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An eclogite sample from the Grossgockner region of the Hohe Tauern, Austria contains garnet with a pronounced compositional discontinuity between a Mn‐rich core and an Fe‐rich rim. This jump in composition was caused by a garnet‐consuming reaction followed by growth of the garnet rim + omphacite and marks the prograde transition from epidote–amphibolite to eclogite facies metamorphism. Garnet growth ended at peak metamorphic conditions of 570 °C, 17 kbar, but intracrystalline diffusion continued until about 450 °C, 4 kbar on the retrograde path. This garnet overgrowth texture represents a natural diffusion couple and a time span of 1 Myr was calculated from the diffusion profile developing out of the original sharp compositional step. For typical crustal densities, this time corresponds to a minimum average velocity in the range 4.6–7.4 cm yr?1 (for vertical movement), which is one of the fastest exhumation rates reported. The diffusion of all divalent cations of four profiles was modelled, both analytically and numerically. Both approaches gave comparable results, but the times computed for each element were always discrepant up to a factor of 2. Variations of diffusion coefficients within 2 in analytical calculations remedied this and gave consistent upper time limits. Numerical modelling does not require the simplifications introduced in the analytical approach. On the other hand, error propagation was computationally unfeasible with this method.  相似文献   

刘贻灿  古晓锋  李曙光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2149-2156
岩石学研究表明,北大别超高压榴辉岩经过了超高压和高压榴辉岩相变质作用以及麻粒岩相叠加和角闪岩相退变质作用.其中,高压麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质阶段形成的后成合晶以及石榴子石和单斜辉石等矿物中成分分带的存在,证明该区榴辉岩经历了一个快速折返过程;而不同变质阶段的温度、压力和形成时代,却反映该区榴辉岩在峰期超高压变质作用之后又经历了一个缓慢冷却过程.超高压岩石折返期间的缓慢冷却过程也许正是北大别长期难以发现柯石英和有关超高压证据的重要原因.因此,本文为大别山不同超高压岩片的差异折返模型的建立提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the metamorphic evolution of the ultrahigh‐pressure garnet peridotite from Alpe Arami was characterized by rapid subduction to a depth of c. 180 km with partial chemical equilibration at c. 5.9 Gpa/1180 °C and an initial stage of near‐isothermal decompression followed by enhanced cooling. In this study, average cooling rates were constrained by diffusion modelling on retrograde Fe–Mg zonation profiles across garnet porphyroclasts. Considering the effects of temperature, pressure and garnet bulk composition on the Fe–Mg interdiffusion coefficient, cooling rates of 380–1600 °C Myr?1 for the interval from 1180 to 800 °C were obtained. Similar or even higher average cooling rates resulted from thermal modelling, whereby the characteristics of the calculated temperature‐time path depend on the shape and size of the hot peridotite body and the boundary conditions of the cooling process. The very high cooling rates obtained from both geospeedometry and thermal modelling imply extremely fast exhumation rates of c. 15 mm yr?1 or more. These results agree with the range of exhumation rates (16–50 mm yr?1) deduced from geochronological results. It is suggested that the Alpe Arami peridotite passively returned towards the surface as part of a buoyant sliver, caused as a consequence of slab breakoff.  相似文献   

New petrographic evidence and a review of the latest radiometric age data are taken to indicate that formation of the ultra‐high pressure (UHP) eclogites within the Western Gneiss Region of Norway probably occurred within the 400–410 Ma time frame. Thus, this event took place significantly later than the previous, widely accepted age of c. 425 Ma for the timing of the high pressure metamorphism in this part of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Garnet growth under UHP (coesite‐stable) conditions is recognised as a discrete, younger event following on from earlier garnet formed under firstly amphibolite facies then quartz‐stable, eclogite facies conditions. Currently, the best constrained and most precise age, specifically for UHP mineral growth, is the 402 ± 2 Ma U–Pb age for metamorphic zircon (some of which retain coesite inclusions) from the Hareidland eclogite. Exhumation must have followed shortly thereafter and, based on synoptic pressure–temperature and depth–time curves, must have been very fast. Our data and those of others indicate an initial fast exhumation to about 35 km depth by about 395 Ma at a mean rate of about 10 mm a?1. This rapid exhumation rate may have been driven by the appreciable residual buoyancy of the deeply subducted continental crustal slab due to incomplete eclogitization of the dominant Proterozoic orthogneisses during the short‐lived UHP event. Subsequent exhumation to 8–10 km depth by about 375 Ma occurred at a much slower mean rate of about 1.3 mm a?1 with the late‐stage extensional collapse of the Caledonian orogen playing an increasingly important role, especially in the final unroofing of the Western Gneiss Region with some remarkably preserved UHP rocks.  相似文献   

