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文中利用分布在鄂尔多斯块体及其南部周缘地区的53 个宽频带地震固定台站的连续波形记录,采用双台互相关计算 方法由背景噪声提取瑞利波格林函数,经时频分析获得相速度和群速度频散曲线,并分别计算了汾渭地堑、秦岭北缘、鄂 尔多斯块体内部和六盘山地区4 个不同构造区的平均频散曲线,进而反演了各构造区的地壳上地幔一维横波速度结构。结 果显示:地壳厚度在汾渭地堑为34 km,在秦岭北缘地区和鄂尔多斯块体均为40 km,在六盘山地区最厚,达49~50 km;相 应的上地幔顶部横波速度分别为4.20,4.2,4.30 和4.15 km/s;地壳内结构浅部特征差异最大,在地壳中部六盘山地区的速 度较低,下部地壳不同地区的波速较一致。  相似文献   

中国东北地区自晚古生代晚期以来,受古亚洲洋、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋、太平洋构造域的叠加作用,壳幔结构极为复杂。本文收集中国东北地区国家地震台网接收的100 980个P波和91 030个S波到时数据,采用地震走时层析成像方法获得了该地区地壳P波和S波速度结构,进而获得了泊松比结构,用以探讨复杂的地壳结构。成像结果显示:中国东北地区地壳地震波速度结构呈明显的横向不均匀性,不同构造单元和构造单元内部都存在不同程度的不均匀性。松辽盆地整体上浅层地壳以低速异常为主,尤其是S波速度,但部分区域分辨率较低,中下地壳存在较大范围高速异常,推测与太平洋俯冲、后撤导致的岩石圈拆沉和热物质上涌等动力学过程有关;北部的大兴安岭重力梯级带和长白山一线主要表现为低速异常,表明具有大范围的岩浆作用,广泛岩浆作用为固体矿产资源的形成提供热源或物源;长白山、五大连池等近代活动的火山下方部分地壳区域均表现了较强低地震波速度和高泊松比异常结构特征,表明仍存在活动的可能。  相似文献   

各向异性在数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
主要探讨各向异性在地震资料处理中的应用,并给出各向异性处理与常规处理之间的关系;根据各向异性处理中的不同情况,给出不同的解决办法;以实际地震资料处理效果为依据,归纳出相关结论。  相似文献   

Seismic studies of the crustal structure beneath the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) region in Central China have been limited by the sparse and uneven distribution of seismic stations.To in-crease the station coverage,we made three deployments of a mobile seismologic array in the TGR re-gion during the three summers from 2008 to 2010.Here we present interpretations along a west-east profile through the central TGR region based on new seismic waveform data and a velocity model con-strained by regional earthquak...  相似文献   

This paper discusses the seismic activity in Beijing M unicipality and its adjacent areas (which are referred to as the Beijing region in the paper). By using fuzzy mathematics, the factors controlling regional crustal stability are transformed into fuzzy information and then a model of fuzzy diagnosis is established. A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of regional crustal stability in the Beijing region is made according to the seismic and geological conditions of the region.  相似文献   

大洋板块俯冲带是许多重要地质作用(例如脱水、部分熔融、岩浆和地震活动)发生的场所.对位于俯冲带之上的地震台站所检测到的不同剪切波的数据解析,可以获得源于上覆板块、地幔楔、俯冲板块和板下地幔的地震波各向异性的关键信息.本文系统总结了世界各地大洋俯冲带的剪切波分裂样式,对目前国际上流行的大洋俯冲带的地震波各向异性的主要成因...  相似文献   

斜长角闪岩和角闪岩相变质岩石是大陆中—下地、岛弧深部地壳以及俯冲大洋地壳中最重要的组成岩石之一,查明目前地壳中斜长角闪岩的体积含量、空间分布及其应变状态对于深入研究大陆地壳的形成与演化过程极其重要.笔者等实验测量了云南高黎贡韧性剪切带典型变形斜长角闪岩7个关键性方向上的地震(P和S波)波速随静水围压(0~600 MPa)的变化规律,并利用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术测定了主要造岩矿物角闪石、斜长石和石英的品格优选方位,查清斜长角闪岩中地震波速各向异性与剪切波分裂的成因,确定斜长角闪岩中有限应变椭球与波速椭球的对应关系,为今后利用原地地震波速的各向异性调查地壳深部区域构造应变场提供必要的实验和理论基础.  相似文献   

