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Selected key components of the continental shelf benthic and demersal communities were monitored for the two years following the Prestige oil spill (POS) in order to identify the possible ecological effects of the oil. This work includes the first results regarding changes in abundance, distribution and food habits of hake (Merluccius merluccius), four-spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii), Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and Pandalid shrimp (Plesionika heterocarpus) populations of Galician and Cantabrian Sea shelves following the POS. Significant reductions in the abundance of Norway lobster, Plesionika heterocarpus and four-spot megrim were detected in the POS maximum impact area, located over the Galician shelf. Noteworthy recoveries were observed in the 2004 abundance indices of four-spot megrim and Plesionika. On the other hand, no significant effects were detected in the abundance or distribution of hake juveniles even though the tar aggregates were bound by the same oceanographic drift events as the hake recruits were during the winter of 2003 (Navidad current) in different water column layers of the Cantabrian Sea. Feeding patterns of the four species analysed did not present apparent modifications that can be related to the POS.  相似文献   

Two years after the Prestige oil spill (POS) an assessment of the effects on benthic fauna was carried out using the data obtained in five multidisciplinary surveys. Otter trawl, beam trawl, suprabenthic sled and box corer were used to study the main benthic compartments, along eight transects perpendicular to the coastline. Beam trawl was also employed to quantify the amount of tar aggregates on the continental shelf. No significant correlations between tar aggregates and species richness, biomass and diversity of benthic communities were found. This result was corroborated when the role of depth, season, latitude and sediment characteristics was examined by canonical ordination, in which POS-related variables had low influence on spatial distribution patterns. Depth and sediment grain diameter profoundly influence epibenthic communities. Sediment organic content is a third key variable for the infaunal, suprabenthic and lower-sized epibenthic communities, but not for the larger epibenthic communities. Nevertheless, a decrease in the densities of several epibenthic indicators was detected the first year after spill, followed by a noteworthy recovery in 2004. Non-macroscopic toxicity and some oceanographic agents are suggested as possible causes of these shifts.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll, primary production, zooplankton biomass and the species composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton were studied in 2003, after the Prestige shipwreck. The information obtained was compared to previous data series available for the area affected by the spill. A large data series on plankton variables for the N-NW Spanish coast existed, and therefore a realistic evaluation of the effects by comparison with the range of natural variability could be carried out. We emphasized the evaluation of impact during the spring bloom, the first important biological event after the spill. Some minor changes were observed occasionally, but they did not show any clear pattern and were more related to the natural variability of the ecosystem than to effect of the spill. Plankton community structure did not undergo any changes. Only a few species were more abundant during spring 2003 than in previous years. No significant changes were detected in the planktonic community during productive periods, such as the spring bloom and the summer blooms related to intrusions of East North Atlantic Central Waters. The lack of evidence of the effects of the spill on planktonic communities is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the fuel, the high dynamics of the water masses, the biological mechanisms through which the fuel from the surface waters is transferred to the sea floor and, particularly, the influence of the natural variability by means of large and meso-scale hydrographic processes in the area under study. At the present time it is not possible to determine any minor effects the spill may have had on the plankton owing to the great variability of the planktonic cycles and the short-term impact of the oil from the Prestige on the pelagic system.  相似文献   

Seawater samples collected at three depths from 68 stations along the Northern Spanish coast were analysed for dissolved/dispersed petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons by UV-fluorescence and for 25 individual compounds by GC-MS. Sampling was performed in December 2002, just after the Prestige oil spill, and in February-March and September 2003. Higher concentrations of total aromatic hydrocarbons were found at all depths in the samples collected during December 2002 off the Galicia coast, with levels ranging between 0.19 and 28.8 microg/L eq. oil (0.1-4.8 microg/L chrysene eq.). These values decreased in the following cruises, till <0.05-2.86 microg/L oil eq. (av. 0.23 microg/L chrysene eq.) in September 2003, possibly representing the background levels for the region. However, in the Cantabrian coast they were still high at the surface in the March cruise, probably by the late arrival of the fuel-oil to this area. Some coastal hot spots were also identified, with values up to 29.2 microg/L fuel-oil eq., close to river mouths and urban areas. The individual PAH distributions in the December 2002 sampling off-Galicia were dominated by alkyl-naphthalene derivatives, consistently with the pattern distribution shown by the fuel-oil water accommodated fraction. The higher concentrations were found in the subsurface samples along the Costa da Morte, the area most heavily affected by the spill (av. 0.46 microg/L Sigma16 PAHs). The rest of the samples collected in other areas exhibited lower concentrations and a more even distribution of 2-4 ring PAHs, that ranged from 0.09 to 0.37 microg/L (av. 0.15 microg/L Sigma16 PAHs), with decreasing trends offshore and downward the water column. In September 2003, the values were rather uniform, averaging 0.09 microg/L (Sigma16 PAHs).  相似文献   

