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《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):157-165
Since 2002 the Earth’s gravity field is globally observed by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission. The GRACE monthly gravity field solutions, available from several analysis centres, reflect mass variations in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere. Due to correlated noise contained in these solutions, it is, however, first necessary to apply an appropriate filtering technique. The resulting, smoothed time series are applied not only to determine variations with different periodic signatures (e.g., seasonal, short and medium-term), but to derive long-periodic mass variations and secular trends as well. As the GRACE monthly solutions always show the integral effect of all mass variations, for separation of single processes, like the GIA (Glacial isostatic adjustment)-related mass increase in Fennoscandia, appropriate reduction models (e.g. from hydrology) are necessary.In this study we show for the example of the Fennoscandian uplift area that GRACE solutions from different analysis centres yield considerably different secular trends. Furthermore, it turns out that the inevitable filtering of the monthly gravity field models affects not only the amplitudes of the signals, but also their spatial resolution and distribution such as the spatial form of the detected signals. It also becomes evident that the determination of trends has to be performed together with the determination of periodic components. All periodic terms which are really contained in the data, and only such, have to be included. The restricted time span of the available GRACE measurements, however, limits the separation of long-periodic and secular signals. It is shown that varying the analysis time span affects the results considerably. Finally, a reduction of hydrological signals from the detected integral secular trends using global hydrological models (WGHM, LaDWorld, GLDAS) is attempted. The differences among the trends resulting from different models illustrate that the state-of-the-art hydrology models are not suitable for this purpose as yet. Consequently, taking the GRACE monthly gravity field solutions from one centre, choosing a single filter and applying an insufficiently reliable reduction model leads sometimes to a misinterpretation of considered geophysical processes. Therefore, one has to be cautious with the final interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):189-194
We investigate the contribution of local and global hydrology to the superconducting gravimeter (SG) installed in the Strasbourg observatory. A deterministic approach is presented to account for the contribution of water storage variations in the soils in the vicinity of the gravimeter: both amount and distribution of water masses are determined before calculating Newtonian attraction. No adjustment is performed on gravity time series.Two multi-depth Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR) probes have been installed to monitor the amount of water stored in the soil layer above the gravimeter. Since August 2005, they have been monitoring the variation of the water content of the entire soil thickness. Several investigations have been undertaken in order to estimate the distribution of water masses: a precise local DEM (Digital Elevation Model) has been determined using differential GPS. The geometry and heterogeneity of the soil layer have been evaluated thanks to geophysical and geomechanical prospections. The comparison between observed and modelled gravity variations shows that daily up to seasonal variations are in good agreement. For long-term variations, deep water storage and other processes have to be modelled to explain recorded gravity variations.  相似文献   

地下水储量的有效监测是实现区域水资源管理的重要依据,传统监测方法存在各自的局限性导致其实现较为困难.本文提供一种使用GRACE卫星重力数据与GLDAS水文模型数据反演得到安徽省区域地下水储量变化的方法.利用2002年4月-2017年6月不同机构GRACE卫星重力数据的综合解,经过DDK去相关光滑滤波与退卷积法分别消除或削弱南北条带误差、改正信号泄露反演得到安徽省陆地水储量变化,扣除由GLDAS水文模型数据获取的地表水储量变化,得到安徽省地下水储量变化时间序列,并结合国家统计局官方发布的安徽省地下水资源量进行初步验证分析.研究结果表明:安徽省地下水储量变化长期表现为波动下降趋势,其年变化率约为-5.35 mm·a-1,且呈现出自东南方向至西北方向逐次递减的显著空间差异;地下水储量表现出明显的季节性变化,夏季和冬季地下水储量呈现回升趋势,春季和秋季呈现出下降趋势.除去反演过程存在较大干扰因素的情况,反演结果与国家统计局官方数据的相关系数达到89.62%,因此本文反演得到的地下水储量变化的结果是相对可靠的.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to present the methodology set up to derive catchment soil moisture from Earth Observation (EO) data using microwave spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from ERS satellites and to study the improvements brought about by an assimilation of this information into hydrological models. The methodology used to derive EO data is based on the appropriate selection of land cover types for which the radar signal is mainly sensitive to soil moisture variations. Then a hydrological model is chosen, which can take advantage of the new information brought by remote sensing. The assimilation of soil moisture deduced from EO data into hydrological models is based principally on model parameter updating. The main assumption of this method is that the better the model simulates the current hydrological system, the better the following forecast will be. Another methodology used is a sequential one based on Kalman filtering. These methods have been put forward for use in the European AIMWATER project on the Seine catchment upstream of Paris (France) where dams are operated to alleviate floods in the Paris area.  相似文献   

