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In a multi‐scale approach to the study of the organic and mineral components in an active barrage‐type tufa system of southern Italy, neo‐formed deposits, in both natural depositional sites and on inorganic substrates placed in the stream for this study, were observed and compared through one year of monitoring. Dams and lobes representing the basic morpho‐facies of the deposits are composed of two depositional facies: vacuolar tufa (a mixture of phytoclastic and framestone tufa) and stromatolitic tufa (phytoherm boundstone tufa). Three petrographic components comprise both facies: micrite and microsparite, often forming peloidal to aphanitc, laminar and dendrolitic fabrics, and sparite, which occurs as isolated to coalescent fan‐shaped crystals forming botryoids or continuous crusts. All fabrics occurring in all depositional facies are organized into layers with a more or less well‐developed cyclicity, which has its best expression in stromatolitic lamination. The precipitation of all types of calcite (with Mg 1·0 to 3·2 mole % and Sr 0·5 to 0·8 mole %) takes place more or less constantly during all seasons, in spite of the low saturation state of the water (the saturation index range is 0·75 to 0·89) within the active depositional zone; the latter extends for a few hundred microns through the external surface of the deposit. The active depositional zone has a particular micro‐morphology composed of porous micro‐columns (50 to 150 μm in size), separated by interstitial channels. Mineral precipitation occurs upon both external surfaces and within internal cavities of the micro‐columns, while further point sites of precipitation occur suspended within the masses of cyanobacterial tufts. Sub‐spherical mineral units, ‘nano‐spheres’ (10 to 20 nm in diameter) are the basic biotic neo‐precipitate; they commonly form by replacing non‐living degrading organic matter and at point sites along the external surface of living cyanobacterial sheaths. Nano‐spheres agglutinate to form first rod‐shaped aggregates (100 to 200 nm) which then evolve into triads of fibres or polyhedral structures. Successively, both triads and polyhedral solids coalesce to form larger calcite crystals (mainly tetrahedrons tens of microns in size) that represent the fundamental bricks for the construction of the micro‐columns in the active depositional zone. Precipitation is attributed to the presence of a widespread biofilm that occurs in the active depositional zone; this is composed of a heterogeneous community comprising epilithic and endolithic filamentous cyanobacteria, green algae, unicellular prokaryotes, actinobacteria and fungi, with a variable amount of extracellular polymeric substances. No precipitation takes place where the biofilm is absent, indicating that the biological activities of the biofilm are crucial, with its living organisms and non‐living organic matter. Basic aggregates of neo‐precipitates do not form in association with any one particular type of organic matter substrate, but appear to be related to the seasonal temperature variation: polyhedral micro‐crystals mainly precipitate in the colder season, short triads in the intermediate seasons, and long triads in the warmest conditions. These three basic crystal aggregates have a petrographic counterpart, respectively, in the spar, microspar and micrite.  相似文献   

Calcite dendrite crystals are important but poorly understood components of calcite travertine that forms around many hot springs. The Lýsuhóll hot-spring deposits, located in western Iceland, are formed primarily of siliceous sinters that were precipitated around numerous springs that are now inactive. Calcite travertine formed around the vent and on the discharge apron of one of the springs at the northern edge of the area. The travertine is formed largely of two types (I and II) of complex calcite dendrite crystals, up to 1 cm high, that grew through the gradual addition of trilete sub-crystals. The morphology of the dendrite crystals was controlled by flow direction and the competition for growth space with neighbouring crystals. Densely crowded dendrites with limited branching characterize the rimstone dams whereas widely spaced dendrites with open branching are found in the pools. Many dendrite bushes in the pools nucleated around plant stems. Growth of the dendrite crystals was seasonal and incremental. Calcite precipitation was driven by rapid CO2 degassing of CO2-rich spring waters during the spring and summer. During winter, when snow covered the ground and temperatures were low, opal-A precipitated on the exposed surfaces of the dendrites. Segmentation of dendrite branches by discontinuities coated with opal-A and overgrowth development around sub-crystals resulted from this seasonal growth cycle. The calcite dendrite crystals in the Lýsuhóll travertine differ in morphology from those at other hot springs, such as those at Lake Bogoria, Kenya, and Waikite in New Zealand. Comparison with the calcite dendrite crystals found at those sites shows that dendrite morphology is site-specific and probably controlled by carbonate saturation levels that, in turn, are controlled by the rate of CO2 degassing and location in the spring outflow system.  相似文献   

