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NGC 3783 is a nearby SBa, type 1 Seyfert galaxy. We present H i and radio continuum images of the galaxy made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We find that NGC 3783 has an H i mass of 8.4×109 M⊙ , an H i diameter of 1.9 D 0 ( D 0 =37 kpc for h =0.5), and a nuclear depression in the H i surface density. The H i rotation curve is dominated by differential rotation, with little evidence of warping. The rotation curve suggests a mass-to-light ratio M L B =7.2 and a bar-pattern speed of 19±7 km s−1 kpc−1 . The total mass of gas in the inner 50 arcsec is ≳10 per cent of the dynamical mass, and consistent with models that require significant gas content to fuel the Seyfert nucleus. There is no evidence that the nuclear activity in NGC 3783 is being stimulated by an interaction or merger: it may be a self-generated, perhaps bar-driven, process. 相似文献
M. S. Clemens P. Alexander & D. A. Green 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,297(4):1015-1020
We present observations of H i in the nearby interacting galaxies NGC 4490 and 4485 made with the VLA in both C and D arrays. The galaxies are embedded in an extensive envelope of neutral hydrogen which is elongated in a direction approximately perpendicular to the plane of NGC 4490, with an extent of about 56 kpc. We argue that this distribution of neutral hydrogen can best be explained by a galactic-scale bipolar outflow of H i driven by supernovae in NGC 4490. The flow from the disc appears to be reasonably well collimated and has probably persisted for approximately 6 × 108 yr. The implications for galaxy evolution when such mass loss occurs are briefly discussed. 相似文献
Scott Gordon Bärbel Koribalski Keith Jones 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2003,342(3):939-950
We present the results of Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) H i line and 20-cm radio continuum observations of the galaxy quartet NGC 6845. The H i emission extends over all four galaxies but can only be associated clearly with the two spiral galaxies, NGC 6845A and B, which show signs of strong tidal interaction. We derive a total H i mass of at least 1.8 × 1010 M⊙ , most of which is associated with NGC 6845A, the largest galaxy of the group. We investigate the tidal interaction between NGC 6845A and B by studying the kinematics of distinct H i components and their relation to the known H ii regions. No H i emission is detected from the two lenticular galaxies, NGC 6845C and D. A previously uncatalogued dwarf galaxy, ATCA J2001−4659 , was detected 4.4 arcmin NE from NGC 6845B and has an H i mass of ∼5 × 108 M⊙ . No H i bridge is visible between the group and its newly detected companion. Extended 20-cm radio continuum emission is detected in NGC 6845A and B as well as in the tidal bridge between the two galaxies. We derive star formation rates of 15–40 M⊙ yr−1 . 相似文献
L. Cortese R. F. Minchin R. R. Auld J. I. Davies B. Catinella E. Momjian J. L. Rosenberg R. Taylor G. Gavazzi K. O'Neil M. Baes A. Boselli G. Bothun B. Koribalski S. Schneider W. van Driel 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,383(4):1519-1537
We present 21 cm H i line observations of 5 × 1 deg2 centred on the local Abell cluster 1367 obtained as part of the Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. One hundred sources are detected (79 new H i measurements and 50 new redshifts), more than half belonging to the cluster core and its infalling region. Combining the H i data with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) optical imaging, we show that our H i selected sample follows scaling relations similar to the ones usually observed in optically selected samples. Interestingly, all galaxies in our sample appear to have nearly the same baryon fraction independently of their size, surface brightness and luminosity. The most striking difference between H i and optically selected samples resides in their large-scale distribution: whereas optical and X-ray observations trace the cluster core very well, in H i there is almost no evidence of the presence of the cluster. Some implications on the determination of the cluster luminosity function and H i distribution for samples selected at different wavelength are also discussed. 相似文献
H. Cullen P. Alexander D. A. Green K. Sheth 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,376(1):98-112
We present data probing the spatial and kinematical distribution of both the atomic (H i ) and molecular (CO) gas in NGC 5218, the late-type barred spiral galaxy in the spiral–elliptical interacting pair, Arp 104. We consider these data in conjunction with far-infrared and radio-continuum data, and N -body simulations, to study the galaxies interactions, and the star formation properties of NGC 5218. We use these data to assess the importance of the bar and tidal interaction on the evolution of NGC 5218, and the extent to which the tidal interaction may have been important in triggering the bar. The molecular gas distribution of NGC 5218 appears to have been strongly affected by the bar; the distribution is centrally condensed with a very large surface density in the central region. The N -body simulations indicate a time-scale since perigalacticon of ∼3 × 108 yr , which is consistent with the interaction having triggered or enhanced the bar potential in NGC 5218, leading to inflow and the large central molecular gas density observed. Whilst NGC 5218 appears to be undergoing active star formation, its star formation efficiency is comparable to a 'normal' SBb galaxy. We propose that this system may be on the brink of a more active phase of star formation. 相似文献
Shannon Whitlock Duncan A. Forbes Michael A. Beasley 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2003,345(3):949-959
We present wide-area UBRI photometry for globular clusters around the Leo group galaxy NGC 3379. Globular cluster candidates are selected from their B -band magnitudes and their ( U − B ) o versus ( B − I ) o colours. A colour–colour selection region was defined from photometry of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. We detect 133 globular cluster candidates, which supports previous claims of a low specific frequency for NGC 3379.