Seismic ray path variations in a 3D global velocity model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-dimensional (3D) ray tracing technique is used to investigate ray path variations of P, PcP, pP and PP phases in a global tomographic model with P wave velocity changing in three dimensions and with lateral depth variations of the Moho, 410 and 660 km discontinuities. The results show that ray paths in the 3D velocity model deviate considerably from those in the average 1D model. For a PcP wave in Western Pacific to East Asia where the high-velocity (1-2%) Pacific slab is subducting beneath the Eurasian continent, the ray path change amounts to 27 km. For a PcP ray in South Pacific where very slow (−2%) velocity anomalies (the Pacific superplume) exist in the whole mantle, the maximum ray path deviation amounts to 77 km. Ray paths of other phases (P, pP, PP) are also displaced by tens of kilometers. Changes in travel time are as large as 3.9 s. These results suggest that although the maximal velocity anomalies of the global tomographic model are only 1-2%, rays passing through regions with strong lateral heterogeneity (in velocity and/or discontinuity topography) can have significant deviations from those in a 1D model because rays have very long trajectories in the global case. If the blocks or grid nodes adopted for inversion are relatively large (3-5°) and only a low-resolution 3D model is estimated, 1D ray tracing may be feasible. But if fine blocks or grid nodes are used to determine a high-resolution model, 3D ray tracing becomes necessary and important for the global tomography.  相似文献   

We investigated dam behaviours during high-flow events and their robustness against perturbations in meteorological conditions using the H08 global hydrological model. Differences in these behaviours were examined by comparing simulation runs, with and without dams and using multiple meteorological datasets, at a case-study site, Fort Peck Dam on the Missouri River, USA. The results demonstrated that dam-regulated river flow reduced temporal variability over large time periods and also dampened inter-forcing discrepancies in river discharge (smoothing effects). However, during wet years, differences in peak flow were accentuated downstream of the dam, resulting in divergence in simulated peak flow across the meteorological forcing (pulsing effect). The pulsing effect was detected at other major dams in global simulations. Depending upon the meteorological forcing, the dams act as a selective filter against high-flow events. Synergy between a generic dam scheme and differences in meteorological forcing data might introduce additional uncertainties in global hydrological simulations.  相似文献   

A distributed-parameter physically-based solute transport model using a novel approach to describe surface-subsurface interactions is coupled to an existing flow model. In the integrated model the same surface routing and mass transport equations are used for both hillslope and channel processes, but with different parametrizations for these two cases. For the subsurface an advanced time-splitting procedure is used to solve the advection-dispersion equation for transport and a standard finite element scheme is used to solve Richards equation for flow. The surface-subsurface interactions are resolved using a mass balance-based surface boundary condition switching algorithm that partitions water and solute into actual fluxes across the land surface and changes in water and mass storage. The time stepping strategy allows the different time scales that characterize surface and subsurface water and solute dynamics to be efficiently and accurately captured. The model features and performance are demonstrated in a series of numerical experiments of hillslope drainage and runoff generation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2003,270(1-2):105-134
Freshwater availability has been recognized as a global issue, and its consistent quantification not only in individual river basins but also at the global scale is required to support the sustainable use of water. The WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model WGHM, which is a submodel of the global water use and availability model WaterGAP 2, computes surface runoff, groundwater recharge and river discharge at a spatial resolution of 0.5°. WGHM is based on the best global data sets currently available, and simulates the reduction of river discharge by human water consumption. In order to obtain a reliable estimate of water availability, it is tuned against observed discharge at 724 gauging stations, which represent 50% of the global land area and 70% of the actively discharging area. For 50% of these stations, the tuning of one model parameter was sufficient to achieve that simulated and observed long-term average discharges agree within 1%. For the rest, however, additional corrections had to be applied to the simulated runoff and discharge values. WGHM not only computes the long-term average water resources of a country or a drainage basin but also water availability indicators that take into account the interannual and seasonal variability of runoff and discharge. The reliability of the modeling results is assessed by comparing observed and simulated discharges at the tuning stations and at selected other stations. The comparison shows that WGHM is able to calculate reliable and meaningful indicators of water availability at a high spatial resolution. In particular, the 90% reliable monthly discharge is simulated well. Therefore, WGHM is suited for application in global assessments related to water security, food security and freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

