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Self-similar flows of self-gravitating gas behind a spherical shock wave which are driven out by a propelling contact surface, propagating in a nonuniform atmosphere at rest, are investigated. The total energy content of the flow between a shock front and contact surface is taken to be time-dependent. In brief, the self-similar homothermal flows of self-gravitating gas behind a shock wave and Roche's model case are also studied in the present paper.  相似文献   

An exact solution for a spherically-symmetric model of a magneto-radiative shock wave in the solar wind caused by the explosive energy release of a solar flare has been, obtained in the case when energy released is an increasing function of the time. It has been shown that due to increasing energy, density, pressure, radiation flux, magnetic field and shock velocity change considerably.  相似文献   

A Roche model for describing uniformly rotating rings is presented, and the results are compared with the numerical solutions to the full problem for polytropic rings. In the thin ring limit, the surfaces of constant pressure including the surface of the ring itself are given in analytical terms, even in the mass-shedding case.  相似文献   

We generalize the holographic dark energy model described in Hubble length IR cutoff by assuming a slowly time varying function for holographic parameter c 2. We calculate the evolution of EoS parameter and the deceleration parameter as well as the evolution of dark energy density parameter of the model in flat FRW universe. We show that in this model the phantom line is crossed from quintessence regime to phantom regime which is in agreement with observation. The evolution of deceleration parameter of the model indicates the transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion consistently with observation. Eventually, we show that the holographic dark energy model with Hubble horizon IR cutoff can interpret the pressureless dark matter era at the early time and dark energy dominated phase later. The singularity of the model is also calculated.  相似文献   

Similarity solutions, for one-dimensional unsteady flow of a perfect gas behind a spherical shock wave produced on account of a sudden explosion or driven out by an expanding piston including the effects of radiative cooling, are investigated. The shock ahead of the point of explosion or piston is propagating into a transparent medium at rest with non-uniform density. The total energy of the wave is assumed to be time dependent obeying a power law.  相似文献   

A non-similarity solution for propagation of magnetogasdynamic blast waves in Roche model is obtained. The density outside the central core varies according to some inverse power of distance from the centre of explosion. The strength of the shock surface heading the disturbance as well as the total energy of the wave vary with time.  相似文献   

This paper considers a spherical shock, in a conducting gas, of self-gravitating gas propagating in a non-uniform atmosphere at rest. Similarity principle has been used to reduce the equations governing the flow to ordinary differential equations under the assumption that the density varies as an inverse-power of distance from the point or explosion. The total energy of the wave is variable.Supported by CSIR, New Delhi under grant No. 7/57/287/81/EMR-I.  相似文献   

In the present paper self-similar solutions have been investigated for the propagation of piston driven, radiative gas-dynamic shocks into an inhomogeneous ideal gas permeated by a current free azimuthal magnetic field for spherical symmetry. The effects of radiation flux and magnetic field together have been seen in the region of interest on the other flow variables. The total energy of the flow between the piston and the shock is taken to be dependent on the shock radius obeying a power law. The radiative pressure and energy have been neglected. This problem is more general than the others done so far. The word piston implies some means to drive plasma radially onwards.  相似文献   

Self-similar flows of self-gravitating gas behind the spherical shock wave propagating in a non-uniform atmosphere at rest, taking radiation heat flux into consideration, are investigated. The total energy of the wave is non-constant and can be made to vary slowly with time.  相似文献   

The propagation of a spherical shock wave in an ideal gas with heat conduction and radiation heat-flux, and with or without self-gravitational effects, is investigated. The initial density of the gas is assumed to obey a power law. The heat conduction is expressed in terms of Fourier’s law and the radiation is considered to be of the diffusion type for an optically thick grey gas model. The thermal conductivity and the absorption coefficient are assumed to vary with temperature and density, and the total energy of the wave to vary with time. Similarity solutions are obtained and the effects of variation of the heat transfer parameters, the variation of initial density and the presence of self-gravitational field are investigated.  相似文献   

Self-similar flows of a gas, moving under the gravitational force of attraction behind a spherical shock wave, which are driven out by a propelling contact surface and propagating into a uniform atmosphere at rest are investigated. The energy of the expanding wave has been assumed to be time-dependent, obeying a power law. In the last section the self-similar homothermal flows of self-gravitating gas has been also discussed. A comparative study has been made between the nature of flow variables for adiabatic and homothermal flows.  相似文献   

Self-similar solutions for adiabatic and isothermal flows driven out by a propelling contact surface, moving into a quiet solar wind region, are investigated in the presence of magnetic field. The total energy of the flow between the shock and the contact surface is taken to be time-dependent obeying a power-law. The shock is assumed to be strong and propagating into a perfect gas at rest with non uniform density and magnetic field.  相似文献   

