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In this paper, 183 chemical analyses of clinopyroxenes are collected from mantle-derived inclusions inCenozoic basalts of eastern China. Through synthetic studies of the relevant data, their mineral chemistry andgeological significance are discussed. Based on the composition fo clinopyroxenes the authors conclude that theCenozoic upper mantle in eastern China is of the continental, primitive, metasomatic and high-temperaturetypes and is related to rift structural environment and variation in composition of basalts. The geobarometry ofclinopyroxenes indicates that Cenozoic basalts of eastern China are derived from the asthenosphere and thatthe average depth of faults progressively increases from south to north and from east to west.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Changkeng Au-Ag deposit is a new type of sediment-hosted precious metal deposit. Most of the previous researchers believed that the deposit was formed by meteoric water convection. By using a high vacuum quadrupole gas mass spectrometric system, nine light hydrocarbons have been recognized in the fluid inclusions in ore minerals collected from the Changkeng deposit. The hydrocarbons are composed mainly of saturated alkanes C1-4 and unsaturated alkenes C2-4 and aromatic hydrocarbons, in which the alkanes are predominant, while the contents of alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons are very low. The Σalka/Σalke ratio of most samples is higher than 100, suggesting that those hydrocarbons are mainly generated by pyrolysis of kerogens in sedimentary rocks caused by water-rock interactions at medium-low temperatures, and the metallogenic processes might have not been affected by magmatic activity. A thermodynamic calculation shows that the light hydrocarbons have reached chemical equilibrium  相似文献   

Pyrope–almandine garnets (Mg# = 28.3–44.9, Ca# = 15.5–21.3) from a heavy mineral concentrate of diamondiferous kimberlites of the largest diamond deposit, the Yubileinaya pipe, along with kimberlite- like rocks and diamondiferous volcano–sediments of the Laptev Sea coast, have been found to contain polymineral, predominantly acicular inclusions, composed of aggregates of shrilankite (Ti2ZrO6), rutile, ilmenite, clinopyroxene, and apatite. The presence of shrilankite as an inclusion in garnets from assumed garnet–pyroxene rocks of the lower crust, lifted up by diamond-bearing kimberlite, allows it to be considered as an indicator mineral of kimberlite, which expands the possibilities when searching for kimberlite in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Terrigenous clastic reservoir rocks are widespread in China,and nearly all the industrial oil and gas accumulations in eastern China occur in the clastic rocks.The study shows that organic inclusions are mostly distributed in the secondary fissures and pores which were ormed in the process of oil-rock interaction,rather than in the cements or secondary enlargements. The organic inclusions are dominantly organic gas-rich or are composed of pure hydrocarbons.Homogenization temperatures range mainly from 120℃ to 130℃,which shows a relatively high maturity of organic matter.Vertical and horizontal temperature changes provide the grounds for the investigation of basin evolution and thermal fluid-kinetics-model.Fluorescence spectral characteristics o the organic inclusions indicate that oils and gases in the area studied probably have experienced two-stage or two-time migration.Micro-fluorescence rescearch is one of the effective approaches to oil/source correlation and oil migration-stage determination.The abundance and occurrence of organic inclusions is one of the indicators of oil and gas abundance and accumulation in rock layers.With the help of other informatio,organic inclusions can provide the basis for the prospective assessment of oil and gas in clastic reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

The pre-pilot drillhole CCSD-PP1 of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project, with a depth of 432.08 m, is located in the Donghai area in the southeastern Sulu terrane. The core samples are comprised mainly of paragneiss, granitic gneiss and ultramafic rock with minor intercalated layers of phengite-bearing kyanite quartzite and eclogite. All the analyzed paragneiss and granitic gneiss samples experienced amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism. According to the whole-roc…  相似文献   

