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In situ stress measurement data was analyzed to estimate the temporal and spatial stress variations at shallow depths in the Longmenshan fault zone(LMSF), prior to and following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake(WCEQ). Analysis of the stress field related to fault strength and behavior is useful for understanding geodynamic processes and conducting hazard assessments. The shallow stress changes after the WCEQ show clear along-strike variations. Degrees of stress orientation rotations have a negative ...  相似文献   

The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is often defined as the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to earth tide induced Coulomb Failure Stress change on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, anomalous increase in the time series of LURR usually occurs prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the stress field that existed before a large earthquake has strong influence on the evaluation of LURR. In order to augment the sensitivity of LURR in measuring the criticality of stress accumulation before an earthquake, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. Coulomb stress change before the hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. Retrospective test of this new algorithm on the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake shows remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomaly. To illustrate the variation of LURR time series associated with our choice of identified areas with increased Coulomb stress before the earthquake, we calculate the spatial distributions of LURR within a circular region of 700 km radius centered at epicenter of the event. Comparing the spatial LURR distributions of different periods, the change of LURR within the Coulomb stress increase areas looks more prominent than the others: it remains at a low level for most of the time and markedly increases few years before the quake. This result further shows the validity of the Coulomb stress algorithm. Unlike circular regions, areas of increased Coulomb stress with anomalously increased LURR values before a large earthquake could provide a relatively more precise estimation of the criticality of the ensuing event.  相似文献   

The Longquan–Shan fault and the Huya fault are two major neighboring faults of the Longmen–Shan fault zone where the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw 7.9) occurred. To study the influence of the Wenchuan event on these two active faults, we calculate changes of Coulomb stress on the Longquan–Shan fault and the Huya fault caused by the Wenchuan mainshock. Our results indicate that the Coulomb stress in the northern section (Zone A) of the Longquan–Shan fault is increased by 0.07–0.10 bars, that in the middle section (Zone B) by 0.04–0.11 bars, and that in the southern section (Zone C) shows almost no change. For the Huya fault, the Coulomb stress is decreased by 0.01–0.03 bars in the northern section (Zone A), 0.10–0.35 bars in the middle section (Zone B), and nearly 0.5 bars in the southern section (Zone C). The epicenter distribution of small earthquakes (ML  1.5) on the Longquan–Shan fault and the Huya fault after the Wenchuan earthquake is consistent with the distribution of the Coulomb stress change. This implies that the Wenchuan earthquake may have triggered small events on the Longquan–Shan fault, but inhibited those on the Huya fault. We then use the rate/state friction law to calculate the occurrence probability of future earthquakes in the study region for the next decade. They include the distribution of b-values, magnitude of completeness (Mc), the background seismicity rate, a value of n and the duration for the transient effect (ta) in the study region. We also estimate the earthquake occurrence probabilities on the neighboring faults after the Wenchuan earthquake. Our results show that, the occurrence probability of future earthquakes in the Longquan–Shan has a slight increase, being 7% for M  5.0 shocks during the next decade, but the earthquake probability in the Huya region is reduced obviously, being 5–20%, 7–26% and 3–9% for M  5.0 shocks during the next decade in sections A, B and C of the Huya fault, respectively.  相似文献   

Wei  Benyong  Su  Guiwu  Liu  Fenggui  Tian  Qing 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2751-2774
Natural Hazards - China is one of the countries most affected by earthquakes. Improving public cognition and response to earthquake disaster (EDCR) is an effective means to reduce seismic risk and...  相似文献   

2008年汶川Mw7.9地震的强地面震动在龙门山前地区造成大量的砂土液化、喷砂冒水等地震灾害现象。震后野外调查发现,砂土液化点主要分布于地下水位只有几米深的山前河流的低阶地处,以大面积砾性土液化为特征,约58%的液化点位于距北川断层20~35km的范围内。对喷水高度及喷水过程进行了详细记录,喷水高度与峰值加速度并没有明显的相关性,喷水高度异常点(2m)集中于山前断裂系统近地表投影处。汶川地震中喷水高度异常、砾性土液化的位置与山前断裂系统的吻合性说明,沉积盆地内的地质构造可能在砂土液化强度和与震动相关的地震灾害方面起到促进作用,所以在类似的地质和水文环境中,除主震的断层错动外,应考虑地质构造在地震危险性评估和建筑物抗震设计中的重要作用。  相似文献   

As a case study of spatial and temporal variations in earthquake stress drops between the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes, we computed 1828 stress-drop values for earthquakes with magnitudes 1.7 ≤ ML ≤ 5.0 during an eight-year time span before and after major earthquakes. We divide the study area into three subregions(the southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone; the southwestern junction of the Longmen Shan and Sichuan Basin; and the southwestern margin of the Sic...  相似文献   

