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本文对两点相关函数及关联分维间的关系进行了讨论,以IRAS星系红移巡天样本作为例子进行分析,分析结果表明,在大尺度(≥15─20hMpc)上,IRAS星系的分布既不能用简单幂律形式的两点相关函数,也不能用简单分形来描写。它可以用多级分形来更好地描写。多级分形结构的主要特征之一是存在典型尺度,即相邻分形级间的转变尺度,用非归一计数方法可以有效而准确地确定这些典型尺度,存在典型尺度对目前已有的结构形成模型提出了挑战。  相似文献   

We have carried out systematic surveys for small bright-rimmed clouds associated with IRAS point sources in/around HII regions. They are candidate sites for star formation due to radiation-driven implosion.  相似文献   

本文对IRAS暗源表中4个选区内的IRAS星系的两点角相关函数,关联分维进行了计算。结果表明,所有选区内的星系呈现小角尺度上的成团。在较大角尺度上,分布可以用多级分形很好地表示。在更大角尺度上,用非归一星系对计数可以探测到密度分布中可能存在的典型尺度。当取4个选区的平均值作为IRAS星系在宇宙中分布情况的代表时,所得结果与用全天IRAS点源表和其他巡天资料得到的结果一致。  相似文献   

Mid-and far-infrared maps of many Galactic star forming regions show multiple peaks in close proximity, implying more than one embedded energy source. With the aim of understanding such interstellar clouds better, the present study models the case of two embedded sources. A radiative transfer scheme has been developed to deal with a uniform density dust cloud in a cylindrical geometry, which includes isotropic scattering in addition to the emission and absorption processes. This scheme has been applied to the Galactic star forming region associated with IRAS 19181 + 1349, which shows observational evidence for two embedded energy sources. Two independent modelling approaches have been adopted, viz., to fit the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) best; or to fit the various radial profiles best, as a function of wavelength. Both the models imply remarkably similar physical parameters.  相似文献   

Six nearby moderately luminous IRAS galaxies have been observed at two wavelengths with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Radio emission was detected in two of them, IRAS 20272-4738 and IRAS 23156-4238, and their parameters including flux, peak position, size and spectral index, obtained. These sources were confirmed with infrared, radio and optical data. Combining with previous results we discuss their emission characteristics.  相似文献   

使用澳大利亚致密阵 (ATCA)在 1 .4GHz上观测了一个极高光度的IRAS星系样本。在这个样本所包括的 3 7个IRAS星系中 ,探测到 1 9个源的射电发射 ,获得了它们的射电参数 ,如峰值位置 ,射电流量等。该样本的射电功率范围在 2 2 .9相似文献   

This article reviews work carried out in South Africa on large-scale structures. It describes the first redshift survey and contributions towards the Southern Sky Redshift Survey and its extension. Surveys of the Hydra-Centaurus region, and behind the adjacent Milky Way, are also discussed. The plots and analyses derived from the Southern Redshift Catalogue, as well as very recent work in visualization, are presented.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of radio variability of a quasar on short time-scales (hours) prompts us to examine what is expected in respect of the interstellar scintillation of very compact, extragalactic radio sources. We find that large-amplitude, rapid, variability is predicted at commonly observed radio frequencies (1–20 GHz) over the vast majority of the extragalactic sky. As a guide to assist observers in understanding their data, we demonstrate simple techniques for predicting the effects of interstellar scintillation on any extragalactic source.  相似文献   

We make use of three-dimensional clustering analysis, inertia tensor methods, and the minimal spanning tree technique to estimate some physical and statistical characteristics of the large-scale galaxy distribution and, in particular, of the sample of overdense regions seen in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). Our investigation provides additional evidence for a network of structures found in our core sampling analysis of the LCRS : a system of rich sheet-like structures, which in turn surround large underdense regions criss-crossed by a variety of filamentary structures.
We find that the overdense regions contain ∼40–50 per cent of LCRS galaxies and have proper sizes similar to those of nearby superclusters. The formation of such structures can be roughly described as a non-linear compression of protowalls of typical cross-sectional size ∼ 20–25  h −1 Mpc; this scale is ∼5 times the conventional value for the onset of non-linear clustering – to wit, r 0, the autocorrelation length for galaxies.
The comparison with available simulations and theoretical estimates shows that the formation of structure elements with parameters similar to those observed is presently possible only in low-density cosmological models, Ωm h ∼0.2–0.3, with a suitable large-scale bias between galaxies and dark matter.  相似文献   

JHK photometry was carried out for some of the sources with the silicate feature in the sky region 13h < < 24h, 0° < δ < 66° and a discussion on several peculiar objects was made.  相似文献   

The IRAS Low Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) covered the spectral region from 7µm to 23µm, and an Atlas was produced containing 5425 spectra. Most of the spectra were associated with evolved stars, including over 3000 spectra from the dust shells around O-rich stars. When Artificial Intelligence techniques were applied to the dataset, a new classification was derived. A scheme with 77 classes, grouped into 9 metaclasses, resulted, and for those types of spectra which were well represented in the initial dataset (i.e. the evolved stars) a very subtle classification was derived, often using line shapes, relative line strengths, or the presence of additional weak features.  相似文献   

We present a state-of-the-art linear redshift distortion analysis of the recently published IRAS Point Source Catalog Redshift Survey (PSC z ). The procedure involves linear compression into 4096 KarhunenLoève (signal-to-noise) modes culled from a potential pool of 3105 modes, followed by quadratic compression into three separate power spectra, the galaxygalaxy, galaxyvelocity and velocityvelocity power spectra. Least squares-fitting to the decorrelated power spectra yields a linear redshift distortion parameter  相似文献   