Freshwater carbonates (tufas) develop today from the Arctic to the tropics, many being localized about springs and upper water courses. Some Quaternary tufas, especially in the Mediterranean region, extend over tens of square kilometres and exceed 30 m in thickness. Radiometric dating of Holocene deposits shows that many have accumulated at an average rate of 1 mm year?1. However, local precipitation may be much faster and some Holocene deposits may even have outpaced their tropical marine carbonate counterparts. Recently, the study of active sites has attempted to quantify the precipitation mechanisms which lead to tufa deposition. However, field observation and sampling procedures suffer from the inherent disadvantages of uncontrolled fluctuations in environmental conditions during the study programme. These disadvantages compromise any interpretations, particularly where controls on spar versus micrite precipitation are concerned. Many of these problems have been overcome in the current study by the construction and operation of laboratory mesocosm flumes which simulate the natural conditions (e.g. pH, flow rate, ambient temperature and daylight) in which freshwater carbonate (tufa) is deposited. Three mesocosms were supplied with natural river water from tufa precipitating streams and two mesocosms were supplied with UV‐treated (sterile) river water from the same source. One of the untreated flume mesocosms was linked with a calcium reactor, which replaced calcium ions removed during the precipitation process in order to maintain tufa growth over extended experimental runs. Low‐magnesium calcite precipitates (both rhombic sparite grown from long‐crystallite dendrites and short‐crystallite dendrite triad precursors) and micrite peloids (grown from spherulitic precursors) were precipitated in intimate association with biofilm (extracellular polymeric substances) within the four mesocosms supplied with natural river water. Virtually, no tufa‐like precipitate was obtained from the flumes supplied with UV‐treated river water. A second extended run flume experiment was also carried out for comparison purposes using a calcium hydroxide solution in deionized water. Collectively, these experiments provide convincing evidence confirming that the presence of a microbial biofilm strongly influences the precipitation of carbonates in riverine freshwater settings. In particular, experimental results show that micro‐peloidal micrite and short‐crystallite calcite dendrites are only produced in the presence of microbial extracellular polymeric substances.  相似文献   

蚯蚓肠道内小分子有机酸与摄入的土壤矿物相互作用,加速矿物溶解。摄入的土壤在蚯蚓肠道内平均停留时间约为12 h,不足以使土壤矿物产生显著的溶解特征,因此这一过程难以在蚯蚓体内进行评估。本研究通过体外实验控制pH值和有机酸浓度,模拟蚯蚓肠道中有机酸对土壤中常见矿物的溶解反应,探讨了方解石和钾长石在蚯蚓肠道环境中的初始溶解动力学。研究发现,矿物在混合有机酸中的溶解速率比在纯水中高一个数量级,说明有机配体和质子促进了矿物溶解。溶解速率及粒度分析表明,方解石(CaCO3)溶解速率不受溶解过程中粒度变化的影响,而钾长石(KAlSi3O8)粒度在溶解期间未出现显著变化。在此基础上,采用初始速率法模拟了钾长石的初始溶解动力学,计算得出的溶解速率表明钾长石在溶解初期主要为表面K~+的释放。使用缩核模型(shrink core model)和Hixson-Crowell模型对方解石溶解过程进行动力学解析,发现方解石的溶解主要受溶液中反应物内扩散的速率影响。这定量描述了两种矿物在有机酸溶液和纯水中的溶解差异。现有研究表明,有机配体和质子协同促...  相似文献   

