop production options were more sensitive to a range of uncertainties than the forest land use. Our results show that forest land use that includes commercial NTFPs is financially competitive to some commercial crop options and offers returns of better reliability. The hypothesis that forest based revenues are lower than crop based ones is not supported by our results. Therefore, the continued deforestation of dry forests cannot be explained by lower returns alone, but other factors such as awareness, market access, property right and institutional issues may also play a role to drive deforestation and conversion of dry forests to croplands.  相似文献   

非特色型产业扶贫模式及其对乡村振兴的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了产业扶贫参与主体及其影响因素的互动关系,阐释了产业扶贫促进乡村振兴的机理,在此基础上剖析了非特色型产业扶贫案例——德青源金鸡产业扶贫模式,总结了相关扶贫经验及其对乡村振兴的启示.结果表明:(1)产业扶贫通常涉及政府、企业、被帮扶农户、金融机构/投资管理平台、科研机构等多个参与主体,其发展模式受社会、经济、地理、政...  相似文献   

许嘉琳  赵济 《地理研究》1996,15(2):35-43
我国边境贸易作为对外开放的重要组成部分,已获得显着进展。本文在概述我国边境贸易发展过程中所产生的一系列环境问题基础上,以内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟为例,探讨了边境贸易与环境保护协调发展的途径。阐明了:(1)在口岸发展进程中,大气环境、水环境中污染物浓度有增高趋势,固体废弃物排放量增大,应通过城市综合整治,消除污染隐患。(2)在出口商品生产基地建设过程中,在合理利用自然资源的同时,应强调维护生态良性循环,防止过度开垦与放牧,防治湖泊富营养化,倡导清洁生产,用优质产品开拓国际市场。(3)在边境贸易发展过程中,应加强在环境保护领域的国际合作。  相似文献   

杨博飞  朱晟君 《地理研究》2020,39(10):2345-2360
基于对2004—2016年中国海关贸易库中各城市制造业发展数据分析,从演化经济地理的视角出发讨论金融资本市场如何通过影响制造业的演化路径选择来影响制造业演化升级。实证研究结果发现:以银行为主的信贷融资市场和以投资机构为主的股权融资市场对于制造业演化路径选择的影响作用不同。整体来看,信贷融资市场主要通过强化制造业的路径依赖来促进制造业的演化升级,而股权融资市场的发展则强化了制造业通过路径突破实现演化升级的能力。进一步分析发现,由于金融资本市场的发展具有空间溢出效应,地方制造业演化路径的选择不仅会受到本地金融资本市场发展的影响,还会受到区域中心城市金融资本市场发展的影响。对东、中、西部的分析发现,在东部地区,制造业演化路径选择受本地金融资本市场发展的影响更大。而在中西部地区,制造业的演化路径选择受到区域中心城市金融资本市场溢出效应的影响更大。  相似文献   

The establishment of inter-firm networks is a key resource for the competitiveness of small firms. The literature on small firm networking stresses the importance of building a balanced network of regional and extra-regional networks in order to engender optimal levels of firm performance. In peripheral regions, the academic debate is focused on understanding how geographical remoteness affects the spatial orientation of networks of small firms. Based on the analysis of survey responses and financial accounts of 26 small manufacturing firms located in Sweden's northern periphery, the study investigates how the spatial configuration of networks, and particularly their regional and international components, is related to other aspects of the firms, such as geographical location or level of performance. The study shows that increased geographical remoteness tends to promote the establishment of international relations instead of hindering them and that peripheral small firms able to penetrate international markets tend to achieve higher levels of productivity. The subsequent discussion stresses the need to rethink the spatiality of policies promoting small firm networks, from a locally-bound to a more diversified, internationalised one.  相似文献   

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