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Gravity changes of up to 1.2 ± 0.1 mgal (1 standard deviation) were measured at three points within 400 m of an active vent on Pacaya volcano, Guatemala during eleven days of January, 1975. For five continuous days gravity varied inversely with the average muzzle velocity of ejecta, the frequency of volcanic explosions, and the frequency of volcanic earthquakes. The gravity changes are most reasonably interpreted as the product of intravolcanic movements of magma with masses one to two orders of magnitude larger than any flow ever erupted from the volcano. However, elevation changes and/or combination of elevation and mass distribution changes could also have been an important factor in effecting the observed gravity variations. Because we lack elevation control on the gravity stations, we are unable to unequivocally conclude which factor or which combination of factors produced the gravity changes. The study indicates the possibility of gravity monitoring of hazardous volcanoes as a predictive tool, and as an added means for investigating the internal mechanism of volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Repetitive gravity surveys at Pacaya Volcano from 1975 to 1979 revealed time-dependent changes in the gravity field, which although related to volcanic activity, could not be uniquely attributed to elevation changes or mass redistributions because elevation control was lacking. Elevation control was established in July 1979 using precision leveling. Relative elevation and gravity measurements in June and July of 1979, January 1980 and June 1980 indicate concurrent gravity and elevation changes contemporaneous with variations in eruptive activity. From June 1979 to January 1980, while fumarolic activity was dominant, relative to the most remote station, the volcano deflated by at least 195 mm and the gravity field increased by up to 221 μgal. From January 1980 to June 1980, preceding a Strombolian eruption beginning about June 1980, the volcano inflated by at least 19 mm and the gravity field decreased by up to 231 μgal. Gravity change maps for the intervals of January 1978 to June 1979, June 1979 to January 1980, and January 1980 to June 1980 show areas subject to repeated positive and negative gravity change. Some of those areas coincide with areas of maximum elevation change observed in the June 1979–January 1980 and January 1980–June 1980 intervals; however, gravity changes were observed in areas lacking elevation changes. Adjusting observed gravity changes for elevation changes using a free-air value of −3.086 μgal/cm does not substantially alter the pattern, position, or amplitude of the gravity changes. The relationship between gravity changes, elevation changes, and volcanic activity requires a mechanism producing gravity decreases with little inflation during times of increased eruptive activity, and producing gravity increases with subsidence during times of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could be produced by a near-surface magma body in which high-density degassed magma is displaced volume for volume by low-density vesiculated magma during time of increased eruptive activity, and in which loss of gasses by fumarolic activity produces a density increase and a reduction in volume of the magma body during periods of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could also be induced by a low-density, vesiculated magma body moving upward in the volcanic pile by piecemeal stoping where the high-density rocks of the volcano are replaced on a volume for volume basis by low-density magma during periods of increasing eruptive activity; and by later density increases and magma body volume reductions accompanying devolatilization and devesiculation during periods of declining eruptive activity. Simple density change and density contrast models involving shallow magma bodies at depths of 100 to 200 m indicate density changes or contrasts of about 0.4 g/cm3 could produce the gravity changes.  相似文献   

The times of activity at Fuego (one of the most active volcanoes in the world) since 1800 correlate with the activity of other Central American volcanoes. Approximately 0.7 km3 of olivine-bearing, high-Al2O3 basalt has been erupted since 1932, and about 1.7 km3 has been produced during 450 years of historic records. A minimum of 13,000 years and a maximum of 100,000 years were required to build Fuego's cone of 50 km3. Within the recent cluster of activity since 1932, rates of magma production have increased to 0.5 m3/s and the trend has been toward more eruptions (shorter reposes) of progressively more mafic basalt. 47% of the eruptions occurred within 2 days of the fortnightly tidal maximum and 56% occurred within 2 hours of the semi-diurnal minimum of the vertical tidal gravity acceleration. Thus the maximum compressional component of the tidal cycles can trigger an eruption at Fuego. Eruptions with higher effusion rates produce larger volumes of materials, although they only last a few hours. The 20–70 year clusters of activity beginning at 80–170-year intervals are interpreted as reflecting the ascent of primary batches of magma. A deeper (8–16 km), larger (> 1 km3) primary chamber and a shallower (2–5 km), smaller (0.1 km3), dike-like secondary chamber best explain Fuego's behavioral pattern.  相似文献   

