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We study the classical problem of two-dimensional motion of a particle in the field of a central force proportional to a real power of the distancer. for negative energy and (0, 2), each energy levelI h is foliated by the invariant toriI hc of constant angular momentumc and, by Liouville-Arnold's theorem, the flow on eachI hc is conjugated to a linear flow of rotation number h (c).A well-known result asserts that if we require h (c) to be rational for every value ofh andc, the, must be equal to one (Kepler's problem). In this paper we prove that for almost every (0, 2) h (c) is a non-constant continuous function ofc, for everyh<0. In particular, we deduce that motion under central potentials is generically non-periodic.Partially supported by CIRIT under grant No. EE88/2.  相似文献   

Cyclotron waves in the solar wind near 1 AU with frequencies well below the electron cyclotron frequency and wavelengths much larger than the electron cyclotron radius but less than the proton cyclotron radius are considered. The cyclotron radii are defined from parallel thermal velocity of electron component and proton component with respect to the interplanetary magnetic field. No LH cyclotron waves are found to propagate for p < 0, where p 1 –T p/T p is the temperature anisotropy of the proton component with respect to the interplanetary magnetic field. The damping or growth of RH cyclotron waves is found to depend on the frequency range and the temperature anisotropy of the proton component. The RH cyclotron waves are damped in the frequency range r | p | p for p < 0, where p is the proton cyclotron frequency. RH cyclotron instabilities occur in the frequency range | p | p > r > | p | p /(1– r ) for p < 0. The marginal state is at r =| p | p .Abstract presented at theInternational Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial, São Paulo, Brazil, 17–22 June, 1974  相似文献   

The recent discovery of localised intense magnetic fields in the solar photosphere is one of the major surprises of the past few years. Here we consider the theoretical nature of small amplitude motions in such an intense magnetic flux tube, within which the field strength may reach 2 kG. We give a systematic derivation of the governing expansion equations for a vertical, slender tube, taking into account the dependence upon height of the buoyancy, compressibility and magnetic forces. Several special cases (e.g., the isothermal atmosphere) are considered as well as a more realistic, non-isothermal, solar atmosphere. The expansion procedure is shown to give good results in the special case of a uniform basic-state (in which gravity is negligible) and for which a more exact treatment is possible.The form of both pressure and velocity perturbations within the tube is discussed. The nature of pressure perturbations depends upon a critical transition frequency, p , which in turn is dependent upon depth, field strength, pressure and density in the basic (unperturbed) state of the tube. At a given depth in the tube pressure oscillations are possible only for frequencies greater than p for frequencies below p exponentially decaying (evanescent) pressure modes occur. In a similar fashion the nature of motions within the flux tube depends upon a transition frequency, v . At a given depth within the tube vertically propagating waves are possible only for frequencies greater than v ; for frequencies below v exponentially decaying (evanscent) motions occur.The dependence of both v and p on depth is determined for each of the special cases, and for a realistic solar atmosphere. It is found that the use of an isothermal atmosphere, instead of a more realistic temperature profile, may well give misleading results.For the solar atmosphere it is found that v is zero at about 12 km above optical depth 5000= 1, thereafter rising to a maximum of 0.04 s–1 at some 600 km above 5000 = 1. Below 5000 = 1, in the convection zone, v has a maximum of 0.013 s–1. The transition frequency, p , for the pressure perturbations, is peaked at 0.1 s–1 just below 5000 = 1, falling to a minimum of 0.02 s–1 at about one scale-height deeper in the tube  相似文献   

