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An integrated interpretation of field experimental cross-hole radar, tracer, and hydraulic data demonstrates the value of combining time-lapse geophysical monitoring with conventional hydrologic measurements for improved characterization of a fractured-rock aquifer. Time-lapse difference-attenuation radar tomography was conducted during saline tracer experiments at the US Geological Survey Fractured Rock Hydrology Research Site near Mirror Lake, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA. The presence of electrically conductive saline tracer effectively illuminates permeable fractures or pathways for geophysical imaging. The geophysical results guide the construction of three-dimensional numerical models of ground-water flow and solute transport. In an effort to explore alternative explanations for the tracer and tomographic data, a suite of conceptual models involving heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields and rate-limited mass transfer are considered. Calibration data include tracer concentrations, the arrival time of peak concentration at the outlet, and steady-state hydraulic head. Results from the coupled inversion procedure suggest that much of the tracer mass migrated outside the three tomographic image planes, and that solute is likely transported by two pathways through the system. This work provides basic and site-specific insights into the control of permeability heterogeneity on ground-water flow and solute transport in fractured rock.
Resumen Una interpretación integrada de radar experimental de campo transversal a pozos, trazadores, y datos hidráulicos demuestra el valor de combinar el monitoreo geofísico realizado en periodos de tiempo con mediciones hidrológicas convencionales en la caracterización mejorada de un acuífero rocoso fracturado. Se llevó a cabo tomografía de radar por periodos de tiempo y diferencia de atenuación durante un experimento con trazadores salinos en el sitio de investigación hidrológica de roca fracturada del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos cerca del Lago Espejo, Condado Grafton, New Hampshire, USA. La presencia del trazador salino eléctricamente conductivo refleja efectivamente fracturas permeables o trayectorias para imágenes geofísicas. Los resultados geofísicos orientan la construcción de modelos numéricos tri-dimensionales de flujo de agua subterránea y transporte de solutos. En un esfuerzo por explorar explicaciones alternativas para los datos tomográficos y trazadores se considera un conjunto de modelos conceptuales que involucran campos de conductividad hidráulica heterogéneos y transferencias de masa de ritmo limitado. La calibración de datos incluye concentraciones de trazadores, el tiempo de llegada de la concentración pico en la salida, y presión hidráulica en régimen permanente. Los resultados del procedimiento de acoplamiento invertido sugieren que mucho de la masa del trazador migró fuera de los tres planos de imagen tomográfica, y que el soluto es probablemente transportado por dos trayectorias a través del sistema. Este trabajo aporta ideas básicas y específicas del sitio en relación con el control de la heterogeneidad de permeabilidades en el flujo de agua subterránea y transporte de solutos en rocas fracturadas.

Résumé Une interprétation intégrée détudes de terrain (radar entre puits, traçages, données hydrauliques) démontre la valeur de la combinaison entre la géophysique des temps finis et les mesures hydrologiques conventionnelles pour une interprétation améliorée dun aquifère de roche fracturée. La tomographie au radar a été mise en uvre durant un traçage artificiel au sel au site de recherche sur lhydrologie des roches fracturées du Service Géologique des US, à proximité du Lac Mirror, Conté de Grafton, Nouvel Hampshire, USA. La présence du traceur électriquement conducteur met en relief, grâce à la géophysique, la présence de fractures ou découlements préférentiels. Les résultats de la géophysique ont permis la construction de modèle hydrogéologique tri-dimensionnel des écoulements et du transport de soluté. Dans loptique dexplorer des interprétations alternatives des données de traçage et de tomographie, différents modèles conceptuels sont utilisés concernant lhétérogénéité des conductivités hydrauliques et des taux limités de transferts de solutés. Les données du calibrage incluent les données de concentration du traceur, le temps darrivée du pic de restitution et les données piézométriques en régime permanent. Les résultats de la procédure dinversion couplée suggèrent quune quantité très importante du traceur migre au delà de la fenêtre de visualisation des tomographies, et que le soluté est transporté via deux voies découlement préférentiel. Ce travail apporte des connaissances de base et spécifiques au site concernant la distribution de la perméabilité dans laquifère et le transport de soluté dans les roches fracturées.