Hepatic biomarker responses were measured in two demersal fish species (Lepidorhombus boscii and Callionymus lyra) from the northern Iberian shelf associated with the massive Prestige oil spill (POS), five months after the accident. The biomarkers selected were 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT), and DNA integrity. Interspecies differences and spatial variations in biomarker responses were observed along the shelf. GST, GR and CAT activities were significantly elevated in L. boscii in the most oil impacted area (Finisterre) and positively correlated (p<0.05) with POS tar aggregate densities. The lack of previous data from the area together with the existence of chronic background pollution of the shelf implies that the observed biomarker responses cannot be solely attributed to the petroleum hydrocarbon components of the spilled oil. This first biological effect assessment showed that L. boscii is a potentially suitable target species to be used in future biomonitoring programmes along the northern Iberian shelf.  相似文献   

An estimated 10–20 000 seabirds were killed by a very small oil spill off the coast of North Norway in March 1979. Despite the fact that over 90% of these were Brunnich's Guillemots Uria lomvia, the breeding population of this species was not considered to have been seriously threatened by this spill. On the other hand, this episode did illustrate how extremely vulnerable certain seabird species are to oil.  相似文献   

In November 2002, the sinking of the Prestige cargo ship produced an oil spill of 60,000 tons that affected many areas along the Galician coast (in the northwest of Spain). In a number of rocky shore sites, most organisms (particularly marine mollusks) were nearly extinct at a local scale. We tested whether the local bottleneck/extinction that occurred in affected localities caused any detectable reduction of the genetic diversity in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, an ovoviviparous rocky shore model species characterized by a low dispersal ability, high population density, and wide distribution range. We compared the level of genetic variation and population differentiation between affected (polluted) and control sites located in seven geographical areas (three sites per area, one impacted and two controls, and two replicates per site) one and a half years after the spill. The analysis included molecular marker variation (microsatellite and AFLP loci) and quantitative trait genetic variation for shell variables in embryos extracted from pregnant females. Our results indicate that the affected populations did not show a significant overall reduction in genetic diversity when compared to the controls, suggesting that the species is highly resistant to losing genetic variability as a consequence of a local short-term pollution process in spite of its low dispersal ability and direct development. However, some genetic effects were detected in the polluted populations, particularly for quantitative shell traits and AFLPs, consistent with local adaptations resulting from the fuel contamination.  相似文献   

The distribution of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons was determined in surface sediments collected at 36 stations along the Galicia continental shelf (NW Spain), following the Prestige oil spill. Sampling was performed in December 2002, just after the accident, and in February and September 2003. Concentrations of PAHs (summation operator 13 parent components) were in the range of 0.9-422 microg/kgdw, the highest values being close to coastal urban areas (e.g. Pontevedra and A Coru?a), whereas in the stations of the area most heavily impacted by the spill (off Costa da Morte) concentrations were in the range of 14.8-89.6 microg/kgdw, with a certain predominance of alkylated compounds, which may suggest a mixture of petrogenic and pyrolytic sources. The detailed study of petrogenic molecular markers (e.g. steranes and triterpanes) showed the occurrence of an old (weathered) petrogenic chronic pollution in the shelf sediments but not of the Prestige oil, with the possible exception of few stations in the area of Costa da Morte. This was attributed to the heavy nature of the spilled oil that was barely dispersed in the water column and mainly stranded on the coast or sedimented in the form of oil patches. The addition of increasing amounts of fuel oil to a representative sediment sample showed that the molecular indices were indicative of the presence of the Prestige oil when the amount was above 1g/kg of sediment. The toxicity of selected samples (showing the higher PAH concentrations) was tested using the bivalve embryogenesis bioassay. Embryogenesis success reached high values in all cases (80-88%, with 86% in the control), indicating a lack of toxicity in the sediments and supporting the conclusion that the patchiness of the fuel eventually reaching the seafloor reduced its impact on the benthic communities of the Galician shelf.  相似文献   