Seven eclogite facies samples from lithologically different units which structurally underlie the Semail ophiolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar and Rb–Sr methods. Despite extensive efforts, phengite dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method yielded saddle, hump or irregularly shaped spectra with uninterpretable isochrons. The total gas ages for the phengite ranged from 136 to 85 Ma. Clinopyroxene–phengite, epidote–phengite and whole‐rock–phengite Rb–Sr isochrons for the same samples yielded ages of 78 ± 2 Ma. We therefore conclude that the eclogite facies rocks cooled through 500 °C at c. 78 ± 2 Ma, and that the 40Ar/39Ar dates can only constrain maximum ages due to the occurrence of excess Ar inhomogeneously distributed in different sites. Our new results lead us to conclude that high‐pressure metamorphism of the Oman margin took place in the Late Cretaceous, contemporaneous with ophiolite emplacement. Previously published structural and petrological data lead us to suggest that this metamorphism resulted from intracontinental subduction and crustal thickening along a NE‐dipping zone. Choking of this subduction zone followed by ductile thinning of a crustal mass wedged between deeply subducted continental material and overthrust shelf and slope units facilitated the exhumation of the eclogite facies rocks from depths of c. 50 km to 10–15 km within c. 10 Ma, and led to their juxtaposition against overlying lower grade rocks. Final exhumation of all high‐pressure rocks was driven primarily by erosion and assisted by normal faulting in the upper plate.  相似文献   

