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We show that the dearth of brown dwarfs in short-period orbits around Solar-mass stars – the brown dwarf desert – can be understood as a consequence of inward migration within an evolving protoplanetary disc. Brown dwarf secondaries forming at the same time as the primary star have masses which are comparable to the initial mass of the protoplanetary disc. Subsequent disc evolution leads to inward migration, and destruction of the brown dwarf, via merger with the star. This is in contrast with massive planets, which avoid this fate by forming at a later epoch when the disc is close to being dispersed. Within this model, a brown dwarf desert arises because the mass at the hydrogen-burning limit is coincidentally comparable to the initial disc mass for a Solar mass star. Brown dwarfs should be found in close binaries around very low mass stars, around other brown dwarfs, and around Solar-type stars during the earliest phases of star formation.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of massive planets at orbital radii of several hundred au from their parent stars where the time-scale for planet formation by core accretion is longer than the disc lifetime. These planets could have formed close to their star and then migrated outwards. We consider how the transfer of angular momentum by viscous disc interactions from a massive inner planet could cause significant outward migration of a smaller outer planet. We find that it is in principle possible for planets to migrate to large radii. We note, however, a number of effects which may render the process somewhat problematic.  相似文献   

We analyse the non-linear, three-dimensional response of a gaseous, viscous protoplanetary disc to the presence of a planet of mass ranging from 1 Earth mass (1 M) to 1 Jupiter mass (1 MJ) by using the zeus hydrodynamics code. We determine the gas flow pattern, and the accretion and migration rates of the planet. The planet is assumed to be in a fixed circular orbit about the central star. It is also assumed to be able to accrete gas without expansion on the scale of its Roche radius. Only planets with masses   M p≳ 0.1 MJ  produce significant perturbations in the surface density of the disc. The flow within the Roche lobe of the planet is fully three-dimensional. Gas streams generally enter the Roche lobe close to the disc mid-plane, but produce much weaker shocks than the streams in two-dimensional models. The streams supply material to a circumplanetary disc that rotates in the same sense as the orbit of the planet. Much of the mass supply to the circumplanetary disc comes from non-coplanar flow. The accretion rate peaks with a planet mass of approximately 0.1 MJ and is highly efficient, occurring at the local viscous rate. The migration time-scales for planets of mass less than 0.1 MJ, based on torques from disc material outside the Roche lobes of the planets, are in excellent agreement with the linear theory of type I (non-gap) migration for three-dimensional discs. The transition from type I to type II (gap) migration is smooth, with changes in migration times of about a factor of 2. Starting with a core which can undergo runaway growth, a planet can gain up to a few MJ with little migration. Planets with final masses of the order of 10 MJ would undergo large migration, which makes formation and survival difficult.  相似文献   

The migration and growth of protoplanets in protostellar discs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the gravitational interaction of a Jovian-mass protoplanet with a gaseous disc with aspect ratio and kinematic viscosity expected for the protoplanetary disc from which it formed. Different disc surface density distributions are investigated. We focus on the tidal interaction with the disc with the consequent gap formation and orbital migration of the protoplanet. Non-linear two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations are employed using three independent numerical codes.
A principal result is that the direction of the orbital migration is always inwards and such that the protoplanet reaches the central star in a near-circular orbit after a characteristic viscous time‐scale of ∼104 initial orbital periods. This is found to be independent of whether the protoplanet is allowed to accrete mass or not. Inward migration is helped by the disappearance of the inner disc, and therefore the positive torque it would exert, because of accretion on to the central star. Maximally accreting protoplanets reach about 4 Jovian masses on reaching the neighbourhood of the central star. Our results indicate that a realistic upper limit for the masses of closely orbiting giant planets is ∼5 Jupiter masses, if they originate in protoplanetary discs similar to the minimum-mass solar nebula. This is because of the reduced accretion rates obtained for planets of increasing mass.
Assuming that some process such as termination of the inner disc through a magnetospheric cavity stops the migration, the range of masses estimated for a number of close orbiting giant planets as well as their inward orbital migration can be accounted for by consideration of disc–protoplanet interactions during the late stages of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the response of dust particles in the mid-plane of a protoplanetary disc to the turbulent velocity field of long-lived, large-scale vortical circulation. The dynamical problem is studied through numerical integrations of the equations of motion for individual particles (the sizes of which range from centimetres to metres) subject to the solar gravity and the friction drag of the nebular gas. It is found, neglecting the thickness of the disc, that the particles do not drift inwards to the central star as occurs in a standard symmetrical nebula. Vortices tend to capture a large number of the particles. The effectiveness of this size-selective concentration mechanism depends not only on the value of the drag and the distance from the Sun, but also on the elongation of the vortex and its characteristic lifetime. Typical anticyclonic vortices with exponential decay times of 30 orbital periods and semi-axis ratios of 4 can increase the local surface density by a factor of 4 in a lifetime and accumulate 0.03–0.3 Earth masses. If the elongation is significant (>7), the vortex cannot concentrate any significant amount of solid material. Vortices with an elongation of about 2 are the most effective as regards trapping of dust. We have also found analytical expressions for the capture time as well as capture constraints as a function of the friction parameter, the elongation of the vortex and the impact parameter. By increasing the lifetime and the surface density of the solid particles, this confining mechanism can make the agglomeration of the solid material of the nebula (through collisional aggregation or gravitational instabilities) much more efficient than previously believed. This offers new possibilities for the formation of the planetesimals and the giant planet cores, and may explain the rapid formation of extrasolar giant planets.  相似文献   