Arsenic (As) concentrations and speciation were determined in groundwaters along a flow-path in the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) to investigate the biogeochemical “evolution“ of As in this relatively pristine aquifer. Dissolved inorganic As species were separated in the field using anion-exchange chromatography and subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Total As concentrations are higher in the recharge area groundwaters compared to down-gradient portions of UFA. Redox conditions vary from relatively oxic to anoxic along the flow-path. Mobilization of As species in UFA groundwaters is influenced by ferric iron reduction and subsequent dissolution, sulfate reduction, and probable pyrite precipitation that are inferred from the data to occur along distinct regions of the flow-path. In general, the distribution of As species are consistent with equilibrium thermodynamics, such that arsenate dominates in more oxidizing waters near the recharge area, and arsenite predominates in the progressively reducing groundwaters beyond the recharge area.  相似文献   

Forsmark in Sweden has been proposed as the site of a geological repository for spent high-level nuclear fuel, to be located at a depth of approximately 470 m in fractured crystalline rock. The safety assessment for the repository has required a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate the impact of hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical conditions close to the repository and in a wider regional context. Assessing the consequences of potential radionuclide releases requires quantitative site-specific information concerning the details of groundwater flow on the scale of individual waste canister locations (1–10 m) as well as details of groundwater flow and composition on the scale of groundwater pathways between the facility and the surface (500 m to 5 km). The purpose of this article is to provide an illustration of multi-scale modeling techniques and the results obtained when combining aspects of local-scale flows in fractures around a potential contaminant source with regional-scale groundwater flow and transport subject to natural evolution of the system. The approach set out is novel, as it incorporates both different scales of model and different levels of detail, combining discrete fracture network and equivalent continuous porous medium representations of fractured bedrock.  相似文献   

Effects on groundwater flow of abandoned engineered structures in relation to a potential geological repository for spent high-level nuclear fuel in fractured crystalline rock at the Forsmark site, Sweden, are studied by means of numerical modeling. The effects are analyzed by means of particle tracking, and transport-related performance measures are calculated. The impacts of abandoned, partially open repository tunnels are studied for two situations with different climate conditions: a “temperate” climate case with present-day boundary conditions, and a generic future “glacial” climate case with an ice sheet covering the repository. Then, the impact of abandoned open boreholes drilled through the repository is studied for present-day climate conditions. It is found that open repository tunnels and open boreholes can act as easy pathways from repository level to the ground surface; hence, they can attract a considerable proportion of particles released in the model at deposition hole positions within the repository. The changed flow field and flow paths cause some changes in the studied performance measures, i.e., increased flux at the deposition holes and decreased transport lengths and flow-related transport resistances. However, these effects are small and the transport resistance values are still high.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotope data (initial Nd, Pb) and elemental concentrations for the Mooselookmeguntic igneous complex, a suite of mainly granitic intrusions in New Hampshire and western Maine, are used to evaluate petrogenesis and crustal variations across a mid-Paleozoic suture zone. The complex comprises an areally subordinate monzodiorite suite [377±2 Ma; εNd (at 370 Ma)=−2.7 to −0.7; initial 207Pb/204Pb=15.56–15.58] and an areally dominant granite [370±2 Ma; εNd (at 370 Ma)=−7.0 to −0.6; initial 207Pb/204Pb=15.55–15.63]. The granite contains meter-scale enclaves of monzodiorite, petrographically similar to but older than that of the rest of the complex [389±2 Ma; εNd (at 370 Ma)=−2.6 to +0.3; initial 207Pb/204Pb 15.58, with one exception]. Other granite complexes in western Maine and New Hampshire are 30 Ma older than the Mooselookmeguntic igneous complex granite, but possess similar isotopic signatures.

Derivation of the monzodioritic rocks of the Mooselookmeguntic igneous complex most likely occurred by melting of Bronson Hill belt crust of mafic to intermediate composition. The Mooselookmeguntic igneous complex granites show limited correlation of isotopic variations with elemental concentrations, precluding any significant presence of mafic source components. Given overlap of initial Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with data for Central Maine belt metasedimentary rocks, the isotopic heterogeneity of the granites may have been produced by melting of rocks in this crustal package or through a mixture of metasedimentary rocks with magmas derived from Bronson Hill belt crust.