The Songxi deposit is a newly discovered large Ag (Sb) deposit. By using a suite of high-vacuum quadrupole gas mass spectrometer systems, the authors have recognized many kinds of light hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions of minerals. These hydrocarbons are mainly composed of C1-C4 saturated alkanes, while the contents of C2-C4 unsaturated alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons are quite low, suggesting that the metallogenic processes have not been affected by magmatic activities. Chemical equilibrium studies show that these hydrocarbons may be a mixture of organic gases generated by microorganism activity and those by thermal cracking of type-n kerogens (kukersite) in sedimentary host rocks, and the former may constitute more than two-thirds, implying that microorganism might have played an important role in the metallogenesis. The equilibrium temperature of the latter is about 300℃, which is much higher than the geothermal temperature at the estimated depth of metallogenesis. Thus, the light hydrocarbons gen  相似文献   

正The most of high/ultrahigh-pressure(HP/UHP)terranes of the world are characterized by the occurrence of numerous pods,lenses or layered blocks of eclogite and amphibolites(e.g.O’Brien,1997;Elvevold and Gilotti,2000;Zhang et al.,2003;and references there in).Field and petrological features suggest that amphibolites should  相似文献   

This paper attempts a two-tiered analysis of what has come to be referred to as the `security-park', i.e., that South African variation of the `gated community' which combines Blakely and Snyder's [Fortress America: Gated communities in the United States, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, 1999] typically separable `lifestyle', `prestige' and `security zone' gated community types. The first part of this analysis reviews the existing literature on gated communities and relates it back to the South African situation. The second part, both theoretical and empirical, draws on Foucault's [Utopias and heterotopias, in: N. Leach (Ed.), Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory, Routledge, London, 1997] notion of the heterotopia, and on a variety of textual representations of Dainfern. The heterotopia, as an `analytics of difference' becomes a particularly important means of critique here, drawing attention to security-parks as: (1) possessing a precise and well-defined function within society (a function which typically coalesces around points of social crisis), (2) operating distinctive systems of admission and exclusion, (3) containing certain `juxtaposed incompatibilities' (of which a paradoxical `heterochroneity' is one of the most pronounced elements), (4) embodying – via the espousal of a certain `utopics' – an `alternate mode of social ordering' (in Hetherington's [The Badlands of Modernity: Heterotopia and Social Ordering, Routledge, New York, 1997] term). Each of these analytical strands constitutes a discursive relay through which one might deduce wider networks of social power or in the case of Dainfern or security-parks more generally, historical structures of the race- and class-structuring of privilege and poverty. Representations and practices of the security-park are in this way indicative of a far larger political rationality – a self-justificatory set of entitlements, warrants and exclusionary prerogatives which we have labelled a “rights” of privilege.  相似文献   

The Tongshan copper deposit at Guichi can be considered as a skarn-type copper deposit. Multi-stage carbonatization was well developed in the skarn zone and copper-bearing orebodies. Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and stable isotope data allow it to be divided into five stages: (1) carbonatization of single calcite crystals in the skarn stage; (2) calcite carbonatization in the oxide stage; (3) carbonatization in the early sulfide stage; (4) carbonatization in the late sulfide stage; and (5) carbonatization in the post-sulfide stage. Carbonatization in the early sulfide stage is, among other things, closely related to copper mineralization and is one of the alteration indicators of copper mineralization of this type. C. O, Rb and Sr isotopic studies indicate that the calcites of skarn and oxide stages were formed from hydrothermal solutions predominated by magmatic water, and those of sulfide stage were formed from hydrothermal solutions mainly involving heated meteoric water. The former was formed in the environment wherefO 2 (fO 2 < 10−33 and 10−33< fO2>10−36)(pH = 7–8) is high as compared with the latter (10−35< fO2< 10−38; pH = 5–7).  相似文献   

正Pseudosection modeling for the garnet amphibolite samples from the Western Dabie Mountains show they have experienced similar HP metamorphic evolution with that of the adjected eclogites.The common assemblage of  相似文献   