The first historic activity of Santa María volcano, Guatemala constituted one of the ten largest historic eruptions in the world, producing 5.5 km3 of debris. In hindsight, the six-month period before the October 1902 eruption was one of extremely abnormal seismicity in all of western Guatemala. The pyroclastis from the eruption were scattered widely over Western Guatemala and Southern Mexico and also caused world-wide atmospheric effects. The volcanics produced were of andesitic-dacitic composition, but there was wide variation from place to place in the sampled material — a fact apparently chiefly attributable to atmospheric-fractionation. There was apparently a change in chemistry of ash during the two-day eruption as well, the first, most voluminous ash was pumicious and white; later ash was finer, denser, darker, and slightly less silicious. The kinetic energy/thermal energy partition is determined to be similar to the value derived for Krakatoa,E k/E th ? 5.0 %. The thermal energy of the eruption was estimated at 4.2×1025 ergs. The explosion crater left on Santa María’s southwest flank after the eruption had a volume equal to less than 0.5 km3, a small fraction of the volume of material erupted. The two-day 1902 blast has greatly overshadowed subsequent activity; extrusion of the Santiaguito dome, which has occurred since 1922 in the explosion crater, has produced about 0.7 km3 of dacite lava and 1.6×1025 ergs of thermal energy in 48 years of activity.  相似文献   

The October, 1902, eruption of Santa Maria Volcano, Guatemala, was one of the largest this century. It was preceded by a great earthquake on April 19 centered at the volcano, as well as numerous other major earthquakes. The 18–20 hour-long plinian eruption on October 25 produced a column at least 28 km high, reaching well into the stratosphere.The airfall pumice deposit covered more than 1.2 million km2 with a trace of ash and was only two meters thick at the vent. White dacitic pumice, dark gray scoriaceous basalt (with physically and chemically mixed intermediate pumice) and loose crystals of plagioclase, hornblende, hypersthene, biotite and magnetite make up the juvenile components of the deposit. Lithic fragments are of volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic origin. The plinian deposit is a fine-grained, crystal-rich, single pumice fall unit and shows inverse grading. Mapping of the deposit gives a volume of 8.3 km3 within the one mm isopach. Crystal concentration studies show that the true volume erupted was at least 20 km3 (equivalent to 8.5 km3 of dense dacite) and that 90% of the ejecta was less than 2 mm in diameter.The plinian volume eruption rate averaged 1.2 × 105 m3s−1 and the average gas muzzle velocity of the column exceeded 270 ms−1. A total of 8.3 × 1018 J of energy were released by the eruption. A knowledge of both theoretically derived eruption parameters and contemporary information allows a detailed analysis of eruption mechanisms.This eruption was the major stratospheric aerosol injection in the 1902–1903 period. However, mid- to low- latitude northern hemisphere temperature deviation data for the years following the eruption show no significant temperature decrease. This may be explained by the sulfur-poor nature of dacite magmas, suggesting that volatile composition, rather than mass of volatiles, is the controlling parameter in climatic response to explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

