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为检验中国东北地区地震活动可能存在的周期性特征和深、浅源地震在周期性活动上的相关性,利用Rydelek-Sacks检验方法和不同的地震目录,考虑了地震震级的选取对周期性特征识别可能存在的影响,并在震级-周期谱中进行了比较研究.对该地区1970-2009年ML≥4.5浅源地震、1920-2009年Ms≥5.0浅源地震和1...  相似文献   

Though the forecast and prediction of earthquakes is a commonly accepted difficult problem in science, the step towards the exploration and knowledge of the generation and occurrence of earthquakes has never stopped. It has strong scientific exploration nature and great social efficacy in disaster reduction. For this reason, it has always been the object and motivation pursued assiduously by earthquake researchers. It is beyond doubt that the study of seismicity is still one of the important information sources that have historical records of the longest time and most abundant earthquake cases that can be testified. For many years, with the progress of study in this aspect and the unceasing increase of study methods, there have been not less than tens of methods that can be used to describe theseismicity characteristics from different angles. It is of great importance to determine from the numerous methods those ones that are relatively independent and to understand how many dimensions are there to restrict the complexsystem of earthquake generation and occurrence. Taking these as a referential basis, we would be able to identify the quantities that restrict the study of the seismogenic system, to raise the scientific value and rigorousness of prediction and forecast, and to get rid of the trouble of repeated information superposition.  相似文献   

四川及邻区强震前地震活动性参数的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对四川及邻区最近30多年来发生的18组6级以上强震前多种地震活动性参数的变化特征进行了分析研究。震例总结显示,衡量区域地震活动异常增强或平静的中等地震月频次异常可作为判断中期是否发生强震的指标;在区域中等地震活动出现异常的前提下,区域小震平静异常可作为判断短期是否发生强震的依据。而根据A值和GL值的空间异常分布范围,结合地震构造背景及其它方法,可缩小预报区域。  相似文献   

海城地震窗地震活动异常提取及其预报效能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
薛丁  张建业  赵爱萍 《地震学报》2012,34(4):487-493
一个时间序列可以分解为趋势周期(含季节周期)部分和不规则随机部分.趋势周期部分是序列的潜在部分,它反映了增长、下降和周期影响的长期变动规律,具有确定性或可预测性;不规则随机部分包含残差、突然等因素引起的突变量,具有不可预测性.当趋势周期部分被确定后,它可通过计算得到.本文研究了1975年海城Ms7.3地震孕育、发生的断...  相似文献   

东北地震活动性短期预报方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了1970年以来东北地区发生的MS≥5·0浅源地震孕育过程中地震活动性参数和地震活动图像的变化特征,并对地震活动性参数进行了比较系统地综合预报效能评价,结果显示:东北9次(组)浅震地震前,所研究的5项地震活动性参数中,88·9%出现了持续3个月以上的短期异常变化,且5项参数R值评分结果都满足97·5%的置信水平;88·9%地震前震源区附近出现了孕震空区,有87·5%孕震空区在空区边缘或空区内部出现了ML≥4·0逼近地震,逼近地震以单个或成对的形式出现。66·7%的地震在震源区附近出现了地震条带异常。最后给出东北地区中强震的短期预报方法,这对未来东北地区的地震预报工作将起着一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

陈述了岳阳市及周边地区的主要断裂带及其地震活动,归纳了发震部位。认为利用小震条带预报本区地震具有积极意义,并运用数理统计法预测了本区今后50及100年内的地震活动水平。  相似文献   

研究2001年昆仑山口西地震和2008年汶川地震前的中源地震活动特征,与唐山地震前的特征进行比较,发现:3次大地震前曾发生6或7次h≥60 km的中源地震,且"大震前中源地震活跃的时间跨度T"约5年或5年多。这是大震前中源地震活动最主要的两个特征,包含了孕育大地震的一些重要信息。其他特征还有:中源地震的活动—平静交替、临近大地震前的地震平静、呈条带分布和(或)地震空区等特征,这与大震前壳内地震活动性的一些特征类似。  相似文献   

The most complete and reliable data of strong (M s6.5), shallow (h<70 km) earthquakes which occurred in the inner Aegean seismic zone have been utilized to describe its seismicity time variation during 1800–1986 by two independent statistical models. The first is a sequentially stationary model of seismicity rates which shows that intervals of low seismicity rate, lasting for some 37 years, alternate with high rate intervals of 8–12 years duration. The second model is a statistical model according which seismic energy released within 5-year time windows approximates a harmonic curve within a period of about 50 years. This model is in agreement with the notion that the time series of strong earthquake occurrences in the inner Aegean seismic zone consists of a random (shocks withM s=6.5–6.8) and a nonrandom component (M s6.9). Maxima and minima of the harmonic curve coincide with the high and low rate intervals, respectively. A model of regional stationary accumulation of thermal stresses along certain seismic belts and their cyclic relaxation may explain this periodicity.  相似文献   

