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增强现实及其在导航与位置服务中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对增强现实从概念内涵、发展历程、关键技术及应用领域等方面进行了论述;对如何使其为导航与位置服务带来个性化的深度服务,并延伸至泛在测绘等领域进行了探讨;最后就增强现实的发展趋势和待解决的问题阐述了观点。  相似文献   

周国众  夏青 《测绘工程》2012,21(5):63-68
随着信息化从"e战略"到"u战略"的发展,人们对移动位置服务的需求越来越多,但是传统的移动位置服务是一种平面化的服务模式,人们更希望通过直观的位置将虚拟世界具体化,将增强现实技术应用到移动位置服务领域,正是对这种应用模式的一种探索。文中概述了移动位置服务和增强现实技术的概念以及增强现实技术在空间信息可视化方面的研究,重点对增强现实技术与移动位置服务相结合的关键技术及逻辑框架做了论述和讨论,最后总结了增强现实技术应用于移动位置服务领域的意义及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着城市管理和空间大数据、5G、人工智能等新型技术的深入结合,新型智慧城市相关的应用成为地理信息行业领域与社会重点关注的对象。本文主要介绍了智慧城市的背景与概念、理论与技术,阐述了数字城市、智慧城市及数字孪生城市三者的关系,总结了数字孪生城市现状及趋势,并探讨了元宇宙时代的智慧城市。智慧城市的萌芽期依靠空间信息技术、数据库技术、虚拟现实技术及计算机网络技术等构建数字城市,发展期在数字城市基础上融合人工智能技术、物联网技术、云技术及时空大数据技术等建设新型智慧城市,建设期结合新型智慧城市相关技术和实景三维技术等实现数字孪生。展望了跨时代的元宇宙智慧城市,或许会在数字孪生的基础上融合增强现实、扩展现实、脑机接口与体感设备等技术或设备,实现人类生活在两栖世界的美好憧憬。  相似文献   

When people explore new environments they often use landmarks as reference points to help navigate and orientate themselves. This research paper examines how spatial datasets can be used to build a system for use in an urban environment which functions as a city guide, announcing Features of Interest (FoI) as they become visible to the user (not just proximal), as the user moves freely around the city. Visibility calculations for the FoIs were pre‐calculated based on a digital surface model derived from LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. The results were stored in a text‐based relational database management system (RDBMS) for rapid retrieval. All interaction between the user and the system was via a speech‐based interface, allowing the user to record and request further information on any of the announced FoI. A prototype system, called Edinburgh Augmented Reality System (EARS), was designed, implemented and field tested in order to assess the effectiveness of these ideas. The application proved to be an innovative, ‘non‐invasive’ approach to augmenting the user's reality.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) overlays real‐world views or scenes with virtual, computer‐generated objects that appear to visually coexist in the same space. Location‐based social networks (LBSNs) are platforms for individuals to be connected through the interdependency derived from their physical locations and their location‐tagged social media content. Current research and development in both areas focuses on integrating mobile‐based AR and LBSNs. Several applications (e.g., Sekai Camera and Wallame) have been developed and commercialized successfully. However, little research has been done on the potential impacts and successful evaluation methods of AR‐integrated LBSNs in the GIScience field. To close this gap, the article outlines the impacts and benefits of AR‐integrated LBSNs and highlights the importance of LBSNs in GIScience research. Based on the status quo of AR‐integrated LBSNs, this article discusses—from theoretical and application‐oriented perspectives—how AR‐integrated LBSNs could enrich the GIScience research agenda in three aspects: data conflation, platial GIS, and multimedia storytelling. The article concludes with guidelines on visualization, functionality, and ethics that aim to help users develop and evaluate AR‐integrated LBSNs.  相似文献   

本文分析了AR技术的发展需求,提出适合于AR智能导航的姿态、位置综合测量系统.该系统由双频GPS接收机、陀螺仪和车辆里程计组合,采用卡尔曼滤波方法实现位置姿态测量.文章估计了滤波器实时为动态AR智能导航系统输出的位置姿态信息的精度.并通过实验验证了系统的可靠性、适用性和稳定性.  相似文献   

数码城市空间数据模型与可视化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
提出了一种新的基于三维矢量图形、数字地面模型与数字地面正射影像相结合的数码城市空间数据模型,介绍了基于这一模型的软件平台原型-CCGIS,并对未来数码城市构建技术进行了分析与展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, different ways of performing large scale mapping of built up areas are discussed. Emphasis is placed on large scale representation through digital orthophotographs as the visualization medium of the real world. In an application, the process of creating perspective views of an orthophotograph draped on the digital terrain model of the study area is described; these views include the blocks of the built environment as three dimensional objects. The cartographic product is derived from a pair of overlapping aerial photographs processed through photogrammetric and GIS software packages. Finally, the perspective view of the digital orthophotograph is assessed as a large scale visualization tool for the communication of spatial information.  相似文献   