New data from other granites in western Maine include Pb isotope data for the Phillips pluton, which permit a previous interpretation that leucogranites were derived from melting heterogeneous metasedimentary rocks of the Central Maine belt, but suggest that granodiorites were extracted from sources more similar to Bronson Hill belt crust. Data for the Redington pluton are best satisfied by generation from sources in either the Bronson Hill belt or Laurentian basement. Based on these data, we infer that Bronson Hill belt crust was more extensive beneath the Central Maine belt than previously recognized and that mafic melts from the mantle were not important to genesis of Devonian granite magma.  相似文献   

Groundwater movement and availability in crystalline and metamorphosed rocks is dominated by the secondary porosity generated through fracturing. The distributions of fractures and fracture zones determine permeable pathways and the productivity of these rocks. Controls on how these distributions vary with depth in the shallow subsurface (<300 m) and their resulting influence on groundwater flow is not well understood. The results of a subsurface study in the Nashoba and Avalon terranes of eastern Massachusetts (USA), which is a region experiencing expanded use of the fractured bedrock as a potable-supply aquifer, are presented. The study logged the distribution of fractures in 17 boreholes, identified flowing fractures, and hydraulically characterized the rock mass intersecting the boreholes. Of all fractures encountered, 2.5% are hydraulically active. Boreholes show decreasing fracture frequency up to 300 m depth, with hydraulically active fractures showing a similar trend; this restricts topographically driven flow. Borehole temperature profiles corroborate this, with minimal hydrologically altered flow observed in the profiles below 100 m. Results from this study suggest that active flow systems in these geologic settings are shallow and that fracture permeability outside of the influence of large-scale structures will follow a decreasing trend with depth.  相似文献   

The site of the future Saligny low- and intermediate-level waste repository presents a rather deep unsaturated zone consisting of a pile of loess and clay, underlain by a calcareous aquifer. Van Genuchten parameters were first estimated in laboratory on samples collected from all the horizons, at different depths. In a second kind of test, moisture parameters were estimated from the natural water content profiles, observed in some wells, by inversion of the unsaturated flow equation. Based on the solution of the inverse problem as well as of the sensitivity analyses a simple physical model of the vadose zone was determined, consisting of a layered sequence that was subjected to a constant infiltration flux. Radionuclide migration was simulated in a vertical cross section made along the most probable path from the repository towards the surface water discharge zone. For radionuclide release, a source term was evaluated by ensuring a conservative estimate of cell inventory during the cell-filling operation. According to the simulation results, for the medium half-life nuclides, the unsaturated zone is a perfect barrier, whereas the long half-life isotopes break through in the aquifer at significant concentrations.
Resumen El sitio del futuro repositorio para desechos de nivel bajo e intermedio, denominado Saligny, presenta una zona no saturada bastante profunda, consistente en un depósito de loess y arcilla, subyacido por un acuífero calcáreo. Los parámetros de Van Genuchten se estimaron por primera vez en laboratorio, a partir de muestras recolectadas de todos los horizontes, a diferentes profundidades. En un segundo tipo de prueba se estimaron los parámetros de humedad a través de la inversión de la ecuación de flujo no saturado, a partir de los perfiles naturales que contienen agua, observados en algunos pozos. Con base en la solución del problema inverso, así como también en análisis de sensibilidad, se determinó un modelo físico simple de la zona vadosa, el cual consiste de una secuencia estratificada sometida a un flujo de infiltración constante. La migración del radioisótopo fue simulada en una sección vertical, hecha a lo largo del camino más probable entre el repositorio y la zona de descarga en el agua superficial. Para la liberación del radioisótopo se evaluó la fuente, asegurando un estimativo conservador del inventario de celdas durante la operación de llenado de celdas. De acuerdo con los resultados de la simulación, para los isótopos con vida media intermedia, la zona no saturada es una barrera perfecta; mientras que los isótopos con vida media larga irrumpen en el acuífero con concentraciones importantes.

Résumé Le futur stockage de déchets radioactifs de faible et moyenne activité de Saligny est caractérisé par une zone non-saturée assez profonde qui consiste dans des dépôts de loess et dargile qui couvrent un aquifère calcaire. Dans une première étape, les paramètres de van Genuchten ont été déterminés en laboratoires sur des échantillons prélevés de toutes les couches, à des profondeurs différentes. Dans une seconde étape les mêmes paramètres ont été estimés, comme un solution du problème inverse à partir de profils de la saturation en eau, mesurés dans des forages. Les résultats du problème inverse, ainsi que l› analyse de sensibilité ont mené à un modèle multi- couches de la zone non-saturé, rechargé par un flux constant. On a simulé le transport des radionucléides dans une coupe verticale, construite au long du trajet le plus probable entre le stockage et les eaux de surface. Le flux de radionucléides relâchés a été estimé en considérant une valeur consevative pour la masse totale stocké. D› après les résultats de la simulation la zone non saturée forme une barrière presque parfaite pour les radionucléides de période moyenne, denvirons de 30 ans, tendis quelle est traversée avec des concentrations assez importantes par des isotopes à grande période.