The diagramV - log(1 +z e ) as function of (, ) is considered for the quasars. HereV is the apparent visual magnitude,z e is the emission line redshift, and are the equatorial coordinates. Two opposite extreme spots NE and SE are observed on the sky, where the inclination of the straight line fitting the dependenceV - log(1 +z e ) is maximum and minimum. The coordinates of the centres of these extreme spots are ( NE, NE) = (282°, +42°) and ( SE, SE) = (70°, -38°) with errors 5°. A hypothesis of the Superattractor (SA) is proposed to explain such an effect. Two independent tests of this hypothesis are realized. First, the dependence or the frequency a of the absorbers in QSO spectra on (, ) is investigated. A region of the larger a is found. The coordinates of its centre are (, ) = (82°, - 10°) with error 5°. Second, the cases ofz a >z e are plotted in the Mercatorial projection (, ). The most of the casesz -z e > 0.02 are concentrated within the circle with radiusR = 34° and centre (, ) = (50°, - 15°). The both anomalous regions overlap the Southern extreme spot around SE. The SA direction is (, ) = (67°, -21°) with errors about 12°. The redshift of SA isz SA = 1.7 ± 0.3 that corresponds to the distancer SA = (3100 ± 300)h –1 Mpc for the Hubble constantH 0 = 75h kms–1 Mpc–1. The SA mass isM SA ~ 1018-1020 M . The orientation of the normal to the quasiperiodical large-scale sheet structure on the sky occurs near SA.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the Taylor–Proudman balance, a balance between the pressure, Coriolis and buoyancy forces in the radial and latitudinal momentum equations (that is expected to be amply satisfied in the lower solar convection zone), the superadiabatic gradient is determined by the rotation law and by an unspecified function of r, say, S(r), where r is the radial coordinate. If the rotation law and S(r) are known, then the solution of the energy equation, performed in this paper in the framework of the ML formalism, leads to a knowledge of the Reynolds stresses, convective fluxes, and meridional motions. The ML-formalism is an extension of the mixing length theory to rotating convection zones, and the calculations also involve the azimuthal momentum equation, from which an expression for the meridional motions in terms of the Reynolds stresses can be derived. The meridional motions are expanded as U r(r,)=P 2(cos)2(r)/r 2+P 4(cos)4(r)/r 2 +..., and a corresponding equation for U (r,). Here is the polar angle, is the density, and P 2(cos), P 4(cos) are Legendre polynomials. A good approximation to the meridional motion is obtained by setting 4(r)=–H2(r) with H–1.6, a constant. The value of 2(r) is negative, i.e., the P 2 flow rises at the equator and sinks at the poles. For the value of H obtained in the numerical calculations, the meridional motions have a narrow countercell at the poles, and the convective flux has a relative maximum at the poles, a minimum at mid latitudes and a larger maximum at the equator. Both results are in agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

On the basis of observational data for the absolute R and relative R/R amplitudes of variations in radius of galactic classical cepheids (55 stars from Balona and Stobie (1979) and 30 stars from Sollazzoet al. (1981)), four kinds of empirical linear relations are obtained: log(P V)–logR, logP–logR, log(P V)–log(R/R), and logP–log(R/R);P, R, and V are the pulsation periods, the mean stellar radii, and the amplitudes of light variations, respectively. Three groups of stars are considered: short-period cepheids (SPC)-with logP1.1; long-period cepheids (LPC)-with logP>1.1; and s-cepheids (sC). Both the R values and the R/R values increase withP andP V, for a given group of variables. A comparison is performed with our results obtained from data in other sources (Kurochkin, 1966; Gieren, 1982; etc.). The investigated relations can be applied for determining R and R/R of galactic classical cepheids, by using their observedP and V. All studied galactic classical cepheids have R/R<0.35, R<10R for SPC and 10R <R60R for LPC. The sC have smaller R and R/R values than other classical cepheids, at the same periods (the difference is about 2 times for R and 1.4–2.8 times for R/R); the studied sC have R/R in the range 0.025–0.075 and R in the range 1–3R (only Y Oph has R8R ).  相似文献   

We show the existence of a general relation between the parameters of periodic solutions in dynamical systems with ignorable coordinates. In particular, for time-independent systems with an axis of symmetry, the relation takes the form T/A=–/E, whereT is the period,A is the angular momentum, is the angle through which the system has rotated after one period, andE is the energy.  相似文献   

We develop an automatic, computer controlled procedure to select and to analyze the Network Bright Points (NBPs) on solar images. These have been obtained at the Sac Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope by means of the Universal Birefringent Filter and Zeiss H filters, tuned, respectively, along the profiles of the H, Mg-b1, Na-D2, and H lines.A structure is identified as an NBP if at the wavelength H- 1.5 A its maximum intensity is greater than I + 3 and its area is greater than 1.5 arc sec2 at I + 1.5, where I is the mean value and the standard deviation of the intensity distribution on the image. Each detected NBP is then searched and confirmed in all the remaining 31 images at different wavelengths.For each NBP several parameters are measured (position, area, mean and maximum contrast, Dopplergram velocity, compactness, and so on) and some identification constraints are applied.The statistical analysis of the various parameter distributions, for NBPs present within an active region and its surroundings, shows that two types of NBPs can be identified according to the value of their mean contrast C min the H- 1.5 Å image (C m 0.1 type I, C m> 0.1 type II). The type I NBPs (all occurring on the boundaries of the supergranular network) appear to be much more frequent (180/26) than the type II ones.The size A of type I NBPs is less than 1.0 arc sec for H/H wings but of the order of 1.2 arc sec for Na-D2 and Mg-bl. The mean contrast C m is around the value of 10% along the Na-D2 and Mg-bl profiles and of 20% along the H/H wings.The C m - A scatter diagrams show, for the photospheric radiation (h < 100 km), a narrow range of variability for C min correspondence with a wide range for A. For radiation orginated at higher levels (h > 200 km), the C m- A scatter diagrams seem to indicate, even if with a large variance, that the highest C m's tend to correspond to the highest A values.The mean Doppler shift is close to zero for Na-D2 and Mg-bl lines but negative (downward motion) for H and H lines.The type II NBPs tends to be preferentially located in the neighbourhood of small, compact sunspots and their detectability is almost constant through all the 4 studied line profiles. No conclusions can be derived on the mean size, contrast and Doppler shift values because their distributions are too dispersed. The only positive information is that its C m- A scatter diagram, in H and H wings, indicates a wide range of variability for C m in correspondence with very narrow range of variability for A.  相似文献   

