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Over the past 20 years, the Soultz experimental geothermal site in Alsace, France, has been explored in detail by the drilling of five boreholes, three of which extend to 5 km depth. Data on geology, fluid geochemistry, temperature, microseismicity, hydraulics and geomechanics have been collected and interpreted by the various teams from the participating European countries and their international collaborators. Two reservoirs have been developed within granite at depths of 3.5 and 5 km. The reservoir at 3.5 km was formed from two wells, 450 m apart, both of which were subjected to hydraulic stimulation injections. The system was circulated continuously for 4 months at 25 kg/s in 1997 using a downhole pump, and yielded results that were extremely encouraging. The impedance reduced to 0.1 MPa/l/s, the first time this long-standing target had been attained. Construction of a deeper system began shortly afterwards with the drilling of 3 deviated wells to 5 km true vertical depth, where the temperature was 200 °C. The wells were drilled in a line, 600 m apart at reservoir depth, and all were hydraulically stimulated and subjected to acidization injections. The 3-well system was circulated under buoyancy drive for 5 months in 2005 with injection in the central well, GPK-3, and production from the two outer wells, GPK-2 and GPK-4. This showed good linkage between one doublet pair, but not the other. Further acidization operations on the low-productivity well led to its productivity increasing to almost the same level as the other wells. Construction of a power plant at the site was completed in 2008 and a trial circulation with a production pump in one well and the other shut-in was conducted with power production. Downhole pumps are now installed in both production wells in preparation for long-term circulation of the system. In this article we present an overview of the principal accomplishments at Soultz over the past two decades, and highlight the main results, issues identified, and lessons learnt.  相似文献   

李臣  王坤  刘春兰  方志斌  陈敏 《新疆地质》2004,22(2):216-218
在稀油油藏开发中,由于注水开发受储层自身条件和长期注水的影响,油井产能无法有效发挥,采用酸化改造储层措施,能够恢复、提高渗透能力.然而目前酸化改造储层措施的前期论证,一般仅依靠压力恢复资料和历史生产数据对比,进行定性评价,根据经验判断,选井带有盲目性,为此,笔就“压汞曲线在低渗储层酸化改造中的应用”这一问题进行了研究,  相似文献   

The residing fracture system and the prevailing in situ stresses have a significant impact on fluid flow and heat transfer in crystalline rocks. The long term response of fracture systems to changes in effective stresses, in particular the long term geo-mechanical effects of thermal stresses on reservoir characteristics is of particular interest to the geothermal industry.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬地区延长组长4+5低渗透储层成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
碎屑岩储层成岩作用复杂而强烈,对储层物性有着重要影响。应用岩相学研究方法,在对鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬地区延长组长4+5低渗砂岩储层成岩作用及其对物性影响定量研究基础上,探讨了低渗储层成因机理。成岩作用和孔隙演化研究表明,压实作用虽然造成12%~20%的孔隙度损失,但是压实后剩余孔隙度仍高达15%~23%,早期胶结作用使孔隙度损失很小,压实作用和早期胶结作用并没有使储层致密,不影响油气渗流。溶蚀作用进一步改善了储层,晚成岩阶段A期-B期形成的钠长石、亮晶方解石、白云石、自生高龄石和铁绿泥石等大量胶结物的晚期胶结作用使储层孔隙度仅有4%~6%,储层因此而致密,由此影响油气渗流。晚期裂隙作用对储层孔隙度贡献为6%~8%,改善了储层物性而使其成为有效储层。盆地演化及与之对应的成岩事件研究认为,印支运动前,姬塬地区长4+5储层处于浅埋藏阶段,经历压实作用和早期胶结作用,早-中侏罗世长 7烃源岩进入未成熟-低熟阶段,形成富含有机酸流体进入储层而发生溶蚀作用,早白垩世中-晚期进入深埋藏成岩阶段,晚期胶结物大量形成而使储层致密。生烃增压作用导致的裂隙以及晚白垩世以来的构造运动形成的裂缝对研究区长4+5有效储层形成具有非常重要意义,同时对低渗油气藏勘探也具有指导意义。  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel methodology to integrate one of the most advanced technique for modeling fractured media for underground systems with a semantics-based genetic programming technique. The objective of the study is to develop a global framework to forecast the temperature of fractured reservoirs. The numerical method used to solve the physical equations is able to handle different fracture distributions without changing the background computational grid, i.e. the mesh of the rock matrix, as well as letting geometrically uncoupled the one co-dimensional fracture meshes. In the context of temperature forecasting, the use of a recently defined variant of genetic programming is taken into account for finding (quasi-)perfect solutions with high probability and for generating models able to produce near optimal predictions also on unseen data. The proposed computational intelligence technique integrates, in a recently developed version of genetic programming that uses semantic genetic operators, a “greedy” crossover and a self tuning algorithm. Experimental results confirm the suitability of the proposed method in predicting the correct temperature distribution in probes inside the domain.  相似文献   

