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We present a simple, novel method for determining the orbital parameters of binary pulsars. This method works with any sort of orbital sampling, no matter how sparse, provided that information on the period derivatives is available with each measurement of the rotational period of the pulsar, and it is applicable to binary systems with nearly circular orbits. We use the technique to estimate precisely the hitherto unknown orbital parameters of two binary millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, 47 Tuc S and T. The method can also be used more generally to make first-order estimates of the orbital parameters of binary systems using a minimal number of data.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Many radio observations have been conducted on globular clusters in the past years, stimu-lated by the detection of pulsars and X-ray sources in them. Globular clusters are good placesfor hunting pulsars (Lyne et al. 2000). Until now, about 50 pulsars have been detected in 17globular clusters (Lyne et al. 1995; Biggs & Lyne 1996; D'Amico et al. 2001; Lyne et al. 2000;Camilo et al. 2000). Except for four long period pulsars, all of these pulsars are millisecondpulsars (M…  相似文献   

A Chandra X-ray observation of the globular cluster Terzan 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a ∼19-ks Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)-S observation of the globular cluster Terzan 1. 14 sources are detected within 1.4 arcmin of the cluster centre with two of these sources predicted to be not associated with the cluster (background active galactic nuclei or foreground objects). The neutron star X-ray transient, X1732−304, has previously been observed in outburst within this globular cluster with the outburst seen to last for at least 12 yr. Here, we find four sources that are consistent with the ROSAT position for this transient, but none of the sources are fully consistent with the position of a radio source detected with the Very Large Array that is likely associated with the transient. The most likely candidate for the quiescent counterpart of the transient has a relatively soft spectrum and an unabsorbed 0.5–10 keV luminosity of  2.6 × 1032 erg s−1  , quite typical of other quiescent neutron stars. Assuming standard core cooling, from the quiescent flux of this source we predict long (>400 yr) quiescent episodes to allow the neutron star to cool. Alternatively, enhanced core cooling processes are needed to cool down the core. However, if we do not detect the quiescent counterpart of the transient this gives an unabsorbed 0.5–10 keV luminosity upper limit of  8 × 1031 erg s−1  . We also discuss other X-ray sources within the globular cluster. From the estimated stellar encounter rate of this cluster we find that the number of sources we detect is significantly higher than expected by the relationship of Pooley et al.  相似文献   

We study the concept of radius-to-frequency mapping using a geometrical method for the estimation of pulsar emission altitudes. The semi-empirical relationship proposed by Kijak &38; Gil is examined over three decades of radio frequency. It is argued that the emission region in a millisecond pulsar occupies the magnetosphere over a distance of up to about 30 per cent of the light-cylinder radius, and that in a normal pulsar occupies up to approximately 10 per cent of the light-cylinder radius.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 430-MHz survey for pulsars conducted during the upgrade to the 305-m Arecibo radio telescope. Our survey covered a total of 1147 deg2 of sky using a drift-scan technique. We detected 33 pulsars, 10 of which were not known prior to the survey observations. The highlight of the new discoveries is PSR J0407+1607, which has a spin period of 25.7 ms, a characteristic age of 1.5 Gyr and is in a 1.8-yr orbit about a low-mass  (>0.2 M)  companion. The long orbital period and small eccentricity  ( e = 0.0009)  make the binary system an important new addition to the ensemble of binary pulsars suitable to test for violations of the strong equivalence principle. We also report on our initially unsuccessful attempts to detect optically the companion to J0407+1607, which imply that its absolute visual magnitude is >12.1. If, as expected on evolutionary grounds, the companion is an He white dwarf, our non-detection implies a cooling age of least 1 Gyr.  相似文献   

We have detected the rare phenomenon of stable, drifting sub-pulse behaviour in two pulsars discovered in the recent Swinburne intermediate latitude pulsar survey. The pulsars, PSR     and PSR J1919+0134, have approximate periods ( P ) of 1.873 and 1.6039 s respectively.
Both pulsars have multicomponent profiles, and distinct drifting is observed across them. We have identified a single drift mode in both pulsars: the drift rate for PSR     being 5.4(1) ms P −1 and 5.8(2) ms P −1 for PSR 1919+0134. The drifting is linear across the profile with no departure from linearity at the edges within the sensitivity of our observations.  相似文献   

We report on multi-epoch, multifrequency observations of 64 pulsars with high spectral and time resolution. Scintillation parameters were obtained for 49 pulsars, including 13 millisecond pulsars. Scintillation speeds were derived for all 49, which doubles the number of pulsars with speeds measured in this way. There is excellent agreement between the scintillation speed and proper motion for the millisecond pulsars in our sample using the simple assumption of a mid-placed scattering screen. This indicates that the scaleheight of scattering electrons is similar to that of the dispersing electrons. In addition, we present observations of the Vela pulsar at 14 and 23 GHz, and show that the scintillation bandwidth scales as ν3.93 over a factor of 100 in observing frequency. We show that for PSR J0742−2822, and perhaps PSR J0837−4135, the Gum nebula is responsible for the high level of turbulence along their lines of sight, contrary to previous indications. There is a significant correlation between the scintillation speeds and the product of the pulsar's period and period derivative for the 'normal' pulsars. However, we believe this to be caused by selection effects both in pulsar detection experiments and in the choice of pulsars used in scintillation studies.  相似文献   

We discuss the prospects for detecting faint intermediate-mass black holes, such as those predicted to exist in the cores of globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We briefly summarize the difficulties of stellar dynamical searches, then show that recently discovered relations between black hole mass, X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity imply that in most cases, these black holes should be more easily detected in the radio than in the X-rays. Finally, we show upper limits from some radio observations of globular clusters, and discuss the possibility that the radio source in the core of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy might be a ∼10,000–100,000 M⊙ black hole.  相似文献   

