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Marine radars mounted on ships can provide remarkable insights into ocean behaviour from distances of several kilometres, placing other in situ observations and the environment around a ship into a wider oceanographic context. It has been known for some time that it is possible to map shallow water bathymetry and currents using radar image sequences recorded from shore based stations. However, a long standing question from military and hydrographic communities has been whether such techniques can be applied to radar data collected by moving vessels. If so, this presents the possibility of mapping large areas of shallow or coastal seas (albeit with a somewhat coarse horizontal resolution of 50–100 m) prior to the surveying vessel actually having to travel into potentially uncharted or dangerous shallow water areas. Trial sets of radar data were recorded by the Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel Quest using a Wamos radar digitiser connected to a Decca navigation radar during a number of deployments around Nova Scotia in 2008 and 2009. Georeferencing corrections derived from the existing ship navigation systems were sufficient to allow the application of the existing depth inversion analysis designed for static radar installations. This paper presents the results of bathymetry analyses of two datasets recorded from CFAV Quest while the vessel was travelling at speeds of up to 14 knots. The bathymetry derived from the radar data compare favourably with independent surveys and with the on-board echo sounder to depths of approximately 50 m.  相似文献   

The detection of buried objects, particularly hazardous waste containers and unexploded ordnance (UXO), has gained significant interest in the Unites States in the late 1990s. The desire to remediate the thousands of sites worldwide has become an increasing concern and the application of radar to this problem has received renewed attention. The US Department of Energy's Special Technologies Laboratory (STL), operated by Bechtel Nevada, has developed several frequency-modulated, continuous-wave (FM-CW) ground penetrating radar (GPR) units. To meet technical requirements for higher-resolution data, STL and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is investigating advanced GPR hardware, signal processing, and synthetic-aperture imaging with the development of an innovative system. The goal is to design and fabricate a lightweight, battery-operated unit that does not require surface contact, can be operated by a novice user, and can achieve improved resolution. The latter is accomplished by using synthetic-aperture imaging, which forms the subsurface images by fully utilizing the data sequences collectively along a scan path. We also present the backward propagation algorithm as the basic structure of the multiple-frequency tomographic imaging technique, and the conventional fast Fourier transform (FFT) method which can be described as a degenerated case of the model where the computation procedure is approximated under the narrow-beam assumption.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated chemicals including PFOA and PFOS have been widely used in consumer products and have become ubiquitous pollutants widely distributed in the aqueous environment. Following a major flood event in 2011, water samples were collected along a spatial gradient of the Brisbane River system to provide an initial estimate of the release of PFASs from flooded urban areas. PFOA (mean concentrations 0.13–6.1 ng L−1) and PFOS (mean concentrations 0.18–15 ng L−1) were the most frequently detected and abundant PFASs. Mean total PFASs concentrations increased from 0.83 ng L−1 at the upstream Wivenhoe Dam to 40 ng L−1 at Oxley Creek, representing an urban catchment. Total masses of PFOA and PFOS delivered into Moreton Bay from January to March were estimated to be 5.6 kg and 12 kg respectively. From this study, urban floodwaters appear to be a previously overlooked source of PFASs into the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

The Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) is based on an abstract model of an incoherent scatter radar. This model is implemented in a hierarchical software system, which serves to isolate hardware and low-level software implementation details from higher levels of the system. Inherent in this is the idea that implementation details can easily be changed in response to technological advances. MIDAS is an evolutionary system, and the MIDAS hardware has, in fact, evolved while the basic software model has remained unchanged. From the earliest days of MIDAS, it was realized that some functions implemented in specialized hardware might eventually be implemented by software in a general-purpose computer. MIDAS-W is the realization of this concept. The core component of MIDAS-W is a Sun Microsystems UltraSparc 10 workstation equipped with an Ultrarad 1280 PCI bus analog to digital (A/D) converter board. In the current implementation, a 2.25 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) is bandpass sampled at 1 s intervals and these samples are multicast over a high-speed Ethernet which serves as a raw data bus. A second workstation receives the samples, converts them to filtered, decimated, complex baseband samples and computes the lag-profile matrix of the decimated samples. Overall performance is approximately ten times better than the previous MIDAS system, which utilizes a custom digital filtering module and array processor based correlator. A major advantage of MIDAS-W is its flexibility. A portable, single-workstation data acquisition system can be implemented by moving the software receiver and correlator programs to the workstation with the A/D converter. When the data samples are multicast, additional data processing systems, for example for raw data recording, can be implemented simply by adding another workstation with suitable software to the high-speed network. Testing of new data processing software is also greatly simplified, because a workstation with the new software can be added to the network without impacting the production system. MIDAS-W has been operated in parallel with the existing MIDAS-1 system to verify that incoherent scatter measurements by the two systems agree. MIDAS-W has also been used in a high-bandwidth mode to collect data on the November, 1999, Leonid meteor shower.  相似文献   

