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Precise GNSS-based differential positioning in real time is usually known as the real-time kinematics (RTK) technique. RTK reduces the effects of orbit errors and ionospheric and tropospheric refraction by forming differences between the observables (e.g. double-differences). These effects, however, grow with increasing baseline length, although the use of corrections generated in real-time from an active GNSS network allows these distance-dependent errors to be reduced. This technology increases the reliability of the system and thereby the accuracy of real-time positioning. In this study, the test results of RTK positioning at different test points located in the border area between the Autonomous Communities of the Region of Murcia and the Community of Valencia, in SE Spain, are presented. The analysis is based on three GNSS local active networks present in this border area, namely MERISTEMUM, REGAM and ERVA networks. Test measurements with RTK rover were performed in this region in order to analyze the real-time services offered by these three networks. Moreover, precise coordinates for each test point were determined using Bernese 5.0. The results confirm that it is possible to achieve centimetre-scale accuracy with RTK positioning based on the networks studied, even in border regions.  相似文献   

The quality of the links between the different space geodetic techniques (VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS) is still one of the major limiting factors for the realization of a unique global terrestrial reference frame that is accurate enough to allow the monitoring of the Earth system, i.e., of processes like sea level change, postglacial rebound and silent earthquakes. According to the specifications of the global geodetic observing system of the International Association of Geodesy, such a reference frame should be accurate to 1 mm over decades, with rates of change stable at the level of 0.1 mm/year. The deficiencies arise from inaccurate or incomplete local ties at many fundamental sites as well as from systematic instrumental biases in the individual space geodetic techniques. Frequently repeated surveys, the continuous monitoring of antenna heights and the geometrical mount stability (Lösler et al. in J Geod 90:467–486, 2016.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-016-0887-8) have not provided evidence for insufficient antenna stability. Therefore, we have investigated variations in the respective system delays caused by electronic circuits, which is not adequately captured by the calibration process, either because of subtle differences in the circuitry between geodetic measurement and calibration, high temporal variability or because of lacking resolving bandwidth. The measured system delay variations in the electric chain of both VLBI- and SLR systems reach the order of 100 ps, which is equivalent to 3 cm of path length. Most of this variability is usually removed by the calibrations but by far not all. This paper focuses on the development of new technologies and procedures for co-located geodetic instrumentation in order to identify and remove systematic measurement biases within and between the individual measurement techniques. A closed-loop optical time and frequency distribution system and a common inter-technique reference target provide the possibility to remove variable system delays. The main motivation for the newly established central reference target, locked to the station clock, is the combination of all space geodetic instruments at a single reference point at the observatory. On top of that it provides the unique capability to perform a closure measurement based on the observation of time.  相似文献   

GPS/VRS 卫星定位服务网络建设与精度评定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
虚拟参考站技术是近几年发展起来的,集Internet、无线通讯、计算机网络和GPS于一体的卫星定位技术。成都虚拟参考站卫星定位服务系统的建设,在设计上可满足全天候地向大成都地区用户提供厘米级实时动态定位服务。为了对该系统的实际定位精度进行客观的评价,从2 0 0 4年7月开展,历时两个月,全面完成了成都虚拟参考站卫星定位服务系统的精度评定工作,结果表明:在网内,水平方向上的精度可达2 .5cm ,垂直方向上的精度为4 . 5cm ,精度分布均匀;在网外,未模型化的距离相关误差的残余逐步增大,特别是距离网络中心大于1 2 0km以上时,定位精度开始衰减,为分米级。  相似文献   

Lithological boundaries provide information useful for activities such as mineral and hydrocarbon exploration, water resource surveys, and natural hazard evaluation. Automated detection of lithological boundaries reduces bias inherent in expert interpretation of boundaries and thus improves the reliability of lithological mapping. The Rotation Variant Template Matching (RTM) algorithm was applied to ASTER imagery to detect pre-defined lithological boundaries. Templates incorporating the mineral combinations gypsum–calcite and calcite–illite were designed to detect boundaries between evaporites, marly limestone, and sandstone. The RTM algorithm successfully detected lithological boundaries by rotating the templates over the ASTER imagery. The accuracy of the detected boundaries was spatially assessed using fuzzy set theory. Boundaries from a published geological map and boundaries interpreted from a stereo pair of aerial photos by five experts were used as references for assessing the accuracy. A confidence region unifying spatial errors was defined for the geological map and stereo-pair interpretation to provide boundary zones from these references. The correspondence between detected boundaries and the boundary zones of the aerial photo was better than between detected boundaries and boundary zones of the geological map.  相似文献   