A specific monitoring program was implemented in the estuaries of Cantabria (northern Spain) in order to assess the medium-term effects (2003-2005) of the Prestige oil spill (POS) on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. A control-impact design was adopted, examining four unaffected and five oil-affected estuaries. High mortalities and significant differences in overall richness and diversity between the control and impacted estuaries were not detected. Some changes in the temporal evolution of species abundance were observed for some key species, but these could not be related to the spillage event. It was not possible to ensure that low magnitude effects had not occurred, due to the high range of natural variability of benthic communities, the confounding effects of other contamination sources and the absence of previous reference conditions.  相似文献   

In order to assess the biological effects of the Prestige oil spill (POS), mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) were sampled between April and September 2003 in various geographical areas of Bay of Biscay: Galicia, Central Cantabrian and East Cantabrian. In mussels, several cell and tissue biomarkers were measured: peroxisome proliferation as induction of acyl-CoA oxidase (AOX) activity, lysosomal responses as changes in the structure (lysosomal volume density, V(V(L)), surface-to-volume ratio, S/V(L), and numerical density, N(V(L))) and in membrane stability (labilization period, LP), cell type replacement as relative proportion of basophilic cells (volume density of basophilic cells, V(V(BAS))) in digestive gland epithelium, and changes in the morphology of digestive alveoli as mean luminal radius to mean epithelial thickness (MLR/MET). Additionally, flesh condition index (FCI) and gonad index (GI) were measured as supporting parameters. In hake and anchovy, liver histopathology was examined to determine the prevalence of parasites, melanomacrophage centers, non-specific lesions (inflammatory changes, atrophy, necrosis, apoptosis), early non-neoplastic toxicopathic lesions (i.e., hepatocellular nuclear polymorphism), foci of cellular alteration, benign and malignant neoplasms. In mussels, AOX induction was noticeable in April except in Galicia. LP values were low in all the geographical areas studied, indicating disturbed health, especially in Galicia. Alike, lysosomal enlargement was observed in most stations as shown by the extremely low S/V(L) values. V(V(BAS)) and MLR/MET values were markedly high. Overall, employed biomarkers detected exposure to toxic chemicals and disturbed health in mussels from Bay of Biscay, with impact decreasing from April to September. Although hepatocellular nuclear polymorphism and nematode parasitization in fish liver were remarkably prominent in some areas, they cannot be hitherto related to POS, since we lack historical data to determine whether the prevalences found were normal or significantly raised after POS.  相似文献   

The intertidal symbiotic flatworm, Convoluta roscoffensis, was found on the sandy beach at Dunes de Ste. Marguerite 4 months after heavy pollution by oil from the Amoco Cadiz. Seven of the nine sites recorded 2 years previously had colonies of worms. The colonies were fewer and smaller, but densities within colonies were unchanged.  相似文献   

Hydrographic data collected during the cruise HIDROPRESTIGE were combined with meteorological and dynamic data provided by remote sensors and drifting/moored buoys, to describe the surface circulation of the Northern Iberian basin in March-April 2003. Sea surface winds transported the floating Prestige oil slicks from the sinking area to the continental slope off the Rías Baixas in 1/2 month: the surface current intensity was 2% of the wind intensity and it was rotated clockwise 5 degrees from the wind direction. Mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic structures west of 10 degrees W increased the residence time of oil patches in the Northern Iberian basin, as compared with the expected southwards flow of the Iberian current (IC). On the other hand, the Iberian poleward current (IPC) formed a marked surface front with coastal waters, preventing the entry of fuel oil into the rías. PAHs in the surface layer during the cruise were <0.5 microgL(-1), except in the Galicia bank (approximately 1 microg L(-1); where the Prestige tanker was still leaking) and the vicinity of Cape Fisterra (approximately 1.5 microg L(-1); where the convergence front between the IPC and coastal waters vanished).  相似文献   

