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This article provides a federal context for institutional review of research protocols involving human participants. Most research conducted by social scientists is appropriate for expedited review or exempt status, yet many university institutional review boards (IRBs) unnecessarily require research protocols to be reviewed by the full IRB, therefore impeding the progress of research projects. This article describes the nature of the IRB process; explains minimal risk; contrasts full, expedited, and exempt review of research; and provides guidance on placing your research in the context of IRB review. Finally, this article calls for our discipline to integrate the ethical issues of human participants in research into courses on research design and therefore make this knowledge part of our geography culture.  相似文献   

Feminist post-structuralist theory, feminist empiricism, and field practice can all contribute to insights on the value of quantitative and qualitative methods in feminist geographical research. A political ecology study of gendered interests in a social forestry program in the Dominican Republic illustrates the methodological dilemmas and potentials of feminist research on environmental change. The study combined qualitative and quantitative data collection and analytical techniques. Examples from the case study address three methodological questions in feminist geography: (1) Should identity or affinity be the basis for situating ourselves and the subjects of our research? (2) How can we reconcile multiple subjectivities and quantitative methods in the quest for objectivity? and (3) Can we combine traditional positivist methods with participatory mapping and oral histories? The paper draws on theoretical literature as well as field experience to answer these questions.  相似文献   

In this article, I place Ahmed's notion of the feminist killjoy into conversation with feminist geography literature to explore possibilities and praxis in research endeavoring to illuminate uneven power relations and the moral orders that frame them. According to Ahmed, a feminist killjoy is one who exposes sexism, heterosexism, and racism, only to be criticized for disrupting happiness and social consent. Drawing on fieldwork on urban politics and development, I explore the implications—both promise and peril—of adopting feminist killjoy research subjectivities, emphasizing the important role of affect. I suggest that when feminist researchers direct killjoy research not just at mainstream institutions but also at progressive endeavors, they risk being construed as double killjoys who disrupt supposed joy and solidarity within progressive politics.  相似文献   

文章通过梳理在WOS(Web Of Science)核心数据集、谷歌学术、中国知网(CNKI)等平台筛选出的较高引用率、方法比较规范、与留守儿童主题相关性强的国内外文献159篇,从理论层面总结了儿童地理学研究的新转向:关注儿童与空间的关系,强调儿童在空间使用中的主体性,重视不同情境下儿童地理体验的差异性。并梳理了跨国迁移背景下留守儿童的3个研究主题:从空间视角探讨留守儿童的日常生活实践;从主体性出发探讨儿童在迁移链中的体验;在童年的差异性基础上讨论本土儿童的问题。同时从问题视角和积极视角分析了国内城乡迁移背景下留守儿童的研究主题,指出因现有研究范式中的经验主义和成人中心主义而存在的局限性。尝试勾勒出符合中国情境的留守儿童研究新范式,提出留守儿童的日常生活空间,留守儿童的能动性、异质性和多样性是国内留守儿童研究亟需关注的内容。呼吁学者采用历时和动态的研究设计,充分展现儿童如何理解、体验和应对复杂的流动背景下的日常生活。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that researchers need to carefully distinguish the concepts of subjectivity and positionality in feminist reflexive practice, as an explicit focus on researcher subjectivity has the potential to provide additional insights into the research process that go beyond a focus on relational positionality. Drawing on examples from my own research, I argue that examining one's subjectivity as a researcher opens up a consideration of emotional reactions to research; lets us reconsider the importance of feelings of (dis)affiliation and (dis)comfort in the research process; and helps us to recognize that the dreams and desires of researchers about themselves and their research participants can play an important role in the research process. Moreover, researcher subjectivity attunes us to ways in which our subjectivities shift through the research process and are intimately connected to and mediated by the process of research and our interactions with our research participants.  相似文献   


Much existing research on collaborative conservation has focused on process, even as researchers have called for greater attention to explaining what results these processes yield. It is time to take stock of collaborative conservation research by mapping what kinds of variables researchers are including in analyses. Here we conduct a case survey from the SCAPE database of environmental decision-making cases. We include cases involving collaboration across government, environmental protection, and resource exploitation interests in western democratic countries. Results reveal patterns in what researchers include in their outputs, outcomes, and impacts measures of collaborative conservation. While there is little difference by publication type (peer-reviewed journals, scholarly book chapters, or gray literature) or over time, we find significant differences in explicit measures across variable types. In particular, variables more proximate to process in a logic chain are more often measured, as are social rather than ecological variables.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the revival of interest in recent years in the relevance of geographical research and highlight problems of politicization faced by researchers through cases of policy-oriented research in the UK and Belgium. We argue that geographers should be aware of the possibilities and constraints for critical engagement in the context of policy-oriented research. We identify at least two important opportunities for researchers to avoid clientelistic relationships with contractors and enhance their political relevance. First, researchers can stick to letter of the contract and maintain academic standards while at the same time interpreting their tasks according to their own ethical and political judgements. Second, relevance can be increased by forming alliances within and beyond the formal hierarchies of the state and the academy. The identification and utilization of these 'spaces of relevance' can be seen as the first step towards an approach that strategically seeks a balance between societal engagement on the one hand and contractual obligations, policy relevance and academic standards on the other.  相似文献   