A nonlinear magnitude frequency equation has been derived in this paper on the assumption that all seismicity systems hold fractal characteristics, and according to the differences of relevant coefficients in the equation, seismicity systems are classified into two types: type I, the whole earthquake activity is controlled by only one great unified system; type II, the whole earthquake activity is controlled by more than one great system. One type of seismicity system may convert to the other type, generally. For example, a type I system will change to a type II system prior to the occurrence of a strong earthquake in North China. This change can be regarded as an index for earthquake trend estimation. In addition, the difference between b value in nonlinear magnitude frequency equation and that in linear equation and the term dΔM related to the coefficients of nonlinear terms obtained in this paper are proved to be a pair of available parameters for medium short term earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

Using P-wave travel time data from local seismicity, the crustal structure ofthe central and southern part of Colombia was determined. A very stableand narrow range of possible velocity models for the region was obtainedusing travel time inversion. This range of models was tested with earthquakelocations to select the best velocity model. The 1D velocity modelproposed has five layers over a halfspace, with interfaces at depths of 4,25, 32, 40 and 100 km and P-wave velocities of 4.8, 6.6, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1and 8.2 km/sec, respectively. According to this model the Moho lies at32 km depth on average. For P-waves, the station corrections range from–0.62 to 0.44 sec and for S-wave they range from –1.17 to 0.62 sec.These low variations in station residuals indicate small lateral velocitychanges and therefore the velocity model found should be well suited forearthquake locations and future starting model for 3D tomography studies.Using this new velocity model, the local earthquakes were relocated. Theshallow seismicity, < 30 km, clearly shows the borders betweentectonic plates and also the main fault systems in the region. The deepseismicity, > 80 km, shows two subduction zones in the country: theCauca subduction zone with a strike of N120°E, dip of 35°and thickness of 35 km, and the Bucaramanga subduction zone which has,for the northern part, a strike of N103°E, dip of 27° andthickness undetermined and, for the southern part, a strike ofN115°E, dip of 40° and thickness of 20 km. Based ondifferences of thickness of brittle crust in the subducted slab and spatialdistribution of the seismicity, the Cauca and Bucaramanga subduction zonesseem to represent independent processes. The Cauca subduction seems tobe connected to the process of the Nazca plate being subducted under theNorth Andes Block. In the Bucaramanga subduction zone, the transitionbetween southern and northern parts and changes in geometry of the slabseem to be gradual and there is no evidence of a tear in the slab, howeverthe local seismicity does not allow us to determine which plate or plates arebeing subducted. The Bucaramanga nest appears to be included into thesubducted slab.  相似文献   

As large destructive seismic events are not frequent in Algeria, anexhaustive knowledge of the historical seismicity is required to have arealistic view of seismic hazard in this part of the world. This research workpresents a critical reappraisal of seismicity in the north-eastern Algeria forseismotectonic and seismic hazard purposes. This part of work focuses onthe seismicity of pre-1900 period for the area under consideration[33°N-38°N, 4°E-9.5°E]. By going back tothe available documentary sources and evaluating and analysing the eventsin geographical, cultural and historical context, it has been possible toidentify 111 events, from 1850–1899, which are not reported in therecent Algerian catalogue. Several spurious events, reported in standardlistings, have been deleted and nine unknown events have been discovered.It is quite clear that macroseismic information derived from press reportsand published documents in Algeria, under certain conditions, is veryincomplete, even for destructive earthquakes, located in the countrysideaway from communication centres. One of the reasons for this iscensorship, noticeable during the colonisation period. Critical analysis ofnewly collected information has allowed the determination and/or theimprovement of the macroseismic parameters of each event, such aslocation, maximum epicentral intensity and magnitude to produce anearthquake catalogue as homogeneous and complete as the available data,for the zone under study. The criteria used in this research are explainedand eight historical earthquakes have been the subject of retrospectivemacroseismic field construction.The investigation of historical earthquakes is one of the most important taskin studying seismotectonic for seismic hazard evaluation purposes.  相似文献   