大别山超高压变质岩的冷却史及折返机制   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
大别山超高压变质岩及其围岩 T-t 冷却曲线显示了超高压变质岩的冷却史从800℃到300℃经历了三个阶段:两次快速冷却(226±3Ma 到219±7Ma 期间从800℃到500℃的第一次快速冷却,180~170Ma 期间从450℃到300℃的第二次快速冷却)和介于二者之间的等温过程。这一具有两次快速冷却的 T-t 曲线已被近年来获得的高精度金红石 U-Pb 年龄(218±1.2Ma)(Li et al.,2003),高压变质和退变质独居石 Th-Pb 年龄(Ayers et al.,2002),和强面理化榴辉岩二次多硅白云母的Rh-Sr 年龄(182.7±3.6Ma)(Li et al.,2001)所证实。超高压变质岩的二次快速冷却事件反映了二次快速抬升过程。在东秦岭及苏鲁地体东端发育的同碰撞花岗岩 U-Ph 年龄为225~205Ma,与超高压变质岩第一次快速冷却时代吻合。考虑到同碰撞花岗岩与俯冲板片断离的成因联系,这种时代耦合关系表明俯冲板片断离可能是超高压变质岩第一次快速抬升和冷却的重要机制之一。大别山 Pb 同位素填图揭示出南大别带超高压变质岩具有高放射成因 Pb 特征,因而源于俯冲的上地壳;而北大别带超高压变质岩具有低放射成因 Pb 特征,源于俯冲长英质下地壳。这表明在陆壳俯冲过程中上、下地壳之间可发生挤离(detachment)或脱耦(decoupling)。已有实验证明脱耦的上地壳在俯冲过程中可沿挤离面逆冲抬升(Chemenda et al.,1995)。同理,由于俯冲镁铁质下地壳在大别山没有出露,可以推测俯冲长英质下地壳和镁铁质下地壳之间也最终发生了挤离或脱耦。大陆岩石圈在不同深度存在若干低粘度带(Meissner and Mooney,1998)是上述俯冲陆壳分层脱耦现象发生的依据。因此,俯冲上地壳及部分长英质下地壳的第一次快速抬升折返是俯冲过程中大陆地壳内部分层脱耦和俯冲板片断离的综合结果。上述过程只能使已脱耦的上地壳及部分长英质下地壳抬升折返,而未与俯冲岩石圈脱耦的下地壳在板片断离后仍可继续俯冲。俯冲板片断离后,两大陆块在晚三叠世和早-中侏罗世继续汇聚,导致华南陆块下地壳继续俯冲,及已经脱耦并折返至中上地壳的超高压岩片向北仰冲。这一仰冲可能是导致超高压变质岩第二次快速抬升的重要机制。强面理化榴辉岩二次多硅白云母的 Rb-Sr 年龄(182.7±3.6Ma)可能记录了这一超高压岩片仰冲事件发生的时代。惠兰山基性麻粒岩年代学研究揭示了罗田穹隆在早白垩世的快速抬升,与此同时大别山发生了大规模岩浆事件。山体快速抬升与大规模岩浆事件的耦合关系指示了大别造山带早白垩世的去根作用,或岩石圈拆离事件。伴随这一山体快速抬升,大别山超高压变质岩开始大面积出露地表。  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘是研究构造、地貌演化和气候变化相互作用的理想场所,前人研究主要揭示了晚始新世—早中新世和晚中新世以来的快速剥蚀事件,缺乏晚白垩世—早新生代时期地貌演化过程的研究。次林错花岗岩已有的低温热年代学数据覆盖了整个新生代时期,为探索该区域新生代早期的剥露演化历史提供了重要资料。该岩体新生代早期冷却事件是岩浆冷却单一作用的结果,还是受快速剥蚀作用的影响,目前仍然存疑,需要定量研究。因此,本文结合已有的岩石地化和年代学数据,对次林错花岗岩开展了锆石饱和温度和一维岩浆冷却模拟研究。锆石饱和温度计算结果表明次林错花岗岩的岩浆结晶温度介于647~705℃之间,属低温花岗岩。一维岩浆冷却模拟结果显示岩体侵位时的最小围岩温度为160~120℃,对应深度约为3.7~5.0 km。结合锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He年代学数据,本文认为该岩体在晚白垩世—早新生代时期(67~40 Ma)经历了一期剥蚀量至少为2 km的快速剥蚀事件。已发表成果的综合分析表明,此次快速剥露事件可能是整个青藏高原地区广泛存在的构造剥蚀事件,新特提斯洋的俯冲闭合与印亚板块的初始碰撞可能是触发此次大规模区域剥蚀的主要原因。  相似文献   

山东石岛正长岩-花岗岩复合岩体形成于225~205Ma之间,侵入到苏鲁超高压岩石中.通过铝在角闪石的压力计,确定了年龄约为225~215Ma的甲子山岩体的侵位深度,约为15km.结合前人对石岛花岗岩复合岩体的地质年代学和地球化学及本研究结果,表明(1)石岛正长岩在225~215Ma期间快速侵位小于15km的深度,同时快速冷却结晶;(2)在215Ma或早些时候,苏鲁最东端的超高压岩石已位于小于15km的深度;(3)苏鲁超高压岩石以大于5mm/yr的速率快速折返.俯冲板片前锋的断离所导致的深部动力学效应可能是苏鲁超高压岩石快速折返的主要驱动力.这种深部动力学过程导致软流圈地幔的快速上涌,诱发岩石圈地幔的部分熔融,形成钾质岩浆,可能是华北克拉通在中生代发生大规模伸展作用及减薄的初始驱动力.  相似文献   