For qualitative researchers, selecting appropriate sites in which to conduct interviews may seem to be a relatively simple research design issue. In fact it is a complicated decision with wide-reaching implications. In this paper, we argue that the interview site itself embodies and constitutes multiple scales of spatial relations and meaning, which construct the power and positionality of participants in relation to the people, places, and interactions discussed in the interview. We illustrate how observation and analysis of interview sites can offer new insights with respect to research questions, help researchers understand and interpret interview material, and highlight particular ethical considerations that researchers need to address.  相似文献   

For qualitative researchers, selecting appropriate sites in which to conduct interviews may seem to be a relatively simple research design issue. In fact it is a complicated decision with wide‐reaching implications. In this paper, we argue that the interview site itself embodies and constitutes multiple scales of spatial relations and meaning, which construct the power and positionality of participants in relation to the people, places, and interactions discussed in the interview. We illustrate how observation and analysis of interview sites can offer new insights with respect to research questions, help researchers understand and interpret interview material, and highlight particular ethical considerations that researchers need to address.  相似文献   

Playing the Field: Questions of Fieldwork in Geography   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Many questions-practical, strategic, political, ethical, personal-are raised by conducting field research. Some of these seem, or are constituted as, separate from the “research itself,” yet are integral to it. In this paper I attempt to cut through the breach that divides the doing of fieldwork and the fieldwork itself by addressing what constitutes the “field,” what constitutes a field researcher, and what constitutes data under contemporary conditions of globalization. Drawing on my work in New York City and Sudan, I argue that by interrogating the multiple positionings of intellectuals and the means by which knowledge is produced and exchanged, field researchers and those with whom they work can find common ground to construct a politics of engagement that does not compartmentalize social actors along solitary axes.  相似文献   

In this article I recount the ways that key concepts in Lacanian psychoanalytic theory—the relationship between language and desire, fantasy and subject formation, ethics and the traversal of fantasy—have enabled a novel methodological approach to activist research. Psychoanalysis allows us to recast research as a process of encountering and traversing fantasies, which is simultaneously a process of engendering new representations, desires, subjectivities, and societies.  相似文献   

Research on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, particularly projects aiming to contribute to practical adaptation initiatives, requires active involvement and collaboration with community members and local, regional and national organizations that use this research for policy-making. Arctic communities are already experiencing and adapting to environmental and socio-cultural changes, and researchers have a practical and ethical responsibility to engage with communities that are the focus of the research. This paper draws on the experiences of researchers working with communities across the Canadian Arctic, together with the expertise of Inuit organizations, Northern research institutes and community partners, to outline key considerations for effectively engaging Arctic communities in collaborative research. These considerations include: initiating early and ongoing communication with communities, and regional and national contacts; involving communities in research design and development; facilitating opportunities for local employment; and disseminating research findings. Examples of each consideration are drawn from climate change research conducted with communities in the Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article contributes to a recent and growing body of literature exploring the nature of fieldwork in human geography. Specifically, we critically examine the role of gatekeepers in providing access to “the field,” based on existing conceptualizations of gatekeepers in the literature and on our own experiences with gatekeepers. We argue that the concept of gatekeepers has been oversimplified, in that relationships between researchers and gatekeepers are often assumed to be unidirectional—with gatekeepers controlling or providing access by researchers—and predominantly static in form and time. Although we accept the necessity and advantages of working through gatekeepers, our experiences suggest that relationships with them are highly complex and evolve over time, with sometimes unexpected implications for research. In gathering and analyzing data, researchers become gatekeepers themselves, what we are calling “keymasters.” Reconceptualizing the gatekeeper‐researcher relationship will contribute to ongoing efforts to more fully understand field‐workers as undertaking a practice inherently political, personal, and linked to the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