The Condat tufa is a localised deposit, reaching 8.2m in thickness, composed of freshwater carbonates deposited in a complex series of environments which include marsh, spring and stream facies. Five radiocarbon determinations had previously been obtained from different stratigraphic levels within the tufa and had given a consistent series, ranging from 12320 ± 175 BP to 31050 ± 1500BP. Although the youngest two dates, from near the surface of the tufa, had been rejected as being anomalously young, the older dates were regarded as indicating tufa formation during the last cold stage. Biostratigraphic analyses of the molluscan and ostracod faunas, presented here, demonstrate that the tufa formed under fully temperate conditions throughout. The occurrence of certain snails that are either locally extinct (e.g. Belgrandia marginata) or unknown living in western France (e.g. Daudebardia brevipes), together with the geomorphological setting, suggest that the tufa is of interglacial age. New radiocarbon determinations of the Condat tufa all proved to be >33 Ka BP and support this conclusion.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence of minerals in 1876 samples of Sanbagawa pelitic schist in central Shikoku is summarized on the basis of microscopic observation accompanied, in part, by use of an electron microprobe. All samples contain quartz, plagioclase, phengite, chlorite and graphite. More than 90% of samples contain clinozoisite, titanite and apatite. Garnet is present in 95% of samples from the garnet zone, and biotite is present in 64% of samples from the albite‐biotite zone. Calcite is found in about 40% of samples of the pelitic schist collected from outcrop, but occurs in 95% of the pelitic schist from drill cores. Calcite was apparently ubiquitous in the pelitic schist during the Sanbagawa metamorphism, but must have been dissolved recently by the action of surface or ground water. The mineral assemblages of the Sanbagawa pelitic schist have to be analyzed in the system with excess calcite, quartz, albite (or oligoclase), clinozoisite, graphite and fluid that is composed mainly of H2O, CO2 and CH4. In the presence of calcite, reactions that produce garnet, rutile, oligoclase, biotite and hornblende, some of which define isograds of the metamorphic belt, should be written as mixed volatile equilibria that tend to take place at lower temperature than the dehydration reactions that have been proposed. The presence of calcite in pelitic schist suggests that fluid composition is a variable as important in determining mineral assemblages as pressure and temperature. Thus Ca‐bearing phases must be taken into account to analyze the phase relations of calcite‐bearing pelitic schist, even if CaO content of Sanbagawa pelitic schist is low. As calcite is a common phase, the mineral assemblages of the biotite zone pelitic schist may contravene the mineralogical phase rule and warrant further study.  相似文献   

The variation of major and rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in the monomictic hardwater Lake Tiberias during the wet and dry seasons of the hydrological year was studied in two profiles. The average volume and Cl concentration of the known and unknown saline inflows of 1.6 × 107 m3 and 1.2 × 109 mol are derived by closing both balances. This brine corresponds to a mixture of 83% of groundwater from Cretaceous aquifers and 17% of very saline deep brine. Taking cycling of calcite in the hypolimnion into account, the settling rate of authigenic calcite is estimated to be 3.3 mol m−2 a−1.In the stratified lake of the dry season dissolved inorganic carbon increases by 490 μM at the thermo-/chemocline due to microbial reduction of SO42−, NO3, chemical reduction of Fe(III) and MnO2 colloids, and cycling of calcite in the hypolimnion. REY distribution in the stratified water column is dominantly controlled by coprecipitation with calcite, hydrous ferric oxides and MnO2 in the epilimnion and cycling of these compounds in the hypolimnion. The positive Ce anomaly in the hypolimnetic water is produced by cycling of MnO2. The simulation of the increase of REY in the hypolimnion reveals that hydrous ferric and manganese oxides only play a negligible role except Ce. Only about 10% of REY from cycled matter enhance REY in solution. Most of the released REY are adsorbed by particular matter and thus settling on the floor of the lake.Different from Na, U, SO42− and SiO2, the other elements, in particular REY, increase in the mixed water column from the top to the lower third and mostly decrease thereafter toward the bottom in the mixed lake during the wet season. The behavior of REY is caused by some cycling of calcite and pH-dependent re-equilibration of REY bound to hydrous ferric and manganese oxides adsorbed by particular matter.  相似文献   

