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Pulsation period changes in Mira type variables are investigated using the stellar evolution and nonlinear stellar pulsation calculations. We considered the evolutionary sequence of stellar models with initial mass \({M_{ZAMS}} = \;3{M_ \odot }\) and population I composition. Pulsations of stars in the early stage of the asymptotic giant branch are shown to be due to instability of the fundamental mode. In the later stage of evolution when the helium shell source becomes thermally unstable the stellar oscillations occur in either the fundamental mode (for the stellar luminosuty \(L < 5.4 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\)) or the first overtone (\(L > 7 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\)). Excitation of pulsations is due to the κ-mechanism in the hydrogen ionization zone. Stars with intermediate luminosities \(5.4 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot } < L < 7 \times {10^3}{L_ \odot }\) were found to be stable against radial oscillations. The pulsation period was determined as a function of evolutionary time and period change rates \(\dot \Pi \) were evaluated for the first ten helium flashes. The period change rate becomes the largest in absolute value \((\dot \Pi /\Pi \approx - {10^{ - 2}}y{r^{ - 1}})\) between the helium flash and the maximum of the stellar luminosity. Period changes with rate \(\left| {\dot \Pi /\Pi } \right| \geqslant - {10^{ - 3}}y{r^{ - 1}}\) take place during ≈500 yr, that is nearly one hundredth of the interval between helium flashes.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Evidence of wind variability and velocity stratification in the extended atmosphere has been found in the spectra of the supergiant V340 Ser ( $${=}$$ IRAS 17279 $$-$$ 1119)...  相似文献   

Using the Galaxy as an example, we study the effect of [(j)\vec] ×[(B)\vec]\vec{j} \times \vec{B} force on the rotational curves of gas and plasma in galaxies. Acceptable model for the galactic magnetic field and plausible physical parameters are used to fit the flat rotational curve for gas and plasma based on the observed baryonic (visible) matter distribution and [(j)\vec] ×[(B)\vec]\vec{j} \times\vec{B} force term in the static MHD equation of motion. We also study the effects of varied strength of the magnetic field, its pitch angle and length scale on the rotational curves. We show that [(j)\vec] ×[(B)\vec]\vec{j} \times\vec{B} force does not play an important role on the plasma dynamics in the intermediate range of distances 6–12 kpc from the centre, whilst the effect is sizable for larger r (r≥15 kpc), where it is the most crucial.  相似文献   

Astrophysics and Space Science - The purpose of this paper is to study the Tsallis agegraphic dark energy with an interaction term between dark energy and dark matter in the DGP brane-world...  相似文献   

We present new two- and four-dimensional potential energy surfaces for the KCl(\(\mbox{X}^{1} \varSigma ^{+}\))-He and KCl(\(\mbox{X}^{1} \varSigma ^{+}\))-para-H2 systems calculated with the internuclear distances of KCl and H2 frozen at their experimental minimum energy. The CCSD(T) level of theory with aug-cc-pVQZ/AQZP basis sets is used. The potential surfaces present well depths of about \(78~\mbox{cm}^{-1}\) and \(235~\mbox{cm}^{-1}\) below the dissociation limit of the above interacting systems respectively. With these potential surfaces, cross sections are obtained in the close coupling scheme and rate coefficients inferred by averaging the cross sections over a Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution for temperature below 50 K. A propensity towards \(\Delta J = 1\) transitions is observed.  相似文献   

The potential energy surface (PES) for the \(\mathrm{CP}(\mathrm{X}^{2}\varSigma^{+})\)-\(\mathrm{He}(^{1}S)\) complex has been calculated at the RCCSD(T)-F12/VTZ-F12 level of theory. The analytic fit of the PES was obtained by using global analytical method. The fitted PES was used subsequently in the close-coupling approach for the computation of the state-to-state collisional excitation cross sections of the fine-structure levels of the CP-He complex. Collision energies were taken up to 1500 cm?1 and they yield after thermal averaging, state-to-state rate coefficients up to 200 K. The propensity rules between the lowest fine-structure levels were studied. These rules show, on one hand, a strong propensity in favour of even \(\Delta N\) transitions, and the other hand, that cross sections and collisional rate coefficients for \(\Delta j =\Delta N\) transitions are larger than those for \(\Delta j\neq \Delta N\) transitions.  相似文献   

