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Basement depth in the Arabian plate beneath eastern Syria is found to be much deeper than previously supposed. Deep-seated faulting in the Euphrates fault system is also documented. Data from a detailed 300 km long reversed refraction profile, with offsets up to 54 km, are analysed and interpreted, yielding a velocity model for the upper 9 km of continental crust. The interpretation integrates the refraction data with seismic-reflection profiles, well logs and potential field data, such that the results are consistent with all available information. A model of sedimentary thicknesses and seismic velocities throughout the region is established. Basement depth on the north side of the Euphrates is interpreted to be around 6 km, whilst south of the Euphrates basement depth is at least 8.5 km. Consequently, the potentially hydrocarbon-rich pre-Mesozoic section is shown, in places, to be at least 7 km thick. The dramatic difference in basement depth on adjacent sides of the Euphrates graben system may suggest that the Euphrates system is a suture/shear zone, possibly inherited from Late Proterozoic accretion of the Arabian plate. Gravity modelling across the southeast Euphrates system tends to support this hypothesis. Incorporation of previous results allows us to establish the first-order trends in basement depth throughout Syria  相似文献   

Seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay region crust is derived using measurements of finite-frequency traveltimes. A total of 57 801 relative traveltimes are measured by cross-correlation over the frequency range 0.5–1.5 Hz. From these are derived 4862 'summary' traveltimes, which are used to derive 3-D P -wave velocity structure over a 341 × 140 km2 area from the surface to 25 km depth. The seismic tomography is based on sensitivity kernels calculated on a spherically symmetric reference model. Robust elements of the derived P -wave velocity structure are: a pronounced velocity contrast across the San Andreas fault in the south Bay region (west side faster); a moderate velocity contrast across the Hayward fault (west side faster); moderately low velocity crust around the Quien Sabe volcanic field and the Sacramento River delta; very low velocity crust around Lake Berryessa. These features are generally explicable with surface rock types being extrapolated to depth ∼10 km in the upper crust. Generally high mid-lower crust velocity and high inferred Poisson's ratio suggest a mafic lower crust.  相似文献   

Summary. The relative P-wave delay between CWF, a permanent seismic station on the Precambrian rocks of Charnwood Forest in the English Midlands and EKA, the Eskdalemuir Seismological Array, shows a large azimuthal variation of 1.3 s. This is examined and is consistent with a thinning of the crust from EKA to CWF, together with a considerable thickness of high velocity (most probably greater than 7.0 km s−1) lower crust beneath CWF. The Southern Uplands Fault, approximately 42 km to the north-west at its closest approach to EKA, seems to be associated with a large anomaly in the relative P -wave delay. Raypaths from events originating between azimuths 260 to 350° from EKA apparently pass through anomalously high velocity material entering the crust just to the south of the fault.  相似文献   

The North Canterbury region marks the transition from Pacific plate subduction to continental collision in the South Island of New Zealand. Details of the seismicity, structure and tectonics of this region have been revealed by an 11-week microearthquake survey using 24 portable digital seismographs. Arrival time data from a well-recorded subset of microearthquakes have been combined with those from three explosions at the corners of the microearthquake network in a simultaneous inversion for both hypocentres and velocity structure. The velocity structure is consistent with the crust in North Canterbury being an extension of the converging Chatham Rise. The crust is about 27 km thick, and consists of an 11 km thick seismic upper crust and 7 km thick seismic lower crust, with the middle part of the crust being relatively aseismic. Seismic velocities are consistent with the upper and middle crust being composed of greywacke and schist respectively, while several lines of evidence suggest that the lower crust is the lower part of the old oceanic crust on which the overlying rocks were originally deposited.
The distribution of relocated earthquakes deeper than 15 km indicates that the seismic lower crust changes dip markedly near 43S. To the south-west it is subhorizontal, while to the north-east it dips north-west at about 10. Fault-plane solutions for these earthquakes also change near 43S. For events to the south, P -axes trend approximately normal to the plate boundary (reflecting continental collision), while for events to the north, T -axes are aligned down the dip of the subducted plate (reflecting slab pull). While lithospheric subduction is continuous across the transition, it is not clear whether the lower crust near 43S is flexed or torn.  相似文献   

