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东北大部旱情缓解 粤闽局地暴雨成灾──1997年5月   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐良炎 《气象》1997,23(8):62-63
东北大部旱情缓解粤闽局地暴雨成灾—1997年5月—徐良炎(国家气候中心,北京100081)5月份,东北大部、华北北部及黄淮等地普降喜雨,旱情缓解;西北东部、华北西部等地降水偏少,旱情持续或发展。南方大部地区雨水比较调匀,无大范围旱涝发生,但华南局地遭...  相似文献   

东北半干旱区退化草地土壤温度的日、季变化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在国家基础研究发展规划项目(973)"我国生存环境演变和北方干旱化趋势预测研究"支持下,吉林通榆"干旱化和有序人类活动"长期观测实验站于2002年10月建成并正式开始观测,该站也是国际协同加强观测计划(CEOP)观测网中36个地面站之一。本文利用2002年10月—2005年12月高密度连续观测资料,对退化草地下垫面土壤温度变化特征进行了分析。发现在东北半干旱地区,退化草地0~10 cm深处土壤温度日变化明显,20 cm处日变化较弱(冬季无明显日变化),50 cm以下无日变化;土壤温度0~80 cm存在明显的年变化周期,20 cm以下位相滞后明显,土壤垂直温度梯度经历一个负→转换期→正→转换期→负的年循环。土壤冻结期约96天。太阳辐射是影响土壤温度长期变化的主要因素;土壤表层温度、湿度的日变化对降水事件的响应因降水强度、时间等的不同而不同。太阳辐射是影响土壤温度长期变化的主要因素;土壤温度对降水事件的响应近似一渐变过程,而土壤湿度相对是一快速的跃变响应过程。  相似文献   

Soil degradation is widely considered to be a key factor undermining agricultural livelihoods in the developing world and contributing to rural out-migration. To date, however, few quantitative studies have examined the effects of soil characteristics on human migration or other social outcomes for potentially vulnerable households. This study takes advantage of a unique longitudinal survey dataset from Kenya and Uganda containing information on household-level soil properties to investigate the effects of soil quality on population mobility. Random effects multinomial logit models are used to test for effects of soil quality on both temporary and permanent migration while accounting for a variety of potential confounders. The analysis reveals that soil quality significantly reduces migration in Kenya, particularly for temporary labor migration, but marginally increases migration in Uganda. These findings are consistent with several previous studies in showing that adverse environmental conditions tend to increase migration but not universally, contrary to common assumptions about environmentally-induced migration.  相似文献   

沙尘通过改变近地表气温和太阳总辐射对气候变化产生影响.根据巴丹吉林沙漠腹地小型气象站所观测到的风速、气温和总辐射数据,分析了沙尘事件对近地表气温和太阳总辐射的影响.结果表明:(1)沙漠腹地的沙尘事件多发生在春季,具有平均风速低、持续时间短的特点.平均风速主要集中在6.0~6.5 m/s,持续时间多在1~2 h.(2)沙...  相似文献   

Soil enthalpy(H) contains the combined effects of both soil moisture(w) and soil temperature(T) in the land surface hydrothermal process. In this study, the sensitivities of H to w and T are investigated using the multi-linear regression method.Results indicate that T generally makes positive contributions to H, while w exhibits different(positive or negative) impacts due to soil ice effects. For example, w negatively contributes to H if soil contains more ice; however, after soil ice melts,w exerts positive contributions. In particular, due to lower w interannual variabilities in the deep soil layer(i.e., the fifth layer), H is more sensitive to T than to w. Moreover, to compare the potential capabilities of H, w and T in precipitation(P) prediction, the Huanghe–Huaihe Basin(HHB) and Southeast China(SEC), with similar sensitivities of H to w and T,are selected. Analyses show that, despite similar spatial distributions of H–P and T –P correlation coefficients, the former values are always higher than the latter ones. Furthermore, H provides the most effective signals for P prediction over HHB and SEC, i.e., a significant leading correlation between May H and early summer(June) P. In summary, H, which integrates the effects of T and w as an independent variable, has greater capabilities in monitoring land surface heating and improving seasonal P prediction relative to individual land surface factors(e.g., T and w).  相似文献   

