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Physical parameters and radial pulsation modes are determined for three Delta Scuti stars in the Praesepe cluster: HD 73345, HD 73712, and HD 73746. Their agest and evolutionary massesM eare interpolated in the track systems of Iben (1967) and Paczyski (1970). By combining these age estimates with our previous results for nine other Delta Scuti-stars in the Praesepe cluster (Tsvetkov, 1989), the following weighted mean age estimates of this cluster are obtained: (14.2 ± 1.3) × 108 yr (Iben) and (5.4 ± 0.4) × 108 yr (Paczyski). Age and evolutionary mass estimates of the twelve cluster variables are also obtained in the modern track system of Maeder and Meynet (1988), in which the weighted mean cluster age is (15.3 ± 1.0) × 108 yr.Pulsation massesM Qcalculated from the fitting formulae of Faulkner (1977) and Fitch (1981) as well as massesM g=gR 2 / G were evaluated for the twelve cluster variables by Tsvetkov (1990) or in the present paper. In most cases there is a satisfactory agreement between our estimates of massesM e,M g, andM Q.Due to a large disagreement between the long period and low luminosity of the star HD 73746, its radial pulsation mode and pulsation massM Qcannot be evaluated.  相似文献   

Estimates of the pulsation massesM Q and of massesM g=gR2/G (g is the surface gravity;R, the mean stellar radius; andG, the gravitational constant) of 89 Delta Scuti-variables have been obtained. An intercomparison of three kinds of masses —M e, Mg, andM Q — is performed; the evolutionary massesM e of the same variables were estimated in a previous paper (Tsvetkov, 1986). It is pointed out that within the limits of the accuracy of determination, the three kinds of masses agree for the majority of the stars under study. For several varaibles, however, there is a considerable discrepancy between the estimates of the pulsation massesM Q and the estimates of the massesM e andM g. Arguments are represented, which may alleviate or even remove this mass discrepancy for some of these stars. It is shown that the results from the comparison between the three kinds of masses of the considered Delta Scuti-stars are not very sensitive to the choice of the system of evolutionary tracks and the adopted chemical composition as well as to the evolutionary phases of the variables (core or shell hydrogen burning). The variations of the chemical composition in most of the stars under study are probably not very large.  相似文献   

Walraven, Walraven and Balona recently discovered several new periodicities in addition to the well-known fundamental and first overtone periods of the high-amplitude Scuti star AI Velorum. Linear nonadiabatic pulsation calculations were performed for an AI Velorum model of mass 1.96M , 24.05L , andT eff 7566 K for the radial and low-degree nonradial modes to help verify the tentative identifications made by Walraven, et al. Comparison of the calculated periods with the observations suggests some alternatives to the identifications proposed by Walraven, et al.  相似文献   

Multi-colourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binaries IT Cas, CO Cep, and AI Hya were carried out. The photometric elements and the absolute parameters of the orbits and components were obtained. The valuation of the angular rate of the apsidal motion of AI Hya based on the comparison of our observations with the previous photoelectric light curve of this system was derived.  相似文献   

Physical parameters and distances are determined for the stars HD 220391 and HD 220392, which possibly form a physical pair. Ages and evolutionary masses in the new track system of Schalleret al. (1992) as well as gravitational masses of both stars are evaluated. Distance and age estimates of this possible binary system are obtained: 128(±12) pc and 7.9(±0.8) × 108 yr. Both stars are located within the Delta Scuti instability strip on the H-R diagram, but a variability was only detected in HD 220392 by Lampens (1992). The pulsation mode(s) and the pulsation mass of this variable star cannot be determined at the present time.  相似文献   

Preliminary study of the eclipsing binary AB Cas is presented here by using the photometric observational data. The primary component is one of the Sct variables with period of 0d.054, and whether the oscillation is of a radial mode or of a non-radial one is discussed. Two colour indices (B-V andU-B) data and the light curve analysis suggest that this binary system is a typical Algol type binary system, in which the primary component is near the ZAMS with about 2.3M and the secondary one is a subgiant star with about 0.5M .  相似文献   