Hatton Bank (northwest U.K.) continental margin structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The continent-ocean transition near Hatton Bank was studied using a dense grid of single-ship and two-ship multichannel seismic (mcs) profiles. Extensive oceanward dipping reflectors in a sequence of igneous rocks are developed in the upper crust across the entire margin. At the landward (shallowest) end the dipping reflectors overlie continental crust, while at the seaward end they are formed above oceanic crust. Beneath the central and lower part of the margin is a mid-crustal layer approximately 5 km thick that could be either stretched and thinned continental crust or maybe newly formed igneous crust generated at the same time as the dipping reflector sequence. Beneath this mid-crustal layer and above a well defined seismic Moho which rises from 27 km (continental end) to 15 km (oceanic end) across the margin, the present lower crust comprises a 10–15 km thick lens of material with a seismic velocity of 7.3 to 7.4 km/s. We interpret the present lower crustal lens as underplated igneous rocks left after extraction of the extruded basaltic lavas, A considerable quantity of new material has been added to the crust under the rifted margin. The present Moho is a new boundary formed during creation of the margin and cannot, therefore, be used to determine the amount of thinning.  相似文献   

Summary. Multichannel seismic reflection sections recorded across Vancouver Island have revealed two extensive zones of deep seismic reflections that dip gently to the northeast, and a number of moderate northeasterly dipping reflections that can be traced to the surface where major faults are exposed. Based on an integrated interpretation of these data with information from gravity, heat flow, seismicity, seismic refraction, magnetotelluric and geological studies it is concluded that the lower zone of gently dipping reflections is due to underplated oceanic sediments and igneous rocks associated with the current subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate, and that the upper zone represents a similar sequence of accreted rocks associated with an earlier episode of subduction. The high density/high velocity material between the two reflection zones is either an underplated slab of oceanic lithosphere or an imbricated package of mafic rocks. Reprocessing of data from two of the seismic lines has produced a remarkable image of the terrane bounding Leech River fault, with its dip undulating from >60° near the surface to 20° at 3 km depth and ∼38° at 6 km depth.  相似文献   

Summary. The crustal structure beneath the Vema fracture zone and its flanking transverse ridge was determined from seismic refraction profiles along the fracture zone valley and across the ridge. Relatively normal oceanic crust, but with an upwarped seismic Moho, was found under the transverse ridge. We suggest that the transverse ridge represents a portion of tectonically uplifted crust without a major root or zone of serpentinite diapirism beneath it. A region of anomalous crust associated with the fracture zone itself extends about 20 km to either side of the central fault, gradually decreasing in thickness as the fracture zone is approached. There is evidence to suggest that the thinnest crust is found beneath the edges of the 20 km wide fracture zone valley. Under the fracture zone valley the crust is generally thinner than normal oceanic crust and is also highly anomalous in its velocity structure. Seismic layer 3 is absent, and the seismic velocities are lower than normal. The absence of layer 3 indicates that normal magmatic accretionary processes are considerably modified in the vicinity of the transform fault. The low velocities are probably caused by the accumulation of rubble and talus and by the extensive faulting and fracturing associated with the transform fault. This same fracturing allows water to penetrate through the crust, and the apparently somewhat thicker crust beneath the central part of the fracture zone valley may be explained by the resultant serpentinization having depressed the seismic Moho below its original depth.  相似文献   

Summary. Data from a refraction and a reflection seismic survey in the Black Forest, southwest Germany, are used for extensive one- and two-dimensional modelling. The data are available along approximately the same line, and therefore the same piece of crust is probed by two seismic methods. We utilize this favorable circumstance for detailed model calculations concerning both data sets. Lower crustal properties vary on the scale of a wavelength and thus full solutions of the elastic equations are required: the Reflectivity Method for the evaluation of refraction seismograms and numerical solutions of the acoustic wave equation for the reflection response. Details of the geometry and physical properties of the lamination are derived. Vertical layering on a scale of 100 m is found; horizontal extent of reflecting elements is in the range of a few hundreds of meters; rocks with velocities between 5.6 and 7.2 km/s constitute the lower crust.  相似文献   