《Chemical Geology》2006,225(1-2):156-171
Groundwater samples were collected along a groundwater flow path in the Carrizo Sand aquifer in south Texas, USA. Field measurements that included pH, specific conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation–reduction potentials (Eh in mV), alkalinity, iron speciation, and H2S concentrations were also conducted on site. The geochemistry (i.e., concentrations, shale-normalized patterns, and speciation) of dissolved rare element elements (REEs) in the Carrizo groundwaters are described as a function of distance along a flow path. Eh and other redox indicators (i.e., DO, Fe speciation, H2S, U, and Re) indicate that redox conditions change along the flow path in the Carrizo Sand aquifer. Within the region of the aquifer proximal to the recharge zone, groundwaters exhibit both highly oxidizing and localized mildly reducing conditions. However, from roughly 10 km to the discharge zone, groundwaters are reducing and exhibit a progressive decrease in redox conditions. Dissolved REE geochemical behavior exhibits regular variations along the groundwater flow path in the Carrizo Sand aquifer. The changes in REE concentrations, shale-normalized patterns, and speciation indicate that REEs are not conservative tracers. With flow down-gradient, redox conditions, pH and solution composite, and adsorption modify groundwater REE concentrations, fractionation patterns, and speciation.  相似文献   

Several natural and anthropogenic tracers have been used to evaluate groundwater residence time within a karstic limestone aquifer in southeastern New Mexico, USA. Natural groundwater discharge occurs in the lower Pecos Valley from a region of karst springs, wetlands and sinkhole lakes at Bitter Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, on the northeast margin of the Roswell Artesian Basin. The springs and sinkholes are formed in gypsum bedrock that serves as a leaky confining unit for an artesian aquifer in the underlying San Andres limestone. Because wetlands on the Refuge provide habitat for threatened and endangered species, there is concern about the potential for contamination by anthropogenic activity in the aquifer recharge area. Estimates of the time required for groundwater to travel through the artesian aquifer vary widely because of uncertainties regarding karst conduit flow. A better understanding of groundwater residence time is required to make informed decisions about management of water resources and wildlife habitat at Bitter Lakes. Results indicate that the artesian aquifer contains a significant component of water recharged within the last 10–50 years, combined with pre-modern groundwater originating from deeper underlying aquifers, some of which may be indirectly sourced from the high Sacramento Mountains to the west.  相似文献   

High groundwater As concentrations in oxidizing systems are generally associated with As adsorption onto hydrous metal (Al, Fe or Mn) oxides and mobilization with increased pH. The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution, sources and mobilization mechanisms of As in the Southern High Plains (SHP) aquifer, Texas, relative to those in other semiarid, oxidizing systems. Elevated groundwater As levels are widespread in the southern part of the SHP (SHP-S) aquifer, with 47% of wells exceeding the current EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 μg/L (range 0.3–164 μg/L), whereas As levels are much lower in the north (SHP-N: 9%  As MCL of 10 μg/L; range 0.2–43 μg/L). The sharp contrast in As levels between the north and south coincides with a change in total dissolved solids (TDS) from 395 mg/L (median north) to 885 mg/L (median south). Arsenic is present as arsenate (As V) in this oxidizing system and is correlated with groundwater TDS (Spearman’s ρ = 0.57). The most likely current source of As is sorbed As onto hydrous metal oxides based on correlations between As and other oxyanion-forming elements (V, ρ = 0.88; Se, ρ = 0.54; B, ρ = 0.51 and Mo, ρ = 0.46). This source is similar to that in other oxidizing systems and constitutes a secondary source; the most likely primary source being volcanic ashes in the SHP aquifer or original source rocks in the Rockies, based on co-occurrence of As and F (ρ = 0.56), oxyanion-forming elements and SiO2 (ρ = 0.41), which are found in volcanic ashes. High groundwater As concentrations in some semiarid oxidizing systems are related to high evaporation. Although correlation of As with TDS in the SHP aquifer may suggest evaporative concentration, unenriched stable isotopes (δ2H: −65 to −27; δ18O: −9.1 to −4.2) in the SHP aquifer do not support evaporation. High TDS in the SHP aquifer is most likely related to upward movement of saline water from the underlying Triassic Dockum aquifer. Mobilization of As in other semiarid oxidizing systems is caused by increased pH; however, pH in the SHP aquifer is near neutral (10–90 percentiles, 7.0–7.6). Although many processes, such as competitive desorption with SiO2, VO4, or PO4, could be responsible for local mobilization of As in the SHP aquifer, the most plausible explanation for the regional As distribution and correlation with TDS is the counterion effect caused by a change from Ca- to Na-rich, water as shown by the high correlation between As and Na/(Ca)0.5 ratios (ρ = 0.57). This change in chemistry is related to mixing with saline water that moves upward from the underlying Dockum aquifer. This counterion effect may mobilize other anions and oxyanion-forming elements that are correlated with As (F, V, Se, B, Mo and SiO2). Competition among the oxyanions for sorption sites may enhance As mobilization. The SHP case study has similar As sources to those of other semiarid, oxidizing systems (original volcanic ash source followed by sorption onto hydrous metal oxides) but contrasts with these systems by showing lack of evaporative concentration and pH mobilization of As but counterion mobilization of As instead in the SHP-S aquifer.  相似文献   