Differences in rates of nucleation and diffusion‐limited growth for biotite porphyroblasts in adjacent centimetre‐scale layers of a garnet‐biotite schist from the Picuris Mountains of New Mexico are revealed by variations in crystal size and abundance between two layers with strong compositional similarity. Relationships between fabrics recorded by inclusion patterns in biotite and garnet porphyroblasts are interpreted to reflect garnet growth following biotite growth, without substantial alteration of the biotite sizes. Sizes and locations of biotite crystals, obtained via high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography, document that of the two adjacent layers, one has a larger mean crystal volume (9.5 × 10?4v. 2.4 × 10?4 cm3), fewer biotite crystals per unit volume (232 v. 576 crystals cm?3), and a higher volume fraction of biotite (23%v. 14%). The two layers have similar mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry. Both layers show evidence for diffusional control of nucleation and growth. Pseudosection analysis suggests that the large‐biotite layer began to crystallize biotite at a temperature ~67 °C greater than the small‐biotite layer. Diffusion rates differed between layers, because of their different temperature ranges of crystallization, but this effect can be quantified. The bulk compositional difference between the layers, manifested in different modal amounts of biotite, has an effect on the biotite sizes that is also quantifiable and insufficient to account for the difference in biotite size. After these other possible causes of variation in crystal sizes have been eliminated, variability in nucleation and diffusion rates remain as the dominant factors responsible for the difference in porphyroblastic textures. Numerical simulations suggest that relative to the small‐biotite layer, the large‐biotite layer experienced elevated diffusion rates because of the higher crystallization temperature, as well as increased nucleation rates in order to achieve the observed size and number density of crystals. The simulations can replicate the observed textures only by invoking unreasonably large values for the thermal dependence of nucleation rates (activation energies), strongly suggesting that the observed textural differences arise from variations between layers in the abundance and energetics of potential nucleation sites.  相似文献   

Calcium hydroxyapatite and calcite precipitates around bacteria were observed in 2-week-old alluvial topsoil (Roussillon area, SE France). This observation prompted a laboratory study of Ca2+ and PO43− incorporation into hydroxyapatite and Ca2+ into calcite mediated by bacteria using similar topsoil material, but free from apatite and calcite. Subsamples were prepared using three different grain sizes, and experiments were undertaken using sucrose and different contents of Ca2+ and PO43−. Mineralization experiments proceeded over 5 days. Calcium and PO43− sorption onto clay influenced the Ca/P ratio in the solutions. Hydroxyapatite and calcite precipitation only occurred in unsterilized samples. The presence of clay minerals promoted biomineralization.  相似文献   

已有研究表明,右江盆地卡林型金矿成矿期方解石具有独特的中稀土元素富集特点,但其成因还存在诸多争议。贵州泥堡金矿存在成矿期和非成矿期2种热液方解石脉,其中成矿期方解石脉多出现在矿化凝灰质细砾岩与凝灰质(粉)砂岩中,矿物组合为含砷黄铁矿+毒砂+石英+方解石;非成矿期方解石脉在未蚀变灰岩、矿化凝灰质细砾岩与凝灰质(粉)砂岩中均发育,且常穿切成矿期含硫化物方解石脉。文章通过对2种类型方解石脉开展稀土元素与碳、氧同位素、成矿期方解石脉内金属硫化物电子探针与微区原位LA-ICP-MS元素分析,发现与成矿期方解石脉共生的黄铁矿具典型的环带结构,黄铁矿环带和毒砂富Au、As、Sb、Hg、Cu、Co、Ni等元素。成矿期方解石脉显示中稀土元素富集模式和Eu正异常特征,表明金成矿流体为还原性流体,明显不同于非成矿期方解石脉的轻稀土元素富集模式和Eu负异常特征。泥堡金矿成矿期热液方解石的中稀土元素富集模式,与中国西南低温Au-Sb矿床成矿期方解石、萤石、磷灰石等矿物的稀土元素组成特征一致,酸性成矿流体的稀土元素组成可能是导致该金矿区成矿期方解石富集中稀土元素的主要原因。该区热液方解石特有的地球化学特征,使其在低温热液金矿床成矿年代学研究及深部找矿应用方面具有重要前景。  相似文献   

