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This study focuses on the nature of giant micas occurring at the contact between the ?zvatan (foid-bearing) syenites and the metamorphic basement in Central Anatolia. The studied micas are dark greenish-black in color and crystallized within vein shape like bodies as a narrow lens. The origin and processes responsible for the formation of these independent crystals of the giant micas were investigated by mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical analyses with the use of Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Polarized Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (PED-XRF) and Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA). According to XRD, CRS, FTIR and EPMA data, the giant micas are phlogopite. EPMA results reveal that studied mica minerals represent the products of re-equilibrated primary mica characterized by high MgO and FeO and low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents. The trace element concentrations of the giant micas display similar patterns with the upper crust. The giant micas are crystallized within small cubicles from an alkaline magma and their composition is possibly modified by a mixing event between the crust- and mantle-derived magmas and contaminated at varying extent by the basement metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Two main volcanic events are distinguished between Saraykent and Akçakışla in the Yozgat province of central Anatolia: (1) early Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene effusive activity, that produced a sequence of intermediate to felsic ‘basal lavas’; and (2) marginally later Palaeocene explosive activity that formed a series of covering ignimbrite flows. Due to their close temporal and spatial relation, geochemical comparisons were made between the silicic members of the lavas and ignimbrites, to identify chemical groups and their relative petrogenesis. The basal lavas range from calc‐alkaline basaltic andesites to dominant rhyolites. Based on trace element correlations three main geochemical groups were identified: the Akçakışla rhyolites (present as domes); Akçakışla rhyodacites‐dacites (lava flows); and Ozan‐Saraykent rhyolites (lava flows). Large‐ion lithophile elements have been mobile in all the groups, but mainly in the Akçakışla rhyolites. Rare earth element (REE) patterns show marked similarity between the Ozan and Saraykent basal lavas. The Akçakışla dome rhyolites are more fractionated with lower LaN/YbN ratios (c.10), whereas the Akçakışla basal lavas have much higher LaN/YbN ratios (c.30). The chemical coherence and petrographic similarities between the Saraykent and Ozan lavas suggest a single suite related via fractionation. Three geochemical groups were also established for the ignimbrites: Saraykent ignimbrite; Bağlıca ignimbrite‐Toklu‐Kızıldağ crystal tuffs; and Keklikpınar ignimbrite. The ignimbrites, like the basal lavas, display a pronounced depletion in Ba on ORG‐normalized plots. Relative to the basal lavas, chondrite‐normalized patterns for the ignimbrites are different in displaying negative Eu anomalies that indicate feldspar fractionation. The lack of geochemical overlap or coherence between any of the lava and ignimbrite groups suggests that they represent distinct eruptive events and are not related in any simple volcanic development and cogenetic sense. Two geochemical features are common to all the volcanic rock groups: (1) the presence of a Nb‐Ta anomaly, which is generally accepted as a crustal signature; and (2) the relatively low Y abundances which appear characteristic for the region as a whole. These fundamental features of the local silicic volcanism largely reflect source composition and effects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Idis Dagi Igneous Complex is one of a number of late-stage plutonic bodies within the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. It intrudes Paleozoic-Mesozoic metamorphic basement rocks and Late Cretaceous granitoids. The complex comprises mainly quartz syenites and alkali-feldspar quartz syenites known as the Idis Dagi Syenitoids.

Trachydacitic, trachyandesitic, and dacitic rocks (Karahidir Volcanics) have been recently found as dikes cutting the Idis Dagi Syenitoids or as huge blocks within an olistostromal unit of latest Cretaceous(?)-Early Paleocene age that immediately overlies the Idis Dagi Igneous Complex. Petrographic and geochemical data indicate that the Idis Dagi Syenitoids and the Karahidir Volcanics display similar humped patterns on chondrite- and MORB-normalized spider diagrams, with peaks at Rb, Th, and Ce, and also negative Nb anomalies. These features are similar to patterns considered typical of postcollisional, A-type igneous rocks. A postcollisional setting is also suggested by the distribution of data on tectonic discrimination diagrams involving Nb, Y, and Rb. As a whole, the geochemical data suggest that the Idis Dagi Syenitoids and Karahidir Volcanics are cogenetic. Thus, the Karahidir Volcanics represent the shallow intrusive and volcanic equivalents of the deeper-level Idis Dagi Syenitoids.

