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通过建立孕震断层中锁固段的临界破坏—断裂力学与其蠕变过程联系,发现每个锁固段断裂点与加速应变能释放起点的累积Benioff应变之比,有着依赖于锁固段个数的指数律关系,指数函数的底数为1.48.在最后一个锁固段破坏以前,每一个锁固段的临界破坏—断裂过程表示一个中等强度或更大震级预震(preshock)的产生过程;在最后一个锁固段破坏之后,主震将发生.通过相当数量地震实例的回溯性预测分析,表明这一指数律能可靠地应用于中等强度预震和主震的预测.该方法能够在地震的中期、短期以及临震预报方面发挥作用.常数1.48很可能是表征中等强度或更大震级的预震和主震产生过程的普适常数.我们还对地震预报研究中某些有争议的问题进行了讨论,从理论和技术层面论证了本方法的适用性.  相似文献   


地震目录是地震监测预报、地震活动性等研究的重要资料.川滇地震科学实验场地区近几十年来积累了大量的地震记录,为实验场的地震科学研究提供了宝贵的数据.地震台网密度和仪器观测精度是逐步提高的,不同时期地震目录的完整性存在差异,因此进行现代仪器观测记录的地震目录最小完整性震级(MC,Magnitude of Completeness)分析,对正确研究和认识该地区地震活动规律及其影响因素等具有重要意义.本文采用震级—序号方法、最大曲率法(MAXC,Maximum Curvature)和拟合度检测法(GFT,Goodness-of-Fit Test)分析了川滇地震科学实验场地区1970—2018年地震目录的最小完整性震级MC值,得到了实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值的时间演化特征和空间分布特征.结果表明,实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值变化趋势大致为1970—1986年ML2.0~2.6,1987—1999年ML2.5~2.6,2000—2008年后ML1.4~2.1,2009—2018年ML1.2~1.9;实验场地区MC值的空间分布大致呈现东北部和西南部较低、西北部和东南部较高的特征,其中云南最南端的澜沧—耿马区和思普区、四川西北部的理塘—木里区以及川藏交界处的金沙江带MC值普遍较高,云南北部和四川南部的松潘—龙门山带、安宁河带、元谋区、楚雄—建水带和大理—丽江—盐源区MC值普遍较低;强震会使MC值出现突然升高、之后逐渐恢复的现象,其中MC值升高程度与震级有一定相关性,并且强震导致的MC值升高是MC值空间和时间分布不均匀的原因之一.


地震目录是地震监测预报、地震活动性等研究的重要资料.川滇地震科学实验场地区近几十年来积累了大量的地震记录,为实验场的地震科学研究提供了宝贵的数据.地震台网密度和仪器观测精度是逐步提高的,不同时期地震目录的完整性存在差异,因此进行现代仪器观测记录的地震目录最小完整性震级(MC,Magnitude of Completeness)分析,对正确研究和认识该地区地震活动规律及其影响因素等具有重要意义.本文采用震级—序号方法、最大曲率法(MAXC,Maximum Curvature)和拟合度检测法(GFT,Goodness-of-Fit Test)分析了川滇地震科学实验场地区1970—2018年地震目录的最小完整性震级MC值,得到了实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值的时间演化特征和空间分布特征.结果表明,实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值变化趋势大致为1970—1986年ML2.0~2.6,1987—1999年ML2.5~2.6,2000—2008年后ML1.4~2.1,2009—2018年ML1.2~1.9;实验场地区MC值的空间分布大致呈现东北部和西南部较低、西北部和东南部较高的特征,其中云南最南端的澜沧—耿马区和思普区、四川西北部的理塘—木里区以及川藏交界处的金沙江带MC值普遍较高,云南北部和四川南部的松潘—龙门山带、安宁河带、元谋区、楚雄—建水带和大理—丽江—盐源区MC值普遍较低;强震会使MC值出现突然升高、之后逐渐恢复的现象,其中MC值升高程度与震级有一定相关性,并且强震导致的MC值升高是MC值空间和时间分布不均匀的原因之一.  相似文献   

Result of the algorithm of earthquake prediction, published in 1982, is examined in this paper. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis of long-range interaction between strong and moderate earthquakes in a region. It has been applied to the prediction of earthquakes withM6.4 in Southern California for the time interval 1932–1979. The retrospective results were as follows: 9 out of 10 strong earthquakes were predicted with average spatial accuracy of 58 km and average delay time (the time interval between a strong earthquake and its best precursor) 9.4 years varying from 0.8 to 27.9 years. During the time interval following the period studied in that publication, namely in 1980–1988, four earthquakes occurred in the region which had a magnitude ofM6.4 at least in one of the catalogs: Caltech or NOAA. Three earthquakes—Coalinga of May, 1983, Chalfant Valley of July, 1985 and Superstition Hills of November, 1987—were successfully predicted by the published algorithm.The missed event is a couple of two Mammoth Lake earthquakes of May, 1980 which we consider as one event due to their time-space closeness. This event occurred near the northern boundary of the region, and it also would have been predicted if we had moved the northern boundary from 38°N to the 39°N; the precision of the prediction in this case would be 30 km.The average area declared by the algorithm as the area of increased probability of strong earthquake, e.g., the area within 111-km distance of all long-range aftershocks currently present on the map of the region during 1980–1988 is equal to 47% of the total area of the region if the latter is measured in accordance with the density distribution of earthquakes in California, approximated by the catalog of earthquakes withM5. In geometrical terms it is approximately equal to 17% of the total area.Thus the result of the real time test shows a 1.6 times increase of the occurrence ofC-events in the alarmed area relative to the normal rate of seismicity. Due to the small size of the sample, it is of course, beyond the statistically significant value. We adjust the parameters of the algorithm in accordance with the new material and publish them here for further real-time testing.  相似文献   