Disaster response operations require fast and coordinated actions based on real‐time disaster situation information. Although crowdsourced geospatial data applications have been demonstrated to be valuable tools for gathering real‐time disaster situation information, they only provide limited utility for disaster response coordination because of the lack of semantic compatibility and interoperability. To help overcome the semantic incompatibility and heterogeneity problems, we use Geospatial Semantic Web (GSW) technologies. We then combine GSW technologies with Web Feature Service requests to access multiple servers. However, a GSW‐based geographic information system often has poor performance due to the complex geometric computations required. The objective of this research is to explore how to use optimization techniques to improve the performance of an interoperable geographic situation‐awareness system (IGSAS) based on GSW technologies for disaster response. We conducted experiments to evaluate various client‐side optimization techniques for improving the performance of an IGSAS prototype for flood disaster response in New Haven, Connecticut. Our experimental results show that the developed prototype can greatly reduce the runtime costs of geospatial semantic queries through on‐the‐fly spatial indexing, tile‐based rendering, efficient algorithms for spatial join, and caching, especially for those spatial‐join geospatial queries that involve a large number of spatial features and heavy geometric computation.  相似文献   

数字信息技术使人类走向虚实相融的混合空间,作为现实世界的抽象和解释工具并辅助人们认识世界的传统地图面临新的挑战。在新形势下,地图需要纳入虚拟空间,进一步思考虚拟/现实带来的影响。聚焦游戏地图,利用刻画游戏地图的时间、地点、人物、事物、事件、现象、场景七要素,剖析其虚实表现,探究虚拟世界的构建与现实的映射关系以及虚实互通之处,确定虚拟世界反馈于现实世界的影响。丰富了地图学理论体系,促进人类规划更加智慧和宜人的社会。  相似文献   

Close-range photogrammetry is based on the acquisition of imagery to make accurate measurements and, eventually, three-dimensional (3D) photo-realistic models. These models are a photogrammetric product per se. They are usually integrated into virtual reality scenarios where additional data such as sound, text or video can be introduced, leading to multimedia virtual environments. These environments allow users both to navigate and interact on different platforms such as desktop PCs, laptops and small hand-held devices (mobile phones or PDAs). In very recent years, a new technology derived from virtual reality has emerged: Augmented Reality (AR), which is based on mixing real and virtual environments to boost human interactions and real-life navigations. The synergy of AR and photogrammetry opens up new possibilities in the field of 3D data visualization, navigation and interaction far beyond the traditional static navigation and interaction in front of a computer screen.In this paper we introduce a low-cost outdoor mobile AR application to integrate buildings of different urban spaces. High-accuracy 3D photo-models derived from close-range photogrammetry are integrated in real (physical) urban worlds. The augmented environment that is presented herein requires for visualization a see-through video head mounted display (HMD), whereas user’s movement navigation is achieved in the real world with the help of an inertial navigation sensor. After introducing the basics of AR technology, the paper will deal with real-time orientation and tracking in combined physical and virtual city environments, merging close-range photogrammetry and AR. There are, however, some software and complex issues, which are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

随着数字地图技术的不断革新,产生了将虚拟信息与真实世界融合的新型地图技术,即增强现实(augmented reality,AR)地图。从可视化、定位、测绘、分析几个方面阐述了AR地图的关键技术,介绍了AR地图的空间映射原理和可视化效果,提出了结合视觉定位和惯导定位的cm级室内定位方法,实现了基于AR地图的AR导航、AR测量、AR目标采集、AR地理围栏等关键技术并将其应用于AR智慧园区与AR室内场馆。  相似文献   

增强现实技术是虚拟现实领域近年来的一个研究热点,并在其关键技术上取得了一定的突破。随着移动终端(如智能手机、个人数字助理等)上GPS定位、电子罗盘和加速计、摄像机等功能模块的实现,将增强现实技术应用到移动终端已成为可能。本文首先对移动增强现实近几年的发展状况进行了总结,然后,对移动增强现实的关键技术和应用领域做了详细阐述,最后提出了移动增强现实当前发展所面临的问题。  相似文献   

实景三维模型为数字孪生提供了统一的数字空间底座。在城市场景中,贴近地面及在空中视角下被遮挡的地物是实景三维重建的难点。针对城市复杂空间环境和无人机飞行局限的问题,本文基于倾斜摄影与空地一体融合建模的基础理论,考虑POS信息对空地一体空三融合的影响,提出了一种顾及地面POS信息的城市实景三维重建方法,并使用此方法对佛山市历史文化街区进行了精细化建模。试验表明,与常规方法相比,该方法的模型效果好、效率高,对实景三维产品的生产与空间数据多尺度表达具有重要意义,可为数字孪生应用提供更精细的地理场景表现形式。  相似文献   