全球水储量变化的GRACE卫星检测   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用GRACE月尺度变化的地球重力场反演了全球水储量变化,并与陆地水文资料、卫星测高资料及海洋模式得到的结果进行了比对.通过对SOURE台站重力变化的陆地水储量变化计算结果和GRACE重力场系数截断为15阶得到的结果比较,发现两者比较接近,且年周期变化特征明显.对于亚马逊流域,当重力场系数截断为15阶且平滑半径使用106 m时,GRACE反演的区域平均水储量厚度的周年变化振幅为15.6×10-2m,小于使用平滑半径为4×105m的23.7×10-2m.在研究长江流域时,本文对水文资料做球谐系数展开,并与GRACE数据做同样的截断和平滑处理,结果发现GRACE反演的水厚度变化与水文资料结果基本上符合.对于纬度±66°之间的海洋区域,GRACE反演的海水质量变化接近于结合卫星测高和海洋模式得到的结果,但对于2°×2°网格,则在一些区域差异明显,最大超过了0.2 m,中误差为3.8×10-2m.可见,当前GRACE卫星时变重力场只能确定出上千公里及以上尺度区域的水储量变化.  相似文献   

Hydrological models at a monthly time‐scale are important tools for hydrological analysis, such as in impact assessment of climate change and regional water resources planning. Traditionally, monthly models adopt a conceptual, lumped‐parameter approach and cannot account for spatial variations of basin characteristics and climatic inputs. A large requirement for data often severely limits the utility of physically based, distributed‐parameter models. Based on the variable‐source‐area concept, we considered basin topography and rainfall to be two major factors whose spatial variations play a dominant role in runoff generation and developed a monthly model that is able to account for their influences in the spatial and temporal dynamics of water balance. As a hybrid of the Xinanjiang model and TOPMODEL, the new model is constructed by innovatively making use of the highly acclaimed simulation techniques in the two existing models. A major contribution of this model development study is to adopt the technique of implicit representation of soil moisture characteristics in the Xinanjiang model and use the TOPMODEL concept to integrate terrain variations into runoff simulation. Specifically, the TOPMODEL topographic index ln(a/tanβ) is converted into an index of relative difficulty in runoff generation (IRDG) and then the cumulative frequency distribution of IRDG is used to substitute the parabolic curve, which represents the spatial variation of soil storage capacity in the Xinanjiang model. Digital elevation model data play a key role in the modelling procedures on a geographical information system platform, including basin segmentation, estimation of rainfall for each sub‐basin and computation of terrain characteristics. Other monthly data for model calibration and validation are rainfall, pan evaporation and runoff. The new model has only three parameters to be estimated, i.e. watershed‐average field capacity WM, pan coefficient η and runoff generation coefficient α. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that runoff is least sensitive to WM and, therefore, it can be determined by a prior estimation based on the climate and soil properties of the study basin. The other two parameters can be determined using optimization methods. Model testing was carried out in a number of nested sub‐basins of two watersheds (Yuanjiang River and Dongjiang River) in the humid region in central and southern China. Simulation results show that the model is capable of describing spatial and temporal variations of water balance components, including soil moisture content, evapotranspiration and runoff, over the watershed. With a minimal requirement for input data and parameterization, this terrain‐based distributed model is a valuable contribution to the ever‐advancing technology of hydrological modelling. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper comparatively assesses the performance of five data assimilation techniques for three-parameter Muskingum routing with a spatially lumped or distributed model structure. The assimilation techniques used include direct insertion (DI), nudging scheme (NS), Kalman filter (KF), ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and asynchronous ensemble Kalman filter (AEnKF), which are applied to river reaches in Texas and Louisiana, USA. For both lumped and distributed routing, results from KF, EnKF and AEnKF are sensitive to the error specification. As expected, DI outperformed the other models in the case of lumped modelling, while in distributed routing, KF approaches, particularly AEnKF and EnKF, performed better than DI or nudging, reflecting the benefit of updating distributed states through error covariance modelling in KF approaches. The results of this work would be useful in setting up data assimilation systems that employ increasingly abundant real-time observations using distributed hydrological routing models.  相似文献   

