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The Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc with 20–35 km thick continental crust is being subducted under the Honshu, presumably since 17 Ma. Tomographic image clearly demonstrates that the whole Izu-Bonin arc is subducting under the Honshu arc. Geologic cross section and the thickness of continental crust do not support the accretion of thick crust in spite of the continued subduction over 17 Ma.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):572-580
The Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc with 20–35 km thick continental crust is being subducted under the Honshu, presumably since 17 Ma. Tomographic image clearly demonstrates that the whole Izu-Bonin arc is subducting under the Honshu arc. Geologic cross section and the thickness of continental crust do not support the accretion of thick crust in spite of the continued subduction over 17 Ma.  相似文献   

Tectonic features associated with a subducting fracture zone-aseismic ridge system in the New Hebrides island arc are investigated. Several notable features including a discontinuity of the trench, peculiar locations of two major islands (Santo and Malekula), regional uplift, and the formation of a basin are interpreted as a result of the subduction of a buoyant ridge system. The islands of Santo and Malekula are probably formed from an uplifted mid-slope basement high while the interarc basin of this particular arc is probably a subsiding basin instead of a basin formed by backarc opening. The situation can be modeled by using a thin elastic half plate overlying a quarter fluid space with a vertical upward loading applied at the plate edge. This model is consistent with topographic and geophysical data. This study suggests that subduction of aseismic ridges can have significant effects on tectonic features at consuming plate boundaries.  相似文献   

Subduction zones of continental, transitional, and oceanic settings, relative to the nature of the overriding plate, are compared in terms of trace element compositions of mafic to intermediate arc rocks, in order to evaluate the relationship between subduction parameters and the presence of subduction fluids. The continental Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) and the transitional to oceanic Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) show increasing degrees of melting with increasing involvement of slab fluids, as is typical for hydrous flux melting beneath arc volcanoes. At the SVZ, the central segment with the thinnest continental crust/lithosphere erupted the highest-degree melts from the most depleted sources, similar to the oceanic-like Nicaraguan segment of the CAVA. The northern part of the SVZ, located on the thickest continental crust/lithosphere, exhibits features more similar to Costa Rica situated on the Caribbean Large Igneous Province, with lower degrees of melting from more enriched source materials. The composition of the slab fluids is characteristic for each arc system, with a particularly pronounced enrichment in Pb at the SVZ and in Ba at the CAVA. A direct compositional relationship between the arc rocks and the corresponding marine sediments that are subducted at the trenches clearly shows that the compositional signature of the lavas erupted in the different arcs carries an inherited signal from the subducted sediments.  相似文献   

The northeast (NE) Honshu arc was formed by three major volcano-tectonic events resulting from Late Cenozoic orogenic movement: continental margin volcanism (before 21?Ma), seafloor basaltic lava flows and subsequent bimodal volcanism accompanied by back-arc rifting (21 to 14?Ma), and felsic volcanism related to island arc uplift (12 to 2?Ma). Eight petrotectonic domains, parallel to the NE Honshu arc, were formed as a result of the eastward migration of volcanic activity with time. Major Kuroko volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are located within the eastern marginal rift zone (Kuroko rift) that formed in the final period of back-arc rifting (16 to 14?Ma). Volcanic activity in the NE Honshu arc is divided into six volcanic stages. The eruption volumes of volcanic rocks have gradually decreased from 4,600?km3 (per 1?my for a 200-km-long section along the arc) of basaltic lava flows in the back-arc spreading stage to 1,000?C2,000?km3 of bimodal hyaloclastites in the back-arc rift stage, and about 200?km3 of felsic pumice eruptions in the island arc stage. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed at the time of abrupt decrease in the eruption volume and change in the mode of occurrence of the volcanic rocks during the final period of back-arc rifting. In the area of the Kuroko rift, felsic volcanism changed from aphyric or weakly plagioclase phyric (before 14?Ma), to quartz and plagioclase phyric with minor clinopyroxene (12 to 8?Ma), to hornblende phyric (after 8?Ma), and hornblende and biotite phyric (after 4?Ma). The Kuroko VMS deposits are closely related to the aphyric rhyolitic activity before 14?Ma. The rhyolite was generated at a relatively high temperature from a highly differentiated part of felsic magma seated at a relatively great depth and contains higher Nb, Ce, and Y contents than the post-Kuroko felsic volcanism. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed within a specific tectonic setting, at a specific period, and associated with a particular volcanism of the arc evolution process. Therefore, detailed study of the evolutional process from rift opening to island arc tectonics is very important for the exploration of Kuroko-type VMS deposits.  相似文献   