L.I. Gurvits   《New Astronomy Reviews》2004,48(11-12):1211
Several recent global and Space VLBI surveys of quasars, Active Galactic Nuclei of other types and star-burst galaxies provide a wealth of material on milli- and sub-milliarcsecond radio structures in hundreds of sources. Results of these projects are presented with an emphasis on the statistics of redshift- and angular-scale-dependent properties of the milli- and sub-milliarcsecond radio structures. These studies make possible disentanglement of intrinsic (possibly, evolutionary) phenomena of parsec-scale radio structures and the imprints of the cosmological model. The studies indicate a very promising potential of high-resolution applications of the Square Kilometer Array. Based on our pilot projects we estimate that a sample containing of the order of 104 faint radio sources in the luminosity range 1022–1026 W/Hz can be surveyed by a high-resolution SKA with the milliarcsecond resolution at cm wavelengths. Such the high resolution radio survey, including those conducted jointly by SKA and Space VLBI missions, in conjunction with data from other domains, will provide a new ground for extragalactic studies.  相似文献   

Embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSO) in dense interstellar clouds are treated self-consistently to understand their spectral energy distributions (SED). Radiative transfer calculations in spherical geometry involving the dust as well as the gas component, have been carried out to explain observations covering a wide spectral range encompassing near-infrared to radio continuum wavelengths. Various geometric and physical details of the YSOs are determined from this modelling scheme. In order to assess the effectiveness of this self-consistent scheme, three young Galactic star forming regions associated with IRAS 18314-0720, 18355-0532 and 18316-0602 have been modelled as test cases. They cover a large range of luminosity (≈ 40). The modelling of their SEDs has led to information about various details of these sources, e.g. embedded energy source, cloud structure and size, density distribution, composition and abundance of dust grains etc. In all three cases, the best fit model corresponds to the uniform density distribution. Two types of dust have been considered, viz., Draine & Lee (DL) and the Mezger, Mathis & Panagia (MMP). Models with MMP type dust explain the dust continuum and radio continuum emission from IRAS 18314-0720 and 18355-0532 self-consistently. These models predict much lower intensities for the fine structure lines of ionized heavy elements, than those observed for IRAS 18314-0720 and 18355-0532. This discrepancy has been resolved by invoking clumpiness in the interstellar medium. For IRAS 18316-0602, the model with DL type dust grains is preferred.  相似文献   

The radio properties ofUhuru X-ray sources with fairly certain extragalactic identifications are described briefly. Radio to X-ray flux ratios are low for rich clusters of galaxies and high for double radio sources. There is some evidence from the Abell 426 (Perseus) and Abell 1367 clusters that a radio galaxy in a rich cluster may be the centre of extended X-ray emission. Nuclei of galaxies have an enormous range in X-ray luminosity; the known range is from 1030 W for our galaxy to 3×1038 W for 3C 273. Unidentified X-ray sources at high galactic latitudes may include new classes of objects with very low radio to X-ray flux ratios or hard X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We present a comparison between the peculiar velocity fields measured from a recently completed l -band Tully–Fisher survey of field spirals (SFI) and that derived from the IRAS 1.2-Jy redshift survey galaxy distribution. The analysis is based on the expansion of these data in redshift space using smooth orthonormal functions, and is performed using low- and high-resolution expansions, with an effective smoothing scale which increases almost linearly with redshift. The effective smoothing scales at 3000 km s−1 are 1500 and 1000 km s−1 for the low- and high-resolution filters. The agreement between the high- and low-resolution SFI velocity maps is excellent. The general features in the filtered SFI and IRAS velocity fields agree remarkably well within 6000 km s−1. This good agreement between the fields allows us to determine the parameter β = Ω0.6 / b , where Ω is the cosmological density parameter, and b is the linear biasing factor. From a likelihood analysis on the SFI and IRAS modes we find that β = 0.6 ± 0.1, independently of the resolution of the modal expansion. For this value of β, the residual fields for the two filters show no systematic variations within 6000 km s−1. Most remarkable is the lack of any coherent, redshift-dependent dipole flow in the residual field.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations of 41 galaxies with the 6-m telescope, 31 of which are the optical counterparts of IRAS PSC infrared sources. Redshifts and activity types are provided.  相似文献   

We investigate the topology of the new Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz) of IRAS galaxies by means of the genus statistic. The survey maps the local Universe with approximately 15 000 galaxies over 84.1 per cent of the sky, and provides an unprecedented number of resolution elements for the topological analysis. For comparison with the PSCz data we also examine the genus of large N -body simulations of four variants of the cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogony. The simulations are part of the Virgo project to simulate the formation of structure in the Universe. We assume that the statistical properties of the galaxy distribution can be identified with those of the dark matter particles in the simulations. We extend the standard genus analysis by examining the influence of sampling noise on the genus curve and introducing a statistic able to quantify the amount of phase correlation present in the density field, the amplitude drop of the genus compared to a Gaussian field with identical power spectrum. The results for PSCz are consistent with the hypothesis of random-phase initial conditions. In particular, no strong phase correlation is detected on scales ranging from 10 to 32 h −1 Mpc, whereas there is a positive detection of phase correlation at smaller scales. Among the simulations, phase correlations are detected in all models at small scales, albeit with different strengths. When scaled to a common normalization, the amplitude drop depends primarily on the shape of the power spectrum. We find that the constant-bias standard CDM model can be ruled out at high significance, because the shape of its power spectrum is not consistent with PSCz. The other CDM models with more large-scale power all fit the PSCz data almost equally well, with a slight preference for a high-density τCDM model.  相似文献   

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