Summary On the initiative of ProfessorR. Roelofs of the Delft Technological University and the financial support of the ‘Delft's Hogeschoolfonds’, a study was undertaken by the author concerning the reception and the use of radio time signals for the precise determination of the chronometer correction. As a result of this study an entirely new method featuring visual presentation and electronic enlargement of second ticks as transmitted by radio station WWV, was developed. Owing to the international importance of the problem, further development and actual construction of the necessary electronic equipment were carried out under the auspices of the Netherlands National Geodetic Committee, resulting in the Time Signal Oscillograph (TSO), which has now been in experimental use at the Geodetic Institute of the Delft Technological University since August 1953. The accuracy achieved by the new method is of the order of 1/1000 second, while errors and uncertainties due to atmospheric and/or man-made interference with the reception of the radio time signals have been practically eliminated. Operation of the instrument can be carried out by technically non-skilled persons, and direct reading of the chronometer correction in milleseconds is obtained. No identification is given of any particular second tick; however, this can be readily obtained by means of the standard tone modulation periods of the WWV radio station.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are distributed at a horizontal resolution of 90 m (30 m only for US) for the world, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM data provide 30 m horizontal resolution, while CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) gives 2.6 m horizontal resolution for global coverage. SRTM and ASTER data are available freely but 2.6 m CARTOSAT-1 data are costly. Hence, through this study, we found out a horizontal accuracy for selected ground control points (GCPs) from SRTM and ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM to implement this result (observed from horizontal accuracy) for those areas where the 2.6-m horizontal resolution data are not available. In addition to this, the present study helps in providing a benchmark against which the future DEM products (with horizontal resolution less than CARTOSAT-1) with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM can be evaluated. The original SRTM image contained voids that were represented digitally as ?140; such voids were initially filled using the measured values of elevation for obtaining accurate DEM. Horizontal accuracy analysis between SRTM- and ASTER-derived DEMs with respect to CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) DEM allowed a qualitative assessment of the horizontal component of the error, and the appropriable statistical measures were used to estimate their horizontal accuracies. The horizontal accuracy for ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 were evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative root mean square error (R-RMSE). The results from this study revealed that the average RMSE of 20 selected GCPs was 2.17 for SRTM and 2.817 for ASTER, which are also validated using R-RMSE test which proves that SRTM data have good horizontal accuracy than ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 because the average R-RMSE of 20 GCPs was 3.7 × 10?4 and 5.3 × 10?4 for SRTM and ASTER, respectively.  相似文献   

GPS radio occultation (RO) signals are highly coherent and precise, and thus sufficient for holographic investigation of the atmosphere, ionosphere, and the Earth's surface from space. In principle, three-dimensional radio-holographic remote sensing is possible by using new radio holographic equations to retrieve the radio field within the atmosphere from a radio field known at some interface outside the atmosphere. A simplified two-dimensional form of the radio-holographic equations which are developed under an assumption of local spherical symmetry can be used to obtain two-dimensional radio images of the atmosphere and terrestrial surface. To achieve this, radio holograms recorded by a GPS receiver onboard a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite at two GPS frequencies can be used and focused synthetic aperture principle applied. Analysis of GPS/MET RO data is presented to show the effectiveness of a radio-holographic approach. It is shown that the amplitude of GPS radio signals (in addition to phase data) can be used to obtain detailed altitude profiles of the vertical gradient of refractivity in the atmosphere and electron density in the mesosphere. The results demonstrate the applicability of GPS radio holography for a detailed global study of the natural processes in the atmosphere and mesosphere. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Since 1995, the global positioning system (GPS) has been exploited by the means of the radio occultation (RO) method to obtain the vertical profiles of refractivity, temperature, pressure, and water vapor in the neutral atmosphere and electron density in the ionosphere. Applying the RO method to the study of the Earths atmosphere was demonstrated for the first time with the GPS/MET experiment. Since then, several satellites with GPS receivers, suitable for RO experiments, have been launched including Oersted, SUNSAT, CHAMP, SAC-C, and GRACE. Future RO investigations that are planned now include FORMOSAT3/COSMIC and Terra-SAR missions. New elements in the RO technology are required to meet the goals of improving the accuracy and broadening the potential of the RO method. In this paper, a methodological review of RO investigations is presented to emphasize new directions in applying the RO method: measuring the vertical gradients of the refractivity in the atmosphere and electron density in the lower ionosphere, determination of the temperature regime in the upper stratosphere, investigation of the internal wave activity in the atmosphere, and study of the ionospheric disturbances on a global scale. These new directions may be relevant for investigating the relationships between processes in the atmosphere and mesosphere, the study of thermal regimes in the intermediate heights of the upper stratosphere—lower mesosphere, and the analysis of the influence of the space weather phenomena on the lower ionosphere.  相似文献   