Garnet from a kinzigite, a high-grade gneiss from the central Black Forest (Germany), displays a prominent and regular retrograde diffusion zoning in Fe, Mn and particularly Mg. The Mg diffusion profiles are suitable to derive cooling rates using recent datasets for cation diffusion in garnet. This information, together with textural relationships, thermobarometry and thermochronology, is used to constrain the pressure–temperature–time history of the high-grade gneisses. The garnet–biotite thermometer indicates peak metamorphic temperatures for the garnet cores of 730–810  °C. The temperatures for the outer rims are 600–650  °C. Garnet–Al2SiO5–plagioclase–quartz (GASP) barometry, garnet–rutile–Al2SiO5–ilmenite (GRAIL) and garnet–rutile–ilmenite–plagioclase–quartz (GRIPS) barometry yield pressures from 6–9  kbar. U–Pb ages of monazite of 341±2  Ma date the low- P high- T metamorphism in the central Black Forest. A Rb/Sr biotite–whole rock pair defines a cooling age of 321±2  Ma. The two mineral ages yield a cooling rate of about 15±2  °C Ma−1. The petrologic cooling rates, with particular consideration of the f O2 conditions for modelling retrograde diffusion profiles, agree with the geochronological cooling rate. The oldest sediments overlying the crystalline basement indicate a minimum cooling rate of 10  °C Ma−1.  相似文献   

陈慧  刘建辉  丁正江  孙敬博  金巍 《地质学报》2022,96(4):1163-1181
古太平洋/太平洋板块与欧亚大陆的持续相互作用不仅引发了中国东部强烈的构造变形及岩浆活动,而且使古老而稳定的华北克拉通东部陆块岩石圈在中生代发生减薄、去克拉通化和破坏,并诱发克拉通地壳的持续拉张与减薄.为了更好地理解华北克拉通破坏后地壳持续拉张减薄过程及机制,本文利用锆石/磷灰石(U-Th)/He及裂变径迹等多种低温热年...  相似文献   

Detailed petrographic analysis was performed on samples from five localities within the southern Adirondacks. Textures and zoning patterns in garnet from all samples provide evidence for dehydration melting of biotite. Zoning of grossular in garnet – providing a record of prograde growth – shows both increasing and decreasing trends in garnet from the same sample. However, Ca concentrations at the garnet rims of most samples are identical (grossular = 3.4%). These observations have been interpreted as evidence for the differential timing of garnet nucleation and growth. All Fe/(Fe + Mg) and some spessartine distributions are consistent between samples, displaying diffusive profiles established largely upon cooling. Only one sample, in which retrogression was minimal, contains garnet with flat Fe/(Fe + Mg) profiles. A general pelitic pseudosection constructed in the system MnNCKFMASH reveals a maximum for Ca in garnet where the plagioclase‐out isopleth intersects the solidus (muscovite = 0). The pseudosection predicts bell‐shaped core‐to‐rim profiles of grossular during anatexis, similar to those observed in the rocks. Garnet–biotite thermometry and GASP barometry indicate peak temperatures of at least 790 °C at about 7–9 kbar, similar to conditions determined for the central Adirondacks. Cooling rates determined from finite difference modelling of spessartine and Fe/(Fe + Mg) diffusional profiles indicate a multi‐stage cooling history in which some period of rapid cooling (>200 °C Myr?1) is required.  相似文献   

The blueschist and greenschist units on the island of Sifnos, Cyclades were affected by Eocene high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Using conventional geothermobarometry, the HP peak metamorphic stage was determined at 550–600 °C and 20 kbar, close to the blueschist and the eclogite facies transition. The retrograde P–T paths are inferred with phase diagrams. Pseudosections based on a quantitative petrogenetic grid in the model system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O reveal coeval decompression and cooling for both the blueschist and the greenschist unit. The conditions of the metamorphic peak and those of the retrograde stages conform to a similar metamorphic gradient of 10–12 °C km?1 for both units. The retrograde overprint can be assigned to low‐pressure blueschist to HP greenschist facies conditions. This result cannot be reconciled with the (prograde) Barrovian‐type event, which affected parts of the Cyclades during the Oligocene to Miocene. Instead, the retrograde overprint is interpreted in terms of exhumation, directly after the HP stage, without a separate metamorphic event. Constraints on the exhumation mechanism are given by decompression‐cooling paths, which can be explained by exhumation in a fore‐arc setting during on‐going subduction and associated crustal shortening. Back‐arc extension is only responsible for the final stage of exhumation of the HP units.  相似文献   