Getting Personal: Reflexivity,Positionality, and Feminist Research*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Feminist and poststructural challenges to objectivist social science demand greater reflection by the researcher with the aim of producing more inclusive methods sensitive to the power relations in fieldwork. Following a discussion of contrasting approaches to these power relations, I present a reflexive examination of a research project on sexual identities. My reflections highlight some of the key ethical questions that face researchers conducting fieldwork, especially with regard to the relationship between the researcher and those being researched. My discussion of these dilemmas reflect the situated and partial nature of our understanding of “others.” I argue that the researcher's positionality and biography directly affect fieldwork and that fieldwork is a dialogical process which is structured by the researcher and the participants.  相似文献   

Phil Jones  Neil Macdonald 《Area》2007,39(4):490-498
This paper addresses recent debates on the need for greater collaboration across the physical and human geography divide. We discuss some of the problems of producing work that can be considered genuinely interdisciplinary. The paper reflects on a project examining the use of sustainable drainage systems in Glasgow and how we unwittingly produced a piece of social science research looking at a physical science topic. We suggest that more than simply the need for 'trust' between researchers, the actual practice of working together in the field – and, indeed, having the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them – is essential. In working together, academics have a better opportunity to understand each other's intellectual and epistemological framework and develop projects where researchers can move beyond their disciplinary boundaries and weave their expertise into a coherent research output.  相似文献   

选取《中国学术文献网络出版总库》文献,从文献作者、研究领域、支撑平台、研究方法、研究区域、研究层次6 个方面,对1987-2012 年国内生态补偿研究进行评析。在文献作者方面,国内生态补偿研究尚未形成强大的核心作者群;从年度文献数量看,可将研究领域划分为4 种类型,即急剧上升型、平缓上升型、平缓稳定型和下降型;从研究区域看,国内生态补偿研究以省域层面的研究成果较多,涉及到30 多个地域类型区;在研究方法上,早期研究生态补偿大多为定性描述,目前过渡到定性与定量研究相结合;在研究层次方面,最初生态补偿研究大多为自然科学类基础与应用基础研究,后转向技术指导与政策决策支撑方面的社会科学应用研究。最后,从研究领域、研究区域、研究方法、项目支撑以及研究挑战5个方面讨论了国内生态补偿研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the controversial issue of regional development incentives. Although extensive research has been conducted, a review of the literature gives an inconclusive answer to whether economic incentives are effective. Why do researchers arrive at different conclusions, even after analysing the same programmes? Among the problems that we find, for example, is the fact that for some researchers 'effective' means the significant location of new firms in targeted areas, while for others the creation of jobs regardless of whether new firms are arriving in a significant fashion. Furthermore, as we elaborate, the selection of an econometric model will have a significant impact on expected results. Different models, with different limitations, will lead researchers to evaluate the same incentive programme but arrive at different conclusions regarding its effectiveness. The contribution of the paper is to inform policymakers about the potential opportunities and pitfalls when designing incentive strategies. This is particularly relevant, given that both the US and Europe have been promoting incentives as a tool for regional economic development.  相似文献   

新物质主义是对消费地理研究中呼吁"重返物质"的补充和超越,论文旨在从新物质主义的视角审视消费地理的研究进展.首先,简要介绍行动者网络理论、拼装体理论、超越人类理论和非表征理论等新物质主义的相关理论基础,发现新物质主义强调物质的能动性、动态性及其对消费网络的影响能力,受此影响,消费地理研究对空间性、社会性、主体性和物质性...  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1596-1615

Work on cyborg urbanization has unveiled the way in which the city is produced through hybridizations of the human and non-human. However, less attention has been given to the ways by which non-human actors entangle each other without human mediation. On the other hand, literature on urban ruination has explored the agency of the non-human in landscape transformation, however few works have established the link between the processes of ruination and urban transformation. In this article, we bridge these two literatures and argue that it is possible to extend the concept of cyborg urbanization to include urban transformation processes that are conducted by non-human actors, namely vegetation.

We explore these missing links through an exploration of the Matinha Gasworks site, located in the Eastern Zone of the city of Lisbon, Portugal, and deactivated in 2001. It is a vacant land, with several ruined derelict constructions of a gasworks. We draw upon archival work, remote sensing techniques, and post-phenomenological fieldwork to explore the 80-year long process of construction and ruination of the Matinha Gasworks site. Our findings highlight the accumulation of distinct temporalities, scales, matters, and subjectivities in the production of the urban.  相似文献   

运用推拉理论对旅游者旅游行为的研究可以追溯到20世纪70年代,至今已近40年。通过回顾国内外相关文献,从研究地域、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法等方面对旅游推力与拉力因素的研究进行综合分析和概括,指出目前中国在该项研究上的不足,为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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