Summary. The Nootka fault zone is the boundary between the small Explorer and Juan de Fuca plates which are situated between the America and Pacific plates off western Canada. To investigate the crustal structure in the region, three explosive/large airgun refraction lines were shot into three ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) with three-component geophone assemblies. In this phase of the study, P -wave velocity—depth models are interpreted by comparison of the travel time and amplitude characteristics of the observed data with theoretical seismograms computed using a WKBJ algorithm. The interpretation gives relatively consistent results for the upper crust. However, the structure of the lower crust is significantly different among the various profiles. Upper mantle velocities range from 7.5 to 8.3 kms−1 and the sub-bottom crustal thickness vanes from 6.4 to 11 km. Nevertheless, these seismic models are consistent in general terms with oceanic crustal models represented by ophiolite complexes. Some aspects of the differences among profiles can be explained by consideration of a recent tectonic model for the development of the fault zone. This requires, within a 1 Myr time interval, variations in the process of crustal formation at the ridge, crustal 'maturing', or both. The abnormally thick crust near a spreading centre may result in part from the complex interaction of the Juan de Fuca and Explorer plates with the larger and older America and Pacific plates. Upper mantle velocity variations are consistent with the concept of velocity anisotropy. The different record sections show that seismic energy is attenuated for ray paths traversing the Nootka fault zone.  相似文献   

We analyze geomorphic properties extracted from LiDAR and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data to test whether the damage zone along the central San Jacinto Fault (SJF) zone can be resolved with remotely-sensed data in a quantitative fashion. The SJF is one of the most active faults in southern California, with well expressed geomorphology and a fast slip rate, as seen in the geology and by GPS. We use ArcMap and the TauDEM toolbox to compare several morphometric parameters, including drainage density (Dd), on both sides of the fault, using a 1 km and a 5 km buffer for the LiDAR and SRTM data, respectively. We also analyze the spatial patterns of Dd near the fault, using two different definitions of spatial Dd. The high resolution of the LiDAR data allows us to focus on a single fault, eliminating the effects of parallel nearby faults. From the LiDAR data we find that the highest Dd values occur in areas between two fault strands, followed generally by rocks on the northeast side of the fault, with the lowest Dd values occurring on the southwest side of the fault. The SRTM data shows a band of high Dd values centered on the main fault trace with ~ 1 km width. Our results indicate that there is a strong correlation between drainage density and proximity to the fault, with zones of structural complexity along the fault displaying the highest Dd. We interpret this to largely be an effect of degree of rock damage, as these are areas that are expected to be more damaged, and field observations support this contention. If we are correct, then it appears that the northeast side of the SJF is generally more damaged. South of the trifurcation area there is evidence that the signal is reversed on the larger scale, with more damage on the southwest side of the fault inferred from the SRTM data, possibly caused by extension between the Coyote Creek and Clark faults. The implications of the observed asymmetry could be geological evidence for rupture propagation direction, because a preferred propagation direction is predicted to produce asymmetric damage structure that would be recorded in the volume of rock surrounding a fault.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric and gravity data have been collected within a ca. 170 km long traverse running from the Pacific coast of Nicaragua in the west to the Nicaraguan Highland in the east. This part of Nicaragua is characterized by sedimentary rocks of the Pacific Coastal Plain, separated from the Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Highland by the NW-SE-trending Nicaraguan Depression. 2-D interpretation of the magnetotelluric (MT) data, collected at 13 stations, indicates four regions of high electrical conductivity in addition to the conductive coastal region. Two of these are associated with conducting sediments and pyroclastics in the upper part of the crust. Two other conductive structures have been defined at depth around 20 km and the one best defined is located below the depression. From the distribution of seismic events, volcanic activity in the depression and the similarity in geophysical characteristics with areas such as the Rio Grande Rift, this conductor is interpreted as a melt layer or a complex of magma chambers. Models of the upper lithosphere, constrained by the MT model, vertical electrical sounding (VES) data, seismic data and densities, have been tested using gravity data. A model that passes this test shows a gradual thickening of the crust eastwards from the Pacific coast. An anomaly centred over the depression is interpreted to have its origin in a thinning of the crust. In this model the melt layer is situated on top of the bulge of the lower lithosphere. A change in the composition of the crust, from the Pacific Coastal Plain to the Highland, is indicated from the change in character of the MT response and from the density distribution in the gravity model. This may support the hypothesis that the Pacific region is an accreted terrane. MT and gravity data indicate a depth to a resistive and high-density basement in the depression of ca. 2 km. On the basis of this, the vertical setting in the depression is estimated to be of the order of 2.5 km.  相似文献   