中国东部中-新生代的构造背景是中国地质学界最关注的问题之一。自20世纪70年代板块构造学说引入中国后,中国地质学家普遍接受了太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲导致中国东部中生代强烈的构造-岩浆活动和相应的成矿作用的观点,乃至成为被中外学者普遍认知的理论,至今仍然广泛流传。但是,本文研究认为问题很多。众所周知,岛弧是以玄武岩出露为主,大陆弧则是以安山岩出露最多,而中国东部玄武岩和安山岩极不发育。本文按照大数据研究思路,对日本和安第斯全部新生代岩浆岩的统计研究表明,上述认识基本上是对的:日本弧主要是玄武岩,其次是安山岩;安第斯弧主要是安山岩,其次是玄武岩;而中国东部(以浙闽地区为代表),主要是花岗岩,其次是玄武岩,出现双峰式分布的特征。看来,中国东部与日本和安第斯的构造背景完全不同,中国东部没有俯冲作用的明显证据。其次,岛弧和大陆弧有明显的成分和结构分带,如日本弧,从海沟开始,岩浆活动是从前弧-岛弧-后弧-弧后(frant-arc,arc,rear-arc,back-arc)。安第斯弧不如日本弧明显,从海沟向东到大陆是从弧前杂岩-弧岩浆岩-弧后盆地。中国东部(包括东海大陆架、中国东部沿海)与俯冲有关的结构和成分分带哪里有?我们的研究集中讨论了浙闽地区400km宽度范围内侏罗纪-白垩纪岩浆岩的分布,从年龄到地球化学(Si O2的变化,Mg O、K2O的变化,年龄的变化等等),基本上见不到有从东到西分带的趋势,这种情况如何与板块俯冲作用联系起来呢?岛弧岩浆岩主要来源于亏损的地幔、洋壳、深海沉积物,以及由俯冲带带来的流体,因此,岛弧岩浆岩洋壳的特征非常明显。大陆弧也来自地幔,但是,岩浆穿过大陆壳,会带来明显的陆壳混染的影响,因此安第斯型岩浆岩陆壳的印记比较明显。大陆岩浆岩如果不考虑俯冲带的影响,岩浆岩应当来自高热的软流圈地幔。如果高热的软流圈停滞在岩石圈底部,在那里发生部分熔融,形成的应当是大陆溢流玄武岩,而中酸性岩浆岩非常少;相反,如果高热的软流圈突破岩石圈的阻隔而上升到地壳底部,则会加热下地壳底部使之发生部分熔融,形成的则是大量的酸性花岗岩,而玄武岩和安山岩很少。峨眉山是前面的情况,中国东部则是后面的情况。中国东部岩浆岩究竟与日本、安第斯有何异同点?应当是岩石学家研究的首要命题,建议中国的岩石学家和地球化学家不要仅限于中国东部的研究,而将研究的触角延伸一步,深入细致地研究一下日本和安第斯岩浆岩的情况,再对比中国东部的情况,如此可能会得出新的认识,这样的认识也许才可能有益于解决中国东部岩浆岩形成背景的问题。  相似文献   