The syenitoid rocks are considered the final phase of the magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex and are classified as post-orogenic alkaline rocks. Their chemical features suggest a largely mantle-derived magma contribution, together with a noticeable crustal component in their genesis. They were formed during postcollisional uplift that followed crustal thickening related to the southward emplacement of ophiolitic nappes during closure of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Oceanic strand of Neotethys. The Karahidir Volcanics were exposed during regional extension that resulted in the formation of latest Cretaceous(?)-Early Paleocene extensional basins, and were emplaced as huge blocks into the continental clastic rocks by gravity sliding. This extension phase is characteristic of the development of all the other latest Cretaceous-Early Tertiary intracratonic basins in central Anatolia.  相似文献   

安徽铜陵地区燕山期花岗岩类岩石中的岩浆混合结构   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文采用“结构组合”的概念探讨了铜陵地区花岗岩类岩石中的典型混合结构类型,提出了岩浆混合作用是铜陵地区花岗岩类岩石形成的主要作用,混合作用属于化学混合,且至少发生了两次岩浆混合作用。  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of collision-related plutonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Central Anatolia exhibits good examples of calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism of similar age in a collision-related tectonic setting (continent–island arc collision). In the Central Anatolia region, late Cretaceous post-collisional plutonic rocks intrude Palaeozoic–Mesozoic metamorphic rocks overthrust by Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic units to make up the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex.

In the complex, three different intrusive rock types may be recognised based on their geochemical characteristics: (i) calc-alkaline (Behrekdag, Cefalikdag, and Celebi); (ii) subalkaline-transitional (Baranadag); and (ii) alkaline (Hamit). The calc-alkaline and subalkaline plutonic rocks are metaluminous I-type plutons ranging from monzodiorite to granite. The alkaline plutonic rocks are metaluminous to peralkaline plutons, predominantly A-type, ranging from nepheline monzosyenite to quartz syenite.

All intrusive rocks show enrichment in LILE and LREE relative to HFSE, and have high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios. These characteristics indicate an enriched mantle source region(s) carrying a subduction component inherited from pre-collision subduction events. The tectonic discrimination diagram of Rb vs. (Y+Nb) suggests that the calc-alkaline, subalkaline, and alkaline plutonic rocks have been affected by crustal assimilation combined with fractional crystallisation processes.

The coexistence of calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex may be attributed to mantle source heterogeneity before collision. The former carries a smaller intraplate component and pre-subduction enrichment compared to the latter. Either thermal perturbation of the metasomatised lithosphere by delamination of the thermal boundary layer (TBL), or removal of a subducted plate (slab breakoff) is the likely mechanism for the initiation of the post-collisional magmatism in the Complex.  相似文献   

Magmatism in central Anatolia is characterized by petrographically and chemically distinct granitic and syenitic rocks. The granitic magmatism comprises C-type (crustal-derived) and H-type (hybrid) monzogranites and monzonites. Garnet-bearing C-type leucogranites represent the oldest magmatic phase, but younger hornblende ± biotite ± K-feldspar H-type plutons dominate the geology of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC). These typically include mafic microgranular enclaves. The granitic magmatism predates syenitic intrusions, among which quartz-bearing syenites were emplaced prior to feldspathoid-bearing ones.

The nature of magmatism in central Anatolia varies through time from peraluminous to metaluminous to alkaline. These different magma types reflect distinct stages of postcollisional magmatism, in which interaction between crust and mantle varied considerably. The C-type granites of the early stages of postcollisional magmatism were likely derived by partial melting of the lower continental crust induced by mafic magma underplating as a result of lithospheric delamination. The H-type granites and syenites of the mature and advanced stages of postcollisional magmatism indicate a significant contribution from mande-derived magma within a continuous or episodic extensional tectonic regime.  相似文献   