Drilling-intensive aquifer characterization techniques have been used to obtain depth-discrete water samples from a thick, hydrogeologically continuous unconfined aquifer system; groundwater results indicate that carbon tetrachloride contamination is widespread and extends deeper and at concentrations much higher than detected in monitoring networks at the water table. Carbon tetrachloride, a legacy waste, was used in the plutonium extraction process at the Hanford site in south-central Washington State. Vertical, depth-discrete groundwater samples were collected during well drilling throughout a 28-km2 region to determine the concentration of carbon tetrachloride present as a dissolved phase in the aquifer. Results indicate that high concentrations of carbon tetrachloride, three orders of magnitude above the allowable regulatory limit, are present at depths greater than 25 m beneath the water table. In support of future efforts to remediate the carbon tetrachloride contamination, it is imperative to locate the remaining chemical inventory, determine the vertical as well as the lateral distribution of this contaminant and its physical form. Depth-discrete aquifer characterization throughout the uppermost-unconfined aquifer system is providing this information and improving the understanding of the contaminant distribution and the hydrogeologic framework through which it moves.
Bruce A. WilliamsEmail:

Soils from many industrial sites in southeastern USA are contaminated with As because of the application of herbicide containing As2O3. Among those contaminated sites, two industrial sites, FW and BH, which are currently active and of most serious environmental concerns, were selected to characterize the occurrence of As in the contaminated soils and to evaluate its environmental leachability. The soils are both sandy loams with varying mineralogical and organic matter contents. Microwave-assisted acid digestion (EPA method 3051) of the contaminated soils indicated As levels of up to 325 mg/kg and 900 mg/kg (dry weight basis) for FW and BH soils, respectively. However, bulk X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis failed to find any detectable As-bearing phases in either of the studied soil samples. Most of the soil As was observed by scanning electron microscopy, coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), to be disseminated on the surfaces of fine-grained soil particles in close association with Al and Fe. A few As-bearing particles were detected in BH soil using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). Synchrotron micro-XRD and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analyses indicated that these As-rich particles were possibly phaunouxite, a mineral similar to calcium arsenate, which could have been formed by natural weathering after the application of As2O3. However, the scarcity of those particles eliminated them from playing any important role in As sequestration.  相似文献   