A self-similar solution, for the equatorial propagation of axisymmetric point explosion into an inhomogeneous ideal gas permeated by a current-free azimuthal magnetic field, are obtained. The model has been considered here in which the magnetic field is proportional tor ?1, but the total energy of the wave is of the increasing order, not constant.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of an early dark energy (EDE) model. The equation of state ω(z) evolves during the thermal history in a framework of a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe, following an effective parametrization that is a function of redshift z. We explore the evolution of the system from the radiation domination era to the late times, allowing the EDE model to have a non-negligible contribution at high redshift (as opposed to the cosmological constant that only plays a role once the structure is formed) with a very little input to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and to do so, the equation of state mimics the radiation behaviour, but being subdominant in terms of its energy density. At late times, the equation of state of the dark energy model asymptotically tends to the fiducial value of the De Sitter domination epoch, providing an explanation for the accelerated expansion of the Universe at late times, emulating the effect of the cosmological constant. The proposed model has three free parameters, that we constrain using SNIa luminosity distances, along with the CMB shift parameter and the deceleration parameter calculated at the time of dark energy - matter equality. With full knowledge of the best fit for our model, we calculate different observables and compare these predictions with the standardΛCDM model. Besides the general consent of the community with the cosmological constant, there is no fundamental reason to choose that particular candidate as dark energy. Here, we open the opportunity to consider a more dynamical model, that also accounts for the late accelerated expansion of the Universe.  相似文献   

In this paper self-similar solutions have been investigated for the propagation of axisymmetric radiative gasdynamic shocks caused by an explosion into an inhomogeneous ideal gas permeated by a current free azimuthal magnetic field. The effects of radiation flux and magnetic field together have been seen in the region of interest on the other flow variables. The total energy of the flow between the inner expanding surface and the shock is taken to be dependent on shock radius obeying a power law. The radiative pressure and energy have been neglected.  相似文献   

The magnetohydrodynamic model of shock waves has been discussed in an atmosphere with gravitation and radiation. The disturbance is headed by a strong shock of increasing density. The medium ahead of the shock is assumed to be inhomogeneous and at rest. Variation of magnetic field radiation flux, and other flow variables are given in tabular form.  相似文献   

We study a holographic dark energy model in the framework of Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with taking into account the interaction between dark matter and holographic dark energy. We use the recent observational data sets, namely SN Ia compressed Joint Light-Analysis (cJLA) compilation, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from BOSS DR12 and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) of Planck 2015. After calculating the evolution of the equation of state as well as the deceleration parameters, we find that with a logarithmic form for the BD scalar field the phantom crossing can be achieved in the late time of cosmic evolution. Unlike the conventional theory of holographic dark energy in standard cosmology (\(\omega_{D}=0\)), our model results in a late time accelerated expansion. It is also shown that the cosmic coincidence problem may be resolved in the proposed model. We execute the statefinder and Om diagnostic tools and demonstrate that interaction term does not play a significant role. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\varOmega_{m}=0.268^{+0.008~+0.010}_{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(\alpha =3.361^{+0.332~+0.483} _{-0.401~-0.522}\), \(\beta =5.560^{+0.541~+0.780}_{-0.510~-0.729}\), \(c=0.777^{+0.023~+0.029}_{-0.017~-0.023}\) and \(b^{2} =0.045\), according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   

A self-similar solution to Sedov’s problem of a strong explosion in a homogeneous medium is generalized to the case of relativistic-particle generation in a supernova remnant; the particles are accelerated by Fermi’s mechanism at the shock front and in the perturbed post-shock region. Self-similarity takes place if the thickness of the prefront is small compared to its radius and if the pressure ratio of the relativistic and nonrelativistic components at the shock front is kept constant. In the presence of relativistic particles, the time dependence of the shock-front radius remains the same as that in their absence, but the plasma parameters in the inner perturbed region change appreciably. The shell of the matter raked up by the explosion is denser and thinner than that in the nonrelativistic case, the relativistic-particle pressure in the central region remains finite, and the nonrelativistic-gas pressure at the explosion center approaches zero. The influence of relativistic particles on the transition to the radiative phase of expansion of the supernova remnant and on its dynamics is studied. It is shown that relativistic particles can decrease several-fold the remnant radius at which the transition to the radiative phase occurs.  相似文献   

A time dependent model for the flow of gas in a spicule is studied. In this model, the flow occurs in a magnetic flux sheath. Starting from hydrostatic equilibrium, the flux sheath is allowed to collapse normal to itself. The collapse induces a flow of gas along the magnetic field and this flow is identified as a spicule. A variety of sheath geometries and velocity patterns for the normal flow have been studied. It is observed that a large curvature in the field geometry and a large initial value for the normal flow are necessary to achieve spicule-like velocities. The duration for which a large velocity of normal flow is required is much shorter than the average lifetime of a spicule. It is proposed that the initial rapid collapse occurs during an impulsive spicule phase and it is the subsequent gradual relaxation of the flow which is observed as a spicule.  相似文献   

A semi-numerical method by Herreraet al. (1980) is extended to handle the evolution of general relativistic spheres where diffusion and free streaming radiation processes coexist. It is shown when mixed-mode radiation is present a very different hydrodynamic picture emerges from the models previously considered in both radiation limit. Characteristic times for free streaming, hydrodynamics, and diffusion processes are considered comparable. Hydrodynamics and radiation are strongly coupled and the particular equation of state of the model emerges as a very important element in the dynamic of the matter distribution.  相似文献   

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