The San Emigdio and related Pelona, Orocopia, Rand and Sierra de Salinas schists of southern California were underplated beneath the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent southern California batholith along a shallow segment of the subducting Farallon plate in Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary time. These subduction accretion assemblages represent a regional, deeply exhumed, shallowly dipping domain from an ancient slab segmentation system and record the complete life cycle of the segmentation process from initial flattening and compression to final extensional collapse. An important unresolved question regarding shallow subduction zones concerns how the thermal structure evolves during the slab flattening process. New field relationships, thermobarometry, thermodynamic modelling and garnet diffusion modelling are presented that speak to this issue and elucidate the tectonics of underplating and exhumation of the San Emigdio Schist. We document an upsection increase in peak temperature (i.e. inverted metamorphism), from 590 to 700 °C, peak pressures ranging from 8.5 to 11.1 kbar, limited partial melting, microstructural evidence for large seismic events, rapid cooling (825–380 °C Myr?1) from peak conditions and an ‘out and back’P–T path. While inverted metamorphism is a characteristic feature of southern California schists, the presence of partial melt and high temperatures (>650 °C) are restricted to exposures with maximum depositional ages between 80 and 90 Ma. Progressive cooling and tectonic underplating beneath an initially hot upper plate following the onset of shallow subduction provide a working hypothesis explaining high temperatures and partial melting in San Emigdio and Sierra de Salinas schists, inverted metamorphism in the schist as a whole, and the observed P–T trajectory calculated from the San Emigdio body. Lower temperatures in Pelona, Orocopia and Rand schists are likewise explained in the context of this overarching model. These results are consistent with an inferred tectonic evolution from shallow subduction beneath the then recently active Late Cretaceous arc to exhumation by rapid trench‐directed channelized extrusion in the subducted schist.  相似文献   

Northern Victoria Land is a key area for the Ross Orogen – a Palaeozoic foldbelt formed at the palaeo‐Pacific margin of Gondwana. A narrow and discontinuous high‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt, consisting of mafic and ultramafic rocks (including garnet‐bearing types) within a metasedimentary sequence of gneisses and quartzites, is exposed at the Lanterman Range (northern Victoria Land). Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks evolved through at least six metamorphic stages. Stage 1 is defined by medium‐grained garnet + olivine + low‐Al orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene, whereas finer‐grained garnet + olivine + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + amphibole constitutes the stage 2 assemblage. Stage 3 is defined by kelyphites of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + spinel ± amphibole around garnet. Porphyroblasts of amphibole replacing garnet and clinopyroxene characterize stage 4. Retrograde stages 5 and 6 consist of tremolite + Mg‐chlorite ± serpentine ± talc. A high‐temperature (~950 °C), spinel‐bearing protolith (stage 0), is identified on the basis of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine + spinel + amphibole inclusions within stage 1 garnet. The P–T estimates for stage 1 are indicative of UHP conditions (3.2–3.3 GPa and 764–820 °C), whereas stage 2 is constrained between 726–788 °C and 2.6–2.9 GPa. Stage 3 records a decompression up to 1.1–1.3 GPa at 705–776 °C. Stages 4, 5 and 6 reflect uplift and cooling, the final estimates yielding values below 0.5 GPa at 300–400 °C. The retrograde P–T path is nearly isothermal from UHP conditions up to deep crustal levels, and becomes a cooling–unloading path from intermediate to shallow levels. The garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks originated in the mantle wedge and were probably incorporated into the subduction zone with felsic and mafic rocks with which they shared the subsequent metamorphic and geodynamic evolution. The density and rheology of the subducted rocks are compatible with detachment of slices along the subduction channel and gravity‐driven exhumation.  相似文献   

Diffusion modeling of zoning profiles in eclogite garnets from three different tectonic units of Mt. Dabie, UHPM unit, HPM unit and northern Dabie, was used to estimate the relative time span and cooling rates of these rocks. Modeling result for the Huangzhen eclogite garnet shows that the maximal time span for the diffusion-adjustment process is about 22 Ma since the peak-temperature metamorphism, which is the maximum time span from amphibolite facies metamorphism to greenschist facies metamorphism. The Bixiling eclogites had subjected to a cooling process at a rate of - 10℃/Ma from 750℃ to 560℃ during 20 Ma. The second cooling stage of the Raobazhai eclogite following granulite-facies metamorphism is an initial fast cooling process at a rate of about 25℃/Ma and then slowed down gradually. All these belong to a coherent Dabie collision orogen with differences in subduction depth and exhumation/uplifting path.  相似文献   