The impact of periglacial and glacial climate conditions on groundwater flow in fractured crystalline rock is studied by means of groundwater flow modeling of the Forsmark site, which was recently proposed as a repository site for the disposal of spent high-level nuclear fuel in Sweden. The employed model uses a thermal-hydraulically coupled approach for permafrost modeling and discusses changes in groundwater flow implied by the climate conditions found over northern Europe at different times during the last glacial cycle (Weichselian glaciation). It is concluded that discharge of particles released at repository depth occurs very close to the ice-sheet margin in the absence of permafrost. If permafrost is included, the greater part discharges into taliks in the periglacial area. During a glacial cycle, hydraulic gradients at repository depth reach their maximum values when the ice-sheet margin passes over the site; at this time, also, the interface between fresh and saline waters is distorted the most. The combined effect of advances and retreats during several glaciations has not been studied in the present work; however, the results indicate that hydrochemical conditions at depth in the groundwater flow model are almost restored after a single event of ice-sheet advance and retreat.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport in the Pearl Harbor aquifer, southern Oahu, Hawaii, shows that the readjustment of the freshwater–saltwater transition zone takes a long time following changes in pumping, irrigation, or recharge in the aquifer system. It takes about 50 years for the transition zone to move 90% of the distance to its new steady position. Further, the Ghyben–Herzberg estimate of the freshwater/saltwater interface depth occurred between the 10 and 50% simulated seawater concentration contours in a complex manner during 100 years of the pumping history of the aquifer. Thus, it is not a good predictor of the depth of potable water. Pre-development recharge was used to simulate the 1880 freshwater-lens configuration. Historical pumpage and recharge distributions were used and the resulting freshwater-lens size and position were simulated through 1980. Simulations show that the transition zone moved upward and landward during the period simulated.Previous groundwater flow models for Oahu have been limited to areal models that simulate a sharp interface between freshwater and saltwater or solute-transport models that simulate a vertical aquifer section. The present model is based on the US Geological Surveys three-dimensional solute transport (3D SUTRA) computer code. Using several new tools for pre- and post-processing of model input and results have allowed easy model construction and unprecedented visualization of the freshwater lens and underlying transition zone in Hawaiis most developed aquifer.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .
Resumen La modelación tridimensional del flujo de agua subterránea y del transporte de solutos en el acuífero de Pearl Harbor, en la parte sur de Oahu, Hawaii, muestra que el reajuste de la zona de transición agua dulce–agua salada, toma un largo tiempo a partir de cambios en el bombeo, irrigación o recarga en el sistema acuífero. Le toma alrededor de 50 años, a la zona de transición, moverse el 90% de la distancia hacia su nueva posición estacionaria. Además, el estimativo de Ghyben–Herzberg, sobre la profundidad de la interfase agua dulce–agua salada, se encuentra entre el 10 y el 50% en los contornos simulados de concentración de agua salada, de una manera compleja, durante 100 años de la historia de bombeo del acuífero. Por tanto, no es este un buen predictor de la profundidad del agua potable. Se utilizó una recarga pre – desarrollo, para simular la configuración del lente de agua dulce en 1880. Fueron utilizadas las distribuciones históricas del bombeo y de la recarga y se simularon el tamaño y posición resultantes del lente de agua dulce hasta 1980. Esas simulaciones muestran que la zona de transición se movió tierra adentro y hacia arriba, durante el periodo que se simuló.Los anteriores modelos de flujo para agua subterránea en Oahu, han sido limitados a modelos areales, que simulan una interfase abrupta entre agua dulce y agua salada, o bien han sido modelos de transporte de solutos que simulan una sección vertical del acuífero. El modelo presente está basado en el programa de computador del US Geological Survey (3D SUTRA), para transporte de solutos en tres dimensiones. Mediante el uso de varias herramientas nuevas para pre – procesamiento y post – procesamiento de las entradas y resultados del modelo, se ha permitido una construcción fácil del mismo y una visualización sin precedentes del lente de agua dulce y de la zona de transición subyacente en el acuífero más desarrollado de Hawaii.

Résumé La modélisation tridimensionnelle de lécoulement et du transport dans la partie sud de laquifère Oahu-Hawai montre que le temps de réajustement de la zone de transition entre leau douce et leau salée est assez long et dépend de la variation des pompages et des irrigations, ainsi que de la recharge du système aquifère. Il sont nécessaires 50 ans pour que la zone de transition parcoure 90% de la distance qui la sépare de sa nouvelle position. La profondeur du biseau estimée par le schéma Ghyben–Herzberg se trouve entre les contours de 10 et 50% de la concentration de leau salée. Ce résultat a été obtenu après la simulation de lhistoire du pompage de laquifère pendant une période de 100 ans. Donc le schéma Ghyben–Herzberg conduit aux valeurs erronées de la profondeur de leau potable. La valeur de la recharge davant lexploitation de laquifère a été utilisée pour simuler la configuration des lentilles deau douce en 1880. En utilisant lhistoire du pompage et la distribution de la recharge ont on a simulé les dimensions et le positions des lentilles deau douce jusqu› en 1980. Les simulation montrent que le mouvement de la zone de transition est ascendant et vers le continent.Les modèles antérieurs de la zone dOahu ont été des modèles locaux qui ont simulé une interface nette eau douce-eau salée ou des modèles de transport bidimensionnels, dans une coupe verticale. Le modèle actuel est basé sur le code 3D-SUTRA, réalisé par le Service Géologique des États-Unis. L› utilisation des différents techniques de traitement des données a permis une construction facile du modèle, ainsi qu› une visualisation sans précédent des lentilles deau douces et de la zone de transition sous-jacente dans le plus grand aquifère du Hawai.