The Malanjkhand granitoids (MG) pluton (about 1500 sq km) occurs in the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. The MG (~2400 Ma) represent an episode of Palaeoproterozoic felsic magmatism in Central India and hosts potential Cu (±Mo±Au) deposits. The enclaves hosted in MG can be broadly classified into two categories: microgranular enclaves (dark-coloured, fine-grained magmatic) and xenoliths of country rocks. The microgranular enclaves (ME) may be rounded, ellipsoidal, discoid, elongated, lenticular or tabular, and their size commonly reaches up to 2 metres across. The ME have sharp and in places, diffuse contacts with their host granitoids. The shape and size of ME indicate contemporaneous flow and mingling of partly crystalline felsic-mafic magmas. Some ME exhibit dark crenulated margins giving them a pillow-like form that has been attributed to undercooling of a ME magma as globules intruded into a granitoid magma. The presence of corroded felsic and mafic minerals (xenocrysts) in ME is interpreted as the result of mechanical transfer during the mafic-felsic magma interaction and mixing event. Mafic minerals (biotite) rim the quartz xenocrysts giving rise to ocellar texture, which exhibit signatures of resorption under hybrid (enclave) magma conditions. All these features suggest an origin for the calc-alkaline intermediate granitoid magma in Malanjkhand involving a magma mixing process.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1803-1821

In the Central Anatolia, the style of neotectonic regime governing the region has been a controversial issue. A tectonic study was carried out in order to contribute to this issue and better understand the neotectonic stress distribution and style of deformation in the west-southwest of the Konya region. From Middle Miocene to Recent time, Konya region was part of the Central Anatolia extensional province. The present-day topography in the west-southwestern part of Konya is characterized by alternating elongate grabens and horsts trending E-W and NW-SE. The grabens were developed upon low-grade metamorphic rocks of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ages and ophiolite slabs of possibly Late Cretaceous age. The evolutionary history of grabens is episodic as evidenced by two graben infills; older and younger graben infills separated by an angular unconformity. The older infill consists of fluviolacustrine sequence intercalated with calc-alkaline lavas and pyroclastic rocks. This infill is folded; thrust faulted and Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene in age. The younger and undeformed basin fill comprises mainly of Plio-Quaternary conglomerates, sandstone-mudstone alternations of alluvial fan and recent basin floor deposits. Three major tectonic phases were differentiated based on the detailed mapping, morphological features and kinematic analysis. Approximately N-S trending extension began in the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene in the region with the formation of E-W and NW-SE-trending grabens. Following NE-SW-directed compression which deformed the older basin fill deposits by folding and thrusting, a second period of ENE-WSW-trending extension began in the late Pliocene and continued to the present. The west-southwestern margin of the Konya depression is bounded by the Konya Fault Zone. It is an oblique-slip normal fault with a minor dextral strike-slip component and exhibits well-preserved fault slickensides and slickenlines. Recent seismicity and fault-related morphological features reveal that the Konya Fault Zone is an active neotectonic structure.  相似文献   

The Yozgat Batholith lies along the northern edge of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The batholith intruded the Paleozoic-Mesozoic metamorphics and Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange, and was nonconformably overlain by latest Maastrichtian-Paleocene and/or Eocene clastics, carbonates, and volcanics. The batholith itself may be subdivided into several mappable subunits bounded by Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange, Eocene cover, and/or faults.

Major- and trace-element as well as REE analyses of the subunits indicate that the granitoids of the Yozgat Batholith are principally metaluminous monzogranites, of subalkaline-calc-alkaline character, except for the peraluminous leucogranitoids of the Yozgat subunit. The granitoids were derived by thickening of the continental crust and related partial melting; the thickening was caused by emplacement of ophiolitic nappes during collisional events.  相似文献   