Earlier efforts have been geared towards modelling the hydrological water balance of the Mackenzie River basin and its sub‐basins using a coupled land surface–hydrological model for the Canadian cold region known as WATCLASS. The goal of this current study is to effectively inter‐compare the resulting total water storage anomalies estimated from the gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) satellite analysis with those estimated from the atmospheric‐based water balance approach as well as the model output from WATCLASS over the 1 · 8 × 106 km2 Mackenzie River basin in Canada. Since the success of the parameter estimation stage of the coupled land surface–hydrological model, WATCLASS over this large catchment, was entirely based on a goodness of fit between the simulated and observed flows, it is often desirable to assess the reliability of the generated state variables prior to concluding on the overall efficiency of this model in reproducing the relevant hydrological processes over this region. A major challenge here lies in finding suitable dataset with which this comparison can be made to further assess the ability of the model in accurately reproducing other mass fluxes. The outcome of this inter‐comparison reveals the potential application of the GRACE‐based approach as a veritable tool required for the closure of the hydrological water balance of the Mackenzie River basin as well as serving as a dependable source of data for the calibration of traditional hydrological models. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrological contribution to polar motion is a major challenge in explaining the observed geodetic residual of non-atmospheric and non-oceanic excitations since hydrological models have limited input of comprehensive global direct observations. Although global terrestrial water storage (TWS) estimated from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provides a new opportunity to study the hydrological excitation of polar motion, the GRACE gridded data are subject to the post-processing de-striping algorithm, spatial gridded mapping and filter smoothing effects as well as aliasing errors. In this paper, the hydrological contributions to polar motion are investigated and evaluated at seasonal and intra-seasonal time scales using the recovered degree-2 harmonic coefficients from all GRACE spherical harmonic coefficients and hydrological models data with the same filter smoothing and recovering methods, including the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS) model, Climate Prediction Center (CPC) model, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis products and European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational model (opECMWF). It is shown that GRACE is better in explaining the geodetic residual of non-atmospheric and non-oceanic polar motion excitations at the annual period, while the models give worse estimates with a larger phase shift or amplitude bias. At the semi-annual period, the GRACE estimates are also generally closer to the geodetic residual, but with some biases in phase or amplitude due mainly to some aliasing errors at near semi-annual period from geophysical models. For periods less than 1-year, the hydrological models and GRACE are generally worse in explaining the intraseasonal polar motion excitations.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the fluctuations of groundwater storage is particularly important in arid and semi-arid regions where water scarcity brings about various challenges. Remote sensing data and techniques play a preponderant role in developing solutions to environmental problems. The launch of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites has eased the remote monitoring and evaluation of groundwater resources with an unprecedented precision over large scales. Within the scope of the current study, the latest release (RL06) of GRACE mass concentrations (Mascons) from Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) dataset as well as Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) models of Noah and Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) were used to provide Groundwater Storage Anomalies (GWSA) over Turkey. The temporal interactions of the estimated GWSA with the climatic variables of precipitation and temperature (derived from the reanalysis datasets of CHELSA [Climatologies at High resolution for the Earth's Land Surface Areas] and FLDAS [the Famine Early Warning Systems Network Land Data Assimilation System], respectively) were investigated statistically. The results suggest that there is a descending trend (from 2003 to 2016) for Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies (TWSA) and GWSA over Turkey with a total loss of 11 and 6 cm of water, respectively. The statistical analysis results also indicate that the monthly variations of GWSA over Turkey are highly correlated with precipitation and temperature at 2-month lag. The analysis of the climatology (long-term) values of monthly GWSA, precipitation and temperature also revealed high agreement between the variables.  相似文献   