We present the first application in geodynamics of a (Fast Multipole) Accelerated Boundary Element Method (Accelerated-BEM) for Stokes flow. The approach offers the advantages of a reduced number of computational elements and linear scaling with the problem size. We show that this numerical method can be fruitfully applied for the simulation of several geodynamic systems at the planetary scale in spherical coordinates, and we suggest a general approach for modeling combined mantle convection and plate tectonics. The first part of the paper is devoted to the technical exposition of the new approach, while the second part focuses on the effect played by Earth curvature on the subduction of a very wide oceanic lithosphere (W = 6,000 km and W = 9,000 km), comparing the effects of two different planetary radii (ER = 6,371 km, 2ER = 2 × 6,371 km), corresponding to an "Earth-like" model (ER) and to a "flat Earth" one (2ER). The results show a distinct difference between the two models: while the slab on a "flat Earth" shows a slight undulation, the same subducting plate on the "Earth-like" setting presents a dual behavior characterized by concave curvature at the edges and by a folding with wavelength of the order of magnitude of 1,000 km at the center of the slab.  相似文献   

胶东-朝鲜半岛中生代金成矿作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
范宏瑞  冯凯  李兴辉  胡芳芳  杨奎锋 《岩石学报》2016,32(10):3225-3238
华北克拉通东部与朝鲜半岛相接,是中朝克拉通的重要组成部分。在华北克拉通东部的胶东半岛和朝鲜半岛内皆产出有不同规模的金矿床,并具有显著的地域特色。胶东半岛已发现金矿床(点)近200处,其中三山岛、焦家、新城、玲珑等为世界级金矿,它们为石英脉型和受构造控制的蚀变岩型,成矿时间主要集中在~120Ma,说明金成矿作用是在相当短的时间内,在同一成矿背景下和同一构造-岩浆-流体成矿系统下完成的。成矿流体主要来自幔源岩浆以及幔源岩浆与地壳相互作用产生的地质流体,就位环境与地壳/岩石圈在早白垩世强烈伸展构造变形有关,为克拉通破坏型金矿;与我国辽东相邻的朝鲜半岛北部平安北道等地金矿储量较大,成矿类型与特征辽东五龙金矿类似,为石英脉型矿化,也可能为早白垩世与华北克拉通岩石圈减薄、破坏相关的金矿床;朝鲜半岛南部的韩国金(银)矿床分成侏罗纪中温热液型和白垩纪浅成低温热液型两类,其中侏罗纪热液脉状金矿成矿特征虽与胶东金矿类似,但成矿时代(峰期~160Ma)有显著差异。而白垩纪浅成低温热液型金-银矿化主要发生在100~70Ma,与太平洋板块俯冲作用相关,为典型的环太平洋斑岩-次火山活动有关的浅成低温贱金属成矿系列。胶东和朝鲜半岛金矿床类型、特征及成矿时间的异同,与区域中生代地质演化及地球动力学背景密切相关。  相似文献   

The submarine volcanoes, located in the southern part of Andaman Sea, north eastern Indian Ocean, result from the subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate beneath the Southeast Asian Plate and represent one of the less studied submarine volcanism among the global arc systems. The present study provides new petrological and geochemical data for the recovered rocks from the submarine volcanoes and documents the petrogenetic evolution of Andaman arc system. Geochemical attributes classify the studied samples as basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite to rhyodacite reflecting sub-alkaline, intermediate to acidic composition of the magma. Petrographic studies of the basaltic andesites and andesites show plagioclase [An38-An57 in basaltic andesites; An27-An28 in andesites] and clinopyroxene as dominant phenocrystal phase in a cryptocrystalline groundmass. Plagioclase (An25-An45) marks the principal phenocrystal phase in dacite with sub-ordinate proportion of biotite and amphibole of both primary and secondary origin along with minor amount of K-feldspar. The submarine volcanic rocks from Andaman arc system exhibit pronounced LILE, LREE enrichments and HFSE (negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies), MREE and HREE depletion thereby endorsing the influence of subduction zone processes in their genesis. Elevated abundances of Th with relatively higher LREE/HFSE than LILE/HFSE, LILE/LREE suggest significant contribution of sediments from the subducting slab over slab-dehydrated aqueous fluids towards mantle wedge metasomatism thereby modifying the sub-arc mantle. Partial melting curves calculated using the non-modal batch melting equation suggest primary magma generated due to ~31–35 % degree of partial melting of spinel lherzolite mantle beneath the arc system. Fractional crystallization model suggests fractionation of 45 % plagioclase, 40 % clinopyroxene, 5–10 % amphibole and 5–10 % biotite which is consistent with the petrographic observations. Further, the assimilation-fractional-crystallization (AFC) model for the studied rocks indicates nominal crustal contamination. Therefore, this study infers that the melt evolution history for the Andaman arc volcanic rocks can be translated in terms of (i) generation of precursor magma by ~31–35 % partial melting of a spinel lherzolite mantle wedge, metasomatized predominantly by subducted slab sediments and (ii) the parent magma generation was ensued by fractionation dominated melt differentiation with nominal input from arc crust.  相似文献   