水是矿物流体包裹体的重要组成,承载着流体性质和演化信息。提取矿物包裹体中水的方法主要有真空破碎法及爆裂法。为了减少真空破碎法表面积增大引起水的吸附以及爆裂法在高温下发生同位素交换反应,本文自制了一个在线提取装置,以高纯He作为载气,与高温裂解装置—稳定同位素质谱仪(EA/HT-IRMS)相连,进行一系列的条件实验,确认了方解石矿物包裹体中水的氢同位素组成在线测试的关键技术参数。实验证实,当爆裂温度为420℃、爆裂时间为5 min、含水量为0.1~0.3μL时,利用在线提取装置—EA/HT-IRMS对方解石矿物包裹体中水的δD进行测试的精密度优于±1.5‰(1σ)。相对于传统离线分析方法,本方法实现方解石矿物包裹体中水的在线提取及氢同位素组成的在线测试,简化了操作流程,并提高实验测试效率。  相似文献   

This review considers the geological and geomorphological context of tufa barrages that occupy buried valley settings in the Wye catchment, Derbyshire. It describes the potential relationship of the tufa with locations of hypothesised river captures and inception horizon-guided groundwater flow paths. Tufa barrage development is associated with steps in the bedrock, which may be related to knick-point recession during river capture. Broad estimates of valley incision have been calculated from previously dated deposits. These support current interpretations of particularly significant effective base-level lowering during the Anglian and Devensian stages of the Quaternary and have the potential to add to the knowledge of regional uplift histories.  相似文献   

胡阿香  文静  彭建堂 《地质通报》2023,42(7):1166-1178
湘中锡矿山锑矿床目前研究程度已经很高, 但对该矿区锑矿石发生巨量堆积的原因仍不清楚。热液矿床巨量矿石的堆积过程, 实际上就是大规模流体汇聚并发生有效沉淀的过程, 因此, 对锡矿山矿区流体演化过程和沉淀机制的研究有助于解决其巨量矿石的堆积机制问题。锡矿山矿区方解石非常发育, 且与成矿关系密切, 是研究该区流体作用的理想对象。对该区不同期次方解石进行流体包裹体岩相学和显微测温研究, 初步刻画了该区流体演化过程和矿石沉淀机制。研究表明, 不同期次方解石中流体包裹体类型基本相同, 主要为Ⅰ型(纯液相包裹体)和Ⅱ型(富液相两相包裹体), 但流体包裹体的岩相学特征存在明显差异: 主成矿期流体包裹体不发育且个体小, 成矿晚期流体包裹体发育程度中等且个体较大, 成矿后流体包裹体非常发育且个体很大。流体包裹体显微测温分析显示, 该区经历了2次独立的成矿事件: 主成矿期成矿流体为中高温、中低盐度的热液, 这种热液有利于锑的大规模迁移, 矿石沉淀机制为流体混合作用; 成矿晚期流体为中温、低盐度热液, 这种热液中锑的浓度明显小于主成矿期, 矿石沉淀机制为冷却作用; 成矿后还存在一期热液事件, 其流体为一种低温、低盐度热液。锡矿山矿区矿石巨量堆积主要与主成矿期成矿作用有关, 该期成矿流体中锑的浓度高, 流体规模巨大, 且流体混合作用这种矿石沉淀机制非常有利于超大型锑矿床的形成。  相似文献   

