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Cirque-wall exposures of cone-forming deposits of Pleistocene Broken Top volcano, Oregon Cascade Range, reveal that the volcano is composed of unconformity-bounded constructional units of coherent lava (lava-flow cores) and breccia. Coarse-grained autoclastic breccias are found above and below lava-flow cores and may extend downslope from coherent lava outcrops where they may or may not be associated with thin lava stringers. Mantle-bedded scoria-fall breccias are recognized by generally good sorting, mantle bedding, and presence of aerodynamically shaped bombs. These breccias vary considerably in thermal oxidation coloration (black, red, orange, purple). Many breccia layers are unsorted mixtures of scoria and lithic (nonvesicular) fragments that grade laterally to unambiguous autoclastic breccia or lava-flow cores. These layers are interpreted as hybrid pyroclastic–autoclastic deposits produced by incorporation of falling or fallen tephra into advancing lava-flow fronts. This latter breccia type is common at Broken Top and offers particular challenges for clast or deposit classification.Progressive thermal demagnetization results for selected examples of different breccia types show that most scoria-fall and autoclastic breccias are emplaced at elevated temperatures (averaging 100–300°C). Clasts within single deposits record different emplacement temperatures ranging, in some cases, from 100 to over 580°C indicating a lack of thermal equilibration within deposits. Magnetization directions for single breccia deposits are more dispersed than data typically reported for lava flows. Settling and rotation of clasts after cooling or incorporation of colder clasts that are not significantly reheated probably accounts for the relatively high dispersion and suggests that paleomagnetic studies demanding low within-site dispersion (e.g., for determining paleomagnetic poles or evaluating tectonic rotation) should avoid volcanic breccias.  相似文献   