One of the major processes in the formation and deformation of continental lithosphere is the process of arc volcanism. The plate-tectonic theory predicts that a continuous chain of arc volcanoes lies parallel to any continuous subduction zone. However, the map pattern of active volcanoes shows at least 24 areas where there are major spatial gaps in the volcanic chains (> 200 km). A significant proportion (~ 30%) of oceanic crust is subducted at these gaps. All but three of these gaps coincide with the collision or subduction of a large aseismic plateau or ridge.The idea that the collision of such features may have a major tectonic impact on the arc lithosphere, including cessation of volcanism, is not new. However, it is not clear how the collision or subduction of an oceanic plateau perturbs the system to the extent of inhibiting arc volcanism. Three main factors necessary for arc volcanism are (1) source materials for the volcanics—either volatiles or melt from the subducting slab and/or melt from the overlying asthenospheric wedge, (2) a heat source, either for the dehydration or the melting of the slab, or the melting within the asthenosphere and (3) a favorable state of stress in the overlying lithosphere. The absence of any one of these features may cause a volcanic gap to form.There are several ways in which the collision or subduction of an oceanic plateau may affect arc volcanism. The clearest and most common cases considered are those where the feature completely resists subduction, causing local plate boundaries to reorganize. This includes the formation of new plate-bounding transform faults or a flip in subduction polarity. In these cases, subduction has slowed down or stopped and the lack of source material has created a volcanic gap.There are a few cases, most notably in Peru, Chile, and the Nankai trough, where the dip of subduction is so shallow that effectively no asthenospheric wedge exists to produce source material for volcanism. The shallow dip of the slab may be a buoyant effect of the plateau imbedded in the oceanic lithosphere.The cases which are the most enigmatic are those where subduction is continuous, the oceanic plateau is subducted along with the slab, and the dip of the slab is clearly steep enough to allow arc volcanism; yet a volcanic gap exists. In these areas, the subducted plateau may have a fundamental effect on the physical process of arc volcanism itself. The presence of a large topographic feature on the subducting plate may affect the stress state in the are by increasing the amount of decoupling between the two plates. Alternatively, the subduction of the plateau may change the chemical processes at depth if either the water-rich top of the plateau with accompanying sediments are scraped off during subduction or if the ridge is compositionally different.  相似文献   

阐述了洋陆转化形成的洋内弧与初始弧的岩石组合序列及其地球化学特征,提出岩浆弧是由洋陆转化以及底侵的壳幔转化共同作用形成的认识,前弧环境是洋陆转化形成初生大陆的场所,由特征的类似洋中脊的洋内弧前弧玄武岩类构成。大陆的形成过程如下:从地幔中生长出洋壳,从洋壳中的洋陆转化生长出不成熟的弧陆壳,最后从弧陆壳底侵的壳幔转化中长出成熟的陆壳。这样,地壳的生长和形成主要通过岩浆增生作用来实现。  相似文献   