The semi‐regular variable star RU Vulpeculae (RU Vul) is being observed visually since 1935. Its pulsation period and amplitude are declining since ∼1954. A leading hypothesis to explain the period decrease in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars such as RU Vul is an ongoing flash of the He‐burning shell, also called a thermal pulse (TP), inside the star. In this paper, we present a CCD photometric light curve of RU Vul, derive its fundamental parameters, and test if the TP hypothesis can describe the observed period decline. We use CCD photometry to determine the present‐day pulsation period and amplitude in three photometric bands, and high‐resolution optical spectroscopy to derive the fundamental parameters. The period evolution of RU Vul is compared to predictions by evolutionary models of the AGB phase. We find that RU Vul is a metal‐poor star with a metallicity [M/H] = –1.59 ± 0.05 and an effective surface temperature of Teff = 3634 ± 20 K. The low metallicity of RU Vul and its kinematics indicate that it is an old, low‐mass member of the thick disc or the halo population. The present day pulsation period determined from our photometry is ∼108 d, the semiamplitude in the V ‐band is 0.39 ± 0.03 mag. The observed period decline is found to be well matched by an evolutionary AGB model with stellar parameters comparable to those of RU Vul. We conclude that the TP hypothesis is in good agreement with the observed period evolution of RU Vul. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

During our campaign of acquiring follow-up photometric data to resolve short period pulsating sdB (EC14026 or V361 Hya) stars, we obtained data on the known pulsator KUV 04421+1416 and discovered that it is also in a reflection-effect binary. Here we present preliminary results of the pulsation analysis and provide some constraints on the companion, which is most likely an MV star. This makes KUV 04421+1416 only the second known system with an EC14026-type pulsator in a reflection-effect binary.  相似文献   

Stellar evolution calculations were carried out from the main sequence to the final stage of the asymptotic giant branch for stars with initial masses 1 MMZAMS ≤ 2 M and metallicity Z = 0.01. Selected models of evolutionary sequences were used as initial conditions for solution of the equations of radiation hydrodynamics and time–dependent convection describing radial stellar pulsations. The study was aimed to construct the hydrodynamic models of Mira–type stars that show the secular decrease in the pulsation period Π commenced in 1970th at Π = 315 day. We show that such a condition for the period change is satisfied with evolutionary sequences 1 MMZAMS ≤ 1.2 M and the best agreement with observations is obtained for MZAMS = 1.2 M. The pulsation period reduction is due to both the stellar radius decrease during the thermal pulse of the helium burning shell and mode switch from the fundamental mode to the first overtone. Theoretical estimates of the fundament parameters of the star at the onset of pulsation period reduction are as follows: the mass is M = 0.93 M, the luminosity is L = 4080 L, and the radius is R = 220 R. The mode switch occurs 35 years after the onset of period reduction.  相似文献   

The Praesepe cluster contains a number of δ Sct and γ Dor pulsators. Asteroseismology of cluster stars is simplified by the common distance, age and stellar abundances. Since asteroseismology requires a large number of known frequencies, the small pulsation amplitudes of these stars require space satellite campaigns. The present study utilizes photometric MOST satellite measurements in order to determine the pulsation frequencies of two evolved (EP Cnc, BT Cnc) and two main‐sequence (BS Cnc, HD 73872) δ Sct stars in the Praesepe cluster. The frequency analysis of the 2008 and 2009 data detected up to 34 frequencies per star with most amplitudes in the submillimag range. In BS Cnc, two modes showed strong amplitude variability between 2008 and 2009. The frequencies ranged from 0.76 to 41.7 cd–1. After considering the different evolutionary states and mean stellar densities of these four stars, the differences and large ranges in frequency remain (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Photoelectric Vilnius seven-color photometry is presented and analyzed for a sample of 24 red giant branch and clump stars in the open cluster NGC 7789. For each star we have determined photometric spectral type, absolute magnitude, interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metallicity, and surface gravity. From averages over the stars in the sample we find the mean reddening to the cluster E YV = 0.21± 0.02 (s.d.), or E BV = 0.25, and the apparent distance modulus (mM) V = 12.21± 0.10 (s.d.), which yield a distance of 1840 pc. The mean overall metallicity is found to be [Fe/H] = −0.18± 0.09 (s.d.). The clump stars, on average, appear to be slightly more metal-rich than the other red giants, which is most probably caused by evolutionary changes of carbon and nitrogen molecular bands falling in the photometric passbands. A difference in mass between the two groups of stars has also been detected, which suggests that the clump stars might have undergone extra mass loss before reaching their core He-burning phase of evolution.  相似文献   