Four major phases are distinguished during the building of the Pacaya volcanological complex (Guatemala): (1) the ancestral volcano, now much eroded, covered by younger deposits and battered by faulting and landslides; (2) the initial cone made up of large lava flows and dated at about 0.5 Ma; (3) andesito-dacitic domes (Cerro Chiquito dome and others) emplaced during an extrusive phase at about 0.16 Ma; and (4) the active Pacaya volcano. Lavas of phases 2 and 4 are basalts and basaltic andesites with almost the same major and trace element compositions. Classical enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE are observed. Phase 3 domes show magma-mingling features. The dacitic host rock includes basaltic andestic enclaves, 20 to 30% in volume. According to geochemical and mineralogic data (Mg/Fe ratios of basic minerals higher in dacite, groundmass glasses sodic in dacite and potassic in basaltic andesite), the basaltic andesites and dacites of phase 3 cannot be related by a simple fractional crystallization process. The existence of such differences suggests that magma mingling/mixing processes were involved by a connection between the two magma chambers prior to the extrusion of the andesito-dacitic domes. However, some trace element data clearly suggest that fractional crystallization played a significant role in the differentiation of these lavas. Remelting of amphibole-bearing cumulates from the dacite may also have played a role in the basaltic andesitic liquid genesis. Thermodynamical parameters of each liquid are contrasted. The basaltic andesitic magma, at a high temperature (1037°C) and in relatively small amounts, is embayed in the cooler (905° C) dacitic magma. The former liquid, denser (2.72) and less viscous (103.31 poises for free crystal liquid) may crystallize while the latter, lighter (2.60) and more viscous (104.46 poises), remains still liquid. Isotopic data (0.70383<87Sr/86Sr <0.70400; 0.512785<143Nd/144Nd<0.512908; 18.61<206Pb/204Pb<18.66; 15.56<207Pb/204Pb <15.58; 38.30<208Pb/204Pb<38.40) indicate that all the lavas (from Pacaya as well as from Cerro Chiquito) are cogenetic and derive from the same mantle source. Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios are similar to those of OIBs. (230Th/232Th) activity ratios on two historical lavas are respectively 1.2 and 1.3. The Th excess is similar to that of other calcalkaline volcanoes emplaced on a continental crust. These lavas evolved, possibly in separate magma chambers, through processes of fractional crystallization and magma mixing.  相似文献   

Vertical ash plumes were imaged at Santiaguito (Guatemala) using a thermal camera to capture plume ascent dynamics. The plumes comprised a convecting plume front fed by a steady feeder plume. Of the 25 plumes imaged, 24 had a gas thrust region within which ascent velocities were 15–50 m s−1. A transition to buoyant ascent occurred 20 to 50 m above the vent, where ascent velocities declined to 4–15 m s−1. Plumes that attained greater heights had higher heat contents, wider feeder plumes and higher buoyant ascent velocities.  相似文献   

Information regarding activity of Santiaguito dome, in western Guatemala, for the period June 1968–August 1969, has been derived from phots taken repeatedly at strategic locations, weekly geologic observations from a nearby lookout and ten expeditions to the mountain. Activity continues at the principal Caliente vent. Ash, bombs and gas eruptions have been interspersed with repeated extrusion and blasting away of small plug domes. At the subsidiary vent, El Brujo, dome extrusion and accompanying avalanching, so prominent in 1967–68, has declined since late 1968. The minimum volume of the El Brujo dome (formed since 1966) is estimated to be 8.5 × 106 m3.  相似文献   

海底磁异常的形态与洋中脊两侧板块的微运动或变形密切相关.因此,这方面的研究可为确定板块运动的演化历史、小尺度的动力学过程以及洋中脊分段的机制等提供重要约束.本文对南大西洋一段洋中脊(31°S—34.5°S)两侧的磁异常的偏度进行了系统研究.结果表明研究区域内扩张方向并不总是垂直于洋中脊走向,并且研究区域不同剖面的扩张方向也不一致,具体表现为从北向南,平均扩张方向逐渐增加,依次为33.6°±5.3°、62.8°±13.0°以及94.3°±8.0°.这表明洋中脊的倾斜扩张机制具有复杂性,初步解释应该与转换断层的剪切应力增加有关.深部辉长岩层倾斜和扩张速率不对称性对海底磁异常偏度的影响值得深入研究.另外,由北向南确定的欧拉极向东移动,表明洋中脊两侧的板块在6.5 Ma期间存在剧烈形变.  相似文献   