Sediments from a core retrieved during installation of a shallow drinking water well in Ambikanagar (West Bengal, India) were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters. The geochemical analyses included: (1) a 4-step sequential extraction scheme to determine the distribution of As between different fractions, (2) As speciation (As3+ vs. As5+), and (3) C, N and S isotopes. The sediments have a low percentage of organic C and N (0.10-0.56% and 0.01-0.05%, respectively). Arsenic concentration is between 2 and 7 mg kg−1, and it is mainly associated with the residual fraction, less susceptible to chemical weathering. The proportion of As3+ in these sediments is high and ranges from 24% to 74%. Arsenic in the second fraction (reducible) correlates well with Mn, and in the residual fraction As correlates well with several transition elements. The stable isotope results indicate microbial oxidation of organic matter involving SO4 reduction. Oxidation of primary sulfide minerals and release of As from reduction of Fe-(oxy)hydroxides do not seem important mechanisms in As mobilization. Instead, the dominance of As3+ and presence of As5+ reducing microorganisms in this shallow aquifer imply As remobilization involving microbial processes that needs further investigations.  相似文献   

High arsenic concentrations (up to 12,000 7g/L) have been measured in groundwater from a confined sandstone aquifer in eastern Wisconsin. The main arsenic source is a sulfide-bearing secondary cement horizon (SCH) that has variable thickness, morphology, and arsenic concentrations. Arsenic occurs in pyrite and marcasite as well as in iron oxyhydroxides but not as a separate arsenopyrite phase. Nearly identical sulfur isotopic signatures in pyrite and dissolved sulfate and the correlation between dissolved sulfate, iron, and arsenic concentrations suggest that sulfide oxidation is the dominant process controlling arsenic release to groundwater. However, arsenic-bearing oxyhydroxides can potentially provide another arsenic source if reducing conditions develop or if they are transported as colloids in the aquifer. Analysis of well data indicates that the intersection of the SCH with static water levels measured in residential wells is strongly correlated with high concentrations of arsenic in groundwater. Field and laboratory data suggest that the most severe arsenic contamination is caused by localized borehole interactions of air, water, and sulfides. Although arsenic contamination is caused by oxidation of naturally occurring sulfides, it is influenced by water-level fluctuations caused by municipal well pumping or climate changes, which can shift geographic areas in which contamination occurs. Résumé De fortes concentrations en arsenic, jusqu'à 12000 7g/L, ont été mesurées dans l'eau souterraine d'un aquifère gréseux captif, dans l'est du Wisconsin. La principale source d'arsenic est un horizon à cimentation secondaire (SCH) comportant des sulfures, dont l'épaisseur, la morphologie et les concentrations en arsenic sont variables. L'arsenic est présent dans la pyrite et dans la marcassite, de même que dans des oxy-hydroxydes de fer, mais non pas dans une phase séparée d'arsénopyrite. Les signatures isotopiques du soufre presque identiques dans la pyrite et dans les sulfates dissous et la corrélation entre les concentrations en sulfates, en fer et en arsenic dissous laissent penser que l'oxydation des sulfures est le processus dominant contrôlant la libération de l'arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Cependant, les oxy-hydroxydes contenant de l'arsenic sont susceptibles d'être une autre source d'arsenic si des conditions réductrices apparaissent ou s'ils sont transportés dans l'aquifère sous forme de colloïdes. L'analyse des données provenant de puits montre que l'intersection entre le SCH et les niveaux statiques des puits domestiques est fortement corrélée à de fortes concentrations en arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Des données de terrain et de laboratoire conduisent à penser que la contamination en arsenic la plus forte est causée par l'interaction localisée aux forages entre l'air, l'eau et les sulfures. Bien que la contamination en arsenic soit causée par l'oxydation de sulfures présents naturellement, elle est influencée par les fluctuations du niveau piézométrique causées par les pompages du captage municipal ou par les variations climatiques, ce qui peut conduire au déplacement des zones géographiques où se produisent les contaminations. Resumen Se han medido concentraciones de arsénico muy altas (de hasta 12000 7g/L) en las aguas subterráneas de un acuífero confinado, en areniscas, localizado en la parte oriental de Wisconsin (EEUU). La fuente principal de arsénico es un horizonte de cementación secundaria (SCH) con un alto contenido en sulfuros, y con una gran variabilidad en espesor, morfología y concentraciones de As. El arsénico aparece en piritas y marcasitas, además de en oxihidróxidos de hierro, pero no como una fase independiente de arsenopiritas. El hecho que la marca isotópica de piritas y sulfatos disueltos sea muy similar, y que exista una gran correlación entre las concentraciones de sulfato disuelto, hierro y arsénico sugiere que la oxidación de sulfuros es el proceso que controla la aportación de arsénico al agua subterránea. Sin embargo, los oxihidróxidos con alto contenido en arsénico podrían suponer otra fuente de arsénico si se llegaran a desarrollar condiciones reductoras o si se transportaran como coloides por el acuífero. De los datos procedentes de pozos, se ve una fuerte correlación entre la presencia de altas concentraciones de As en el agua y que el nivel freático intersecte el SCH. Los datos de campo y de laboratorio indican que los puntos con mayor contaminación de arsénico son debidos a interacciones de carácter local y en los propios pozos entre aire, agua y sulfuros. Aunque la contaminación por As está causada por la oxidación de sulfuros presentes de manera natural, también está muy influenciada por las fluctuaciones en los niveles freáticos causadas por bombeos o cambios climáticos.  相似文献   