基于斯隆数字化巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,SDSS)第12期数据(data release 12,DR12)的光谱,分析引力透镜类星体SDSS J1001+5027的A, B两个像的光谱。两个像光谱的红移分别为1.84132±0.00024和1.84545±0.00012,透镜天体红移约为0.415。通过证认可靠的CⅣλλ1548, 1551或Mg Ⅱλλ2796, 2803窄吸收双线的方法,证认出A, B两个像的光谱中红移分别为1.60677±0.00012, 0.87140±0.00007和0.41455±0.00006的3个吸收系统。从3个吸收系统共证认出27条窄吸收线。测量27条窄吸收线的等值宽度,再通过分析、比较3个吸收系统在A, B两个像光谱中吸收线的数量及等值宽度的差异,给出了3个吸收系统在引力透镜类星体SDSS J1001+5027视线方向可能的分布示意图。  相似文献   

We present a detailed investigation of the dramatic changes that occur in the \(\mathcal {L}_1\) halo family when radiation pressure is introduced into the Sun–Earth circular restricted three-body problem (CRTBP). This photo-gravitational CRTBP can be used to model the motion of a solar sail orientated perpendicular to the Sun-line. The problem is then parameterized by the sail lightness number, the ratio of solar radiation pressure acceleration to solar gravitational acceleration. Using boundary-value problem numerical continuation methods and the AUTO software package (Doedel et al. in Int J Bifurc Chaos 1:493–520, 1991) the families can be fully mapped out as the parameter \(\beta \) is increased. Interestingly, the emergence of a branch point in the retrograde satellite family around the Earth at \(\beta \approx 0.0387\) acts to split the halo family into two new families. As radiation pressure is further increased one of these new families subsequently merges with another non-planar family at \(\beta \approx 0.289\) , resulting in a third new family. The linear stability of the families changes rapidly at low values of \(\beta \) , with several small regions of neutral stability appearing and disappearing. By using existing methods within AUTO to continue branch points and period-doubling bifurcations, and deriving a new boundary-value problem formulation to continue the folds and Krein collisions, we track bifurcations and changes in the linear stability of the families in the parameter \(\beta \) and provide a comprehensive overview of the halo family in the presence of radiation pressure. The results demonstrate that even at small values of \(\beta \) there is significant difference to the classical CRTBP, providing opportunity for novel solar sail trajectories. Further, we also find that the branch points between families in the solar sail CRTBP provide a simple means of generating certain families in the classical case.  相似文献   

A strong emission line at 6703 Å has been detected in the optical spectrum for the host galaxy (R = 23.1) of the radio source RC J0311+0507 (4C+04.11). This radio galaxy, with a spectral index of 1.31 in the frequency range 365–4850 MHz, is one of the ultrasteep-spectrum objects from the deep survey of a sky strip conducted with RATAN-600 in 1980–1981. We present arguments in favor of the identification of this line with Lyα at redshift z = 4.514. In this case, the object belongs to the group of extremely distant radio galaxies of ultrahigh radio luminosity (P 1400 = 1.3 × 1029 W Hz?1). Such power can be provided only by a fairly massive black hole (~109 M⊙) that formed in a time less than the age of the Universe at the observed z (1.3 Gyr) or had a primordial origin.  相似文献   

Performing the photometric observations of the cataclysmic variable IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0, we discovered very deep eclipses. The observations were obtained over 14 nights, had a total duration of 56 hours and covered one year. The large time span, during which we observed the eclipses, allowed us to measure the orbital period in IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 with high precision, \(P_{\mathrm{orb}}=0.20603098\pm 0.00000025\) d. The prominent parts of the eclipses lasted \(0.1\pm 0.01\) phases or \(30\pm 3~\mbox{min}\). The depth of the eclipses was variable in the range 1.8–2.9 mag. The average eclipse depth was equal to \(2.42\pm 0.06~\mbox{mag}\). The prominent parts of the eclipses revealed a smooth and symmetric shape. We derived the eclipse ephemeris, which, according to the precision of the orbital period, has a formal validity time of 500 years. This ephemeris can be useful for future investigations of the long-term period changes. During the latter four observational nights in 2017 January, we observed the sharp brightness decrease of IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 by 2.3 mag. This brightness decrease imitated the end of the dwarf nova outburst. However, the long-term light curve of IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 obtained in the course of the Catalina Sky Survey during 8 years showed no dwarf nova outbursts. From this we conclude that IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 is a novalike variable. Moreover, the sharp brightness decrease, which we observed in IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0, suggests that this novalike variable belongs to the VY Scl-subtype. Due to very deep eclipses, IPHAS J051814.33+294113.0 is suitable to study the accretion disc structure using eclipse mapping techniques. Because this novalike variable has the long orbital period, it is of interest to determine the masses of the stellar components from radial velocity measurements. Then, our precise eclipse ephemeris can be useful to the phasing of spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