Based on an attribution analysis of the global mean temperature biases in the Flexible Global OceanAtmosphere-Land System model, spectral version 2(FGOALS-s2) through a coupled atmosphere-surface climate feedback-response analysis method(CFRAM), the model's global surface-atmosphere energy balance in boreal winter and summer is examined. Within the energy-balance-based CFRAM system, the model temperature biases are attributed to energy perturbations resulting from model biases in individual radiative and non-radiative processes in the atmosphere and at the surface. The results show that, although the global mean surface temperature(Ts) bias is only 0.38 K in January and 1.70 K in July, and the atmospheric temperature(Ta) biases from the troposphere to the stratosphere are only around ±3 K at most, the temperature biases due to model biases in representing the individual radiative and non-radiative processes are considerably large(over ±10 K at most). Specifically, the global cold radiative Ts bias, mainly due to the overestimated surface albedo, is compensated for by the global warm non-radiative Ts bias that is mainly due to the overestimated downward surface heat fluxes. The model biases in non-radiative processes in the lower troposphere(up to 5–15 K) are relatively much larger than in upper levels, which are mainly responsible for the warm Ta biases there. In contrast, the global mean cold Ta biases in the mid-to-upper troposphere are mainly dominated by radiative processes. The warm/cold Ta biases in the lower/upper stratosphere are dominated by non-radiative processes, while the warm Ta biases in the mid-stratosphere can be attributed to the radiative ozone feedback process.  相似文献   

亚洲中部干旱半干旱区近100年来的气温变化研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用亚洲中部干旱半干旱区1961—2003年共计69个站的气温实测资料,并通过EOF展开的延长插补方法,将研究区的气温序列延长到1901年,进而分析了这一区域近100年来的气温变化。研究表明,该区域气温的一致性变化占主导地位,同时存在东部季风区、中亚、蒙古高原和塔里木干旱区等4个主要温度变化分区,均表现出显著的增暖趋势,其代表站近100年来线性拟合的增温率分别为0.19,0.16,0.23和0.15℃/10a,研究区平均增温率为0.18℃/10a,冬季达0.21℃/10a,远高于北半球、全球和我国的增温率,但与青藏高原增温率相近。除20世纪10年代和50年代外,研究区气温变化主要取决于冬季温度的变化。研究区近100年来的气温变化经历了70年代以前的相对缓慢升温和以后的显著升温过程,且增温率越来越大。亚洲中部干旱半干旱区的气温变化过程与我国东部地区显著不同,没有出现明显的20~40年代暖期,整个升温过程由6次明显的锯齿状的升温-降温变化过程(即20,40,60,80,90年代和本世纪初气温变化过程)构成,升温阶段持续时间较长,幅度较大,而降温阶段时间短,幅度小,但不论升温还是降温过程,其变化幅度均大于我国东部和全球平均。  相似文献   

Changes of temperature extremes over China were evaluated using daily maximum and minimum temperature data from 591 stations for the period 1961--2002. A set of indices of warm extremes, cold extremes and daily temperature range (DTR) extremes was studied with a focus on trends. The results showed that the frequency of warm extremes (F_WE) increased obviously in most parts of China, and the intensity of warm extremes (I_WE) increased significantly in northern China. The opposite distribution was found in the frequency and intensity of cold extremes. The frequency of high DTR extremes was relatively uniform with that of intensity: an obvious increasing trend was located over western China and the east coast, while significant decreases occurred in central, southeastern and northeastern China; the opposite distribution was found for low DTR extreme days. Seasonal trends illustrated that both F_WE and I_WE showed significant increasing trends, especially over northeastern China and along the Yangtze Valley basin in spring and winter. A correlation technique was used to link extreme temperature anomalies over China with global temperature anomalies. Three key regions were identified, as follows: northeastern China and its coastal areas, the high-latitude regions above 40oN, and southwestern China and the equatorial eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

The soil temperature(ST)is closely related to the surface air temperature(AT),but their coupling may be affected by other factors.In this study,significant effects of the AT on the underlying ST were found,and the time taken to propagate downward to 320 cm can be up to 10 months.Besides the AT,the ST is also affected by memory effects-namely,its prior thermal conditions.At deeper depth(i.e.,320 cm),the effects of the AT from a particular season may be exceeded by the soil memory effects from the last season.At shallower layers(i.e.,<80 cm),the effects of the AT may be blocked by the snow cover,resulting in a poorly synchronous correlation between the AT and the ST.In northeastern China,this snow cover blockage mainly occurs in winter and then vanishes in the subsequent spring.Due to the thermal insulation effect of the snow cover,the winter ST at layers above 80 cm in northeastern China were found to continue to increase even during the recent global warming hiatus period.These findings may be instructive for better understanding ST variations,as well as land?atmosphere interactions.  相似文献   