The frequency stability and uncertainty of the latest generation of optical atomic clocks is now approaching the one part in \(10^{18}\) level. Comparisons between earthbound clocks at rest must account for the relativistic redshift of the clock frequencies, which is proportional to the corresponding gravity (gravitational plus centrifugal) potential difference. For contributions to international timescales, the relativistic redshift correction must be computed with respect to a conventional zero potential value in order to be consistent with the definition of Terrestrial Time. To benefit fully from the uncertainty of the optical clocks, the gravity potential must be determined with an accuracy of about \(0.1\,\hbox {m}^{2}\,\hbox {s}^{-2}\), equivalent to about 0.01 m in height. This contribution focuses on the static part of the gravity field, assuming that temporal variations are accounted for separately by appropriate reductions. Two geodetic approaches are investigated for the derivation of gravity potential values: geometric levelling and the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)/geoid approach. Geometric levelling gives potential differences with millimetre uncertainty over shorter distances (several kilometres), but is susceptible to systematic errors at the decimetre level over large distances. The GNSS/geoid approach gives absolute gravity potential values, but with an uncertainty corresponding to about 2 cm in height. For large distances, the GNSS/geoid approach should therefore be better than geometric levelling. This is demonstrated by the results from practical investigations related to three clock sites in Germany and one in France. The estimated uncertainty for the relativistic redshift correction at each site is about \(2 \times 10^{-18}\).  相似文献   


Various methods have been developed to investigate the geospatial information, temporal component, and message content in disaster-related social media data to enrich human-centric information for situational awareness. However, few studies have simultaneously analyzed these three dimensions (i.e. space, time, and content). With an attempt to bring a space–time perspective into situational awareness, this study develops a novel approach to integrate space, time, and content dimensions in social media data and enable a space–time analysis of detailed social responses to a natural disaster. Using Markov transition probability matrix and location quotient, we analyzed the Hurricane Sandy tweets in New York City and explored how people’s conversational topics changed across space and over time. Our approach offers potential to facilitate efficient policy/decision-making and rapid response in mitigations of damages caused by natural disasters.  相似文献   

This study aims to increase the accuracy of the object based classification approach to differentiate the spectrally similar land cover types to create thematic maps depicting the current land use status in rangeland. Firstly, the multispectral and panchromatic bands of a WorldView-2 MS and Pan images are fused. The fused WV-2 image is then classified with object based approach using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classifier (Method 1). The overall classification accuracy for Method 1 is found to be 88.6%. Secondly, UAV ortho-image is utilised for segmentation process, which is required for the object based SVM classification of the WV-2 MS image (Method 2). The overall classification accuracy for Method 2 is obtained as 92.4%. It is realised that the Method 2 increases the object based classification accuracy by 4%, compared to Method 1. This result reveals that the object based classification of the UAV and WV-2 MS images makes significant contribution to the classification accuracy.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodological model for the study of the space‐time patterns of everyday life. The framework utilizes a wide range of qualitative and quantitative sources to create two environmental stages, social and built, which place and contextualize the daily mobilities of individuals as they traverse urban environments. Additionally, this study outlines a procedure to fully integrate narrative sources in a GIS. By placing qualitative sources, such as narratives, within a stage‐based GIS, researchers can begin to tell rich spatial stories about the lived experiences of segregation, social interaction, and environmental exposure. The article concludes with a case study utilizing the diary of a postal clerk to outline the wide applicability of this model for space‐time GIS research.  相似文献   