We investigate the orbital evolution of planetesimals in a self-gravitating circumstellar disc in the size regime (∼1–5000 km) where the planetesimals behave approximately as test particles in the disc's non-axisymmetric potential. We find that the particles respond to the stochastic, regenerative spiral features in the disc by executing large random excursions (up to a factor of 2 in radius in ∼1000 yr), although typical random orbital velocities are of the order of one tenth of the Keplerian speed. The limited time frame and small number of planetesimals modelled do not permit us to discern any net direction of planetesimal migration. Our main conclusion is that the high eccentricities (∼0.1) induced by interaction with spiral features in the disc is likely to be highly unfavourable to the collisional growth of planetesimals in this size range while the disc is in the self-gravitating regime. Thus if , as recently argued by Rice et al., the production of planetesimals gets under way when the disc is in the self-gravitating regime (either at smaller planetesimal size scales, where gas drag is important, or via gravitational fragmentation of the solid component), the planetesimals thus produced would not be able to grow collisionally until the disc ceases to be self-gravitating. It is unclear, however, given the large amplitude excursions undergone by planetesimals in the self-gravitating disc, whether they would be retained in the disc throughout this period, or whether they would instead be lost to the central star.  相似文献   

The discovery of isolated bodies of planetary mass has challenged the paradigm that planets form only as companions to stars. To determine whether 'isolated planets', brown dwarfs and stars can have a common origin, we have made deep submillimetre observations of part of the ρ Oph B star formation region. Spectroscopy of the 9-Jupiter-mass core Oph B-11 has revealed carbon monoxide line wings such as those of a protostar. Moreover, the estimated mass of outflowing gas lies on the force versus core-mass relation for protostars and protobrown dwarfs. This is evidence for a common process that can form any object between planetary and stellar masses in a molecular cloud. In a submillimetre continuum map, six compact cores in ρ Oph B were found to have masses presently below the deuterium-burning limit, extending the core mass function down to  0.01 M  with the approximate form  d N /d M ∝ M −3/2  . If these lowest-mass cores are not transient and can collapse under gravity, then isolated planets should be very common in ρ Oph in the future, as is the case in the Orion star formation region. In fact, the isolated planetary objects that may form from these cores would outnumber the massive planets that have been found as companions to stars.  相似文献   

We study protoplanetary disc evolution assuming that angular momentum transport is driven by gravitational instability at large radii, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the hot inner regions. At radii of the order of 1 au such discs develop a magnetically layered structure, with accretion occurring in an ionized surface layer overlying quiescent gas that is too cool to sustain MHD turbulence. We show that layered discs are subject to a limit cycle instability, in which accretion on to the protostar occurs in ∼104-yr bursts with ̇ ∼10−5 M yr−1, separated by quiescent intervals lasting ∼105 yr where ̇ ≈10−8 M yr−1. Such bursts could lead to repeated episodes of strong mass outflow in young stellar objects. The transition to this episodic mode of accretion occurs at an early epoch ( t ≪1 Myr), and the model therefore predicts that many young pre-main-sequence stars should have low rates of accretion through the inner disc. At ages of a few Myr, the discs are up to an order of magnitude more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula, with most of the mass locked up in the quiescent layer of the disc at r ∼1 au. The predicted rate of low-mass planetary migration is reduced at the outer edge of the layered disc, which could lead to an enhanced probability of giant planet formation at radii of 1–3 au.  相似文献   

Recent observations point to the presence of structured dust grains in the discs surrounding young brown dwarfs, thus implying that the first stages of planet formation take place also in the substellar regime. Here, we investigate the potential for planet formation around brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars according to the sequential core accretion model of planet formation. We find that, for a brown dwarf mass 0.05 M, our models predict a maximum planetary mass of  ∼5   M  , orbiting with semimajor axis ∼ 1 au. However, we note that the predictions for the mass–semimajor axis distribution are strongly dependent upon the models chosen for the disc surface density profiles and the assumed distribution of disc masses. In particular, if brown dwarf disc masses are of the order of a few Jupiter masses, Earth-mass planets might be relatively frequent, while if typical disc masses are only a fraction of Jupiter mass, we predict that planet formation would be extremely rare in the substellar regime. As the observational constraints on disc profiles, mass dependencies and their distributions are poor in the brown dwarf regime, we advise caution in validating theoretical models only on stars similar to the Sun and emphasize the need for observational data on planetary systems around a wide range of stellar masses. We also find that, unlike the situation around solar-like stars, Type II migration is totally absent from the planet formation process around brown dwarfs, suggesting that any future observations of planets around brown dwarfs would provide a direct measure of the role of other types of migration.  相似文献   

This paper extends our previous study of planet/brown dwarf accretion by giant stars to solar-mass stars located on the red giant branch. The model assumes that the planet is dissipated at the bottom of the convective envelope of the giant star. The evolution of the giant is then followed in detail. We analyse the effects of different accretion rates and different initial conditions. The computations indicate that the accretion process is accompanied by a substantial expansion of the star, and, in the case of high accretion rates, hot bottom burning can be activated. The possible observational signatures that accompany the engulfing of a planet are also extensively investigated. They include the ejection of a shell and a subsequent phase of IR emission, an increase in the 7Li surface abundance and a potential stellar metallicity enrichment, spin-up of the star because of the deposition of orbital angular momentum, the possible generation of magnetic fields and the related X-ray activity caused by the development of shear at the base of the convective envelope, and the effects on the morphology of the horizontal branch in globular clusters. We propose that the IR excess and high Li abundance observed in 4–8 per cent of the G and K giants originate from the accretion of a giant planet, a brown dwarf or a very low-mass star.  相似文献   

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