Summary. LITHOPROBE has acquired nearly 270 km of crustal seismic reflection data across the eastern portion of the southern Canadian Cordillera, These reflection profiles, obtained during the Fall of 1985, extend from the Rocky Mountain thrust and fold belt, across the Rocky Mountain Trench, Purcell anticlinorium, Kootenay Arc, Nelson batholith and Valhalla gneiss complex. North American basement and its overlying foreshortened miogeoclinal rocks can be traced westward to the Kootenay Arc. The Purcell anticlinorium is carried by a series of west dipping thrust faults which emerge east of the anticlinorium and converge downward and merge with a detachment surface above autochthonous North American basement. Proterozoic supracrustal rocks, thickened by folding and thrusting, occupy the core of the anticlinorium. Steeply dipping surface structures of the western Purcell anticlinorium and Kootenay Arc appear to be truncated at 3 - 4 s (9-12 km) by a gently east-dipping reflection that may delineate the upper boundary of an allochthonous wedge inserted between the near surface rocks and autochthonous basement below. Beneath the Kootenay Arc, at a travel time of 9–10 s (27–30 km), the North American basement seems to be truncated by the major east-dipping Slocan Lake fault zone, which can be traced from its surface exposure at the east edge of the Valhalla gneiss complex eastward to near the base of the crust. A high amplitude, west-dipping reflection underlies the Valhalla complex and may be related to a major compressional shear zone.  相似文献   

COCORP: new perspectives on the deep crust   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary. Relict sutures from colliding continents, regions characterized by a "young" Mono, layering and faulting throughout the crust, mid-crustal magma traps, and seismic "bright spots" which suggest deep crustal fluids are among recent COCORP findings. In addition, new studies of signal penetration, noise mitigation, recording geometry, and coherency filtering have yielded better understanding of, and substantial improvements in, data quality. Amplitude anomalies, or "bright spots", in the Basin and Range may be due to magma at mid-crustal levels; in one case, a normal fault appears to link the deep magma with young surface volcanics. Another bright spot. 15 km deep in southeastern Georgia, has a flat geometry that suggests a gas/liquid interface, perhaps within fluids underthrust along an Appalachian suture. The Mono continues to appear relatively undisturbed in many regions of past deformation, suggesting that its formation post-dates these major tectonic episodes. The diversity of reflection patterns from the U.S. Cordillera casts further doubt on the generality of the common model of a reflective, layered lower crust underlying a transparent upper crust.  相似文献   

Summary. The mid-crustal earthquake of 1973 March 9 (mb= 5.5, h ≤ 20 km) located 60 km south-west of Sydney, Australia, provides unambiguous evidence of contemporary thrust faulting in South-eastern Australia — a region of high heat flow and Cenozoic basaltic volcanism. Aftershock locations suggest a steeply dipping fault in the depth range from 8 to 24 km with a lateral extent of about 8 km. The mechanism solution is consistent with a tectonic stress field that is dominated by east—west horizontal compression. A seismic moment of 5.7 ± 1023± 20 per cent dyne-cm was computed from surface-wave amplitudes. Minimum values of slip and stress drop, 2 cm and 1 bar respectively, were estimated from the moment and a fault size taken' from aftershock locations.
Refinement modelling by a controlled Monte Carlo technique was used to provide unbiased models directly from multimode group velocities. The dispersion of fundamental and higher mode surface waves recorded at the digital high-gain station at Charters Towers, Queensland, and the WWSSN station at Adelaide, South Australia, is satisfied by crust- and upper-mantle models which have neither pronounced S-wave low-velocity zones nor thick high-velocity lids within 140 km of the Earth's surface. These models have subcrustal shear velocities of 4.20–4.32 km/s which are 0.4–0.5 km/s slower than Canadian shield shear velocities (CANSD).  相似文献   