叠前纵波方位各向异性检测裂缝是目前应用最为广泛的方法,该方法主要是利用AVAZ地震资料椭圆拟合的长轴与短轴信息来评价裂缝,该方法在具体应用时,认为裂缝型储层AVAZ响应特征的变化仅由各向异性参数决定,而没有考虑非各向异性参数的影响,从而引起裂缝评价的多解性。为提高该技术的裂缝评价精度,从模型分析入手,将模型中各向异性参数及岩性参数设置为概率密度分布函数,然后采用Monte Carlo随机方法进行叠前AVAZ正演模拟。首先,对各向异性参数对椭圆拟合的影响进行简单分析,得出各向异性参数γ对椭圆扁率B/A与各向异性因子B影响最大、δ次之、ε最小。然后,进一步重点分析不同标准差的速度与密度模型的B/AB响应特征,得出地层的速度与密度的变化在较小范围内时,该技术评价裂缝才具有一定的可行性,其中,地层纵波和横波速度的变化(尤其是纵波速度)对叠前AVAZ响应影响较大,地层密度几乎没有影响,故当横向岩性变化较大时,该方法在评价裂缝型储层时的结果具有一定的不确定性。  相似文献   

鲁北平原不同构造单元,具有不同温度、矿化度、特殊化学成分、富水性的地热资源。其中馆陶组热储是区内资源最丰富、开采利用程度最高、规模最大,为最具经济开采价值的热储。正确认识其地温场、水化学场特征及地热水富集机理,成为目前人们最为关心的问题。本文根据对馆陶组热储盖层地温梯度、热储温度变化特征的分析,结合地质构造条件,揭示了地温场温度受断裂构造影响,高温区主要分布在武城-高唐-陵县、宁津-庆云、沾化-孤岛、高青-博兴等凸起区与断裂交汇部位。区内馆陶组地热水化学类型以Cl-Na为主,其次为Cl·SO_4-Na及SO_4·Cl-Na型,矿化度4.07~18.52g/L,pH值7.14~8.1,地热水中含有大量人体健康所需的微量元素。分析认为,区内馆陶组地热水成因为大气降水,蒙脱石向绿泥石转变是地热水中贫钾、贫镁原因,馆陶组热储地热水总体流向为西南流向东北,在各县市城区地热水由四周向城区漏斗中心运移。本文根据地热钻探揭露馆陶组底砾岩深度、厚度及地热井水位、单井涌水量等大量数据的分析,揭示了鲁北平原馆陶组地热水古沉积相环境,并划分出两个大的古河道带:即临清—武城—德州—陵县一线古河道带和沾化—河口—仙河一线古河道带。前者后期受南部高唐凸起和东部埕子口-宁津潜断隆控制,在德州—陵县一带形成了范围较大、岩性颗粒较粗、厚度较大的冲洪积扇区;后者主要受西北部刁口潜凸起、义和庄潜凸起与南部无棣潜凸起控制,在河口—孤岛—仙河一带形成了较大范围岩性颗粒较粗、厚度较大的冲洪积扇区。在下游受陈庄凸起、青坨凸起影响,将古河道带分叉为两部分,南部古河道带分布在利津—东营一带。地热水富水规律与古河道带一致,富水区主要分布在两个古河道带区域,单井涌水量一般大于85m~3/h,且距古河道带越近,含水层砂砾岩埋藏越深,颗粒越粗,富水条件越好;反之,富水条件越差。在古河道带冲洪积扇部位富水条件最好。  相似文献   

天津地区孔隙型热储层地热流体回灌影响因素探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
文章通过对孔隙型热储层地热流体回灌试验中回灌量与液柱压力、流体温度相互关系等方面分析和探讨,认为其主要影响因素为热储层物质结构、水文地质特征、回灌水温度、成井工艺、回灌与开采井间的距离、回灌方式等条件。  相似文献   

In the development of naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs), the existence of natural fractures induces severe fingering and breakthrough. To manage the flooding process and improve the ultimate recovery, we propose a numerical workflow to generate optimal production schedules for smart wells, in which the inflow control valve (ICV) settings can be controlled individually. To properly consider the uncertainty introduced by randomly distributed natural fractures, the robust optimization would require a large ensemble size and it would be computationally demanding. In this work, a hierarchical clustering method is proposed to select representative models for the robust optimization in order to avoid redundant simulation runs and improve the efficiency of the robust optimization. By reducing the full ensemble of models into a small subset ensemble, the efficiency of the robust optimization algorithm is significantly improved. The robust optimization is performed using the StoSAG scheme to find the optimal well controls that maximize the net-present-value (NPV) of the NFR’s development. Due to the discrete property of a natural fracture field, traditional feature extraction methods such as model-parameter-based clustering may not be directly applicable. Therefore, two different kinds of clustering-based optimization methods, a state-based (e.g., s w profiles) clustering and a response-based (e.g., production rates) clustering, are proposed and compared. The computational results show that the robust clustering optimization could increase the computational efficiency significantly without sacrificing much expected NPV of the robust optimization. Moreover, the performance of different clustering algorithms varies widely in correspondence to different selections of clustering features. By properly extracting model features, the clustered subset could adequately represent the uncertainty of the full ensemble.  相似文献   