<正>顺层方解石脉是页岩油储层中比较常见的一种构造,虽然它的体量不大,但是携带的地质信息很多,近年来颇受重视,取得了很多成果(何文渊等,2022,2023;杨勇等,2023)。近期大庆油田在古龙凹陷青山口组获得了页岩油的资源量可达15.1 Gt,已引起广泛关注,但还有一些地质问题没有解决,严重地影响了页岩油的勘探开发。因此,对古龙凹陷青山口组页岩的基础地质进行深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Authigenic clays are an important control on reservoir quality in lacustrine carbonates but remain challenging to predict. Lacustrine depositional systems respond to climatic variations in rainfall, surface runoff and groundwater input, and evaporation, and result in rapid and frequent changes in lake volume; this is expressed through changing water depth and shoreline position. In the upper portion of the Early Palaeocene Yacoraite Formation of the Salta Basin in Argentina, extensive lacustrine deposits were deposited during the sag phase of rifting. Prior high-resolution stratigraphic studies have suggested that climatic factors control microbial carbonate sequences within a ‘balanced fill’ lake, with variation in the lake level having a major influence on facies association changes. This study characterizes the evolution of facies and mineralogy within the Yacoraite Formation, focusing on the distribution of clay minerals, making a link between the high, medium and low-frequency sequence stratigraphic cycles. The low-frequency transgressive hemicycle of the upper portion of the Yacoraite Formation is comprised of abundant siliciclastic facies, suggesting a wetter period. Microbialites occurring in this interval are coarse-grained and agglutinated. Detrital clay minerals such as illite and chlorite and associated siliciclastic sediments were input to the lake during high-frequency transgressive periods. During high-frequency regressive hemicycles, sedimentation was dominated by carbonate facies with Ca-rich dolomite and the authigenic clays are comprised of chlorite/smectite mixed-layers. By contrast, the low frequency regressive hemicycle records fine-grained agglutinated microbialite with horizons of fibrous calcite, more stoichiometric dolomite, barite and authigenic magnesian smectite. This indicates elevated ion concentrations in the lake under intense evaporation during an arid period. Understanding the conditions that are favourable for formation and preservation of authigenic clays within the lacustrine environment can improve understanding of reservoir quality in comparable economically important deposits.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope systematics for co-existing pairs of gem-spinel and calcite in marble from Vietnam and other worldwide deposits have been determined in order to characterize the O-isotope fractionation between calcite and spinel. In Vietnam, the Δ18Occ–sp (= 3.7 ± 0.1‰ for six samples from the An Phu and Cong Troi deposits) is remarkably constant. The combination of these data with those obtained on calcite–spinel pairs of Paigutan (Nepal, n = 2), Ipanko (Tanzania, n = 1), and Mogok (Myanmar, = 2) are also consistent with an overall Δ18Occ–sp of 3.6 ± 0.3‰ for all the spinel samples (n = 11). The straight line correlation δ18Occ = 0.96 δ18Osp + 4.4 is excellent despite their worldwide geographic spread. The increment method of calculating oxygen isotope fractionation gave a geologically unreasonable temperature of formation for both minerals at 1374 °C when compared to temperatures obtained by mineral assemblage equilibrium of these marble type deposits, between 610 and 750 °C. The constant Δ18Occ–sp reflects a constant temperature for this amphibolite facies assemblage, whose current best estimate is calculated at 620 ± 40 °C, but unquantified uncertainties remain.  相似文献   