 Volcanic breccias form large parts of composite volcanoes and are commonly viewed as containing pyroclastic fragments emplaced by pyroclastic processes or redistributed as laharic deposits. Field study of cone-forming breccias of the andesitic middle Pleistocene Te Herenga Formation on Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand, was complemented by paleomagnetic laboratory investigation permitting estimation of emplacement temperatures of constituent breccia clasts. The observations and data collected suggest that most breccias are autoclastic deposits. Five breccia types and subordinate, coherent lava-flow cores constitute nine, unconformity-bounded constructional units. Two types of breccia are gradational with lava-flow cores. Red breccias gradational with irregularly shaped lava-flow cores were emplaced at temperatures in excess of 580  °C and are interpreted as aa flow breccias. Clasts in gray breccia gradational with tabular lava-flow cores, and in some places forming down-slope-dipping avalanche bedding beneath flows, were emplaced at varying temperatures between 200 and 550  °C and are interpreted as forming part of block lava flows. Three textural types of breccia are found in less intimate association with lava-flow cores. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia can be traced upslope to lava-flow cores encased in autoclastic breccia. Unsorted boulder breccia comprises constructional units lacking significant exposed lava-flow cores. Clasts in both of these breccia types have paleomagnetic properties generally similar to those of the gray breccias gradational with lava-flow cores; they indicate reorientation after acquisition of some, or all, magnetization and ultimate emplacement over a range of temperatures between 100 and 550  °C. These breccias are interpreted as autoclastic breccias associated with block lava flows. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia formed by disintegration of lava flows on steep slopes and unsorted boulder breccia is interpreted to represent channel-floor and levee breccias for block lava flows that continued down slope. Less common, matrix-rich, stratified tuff breccias consisting of angular blocks, minor scoria, and a conspicuously well-sorted ash matrix were generally emplaced at ambient temperature, although some deposits contain clasts possibly emplaced at temperatures as high as 525  °C. These breccias are interpreted as debris-flow and sheetwash deposits with a dominant pyroclastic matrix and containing clasts likely of mixed autoclastic and pyroclastic origin. Pyroclastic deposits have limited preservation potential on the steep, proximal slopes of composite volcanoes. Likewise, these steep slopes are more likely sites of erosion and transport by channeled or unconfined runoff rather than depositional sites for reworked volcaniclastic debris. Autoclastic breccias need not be intimately associated with coherent lava flows in single outcrops, and fine matrix can be of autoclastic rather than pyroclastic origin. In these cases, and likely many other cases, the alternation of coherent lava flows and fragmental deposits defining composite volcanoes is better described as interlayered lava-flow cores and cogenetic autoclastic breccias, rather than as interlayered lava flows and pyroclastic beds. Reworked deposits are probably insignificant components of most proximal cone-forming sequences. Received: 1 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Sinker Butte is the erosional remnant of a very large basaltic tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age located at the southern edge of the western Snake River Plain. Phreatomagmatic tephras are exposed in complete sections up to 100 m thick in the walls of the Snake River Canyon, creating an unusual opportunity to study the deposits produced by this volcano through its entire sequence of explosive eruptions. The main objectives of the study were to determine the overall evolution of the Sinker Butte volcano while focusing particularly on the tephras produced by its phreatomagmatic eruptions. Toward this end, twenty-three detailed stratigraphic sections ranging from 20 to 100 m thick were examined and measured in canyon walls exposing tephras deposited around 180° of the circumference of the volcano.Three main rock units are recognized in canyon walls at Sinker Butte: a lower sequence composed of numerous thin basaltic lava flows, an intermediate sequence of phreatomagmatic tephras, and a capping sequence of welded basaltic spatter and more lava flows. We subdivide the phreatomagmatic deposits into two main parts, a series of reworked, mostly subaqueously deposited tephras and a more voluminous sequence of overlying subaerial surge and fall deposits. Most of the reworked deposits are gray in color and exhibit features such as channel scour and fill, planar-stratification, high and low angle cross-stratification, trough cross-stratification, and Bouma-turbidite sequences consistent with their being deposited in shallow standing water or in braided streams. The overlying subaerial deposits are commonly brown or orange in color due to palagonitization. They display a wide variety of bedding types and sedimentary structures consistent with deposition by base surges, wet to dry pyroclastic fall events, and water saturated debris flows.Proximal sections through the subaerial tephras exhibit large regressive cross-strata, planar bedding, and bomb sags suggesting deposition by wet base surges and tephra fallout. Medial and distal deposits consist of a thick sequence of well-bedded tephras; however, the cross-stratified base-surge deposits are thinner and interbedded within the fallout deposits. The average wavelength and amplitude of the cross strata continue to decrease with distance from the vent. These bedded surge and fall deposits grade upward into dominantly fall deposits containing 75–95% juvenile vesiculated clasts and localized layers of welded spatter, indicating a greatly reduced water-melt ratio. Overlying these “dryer” deposits are massive tuff breccias that were probably deposited as water saturated debris flows (lahars). The first appearance of rounded river gravels in these massive tuff breccias indicates downward coring of the diatreme and entrainment of country rock from lower in the stratigraphic section. The “wetter” nature of these deposits suggests a renewed source of external water. The massive deposits grade upward into wet fallout tephras and the phreatomagmatic sequence ends with a dry scoria fall deposit overlain by welded spatter and lava flows.Field observations and two new 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating dates suggest the succession of lavas and tephra deposits exposed in this part of the Snake River canyon may all have been erupted from a closely related complex of vents at Sinker Butte. We propose that initial eruptions of lava flows built a small shield edifice that dammed or disrupted the flow of the ancestral Snake River. The shift from effusive to explosive eruptions occurred when the surface water or rising ground water gained access to the vent. As the river cut a new channel around the lava dam, water levels dropped and the volcano returned to an effusive style of eruption.  相似文献   