The method of obtaining the estimates of the maximalt-interval ( , +) on which the solution of theN-body problem exists and which is such that some fixed mutual distance (e. g. 12) exceeds some fixed non-negative lower bound, for allt contained in ( , +), is considered. For given masses and initial data, the increasing sequences of the numbers k , each of which provides the estimate + > k , are constructed. It appears that if + = +, then .  相似文献   

A two-component scheme for the generation of type III fundamental radiation is proposed. The first component of the fundamental arises at a plasma level L t because of the Rayleigh scattering of the plasma waves into electromagnetic radiation. The other component arises at L t /2 because of the decay of the first component into plasma waves and the subsequent rescattering of the plasma waves into electromagnetic radiation t 2( t /2). By its properties (location, directivity, polarization) the second component is essentially the same as the second harmonic radiation produced by a stream of fast electrons at L ( t /2). This scheme is used to solve the main problems (localization and directivity of the source, polarization of type III fundamental) of the harmonic theory of type III solar bursts.  相似文献   

The study of uniformly polytropes with axial symmetry is extended to include all rotational terms of order 4, where is the angular velocity, consistently within the first post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity. The equilibrium structure is determined by treating the effects of rotation and post-Newtonian gravitation as independent perturbations on the classical polytropic structure. The perturbation effects are characterized by a rotation parameter = 2/2G c and a relativity parameter, =p c / c C 2 , wherep c and c are the central pressure and density respectively. The solution to the structural problem is obtained by following Chandrasekhar's series expansion technique and is complete to the post-Newtonian rotation terms of order 2. The critical rotation parameterv c , which characterizes the configuration with maximum uniform rotation, is accurately evaluated as a function of . Numerical values for all the structural parameters needed to determine the equilibrium configurations are presented for polytropes with indicesn=1, 1.5, 2, 2 5, 3, and 3.5.  相似文献   

An analysis of the two-dimensional flow of water at 4°C past an infinite porous plate is presented, when the plate is subjected to a normal suction velocity and the heat flux at the plate is constant. Approximate solutions are derived for the velocity and temperature fields and the skin-friction. The effects ofG (Grashof number) andE (Eckert number) on the velocity and temperature fields are discussed.Nomenclature u, v velocity components of the fluid inx, y direction - g acceleration due to gravity - coefficient of thermal expansion of water at 4°C - v kinematic viscosity - density - T temperature inside thermal boundary layer - T free-stream temperature - k thermal conductivity - C p specific heat at constant pressure  相似文献   

The following points are discussed:
(i)  The dependence of the angular velocity, , on the spatial coordinates near the lower boundary, R c, of the solar convection zone (SCZ) can be obtained from an integration with respect to r of a sound approximation to the azimuthal equation of motion. Here P 2 (cos ) is the second-order Legendre polynomial and is the polar angle. Estimates of 0, 2 (the primes denote derivatives with respect to r), based on the best available values for the Reynolds stresses and anisotropic viscosity coefficients, suggest that 0 < 0,=">2 0 for r = R c. Since a reliable theory of anisotropic turbulent coefficients does not exist at present, positive values of 0 are conceivable.
(ii)  In the lower SCZ the latitudinal variations of the superadiabatic gradient vanish if is constant along cylinders. The uniformity of the superadiabatic gradient is, however, inconsequential: the physically meaningful rotation law is the one that insures the uniformity of the convective flux.
(iii)  With the exception of the polar regions, the angular momentum transport in thin azimuthal convective rolls is towards the equator.
(iv)  It is suggested that buoyancy uncorrelates horizontally separated regions in the lower SCZ preventing the generation of magnetic fields with small wave numbers: in consequence, the cycle magnetic field must be generated in a region of weak buoyancy whereas the lower SCZ generates a weak rather stochastic magnetic field. The dependence on rotation of these two types of magnetic field could differ.
(v)  In the context of helioseismology it is customary to expand the perturbations (induced by rotation) of the eigenfrequencies in the following form: , where the notation is standard. The observations reveal that to a good approximation a 1 is independent of l. It is shown that this is the case if is constant with r. For a simple viscous, rotating fluid in the steady state (r) is constant with r if the angular momentum loss vanishes. Let J(ri dr) be the angular momentum of a thin shell of radius r and thickness dr. Since , the constancy of (r) implies that each shell of radius r has the same angular momentum as if the Sun were rotating uniformly with an angular velocity given by . It is discussed whether, alternatively, the observations simply indicate that 0(r) is a slowly varying function of r.
Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The concept of velocity correlation functions is introduced and applied to the calculation of cosmic ray spatial diffusion coefficients. It is assumed that the pitch angle scattering coefficient is already known from some other theory, and is reasonably well-behaved. Previous results for the coefficient for diffusion parallel to the mean field are recovered when the velocity-changing mechanism is artificially restricted to pitch angle scattering. The velocity correlation method is then applied to the more general case where there are fluctuations in the local mean field. It is found that the parallel diffusion coefficient is reduced in proportion to the amplitude of the field fluctuations, and that the ratio of the perpendicular to parallel diffusion coefficients cannot be greater than B x 2 /B 0 2 . It is shown in the appendix that the Liouville form of the scattering equation implies that the Fokker-Planck coefficients 2/t=2D and /t=D /, and that all higher-order coefficients are identically zero.  相似文献   