The Milky Way and M31 reveal blue and red subpopulations, with ( U − B ) o and ( B − I ) o colours indicating mean metallicities similar to those expected based on previous spectroscopic work. The stellar population models of Maraston and Brocato et al. are consistent with both subpopulations being old, and with metallicities of [Fe/H]∼−1.5 and −0.6 for the blue and red subpopulations, respectively. The models of Worthey do not reproduce the ( U − B ) o colours of the red (metal-rich) subpopulation for any modelled age.
For NGC 3379 we detect a blue subpopulation with similar colours, and presumably age/metallicity, to that of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. The red subpopulation is less well defined, perhaps due to increased photometric errors, but indicates a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]∼−0.6. 相似文献
The Milky Way and M31 reveal blue and red subpopulations, with ( U − B )
For NGC 3379 we detect a blue subpopulation with similar colours, and presumably age/metallicity, to that of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. The red subpopulation is less well defined, perhaps due to increased photometric errors, but indicates a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]∼−0.6. 相似文献
Scott Gordon Bärbel Koribalski Keith Jones 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,326(2):578-596
We present the results of new radio interferometer H i line observations for the merging galaxy pair NGC 4038/9 ('The Antennae'), obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The results improve substantially with respect to those of van der Hulst and show in detail the two merging galactic discs and the two tidal tails produced by their interaction. The small edge-on spiral dwarf galaxy ESO 572–G045 is also seen near the tip of the southern tail, but distinct from it. It shows no signs of tidal interaction. The northern tidal tail of the Antennae shows no H i connection to the discs and has an extension towards the west. The southern tidal tail is continuous, with a prominent H i concentration at its tip, roughly at the location of the tidal dwarf galaxy observed optically by Mirabel, Dottori & Lutz. Clear velocity structure is seen along the tidal tails and in the galactic discs. Radio continuum images at 20 and 13 cm are also presented, showing the discs in detail. 相似文献
Gerhardt R. Meurer Lister Staveley-Smith & N. E. B. Killeen 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,300(3):705-717
We present 21-cm H i line observations of the blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 1705. Previous optical observations show a strong outflow powered by an ongoing starburst dominating the H ii morphology and kinematics. In contrast, most of the H i lies in a rotating disc. An extraplanar H i spur accounts for ∼8 per cent of the total H i mass, and is possibly associated with the H ii outflow. The inferred mass loss rate out of the core of the galaxy is significant, ∼0.2 − 2 M⊙ yr−1 , but does not dominate the H i dynamics. Mass model fits to the rotation curve show that the dark matter (DM) halo is dominant at nearly all radii and has a central density ρ0 ≈ 0.1 M⊙ pc−3 : ten times higher than typically found in dwarf irregular galaxies, but similar to the only other mass-modelled blue compact dwarf, NGC 2915. This large difference strongly indicates that there is little evolution between dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf types. Instead, dominant DM haloes may regulate the morphology of dwarf galaxies by setting the critical surface density for disc star formation. Neither our data nor catalogue searches reveal any likely external trigger to the starburst in NGC 1705. 相似文献
Ayesha Begum Jayaram N. Chengalur 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,362(2):609-611
We present a deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) search for H i 21-cm emission from three dwarf galaxies, viz. POX 186, SC 24 and KKR 25. Based, in part, on previous single-dish H i observations, these galaxies have been classified as a blue compact dwarf (BCD), a dwarf irregular and a transition galaxy, respectively. However, in conflict with previous single-dish detections, we do not detect H i in SC 24 or KKR 25. We suggest that the previous single-dish measurements were probably confused with the local Galactic emission. In the case of POX 186, we confirm the previous non-detection of H i but with substantially improved limits on its H i mass. Our derived upper limits on the H i mass of SC 24 and KKR 25 are similar to the typical H i mass limit for dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, whereas in the case of POX 186, we find that its gas content is somewhat smaller than is typical of BCD galaxies. 相似文献
B.Phookun K. R.Anantharamaiah W. M.Goss 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,295(1):156-166