The reversed paleomagnetic direction of the Laschamp and Olby flows represents a specific feature of the geomagnetic field. This is supported by paleomagnetic evidence, showing that the same anomalous direction was recorded at several distinct sites, including scoria of the Laschamp volcano. To examine this anomalous geomagnetic fluctuation, we studied the paleointensity of the Laschamp and Olby flows, using the Thellier method. Twenty-five samples were selected for the paleointensity experiments, and from seven we obtained reliable results. Because the paleointensity results of the Olby and Laschamp flows as well as Laschamp scoria are very similar, they can be represented by a single mean paleointensity,F = 7.7 μT. Considering that this low paleointensity is less than 1/6 of the present geomagnetic field and is more characteristic of transitional behavior, our results suggest that the paleomagnetic directions of the Laschamp and Olby flows were not acquired during a stable reversed polarity interval. A more likely explanation is that the Laschamp excursion represents an unsuccessful or aborted reversal.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic investigations on the Ethiopian trap series have been undertaken at the Abbay and Kessem gorges in an attempt to better constrain the 30 Ma paleomagnetic pole of Africa. We sampled six thick massive basaltic lava flows, totaling 230 m, from Abbay Gorge and 10 lava flows, 180 m in thickness, from Kessem Gorge. Detailed paleomagnetic analyses disclosed that the carriers of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) are different in different lava flows. These are mostly titanomagnetites, titanomaghemites, and magnetite minerals with a broad range of coercive force and blocking temperatures. The heating and cooling susceptibility vs. temperature curves, many of which are irreversible, may indicate chemical remagnetization, notably low temperature maghemitization. Only one flow (KS04) with a clear 580°C Curie temperature was apparently unaffected by chemical remagnetization. The ChRM direction of this flow is identical to that in other flows, which suggests that if and when remagnetization occurred, this was shortly after emplacement of the lava flows. All of the flows sampled have normal polarity. However, a reversed component of low to medium coercive force and low to medium unblocking temperature occurs in flow KS01 at Kessem Gorge. The ChRM directions for the 16 sites are D=3.1°, I=5.8° (α95=12.7°). The paleomagnetic pole obtained from these is at λ=83.0°N, φ=193.3°E (A95=9.0°). Comparison with three previous studies of the traps shows remarkable consistency and a number of means are derived and discussed. Two final preferred poles for the traps are at λ=79.0°N, φ=196.9°E (A95=2.8°) when all 112 published flows are used, and λ=78.7°N, φ=209.4°E (A95=3.4°) when only the 76 flows from the four more recently analyzed sections are included. Both are compatible with the recent reference synthetic pole for Africa of Courtillot and Besse [J. Geophys. Res. (2002) in press]. In that sense, the Ethiopian trap pole is not anomalous and does not require more of a non-dipolar contribution than indicated by analyses of the global paleomagnetic data base covering the last few million years.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic sampling was carried out along four sections (altogether 86 lava flows, 548 samples) in the North Atlantic Igneous Province outcropping in Faroe Islands, Denmark. The four polarity zones in the 700-m-thick exposed part of the Faroes lower formation can be correlated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale as C26n-C25r-C25n-C24r. The seven lava flows erupted during C25n indicate a very low eruption rate in the upper part of the Faroes lower formation of ∼1/70 kyr. The Faroes middle and upper formations (composite thickness ∼2300 m) are all reversely magnetized corresponding to C24r. The eruption rate at the onset of middle formation volcanism was very high as evidenced by several thick lava sequences recording essentially spot readings of the paleomagnetic field. The shift in eruption rate between the Faroes lower and middle formations and evidence that onset of the Faroes middle formation volcanism took place in C24r are of particular importance, placing onset of middle formation volcanism in close temporal relation to North Atlantic continental break-up and the late Paleocene thermal maximum. After grouping flows recording the same field directions, we obtained 43 independent readings of the paleomagnetic field, yielding a paleomagnetic pole with coordinates 71.4°N, 154.7°E (A95=6.0°, K=14, N=43); age 55-58 Ma. The pole is supported by a positive reversal test. Paleosecular variation, estimated as the angular standard deviation of the virtual geomagnetic pole distribution 21.7°+3.9°/−2.8°, is close to expected for the given age and paleolatitude. Our new Faroes paleomagnetic pole is statistically different from the majority of previously published poles from the British and Faroes igneous provinces, and we suggest that these older data should be used with care.  相似文献   