The outburst of X-ray transient source XTE J2012+381 was detected by the RXTE All-Sky Monitor on 1998 May 24th. Following the outburst, X-ray observations of the source were made in the 2–18 keV energy band with the Pointed Proportional Counters of the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment (IXAE) on-board the Indian satellite IRS-P3 during 1998 June 2nd–10th. The X-ray flux of the source in the main outburst decreased exponentially during the period of observation. No large amplitude short-term variability in the intensity is detected from the source. The power density spectrum obtained from the timing analysis of the data shows no indication of any quasi-periodic oscillations in 0.002–0.5 Hz band. The hardness ratio i.e. the ratio of counts in 6–18 keV to 2–6 keV band, indicates that the X-ray spectrum is soft with spectral index >2. From the similarities of the X-ray properties with those of other black hole transients, we conclude that the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 is likely to be a black hole.  相似文献   

The ROSAT X-ray source 1RXS J114003.0 124112 was identified as a starburst galaxy at redshift 0.177 by He et al. The authors also noted that the source is almost two orders of magnitude brighter in X-ray than the X-ray-brightest starburst galaxy and it seems to be in a merging system, making this source an enigmatic system demanding further observations. Here we report a re-identification of 1RXS J114003.0 124112 using observations on the 2.6m telescope at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia and the SDSS data. The results indicate that the starburst activity is associated with the brighter object of the system, while the fainter object is a typical Seyfert 1 galaxy at a different redshift (0.282). Therefore, the two objects are not in a merging system, and the Seyfert 1 galaxy naturally accounts for the high X-ray flux. Three more objects reside in the vicinity, but they are all too faint to be responsible for the high X-ray flux.  相似文献   

We present results from a new XMM–Newton observation of the high-redshift quasar RX J1028.6 – 0844 at a redshift of 4.276. The soft X-ray spectral flattening, as reported by a previous study with ASCA , is confirmed to be present, with, however, a reduced column density when modelled by absorption. The inferred column density for absorption intrinsic to the quasar is  2.1(+0.4−0.3) × 1022  cm−2  for cold matter, and higher for ionized gas. The spectral flattening shows remarkable similarity with that of two similar object, namely GB 1428 + 4217 and PMN J0525 − 3343. The results improve upon those obtained from a previous short-exposure observation for RX J1028.6 – 0844 with XMM–Newton . A comparative study of the two XMM–Newton observations reveals a change in the power-law photon index from  Γ≃ 1.3  to 1.5 on time-scales of about one year. A tentative excess emission feature in the rest-frame 5–10 keV band is suggested, which is similar to that marginally suggested for GB 1428 + 4217.  相似文献   

We have reported, in our previous paper, on the near-infrared (NIR) identification of a possible counterpart to the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094 obtained with the European Southern Observatory/New Technology Telescope. Here, we present new, follow-up, Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics observations of the XTE J1908+094 field, which resolved the previously proposed counterpart in two objects separated by about 0.8 arcsec. Assuming that both objects are potential candidate counterparts, we derive that the binary system is a low-mass system with a companion star which could be either an intermediate/late type (A–K) main-sequence star at a distance of 3–10 kpc or a late-type (>K) main-sequence star at a distance of 1–3 kpc. However, we show that the brighter of the two objects ( J ∼ 20.1,  H ∼ 18.7,  K '∼ 17.8) is more likely to be the real counterpart of the X-ray source. Its position is more compatible with our astrometric solution, and colours and magnitudes of the other object are not consistent with the lower limit of 3 kpc derived independently from the peak bolometric flux of XTE J1908+094. Further multiwavelength observations of both candidate counterparts are crucial in order to solve the pending identification.  相似文献   

The environmental properties of a sample of 31 hard X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) are investigated, from scales of 500 kpc down to 30 kpc, and are compared to a control sample of inactive galaxies. All the AGN lie in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 0.6  . The accretion luminosity density of the Universe peaks close to this redshift range, and the AGN in the sample have X-ray luminosities close to the knee in the hard X-ray luminosity function, making them representative of the population that dominated this important phase of energy conversion.
Using both the spatial clustering amplitude and near-neighbour counts, it is found that the AGN have environments that are indistinguishable from normal, inactive galaxies over the same redshift range and with similar optical properties. Typically, the environments are of subcluster richness, in contrast to similar studies of high- z quasars, which are often found in clusters with comparable richness to the Abell   R ≥ 0  clusters.
It is suggested that minor mergers with low-mass companions are a likely candidate for the mechanism by which these modest luminosity AGN are fuelled.  相似文献   

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