The present rice‐dominated cropping system in the Hirakud canal command (eastern India) is under severe threat due to imbalance between irrigation water supply and demand. The canal water supply, which is the only source of irrigation, only meets 54% of the demand at 90% probability of exceedance (PE). In order to mitigate the irrigation water deficit from canal water, groundwater is considered as a supplemental source. Quasi‐three‐dimensional groundwater flow simulation modelling was, therefore, carried out by using Visual MODFLOW to detect the change in hydraulic head due to transient pumping stresses. The simulation model was calibrated and validated satisfactorily. Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters shows that groundwater recharge is most sensitive followed by aquifer hydraulic conductivity at almost all the sites of the command area, whereas the model is comparatively less sensitive to specific storage and specific yield. Enhanced pumping scenarios showed that groundwater extraction can be increased up to 50 times of the existing pumping without causing any adverse effect to the aquifer but the aquifer does not permit to exploit water in order to fulfill the irrigation water demand even at 10% PE. Hence, it is imperative to develop an optimal land and water resources management plan of the command area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地质雷达方法在上海市轨道交通明珠线工程中的应用表明,此方法在探测地下障碍物中能依靠雷达图象识别其类型、材质、深度等,有利于快速、准确定位,有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

Most existing reservoir models are based on 2D outcrop studies; 3D aspects are inferred from correlation between wells, and so are inadequately constrained for reservoir simulations. To overcome these deficiencies, we have initiated a multidimensional characterization of reservoir analogues in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone in Utah. Detailed sedimentary facies maps of cliff faces define the geometry and distribution of reservoir flow units, barriers and baffles at the outcrop. High‐resolution 2D and 3D ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) images extend these reservoir characteristics into 3D to allow the development of realistic 3D reservoir models. Models use geometric information from mapping and the GPR data, combined with petrophysical data from surface and cliff‐face outcrops, and laboratory analyses of outcrop and core samples. The site of the field work is Corbula Gulch, on the western flank of the San Rafael Swell, in east‐central Utah. The outcrop consists of an 8–17 m thick sandstone body which contains various sedimentary structures, such as cross‐bedding, inclined stratification and erosional surfaces, which range in scale from less than a metre to hundreds of metres. 3D depth migration of the common‐offset GPR data produces data volumes within which the inclined surfaces and erosional surfaces are visible. Correlation between fluid permeability, clay content, instantaneous frequency and instantaneous amplitude of the GPR data provides estimates of the 3D distribution of fluid permeability and clay content.  相似文献   

Theoretical backgrounds of the active and passive methods for detecting the set of acoustic gravity waves in the upper mesosphere are presented. The observation and processing techniques based on the registration, statistical and spectral analysis of the envelopes of backscatter signals and radio noise are presented. It has been indicated that wave disturbances with periods of 5–120 min were observed during the entire observation period. The average relative amplitude of these disturbances was 2–4%. The dependences of the wave disturbance parameters on the time of day, season, and magnetic activity level have been studied.  相似文献   