During the past 500 thousand years, Unzen volcano, an active composite volcano in the Southwest Japan Arc, has erupted lavas and pyroclastic materials of andesite to dacite composition and has developed a volcanotectonic graben. The volcano can be divided into the Older and the Younger Unzen volcanoes. The exposed rocks of the Older Unzen volcano are composed of thick lava flows and pyroclastic deposits dated around 200–300 ka. Drill cores recovered from the basal part of the Older Unzen volcano are dated at 400–500 ka. The volcanic rocks of the Older Unzen exceed 120 km3 in volume. The Younger Unzen volcano is composed of lava domes and pyroclastic deposits, mostly younger than 100 ka. This younger volcanic edifice comprises Nodake, Myokendake, Fugendake, and Mayuyama volcanoes. Nodake, Myokendake and Fugendake volcanoes are 100–70 ka, 30–20 ka, and <20 ka, respectively. Mayuyama volcano formed huge lava domes on the eastern flank of the Unzen composite volcano about 4000 years ago. Total eruptive volume of the Younger Unzen volcano is about 8 km3, and the eruptive production rate is one order of magnitude smaller than that of the Older Unzen volcano.  相似文献   

 Outflow sheets of the Hiko tuff and the Racer Canyon tuff, which together extend over approximately 16 000 km2 around the Caliente caldera complex in southeastern Nevada, have long been considered to be products of simultaneous or near-simultaneous eruptions from inset calderas in the west and east ends, respectively, of the caldera complex. New high-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and paleomagnetic data demonstrate that emplacement of the uppermost part of the Racer Canyon tuff at 18.33±0.03 Ma was nearly synchronous with emplacement of the single outflow cooling unit of the much larger overlying Hiko tuff at 18.32±0.04 Ma. Based on comparison with the geomagnetic polarity time scale derived from the sea-floor spreading record, we conclude that emplacement of the first of several outflow cooling units of the Racer Canyon tuff commenced approximately 0.5 m.y. earlier. Only one paleomagnetic polarity is found in the Hiko tuff, but at least two paleomagnetic reversals have been found in the Racer Canyon tuff. The two formations overlap in only one place, at and near Panaca Summit northeast of the center of the Caliente caldera complex; here the Hiko tuff is stratigraphically above the Racer Canyon tuff. This study demonstrates the power of combining 40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic data in conjunction with phenocryst compositional modes to resolve problematic stratigraphic correlations in complex ash-flow sequences where use of one method alone might not eliminate ambiguities. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 7 May 1997  相似文献   

Seismic data collected at four volcanoes in Central America during 1973 and 1974 indicate three sources of seismicity: regional earthquakes with hypocentral distances greater than 80 km, earthquakes within 40 km of each volcano, and seismic activity originating at the volcanoes due to eruptive processes. Regional earthquakes generated by the underthrusting and subduction of the Cocos Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate are the most prominent seismic feature in Central America. Earthquakes in the vicinity of the volcanoes occur on faults that appear to be related to volcano formation. Faulting near Fuego and Pacaya volcanoes in Guatemala is more complex due to motion on a major E-W striking transform plate boundary 40 km north of the volcanoes. Volcanic activity produces different kinds of seismic signatures. Shallow tectonic or A-type events originate on nearby faults and occur both singly and in swarms. There are typically from 0 to 6 A-type events per day withb value of about 1.3. At very shallow depths beneath Pacaya, Izalco, and San Cristobal large numbers of low-frequency or B-type events are recorded with predominant frequencies between 2.5 and 4.5 Hz and withb values of 1.7 to 2.9. The relative number of B-type events appears to be related to the eruptive states of the volcanoes; the more active volcanoes have higher levels of seismicity. At Fuego Volcano, however, low-frequency events have unusually long codas and appear to be similar to tremor. High-amplitude volcanic tremor is recorded at Fuego, Pacaya, and San Cristobal during eruptive periods. Large explosion earthquakes at Fuego are well recorded at five stations and yield information on near-surface seismic wave velocities (α=3.0±0.2 km/sec.).  相似文献   

