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Food is essential for human survival, but harmful, toxic substances in food damage and threaten human health. Food production is inseparable from the place where the food is produced; that is, from the geographical environment that consists of natural and human environments, two parts of a unified whole. China’s territory is vast and its geographical environment is complex and diverse. Food production patterns in different parts of the country vary significantly, as do local socio-economic and cultural conditions. Such differences have an enormous impact on food safety. Based on the geographical area where food is produced in China, this paper reveals the main environmental problems arising from industrial and agricultural production activities, and related risks for food safety and health. In concluding, we make some recommendations for countermeasures. The main food safety related environmental problems include the excessive application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; high background levels of heavy metals; discharge of wastewater and heavy metals; and excessive use of additives and antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding and aquatic products. All these issues can lead to huge risks for food safety and thus health. These are not simply scientific issues, but also political, economic and legal issues, as well as social problems that differ from region to region. Therefore, comprehensive studies are needed to identify risks to food safety and health hazards in different areas. Systematic and comprehensive risk assessments of health problems caused by changing ecosystems, environmental pollution, nutrition problems and lifestyle, and especially comprehensive risk assessments of regional environmental changes and health risks are needed. Measures based on an understanding of local conditions must be put forward to protect food safety and health, to strengthen multi-sectoral management, and to improve environmental quality  相似文献   

我国食物安全研究进展及展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
保障我国食物安全是我国一切建设发展的前提和基础。在我国农业基础资源日益紧缺以及加入WTO 的 国情下, 食物安全面临着新的机遇与挑战。本文回顾了食物安全概念的演变过程, 综述了我国在自然基础资源与食 物安全、食物安全现状及其评价、国际贸易和经济全球化对食物安全的影响以及食物安全预警和管理等方面的研 究进展, 并对未来我国食物安全研究进行了展望。研究表明: 今后我国食物安全研究应在以下方面需要加强: 在研 究内容上, 不仅重视食物数量保障, 更应注重食物质量安全、食物资源可持续利用和综合食物安全风险评价与预警 等方面; 在研究视角上, 不仅重视宏观食物安全研究, 更应重视微观食物安全; 在研究方法和手段上, 应当充分运用 现代科学技术, 如网络技术、空间模拟技术以及3S 技术等, 进一步加强综合食物安全的定量和动态研究。  相似文献   

China’s compartmentalized food safety supervision and administration system has long been blamed for recurring food safety incidents. In response, the State Council launched a major institutional reform that aimed to realize whole-chain-based food safety supervision and administration, to strengthen grassroots capacity and to adapt to a society that is complex, risk prone, open and pluralistic. According to the State Council’s mandate, the institutional restructuring at various local levels should have been completed by the end of 2013. However, there have been no systematic, open evaluations that have examined progress, effectiveness or effects. This study attempts to explore issues concerning evaluation of the institutional reform: how to understand the role of evaluation in the policy cycle? What are important evaluation questions in different phases of the policy cycle? How to identify evaluation priorities? Specifically, a target group effectiveness evaluation framework was established and applied in Guangzhou city to assess how local government departments responded to the three principal mandates of the State Council’s reforms: integration of mechanisms and functions, integration of resources, and the enhancement of regulatory capability. The results show that such an evaluation framework is a valid way to examine the main goals and components of the reform, but that the indicators and evaluation criteria need be made more context-specific.  相似文献   

This article discusses what we know about some of the main food safety risks in China. The focus is on role of the China Total Diet Study (TDS) as a tool for food safety risk assessment and the selection of priorities for monitoring. We compare the strengths and weaknesses of the TDS with those of two other major sources of information about food safety and nutrition: the National Food Safety Contamination Monitoring Network (FSCN) and the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), showing how the different methods they use produce different but complementary information. We then use an analysis of lead, cadmium and pesticide residues to demonstrate that, despite its shortcomings, the TDS provides the most reliable source of information about the actual dietary intake of harmful substances.  相似文献   

One of the characteristics of food safety regulation in China is the separation of agricultural food products (agro-food) from other kinds of food. To this end, a Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products (LQSAP) was enacted to provide for official control at the stage of primary agro-food production. With the enactment and revision of the Food Safety Law, one change in the legislative arrangement is the extension of the scope of this new law to cover the marketing of agro-food and the use of agricultural inputs. However, safety regulation at the stage of primary production of agro-food is still subject to the Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products. It is also important to note that thee LQSAP refers both to agro-food and to agricultural products for non-human consumption; and that it provides rules both for safety assurance and for quality promotion. In the context of intensified official control to ensure food safety and diverse consumer needs for food of higher quality, a revision of the Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products has been initiated. This article describes the goals of this legislation, its institutional arrangements and the directions the revisions are taking in order to provide a better understanding of food safety regulation in China in general and agro-food regulation in particular.  相似文献   