We have used the Very Large Array (VLA) to search for the H92α radio recombination line (RRL) in four starburst galaxies. In NGC 660, the line was detected over a 17Å‐8 arcsec2 region near its starburst nucleus. The line and continuum emission indicate that the RRL-emitting gas is most likely in the form of a cluster of H ii regions with a small filling factor. Using a simple model we find that the total ionized mass in the nuclear region is in the range 2–8Å‐104 M⊙ and the rate of production of UV photons N Lyc ∼1–3Å‐1053 s−1 . The ratio of H92α and Brγ line intensities in NGC 660 indicates that extinction is significant even at λ=2 μm. The velocity field of the ionized gas is consistent with a rotating disc with an average velocity gradient of ∼15 km s−1 arcsec−1 . The dynamical mass within the central 500 pc is ∼4Å‐108 M⊙ and may be about ∼6Å‐107 M⊙ within the central 120 pc. No line was detected in the other galaxies (NGC 520, NGC 1614 and NGC 6946) to a 3σ limit of 300 μJy. In the starburst galaxies in which RRLs have been detected, we find that there is a rough correlation between the integrated H92α line flux density and both the total far-infrared flux density and the radio continuum emission from the central region. 相似文献
We present multifrequency radio continuum as well as H i observations of the superwind galaxy NGC 1482, with both the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). This galaxy has a remarkable hourglass-shaped optical emission-line outflow as well as bipolar soft X-ray bubbles on opposite sides of the galactic disc. The low-frequency, lower-resolution radio observations show a smooth structure. From the non-thermal emission, we estimate the available energy in supernovae, and examine whether this would be adequate to drive the observed superwind outflow. The high-frequency, high-resolution radio image of the central starburst region located at the base of the superwind bi-cone shows one prominent peak and more extended emission with substructure. This image has been compared with the infrared, optical red continuum, Hα, and soft and hard X-ray images from Chandra to understand the nature and relationship of the various features seen at different wavelengths. The peak of the infrared emission is the only feature that is coincident with the prominent radio peak, and possibly defines the centre of the galaxy.
The H i observations with the GMRT show two blobs of emission on opposite sides of the central region. These are rotating about the centre of the galaxy and are located at ∼2.4 kpc from it. In addition, these observations also reveal a multicomponent H i absorption profile against the central region of the radio source, with a total width of ∼250 km s−1 . The extreme blue- and redshifted absorption components are at 1688 and 1942 km s−1 , respectively, while the peak absorption is at 1836 km s−1 . This is consistent with the heliocentric systemic velocity of 1850 ± 20 km s−1 , estimated from a variety of observations. We discuss possible implications of these results. 相似文献
The H i observations with the GMRT show two blobs of emission on opposite sides of the central region. These are rotating about the centre of the galaxy and are located at ∼2.4 kpc from it. In addition, these observations also reveal a multicomponent H i absorption profile against the central region of the radio source, with a total width of ∼250 km s
Michael Pierce Jean P. Brodie Duncan A. Forbes Michael A. Beasley Robert Proctor Jay Strader 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,358(2):419-431
We have obtained Keck spectra for 16 globular clusters (GCs) associated with the merger remnant elliptical NGC 1052, as well as a long-slit spectrum of the galaxy. We derive ages, metallicities and abundance ratios from simple stellar population models using the recently published methods of Proctor & Sansom , applied to extragalactic GCs for the first time. A number of GCs indicate the presence of strong blue horizontal branches that are not fully accounted for in the current stellar population models. We find all of the GCs to be ∼13 Gyr old according to simple stellar populations, with a large range of metallicities. From the galaxy spectrum we find NGC 1052 to have a luminosity-weighted central age of ∼2 Gyr and metallicity of [Fe/H]∼+0.6 . No strong gradients in either age or metallicity were found to the maximum radius measured (0.3 r e ≃ 1 kpc) . However, we do find a strong radial gradient in α-element abundance, which reaches a very high central value. The young central starburst age is consistent with the age inferred from the H i tidal tails and infalling gas of ∼1 Gyr. Thus, although NGC 1052 shows substantial evidence for a recent merger and an associated starburst, it appears that the merger did not induce the formation of new GCs, perhaps suggesting that little recent star formation occurred. This interpretation is consistent with 'frosting' models for early-type galaxy formation. 相似文献
We have obtained spectra for 103 published globular cluster candidates in the Sculptor group galaxies NGC 253 and 55. On the basis of radial velocities and digitized plate images, 14 globular clusters are identified in NGC 253 and one probable globular cluster is identified in NGC 55. The majority of the objects in the sample appear to be background galaxies. We have obtained and analysed COSMOS plate scans of NGC 253 and 55 and use these along with the spectroscopically identified clusters to define new samples of globular cluster candidates in the two galaxies which should have reduced contamination. 相似文献