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The simultaneous operation of a three-axis Doppler sodar system in the centralurban area of Rome and two similar systems in the suburban area, forming atriangle about 20 km on each side, provided evidence of solitary-type wavesin the urban boundary layer. Three events, each lasting from a few minutes toabout 30 min, and ranging in depth from the minimum range of the sodar (39 m) to over 500 m, are reported here. Two events were recognizable onall three sodar records while the third event could be observed at the urbanlocation only. Time-height acoustic echo intensity records showed no-echoregions within the wave indicating transport of trapped recirculating air.This is typical of large amplitude solitary waves. The time series plots ofsodar-derived vertical wind velocity revealed a maximum peak-to-peakvariation of about 5 m s-1 during periods of wave-associated disturbance.The vertical velocity is found to increase with height up to the top of the closedcirculation within the wave and decreases further above. The normalisedamplitude-wavelength relationship for the two events indicates that theobserved waves are close to a strongly nonlinear regime.  相似文献   

The turbulence structure of a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of a coastal headland is examined using aircraft observations and numerical simulations. Measurements are drawn from a flight by the NCAR C-130 around Cape Mendocino on the coast of northern California on June 7 1996 during the Coastal Waves 96 field program. Local similarity scaling of the velocity variances is found to apply successfully within the continuously turbulent layer; the empirical scaling function is similar to that found by several previous studies. Excellent agreement is found between the modelled and observed scaling results. No significant change in scaling behaviour is observed for the region within the expansion fan that forms downstream of the Cape, suggesting that the scaling can be applied to horizontally heterogeneous conditions; however, the precise form of the function relating scaled velocities and stability is observed to change close to the surface. This result, differences between the scaling functions found here and in other studies, and the departure of these functions from the constant value predicted by the original theory, leads us to question the nature of the similarity functions observed. We hypothesize that the form of the functions is controlled by non-local contributions to the velocity variance budgets, and that differences in the non-local terms between studies explain the differences in the observed scaling functions.  相似文献   

Theoretical arguments are developed to describe the effects of a uniform slope on the development of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer (SBL). A maximum sustainable surface buoyancy flux exists for the SBL overlying a uniform, non-sloping surface. In this study it is shown that the SBL overlying a uniform shallow slope (with gradient of the order of 1:1000) also supports a maximum sustainable buoyancy flux, B max, but that the value of B max is influenced by the gradient of the slope, γ. It is demonstrated that in the limit γ → 0, results for the SBL over a horizontal surface are recovered.  相似文献   

The Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer over an Antarctic ice Sheet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Turbulence measurements up to 11-m height and longterm profile measurements up to 45-m height performed at the German Neumayer Station in Antarctica are used to investigate different components of turbulence closure schemes of the stable boundary layer. The results confirm the linear relationships for the universal functions of momentum and heat exchange in the stability range z/L < 0.8 ... 1, whereas the local scaling approach should be used above the surface layer. Furthermore, boundary-layer heights below 50 m are frequently observed at this coastal Antarctic site, mainly due to the influence of stability above the boundary layer. It is shown that the inclusion of this stability into parametrization relations is necessary to provide realistic equilibrium heights of the stable boundary layer. Two relations, based on different physical approaches, were successfully applied for the parametrization of the equilibrium height.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) of a stable atmospheric boundary layer is performed using recently developed dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) models. These models not only calculate the Smagorinsky coefficient and SGS Prandtl number dynamically based on the smallest resolved motions in the flow, they also allow for scale dependence of those coefficients. This dynamic calculation requires statistical averaging for numerical stability. Here, we evaluate three commonly used averaging schemes in stable atmospheric boundary-layer simulations: averaging over horizontal planes, over adjacent grid points, and following fluid particle trajectories. Particular attention is focused on assessing the effect of the different averaging methods on resolved flow statistics and SGS model coefficients. Our results indicate that averaging schemes that allow the coefficients to fluctuate locally give results that are in better agreement with boundary-layer similarity theory and previous LES studies. Even among models that are local, the averaging method is found to affect model coefficient probability density function distributions and turbulent spectra of the resolved velocity and temperature fields. Overall, averaging along fluid pathlines is found to produce the best combination of self consistent model coefficients, first- and second-order flow statistics and insensitivity to grid resolution.  相似文献   