Observations collected in the Badan Jaran desert hinterland and edge during 19-23 August 2009 and in the Jinta Oasis during 12-16 June 2005 are used to assess three methods for calculating the heat storage of the5-20-cm soil layer.The methods evaluated include the harmonic method,the conduction-convection method,and the temperature integral method.Soil heat storage calculated using the harmonic method provides the closest match with measured values.The conduction-convection method underestimates nighttime soil heat storage.The temperature integral method best captures fluctuations in soil heat storage on sub-diurnal timescales,but overestimates the amplitude and peak values of the diurnal cycle.The relative performance of each method varies with the underlying land surface.The land surface energy balance is evaluated using observations of soil heat flux at 5-cm depth and estimates of ground heat flux adjusted to account for soil heat storage.The energy balance closure rate increases and energy balance is improved when the ground heat flux is adjusted to account for soil heat storage.The results achieved using the harmonic and temperature integral methods are superior to those achieved using the conduction-convection method.  相似文献   

通过对MODIS反演的地表温度与四川盆地自动气象站观测的准同步地面空气温度T_a和0 cm地温T_s的相关分析,结果表明:对于非均匀下垫面,卫星反演地表温度T_(LS)分别与T_a和T_s的相关系数稳定性都不好,不同卫星过境时间的相关系数差异很大。但(T_s-T_(LS))与(T_s-T_a)却有着既显著又稳定的线性相关,不同卫星过境时间的相关系数都达到0.8以上,具有良好的相关性。基于卫星反演地表温度和空气温度的地温统计模型,其标准误差为4.85℃。  相似文献   

Global solar radiation (GSR) is essential for agricultural and plant growth modelling, air and water heating analyses, and solar electric power systems. However, GSR gauging stations are scarce compared with stations for monitoring common meteorological variables such as air temperature and relative humidity. In this study, one power function, three linear regression, and three non-linear models based on an artificial neural network (ANN) are developed to extend short records of daily GSR for meteorological stations where predictors (i.e., temperature and/or relative humidity) are available. The seven models are then applied to 19 meteorological stations located across the province of Quebec (Canada). On average, the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) for ANN-based models are 0.33–0.54?MJ?m?2?d?1 smaller than those for the power function and linear regression models for the same input variables, indicating that the non-linear ANN-based models are more efficient in simulating daily GSR. Regionalization potential of the seven models is also evaluated for ungauged stations where predictors are available. The power function and the three linear regression models are tested by interpolating spatially correlated at-site coefficients using universal kriging or by applying a leave-one-out calibration procedure for spatially uncorrelated at-site coefficients. Regional ANN-based models are also developed by training the model based on the leave-one-out procedure. The RMSEs for regional ANN models are 0.08–0.46?MJ?m?2?d?1 smaller than for other models using the same input conditions. However, the regional ANN-based models are more sensitive to new station input values compared with the other models. Maps of interpolated coefficients and regional equations of the power function and the linear regression models are provided for direct application to the study area.  相似文献   

T213L31全球中期数值天气预报系统2m温度预报误差源分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
佟华  姚明明  王雨  陈起英  管成功 《气象》2006,32(2):52-57
T213L31全球中期数值天气预报系统的2m温度预报存在系统性偏低的问题,对业务预报影响很大,针对这一问题就产生原因对模式系统进行分析定位。经过一系列分析,通过对模式地形高度与观测站地形高度的比较,以及通过采用欧洲中心与国家气象中心的陆面过程初值得到的2m温度的比较,认为2m温度的误差是由于模式地形高度与实际地形高度存在较大差异以及2m温度预报对陆面过程所需的初值如土壤湿度等的敏感而实际采用特定值代替初始场的不科学性造成的。  相似文献   