Cooling rates based on the retrograde diffusion of Fe2+ and Mg between garnet and biotite inclusions commonly show two contrasting scenarios: a) narrow closure temperature range with apparent absence of retrograde diffusion; or b) high result dispersion due to compositional variations in garnet and biotite. Cooling rates from migmatites, felsic and mafic granulites from Ribeira Fold Belt (SE Brazil) also show these two scenarios. Although the former can be explained by very fast cooling, the latter is often the result of open-system behaviour caused by deformation. Retrogressive cooling during the exhumation of granulite-facies rocks is often processed by thrusting and shearing which may cause plastic deformation, fractures and cracks in the garnet megablasts, allowing chemical diffusion outside the garnet megablast – biotite inclusion system.However, a careful use of garnets and biotites with large Fe/Mg variation and software that reduces result dispersion provides a good correlation between closure temperatures and the size of biotite inclusions which are mostly due to diffusion and compositional readjustment to thermal evolution during retrogression.Results show that felsic and mafic granulites have low cooling rates (1–2 °C/Ma) at higher temperatures and high cooling rates (∼100 °C/Ma) at lower temperatures, suggesting a two-step cooling/exhumation process, whereas migmatites show a small decrease in cooling rates during cooling (from 2.0 to 0.5 °C/Ma). These results agree with previously obtained thermochronological data, which indicates that this method is a valid tool to obtain meaningful petrological cooling rates in complex high-grade orogenic belts, such as the Ribeira Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochronological data of six representative samples of exotic blocks of amphibolite and associated tonalite-trondhjemite from the serpentinitic mélange of the Sierra del Convento (eastern Cuba) indicate counterclockwise P–T paths typical of material subducted in hot and young subduction zones. Peak conditions attained were ∼750 °C and 15 kbar, consistent with the generation of tonalitic partial melts observed in amphibolite. A tonalite boulder provides a U-Pb zircon crystallization age of 112.8 ± 1.1 Ma, and Ar/Ar amphibole dating yielded two groups of cooling ages of 106–97 Ma (interpreted as cooling of metamorphic/magmatic pargasite) and 87–83 Ma (interpreted as growth/cooling of retrograde overprints). These geochronological data, in combination with other published data, allow the following history of subduction and exhumation to be established in the region: (i) a stage of hot subduction 120–115 Ma, developed upon onset of subduction; (ii) relatively fast near-isobaric cooling (25 °C Myr−1) 115–107 Ma, after accretion of the blocks to the upper plate lithospheric mantle; (iii) slow syn-subduction cooling (4 °C Myr−1) and exhumation (0.7 km Myr−1) in the subduction channel 107–70 Ma; and (iv) fast syn-collision cooling (74 °C Myr−1) and exhumation (5 km Myr−1) 70–60 Ma.  相似文献   

造山带挤出构造阐述了被边界断裂所围限的造山带深变质块体,在造山带内部垂向和(或)侧向应力的作用下折返变形的过程。研究主要集中在挤出块体的几何形态及其内部变形样式、边界断裂特征、挤出路径以及挤出动力来源等4个方面,其研究目的主要是为了解决造山带深变质岩石折返剥露的机制问题。依据挤出块体的挤出方向与造山带主体走向之间的关系,在三维球形坐标系Lx-Ly-Lz中,将造山带挤出构造大致分为7个端员类型(Ⅰ型~Ⅶ型)。其中Lx为造山带或俯冲带的主体走向;Ly呈水平方向并与Lx相垂直;Lz垂直于Lx和Ly所构成的平面。这些基本端员类型的组合及其之间的过渡类型可以详尽地诠释大别山印支期高压-超高压岩石的挤出过程。其中榴辉岩相挤出阶段介于Ⅳ型与Ⅶ型挤出构造之间,角闪岩相挤出阶段介于Ⅱ型与Ⅵ型挤出构造之间并可能具有渠道流挤出模式,而绿片岩相挤出阶段类似于Ⅴ型挤出构造。  相似文献   