In an elementary approach every geometrical height difference between the staff points of a levelling line should have a corresponding average g value for the determination of potential difference in the Earth’s gravity field. In practice this condition requires as many gravity data as the number of staff points if linear variation of g is assumed between them. Because of the expensive fieldwork, the necessary data should be supplied from different sources. This study proposes an alternative solution, which is proved at a test bed located in the Mecsek Mountains, Southwest Hungary, where a detailed gravity survey, as dense as the staff point density (~1 point/34 m), is available along a 4.3-km-long levelling line. In the first part of the paper the effect of point density of gravity data on the accuracy of potential difference is investigated. The average g value is simply derived from two neighbouring g measurements along the levelling line, which are incrementally decimated in the consecutive turns of processing. The results show that the error of the potential difference between the endpoints of the line exceeds 0.1 mm in terms of length unit if the sampling distance is greater than 2 km. Thereafter, a suitable method for the densification of the decimated g measurements is provided. It is based on forward gravity modelling utilising a high-resolution digital terrain model, the normal gravity and the complete Bouguer anomalies. The test shows that the error is only in the order of 10−3mm even if the sampling distance of g measurements is 4 km. As a component of the error sources of levelling, the ambiguity of the levelled height difference which is the Euclidean distance between the inclined equipotential surfaces is also investigated. Although its effect accumulated along the test line is almost zero, it reaches 0.15 mm in a 1-km-long intermediate section of the line.  相似文献   

Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) provides opportunities to generate high-quality digital elevation models (DEMs) even in wetland environments. Our project, performed over the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia during the spring of 2010, shows that several, distinctive factors must be considered to ensure successful wetland LiDAR projects. Some of the challenges include selecting optimal flight times in accordance with weather variability and water levels, having effective and quality control protocols, applying and developing filtering and interpolation algorithms, breaklines in swamps and accounting for data striping and noise. While some of these issues are faced in any airborne LiDAR acquisition, many of these require special consideration in a low-slope wetland environment with water saturated soils, widespread shallow water, and sediments and extensive vegetation. An examination of these issues and how they were handled will help in ensuring the success of future LiDAR acquisitions and, in particular, will advance knowledge of producing quality DEMs in wetland environments.  相似文献   

GPS-based pedestrian navigation systems have become increasingly popular. Different interface technologies can be used to communicate/convey route directions to pedestrians. This paper aims to empirically study the influence of different interface technologies on spatial knowledge acquisition in the context of GPS-based pedestrian navigation. A field experiment was implemented to address this concern. Firstly, the suitability of the evaluation methods in assessing spatial knowledge acquisition was analyzed empirically (focusing on the ability of differentiating “familiar” and “unfamiliar” participants). The suitable methods were then used to compare the influence of mobile maps, augmented reality, and voice on spatial learning. The field test showed that in terms of spatial knowledge acquisition, the three interface technologies led to comparable results, which were not significantly different from each other. The results bring some challenging issues for consideration when designing mobile pedestrian navigation systems.  相似文献   

Reconstructing past landscapes from historical maps requires quantifying the accuracy and completeness of these sources. The accuracy and completeness of two historical maps of the same period covering the same area in Israel were examined: the 1:63,360 British Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871–1877) and the 1:100,000 French Levés en Galilée (LG) map (1870). These maps cover the mountainous area of the Galilee (northern Israel), a region with significant natural and topographical diversity, and a long history of human presence. Land-cover features from both maps, as well as the contours drawn on the LG map, were digitized. The overall correspondence between land-cover features shown on both maps was 59% and we found that the geo-referencing method employed (transformation type and source of control points) did not significantly affect these correspondence measures. Both maps show that in the 1870s, 35% of the Galilee was covered by Mediterranean maquis, with less than 8% of the area used for permanent agricultural cropland (e.g., plantations). This article presents how the reliability of the maps was assessed by using two spatial historical sources, and how land-cover classes that were mapped with lower certainty and completeness are identified. Some of the causes that led to observed differences between the maps, including mapping scale, time of year, and the interests of the surveyors, are also identified.  相似文献   

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