Mohamed  A.-M. S.  Radwan  A. M.  Omar  Kh. A. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(5):713-722
Geotectonics - Aswan region is a very important region for Egypt where the High Dam is situated. The wellbeing of the dam and its encompassing region is of extreme worry to all the Egyptian...  相似文献   

华南大陆是新元古代以来全球地质演化历史最复杂的地区之一,也是欧亚板块东南缘地壳生长和大陆增生最活跃,大规模构造变形、岩浆活动和多金属矿产资源最丰富的地区。揭示该区浅表构造与岩浆活动和成矿作用机制离不开对深部壳幔结构的研究。宽频带地震学是开展深部壳幔结构探测的重要手段,基于宽频带地震学数据可以刻画地壳-岩石圈-上地幔-地幔过渡带不同深度和尺度的深部结构,为深入理解研究区的深部构造、动力学过程、岩浆活动与成矿作用提供有效约束。本文较全面地总结了近二十年来在华南大陆东部地区开展的宽频带流动地震探测工作,并对研究区的地壳厚度、Vp/Vs比值、岩石圈底界(LAB)深度、上地幔速度结构与各向异性等进行了分析与讨论。本文旨在为相关研究人员和团队提供未来在该区新布设地震探测台站时的参考,也可为后续深入研究该区的深部结构与成矿过程提供一些深部要素约束。  相似文献   

We report an extensive helium isotope survey of basaltic toandesitic lavas from the Lesser Antilles island arc—anarc system with well-documented evidence of crustal contamination.Given the sensitivity of helium isotopes as a tracer of theeffects of crustal additions, our aim is to evaluate the relationshipof 3He/4He ratios to other indices of contamination processessuch as oxygen and strontium isotopes. To this end, we havecarried out 53 3He/4He analyses on separated minerals (olivinesand pyroxenes) from throughout the arc, which we compare withwhole-rock strontium and phenocryst oxygen isotope measurements.We show that the three isotopic tracers show coherent patternsthroughout the Lesser Antilles, indicating a regional controlon crustal contamination. The southern section of the arc (Grenadato Martinique) shows clear evidence for major crustal contaminationin all three isotopic systems with results for our samples inthe range 3He/4He(olivine) 3·6–7·6RA,  相似文献   

This study reports oxygen isotope ratios determined by laserfluorination of mineral separates (mainly plagioclase) frombasaltic andesitic to rhyolitic composition volcanic rocks eruptedfrom the Lassen Volcanic Center (LVC), northern California.Plagioclase separates from nearly all rocks have 18O values(6·1–8·4) higher than expected for productionof the magmas by partial melting of little evolved basalticlavas erupted in the arc front and back-arc regions of the southernmostCascades during the late Cenozoic. Most LVC magmas must thereforecontain high 18O crustal material. In this regard, the 18O valuesof the volcanic rocks show strong spatial patterns, particularlyfor young rhyodacitic rocks that best represent unmodified partialmelts of the continental crust. Rhyodacitic magmas erupted fromvents located within 3·5 km of the inferred center ofthe LVC have consistently lower 18O values (average 6·3± 0·1) at given SiO2 contents relative to rockserupted from distal vents (>7·0 km; average 7·1± 0.1). Further, magmas erupted from vents situated attransitional distances have intermediate values and span a largerrange (average 6·8 ± 0·2). Basaltic andesiticto andesitic composition rocks show similar spatial variations,although as a group the 18O values of these rocks are more variableand extend to higher values than the rhyodacitic rocks. Thesefeatures are interpreted to reflect assimilation of heterogeneouslower continental crust by mafic magmas, followed by mixingor mingling with silicic magmas formed by partial melting ofinitially high 18O continental crust (9·0) increasinglyhybridized by lower 18O (6·0) mantle-derived basalticmagmas toward the center of the system. Mixing calculationsusing estimated endmember source 18O values imply that LVC magmascontain on a molar oxygen basis approximately 42 to 4% isotopicallyheavy continental crust, with proportions declining in a broadlyregular fashion toward the center of the LVC. Conversely, the18O values of the rhyodacitic rocks suggest that the continentalcrust in the melt generation zones beneath the LVC has beensubstantially modified by intrusion of mantle-derived basalticmagmas, with the degree of hybridization ranging on a molaroxygen basis from approximately 60% at distances up to 12 kmfrom the center of the system to 97% directly beneath the focusregion. These results demonstrate on a relatively small scalethe strong influence that intrusion of mantle-derived maficmagmas can have on modifying the composition of pre-existingcontinental crust in regions of melt production. Given thisresult, similar, but larger-scale, regional trends in magmacompositions may reflect an analogous but more extensive processwherein the continental crust becomes progressively hybridizedbeneath frontal arc localities as a result of protracted intrusionof subduction-related basaltic magmas. KEY WORDS: oxygen isotopes; phenocrysts; continental arc magmatism; Cascades; Lassen  相似文献   