We present new 40Ar/39Ar ages and paleomagnetic data for São Miguel island, Azores. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained for 34 flows and one dike; successful mean paleomagnetic directions were obtained for 28 of these 35 sites. 40Ar/39Ar age determinations on 12 flows from the Nordeste complex were attempted successfully: ages obtained are between 0.78 Ma and 0.88 Ma, in contrast to published K–Ar ages of 1 Ma to 4 Ma. Our radiometric ages are consistent with the reverse polarity paleomagnetic field directions, and indicate that the entire exposed part of the Nordeste complex is of a late Matuyama age. The duration of volcanism across São Miguel is significantly less than previously believed, which has important implications for regional melt generation processes, and temporal sampling of the geomagnetic field. Observed stable isotope and trace element trends across the island can be explained, at least in part, by communication between different magma source regions at depth. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that our normal polarity paleomagnetic data sample at least 0.1 Myr (0–0.1 Ma) and up to 0.78 Myr (0–0.78 Ma) of paleosecular variation and our reverse polarity data sample approximately 0.1 Myr (0.78–0.88 Ma) of paleosecular variation. Our results demonstrate that precise radiometric dating of numerous flows sampled is essential to accurate inferences of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. Negative inclination anomalies are observed for both the normal and reverse polarity time-averaged field. Within the data uncertainties, normal and reverse polarity field directions are antipodal, but the reverse polarity field shows a significant deviation from a geocentric axial dipole direction.  相似文献   

Gravity changes of up to 1.2 ± 0.1 mgal (1 standard deviation) were measured at three points within 400 m of an active vent on Pacaya volcano, Guatemala during eleven days of January, 1975. For five continuous days gravity varied inversely with the average muzzle velocity of ejecta, the frequency of volcanic explosions, and the frequency of volcanic earthquakes. The gravity changes are most reasonably interpreted as the product of intravolcanic movements of magma with masses one to two orders of magnitude larger than any flow ever erupted from the volcano. However, elevation changes and/or combination of elevation and mass distribution changes could also have been an important factor in effecting the observed gravity variations. Because we lack elevation control on the gravity stations, we are unable to unequivocally conclude which factor or which combination of factors produced the gravity changes. The study indicates the possibility of gravity monitoring of hazardous volcanoes as a predictive tool, and as an added means for investigating the internal mechanism of volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