华东沿海地震海啸模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹振轩  傅建武  朱元清  李俊 《地震》2011,31(4):118-124
利用数字地震资料及海洋地震地质基础数据, 基于Matlab平台在Windows系统下重新编译Philip liu等人编写的海啸模拟源程序, 将分层静态位移解结果与已建立的海啸传播初始场快速融合, 用交错网格蛙跳差分方法求解笛卡尔坐标系下非线性浅水波方程, 模拟华东沿海地区地震海啸传播过程, 对华东沿海地区可能遭受海啸袭击的危险做出评估, 结果显示华东沿海地区是发生地震海啸影响较弱地区。  相似文献   


高频GPS可以实时获取地表位移数据,在地震学中有十分重要的现实应用,比如快速获取震中、震级、地震烈度甚至震源破裂过程.本文以汶川地震为例,首先利用近场7个GPS台站数据反演震中位置,由于高频GPS和测震学确认的震相不一致,两种震中结果相距约15.7 km.然后对高频GPS和强震动数据进行了比较分析,我们的统计结果表明,尽管由于工作原理不同,高频GPS数据中的地震动峰值与强震记录相比存在明显差异,但是高频GPS记录的PGA、PGV和PGD同样可以作为计算地震烈度的指标.进而,使用SMBLOC程序对强震记录进行事后的基线偏移校正,得到与实时高频GPS精度相当的地表位移序列.最后,采用移动平均窗口对这些位移数据作平滑,基于最速下降法和OKADA模型,对汶川地震断层破裂的过程进行了回溯性准实时反演.结果表明,汶川地震主断层由西南向东北方向破裂,以14:28:04为基准,在震后20 s提供初始震级MW7.0,震后70 s震级稳定在MW7.8,但断层仍在破裂,在震后159 s根据位移波形判断事件基本结束.研究表明,实时地表位移数据可以快速准确获取强震震级和破裂方向,从而使得高频GPS将对现有地震预警系统提供很好的补充.


Shear-tensile crack is a model for an earthquake mechanism that is more constrained than the moment tensor but that can still describe a non-shear focus. As such, the shear-tensile crack model is more robust than the moment tensor model and yields more reliable estimates for the earthquake mechanism. Such an advantage verifies the credibility of the non-double-couple component found for some events of the 1997 West Bohemia-Vogtland earthquake swarm. As expected, in several cases, a significantly resolved non-double-couple component was obtained where the moment tensor approach failed. Additionally, for non-shear sources, the shear-tensile crack model offers optimization of the Poisson number within the focus, concurrently with retrieval of the mechanism. However, results obtained for the joint inversion of the 1997 swarm indicate that resolution is low. A series of synthetic experiments indicated that limited observations during 1997 were not the cause. Rather, hypothetical experiments of both very good and extremely poor network configurations similarly yielded a low resolution for the Poisson number. Applying this method to data for recent swarms is irrelevant because the small non-double-couple components detected within the inversion are spurious and, thus, the events are pure double-couple phenomena.  相似文献   

本文努力探索地震活动性定量化前兆的检测方法,针对Region-Time-Length(RTL)算法在空间异常分析中的不足,根据新提出的综合衡量区域地震活动水平的物理参数——RTL面积分(I_(RTL)),定量分析了2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震前地震活动时空变化,并与2012年彝良M_S5.7、5.6地震作了对比,研究结果显示这些地震前都检测到地震活动增强.彝良地震前地震活动增强异常主要分布在则木河断裂和昭通—莲峰断裂带西段的交汇区,鲁甸地震前异常主要分布在昭通—莲峰断裂带、马边断裂带及周边地区.以上地震活动增强异常区的I_(RTL)随时间呈现由小变大,至峰值后回落的特征.彝良地震和鲁甸地震均发生于I_(RTL)峰值后数月,这表明I_(RTL)峰值对地震发生可能有一定的指示意义.鲁甸地震后,对周边地区地震活动跟踪研究检测到地震活动增强现象,且自2015年I_(RTL)呈上升趋势,目前I_(RTL)值已超过鲁甸地震前的峰值水平,也许更强的地震正在孕育,所以川滇交界东边界中部仍存在发生强震的可能.以上研究为我们认识鲁甸地震的孕震过程和地震前兆研究提供了新的认识.  相似文献   

Earthquake shaking scenarios for the metropolitan area of Lisbon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we simulate and compare ground motion shaking in the city of Lisbon and surrounding counties (metropolitan area of Lisbon (MAL)), using two possible earthquake models: the onshore source area of Lower Tagus Valley, M5.7 and M4.7 and the offshore source area, Marques de Pombal Fault, M7.6, one of the possible source of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. The stochastic and a new hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach (DSM) are used in order to evaluate the ground shaking and to characterize its spatial variability. Results are presented in terms of response acceleration spectra (PSA) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) with respect to bedrock and surface. Site effects are evaluated by means of equivalent stochastic non-linear one-dimensional ground responses analysis, performed for a set of stratified soil profile units properly designed to cope with the soil site conditions of MAL region. A sensitive study is carried out using different input parameters and different approaches in order to give the basic information to evaluate the range of uncertainty in seismic scenarios.  相似文献   

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