雄安新区牛驼镇地热田主要储层为岩溶热储型,地层破碎、裂隙发育,钻进时多失返性漏失。以往的开发主要集中于1800m以浅,岩溶热储段长为300-500m,裸眼段较短,钻进施工较简单。为了加强对深部地热资源的探测,满足雄安新区规划建设的需求,开展了深部地热资源调查工作,主要目的层为雾迷山组和高于庄组,其存在的难点主要有岩溶热储层裸眼段长、地层破碎、长段漏失、上部地层稳定性差等。本文根据深部热储勘探井施工过程中钻遇问题及难点分析,对岩溶热储层深井钻进关键技术进行总结,提出了优化建议,具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

招远地热田位于胶东隆起区,元古代蚀变花岗岩分布广泛,地下热水微量元素丰富。为查明地下热水微量组分的赋存条件、花岗岩热储环境与地热资源量,利用地下热水水化学分析、热储分析及有效能源换算法,建立Gibbs模型,进行PHREEQC模拟并开展热储估算。研究结果显示:(1)地下热水水化学类型为Cl—Na型,与海水水化学类型一致,地下热水溶解性固体总量(TDS)介于1359.7~5302.0 mg/L,锶、溴、偏硅酸等微量组分的质量浓度分别达26.20,7.50,88.00 mg/L,均超过国家医疗热矿水水质标准;(2)地热田东北方向的玲珑花岗岩中锶的质量分数较高,介于334~1 805 mg/kg,是地下热水中锶的一个重要来源;(3)热储温度在107~215 °C之间,硅-焓图解法分析冷水混入比例为33.6%~58.9%。结果显示:40~60 °C的总可用能源19.73 TJ/a,总热能达5479.57 MW·h,吨油当量471.16 toe;>60 °C的总可用能源301.57 TJ/a,总热能达83771.53 MW·h,吨油当量为7203.06 toe。综合分析认为研究区地热资源丰富,地下热水微量组分来源于花岗岩热储层的溶滤作用,富集过程受热储环境的影响,研究结果有助于完善地下热水水-岩相互作用理论。  相似文献   

本文通过对德州水文家园砂岩热储地热回灌井全井段温度监测,在深度上分为5个区段论述了地温场的变化特征,重点对热储温度恢复的热量来源进行了分析。研究结果表明,在规模化生产性回灌时,低温地热尾水回灌会使得回灌井周边热储温度明显降低,并且恢复速率特别缓慢;通过定性分析和定量计算,认为大地传导热流和顶部地层传导热流在热储温度恢复中的作用极其微弱,而外围同层相对高温地层传导的热量和地热水流动带来的热量是其温度恢复的主要热量来源。基于该研究结果,在规模化回灌条件下,发生热突破是必然的,因此深入开展回灌工程采灌井合理井距研究、防止短时间内发生热突破是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

该区储层岩石类型主要为岩屑质长石砂岩,溶解作用是主要的建设性成岩作用,压实、自生矿物充填和胶结作用是主要的破坏性成岩作用,成岩阶段处于晚成岩A亚期。该区储层较高的孔隙度是晚成岩期强烈的溶解作用形成次生溶孔的结果,而储层砂岩较低渗透率的主要成因机理是成岩期各种自生矿物的充填和胶结作用;此外,溶蚀作用形成的孤立、互不连通的粒间孔也是形成低渗微细喉道储层的主要原因。有利孔隙组合为粒间溶蚀孔-原生粒间孔-粒内破碎缝,有利储层的分布受砂体分布、构造配置及成岩作用的联合控制。  相似文献   

杨晓飞 《地质与勘探》2020,56(1):94-101
贵州苗匡热矿水地热区大地构造位于江南复合造山黔南坳陷铜仁复式褶皱变形带,区域构造为红石古断裂带与苗匡断裂交汇锐角区,区内出露的地层有前南华系板溪群、南华系、震旦系、寒武系;热矿水水化学类型为HCO_3-Na型,含高氟、锶、锂、偏硅酸;弱碱性水;呈带状中低温热储;区域大地热流供给热量;地下热矿水补给为构造破碎带深远程补给;区域性红石活动断裂带具有导热导水储水性,热矿水被温差、压力差等驱动循环运移至断裂破碎带富集,苗匡次级断裂带在该热储起到连通传导作用;热矿水井口温度45℃,出水量560 m~3/d。研究结果可对该区热矿水勘查开发及利用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

采动影响下覆岩破坏及导水裂缝带高度对于水体下采煤、保水采煤等具有重要意义。分析了采动影响下覆岩破坏传递过程,并将其划分为传递发育阶段和终止阶段;通过理论分析建立了上覆岩层悬空完整和悬伸稳定力学模型,提出以极限悬空距和极限悬伸距为判据用于判断每层岩层破坏情况,得出了计算导水裂缝带高度理论新方法,并通过工程实例与实测值进行了对比分析。结果表明,基于覆岩破坏传递模型的导水裂缝带发育高度计算方法预计的导水裂缝带高度(158.8 m)与实测结果(150~170 m)吻合较好,验证了该理论方法的可行性。  相似文献   

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