Crust and upper mantle structure of the central Iberian Meseta (Spain)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. Quarry blasts recorded along three lines on the central Iberian Meseta are used in an attempt to interpret the crustal structure. The results of the interpretation of the data, together with published surface wave and earthquake data, suggest a layered structure of the crust having the following features: the basement, in some areas covered by up to 4 km of sediments, has a P -velocity of 6.1 km s−1; a low-velocity layer, between 7 and 11 km depth, seems to exist on the basis of both P and S interpretation of seismic data; a thick middle crust of 12 km has a P -velocity of 6.4 km s−1 and overlies a lower crust with a mean P -velocity of 6.9 km s−1 and a possible slight negative gradient; the mean v p/ v s ratio for the crust is about 1.75; the Moho is reached at about 31 km depth and consists of a transition zone at least 1.5 km thick. The P -velocity of the upper mantle is close to 8.1 km s−1 and the S -velocity about 4.5 km s−1, which gives a v p /v s ratio of 1.8 for the uppermost mantle. A tentative petrological interpretation of the velocities and composition of the layers is given.  相似文献   

The Queen Charlotte Fault zone is the transpressive boundary between the North America and Pacific Plates along the northwestern margin of British Columbia. Two models have been suggested for the accommodation of the ∼20 mm yr−1 of convergence along the fault boundary: (1) underthrusting; (2) internal crustal deformation. Strong evidence supporting an underthrusting model is provided by a detailed teleseismic receiver function analysis that defines the underthrusting slab. Forward and inverse modelling techniques were applied to receiver function data calculated at two permanent and four temporary seismic stations within the Queen Charlotte Islands. The modelling reveals a ∼10 km thick low-velocity zone dipping eastward at 28° interpreted to be underthrusting oceanic crust. The oceanic crust is located beneath a thin (28 km) eastward thickening (10°) continental crust.  相似文献   

Geophysical data from the Amazon Cone Experiment are used to determine the structure and evolution of the French Guiana and Northeast Brazil continental margin, and to better understand the origin and development of along-margin segmentation. A 427-km-long combined multichannel reflection and wide-angle refraction seismic profile acquired across the southern French Guiana margin is interpreted, where plate reconstructions suggest a rift-type setting.
The resulting model shows a crustal structure in which 35–37-km-thick pre-rift continental crust is thinned by a factor of 6.4 over a distance of ∼70  km associated with continental break-up and the initiation and establishment of seafloor spreading. The ocean–continent boundary is a transition zone up to 45  km in width, in which the two-layered oceanic-type crustal structure develops. Although relatively thin at 3.5–5.0  km, such thin oceanic crust appears characteristic of the margin as a whole.
There is no evidence of rift-related magmatism, either as seaward-dipping sequences in the reflection data or as a high velocity region in the lower crust in the P -wave velocity model, and as a such the margin is identified as non-volcanic in type. However, there is also no evidence of the rotated fault block and graben structures characteristic of rifted margins. Consequently, the thin oceanic crust, the rapidity of continental crustal thinning and the absence of characteristic rift-related structures leads to the conclusion that the southern French Guiana margin has instead developed in an oblique rift setting, in which transform motion also played a significant role in the evolution of the resulting crustal structure and along-margin segmentation in structural style.  相似文献   