Major element and some trace element compositions (including the REE) of shales, carbonate-rich shales, and limestones of Late Cretaceous age have been analyzed at two outcrops near Pueblo, CO. Elemental ratios that are characteristic of the provenance of terrigenous debris that are the least variable with changing percent acid insoluble residue vs. percent calcite are Th/Cr, La/Co, (La/Lu)cn, and Eu/Eu*. The Ce/Ce*, La/Sc, and La/Cr ratios, however, are only constant when greater than 30% of a sample is composed of acid insoluble residue. At less than 30% acid insoluble residue, these elemental ratios increase markedly. The Th/Co and Th/Sc ratios are fairly constant from nearly 0% to about 60% acid-insoluble residue. Above 60% residue, these ratios increase due to the high concentration of Th in the Graneros to Hartland shales at Everhart Ranch. The average of the Th/Co, Th/Sc, Th/Cr, La/Co, La/Sc, and La/Cr ratios are similar to those of the MCS (mid-continent shales) and PAAS (Post-Archean Australian shales). Thus, these carbonate-rich to carbonate poor rocks analyzed in this study contain terrigenous debris that has been derived from granitoids similar to those that supplied debris to the MCS and PAAS. The Ce/Ce* ratios are lower and the Mn* (Mn*=log[(Mnsample/Mnshales)/(Fesample/Feshales)]) values are more positive in the more calcite-rich Bridge Creek and Ft. Hays limestones than in the other units, suggesting that they formed in an oxidizing environment. The Ce/Ce* are the highest and the Mn* values are the most negative in the Graneros to Hartland shales, suggesting that they formed under more reducing conditions.The elemental concentration of one sample relative to that of another sample over a few meters distance usually vary in small amounts (e.g., medians of the ratios of the same elements between adjacent samples ranges from 1.06 to 1.70). However, the ratio of elemental concentrations between adjacent samples can sometimes be quite large. The least variation of elemental ratios between adjacent samples often occurs within the more carbonate-poor shales; the greatest variation occurs within the limestones. Thus, trying to decipher local movement of elements due to metamorphism in similar carbonate shale-limestone sequences should be done cautiously since local elemental variation due to sedimentary processes can be large.  相似文献   

Groundwater of the southern Jornada del Muerto Basin, an intermontane basin structure associated with the Rio Grande rift located in south-central New Mexico, USA, was analyzed chemically and microbially. A microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) analysis revealed a sparse microbial population consisting of relatively simple microorganisms with no major population changes along the flow system. A nucleic acid (DNA) analysis of the groundwater resulted in the identification of ten eubacterial and one archeal species. Chemical analyses revealed that sulfate along with calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese is removed by about an order of magnitude in concentration from the recharge area to the discharge area. The removal of iron, manganese, magnesium, and to some extent calcium can be explained by oxidation reactions and the precipitation of dolomite. Sulfate and additional calcium are most likely removed by the precipitation of gypsum. Thiobacillus spp. are oxidizing metal sulfides that occur as subsurface sulfide mineral deposits to sulfuric acid, which subsequently reacts with calcium carbonate and water to precipitate gypsum. The presence of these sulfide deposits exposed to oxygenated water in the deep groundwater flow system significantly alters its chemical and bacteriological composition. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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