The right-lateral strike-slip El Pilar Fault is one of the major structures that accommodate the relative displacement between the Caribbean and South-America Plates. This fault, which trends East–West along the northeastern Venezuela margin, is a seismogenic source, and shows numerous evidence for active tectonics, including deformation of the Quaternary sediments filling the Cariaco Gulf. Because the main El Pilar Fault strand belongs to a set of strike-slip faults and thrusts between the stable Guyana shield (South) and the Caribbean oceanic floor (North), a GPS network was designed and installed to measure the relative motion of the El Pilar Fault and other faults. The results obtained from the comparison of 2003 and 2005 surveys indicate: (i) a lack of significant displacement (especially shortening) in the Serrania del Interior (Neogene cordillera overthrusted above the Guyana craton), (ii) an eastward displacement (relative to fixed south America plate) up to 22 mm/year of benchmarks located north of the El Pilar Fault.  相似文献   

Observation of a storm approaching from the ocean to the in-land area is very important for the flood forecasting. Radar is generally used for this purpose. However, as rain gauges are mostly located within the in-land area, detection of the mean-field bias of radar rain rate cannot be easily made. This problem is obviously different from that with evenly-spaced rain gauges over the radar umbrella. This study investigated the detection problem of mean-field bias of radar rain rate when rain gauges are available within a small portion of radar umbrella. To exactly determine the mean-field bias, i.e. the difference between the radar rain rate and the rain gauge rain rate, the variance of the difference between two observations must be small; thus, a sufficient number of observations are indispensable. Therefore, the problem becomes determining the number of rain gauges that will satisfy the given accuracy, that being the variance of the difference between two observations. The dimensionless error variance derived by dividing the expected value of the error variance by the variance of the areal average rain rate was introduced as a criteria to effectively detect the mean field bias. Here, the variance of the areal average rain rate was assumed to be the climatological one and the expectation for the error variance could be changed depending one the sampling characteristics. As an example, this study evaluated the rainfall observation over the East Sea by the Donghae radar. About 6.8 % of the entire radar umbrella covered in-land areas, where the rain gauges were available. It was found that, to limit the dimensionless error variance to 2 %, a total of 26 rain gauges are required for the entire radar umbrella; whereas, a total of 24 rain gauges would be required within the in-land area with available for the rain gauge data.  相似文献   

The 161 ka explosive eruption of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) ejected a minimum of 60 km3 of rhyolitic magma, a minor amount of andesitic magma and incorporated more than 3 km3 of vent- and conduit-derived lithic debris. The source formed a caldera south of Kos, in the Aegean Sea, Greece. Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the KPT units are used to infer eruption dynamics and magma chamber processes, including the timing for the onset of catastrophic caldera collapse.The KPT consists of six units: (A) phreatoplinian fallout at the base; (B, C) stratified pyroclastic-density-current deposits; (D, E) volumetrically dominant, massive, non-welded ignimbrites; and (F) stratified pyroclastic-density-current deposits and ash fallout at the top. The ignimbrite units show increases in mass, grain size, abundance of vent- and conduit-derived lithic clasts, and runout of the pyroclastic density currents from source. Ignimbrite formation also corresponds to a change from phreatomagmatic to dry explosive activity. Textural and lithofacies characteristics of the KPT imply that the mass flux (i.e. eruption intensity) increased to the climax when major caldera collapse was initiated and the most voluminous, widespread, lithic-rich and coarsest ignimbrite was produced, followed by a waning period. During the eruption climax, deep basement lithic clasts were ejected, along with andesitic pumice and variably melted and vesiculated co-magmatic granitoid clasts from the magma chamber. Stratigraphic variations in pumice vesicularity and crystal content, provide evidence for variations in the distribution of crystal components and a subsidiary andesitic magma within the KPT magma chamber. The eruption climax culminated in tapping more coarsely crystal-rich magma. Increases in mass flux during the waxing phase is consistent with theoretical models for moderate-volume explosive eruptions that lead to caldera collapse.  相似文献   