Three different asymptotic branches of the two-fluid equations are found with e m , p n , where, is the inverse distance from the Sun, with (m, n) = (2/7, 2/7), (2/7, 6/7), (4/3, 4/3); other special solutions are also found but they correspond to special choices of density and temperature at the corona. In all the (4/3, 4/3) solutions, the electron and proton temperatures tend to equality at large distances.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The stability of the origin of an autonomous Hamiltonian system is investigated when the system possesses a third or fourth-order resonance.H 2, the quadratic part ofH isH 2=n i=1 i J i and the resonance condition is n i=1 k i i where thek 0,i = 1, 2, ...,n are the natural or fundamental frequencies. It is shown that the only case in which the origin can be unstable is ifk i0,i=1,2,...,n. The condition for instability is then given in terms of the coefficients of the higher order terms in the Hamiltonian. The transfer of energy between modes is also investigated when a near-resonant condition exists.  相似文献   

In this paper, a technique of recursive analysis is developed for the integral transform A of the exponential integral functionsE n which is denoted as n (). The main result of this analysis enables us to establish a two-term recurrence formula for n (0) and a three-term recurrence formula for n (); 0. A computational algorithm based on these formulae is also constructed and its numerical results forn=2(1)25 are presented to 15-digit accuracy.  相似文献   

Unsteady two-dimensional hydromagnetic flow of an electrically conducting viscous incompressible fluid past a semi-infinite porous flat plate with step function change in suction velocity is studied allowing a first order velocity slip at the boundary condition. The solution of the problem is obtained in closed form and the results are discussed with the aid of graphs for various parameters entering in the problem.Notations B intensity of magnetic field - H magnetic field parameter,H=(M+1/4)1/2–1/2 - h rarefaction parameter - L 1 slip coefficient; ;I, mean free path of gas molecules;f, Maxwell's reflection coefficient - M magnetic field parameter - r suction parameter - t time - t dimensionless time - u velocity of the fluid - u dimensionless velocity of the fluid - U velocity of the fluid at infinity - v suction velocity - v 1 suction velocity att<=0 - v 2 suction velocity att>0 - x distance parallel to the plate - y distance normal to the plate - y nondimensional distance normal to the plate - v kinematic viscosity - electric conductivity of the fluid - density of the fluid - shear stress at the wall - nondimensional shear stress at the wall - erf error function - erfc complementary error function  相似文献   

In the previously published Parts I and II of the paper, the author has constructed a formal long-periodic solution for the case of 11 resonance in the restricted problem of three bodies to 0(m 3/2), wherem is the small mass parameter of the system. The time-dependencet(, ,m), where is the mean synodic longitude and is related to the Jacobi constant, has been expressed by ahyperelliptic integral. It is shown here that with the approximationm=0 in the integrand, the functiont(, , 0) can be expanded in a series involving standardelliptic functions. Then the problem of inversion can be formally solved, yielding the function (t, , 0).Similarly, the normalized period (,m) of the motion can be approximated by theHagihara hyperelliptic integral (, 0), corresponding tom=0. This integral is also expanded into elliptic functions. Asymptotic forms for (, 0) are derived for 0 and for 1, corresponding to the extreme members of thetadpole branch of the family of orbits.  相似文献   

A simplified representation of the temperature distribution in the solar photosphere is proposed: ( 0) = 0 - 1 log 0. An expression is derived for the emergent continuous spectrum from the simple model. The limitations and applications of the simple model are discussed.  相似文献   

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