The Krafla volcanic system consists of a central volcano andassociated fissure swarm in the NE axial rift zone of Iceland.Lavas spanning the whole of Krafla's exposed volcanic history(estimated to be 0-> 300 ka) have been analysed and rangein composition from olivine tholeiite to rhyolite. Major-elementcompositions suggest that fractional crystallization exertsthe main control over the differentiation process. However,K2O and the very incompatible trace elements, Rb, Th, and U,are all enriched beyond the extent expected by closed-systemfractional crystallization. Fractionation coupled with periodicreplenishment and tapping of the reservoir is unlikely to beresponsible for this enrichment, despite the geophysical evidencesuggesting a large number of inflations and deflations of ashallow magma reservoir (Tryggvason, 1986). Th- and O-isotope results confirm the work of previous authorsthat crustal assimilation is operating on a local scale beneathKrafla. A model is suggested, fitting both the Th- and O-isotopicdata, which involves the partial melting and incorporation ofa hydrothermally altered wall-rock contaminant during fractionalcrystallization (i. e., AFC processes). This process of partialmelting is likely to enhance the most highly incompatible elementconcentrations (e. g., increasing Rb/Zr) more than expectedby closed-system fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Models of continental crustal magmagenesis commonly invoke theinteraction of mafic mantle-derived magma and continental crustto explain geochemical and petrologic characteristics of crustalvolcanic and plutonic rocks. This interaction and the specificmechanisms of crustal contamination associated with it are poorlyunderstood. An excellent opportunity to study the progressiveeffects of crustal contamination is offered by the compositeplutons of the Alaska Range, a series of nine early Tertiary,multiply intruded, compositionally zoned (Peridotite to granite)plutons. Large initial Sr and Nd isotopic contrasts betweenthe crustal country rock and likely parental magmas allow evaluationof the mechanisms and extents of crustal contamination thataccompanied the crystallization of these ultra-mafic throughgranitic rocks. Three contamination processes are distinguishedin these plutons. The most obvious of these is assimilationof crustal country rock concurrent with magmatic fractionalcrystallization (AFC), as indicated by a general trend towardcrustal-like isotopic signatures with increasing differentiation.Second, many ultramafic and mafic rocks have late-stage phenocrystreaction and orthocumulate textures that suggest interactionwith felsic melt. These rocks also have variable and enrichedisotopic compositions that suggest that this felsic melt wasisotopically enriched and probably derived from crustal countryrock. Partial melt from the flysch country rock may have reactedwith and contaminated these partly crystalline magmas followingthe precipitation and accumulation of the cumulus phenocrystsbut before complete solidification of the magma. This suggeststhat in magmatic mush (especially of ultramafic composition)crystallizing in continental crust, a second distinct processof crustal contamination may be super imposed on AFC or magmamixing involving the main magma body. Finally, nearly all rocks,including mafic and ultramafic rocks, have (87Sr/86Sr)i thatare too high, and (T) Nd that are too low, to represent theexpected isotopic composition of typical depleted mantle. However,gabbro xenoliths with typical depicted-mantle isotopic compositionsare found in the plutons. This situation requires either anadditional enriched mantle component to provide the parentalmagma for these plutons, or some mechanism of crustal contaminationof the parent magma that did not cause significant crystallizationand differentiation of the magma to more felsic compositions.Thermodynamic modeling indicates that assimilation of alkali-andwater-rich partial melt of the metapelite country rock by fractionating,near-liquidus basaltic magma could cause significant contaminationwhile suppressing significant crystallization and differentiation. KEY WORDS: crustal contamination; Alaska Range; isotope geochemistry; zoned plutons; assimilation *Corresponding author. e-mail: preiners{at}u.washington.edu; fax: (206) 543-3836.  相似文献   

The Sivas Basin is one of several Central Anatolian basins. It developed mainly after the closure of the northern branch of Neotethys. Its location between the Kirsehir Massif and the Taurides implies that it should not be confused with the Inner Tauride ocean located south of the Eastern Taurides. The basement of the Sivas Basin consists of ophiolitic nappes and melanges that were thrust toward the margins of the continental blocks present in this area—the Pontide belt to the north and the Anatolide-Tauride platform to the south. The basin was initiated by tectonic subsidence at the end of the Cretaceous, and it can be compared to a foreland basin during Paleocene and early to middle Eocene time. It was emergent during late Eocene and Oligocene time, although it continued to subside. A transgression in some parts of the basin occurred during the Oligocene and early Miocene (maximum flooding). During the Pliocene, it was affected by regional compression directed toward the NNW, which resulted from convergence of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This basin may have developed as an intracontinental basin within the Tauride platform and probably never had an oceanic basement. As a result of this work, the general paleogeographic organization of Central Anatolia and Northern Tethys during the Mesozoic should to be revised.  相似文献   