The analysis of physicochemical variables and selected dissolved elements was performed on the Apure River waters for 15 months. The variables pH, alkalinity, dissolved O2, conductivity and Na, Ca, Mg and Cd concentrations showed maximum values during low water, whereas K, Si, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) showed maximum concentrations during rising and high water. Five important factors were found to control the amount and temporal variability of the dissolved elements: lithology, hydrology, vegetation–floodplain processes, redox conditions and organic complexation. Weathering of silicates, carbonates and evaporites in the Andes provides most of the proportion of Na, Ca, Mg and HCO3? to waters. The temporal variability of these ions is controlled by a dilution process. Although Si can be taken up by the biomass, Si and K can be leached from the floodplain by weathering of clays. Microbial decay of the submerged plants in the floodplain during the inundation periods provides DOC and K to river waters and changes the redox conditions in water. The changing redox conditions control the solubility of Mn, Zn and Fe. Dissolved Mn is a function of pH‐dependent redox process, whereas Zn solubility is controlled by scavenging of Zn during the oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2. Positive relationships between Al, Fe, Cu, Cr and DOC suggest that these elements are complexed by organic colloids generated in the floodplain. Moreover, the binding capacity of Fe with DOC increases under reducing conditions. Although Cd seems to be provided by weathering in the Andes, several processes can affect the mobility of Cd during transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to investigate the uncertainty of an urban sewer system’s response under various rainfall and infrastructure scenarios by applying a recently developed nonparametric copula-based simulation approach to extreme rainfall fields. The approach allows for Monte Carlo simulation of multiple variables with differing marginal distributions and arbitrary dependence structure. The independent and identically distributed daily extreme rainfall events of the corresponding urban area, extracted from nationwide high resolution radar data stage IV, are the inputs of the spatial simulator. The simulated extreme rainfall fields were used to calculate excess runoff using the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s approach. New York City is selected as a case study and the results highlight the importance of preserving the spatial dependence of rainfall fields between the grids, even for simplified hydrologic models. This study estimates the probability of combined sewer overflows under extreme rainfall events and identifies the most effective locations in New York City to install green infrastructure for detaining excess stormwater runoff. The results of this study are beneficial for planners working on stormwater management and the approach is broadly applicable because it does not rely on extensive sewer system information.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):213-232
The Magdalena River, a major fluvial system draining most of the Colombian Andes, has the highest sediment yield of any medium-sized or large river in South America. We examined sediment yield and its response to control variables in the Magdalena drainage basin based on a multi-year dataset of sediment loads from 32 tributary catchments. Various morphometric, hydrologic, and climatic variables were estimated in order to understand and predict the variation in sediment yield. Sediment yield varies from 128 to 2200 t km−2 yr−1 for catchments ranging from 320 to 59,600 km2. The mean sediment yield for 32 sub-basins within the Magdalena basin is ∼690 t km−2 yr−1. Mean annual runoff is the dominant control and explains 51% of the observed variance in sediment yield. A multiple regression model, including two control variables, runoff and maximum water discharge, explains 58% of the variance. This model is efficient (ME=0.89) and is a valuable tool for predicting total sediment yield from tributary catchments in the Magdalena basin. Multiple correlations for those basins corresponding to the upper Magdalena, middle basin, Eastern Cordillera, and catchment areas greater than 2000 km2, explain 75, 77, 89, and 78% of the variance in sediment yield, respectively. Although more variance is explained when dataset are grouped into categories, the models are less efficient (ME<0.72). Within the spatially distributed models, six catchment variables predict sediment yield, including runoff, precipitation, precipitation peakedness, mean elevation, mean water discharge, and relief. These estimators are related to the relative importance of climate and weathering, hillslope erosion, and fluvial transport processes. Time series analysis indicates that significant increases in sediment load have occurred over 68% of the catchment area, while 31% have experienced a decreasing trend in sediment load and thus yield. Land use analysis and increasing sediment load trends indicate that erosion within the catchment has increased over the last 10–20 years.  相似文献   


Quality is key to ensuring that the potential offered by weather radar networks is realized. To achieve optimum quality, a comprehensive radar data quality management system, designed to monitor the end-to-end radar data processing chain and evaluate product quality, is being developed at the UK Met Office. Three contrasting elements of this system are described: monitoring of key radar hardware performance indicators; generation of long-term integrations of radar products; and monitoring of radar reflectivity factor using synthesized observations from numerical weather prediction model fields. Examples of each component are presented and ways in which the different types of monitoring information have been used to both identify issues with the radar product data quality and help formulate solutions are given.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Harrison, D., Georgiou, S., Gaussiat, N., and Curtis, A., 2013. Long-term diagnostics of precipitation estimates and the development of radar hardware monitoring within a radar product data quality management system. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1327–1342. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841316  相似文献   