The crystallographic fabric of siderite in siderite concretions has been determined for upper Carboniferous (Westphalian‐A) non‐marine concretions and lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) marine concretions. Compositional zoning indicates that individual siderite crystals grew over a period of changing pore water chemistry, consistent with the concretions being initially a diffuse patch of cement, which grew progressively. The siderite crystallographic fabric was analysed using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, which is carried by paramagnetic siderite. The siderite concretions from marine and non‐marine formations exhibit differences in fabric style, although both display increases in the degree of preferred siderite c‐axis orientation towards the concretion margins. The Westphalian non‐marine siderites show a preferred orientation of siderite c‐axes in the bedding plane, whereas the Pliensbachian marine siderites have a preferred orientation of c‐axes perpendicular to the bedding. In addition, a single marine concretion shows evidence of earlier formed, inclined girdle‐type fabrics, which are intergrown with later formed vertical c‐axis siderite fabrics. The marine and non‐marine fabrics are both apparently controlled by substrate processes at the site of nucleation, which was probably clay mineral surfaces. Siderite nucleation processes on the substrate were most probably controlled by the (bio?) chemistry of the pore waters, which altered the morphology and crystallographic orientation of the forming carbonate. The preferred crystallographic orientation of siderite results from the orientation of the nucleation substrate. Fabric changes across the concretions partially mimic the progressive compaction‐induced alignment of the clay substrates, while the concretion grew during burial.  相似文献   

刘汉彬  金贵善  张建锋  韩娟  李军杰  张佳  石晓  徐可 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040016-67040016
砂岩型铀矿赋矿地层方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成对研究成矿机制具有重要的理论和实践意义。前人在成矿流体来源定性判断方面做了大量的研究工作,但缺乏对成矿混合流体的组分特征及相关参数的定量认识。根据内蒙古东胜地区东南部皂火壕和西北部纳岭沟铀矿床赋矿地层直罗组方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成特征,建立了渗出热卤水和渗入地层水两种不同流体混合生成方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成定量成因模型,并研究了两种流体来源、溶解碳的浓度比、流体比例以及热液温度等综合因素。除少数样品方解石胶结物为地层沉积时形成外,大部分方解石胶结物是热卤水与地层水两种流体混合作用的结果,古生界有机酸脱羧作用导致热卤水中富含CO2。东胜地区砂岩型铀矿成矿流体地层水与热卤水比例为0.5~0.9,地层水所占的比例较大;热卤水与地层水溶解碳浓度比主要范围为1.5~5.0,部分大于10.0,热卤水中溶解碳浓度较高,是富含CO2的流体。混合流体温度分为两个主要范围55~80℃、90~140℃,结合古盐度和盐度指数反演,表明成矿流体为有机与无机混合成因的低温热液流体。用砂岩型铀矿赋矿地层方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成,可定量模拟两种流体溶解碳浓度比、流体比例和方解石形成时温度等流体成矿条件,解释碳酸盐胶结物成因,以便从成矿流体角度更好地理解成矿作用过程。  相似文献   

刘汉彬  金贵善  张建锋  韩娟  李军杰  张佳  石晓  徐可 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67041168-67041183
砂岩型铀矿赋矿地层方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成对研究成矿机制具有重要的理论和实践意义。前人在成矿流体来源定性判断方面做了大量的研究工作,但缺乏对成矿混合流体的组分特征及相关参数的定量认识。根据内蒙古东胜地区东南部皂火壕和西北部纳岭沟铀矿床赋矿地层直罗组方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成特征,建立了渗出热卤水和渗入地层水两种不同流体混合生成方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成定量成因模型,并研究了两种流体来源、溶解碳的浓度比、流体比例以及热液温度等综合因素。除少数样品方解石胶结物为地层沉积时形成外,大部分方解石胶结物是热卤水与地层水两种流体混合作用的结果,古生界有机酸脱羧作用导致热卤水中富含CO_2。东胜地区砂岩型铀矿成矿流体地层水与热卤水比例为0.5~0.9,地层水所占的比例较大;热卤水与地层水溶解碳浓度比主要范围为1.5~5.0,部分大于10.0,热卤水中溶解碳浓度较高,是富含CO_2的流体。混合流体温度分为两个主要范围55~80℃、90~140℃,结合古盐度和盐度指数反演,表明成矿流体为有机与无机混合成因的低温热液流体。用砂岩型铀矿赋矿地层方解石胶结物C、O同位素组成,可定量模拟两种流体溶解碳浓度比、流体比例和方解石形成时温度等流体成矿条件,解释碳酸盐胶结物成因,以便从成矿流体角度更好地理解成矿作用过程。  相似文献   

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