The final state of the primaries of binary systems with initial massesM 1i=10M to 15M is derived from the mass of their C/O-cores. The possibility of a second stage of mass transfer towards the secondary is considered. It turns out that the critical mass for the bifurcation is about 14M : stars with larger masses in this range are the progenitors of neutron stars, while the lower mass stars are the ancestors of white dwarfs.Research supported by the National Foundation of Collective Fundamental Research of Belgium (F.K.F.O.) under No. 10303.  相似文献   

The results of photometry and polarimetry of the R Coronae Borealis type stars and other interesting objects are given. The observation of the former objects are obtained at the light maximum or at a brightness lower by 2-3 mag. The polarization of R CrB stars at light maximum has interstellar origin. The absolute magnitude of V 854 Cen is estimated to Msvw = −3m, and for Y Mus it is Mv > −3m.7. ρ Cas has a variable polarization and is probably a giant (Mv ≅ 0m) rather than a supergiant. Many early stars in its surroundings are photometrically and polarimetrically variable. The protoplanetary star BD −0°3679 has a polarization with the Rayleigh component.  相似文献   

The evolutionary track of low-mass red giant stars (0.7–0.9M ) is computed with the aim to demonstrate the conditions under which low-mass white dwarfs (WDs) can form through the evolution of single stars. Also, the influence of the mixing length to the scale height ratio on the radius of the star is calculated and the coupling between the mixing-length and the mass-loss rate parameters is investigated. Our conclusions are that the uncertainties in mass-loss and mixing-length to scale-height ratio leave enough parameter space to allow the formation of low-mass WD via single star evolution. We also conclude that the gap between proto-WD stars without any nebula and stars with well-defined nebulae is bridged by stars which have a dilute gas cloud around them which cannot be observed as a nebula.  相似文献   

The effective temperatures of the classical Cepheids RT Aur and T Vul have been determined by a comparison of their spectral scans with appropriate model atmospheres. The radii of the stars have been determined through the Wesselink method. Using these temperatures and the Wesselink radii, the luminosities of the stars have been determined. These radii estimates, including the radii of SU Cas (Joshi & Rautela 1980) andζ Gem (unpublished) fit better in the theoretical period-radius relationship given by Cogan (1978), as compared to earlier determinations of Wesselink radii. The pulsation masses and evolutionary masses of the stars have been calculated. The pulsation to evolutionary mass ratio is derived to be 0.85. Based on the effective temperatures obtained by us at different phases of the stars aθ c ? (B-V)0 relationship is found of the form, \(\begin{gathered} \theta _e = 0.274 (B - V)_0 + 0.637 \\ \pm 0.011 \pm 0.007 \\ \end{gathered} \)   相似文献   

Theoretical estimates of the rates of radial pulsation period change in Galactic Cepheids with initial masses 5.5 M M ZAMS ≤ 13 M , chemical composition X = 0.7, Z = 0.02 and periods 1.5 day ≤ Π ≤ 100 day are obtained from consistent stellar evolution and nonlinear stellar pulsation computations. Pulsational instability was investigated for three crossings of the instability strip by the evolutionary track in the HR diagram. The first crossing occurs at the post-main sequence helium core gravitational contraction stage which proceeds in the Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale whereas the second and the third crossings take place at the evolutionary stage of thermonuclear core helium burning. During each crossing of the instability strip the period of radial pulsations is a quadratic function of the stellar evolution time. Theoretical rates of the pulsation period change agree with observations but the scatter of observational estimates of \(\dot \Pi\) noticeably exceeds the width of the band \(\left( {\delta \log \left| {\dot \Pi } \right| \leqslant 0.6} \right)\) confining evolutionary tracks in the period-period change rate diagram. One of the causes of the large scatter with very high values of \(\dot \Pi\) in Cepheids with increasing periods might be the stars that cross the instability strip for the first time. Their fraction ranges from 2% for M ZAMS = 5.5 M to 9% for M ZAMS = 13 M and variables α UMi and IX Cas seem to belong to such objects.  相似文献   