In binary radio pulsars with a main-sequence star companion, the spin-induced quadrupole moment of the companion gives rise to a precession of the binary orbit. As a first approximation one can model the secular evolution caused by this classical spin-orbit coupling by linear-in-time changes of the longitude of periastron and the projected semi-major axis of the pulsar orbit. This simple representation of the precession of the orbit neglects two important aspects of the orbital dynamics of a binary pulsar with an oblate companion. First, the quasiperiodic effects along the orbit, owing to the anisotropic 1/ r 3 nature of the quadrupole potential. Secondly, the long-term secular evolution of the binary orbit, which leads to an evolution of the longitude of periastron and the projected semi-major axis, which is non-linear in time.   In this paper a simple timing formula for binary radio pulsars with a main-sequence star companion is presented which models the short-term secular and most of the short-term periodic effects caused by the classical spin-orbit coupling. I also give extensions of the timing formula that account for long-term secular changes in the binary pulsar motion. It is shown that the short-term periodic effects are important for the timing observations of the binary pulsar PSR B1259–63. The long-term secular effects are likely to become important in the next few years of timing observations of the binary pulsar PSR J0045–7319. They could help to restrict or even determine the moments of inertia of the companion star and thus probe its internal structure.   Finally, I reinvestigate the spin-orbit precession of the binary pulsar PSR J0045–7319 since the analysis given in the literature is based on an incorrect expression for the precession of the longitude of periastron. A lower limit of 20° for the inclination of the B star with respect to the orbital plane is derived.  相似文献   

We present a simple method for determination of the orbital parameters of binary pulsars, using data on the pulsar period at multiple observing epochs. This method uses the circular nature of the velocity space orbit of Keplerian motion and produces preliminary values based on two one-dimensional searches. Preliminary orbital parameter values are then refined using a computationally efficient linear least-squares fit. This method works for random and sparse sampling of the binary orbit. We demonstrate the technique on (i) the highly eccentric binary pulsar PSR J0514−4002 (the first known pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 1851) and (ii) 47 Tuc T, a binary pulsar with a nearly circular orbit.  相似文献   

N -body simulations are made with a variety of initial conditions, in particular clumpy and flattened distributions, to attempt to constrain the possible initial conditions of globular clusters, using the observations that young LMC globular clusters appear relaxed after only 20 to 40 Myr. It is found that violent relaxation is able to erase most of the initial substructure in only ≈ 6 crossing times. However, initially very clumpy distributions (≲ 100 clumps) form clusters that are too concentrated to resemble real globular clusters. Such clusters also often have large clumps in long-lasting (≳ 30 crossing times) orbits which do not appear in observed cluster profiles. It is also found that even modest amounts of initial flattening produce clusters that are too elliptical to resemble real globular clusters. In such a scenario, cloud–cloud collisions and similar energetic processes would be unlikely to produce sufficiently spherical globular clusters. It is suggested that globular clusters form from roughly spherical initial conditions with star formation occurring either smoothly or in many small clumps.  相似文献   

We present the results of a deep radio observation of the globular cluster NGC 2808. We show that there are no sources detected within the core of the cluster, placing constraints on both the pulsar population of the cluster and the mass of a possible intermediate-mass black hole in NGC 2808. We compare the results for this cluster with other constraints on intermediate-mass black holes derived from accretion measures. With the exception of G1 in M 31 which has previously shown radio emission, even with considerably more conservative assumptions, only the clusters with the poorest of observational constraints are consistent with falling on the   M BH–σ  relation. This result is interpreted in terms of the fundamental differences between galaxies and globular clusters.  相似文献   

It is expected that specific globular clusters (GCs) can contain up to a hundred of millisecond pulsars. These pulsars can accelerate leptons at the shock waves originated in collisions of the pulsar winds and/or inside the pulsar magnetospheres. Energetic leptons diffuse gradually through the GC Comptonizing stellar and microwave background radiation. We calculate the GeV–TeV γ-ray spectra for different models of injection of leptons and parameters of the GCs assuming reasonable, of the order of 1 per cent, efficiency of energy conversion from the pulsar winds into the relativistic leptons. It is concluded that leptons accelerated in the GC cores should produce well localized γ-ray sources which are concentric with these GCs. The results are shown for four specific GCs (47 Tuc, Ter 5, M13 and M15), in which significant population of millisecond pulsars have been already discovered. We argue that the best candidates, which might be potentially detected by the present Cherenkov telescopes and the planned satellite telescopes (AGILE, GLAST), are 47 Tuc on the Southern hemisphere, and M13 on the Northern hemisphere. We conclude that detection (or non-detection) of GeV–TeV γ-ray emission from GCs by these instruments put important constraints on the models of acceleration of leptons by millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

We present B and V CCD photometry for variables in the cluster central region, adding new data for 32 variables and giving suitable light curves, mean magnitudes and corrected colours for 17 RR Lyrae variables. Adding the data given in this paper to similar data that have already appeared in the literature, we discuss a sample of 42 variables, as given by 22 RRab and 20 RRc, in the light of recent predictions from pulsational theories. We find that the observational evidence concerning M5 pulsators appears in marginal disagreement with predictions concerning the colour of the first overtone blue edge (FOBE), whereas a clear disagreement appears between the zero-age horizontal branch (ZAHB) luminosities predicted through evolutionary and pulsational theories.  相似文献   

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