The objective of data assimilation is to provide physically consistent estimates of spatially distributed environmental variables. In this study a relatively simple data assimilation method has been implemented in a relatively complex hydrological model. The data assimilation technique is Newtonian relaxation or nudging, in which model variables are driven towards observations by a forcing term added to the model equations. The forcing term is proportional to the difference between simulation and observation (relaxation component) and contains four-dimensional weighting functions that can incorporate prior knowledge about the spatial and temporal variability and characteristic scales of the state variable(s) being assimilated. The numerical model couples a three-dimensional finite element Richards equation solver for variably saturated porous media and a finite difference diffusion wave approximation based on digital elevation data for surface water dynamics. We describe the implementation of the data assimilation algorithm for the coupled model and report on the numerical and hydrological performance of the resulting assimilation scheme. Nudging is shown to be successful in improving the hydrological simulation results, and it introduces little computational cost, in terms of CPU and other numerical aspects of the model’s behavior, in some cases even improving numerical performance compared to model runs without nudging. We also examine the sensitivity of the model to nudging term parameters including the spatio-temporal influence coefficients in the weighting functions. Overall the nudging algorithm is quite flexible, for instance in dealing with concurrent observation datasets, gridded or scattered data, and different state variables, and the implementation presented here can be readily extended to any of these features not already incorporated. Moreover the nudging code and tests can serve as a basis for implementation of more sophisticated data assimilation techniques in a Richards equation-based hydrological model.  相似文献   


The complexity of distributed hydrological models has led to improvements in calibration methodologies in recent years. There are various manual, automatic and hybrid methods of calibration. Most use a single objective function to calculate estimation errors. The use of multi-objective calibration improves results, since different aspects of the hydrograph may be considered simultaneously. However, the uncertainty of estimates from a hydrological model can only be taken into account by using a probabilistic approach. This paper presents a calibration method of probabilistic nature, based on the determination of probability functions that best characterize different parameters of the model. The method was applied to the Real-time Interactive Basin Simulator (RIBS) distributed hydrological model using the Manzanares River basin in Spain as a case study. The proposed method allows us to consider the uncertainty in the model estimates by obtaining the probability distributions of flows in the flood hydrograph.

Citation Mediero, L., Garrote, L. & Martín-Carrasco, F. J. (2011) Probabilistic calibration of a distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1129–1149.  相似文献   

To facilitate precise and cost-effective watershed management, a simple yet spatially and temporally distributed hydrological model (DHM-WM) was developed. The DHM-WM is based on the Mishra-Singh version of the curve number method, with several modifications: The spatial distribution of soil moisture was considered in moisture updating; the travel time of surface runoff was calculated on a grid cell basis for routing; a simple tile flow module was included as an option. The DHM-WM was tested on a tile-drained agricultural watershed in Indiana, USA. The model with the tile flow module performed well in the study area, providing a balanced water budget and reasonable flow partitioning. The daily coefficient of determination and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient were 0.58 and 0.56, for the calibration period, and 0.63 and 0.62 for the validation period. The DHM-WM also provides detailed information about the source areas of flow components, the travel time and pathways of surface runoff.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR F.-J. Chang  相似文献   

基于低低卫卫跟踪模式,本文主要探讨利用动力学法融合精密轨道数据和星间测距或距离变率数据求解地球重力场的基本原理与方法,该方法既可对两颗低低跟踪卫星的初始状态误差进行有效校正,也可充分利用低轨卫星轨道所包含的低频重力场信息.为探讨适合我国国情的低低跟踪模式下的重力卫星指标,本文以不同星载设备精度指标的组合进行模拟计算,模拟结果显示:(1)把GRACE卫星的星间距离变率指标提高一个量级,其余指标保持与GRACE卫星设计指标一致时,可使地球重力场的精度获得同量级的提高;(2)若星间距离变率为1.0×10-8 m·s-1,轨道高度为300 km,加速度计精度为3.0×10-10 m·s-2,轨道精度为0.03 m, 星间距离100 km,与利用GRACE的设计指标反演出的重力场精度相比,可提高约121倍,并建议我国未来低低跟踪重力卫星计划参考此指标.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):166-171
The gravimetric time series achieved from the combination of superconducting and absolute gravimeters are characterized by highest precision and long-term stability. If the effects of Earth and ocean tides, atmosphere and polar motion are removed, the residual curve is dominated by hydrological mass variations. A major source of these variations is water storage changes in the vicinity of the sensor. However, global variations contribute to the signal significantly. For three stations of superconducting gravimeters, a comparison of the principal components obtained from the residual gravity curve on the one hand and continental water storage from the WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (WGHM) on the other hand is carried out. The results demonstrate a coherence of seasonal variations but a difference in the contribution of the local zone at the individual stations, which point out the need for a careful and site-specific examination of local effects.  相似文献   

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