The characteristics of submeso motions in the stable boundary layer are examined using observations from networks of sonic anemometers with network sizes ranging from a few hundred metres to 100 km. This study examines variations on time scales between 1 min and 1 h. The analysis focuses on the behaviour of the spectra of the horizontal kinetic energy, the ratios of the three velocity variances, their kurtosis, the dependence of horizontal variability on time scale, and the inter-relationship between vertical vorticity, horizontal divergence and deformation. Motions on larger time and space scales in the stable boundary layer are found to be nearly two-dimensional horizontal modes although the ratio of the vorticity to the divergence is generally on the order of one and independent of scale. One exception is a small network where stronger horizontal divergence is forced by a decrease in surface roughness. The horizontal variability, averaged over 1 h, appears to be strongly influenced by surface heterogeneity and increases with wind speed. In contrast, the time dependence of the horizontal structure on time scales less than one hour tends to be independent of wind speed for the present datasets. The spectra of the horizontal kinetic energy and the ratio of the crosswind velocity variance to the along-wind variance vary substantially between networks. This study was unable to isolate the cause of such differences. As a result, the basic behaviour of the submeso motions in the stable boundary layer cannot be generalized into a universal theory, at least not from existing data.  相似文献   

Lagrangian stochastic models are well-suited for modeling dispersion in the stable boundary layer, especially in complex terrain. This note briefly describes the formulations and application of a Lagrangian stochastic model to predict dispersion of tracers released within nocturnal drainage flows.  相似文献   

One-dimensional turbulence (ODT) is a single-column simulation in which vertical motions are represented by an unsteady advective process, rather than their customary representation by a diffusive process. No space or time averaging of mesh-resolved motions is invoked. Molecular-transport scales can be resolved in ODT simulations of laboratory-scale flows, but this resolution of these scales is prohibitively expensive in ODT simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), except possibly in small subregions of a non-uniform mesh.Here, two methods for ODT simulation of the ABL on uniform meshes are described and applied to the GABLS (GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study; GEWEX is the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) stable boundary-layer intercomparison case. One method involves resolution of the roughness scale using a fixed eddy viscosity to represent subgrid motions. The other method, which is implemented at lower spatial resolution, involves a variable eddy viscosity determined by the local mesh-resolved flow, as in multi-dimensional large-eddy simulation (LES). When run at typical LES resolution, it reproduces some of the key high-resolution results, but its fidelity is lower in some important respects. It is concluded that a more elaborate empirically based representation of the subgrid physics, closely analogous to closures currently employed in LES of the ABL, might improve its performance substantially, yielding a cost-effective ABL simulation tool. Prospects for further application of ODT to the ABL, including possible use of ODT as a near-surface subgrid closure framework for general circulation modeling, are assessed.  相似文献   

Local Scales of Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Local, gradient-based scales, which contain the vertical velocity and temperature variances, as well as the potential temperature gradient, but do not include fluxes, are tested using data collected during the CASES-99 experiment. The observations show that the scaling based on the temperature variance produces relatively smaller scatter of empirical points. The resulting dimensionless statistical moments approach constant values for sufficiently large values of the Richardson number Ri. This allows one to derive predictions for the Monin–Obukhov similarity functions φ m and φ h , the Prandtl number Pr and the flux Richardson number Rf in weak turbulence regime.  相似文献   

Wind and temperature profiles in the stable boundary layer were analyzed in the context of MoninObukhov similarity. The measurements were made on a 60-m tower in Kansas during October 1999 (CASES-99). Fluxprofile relationships, obtained from these measurements in their integral forms, were established for wind speed and temperature. Use of the integral forms eliminates the uncertainty and accuracy issues resulting from gradient computations. The corresponding stability functions, which were nearly the same for momentum and virtual sensible heat, were found to exhibit different features under weakly stable conditions compared to those under strongly stable conditions. The gradient stability functions were found to be linear, namely m = 1+ 5.8 and h = 1 + 5.4 up to a limit of the MoninObukhov stability parameter = 0.8; this is consistent with earlier findings. However, for stronger stabilities beyond a transition range, both functions were observed gradually to approach a constant, with a value of approximately 7. To link these two distinct regimes, a general but pliable functional form with only two parameters is proposed for the stability functions, covering the entire stability range from neutral to very stable conditions.  相似文献   