The first of four successive pulses of the 1974 explosive eruption of Fuego volcano, Guatemala, produced a small volume (∼0.02 km3 DRE) basaltic sub-plinian tephra fall and flow deposit. Samples collected within 48 h after deposition over much of the dispersal area (7–80 km from the volcano) have been size analyzed down to 8 φ (4 μm). Tephra along the dispersal axis were all well-sorted (σ φ = 0.25–1.00), and sorting increased whereas thickness and median grain size decreased systematically downwind. Skewness varied from slightly positive near the vent to slightly negative in distal regions and is consistent with decoupling between coarse ejecta falling off the rising eruption column and fine ash falling off the windblown volcanic cloud advecting at the final level of rise. Less dense, vesicular coarse particles form a log normal sub-population when separated from the smaller (Mdφ < 3φ or < 0.125 mm), denser shard and crystal sub-population. A unimodal, relatively coarse (Mdφ = 0.58φ or 0.7 mm σ φ = 1.2) initial grain size population is estimated for the whole (fall and flow) deposit. Only a small part of the fine-grained, thin 1974 Fuego tephra deposit has survived erosion to the present day. The initial October 14 pulse, with an estimated column height of 15 km above sea level, was a primary cause of a detectable perturbation in the northern hemisphere stratospheric aerosol layer in late 1974 to early 1975. Such small, sulfur-rich, explosive eruptions may substantially contribute to the overall stratospheric sulfur budget, yet leave only transient deposits, which have little chance of survival even in the recent geologic record. The fraction of finest particles (Mdφ = 4–8φ or 4–63 μm) in the Fuego tephra makes up a separate but minor size mode in the size distribution of samples around the margin of the deposit. A previously undocumented bimodal–unimodal–bimodal change in grain size distribution across the dispersal axis at 20 km downwind from the vent is best accounted for as the result of fallout dispersal of ash from a higher subplinian column and a lower “co-pf” cloud resulting from pyroclastic flows. In addition, there is a degree of asymmetry in the documented grain-size fallout pattern which is attributed to vertically veering wind direction and changing windspeeds, especially across the tropopause. The distribution of fine particles (<8 μm diameter) in the tephra deposit is asymmetrical, mainly along the N edge, with a small enrichment along the S edge. This pattern has hazard significance.  相似文献   

Gigantic eruption of the volcano bezymianny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

During 14–16 September 1988, a large intracaldera avalanche and an eruption of basaltic tephra and lava at Fernandina volcano, Galapagos, produced the most profound changes within the caldera since its collapse in 1968. A swarm of eight earthquakes (m b 4.7–5.5) occurred in a 14 h period on 24 February 1988 at Fernandina, and two more earthquakes of this size followed on 15 April and 20 May, respectively. On 14 September 1988, another earthquake (m b 4.6) preceded a complex series of events. A debris avalanche was generated by the failure of a fault-bounded segment of the east caldera wall, approximately 2 km long and 300 m wide. The avalanche deposit is up to 250 m thick and has an approximate volume of 0.9 km3. The avalanche rapidly displaced a preexisting lake from the southeast end of the caldera floor to the northwest end, where the water washed up against the lower part of the caldera wall, then gradually seeped into the avalanche deposit and was completely gone by mid-January 1989. An eruption began in the caldera within about 1–2 h of the earthquake, producing a vigorous tephra plume for about 12 h, then lava flows during the next two days. The eruption ended late on 16 September. Most of the eruptive activity was from vents on the caldera floor near the base of the new avalanche scar. Unequivocal relative timing of events is difficult to determine, but seismic records suggest that the avalanche may have occurred 1.6 h after the earthquake, and field relations show that lava was clearly erupted after the avalanche was emplaced. The most likely sequence of events seems to be that the 1988 feeder dike intruded upward into the east caldera wall, dislocated the unstable wall block, and triggered the avalanche. The avalanche immediately exposed the newly emplaced dike and initiated the eruption. The exact cause of the earthquakes is unknown.  相似文献   