A previous hydrometric study of runoff production in tussock grassland drainage basins in Otago (45°50′S, 169°45′E), New Zealand, revealed a marked change of slope in storm hydrograph recessions. An environmental isotope study was initiated to investigate the runoff mechanisms operating and to test specific hypotheses to explain this break in the hydrograph recession. The results indicated that for quickflow volumes in excess of 10mm, the first part of the storm hydrograph can be attributed to two separate sources, namely, ‘old’ water from a shallow, unconfined groundwater reservoir and ‘new’ water from saturation overland flow on the lower wetlands of concave slopes. Despite the extensive area of wetlands, ‘old’ water runoff from the unconfined groundwater reservoir is delivered more rapidly to the stream than ‘new’ water from saturation overland flow. Substantial surface storage in the wetlands has first to be exceeded before rain becomes a significant part of stream discharge. For quickflow volumes less than 10mm, only ‘old’ water from groundwater contributes to the first part of the hydrograph recession. This means that only the largest 7 per cent of storms (in terms of quickflow volume) generate quickflow containing significant amounts of ‘new water’. The second part of the recession of the storm hydrograph consists of ‘old’ water derived from a remarkably well-mixed shallow unconfined groundwater body.  相似文献   

Freshwater resources in the arid Arabian Peninsula, especially transboundary aquifers shared by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Iraq, are of critical environmental and geopolitical significance. Monthly Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite‐derived gravity field solutions acquired over the expansive Saq transboundary aquifer system were analysed and spatiotemporally correlated with relevant land surface model outputs, remote sensing observations, and field data to quantify temporal variations in regional water resources and to identify the controlling factors affecting these resources. Our results show substantial GRACE‐derived terrestrial water storage (TWS) and groundwater storage (GWS) depletion rates of ?9.05 ± 0.25 mm/year (?4.84 ± 0.13 km3/year) and ?6.52 ± 0.29 mm/year (?3.49 ± 0.15 km3/year), respectively. The rapid decline is attributed to both climatic and anthropogenic factors; observed TWS depletion is partially related to a decline in regional rainfall, while GWS depletions are highly correlated with increasing groundwater extraction for irrigation and observed water level declines in regional supply wells.  相似文献   

The GALO basin modeling system has been applied for the numerical reconstruction of the subsidence history, variations in temperature, and maturity of the organic matter of sedimentary rocks composing the main tectonic structures of Sirte Basin. The reconstruction was carried out for eight sedimentary cross sections along the profile stretching from the Cyrenaica Platform on the eastern coast of the basin to the Hun Graben on its western wall. The interval of depths for temperature calculations included the sedimentary layer, consolidated crust, and the mantle to below 100 km. This extensive depth coverage made it possible to use the analysis of the variations in the tectonic subsidence of the basin for estimating the amplitudes and duration of the events of thermal activation and extension of the lithosphere of the basin in the history of its evolution. The modeling suggests that thermal activations of the lithosphere in the Albian-Cenomanian and Oligocene-Pleistocene are common for all tectonic structures of the Sirte Basin and the Cyrenaica Platform and that a relatively high temperature regime is also characteristic of the present-day conditions in the Sirte Basin and Cyrenaica Platform. To a considerable extent, such a regime is caused by the thermal activation of the lithosphere of the basin during the last 10 Ma. The intensity of this activation is highest in the western part of the basin, where it is accompanied by the highest erosion amplitudes. The analysis of the variations in tectonic subsidence of the basement also suggests a series of intervals of lithospheric extension, which accounts for the stages of relatively rapid subsidence of the basin. Two intervals of significant extension of the lithosphere in the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene are common for all areas within the basin. Here, the total amplitudes of the crustal extension attained 1.5 in the central part of the Sirte Basin (the Ajdabiya and Maradah troughs and Zelten and Dahra platforms), was equal to 1.3 in the Hameimat and Zallah troughs, and were minimal (1.11–1.17) in the periphery of the basin (within the Hun Graben and Cyrenaica Platform).  相似文献   

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