Large volumes of CO2 are emitted during volcanic activity at convergent plate boundaries, not only from volcanic centres. Their C isotopic signature indicates that this CO2 is mainly derived from the decarbonation of subducted limestones or carbonated metabasalts, not as often admitted from magma degassing. On the example of Milos (Aegean Sea) it is argued that these fluids originate from intermediate depth in the mantle and carry sufficient heat to account for the generation of subduction-related magmas, as well as for the geothermal manifestations at the surface. The heat that is required for the decarbonation reactions is drawn by conduction from a wide zone surrounding the subducting slab and then rapidly transported upward by convection of the mixed CO2–H2O fluids that originate from the sediments in the slab. The transport takes place in a focused way through ‘chimneys’ in the upper mantle, where magmas are generated by the introduced heat and water. In the crust, the hot fluids cause thermal-dome-type metamorphism. In volcanic areas, magmas are commonly held responsible for the major part of heat transfer from the mantle to the surface. Here it is argued that most of the heat transfer is by hot gases. To cite this article: R.D. Schuiling, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

New major and trace element abundances, and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic ratios of Quaternary lavas from two adjacent volcanoes (South Pagan and the Central Volcanic Region, or CVR) located on Pagan Island allow us to investigate the mantle source (i.e., slab components) and melting dynamics within the Mariana intra-oceanic arc. Geologic mapping reveals a pre-caldera (780–9.4 ka) and post-caldera (<9.4 ka) eruptive stage for South Pagan, whereas the eruptive history of the older CVR is poorly constrained. Crystal fractionation and magma mixing were important crustal processes for lavas from both volcanoes. Geochemical and isotopic variations indicate that South Pagan and CVR lavas, and lavas from the northern volcano on the island, Mt. Pagan, originated from compositionally distinct parental magmas due to variations in slab contributions (sediment and aqueous fluid) to the mantle wedge and the extent of mantle partial melting. A mixing model based on Pb and Nd isotopic ratios suggests that the average amount of sediment in the source of CVR (~2.1%) and South Pagan (~1.8%) lavas is slightly higher than Mt. Pagan (~1.4%) lavas. These estimates span the range of sediment-poor Guguan (~1.3%) and sediment-rich Agrigan (~2.0%) lavas for the Mariana arc. Melt modeling demonstrates that the saucer-shaped normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns observed in Pagan lavas can arise from partial melting of a mixed source of depleted mantle and enriched sediment, and do not require amphibole interaction or fractionation to depress the middle REE abundances of the lavas. The modeled degree of mantle partial melting for Agrigan (2–5%), Pagan (3–7%), and Guguan (9–15%) lavas correlates with indicators of fluid addition (e.g., Ba/Th). This relationship suggests that the fluid flux to the mantle wedge is the dominant control on the extent of partial melting beneath Mariana arc volcanoes. A decrease in the amount of fluid addition (lower Ba/Th) and extent of melting (higher Sm/Yb), and an increase in the sediment contribution (higher Th/Nb, La/Sm, and Pb isotopic ratios) from Mt. Pagan to South Pagan could reflect systematic cross-arc or irregular along-arc melting variations. These observations indicate that the length scale of compositional heterogeneity in the mantle wedge beneath Mariana arc volcanoes is small (~10 km).  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):546-560
40% of the subduction margins of the Earth are intra-oceanic. They show significant variability in terms of extension and shortening. We investigated numerically the physical controls of these processes using a 2D petrological-thermo-mechanical intra-oceanic subduction model with spontaneous volcanic arc growth and deformation. We varied the fluid- and melt-related weakening, the ages of both the subduction slab and the overriding plate, the subducting plate velocities, and the cohesive strength of rocks. Three main geodynamic regimes were identified: retreating subduction with opening of a backarc basin, stable subduction, and advancing, compressive subduction. The main difference between these regimes is the degree of rheological coupling between plates, which is governed by the intensity of rheological weakening induced by fluids and melts. Retreating subduction regimes require plate decoupling, which results from strong weakening due to both fluids and melts. Spreading centers nucleate either in forearc or in intraarc regions. Episodic trench migration is often due to variations of plate coupling with time, which is caused by (fore) arc deformation. Stable subduction regime with little variation in the trench position forms at an intermediate plate coupling and shows a transient behavior from the retreating to advancing modes. The advancing subduction regime results from strong plate coupling. At the mature stage, this subduction mode is associated with both partial fragmentation and subduction of the previously serpentinized forearc region. Forearc subduction is typically associated with a magmatic pulse, which is caused by dehydration of subducted serpentinized forearc fragments. Our models demonstrate distinct differences in thermal and lithological structure of subduction zones formed in these different geodynamic regimes. Results compare well with variations observed in natural intra-oceanic arcs.  相似文献   