Iwate volcano, Japan, showed significant volcanic activity including earthquake swarms and volcano inflation from the beginning of 1998. A large earthquake of magnitude 6.1 hit the south-west of the volcano on September 3. Although a 1 km2 fumarole field formed, blighting plants on the ridge in the western part of the volcano in the spring of 1999, no magmatic eruptions occurred. We reconcile the spatio-temporal distributions of volcanic pressure sources determined by previously reported studies in which GPS, strain and tilt data from dense geodetic station networks are analyzed (Miura et al. Earth Planet Space 52:1003–1008, 2000; Sato and Hamaguchi J Volcanol Geotherm Res 155:244–262, 2006). We calculate the magma supply rates from their results and compare them with the occurrence rates of volcanic earthquakes. The results show that the magma supply rates are almost constant or even decrease with time while the earthquake occurrence rate increases with time. This contrast in their temporal changes is interpreted to result from stress accumulation in the volcanic edifice caused by constant magma supply without effusion of magma to the surface. We further show that data showing slight acceleration in strain can be best explained by magma ascent at a constant velocity, and that there is no evidence for increased magma buoyancy resulting from gas bubble growth. This consideration supports the interpretation that the magma stayed at 2 km depth and horizontally migrated. These findings relating magma supply rate and seismicity to magma ascent process are clues to understanding why no magmatic eruption occurred at Iwate volcano in 1998.  相似文献   

Vulcanian eruptions are common at many volcanoes around the world. Vulcanian activity occurs as either isolated sequences of eruptions or as precursors to sustained explosive events and is interpreted as clearing of shallow plugs from volcanic conduits. Breadcrust bombs characteristic of Vulcanian eruptions represent samples of different parts of these plugs and preserve information that can be used to infer parameters of pre-eruption magma ascent. The morphology and preserved volatile contents of breadcrust bombs erupted in 1999 from Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador, thus allow us to constrain the physical processes responsible for Vulcanian eruption sequences of this volcano. Morphologically, breadcrust bombs differ in the thickness of glassy surface rinds and in the orientation and density of crack networks. Thick rinds fracture to create deep, widely spaced cracks that form large rectangular domains of surface crust. In contrast, thin rinds form polygonal networks of closely spaced shallow cracks. Rind thickness, in turn, is inversely correlated with matrix glass water content in the rind. Assuming that all rinds cooled at the same rate, this correlation suggests increasing bubble nucleation delay times with decreasing pre-fragmentation water content of the melt. A critical bubble nucleation threshold of 0.4–0.9 wt% water exists, below which bubble nucleation does not occur and resultant bombs are dense. At pre-fragmentation melt H2O contents of >∼0.9 wt%, only glassy rinds are dense and bomb interiors vesiculate after fragmentation. For matrix glass H2O contents of ≥1.4 wt%, rinds are thin and vesicular instead of thick and non-vesicular. A maximum measured H2O content of 3.1 wt% establishes the maximum pressure (63 MPa) and depth (2.5 km) of magma that may have been tapped during a single eruptive event. More common H2O contents of ≤1.5 wt% suggest that most eruptions involved evacuation of ≤1.5 km of the conduit. As we expect that substantial overpressures existed in the conduit prior to eruption, these depth estimates based on magmastatic pressure are maxima. Moreover, the presence of measurable CO2 (≤17 ppm) in quenched glass of highly degassed magma is inconsistent with simple models of either open- or closed-system degassing, and leads us instead to suggest re-equilibration of the melt with gas derived from a deeper magmatic source. Together, these observations suggest a model for the repeated Vulcanian eruptions that includes (1) evacuation of the shallow conduit during an individual eruption, (2) depressurization of magma remaining in the conduit accompanied by open-system degassing through permeable bubble networks, (3) rapid conduit re-filling, and (4) dome formation prior to the subsequent explosion. An important part of this process is densification of upper conduit magma to allow repressurization between explosions. At a critical overpressure, trapped pressurized gas fragments the nascent impermeable cap to repeat the process.  相似文献   

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