Success in scaling the very stable boundary layer has been mixed. One possible reason for this is that wave-turbulence interaction can result in significant energy coupling between turbulence within the planetary boundary layer and the mean flow outside the PBL. Three regimes are described where wave-turbulence interaction forms a significant part of the dynamics. In the first, energy and momentum flows are confined within the PBL and do not preclude local scaling. In the other two, which involve topographically forced waves and propagating waves respectively, energy/momentum transfers across the PBL make success in local scaling unlikely.  相似文献   

The interaction between radiation and turbulence in the stable boundary layer over land is explored using an idealized model, with a focus on the surface layer after the evening transition. It is shown that finer vertical resolution is required in transitional boundary layers than in developed ones. In very light winds radiative cooling determines the temperature profile, even if similarity functions without a critical Richardson number are used; standard surface similarity theory applied over thick layers then yields poor forecasts of near-surface air temperatures. These points are illustrated with field data. Simulations of the developing nocturnal boundary layer are used to explore the wider role of radiation. Comparatively, radiation is less significant within the developed stable boundary layer than during the transition; although, as previous studies have found, it remains important towards the top of the stable layer and in the residual layer. Near the ground, reducing the surface emissivity below one is found to yield modest relative radiative warming rather than intense cooling, which reduces the potential importance of radiation in the developed surface layer. The profile of the radiative heating rate may be strongly dependent on other processes, leading to quite varied behaviour.  相似文献   

In stably stratified flows vertical movement of eddies is limited by the fact that kinetic energy is converted into potential energy, leading to a buoyancy displacement scale z B . Our new mixing-length concept for turbulent transport in the stable boundary layer follows a rigid-wall analogy, in the sense that we assume that the buoyancy length scale is similar to neutral length scaling. This implies that the buoyancy length scale is: B  = κ B z B , with κ B κ, the von Karman constant. With this concept it is shown that the physical relevance of the local scaling parameter z/Λ naturally appears, and that the α coefficient of the log-linear similarity functions is equal to c/κ 2, where c is a constant close to unity. The predicted value α ≈ 1/κ 2 = 6.25 lies within the range found in observational studies. Finally, it is shown that the traditionally used inverse linear interpolation between the mixing length in the neutral and buoyancy limits is inconsistent with the classical log-linear stability functions. As an alternative, a log-linear consistent interpolation method is proposed.  相似文献   

An Intercomparison of Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:27,他引:2  
Results are presented from the first intercomparison of large-eddy simulation (LES) models for the stable boundary layer (SBL), as part of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study initiative. A moderately stable case is used, based on Arctic observations. All models produce successful simulations, in as much as they generate resolved turbulence and reflect many of the results from local scaling theory and observations. Simulations performed at 1-m and 2-m resolution show only small changes in the mean profiles compared to coarser resolutions. Also, sensitivity to subgrid models for individual models highlights their importance in SBL simulation at moderate resolution (6.25 m). Stability functions are derived from the LES using typical mixing lengths used in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models. The functions have smaller values than those used in NWP. There is also support for the use of K-profile similarity in parametrizations. Thus, the results provide improved understanding and motivate future developments of the parametrization of the SBL.  相似文献   

Using the unprecedented observational capabilities deployed duringthe Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study-99 (CASES-99),we found three distinct turbulence events on the night of 18October 1999, each of which was associated with differentphenomena: a density current, solitary waves, and downwardpropagating waves from a low-level jet. In this study, we focus onthe first event, the density current and its associatedintermittent turbulence. As the cold density current propagatedthrough the CASES-99 site, eddy motions in the upper part of thedensity current led to periodic overturning of the stratifiedflow, local thermal instability and a downward diffusion ofturbulent mixing. Propagation of the density current induced asecondary circulation. The descending motion following the head ofthe density current resulted in strong stratification, a sharpreduction in the turbulence, and a sudden increase in the windspeed. As the wind surge propagated toward the surface, shearinstability generated upward diffusion of turbulent mixing. Wedemonstrate in detail that the height and sequence of the localthermal and shear instabilities associated with the dynamics ofthe density current are responsible for the apparent intermittentturbulence.  相似文献   