The history of volcan Popocatepetl can be divided into two main periods: the formation of a large primitive volcano — approximatively 30 km wide — on which is superimposed a modern cone (6–8 km in diameter and 1700m high). A major event of Bezymianny type marks the transition between these two dissimilar periods.The activity of the primitive volcano was essentially effusive and lasted several hundred thousands of years. The total volume of products ejected by the volcano is of the order of 500–600 km3. Its last differentiated magmas are dacitic.A gigantic debris flow (D.F.) spread on the southern side is related to the Bezymianny-type event which destroyed the summit area of the ancient edifice. An elliptical caldera ( 6.5 × 11 km wide) was formed by the landslide. Its deposits, with a typical hummocky surface, cover 300 km2 for a volume of 28–30 km3. Numerous outcrops belonging to this debris flow show “slabs” of more or less fractured and dislocated rocks that come from the primitive volcano. These deposits are compared to two studied debris flows of similar extent and volume: the Mount Shasta and Colima's D.F.This eruption takes a major place in the volcanologic and magmatic history of Popocatepetl: pyroclastic products of surge-type with “laminites” and crude layers, ashflows, and pumiceous airfall layers are directly related to this event and begin the history of the modern volcano probably less than 50,000 years ago. In addition, a second andesitic and dacitic phase rose both from the central vent — forming the basis of modern Popo — and from lateral vents.The terminal cone is characterized by long periods of construction by lava flows alternating with phases of destruction, the duration of these episodes being 1000 to 2000 years. The cone is composed of two edifices: the first, volcan El Fraile, began with effusive activity and was partly destroyed by three periods of intense explosive activity. The first period occurred prior to 10.000 years B.P., the second from 10.000 to 8000 years B.P. and the third from 5000 to 3800 years B.P. Each period of destruction shows cycles producing collapsing pyroclastic flows or nuées of the St Vincent-type related to the opening of large craters, plinian air-fall deposits and minor lava flows. The second edifice, the summit Popo, produced lava flows until 1200 years B.P. and since that time, entered into an explosive period. Two cataclysmic episodes, each including major pyroclastic eruptions, occurred 1200 and 900–1000 years ago. During the Pre-Hispanic and historic times effusive activity was restricted entirely to the summit area alternating with plinian eruptions. Nevertheless, despite the quiet appearance of the volcano, the last period of pyroclastic activity which started 1200 years ago may not have ended and can be very dangerous for the nearby populations.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping and radiocarbon dating of tholeiitic basalts covering about 275 km2 on the lower east rift zone (LERZ) and adjoining flanks of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, show that at least 112 separate eruptions have occurred during the past 2360 years. Eruptive products include spatter ramparts and cones, a shield, two extensive lithic-rich tuff deposits, aa and pahoehoe flows, and three littoral cones. Areal coverage, number of eruptions and average dormant interval estimates in years for the five age groups assigned are: (I) historic, i.e. A D 1790 and younger: 25%, 5, 42.75; (II) 200–400 years old: 50%, 15, 14.3: (III) 400–750 years old: 20%, 54, 6.6; (IV) 750–1500 years old: 5%, 37, 20.8; (V) 1500–3000 years old: <1%, 1, unknown. At least 4.5–6 km3 of tholeiitic basalt have been erupted from the LERZ during the past 1500 years. Estimated volumes of the exposed products of individual eruptions range from a few tens of cubic meters for older units in small kipukas to as much as 0.4 km3 for the heiheiahulu shield. The average dormant interval has been about 13.6 years during the past 1500 years. The most recent eruption occurred in 1961, and the area may be overdue for its next eruption. However, eruptive activity will not resume on the LERZ until either the dike feeding the current eruption on the middle east rift zone extends farther down rift, or a new dike, unrelated to the current eruption, extends into the LERZ.  相似文献   

The contribution of intrusive complexes to volcano growth is attested by field observations and by the monitoring of active volcanoes. We used numerical simulations to quantitatively estimate the relative contributions to volcano growth of elastic dislocations related to dyke intrusions and of the accumulation of lava flows. The ground uplift induced by dyke intrusions was calculated with the equations of Okada (Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 75 (1985) 1135). The spreading of lava flows was simulated as the flow of a Bingham fluid.With realistic parameters for dyke statistics and lava-flow rheology we find the contribution of dyke intrusions to the growth of a basaltic shield archetype to be about 13% in terms of volume and 30% in terms of height. The result is strongly dependent on the proportion of dykes reaching the surface to feed a lava flow. Systematic testing of the model indicates that edifices tend to be high and steep if dykes are thick and high, issued from a small and shallow magma chamber, and if they feed lava flows of high yield strength.The simulation was applied to Ko'olau (O'ahu Is., Hawai'i) and Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Is.) volcanoes. The simulation of Ko'olau with dyke parameters as described by Walker (Geology, 14 (1986) 310; U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1350 (1987) 961) and with lava-flow characteristics collected at Kilauea volcano (Hawai'i Is.) results in an edifice morphology very close to that of the real volcano. The best fit model of the Piton de la Fournaise central cone, with its steep slope and E–W elongation, is obtained by the intrusion of 10 000 short and thick dykes issued from a very small and shallow magma chamber and feeding only 700 low-volume lava flows. The same method may be applied to the growth of basaltic shields and other volcano types in different environments, including non-terrestrial volcanism.  相似文献   