New and existing photometry for the G0 Ia supergiant HD 18391 is analyzed in order to confirm the nature of the variability previously detected in the star, which lies off the hot edge of the Cepheid instability strip. Small‐amplitude variability at a level of δV = 0.016 ± 0.002 is indicated, with a period of P = 123d.04 ± 0d.06. A weaker second signal may be present at P = 177d.84 ± 0d.18 with δV = 0.007 ± 0.002, likely corresponding to fundamental mode pulsation if the primary signal represents overtone pulsation (123.04/177.84 = 0.69). The star, with a spectroscopic reddening of EB–V = 1.02 ± 0.003, is associated with heavily‐reddened B‐type stars in its immediate vicinity that appear to be outlying members of an anonymous young cluster centered ∼10′ to the west and 1661 ± 73 pc distant. The cluster has nuclear and coronal radii of rn = 3.5′ and Rc = 14′, respectively, while the parameters for HD 18391 derived from membership in the cluster with its outlying B stars are consistent with those implied by its Cepheid‐like pulsation, provided that it follows the semi‐period‐luminosity relation expected of such objects. Its inferred luminosity as a cluster member is MV = –7.76 ± 0.10, its age (9 ± 1) × 106 years, and its evolutionary mass ∼19 M. HD 18391 is not a classical Cepheid, yet it follows the Cepheid period‐luminosity relation closely, much like another Cepheid impostor, V810 Cen (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The theoretical evolution of a first-generation star of 3M after the core helium-exhaustion phase has been investigated. The star displays the character of a double shell burning model. Shell hydrogenburning produces energy mostly by the p-p chain reaction. CN-cycle reaction is only operating in the inner edge regions where sufficient amount of carbon is formed by the 3-reactions. Hence, the shell burning time of the star is longer than that of normal stars, thus lengthening the total evolutionary lifetime of the first-generation stars.Prior to carbon-burning phase, the mass of the complete hydrogen-exhausted region is 1.14M and that of complete helium-exhausted region is 0.83M . A carbon-oxygen core of about 0.87M has developed within the star in which the ratio of carbon to oxygen is about 0.85, but decreases down to a value of 0.50 near the boundary of the core.  相似文献   

The evolutionary behaviour of rotating low-mass stars in the mass range 0.2 and 0.9M has been investigated during the pre-Main-Sequence phase. The angular momentum is conserved locally in radiative regions and totally in convective regions, according to a predetermined angular velocity distribution depending on the structure of the star. As the stars contract toward the zero-age Main Sequence, they spin up under the assumption that the angular momentum is conserved during the evolution of the stars. When the stars have differential rotations, their inner regions rotate faster than the outer regions. The effective temperatures and luminosities of rotating low-mass stars are obtained lower than those of non-rotating stars. They have lower central temperature and density values compared to those of non-rotating stars.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic analysis of Population II stars indicates that oxygen and other -elements appear to be overabundant with respect to iron (Sneden, 1985; Grattonet al., 1986; Gustafsson, 1987; Gratton, 1987; Gratton and Ortolani, 1989). By use of the Los Alamos Tapes Library, new opacities for Population II stars have been computed, including oxygen, neon, magnesium, and calcium enhanced by a factor five with respect to the solar ratios mixture. On this basis, a grid of evolutionary sequences of He-burning models has been computed for low-mass stars covering the He-burning phase from the Zero-Age Horizontal Branch (ZAHB) up to the onset of thermal pulses in an advanced phase of He-shell burning, for the following assumption on the stellar parameters: helium abundance in the envelopeY=0.20 and 0.25; intial chemical composition [Fe/H]=–2.3, and [Fe/H]=–1.3; initial helium-core massM c=0.48 and 0.50 and total mass values fromM=0.56 up toM=0.76M . This choice of parameters was suggested by the opportunity of covering the range of values expected in galactic globular cluster HB stars, when an original abundance of heliumY=0.23 is assumed, as adopted throughout the recent literature. At this conference we present just a short overview of the main results while the large set of computed tracks and a detailed discussion on the topic will be presented elsewhere (Bencivenniet al., 1989).  相似文献   

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