Long-lived intra-oceanic arcs of Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM)-type are built on thick, granodioritic crust formed in the absence of pre-existing continental crust. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 350, Site U1437, explored the IBM rear arc to better understand continental crust formation in arcs. Detailed petrochronological (U–Pb geochronology combined with trace elements, oxygen and hafnium isotopes) characterizations of zircon from Site U1437 were carried out, taking care to exclude potential contaminants by (1) comparison of zircon ages with ship-board palaeomagnetic and biostratigraphic ages and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, (2) analysing zircon from drill muds for comparison, (3) selectively carrying out in situ analysis in petrographic thin sections, and (4) minimizing potential laboratory contamination through using pristine equipment during mineral separation. The youngest zircon ages in Site U1437 are consistent with 40Ar/39Ar and shipboard ages to a depth of ~1390 m below sea floor (mbsf) where Igneous Unit Ig 1 yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 12.9 ± 0.3 Ma (all errors 2σ). One single zircon (age 15.4 ± 1.0 Ma) was recovered from the deepest lithostratigraphic unit drilled, Unit VII (1459.80–1806.5 mbsf). Site U1437 zircon trace element compositions are distinct from those of oceanic and continental arc environments and differ from those generated in thick oceanic crust (Iceland-type) where low-δ18O evolved melts are produced via re-melting of hydrothermally altered mafic rocks. Ti-in-zircon model temperatures are lower than for mid-ocean ridge rocks, in agreement with low zircon saturation temperatures, suggestive of low-temperature, hydrous melt sources. Zircon oxygen (δ18O = 3.3–6.0‰) and hafnium (εHf = + 10–+16) isotopic compositions indicate asthenospheric mantle sources. Trace element and isotopic differences between zircon from Site U1437 rear-arc rocks and the Hadean detrital zircon population suggest that preserved Hadean zircon crystals were probably generated in an environment different from modern oceanic convergent margins underlain by depleted mantle.  相似文献   

杨高学  李永军 《地学前缘》2015,22(6):233-240
随着研究的不断深入,在中亚造山带(CAOB)不断有不同时代的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)被识别出来。在中亚造山带西南缘的西准噶尔地区的多条蛇绿混杂岩带中,也存在具有OIB特征的玄武岩。这些玄武岩呈枕状,与超基性岩、辉长岩、块状玄武岩、灰岩及紫红色硅质岩等紧密共生。地球化学研究表明枕状玄武岩均为碱性系列,具有较高的TiO2含量(大多>2.5%)、强烈富集轻稀土元素、无明显Nb、Ta负异常,与典型的OIB极为相似,认为其可能形成于大洋板内与地幔柱有关的海山环境。通过对海山的发展阶段分析认为,西准噶尔地区海山应该发展到爆炸海山阶段,因为其中发育大量的枕状熔岩。海山中火山岩或火山碎屑沉积物富集大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,海山的俯冲将对弧及弧后地区火山岩地球化学产生明显影响,而西准噶尔地区泥盆纪-石炭纪火山岩中恰恰存在海山的信号。因此,海山俯冲模式可能能更好地解释西准噶尔地区火山岩中存在OIB特征火山岩的成因。另外,海山俯冲还存在潜在的资源效应,因此应该寻找和研究古海山及火山岛链俯冲的迹象,将对进一步找金铜等矿提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