利用宜昌2007年12月10-25日的加密观测资料,分析了两次低值系统经过宜昌时大气边界层的温湿风廓线结构及其日变化特征。结果表明:位温廓线具有明显的日变化特征,对流边界层在白天出现和发展,其高度可达600m,而稳定边界层在夜间出现和发展,其高度可达300m,降水会抑制对流边界层和稳定边界层的发展;湿度廓线结构及其日变化与对流边界层的发展有关,总体上湿度随高度减小,贴近地面的薄层湿度随高度减小较快,而混合层内湿度随高度变化较小,出现降水时,近地层的湿度有明显增加,大气边界层内湿度随高度快速平稳减小;风速廓线结构比较复杂,总体上风速随高度增大,在大气边界层低层有时会出现一个风速极大值,风速廓线没有明显的日变化特征,大气边界层内风向变化较大,但以偏东风为主。  相似文献   

The stably-stratified planetary boundary layer contains small-vertical-scale, step-like structures, waves on a multitude of scales, large horizontal eddies and small-scale turbulence, all of which constantly interact with, and modify, one another. Current knowledge of how the various components act in the vicinity of the step-like structures is surveyed. It is concluded that packets of internal waves are the main conduit for interaction within and across the boundary layer, and low-intensity critical-level absorption at the fringes of their spectrum probably maintains the step-like structures. Further investigation of the processes requires intensive observations of the four-dimensional structure of the region, but such an investigation will need a new generation of high-resolution sensing systems.  相似文献   

赵鸣 《大气科学》1992,16(1):18-28
基于近年来对自由对流和稳定边界层湍流交换特征的研究,求解边界层运动方程,得到这两种层结下边界层风的解析表达式.所得廓线与边界层特性参数符合观测特征.还求出了这二种层结下边界层顶抽吸速度的解析表达及其与某些参数的关系.结果表明,抽吸速度与层结有关,其特征可从物理上加以解释.  相似文献   

We present aircraft measurements of boundary-layer structure and surface turbulent fluxes from a flight over the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Warm advection, associated with föhn flow, led to the formation of a stable boundary layer over the ice shelf, with a well-defined low-level jet at the top of the surface inversion. The strong shear associated with the jet kept the gradient Richardson number small and maintained a turbulent boundary layer over a depth of at least 600 m. The net surface energy balance amounted to 52 Wm?2, equivalent to a melt rate of 13 mm water per day, with net radiation (48 Wm?2) making the largest contribution to melt. The contribution from the sensible heat flux (13 Wm?2) was largely balanced by an upwards latent heat flux (?9 Wm?2). These measurements provide insight into the processes that control surface melt rates in an area that has experienced recent rapid warming and deglaciation.  相似文献   

Wave-Modified Flux and Plume Dispersion in the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The effects of a pressure jump and a following internal gravity wave on turbulence and plume diffusion in the stable planetary boundary layer are examined. The pressure jump was accompanied by a sudden increase in turbulence and plume dispersion. The effects of wave perturbations on turbulence statistics are analysed by calculating fluxes and variances with and without the wave signal for averaging times ranging from 1 to 30 min. The wave signals are obtained using a band-pass filter. It is shown that second-order turbulence quantities calculated without first subtracting the wave perturbations from the time are greater than those calculated when the wave signal is separated from the turbulence. Estimates of the vertical dispersion of an elevated tracer plume in the stable boundary layer are made using an elastic backscatter lidar. Plume dispersion observed 25 m downwind of the source increases rapidly with the arrival of the flow disturbances. Measured plume dispersion and plume centreline height correlate with the standard deviation of the vertical velocity but not with the wave signal.  相似文献   

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