Elemental, isotopic, and mineral compositions as well as rocktextures were examined in samples from Popocatépetl volcanoand immediately surrounding monogenetic scoria cones of theSierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, central Mexico. Magma generationis strongly linked to the active subduction regime to the south.Rocks range in composition from basalt to dacite, but Popocatépetlsamples are generally more evolved and have mineral compositionsand textures consistent with more complicated, multi-stage evolutionaryprocesses. High-Mg calc-alkaline and more alkaline primitivemagmas are present in the monogenetic cones. Systematic variationsin major and trace element compositions within the monogeneticsuite can mostly be explained by polybaric fractional crystallizationprocesses in small and short-lived magmatic systems. In contrast,Popocatépetl stratovolcano has produced homogeneous magmacompositions from a shallow, long-lived magma chamber that isperiodically replenished by primitive basaltic magmas. The currenteruption (1994–present) has produced silicic dome lavasand pumice clasts that display mingling of an evolved daciticcomponent with an olivine-bearing mafic component. The longevityof the magma chamber hosted in Cretaceous limestones has fosteredinteraction with these rocks as evidenced by the chemical andisotopic compositions of the different eruptive products, contact-metamorphosedxenoliths, and fumarolic gases. Popocatépetl volcanicproducts display a considerable range of 87Sr/86Sr (0·70397–0·70463)and Nd (+6·2 to +3·0) whereas Pb isotope ratiosare relatively homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb 18·61–18·70;207Pb/204Pb 15·56–15·60). KEY WORDS: Popocatépetl; Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field; arc petrogenesis; radiogenic isotopes  相似文献   

The Cihanbeyli basin is located in the northern part of Konya in the Central Anatolian region, Turkey and is characterized by semi-arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The suitability of groundwater quality for drinking and agricultural purposes in the Cihanbeyli basin was assessed by measuring physicochemical parameters, including major cation and anion compositions, pH, total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, and total hardness. For this purpose, 54 samples were collected from different sources viz. deep wells, shallow wells, and springs. Results from hydrochemical analyses reveal that groundwater is mostly affected by salty and gypsiferous lithologies. Evaporite minerals such as gypsum, anhydrite, and chloride salts make high contributions from the recharge areas (west, northwest, and southwest parts) toward the discharge area (central and eastern parts). High values of total dissolved solids in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. A comparison of groundwater quality in relation to drinking water standards showed that most of the water samples are not suitable for drinking. Based on sodium absorption ratio values and percent sodium, salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples unsuitable for irrigation usage. It is concluded that evaporation and mineral dissolution are the main processes that determine major ion compositions.  相似文献   

赵子福  代富强  陈启 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4119-4127
俯冲到地幔深度的地壳物质不可避免地在板片-地幔界面与地幔楔发生相互作用,由此形成的超镁铁质交代岩就是造山带镁铁质火成岩的地幔源区.因此,造山带镁铁质火成岩为研究俯冲地壳物质再循环和壳-幔相互作用提供了重要研究对象.为了揭示俯冲陆壳物质再循环的机制和过程,对大别造山带碰撞后安山质火山岩开展了元素和同位素地球化学研究.这些安山质火山岩的SIMS锆石U-Pb年龄为124±3~130±2 Ma,表明其形成于早白垩世.此外,残留锆石的U-Pb年龄为中新元古代和三叠纪,分别对应于大别-苏鲁造山带超高压变火成岩的原岩年龄和变质年龄.它们具有岛弧型微量元素特征、富集的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成,以及变化的且大多不同于正常地幔的锆石δ18O值.这些元素和同位素特征指示,这些安山质火山岩是交代富集的造山带岩石圈地幔部分熔融的产物.在三叠纪华南陆块俯冲于华北陆块之下的过程中,俯冲华南陆壳来源的长英质熔体交代了上覆华北岩石圈地幔楔橄榄岩,大陆俯冲隧道内的熔体-橄榄岩反应产生了富沃、富集的镁铁质地幔交代岩.这种地幔交代岩在早白垩世发生部分熔融,就形成了所观察到的安山质火山岩.因此,碰撞造山带镁铁质岩浆岩的地幔源区是通过大陆俯冲隧道内板片-地幔相互作用形成的,而加入地幔楔中长英质熔体的比例决定了这些镁铁质岩浆岩的岩石化学和地球化学成分.   相似文献   