The Middle Ordovician Volginsky and Kirensky fossil zones were sampled in the Krivaya Luka section (Krivolutsky suite) that outcrops along the Lena river in Siberia. The Volginsky and Kirensky zones are coeval to the Llandeilo in the global geologic time scale. The Krivaya Luka section consists of siltstones, clays, sandstones, and limestones, and displays a remarkably distinct sedimentary cyclicity, especially in its reddish middle part.Stepwise thermal demagnetization yields three NRM components. Component A, isolated in the 100—250°C interval can be either normal or reversed. The normal A-component has a direction close to recent local magnetic field. The reversed A-component directions are scattered around a direction close to that of the lower Triassic Siberian traps. Component B has unblocking temperatures that range from 400 to 500°C and is represented mainly by normal polarity directions. The B-component, isolated from rocks of the middle part of the section is of a normal polarity with D = 176.5°, I = 30.0° and a North pole position at 16.2°S, 111.3°E. The other parts of the section are characterized by intermediate B-directions, which resulted possibly by partially overlapping A- and C-components. The highest temperature dual-polarity component C was isolated in the 550—670°C interval, resulting in the detection of two complete polarity zones and three magnetic reversals. The C-component is characterized by the following mean directions: for the reversed component D = 335.7°, I = 6.9°, and for the normal component D = 188.6°, I = 28.0°, which is very close to the normal polarity directions of the B-component. The corresponding paleomagnetic North pole for reversed polarity rocks is 32.6°S, 137°E, which is typical of Middle Ordovician rocks from Siberia – the mean pole for Llanvirn-Llandeilo is 30°S, 136°E (cf. Smethurst et al., 1998) – whereas for normal polarity rocks the pole position 17.2°S, 99.1°E is markedly different. Nevertheless, we assume that the C-component records the ancient geomagnetic field of Ordovician times, even though it does not pass the reversals test. This could be explained by overlapping NRM unblocking temperature spectra for the B and C components. In this case, the paleomagnetic pole positions should be interpreted with some caution.In addition, the section was logged and sampled in detail for cyclostratigraphic purposes. Spectral analysis in the depth domain using the high-field susceptibility as input parameter showed that the observed cyclicity is most likely orbitally forced. Detected spectral peaks (significant at the 95% confidence level) were close to the expected positions of the periodicities of precession, obliquity and eccentricity for the Ordovician. Consequently, the average sediment accumulation rate is estimated at 3.5 cm/kyr. Extrapolating this sedimentation rate yields a total duration of at least 1 Myr for the Volginsky fossil zone and 1.2 Myr for the entire Krivaya Luka section.  相似文献   

This study aims at quantifying the effect of rheology on plan-view shapes of lava flows using fractal geometry. Plan-view shapes of lava flows are important because they reflect the processes governing flow emplacement and may provide insight into lava-flow rheology and dynamics. In our earlier investigation (Bruno et al. 1992), we reported that flow margins of basalts are fractal, having a characteristic shape regardless of scale. We also found we could use fractal dimension (D, a parameter which quantifies flow-margin convolution) to distinguish between the two endmember types of basalts: a a (D: 1.05–1.09) and pahoehoe (D: 1.13–1.23). In this work, we confirm those earlier results for basalts based on a larger database and over a wider range of scale (0.125 m–2.4 km). Additionally, we analyze ten silicic flows (SiO2: 52–74%) over a similar scale range (10 m–4.5 km). We note that silicic flows tend to exhibit scale-dependent, or non-fractal, behavior. We attribute this breakdown of fractal behavior at increased silica contents to the suppression of small-scale features in the flow margin, due to the higher viscosities and yield strengths of silicic flows. These results suggest we can use the fractal properties of flow margins as a remote-sensing tool to distinguish flow types. Our evaluation of the nonlinear aspects of flow dynamics indicates a tendency toward fractal behavior for basaltic lavas whose flow is controlled by internal fluid dynamic processes. For silicic flows, or basaltic flows whose flow is controlled by steep slopes, our evaluation indicates non-fractal behavior, consistent with our observations.  相似文献   