Early Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A shakemap system providing rapid estimates of strong ground shaking could be useful for emergency response providers in a damaging earthquake. A hybrid procedure, which combines site-dependent ground motion prediction models and the limited observations of the Real-Time Digital stream output system (RTD system operated by Central Weather Bureau, CWB), was set up to provide a high-resolution shakemap in a near-real-time manner after damaging earthquakes in Taiwan. One of the main factors that affect the result of ground motion prediction analysis is the existence of site effects. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the local site effects and their influence in the ground shaking and then establish an early estimation procedure of potential hazard for damaging earthquakes. Based on the attenuation law, the site effects of each TSMIP station are discussed in terms of a bias function that is site and intensity-level dependent function. The standard deviation of the site-dependent ground motion prediction model can be significantly reduced. The nonlinear behavior of ground soil is automatically taken into account in the intensity-level dependent bias function. Both the PGA and the spectral acceleration are studied in this study. Based on the RTD data, event correctors are calculated and applied to precisely estimate the shakemap of damaging earthquakes for emergency response.  相似文献   

本文分析了台湾恒春海外的一次地震的记录波形的P波的主要特征。首先对其首波PN进行分析 ,结果表明其线性关系较好 ,计算出的速度值与华南地区近震走时表中所用的地壳模型中的速度值一致。其次对其PN波的续至波进行分析 ,发现该处的地震其射线穿过台湾岛后的地震记录波形明显与没有穿过台湾岛的不同 ,即没有穿过台湾岛的地震记录波形中首波震相之后明显存在有另一组震相 ,而穿过台湾岛后的地震记录波形则没有或不明显。该组震相最明显特征是它与首波的到时差随震中距的加大而减小 ,据此 ,作者认为它可能是一组波 ,即地壳内的双程反射波 ,表明该处有低速层存在。分析结果表明 ,台湾海峡南部即福建省的东山海外地区及泉州、漳州、永安地区的下方有一低速层存在。  相似文献   

Coal-bed methane is accumulated in micro-fissures and cracks in coal seams. The coal seam is the source terrace and reservoir bed of the coal-bed methane (Qian et al., 1996). Anisotropy of coal seams is caused by the existence of fissures. Based on the theory of S wave splitting: an S wave will be divided into two S waves with nearly orthogonal polarization directions when passing through anisotropic media, i.e. the fast S wave with its direction of propagation parallel to that of the fissure and slow S wave with the direction of propagation perpendicular to that of the fissure.This paper gives the results of laboratory research and field test on the S wave splitting caused by coal-seam fissures: The results show that it is, feasible to detect fissures in coal seams by applying the converted S wave and finally gives the development zone and development direction of these fissures.  相似文献   

本文对海峡25年来地震资料作了系统总结,发现海峡地震具有北弱南强,北稀南密,地震密集区沿两侧滨海断裂带及横向开启褶皱二个方向有规则展布等特征。提出地震受纵向断裂带及横向开启褶皱等控制,海峡中南部的地震主要是南海地块北推作用产生的。  相似文献   

深地震反射技术是探测大型成矿带和矿集区深部结构、揭示成矿背景的重要方法。西藏娘热矿集区位于冈底斯成矿带中段,拥有众多铁、铜等多金属矿床。本文通过对其附近的岩浆流体通道等地下结构进行探索,揭示成矿与断裂形成的相辅相成过程。布设了横过矿集区130 km长的深地震反射剖面并进行了层析静校正、去噪、预测反褶积等数据处理,获得了娘热矿集区上地壳结构的反射图像。结合本区地质、地球物理资料,对矿集区上地壳结构进行了研究,指出:区域内存在的7条断裂与冈底斯成矿带矿脉分布具有一定的空间关系;一些如亮点构造的特殊现象控制了岩浆活动的上升通道,与矿床接触关系密切,具有研究价值。  相似文献   

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