Farmers are both the producers and consumers of food, and as such have a dual role in food safety: they both generate risks and are exposed to them. Based upon a survey of the food production and consumption habits of 140 farm households and long-term research in two villages in Yunnan province, this study found that rural families are highly dependent on the market for food production and consumption. In their role as consumers, farmers are aware of food safety risks and concerned about them, but their ability to protect themselves is limited. They do so primarily by avoiding certain products and growing as much of their own food as possible. At the same time, in their role as producers, farmers engage in practices, primarily the overuse and inappropriate use of fertilizer and pesticides, that are damaging to food safety and the environment. There is therefore a disconnect in their roles as consumers and producers that needs to be addressed if policy goals for improving food safety and reducing the use of agricultural chemicals are to be achieved. Farmers need more information about food safety risks related to the products they consume themselves, and technical guidance on the safe use of farm chemicals when growing food for market. However, such measures will not be effective unless the external pressures on farmers are also addressed, through consideration of market incentives to use farm chemicals and the impact of consumer demand.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Lapses in food safety have spurred development of governmental traceability systems to track every stage of food production as part of a standardized information base. These systems form part of national and international government efforts to reduce food‐security risks and control food‐related disease outbreaks. The European Union, the United States, Japan, and Canada have traceability requirements now in various stages of implementation, as does the Codex Alimentarius. Traceability regulations require that, from farm (plant or animal) to fork, foods have a clear, verifiable record that tracks through all stages of cultivation, production, supplying, transporting, processing, and distribution. Traceability implies complete information control over the geography of one of life's most essential acts, eating. The apparent object of traceability is food, which seems to imply that human tracking is not part of the process, but food does not move on its own. Those people responsible at each stage for food transfers and transactions may go into the traceability database, making their locations part of the record and supporting precise monitoring of labor performance, consumer buying patterns, and ownership and management strategies. Given these capabilities, the development of public‐sector traceability systems demands careful consideration. Owners, especially large exporters and importers, are likely to see their needs and fears shape the system. The food workforce may well bear tracking's brunt. Consumers, the presumed beneficiaries of the systems, will probably resist direct incorporation (and full benefit), favoring their privacy over their safety.  相似文献   

近年来食物浪费以及食物浪费的资源环境问题越来越成为全球关注的焦点,尤其是在发展中国家,食物浪费成为威胁食物安全的另一关键因素。尽管如此,在中国,人们仍然对食物浪费缺乏认识,尤其是餐饮业中消费者的食物浪费。因此,基于国内主流媒体报道的大量餐饮业食物浪费的案例数据资料,本研究针对餐饮业中的食物浪费做了系统的阐述。针对餐饮业食物浪费的初步估计,本研究揭示了我国餐饮业食物浪费的严重性。通过分析国际上大量食物浪费的相关文献资料,本研究具体阐述了食物浪费的资源环境代价。最后,本研究基于生命周期评价方法提出了针对餐饮业食物浪费及其资源环境效应研究的概念框架,以便更有效地减少食物浪费。  相似文献   

There is a clear association between food prices, affordability and issues of food security. Australian food supply chains have lengthened in recent years in response to consolidation policies of the dominant supermarkets, which have reduced the number of distribution centres in order to maximise economic efficiencies. This study presents a spatial analysis of a healthy food basket survey undertaken across Queensland, Australia in order to identify the primary determinants of food pricing. Ambiguity in the academic literature on this subject is largely due to limitations of the utilised methods. Our results indicate that food price variability is directly related to the type of store surveyed, and the distance of the surveyed store to the supermarket distribution centres in Brisbane, or urban centres on the east coast of Australia. Population size of towns and the level of social disadvantage observed in communities were indirect determinants of food prices. Therefore, in order to lessen the disadvantage already encountered by communities located in outer regional and remote areas who pay increasingly more for food than their urban counterparts, policy interventions need to move beyond subsiding food costs and consider the relationship between fuel prices and the lengthening of dominant food supply chains, in addition to the capacity of local supply chains.  相似文献   

In the past decade, international development practitioners have increasingly argued that migration improves the food security of households at origin, by providing the capital necessary for agricultural intensification or food purchase. These debates have occurred largely in isolation from a discussion of the values that underpin food production and consumption in the communities that migrants call home. We question the assumption that a shift from an agricultural-based economy to an economy based on remittances increases the ability of communities to secure access to food in the face of rapid economic and cultural change. In this paper, we present two independently conducted studies from Nepal and Vanuatu that investigate the impact of out-migration on local perceptions of agricultural and residential land and the meaning given to food security. Our data reveal that the value changes associated with large-scale out-migration have the potential to make the agricultural sector at origin more vulnerable, unproductive, unsustainable or unattractive, leaving a longer-term impact on food security. We offer some reflections on the implications of these findings for the structure of the migration–food security nexus.  相似文献   