Fuego volcano, Guatemala is a high (3,800 m) composite volcano that erupts gas-rich, high-Al basalt, often explosively. It spends many years in an essentially open vent condition, but this activity has not been extensively observed or recorded until now. The volcano towers above a region with several tens of thousands of people, so that patterns in its activity might have hazard mitigation applications. We conducted 2 years of continuous observations at Fuego (2005–2007) during which time the activity consisted of minor explosions, persistent degassing, paroxysmal eruptions, and lava flows. Radiant heat output from MODIS correlates well with observed changes in eruptive behavior, particularly during abrupt changes from passive lava effusion to paroxysmal eruptions. A short-period seismometer and two low-frequency microphones installed during the final 6 months of the study period recorded persistent volcanic tremor (1–3 Hz) and a variety of explosive eruptions. The remarkable correlation between seismic tremor, thermal output, and daily observational data defines a pattern of repeating eruptive behavior: 1) passive lava effusion and subordinate strombolian explosions, followed by 2) paroxysmal eruptions that produced sustained eruptive columns, long, rapidly emplaced lava flows, and block and ash flows, and finally 3) periods of discrete degassing explosions with no lava effusion. This study demonstrates the utility of low-cost observations and ground-based and satellite-based remote sensing for identifying changes in volcanic activity in remote regions of underdeveloped countries.  相似文献   

The eruptive history of Kuju volcano on Kyushu, Japan, during the past 15,000 years has been determined by tephrochronology and 14C dating. Kuju volcano comprises isolated lava domes and cones of hornblende andesite together with aprons of pyroclastic-flow deposits on its flanks. Kuju volcano produced tephras at roughly 1000-yr intervals during the past 5000 years and 70% of the domes and cones have formed during the past 15,000 years. The youngest magmatic activity of Kuju volcano was the 1.6 km3 andesite eruption about 1600 years ago which emplaced a lava dome and block-and-ash flow. Kuju volcano shows a nearly constant long-term eruption rate (0.7–0.4 km3 for 1000 years) during the past 15,000 years. This rate is within the range of estimated average eruption rates of late Quaternary volcanoes in the Japanese Arc, but is about one order of magnitude higher than the eruption rate of Unzen volcano. Kuju volcano has been in phreatic eruption since October 1995. The late Quaternary history of Kuju indicates that it poses a significant volcanic hazard, primarily due to block-and-ash flows from collapsing lava domes.  相似文献   

The energy equation was applied to four limited regions to investigate the basic mechanisms through which area-averaged eddy kinetic energy is maintained during the northern winter. The regions selected for this study are as follows: extratropical North Pacific (24.2°N–44.6°N, 130°E–150°W), tropical eastern North Pacific (0°–19.6°N, 170°W–110°W), South China Sea and. Bay of Bengal (0°–19.6°N, 80°E–140°E), and Timor Sea and eastern Indian Ocean (0°–19.6°S, 80°E–140°E). The zonally averaged upper flows over the first region were found to be barotropically stable. In contrast, they were barotropically unstable over the second region; namely, eddy motions over the tropical eastern North Pacific are maintained by receiving energy from zonal flows via barotropic interaction. The third and fourth regions are characterized by the importance of the conversion process between eddy available potential and eddy kinetic energy.Contribution No. 77-5, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, USA.  相似文献   

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