Stochastic process theory involves integrals of measurable functions over probability measure spaces. One of these is the ensemble space, Ω, whose members are sample functions on Euclidean spaceR k and the other isR k itself. What geostatisticians call the “theory of regionalized variables” is said to based on stochastic theory. A recent paper inMathematical Geology proclaims a distinction between “probabilistic” and “deterministic” geostatistics. The former is said to rely on “ensemble integrals” over Ω and the latter on “spatial integrals” overR k. This study shows that the proposed distinction rests on an arbitrary choice between two estimators for the covariance of a stochastic process; neither is an ensemble integral, both are spatial integrals, and both are Kolmogorov inconsistent. The “deterministic” estimator is identical with that of classical bivariate least-squares regression in which “spatial structure” is of no consequence. This study shows that both stochastic models are suboptimal approximations to the unique nonstationary classical statistical multivariate regression model generated by each sample pattern. The stochastic process model and its “spatial continuity measures,” thus, appear as questionable mathematical embellishments on suboptimal estimates, correspondence with geomorphic reality is tenuous, and estimates are biased and distorted. Various related misconceptions in the paper are also discussed.  相似文献   

Baeomorphinae Yoshimoto, 1975, based on Baeomorpha Brues, 1937, is transferred from Tetracampidae Förster, 1856 and recognized as a junior synonym of Rotoitidae Bouček and Noyes, 1987 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) syn. nov. following ICZN (1999) article 35.5. Inclusions in Taimyr amber (84–100 Ma) assigned to Baeomorpha are reviewed and the following eleven new species, all of Gumovsky, are described: B. avamica sp. nov., B. baikurenis sp. nov., B. bianellus sp. nov., B. caeleps sp. nov., B. gracilis sp. nov., B. ingens sp. nov., B. quattorduo sp. nov., B. quattoruno sp. nov., B. popovi sp. nov., B. yantardakh sp. nov., and B. zherikhini sp. nov. The recognized species are differentiated in separate keys to females and males and illustrated through microphotography. Two of four previously described Baeomorpha species from Campanian Canadian amber are synonymized: B. distincta Yoshimoto and B. elongata Yoshimoto under B. ovatata Yoshimoto (syn. nov.). One enigmatic rotoitid inclusion, which differs from Baeomorpha species in the possession of very short stigmal vein, is described as Taimyromorpha pusilla Gumovsky gen. et sp. nov. Inclusions containing specimens identified as Baeomorpha and Taimyromorpha are found in amber from Taimyr and Canada that originated from Laurasia, not Gondwana. Two Realms are newly proposed to recognize different Cretaceous faunal elements, a more northern Baeomorpha Realm that is characterized by a temperate or warm temperate climate and very abundant aphid fossils, and the Isoptera Realm, an opposing southward territory with a warmer climate and common termite but rare aphid fossils. The newly described fossils indicate the southern hemisphere distribution of extant Rotoitidae is relictual with the pattern observed being formed at least in part by extinction events, though distributions of the only two extant rotoitid genera, Rotoita Bouček and Noyes, 1987 (New Zealand) and Chiloe Gibson and Huber, 2000 (small area in the southern Chile) may have been more extensive in the past. Both of known regions of extant Rotoitidae have highly suppressed ant faunas, which may suggest that their survival there depended on low biocenotic pressure by ants, perhaps as low as is hypothesized for the Late Cretaceous. The Canadian amber genera Distylopus Yoshimoto, 1975 (Distylopinae) and Bouceklytus Yoshimoto, 1975 (Bouceklytinae) are excluded from Tetracampidae and regarded as Chalcidoidea incertae sedis.  相似文献   