三峡库区坡耕地退耕与粮食安全的空间分异   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
坡耕地退耕还林还草作为生态环境建设的一项重要措施,已在全国逐步开展。坡耕地退耕使耕地数量减少,并影响到退耕地区粮食产量减少,尤其在坡耕地分布集中、交通不便地区的尤为突出。本文利用GIS技术对三峡库区坡耕地空间分布进行了分析,探讨了三峡库区坡耕地退耕后粮食安全隐患产生的原因,初步揭示了粮食供需矛盾的空间差异,并结合交通便利状况,划分粮食安全区、警戒区,危机区等三种不同类型的区域。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify food deserts using a geographic information system (GIS)-based multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) approach in the city of Tehran. We have found that, compared to technocratic methods, GIS-based MCDM and taking into account people or their agents' opinions in the food deserts analysis leads to different results. Whereas measuring food deserts based on the distance to large retail food stores indicated that a large part of the northern neighborhoods of Tehran do not have access to large food stores, identifying the food desert through the GIS-based MCDM approach revealed that northern neighborhoods of Tehran have relatively good access to healthy, affordable food. In addition, results indicated that individual factors have a more effective role than environmental factors in food accessibility. Food accessibility analysis revealed that more than 26.6 percent of Tehran's people (2,049,796) are living in very low and low food accessibility areas. Accordingly, to achieve a relatively healthy and inclusive food environment, establishment of a food council, development of mobile food markets and farmers' markets, extension of public transport, enhancement of food literacy, and community-based development of small full-service grocery stores, especially in southern and western sections of Tehran, should be pursued. In addition, addressing Tehran's food desert issues would be incomplete without due attention to the wider political and economic environment.  相似文献   

旅游食物消费是旅游消费的首要内容。随着旅游学科研究的不断深入,旅游食物消费近年来逐渐成为学界关注的热点。目前,国内对旅游食物消费的研究仅限于对饮食文化资源的开发和旅游食物卫生等方面,处于描述性研究的初级阶段。国际上旅游食物消费研究起步较早,内容也较为全面,除对旅游食物安全风险、食物旅游产品开发和市场营销进行广泛探讨外,更在游客食物消费行为、旅游食物消费综合效应等领域取得了系统成果。本文利用文献分析方法,在综合分析和梳理国内外食物消费研究文献基础上,归纳总结了旅游食物消费发展阶段和特征,并重点从游客食物消费行为模式、旅游食物资源开发、旅游地美食节庆与营销、旅游食物安全与风险、旅游食物消费与旅游地发展、旅游食物消费环境影响与可持续发展等6个方面对旅游食物消费的研究内容和进展进行了分析,最后提出了中国现阶段旅游食物消费研究应关注的重点领域和方向。  相似文献   

To modernize food safety governance, we must carry out basic restructuring of its internal logic at the national level to reflect the features of contemporary Chinese society that shape food safety. This will entail establishing an overarching, macro-level conception of food safety that integrates “baseline safety”, “hub safety”, “co-constructed safety” and “endogenous safety”. These four dimensions of safety represent four fundamental requirements of food safety governance in modern Chinese society, which is a “risk society” (Beck 1992) and one that is also complex, open and pluralist. These requirements are: maximum legal liability, a unified, authoritative and efficient supervision system, a concept of social co-governance, and enterprises being the primary entities accountable for food safety. This article uses this analytical framework to interpret the basic contents of the newly revised Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, and uses a focus on social co-governance to present the institutional highlights of this law and the transformation of the internal logic of food safety governance.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution, food safety and health are closely linked. A key challenge in addressing the problem of food safety and protecting public health is building an integrated knowledge base to inform policy and strengthen governance. This requires breaking down the trans-departmental information barrier across the environment, food and health domains to ensure the effective flow of data and the efficient utilization of resources, and facilitate the collaborative governance of food safety. Achieving this will be crucial for the development of health and medical care in China in the era of big data. Currently, the information resources commanded by various departments are incomplete and fragmented. Data resources are also organized in vertical silos and there is a lack of data sharing within and across policy streams. To provide the basis for more effective integrated collection and analysis of data in future, this study summarizes the information resources of various departments whose work relates to interactions between environment, food and health, and presents measures to strengthen top-down design, and establish unified data standards and a big data sharing platform. It also points to the need for increased training of data analysts with interdisciplinary expertise.  相似文献   