The May 12, 2008, Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake was induced by failure of two of the major faults of the Longmen Shan thrust fault zone along the eastern margin of Tibet Plateau. Our study focused on trenches across the Yingxiu–Bichuan fault, the central fault in the Longmen Shan belt that has a coseismic surface break of more than 200 km long. Trenching excavation across the 2008 earthquake rupture on three representative sites reveals the styles and amounts of the deformation and paleoseismicity along the Longmen Shan fault. Styles of coseismic deformation along the 2008 earthquake rupture at these three sites represent three models of deformation along a thrust fault. Two of the three trench exposures reveal one pre-2008 earthquake event, which is coincident with the pre-existing scarps. Based on the observation of exposed stratigraphy and structures in the trenches and the geomorphic expressions on ground surface, we interpret the 2008 earthquake as a characteristic earthquake along this fault. The interval of reoccurrence of large earthquake events on the Central Longmen Shan fault (the Yingxiu–Beichuan fault) can be inferred to be about 11,000 years according to 14C and OSL dating. The amounts of the vertical displacement and shortening across the surface rupture during the 2008 earthquake are determined to be 1.0–2.8 m and 0.15–1.32 m, respectively. The shortening rate and uplift rate are then estimated to be 0.09–0.12 mm/yr and 0.18–0.2 mm/yr, respectively. It is indicated that the deformation is absorbed mainly not by shortening, but by uplift along the rupture during the 2008 earthquake.  相似文献   

Disaster loss estimates are helpful for managing post-disaster reconstruction and for designing disaster-risk mitigation strategies. However, most of these estimates in China merely consider direct losses, and only a few include indirect economic losses. As the most destructive earthquake since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in 2008 resulted in direct economic damages reached Chinese Yuan (CNY) 845 billion (US $124 billion). The aim of the study was to estimate indirect economic losses caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province through the Adaptive Regional Input–Output (ARIO) model, which can reflect disaster-related changes in production capacity, ripple effects within the economic system, and adaptive behaviors of economic actors. The results showed that indirect economic losses in the production and housing sectors were estimated at 40% of the direct economic losses, i.e., approximately CNY 300 billion; moreover, the model predicted an 8-year reconstruction period. Several factors contributed to these losses, including significant damages to key sectors, financial constraints on reconstruction, post-earthquake investment instability, and limits in reconstruction capacity. Active government support policies post-earthquake are a useful strategy to mitigate the adverse economic impact of an earthquake in developing countries.  相似文献   

Seismic imaging together with global positioning system (GPS) and crustal stress data analyses show that the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred within a distinct area of high crustal stress (~ 17.5 MPa) and high Poisson's ratio (7–10%) anomalies centered on the Longmen-Shan (Shan means Mountain in Chinese) tectonic fault belt. Low P-wave and S-wave velocities in the southwest (SW) segment contrast with high-velocity anomalies in the central portion (CP) and northeast (NE) segment within the uppermost ~ 15 km depths along the tectonic fault belt, though a presumably ductile zone with low-velocity anomalies separates the CP and NE segment. The rupture initiated near the southwestern end of the CP at a zone of high Poisson's ratio (σ) which extends down into the lower crust. These low-velocity and high-σ anomalies immediately below the source hypocenter, together with the high crustal stress, indicate the presence of high-pressure fluids from the lower crust, which might have reduced the mechanical strength of the fractured rock matrix and triggered the earthquake. Our study suggests that the structural heterogeneity and high crustal stress played an important role in the nucleation of the Wenchuan earthquake and its rupture process.  相似文献   

汶川5·12地震,破坏之大,死亡人数之多,让世界震惊,所以人们重新把眼光投向地震预报。地震预报的确是艰难的,中国的海城地震是一个成功的典范,但唐山、松潘和汶川地震依然让人们陷入迷茫。地震发生前有许多先兆(包括前震),通过仪器接收,表现为一些地球物理场异常。引起这些地球物理场的异常有诸多的原因,不可能在短时间内分辨出那些是因为即将地震而引起的。目前地球物理预测地震理论已经日趋完善,可进行多方位的数据分析,并在实践中验证,下逐渐走向相对科学地、精确地对地震进行预测。  相似文献   

地倾斜连续观测是地壳形变观测研究中重要内容。汶川8.0级地震前,布设在四川德阳金河测点的新型BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪观测到了明显的地形变异常现象。分析其观测结果可知,汶川8.0级地震前约半月时间内德阳金河测点的地倾斜运动速度较过去的平均运动水平提高了数十倍,且震前地表快速倾斜的方向在N25°W左右。除此之外,德阳金河BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪测点还观测到较为完整的,对应于可以反映地表应力集中、释放过程的震前地表破裂过程。上述现象为今后研究强震孕育机理提供了重要的信息。介绍与分析了布设在龙门山断裂带附近的其它类型地倾斜仪在震前的观测结果。事实证明,BSQ型数字垂直摆倾斜仪在强震前的浅表过程监测中具有重要意义,值得在今后的地震前兆台网工作中进行推广。  相似文献   