A seismic-array study of the continental crust and upper mantle in the Ivrea-Yerbano and Strona-Ceneri zones (northwestern Italy) is presented. A short-period network is used to define crustal P - and S -wave velocity models from earthquakes. The analysis of the seismic-refraction profile LOND of the CROP-ECORS project provided independent information and control on the array-data interpretation.
Apparent-velocity measurements from both local and regional earthquakes, and time-term analysis are used to estimate the velocity in the lower crust and in the upper mantle. The geometry of the upper-lower crust and Moho boundaries is determined from the station delay times.
We have obtained a three-layer crustal seismic model. The P -wave velocity in the upper crust, lower crust and upper mantle is 6.1±0.2 km s−1, 6.5±0.3 km s−1 and 7.8±0.3 km s−1 respectively. Pronounced low-velocity zones in the upper and lower crust are not observed. A clear change in the velocity structure between the upper and lower crust is documented, constraining the petrological interpretation of the Ivrea-type reflective lower continental crust derived from small-scale petrophysical data. Moreover, we found a V P/ V S ratio of 1.69±0.04 for the upper crust and 1.82±0.08 for the lower crust and upper mantle. This is consistent with the structural and petrophysical differences between a compositionally uniform and seismically transparent upper crust and a layered and reflective lower crust. The thickness of the lower crust ranges from about 8 km in front of the Ivrea body (ARVO, Arvonio station) in the northern part of the array to a maximum of about 15 km in the southern part of the array. The lower crust reaches a minimum depth of 5 km below the PROV (Provola) station.  相似文献   

Shear-wave splitting is analysed on data recorded by the High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN) at Parkfield on the San Andreas fault, Central California, during the three-year period 1988-1990. Shear-wave polarizations either side of the fault are generally aligned in directions consistent with the regional horizontal maximum compressive stress, at some 70° to the fault strike, whereas at station MM in the immediate fault zone, shear-wave polarizations are aligned approximately parallel to the fault. Normalized time delays at this station are found to be about twice as large as those in the rock mass either side. This suggests that fluid-filled cracks and fractures within the fault zone are elastically or seismically different from those in the surrounding rocks, and that the alignment of fault-parallel shear-wave polarizations are associated with some fault-specific phenomenon.
Temporal variations in time delays between the two split shear-waves before and after a ML = 4 earthquake can be identified at two stations with sufficient data: MM within the fault zone and VC outside the immediate fault zone. Time delays between faster and slower split shear waves increase before the ML = 4 earthquake and decrease near the time of the event. The temporal variations are statistically significant at 68 per cent confidence levels. Earthquake doublets and multiplets also show similar temporal variations, consistent with those predicted by anisotropic poroelasticity theory for stress modifications to the microcrack geometry pervading the rock mass. This study is broadly consistent with the behaviour observed before three other earthquakes, suggesting that the build-up of stress before earthquakes may be monitored and interpreted by the analysis of shear-wave splitting.  相似文献   

Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) are of great interest due to their role in crustal generation, magmatic processes and environmental impact. The Agulhas Plateau in the southwest Indian Ocean off South Africa has played a controversial role in this discussion due to unclear evidence for its continental or oceanic crustal affinity. With new geophysical data from seismic refraction and reflection profiling, we are able to present improved evidence for its crustal structure and composition. The velocity–depth model reveals a mean crustal thickness of 20 km with a maximum of 24 km, where three major units can be identified in the crust. In our seismic reflection records, evidence for volcanic flows on the Agulhas Plateau can be observed. The middle crust is thickened by magmatic intrusions. The up to 10 km thick lower crustal body is characterized by high seismic velocities of 7.0–7.6 km s−1. The velocity–depth distribution suggests that the plateau consists of overthickened oceanic crust similar to other oceanic LIPs such as the Ontong-Java Plateau or the northern Kerguelen Plateau. The total volume of the Agulhas Plateau was estimated to be 4 × 106 km3 of which about 10 per cent consists of extruded igneous material. We use this information to obtain a first estimate on carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emission caused by degassing from this material. The Agulhas Plateau was formed as part of a larger LIP consisting of the Agulhas Plateau itself, Northeast Georgia Rise and Maud Rise. The formation time of this LIP can be estimated between 100 and 94 (± 5) Ma.  相似文献   

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