This article investigates the sources of vegetables consumed by farmers, their perception of pesticide-related food safety risks and the behaviors they engage in to protect themselves, and explores the implications for the social co-governance (shehui gongzhi) of food safety emphasized by China’s recent Food Safety Law. The research site is a county in Yunnan Province where vegetable growing is the major source of income and livelihood for local farmers. We surveyed 417 farmers and collected 776 vegetable samples from 377 surveyed farmer households and tested them for organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues using PR-12N Rapid Detection Instrument for Pesticide Residues. The results showed that farmers know about the risks to food safety caused by pesticides used in vegetable growing and they purposely avoid these risks by mainly consuming vegetables planted in home gardens or private plots that use little or no pesticides. Vegetable samples from these private plots had the lowest positive rate of pesticide residues (6.10%), compared with vegetable samples from commercial farmland (13.73%) and markets (12.66%), and the difference was statistically significant (X2=9.69,0.005相似文献   

可持续饮食系统的研究进展与理论框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国军  王龙杰 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2068-2084
20世纪以来,伴随农业的工业化和食物链条的“远距化”,典型食物危机事件不断涌现并沿着食物贸易网络蔓延至全球,引发了学界对饮食系统及其可持续性的持久关注。国外地理学界关于饮食系统主要有生产主义、消费主义和关系主义等认识。在梳理已有概念内涵的基础上,将这三类认识归结为不同情境下、特定形式的“身体-食物”关系,进而构建了以饮食原真、饮食安全、饮食健康为内在线索,以去地化和再地化为外在情境的分析框架,并藉此分析饮食系统的演变过程,提炼其可持续逻辑。进一步地,从“身体-食物”与“地方”的关系视角详细阐述了上述三个维度的具体内涵,并归纳了饮食原真与饮食安全、饮食原真与饮食健康以及饮食安全与饮食健康的交叉议题。  相似文献   

农业工业化和“去地化”的生产模式、不透明的流通过程以及膨胀的消费欲望致使饮食系统危机不断,其可持续性成为全球尺度的挑战。当前饮食系统的可持续性研究面临尺度问题,涉及从全球地方的目标转化,以及从地方到全球的经验反馈两个方面。首先,全球尺度的可持续目标宏大包容,但是对地方尺度的差异性缺乏关照。其次,部分西方国家的可持续实践垄断了经验表达,过于重视社区等微观尺度而忽略了其他尺度的潜在作用,引发“尺度陷阱”。本文深入剖析中国、巴西、南非的饮食系统内部各类参与者的可持续性建构,提出全球和地方可持续饮食系统互动的尺度逻辑:① 从全球到地方的目标转化需要兼顾地方差异。中国、巴西、南非各自生成优先的可持续目标,分别针对食品安全、食物原真性和食物浪费、结构性的食物匮乏等问题。这些目标之间充满张力和博弈,不能等同替代。② 从地方到全球的经验反馈需要打破西方经验赋予的微观尺度的优越性,转向跨尺度的实践。发展中国家的可持续实践路径的要义在于发挥饮食系统各类参与者的能动性,调动资源形成有效的跨尺度行动网络。③ 发展中国家的经验表明尺度本身是方法,而不是目的,每个具体的可持续目标与适切的尺度方法匹配。有必要研究建议挖掘多元、差异的可持续模式,更加有针对性地促进当地乃至全球饮食系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

非洲粮食问题的时空演化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非洲粮食生产与发展面临着诸多的困难与挑战,其粮食问题一直是国际社会关注的热点之一。本文研究的非洲粮食问题主要是指其粮食生产、消费及其自给能力方面存在的问题,从时间与空间视角对非洲粮食此类问题的演化过程和成因进行了初步探讨。时间视角上,考虑到20世纪90年代中期到21世纪初期非洲粮食问题表现较为典型,同时限于相关数据获取因素故,仅研究了1994-2007年,非洲粮食生产量、粮食消费量及生产性粮食缺口量的演化;空间视角上,从整体与区域两个层面,探讨了非洲不同粮食自给类型国家的空间差异及演化。最后提出解决非洲粮食问题的相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

粮食作为自然生态系统与社会经济系统的关联点,能够有效地揭示极端干旱事件对自然-经济-社会复合生态系统影响的过程和机理。以粮价异动为切入点,通过粮价通胀指数和“无透雨”的持续时间,分析农业旱情及其对粮食生产的影响,对1637—1643年华北地区极端干旱事件中的粮食安全进行深入剖析。结果显示:华北地区无透雨天数超过150 d,年降水量与5—9月降水量的距平值均≤-30%,水分异常短缺,土壤严重失墒,危及粮食生产安全。因此,降水量距平值≤-30%是华北地区粮食生产安全的临界阈值。此次极端干旱事件是历史同类事件之最,连续无透雨日数最长,地表径流枯竭记录最多,水资源的短缺导致伴生灾害相继发生,超过生态系统的忍耐极限,粮食生长期缩短,减产歉收,绝产绝收,粮食供给链条断裂。粮价通胀指数最低9.50,最高26.70;货币发行与粮食供给失衡,通货膨胀严重,粮价飞涨,市场倒闭,粮食安全体系崩塌,自然-经济-社会复合生态系统发生质变成为历史必然。  相似文献   

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