Structural evolution of the Kamchatka–Aleutian junction area in late Mesozoic and Tertiary was generally controlled by (1) the processes of subduction in Kronotskiy and Proto-Kamchatka subduction zones and (2) collision of the Kronotskiy arc against NE Eurasia margin. Two structural zones of the pre-Pliocene age and six structural assemblages are recognized in studied region. 1: Eastern ranges zone comprises SE-vergent thrust folded belt, which evolved in accretionary and collisional setting. Two structural assemblages (ER1 and ER2), developed there, document shortening in the NW–SE direction and in the N–S direction, respectively. 2: Eastern Peninsulas zone generally corresponds to Kronotskiy arc terrane. Four structural assemblages are recognized in this zone. They characterize (1) precollisional deformations in the accretionary wedge (EP1) and in the fore-arc basin and volcanic belt (EP2), and (2) syn-collisional deformation of the entire Kronotskiy terrane in plunging folds (EP3) and deformations in the foreland basin (EP4). Analysis of paleomagnetic declinations versus present day structural strike in the Kronotskiy arc terrane shows that originally the arc was trending from west to east. Relative position of the accretionary wedge, fore-arc basin and volcanic belt, as well as northward dipping thrusts in accretionary wedge indicate, that a northward dipping subduction zone was located south of the arc. The accretionary wedge developed from the Late Cretaceous through the Eocene, and it implies that the subduction zone maintained its direction and position during this time. It implies that Kronotskiy arc was neither a part of the Pacific nor Kula plates and was located on an individual smaller plate, which included the arc and Vetlovka back-arc basin. Motion of the Kronotskiy arc towards Eurasia was connected only with NW-directed subduction at Kamchatka margin since Middle Eocene (42–44 Ma). Emplacement of the Kronotskiy arc at the Kamchatka margin occurred between Late Eocene and Early Miocene. This is based on the age of syn-collisional plunging folds in Kronotskiy terrane, and provenance data for the Upper Eocene to Middle Miocene Tyushevka basin, which indicate in situ evolution of the basin with respect to Kamchatka. Collision was controlled by the common motion of the Kronotskiy arc with Pacific plate towards the northwest, and by the motion of the Eurasian margin towards the south. The latter motion was responsible for the southward deflection of the western part of the Kronotskiy arc (EP3 structures), and for oblique transpressional structures in the collisional belt (ER2 structures).  相似文献   

The Duolong mineral district in western Tibet is one of the largest porphyry Cu–Au deposit fields with significant metallogenic potential in China.Its tectonic environment relevant to Early Cretaceous Cu–Au mineralization remains controversial.Here we report new whole-rock major and trace element,and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic data for the newly discovered basalt in the Nadun area,Duolong mineral district,to decipher their genesis and further constrain the tectonic environment.A contemporaneous rhyolite sample interbedded with the basalt in the lower part of the volcanic section in the Nadun area yields an LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 122.5±1.2 Ma.The basalt samples exhibit high-K calc-alkaline/shoshonite properties and are enriched in high field strength elements,e.g.,high Ti O2(1.43–1.79 wt.%)and Nb(14.6–19.5 ppm)contents,with high Nb/La ratios(0.4–0.6),which are compositionally comparable to those of Nb-enriched arc basalts(NEABs).The(87 Sr/86 Sr)iratios of 0.7052 to 0.7056,negative eNd(t)(-0.7 to-0.2)and eHf(t)values(+6.0 to+6.5),and high(206 Pb/204Pb)i,(207 Pb/204Pb)i,(208 Pb/204Pb)iand ratios(18.522 to 18.561,15.641 to 15.645 and 38.679 to 38.730,respectively)suggest that the Nadun NEABs are more enriched than those of the island arc basalts(IABs)in the area.The slightly enriched radiogenic isotopes for the Nadun NEABs indicate that the subducting sediments play an important role in the source.Furthermore,their high Nb,Ti,and Cu contents indicate that the source mantle wedge was metasomatized by slab melts.The Nadun NEAB and other coeval magmatic rocks in the Duolong mineral district,including adakite,OIB-like basalt,MORB-type basalt,A-type rhyolite,and common IAB,are typical rock assemblages of ridge subduction.We infer that the Duolong mineral district were formed by ridge subduction in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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