汶川大震的科学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外地震地质科学考察的基础上,围绕汶川地震发震断层的特征、发震机制、地表破裂带的分段性与分带性、南北构造带地震危险性、地震地质灾害的多发性及链生性、工程建(构)筑物的破坏特征与安全性、地震烈度区划问题及极端自然灾害的预测与应对等进行了分析和讨论,并就有关问题提出了一些新的思考。结果表明,低速滑动断层、晚更新世断层或中央活动断裂也可以发生强震;汶川地震同时具有深部构造的控震作用;地表破裂沿走向可分为映秀—安县段、北川—关口段及青川段;地表破裂可分为主破裂、牵动破裂与感应破裂3种类型;青川段的深部破裂与浅部破裂没有几何上的连续关系或继承关系;贺兰—川滇南北构造带是中国大陆强震多发带,尤其是其北段的六盘山—天水—武都—青川一带未来的强震危险性不容忽视;汶川地震地质灾害具有灾害类型多、成因机理复杂、灾害链长、规模大、范围广、灾害程度深、危害对象广、持续时间长等特点;高烈度区和活断层沿线的地质灾害危险性区划与预测评价对防灾减灾极为重要;活动断裂沿线应注意破裂影响带宽度与建筑物安全避让距离;应对地震等极端自然灾害,应以预防为主,综合减灾;地震烈度区划应同时考虑活动断层的复发周期、地震的离逝时间乃至地形地貌条件;重大工程应提高设防烈度;应当加强极端自然灾害预测评估,完善应对对策和提高应对水平。  相似文献   

徐纪人  赵志新 《中国地质》2010,37(4):967-977
根据地震震源机制、断层参数结果,结合GPS测定的同震位移场与构造研究的最新结果,综合分析研究了2008年汶川8级大地震汶川地震发生的地震活动背景、震源应力场、断层构造运动特征及其动力学机制。地震活动性分析研究结果表明,2008年汶川8级大地震是在青藏高原与其周边地域构造运动剧烈,2001年起始的地震活动高潮期的背景下发生的。其长达300km的地震震源断层填补了青藏高原东缘1900年以来存在的8级地震活动的空区。震源机制与区域应力场特征及其动力学机制研究表明,汶川8级地震震源处于南北地震带中南段东部,青藏高原东向扩张与四川盆地的抵抗是该区构造运动的主要特征。汶川地震及其强余震是在一个稳定的、主压应力P轴以北西西-东南东方向为主的震源应力场控制下发生的。说明汶川地震震源区域主要受到四川盆地、华南块体区域应力场的控制并发震的。龙门山断裂带西侧的青藏高原相对于四川盆地发生的东向上升;而东侧的四川盆地相对于青藏高原发生的西向下降构造运动是2008年汶川8级地震发生的主要地震成因即地震发生机制。  相似文献   

Using RS and GIS means,this article analyzes the general geological characteristics and the structural belt distribution features in Wenchuan County,Sichuan province,P.R.China as well as the characteristics of the large-scale landslides,mud-rock flows,earthquake lakes,etc.,after the earthquake on May 12,2008.Based on the above work,comprehensive indoor and outdoor research is launched on disaster distribution characteristics and their relationship with earthquakes,terrains, strata,lithology,and structure...  相似文献   

Over a period of 5 years, two large earthquakes struck Sichuan Wenchuan and Lushan successively. The two main seismic zones are only 87 km apart along the same seismic belt on the Longmenshan fault. Although there was only one magnitude of difference between the two great quakes, losses from the 2013 Lushan Earthquake were much lower than that of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. This study compares these disasters in terms of preparation and response in order to develop effective ways to reduce casualty and economic loss in future earthquakes. By determining what was done right after the Wenchuan Earthquake, we can better understand how to reduce future losses. This study focuses on seven factors: basic information, preparedness, government response, local residents’ responses, medical rescue teams’ work, earthquake-induced secondary effects, and injury character. We also recommend that three major actions should be emphasized to facilitate the most effective course of disaster planning and action. First, sufficient preparedness and strict preventive measures form the foundation to minimize damage and reduce casualties. Once the disaster had occurred, a single, well-run headquarters increases efficiency in rescue efforts. Finally, local rescue strength of both professional staff and citizens is the most critical factor to lower disaster casualties.  相似文献   

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