Results of study of eclogite–gneiss complex of the Muya Block (East Siberia) are presented. Several structural types of the studied eclogites have been recognized. Kyanitic eclogite has been found for the first time. The host granite-gneisses are two-mica and biotite varieties, mainly garnet-bearing. The exposure of eclogites from different depths of the subducted plate at the present-day denudation level might be the reason for the wide range of the equilibrium temperatures of the Muya block eclogites (590–740 °C). The Sm–Nd dating of the eclogites and host gneisses showed the Neoproterozoic age of high-pressure metamorphism (~630 Ma). The model age (TDM) of the eclogites (720 Ma) differs considerably from the model age of the host gneisses (>1.3 Ga). The geochemical features of the eclogites point to the mobility of LILE (Rb, Cs, Ba, K) and LREE during their interaction with fluids, whereas the gneisses in the same process showed the mobility of LILE only. The oxygen isotope composition of minerals in the eclogites varies over a narrow range (δ18O = 5.5–3.9) and is close to the average mantle value, which evidences a negligible interaction between the eclogite protoliths and meteoric or sea water. The study of fluid inclusions in quartz from the eclogites and host gneisses showed a predominance of liquid-nitrogen inclusions in the former and carbon dioxide inclusions in the latter.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Indigenous peoples in Taiwan have shown a strong desire for the ??return of the Native??; this includes the Truku people in eastern Taiwan. Seizing a favorable climate of political opportunity structure in 2004, the Truku people first succeeded in obtaining the Taiwanese government??s recognition as an independent Indigenous nation??formerly considered a subgroup of the Atayal Nation. Then, riding on accumulated political resources, a few Truku elites started to engage in a government-initiated tribal mapping project. However, while tribal mapping originated in some North American Indigenous communities with a bottom-up process and spirit, the Taiwanese government sent both money (through the municipal government) and an academic expert team into the community to initiate and to assist (the elite group) with the tribal mapping project. These top-down government initiatives resulted in at least two major ill effects. First of all, two other subgroups of the Atayal Nation living in the same region were systematically excluded from the tribal mapping project, to the extent that their own traditional territories became part of the traditional territory of the newly formed Truku Nation. Secondly, possibly expecting a high political payoff on the part of elites, elite competition arose during the process of tribal mapping, with the interests of other community members largely ignored. As such, instead of establishing a decolonizing force, the ??return of the Truku?? appears to have achieved ??colonialism from within.?? This paper analyzes this process and considers ways to develop a more democratic strategy for the ??return of the Truku.??  相似文献   

<正>In order to study the accumulation mechanism of"barkinite",eight Late Permian channel benches(approximately 15-cm across and 10-cm deep) were taken from the Jinshan Mine,Anhui Province,China.The samples were analyzed by microscopical and geochemical methods.The microscopical observations indicate that the occurrence modes of"barkinite"in this area are different from those in other areas of China.The ratios of structureless"barkinite"are much higher in the Jinshan Mine,probably due to the flow-water and marine influenced environments.Furthermore, vitrinite macerals also show a strong fluorescence.The vitrinite fluorescence characteristics have not been observed in the Permian"barkinite"coals from northern China.The composition and variation of minerals in the column section also showed that the swamps in the study area were seriously influenced by seawater in the early and late stage during the peat accumulation.  相似文献   

Quaternary incised valley systems are usually characterized by the preservation of a single valley-fill attributed to the last post-glacial period. Moreover, there are very few cases of correlation between incised valley system developed on inner shelf and sedimentary units observed on the mid to outer shelf, mainly forced regressive wedges. The Roussillon shelf, in the western part of the Gulf of Lion, is a particular example of preserved Quaternary compound incised valley system also characterized by a direct correlation with the forced regressive lowstand wedges on the mid-outer shelf. High-resolution seismic data and a borehole, 60 m deep, located on the beach barrier permit an accurate study of the geometry and lithology of the system. Six imbricated and more or less preserved incised valleys and valley-fills are observed up to the inner to mid-shelf. The key surfaces associated to the incised valleys are correlated to the boundaries of the forced regressive wedges. They are assumed to be reworked surfaces. At the borehole location, only few thin layers, less than 1 m thick, of coarse grain and/or floating pebbles, are observed and should correspond to preserved fluvial lowstand deposits reworked under marine influence. The valley fills are mainly composed of estuarine muddy silts. From AMS 14C age dating it is inferred that the uppermost incised valley system is younger than 45 ky cal BP. Based on those observations, the six preserved incised valley systems are assumed to be controlled by the last six 4th order sea-level cycles — 100 ky — of the middle to late Quaternary. The paleo-topography of the underlying Plio-Quaternary deposits controls the compound incised valley system location. The deep topography of the Messinian Erosionnal Surface is a controlling factor at a lower degree. The partial preservation of the successive valley fill is attributed not only to the differential subsidence but also to the lateral migration of each incision and to the hydrodynamic regime.  相似文献   

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