On 26 October, 1977, the tanker Tsesis grounded in the Swedish archipelago, 65 km south of Stockholm (northern Baltic proper, 59°N, 18°E). The Tsesis carried 17575 t of No. 5 fuel oil. The total spill was estimated as being somewhat more than 1000 t, of which about 600–700 t were recovered, thus leaving about 300 t in the environment. The spill occurred only about 5 km east of the Askö Laboratory, a marine ecological station, which made a relatively fast sampling response possible. The effects on the pelagic ecosystem were studied for 1 month following the spill. Severe effects were recorded only in the immediate vicinity of the wreck where zooplankton biomass declined substantially during the first few days after the spill. Within 5 days the zooplankton biomass was re-established. Oil contamination of zooplankton was recorded for over 3 weeks. It is suggested that an increased phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the impacted area was due to decreased zooplankton grazing rates. Increased bacterial numbers and the oil degradation pattern indicated a rapid bacterial degradation of hydrocarbons in the water column. Sediment traps positioned in the area demonstrated the importance of sedimentation as a pathway for removal of oil from the water column. During the second week after the spill, 0.7% of sedimented material was petroleum hydrocarbons. Using sediment trap data, a total sedimentation of 30–60 t of oil was estimated in the impacted area (42 km2). This corresponds to 10–15% of the unrecovered oil.  相似文献   

Oil pollution from the tanker Palva which ran aground in Finnish waters in 1969 provides an example of the hazards of oil spills in cold waters. The Palva incident and its aftermath were studied by Finnish biologists and some of their findings are reported here. The chief casualties were eider ducks, but fortunately long-term effects appear to have been small.  相似文献   

On 27 February 1979 the tanker Antonio Gramsci grounded off Ventspils (USSR) in the Baltic Sea. Some 5000–6000 t of crude oil were spilled, and drifted towards the archipelago of Stockholm (Sweden) and Åland (Finland). About 500 t oil was mechanically recovered in the Åland area. The effects of the oil on the littoral communities were studied for two months after the spill, and for the benthic community the long-term changes were recorded for three years. The immediate effects were small in the uppermost littoral (the Cladophora belt), but in the lower littoral (the Fucus belt) severe effects were recorded. Meiofaunal densities decreased in crustacean and mollusc species, but remained stable for the total community. Macrofaunal long-term changes could not be linked to the oil spill. Thus the effects of the oil were rather small, although a large area was contaminated.  相似文献   

One year after an accidental spill of approx. 2000 t of Iranian crude oil on the west coast of Norway, specimens of the gastropod Littorina littorea were collected from the oil polluted shore and allowed to spawn in the laboratory. Snails were also collected from an unpolluted reference site. The oil contamination seemed to have no detectable effects on fertilization. However, the hatching success of the veliger larvae was significally less in the ‘oil polluted’ population. Some highly abnormal eggs were also observed in this egg population.  相似文献   

Changes of meiofauna densities (nematodes and harpacticoid copepods) were studied in intertidal and sublittoral fine sand heavily polluted by the Amoco Cadiz oil spill. A general decrease in the nematode abundance was obvious in intertidal sand seven months after the pollution in spite of the occurrence of the natural spring bloom. No changes in the nematode and copepod densities could be detected in sublittoral sand. Comparisons with the pre-pollution data show, however, a significant decrease in the nematode diversity, mainly due to the increase of some limited dominant species after pollution.  相似文献   

The lateral and vertical extents of Macondo oil in deep-sea sediments resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill were determined using chemical forensics and geostatistical kriging of data from 2397 sediment samples from 875 cores collected in 2010/2011 and 2014. The total mass of Macondo-derived hopane on the seafloor in 2010/2011 was conservatively estimated between 2.00 and 2.26 metric tons, derived from 219,000 to 247,000 barrels of oil; or 6.9 to 7.7% of the 3.19 million barrels spilled. Macondo-derived hopane was deposited over 1030 to 1910 km2 of the seafloor, mostly (> 97%) in surface (0–1 cm) and near-surface (1–3 cm) sediments, which is consistent with short-term oil deposition. Although Macondo oil was still present in surface sediments in 2014, the total mass of Macondo-derived hopane was significantly lower (~ 80 to 90%) than in 2010/2011, affirming an acute impact from the spill and not long-term deposition from natural seeps.  相似文献   

Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were kept in captivity and were fed a prepared food contaminated with five different concentrations of seawater-accommodated fuel oil from 2.4+/-0.35 to 48.2+/-2.2 mg g(-1) food, with a control group receiving uncontaminated food. The growth and survival of individually tagged fish (N=202) were measured after a six-week treatment period. The otolith growth rate was measured and otolith composition was determined before and after the treatments using LA-ICPMS. Fish and otolith growth were negatively affected by the fuel oil treatment, and the response decreased with the level of contamination. Otolith growth and element incorporation peaked at mid level exposures and decreased at the highest level. The otolith elemental composition reflected the presence of some elements in the Prestige fuel that may have been incorporated through the diet into the otolith.  相似文献   

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