数字地图中对地理要素的描述侧重于要素的几何特征,主要为可视化表达服务,这与现实世界中地理要素的存在方式以及人们的认知并不吻合.这种描述与现实的不一致也对地理信息系统中进行一些较为复杂的查询和应用造成障碍.特别是对于道路数据来说,数字地图中对于一条道路常常分段存储,无法用于地理信息系统中基于整条道路实体的分析.对道路数据的实体化就是要消除这种描述与现实间的差距,使交通要素信息按照道路"实体"的方式组织.本文以1:1 000 000地图中国道数据实体化为例,介绍了针对地图交通要素实体化的思想和方法,并在C++环境下实现了相关算法,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

While the incorporation of geographical and environmental modeling with GIS requires software support for storage and retrieval of spatial information that changes over time, it continues to be an unresolved issue with modern GIS software. Two complementary approaches have been used to manage the spatial and temporal heterogeneity within datasets that use a field‐based representation of the world. Some researchers have proposed new data models that partition space into discrete elements on an as‐needed basis following each temporal event, while others have focused on eliminating duplication of repeated data elements present in spatio‐temporal information. It is proposed in this paper that both approaches have merit and can be combined to create a Hybrid Spatio‐Temporal Data Model and Structure (HST‐DMS) that efficiently supports spatio‐temporal data storage and querying. Specifically, Peuquet and Duan's (1995) Event‐based Spatio‐Temporal Data Model (ESTDM) and the Overlapping R‐tree (Guttman 1984, Tzourmanis et al. 2000) are utilized to create a prototype used to store information about urban expansion for the town of Carbondale, Illinois.  相似文献   

A VR (virtual reality) simulator which is used for helicopter simulations requires a virtual environment of real world urban areas. However, real urban environments are continuously changing. It is necessary to develop a modeling method that makes direct use of GIS (geographical information system) data which is updated periodically. A flight simulation needs to visualize not only buildings in the near distance but also a large number of buildings in the far distance. We propose a method for modeling urban environments from aerial images and digital maps with relatively little manual work. An image‐based method is applied to the urban modeling that considers the characteristics of Korean cities. Buildings in the distance can be presented without creating a large number of polygons. The proposed method consists of a pre‐processing stage that prepares the model from the GIS data and a modeling stage that creates the virtual urban environment. The virtual urban environment utilizes the height map of buildings.  相似文献   

For mobile surveying and mapping applications, tightly coupled integration of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and Strap down Inertial Navigation System is usually recommended for direct georeferencing since it can provide position, velocity, and attitude information at higher accuracy and better reliability in a self-contained manner. A post-mission smoothing method is applied to optimally use observation information of both systems and to overcome the shortcomings of Kalman filter in GNSS degraded environments. We propose the revised Rauch–Tung–Streibel Smoother (RTSS) and Forward–Backward combination (FBC) smoothing algorithms for tightly coupled integration. From the analysis and field test, it is found that RTSS smoothing mainly improves the relative accuracy, while FBC mainly contributes to the absolute accuracy. With the complementary characteristics of both smoothing algorithms, an optimal new smoothing scheme combining RTSS with FBC is built. The performance of these three smoothing algorithms is evaluated through a real vehicular test. Compared with RTSS and FBC smoothing algorithms, the new smoothing scheme improves the mean 3D position RMS and the mean 3D attitude RMS by 65.7 and 70%, respectively. It provides better accuracy and smoothness for the position, velocity, and attitude at the same time.  相似文献   

虚拟地理环境的地理学语言特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林珲  朱庆 《遥感学报》2005,9(2):158-165
在比较分析传统地图和GIS的地理学语言功能基础上,指出了虚拟地理环境对现实世界抽象表达的多维特征、多视点和多重细节的多模态可视表现、多种自然交互方式和跨时间、空间与尺度的地理协同以及多感知的空间认知能力等。说明虚拟地理环境提供了一种综合表意系统和更接近自然的多感知的空间认知能力,使得从现实世界到人类大脑的信息带宽最大化,提供了超越现实的抽象表示与解析理解能力,达到了增强现实的目的。虚拟地理环境作为继GIS之后新一代地理学语言的显著特征是以用户为中心、提供最接近人类自然的交流方式与表达形式。  相似文献   

户外增强现实地理信息系统原型设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了户外增强现实技术与移动地理信息系统相结合的模式,设计了户外增强现实地理信息系统的总体框架,重点研究了三维注册等若干关键技术,并实现了一个原型系统。  相似文献   

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