The main objective of the research work isthe homogenisation of the two recentAlgerian earthquake catalogues for thecommon covered period of time, from 1900 to1990, for the region under considerationlimited by [33°N–38°N,4°E-9.5°E] and the updatingof the catalogue for the twentieth century(1900–2000). To mitigate the deficiencyof the incompleteness of catalogue, aneffort was made to establish a correlationbetween surface-wave magnitude Ms andbody-wave magnitude mb in the form ofMs = a + b (mb). A complete, exact andhomogeneous earthquake catalogue as much aspossible, comprising 870 seismic events,has been compiled. Seismicity analysis ofthe region shows a strong concentration ofseismicity along a band of no more than400 km width oriented mainly in theeast-west direction parallel to the coast.Moreover, earthquakes in this zone arerather associated to strike-slip mechanism.The focal mechanism show a regional stressregime that corresponds to horizontalcompression in NW-SE to N-S direction. As aresult of the review of the seismicity ofnorth-eastern Algeria from the compilationof checked and corrected data and itscorrelation with other geologic andgeophysical investigations based ondocumentary sources, it was possible toconstruct a most complete seismotectonicmap. It leads also to delineate fourseismogenic zones in the Tellian Atlas, aless important zone in the Saharan Atlas, asixth zone at the boundary of both Atlasand finally, a seventh one along thecoastal zone. The seismicity-active faultscorrelation of some of these defined zonesis examined in details with a specialattention to the Saharan Atlas zone, theHodna and Biban zone as well as Soummam andBabor zone where further research workallowed to find some neotectonic featuresconsidered as a significant sign of recenttectonic activity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the seismicity distribution in the CentralApennines (Italy) using the recordings of the Rete SismometricaMarchigiana (RSM). In particular, the selected events are relocated usinga 1-D model calculated by means of an inversion procedure. The robustnessof the 1-D model and the location accuracy are tested. The capability ofthe RSM to well constrain crustal and subcrustal events in the studied areais discussed. We find that in the inner side of the chain the seismicity liesin the upper crustal layers, following the structural trend of the Apenninicbelt. A W-deepening of the events is observed in the Apenninic foredeep,where the seismicity is mainly confined in the lower crust. This evidenceimplies the deepening of the brittle to ductile transition. Some well-locatedsubcrustal events are found. Their locations seem to confirm the W-dippingsubduction of the Adriatic lithosphere beneath the Apennines.  相似文献   

从历史及现代两个时期对三省(鲁苏皖)交界区域地震活动特点、规律进行了讨论和分析。从历史活动周期及小震空区空间演化特征,以不同的角度讨论分析研究了所属区域的震情发展趋势。指出近期(1998年起)形成的空区为孕震空区,且空区周围应力场背景显示增强的态势,并依据历史地震南北迁移特点,认为34°N以南区域为未来发生5级以上地震的地区,应注意加强监视。  相似文献   

Intermediate-term observations preceding earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 or greater in California from 1975 through 1986 suggest that: (1) The sudden appearance of earthquakes in a previously inactive area indicates an increased likelihood of a significant earthquake in that area for a period from days to years; (2) these larger earthquakes tend to occur towards the ends of creeping fault segments; (3) one large earthquake in a region increases the likelihood of a subsequent significant event in the adjacent area; and (4) marginal evidence for the occurrence of a regional deformation event suggests that such events increase the probability of earthquake occurrence throughout the entire area. A common element in many of these observed patterns appears to be the transmission and amplification of tectonic stress changes by the mechanism of fault creep, and suggests that surface fault creep is a sensitive indicator of changes in stress. The preceding critieria are used to construct a preliminary forecast of the likely locations of significant earthquakes over the next decade.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了全国地震重点监视防御区之一的四川省中西部地区的社会经济、自然地理、地震地质、地震活动及未来地震危险性概况,给出了防御区内冕宁、宁南、普格、石棉、沪定、康定等六县城乡开展的房屋建筑,生命线工程(公路、供电、供水工程)震害预测,次生灾害分析预测、地震造成伤亡人数估计和直接经济损失预测等的预测方法和预测结果。由于四川过去尚未开展过这类工作,本文将上述成果汇总、整理发表,可供同行讨论和有关方面参考。  相似文献   

以2001年以来2次8级地震和2010年4月青海玉树M7.2地震为例,分析了Rt值在强震前后随时间和空间异常变化特征,同时对综合参量的预测效能进行了检验.结果表明:在强震前Rt值大都出现明显的异常降低过程.在地震综合参数异常和强震关系的研究中,利用地质构造块体约束研究的区域,可以较为清晰地看到强震前后地震活动性异常特征...  相似文献   

定量处理了中国大陆东部地区2000~2002年的中小地震活动图像,分析了地震活动密集值的相对变化及其含义,探讨了其在中期地震预测中的应用。  相似文献   

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