The Wingellina Hills intrusion is a small composite gabbroic/ultramaficintrusion and forms a tectonically dismembered segment of theUpper Proterozoic Giles complex in central Australia. Its 1600m of exposed magmatic stratigraphy formed in a continuouslyfractionating, periodically replenished magma chamber. Olivinegabbro and gabbronorite units alternate with lenticular strataboundintercalations of ultramafic (peridotite and pyroxenite) cumulates.A well-developed hybrid footwall zone of intermingled gabbroand pyroxenite underlies each ultramafic unit and demonstratesthe intrusive relationships of ultramafics into gabbroic cumulatemembers. The limited range of mg-number [100 ? Mg/(Mg+Fe)] of ferromagnesiansilicates indicates that the magmatic sequence covers a rathersmall spectrum in chemical fractionation and that the WingellinaHills intrusion represents the basal portion of a formerly largerlayered complex. The mg-number of olivine ranges from 89 to77, below which olivine is replaced by cumulus orthopyroxene.Clinopyroxene covers a wider mg-number range from 91 to 77 andis systematically enriched in MgO relative to coexisting orthopyroxeneand olivine. Anorthite content in plagioclase generally correlatespositively with mg-number changes of coexisting ferromagnesiansilicates. Interstitial plagioclase in clinopyroxenites containsexsolution lamellae of pure orthoclase. These antiperthitesare among the most calcic recorded, with plagioclase hosts betweenAn60 and An80. Bulk antiperthite compositions range around An65–Ab15–Or20and straddle a high-temperature (Or20) solvus in the plagioclasetriangle. The extent of former solid solution between calcicplagioclase and orthoclase indicates crystallization and coolingof the cumulates under moderate pressure and anhydrous conditions. Cryptic mg-number variations show that the intrusion experiencedweak iron enrichment with stratigraphic height. Normal fractionationis confined to the gabbroic members of the sequence, whereasultramafic intercalations are associated with sharp chemicalreversals toward more refractory mineral compositions. Reversalsof mg-number are considerably displaced into the underlyinggabbroic units by up to 50 m relative to the basis of ultramaficintercalations, which indicates extensive postcumulus infiltrationmetasomatism following the emplacement of fresh magma. The trivalentoxides in clinopyroxene have retained their pristine stratigraphicvariation patterns through later metasomatic events and stillcoincide with the cumulus layering. Macroscopic and cryptic layering in the Wingellina Hills intrusionare consistent with a continuously fractionating magma chamberwhose differentiation path was repeatedly reset by periodicinfluxes of primitive parent melt. Ultramafic and gabbroic cumulatemembers can be derived from a single olivine-saturated parentmelt by sequential separation of olivine, olivine-clinopyroxene,and finally olivine/orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-plagioclase.A series of orthopyroxene-rich cumulates in the mixing zonesof the two melts crystallized from hybrids of the most primitiveand most evolved end-member compositions. Liquidus temperatures calculated for the resident and replenishingmelt components yield 1250 and 1350?C, respectively. As a resultof this temperature difference, fresh influxes of hot parentliquid crystallized rapidly under strongly undercooled conditionsas they ponded on, and quenched against,the chamber floor. Rapidcooling caused a temporary acceleration of the crystallizationfront and formation of impure cumulates with high trapped meltproportions, which resulted in a close coincidence of orthocumulateunits with stratigraphic levels of primitive melt addition.Grain sizes in orthocumulates vary with the cooling rate andpass through a maximum as the degree of undercooling increases.High cooling rates also influenced the composition of some cumulusphases. Clinopyroxenes from ultramafics in the mixing zonesare enriched in iron and aluminium (despite a more primitiveparent melt) and fall outside the fractionation path, especiallyif the batch of new hot magma was small compared with the poolof cooler resident liquid. Aluminous cumulus spinel is partof a metastable crystallization sequence and only crystallizedin the most magnesian ultramafics after episodes of intraplutonicquenching.  相似文献   