The youngest known ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) rocks in the world occur in the Woodlark Rift of southeastern Papua New Guinea. Since their crystallization in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene, these eclogite facies rocks have been rapidly exhumed from mantle depths to the surface and today they remain in the still‐active geodynamic setting that caused this exhumation. For this reason, the rocks provide an excellent opportunity to study rates and processes of (U)HP exhumation. We present New Rb–Sr results from 12 rock samples from eclogite‐bearing gneiss domes in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, and use those results to examine the time lag between (U)HP metamorphism and later ductile thinning, penetrative fabric development and accompanying metamorphic retrogression at amphibolite facies conditions during their exhumation. A Rb–Sr age for a sample of mafic eclogite (with no preserved coesite) from the core zone of the Mailolo gneiss dome (Fergusson Island) provides a new estimate of the timing of HP metamorphism (5.6 ± 1.6 Ma). The strongly deformed quartzofeldspathic and granitic gneisses (90–95% by volume) that enclose variably retrogressed relict blocks of mafic eclogite (5–10% by volume) yield Rb–Sr isochron ages from 4.4 to 2.4 Ma. For the UHP‐bearing gneisses of Mailolo dome, previously published U–Pb ages on zircon and our Rb–Sr isochron ages are consistent with a mean time lag of 2.2 ± 1.5 Ma (~95% c.i.) for passage of the rock between eclogite and amphibolite facies conditions. New thermobarometric data indicate that the main syn‐exhumational foliation developed at amphibolite facies conditions of 630–665 °C and 12.1–14.4 kbar. These pressure estimates indicate that the lower crust of the Woodlark Rift was unusually thick (>40 km) at the time of the amphibolite facies overprint, possibly as a result of accumulation and underplating of UHP‐derived material from below. Our data imply a minimum unroofing rate of 10 ± 7 mm year?1 (~95% c.i.) for the (U)HP body from minimum HP depths (73 ± 7 km) to lower crustal depths. This minimum unroofing rate reinforces previous inferences that the exhumation from the mantle to the surface of the gneiss domes in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands took place at plate tectonic rates. On the basis of previous structural studies and the new thermobarometry, we attribute the high (cm year?1) exhumation to diapiric ascent of the partially molten terrane from mantle depths, with a secondary contribution from pure shear thinning of the terrane after its arrival in the crust.  相似文献   


Stable isotopes combined with pre-existing 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology at the Gavilan Hills and Orocopia Mountains in southeastern California record two stages of fluid–rock interaction: (1) Stage 1 is related to prograde metamorphism as Orocopia Schist was accreted to the base of the crust during late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic Laramide flat subduction. (2) Stage 2 affected the Orocopia Schist and is related to middle Cenozoic exhumation along detachment faults. There is no local evidence that schist-derived fluids infiltrated structurally overlying continental rocks. Mineral δ18O values from Orocopia Schist in the lower plate of the Chocolate Mountains fault and Gatuna normal fault in the Gavilan Hills are in equilibrium at 490–580°C with metamorphic water (δ18O = 7–11‰). Phengite and biotite δD values from the Orocopia Schist and upper plate suggest metamorphic fluids (δD ~ –40‰). In contrast, final exhumation of the schist along the Orocopia Mountains detachment fault (OMDF) in the Orocopia Mountains was associated with alteration of prograde biotite and amphibole to chlorite (T ~ 350–400°C) and the influx of meteoric-hydrothermal fluids at 24–20 Ma. Phengites from a thin mylonite zone at the top of the Orocopia Schist and alteration chlorites have the lowest fluid δD values, suggesting that these faults were an enhanced zone of meteoric fluid (δD < –70‰) circulation. Variable δD values in Orocopia Schist from structurally lower chlorite and biotite zones indicate a lesser degree of interaction with meteoric-hydrothermal fluids. High fluid δ18O values (6–12‰) indicate low water–rock ratios for the OMDF. A steep thermal gradient developed across the OMDF at the onset of middle Cenozoic slip likely drove a more vigorous hydrothermal system within the Orocopia Mountains relative to the equivalent age Gatuna fault in the Gavilan Hills.  相似文献   

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