Herein, we calculate an aridity index, D, based on annual precipitation, P, and measured evaporation, PET, from φ20 evaporation pans: D = P/PET. The data were collected between 1951 and 1999 at 295 meteorological stations operated by the Chinese Meteorological Administration. On the basis of the index, three climatic regions are recognized in China: an arid zone in which D ≤ 0.20, a semi-arid zone with 0.20 < D ≤ 0.50, and a humid zone in which D > 0.50. Temporal fluctuations of the climate boundaries are substantial, and differ significantly regionally, and have the shifting features in the same direction in some areas and in opposite directions in others over the past 50 years. The semiarid zone lies along the border of the monsoon, and is thus highly susceptible to environmental change in China. In the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, the climate became drier in most parts of the regions of northern China. Moreover, the drought has an increasing trend. The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the alternation from drier to wetter climate have substantial inter-decadal features. The main factors affecting the fluctuations in climate boundaries are the East Asian summer monsoon, the Indian Monsoon, the plateau monsoon in Tibetan Plateau, the westerly circulation, and the West Pacific Subtropical High. The different types of circulation and the strength of these circulations result in regional and temporal differences in aridity. Inter-decadal variations of the dry- and wet climate boundary fluctuations and of the arid and humid climate result from the inter-decadal changes of East Asian summer monsoon, Indian Monsoon, plateau monsoon, westerly circulation, and West Pacific Subtropical High. The anomalous general atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere during the late 1960s to the early 1970s is the cause of the remarkable change in arid and humid climate in China. Major natural disasters produced by arid and humid change are drought and flood disasters. They cause enormous economic losses to agriculture and industry. Furthermore, the loss has a substantial increasing trend. More than 110 cities are in severe water-deficiency conditions because of shortage of water resource in China. Drought has been a limiting factor of economic and social development in China.  相似文献   

利用贵州省仅有的3个辐射观测站资料,比较了用日照百分率拟合与全国通用公式两种方法计算的总辐射的误差,结果表明:用日照百分率的计算方法,其月值和年值的平均相对误差的绝对值都小于10%,其效果明显优于用全国通用公式.在贵州省,太阳总辐射是随着海拔高度的增加而增加,故选择日照百分率按照海拔高度来分别拟合月总辐射的方法,利用1971~2000年的有关资料,计算了贵州省各地的总辐射,并分析了其空间分布特征.  相似文献   

利用昌吉市1961—1997年的逐日气候资料,对昌吉市1961—1997年多年平均逐日太阳总辐射进行了气候学计算,并分析了其变化特征和变化趋势,结果表明:昌吉市太阳总辐射多年平均年日总量为22.82MJ.m-2.d-1,太阳总辐射在8~9月份最高,12月份最低,昌吉市的太阳总辐射呈逐年下降趋势。  相似文献   

贵州省太阳总辐射计算及其分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山西省在2006年雨季(7~8月)出现大范围的高温干旱,导致了严重的人畜饮水困难和农业灾害.尤其是在常年降水峰期(7月下旬至8月上旬),没有出现一场大范围强降雨天气过程,在历史上实属罕见.该文通过对500 hPa环流场、副热带高压特征量等资料的分析.揭示了山西2006年雨季气候异常的主要原因,主要包括冷空气的活动偏弱、副热带高压位置异常偏北,中低纬度天气系统的配合不到位、ENSO的形成及其影响等.  相似文献   

近140年中国、北半球和全球气温的标度律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江田汉  邓莲堂 《高原气象》2005,24(3):410-414
运用非趋势波动分析方法,有效地消除数据中噪声和非平稳性质的影响,研究全球、北半球和中国近140年气温变化的长程幂律相关性。结果表明:全球气温、北半球气温和中国气温都有由交叉点划分的两个标度不变区域,可能对应两个不同的物理机制。其一,都可以表现出正长程相关的性质,而且全球气温的持续性最强,北半球次之,中国气温最弱;其二,全球气温和北半球气温还可以有几乎是1/f噪声性质的变化,中国气温则可表现出介于1/f和布朗噪声之间的行为。  相似文献   

利用1999—2018年逐月ERA-interim再分析数据,选取青海省东部农业区的15个气象站点平均气温和土壤温度,采用误差和相关性分析,对比两种资料时间和站点空间变化规律,并对ERA-interim再分析资料的准确性进行验证评估。结果表明:ERA-interim再分析数据平均气温、5和15 cm土壤温度均低于观测值,分别偏低3.5、4.3和4.5℃;观测值与订正前后的再分析资料月际和季节变化基本一致,空间变化均表现出从东南部向西北部减小的趋势,而且最大值和最小值出现的站点完全一致。近20年来,观测值与再分析资料平均气温均呈现上升趋势,5和15 cm土壤温度观测值表现为升高趋势,而再分析数据呈减小趋势。与订正前相比,订正后的再分析资料与观测值的平均偏差和均方根误差明显减小,同时平均偏差和均方根误差年际变化均呈先增大后减小的趋势。年内平均偏差和均方根误差均呈现“M”型,最大值均出现在4月,最小值出现在12或1月。东部农业区地形复杂、海拔高度差异是再分析资料比观测值偏低的主要原因,利用回归方程实现平均气温和土壤温度再分析数据的订正,有效降低了ERA-interim再分析数据的偏差,提高再...  相似文献   

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