The Neogene Beypazari basin is one of the important coal districts of Central Anatolia with approximately 600 million short tons lignite reserves. The coal-bearing Neogene sediments occurring in the Beypazari basin are divided into seven formations, in ascending order; Çoraklar, Hirka, Akpinar, Çayirhan, Bozbelen and Kirmir Formations with Sariyar Limestone and Teke volcanics.The Çoraklar Formation consists of cross-bedded sandstones, channel-fill conglomerates, mudstones, carbonaceous shales and volcanoclastic pebblestones, which are fluvial in origin. The lower lignite seam occurs in the lower part of the Çoraklar Formation.The upper lignite seam occurs in the uppermost part of the Çoraklar Formation and is overlain by the Hirka Formation with a sharp contact. The Hirka Formation consists mainly of alternating shale, mudstone, bituminous shale, claystone, tuffite and silicified limestone, and they all are apparently of lacustrine origin.The lignite deposite occur in the Çayirhan and Koyunaǧili parts of the Beypazari Neogene basin. The Çayirhan coal field consists of lower and upper lignite seams, but the Koyunaǧili field contains only an upper lignite seam.The lower lignite seam, which does not crop out at the surface, indicates a fluvial origin of the lignite deposits, based on the lateral discontinuity and the lower sulphur content of the lower lignite seam, and the sedimentologic and stratigraphic features of the associated sediments. But the uniform stratigraphic and sedimentologic features, high sulphur content and wide-spread distribution of the upper lignite seam indicate that the upper lignites were deposited probably in a mud-flat facies of playa-lake environment. The lower and upper lignites are completely different in relation to the depositional environment, the geometry and degree of rank in lateral directions.The lateral spreading and geometry of the lower lignite deposits were controlled by channel, floodplain and well-drained marshes of a fluvial system. On the basis of recent drillings and field investigations, the lower lignite deposit has been demonstrated to be a linear spreading parallel to the axis of the channel fills and throughcross beds in clastic sediments of fluvial facies. Therefore, the lower lignite deposits trend along a northeastern direction and is not expected to be as widely spread as the upper lignites.  相似文献   

A conceptual model with water samples from ten geothermal fields (?smil, Ilg?n (Çavu?cugöl), Tuzlukçu-Ak?ehir, Seydi?ehir and Kavakköy, Hüyük, Ere?li-Akhüyük, Kad?nhan?, Cihanbeyli, Karap?nar and Bey?ehir) in the province of Konya defined the geothermal system. Carbonates, quartzite and marbles of Paleozoic metamorphics are the reservoir rocks and the heating sources are igneous rock intrusions and geothermal gradient. The variable thermal water (CaMgHCO3, CaSO4, NaSO4, CaHCO3, CaNaHCO3, NaCl and CaNaClHCO3) had EC and temperature between 177.8 and 56,100 μS/cm and between 18.3 and 44 °C, respectively. Ca2+ in geothermal fluids are associated with marble and carbonate rocks and the high chloride shows direct connection with deep geothermal system, and prolonged contact with evaporite rocks. Sulphate originates from dissolution of and oxidation of sulphate and sulphur-bearing minerals. The high As, B, F and Mn concentration in some thermal water samples were determined as 85 μg/l, 148.56 mg/l, 3.01 mg/l and 208.13 mg/l, respectively. Reservoir temperatures computed by Na/K geothermometers were between 85.37–158.89 °C for Ak?ehir thermal waters and 58.78–90.45 °C for Ere?li thermal waters. The maximum reservoir temperature of other geothermal waters was 75 °C by the silica geothermometers.  相似文献   

A screening of natural radioactivity content has been carried out in thermal water samples collected from surrounding of Central Anatolia, Turkey. The concentration levels of gross alpha and beta of 19 different samples has been determined using the low background gas-flow proportional counter. The measured gross alpha and beta activities in waters range from 0.11 to 16 Bq/L and 0.10 to 16.9 Bq/L, respectively. The measured values of gross alpha and beta concentrations are compared to previous studies in the literature and recommend WHO guideline activity concentration. The data resulting from the measurement have been statistically analyzed.  相似文献   

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