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Summary An investigation of the main features of large-scale synoptic patterns over Europe and the adjacent areas for extreme winter periods during 1980–1995 over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) is performed. The NASA reanalysis data set is used to investigate composite sea level pressure (SLP), geopotential height of the 500 hPa surface (H-500) and precipitation–wet, normal and dry patterns for each month during the period October–March. It is found that the wet and dry cool seasons in the EM are associated with distinct SLP and H-500 anomaly patterns over Europe and the adjacent regions. During the dry spells large-scale positive SLP/H-500 anomaly areas prevail over Eastern Europe. A negative SLP anomaly is normally found during these periods over southwestern and Western Europe. During the wet cool seasons in the EM there are mainly negative SLP/H-500 anomaly areas over Eastern Europe to the north east of the EM. Positive SLP/H-500 anomalies are found over Western Europe. During wet months a trough zone between the Siberian and the Azorean Highs is positioned over the eastern part of the Mediterranean. During dry months the Siberian anticyclone is more intensive and the zone with low surface pressure is displaced to the central part of the northern Mediterranean. Received May 26, 1999 Revised August 26, 1999  相似文献   

侯淑梅  孙晶  郑怡  韩永清 《气象》2020,46(8):1053-1064
按照如下标准确定一个线状中尺度对流系统(linear mesoscale convective system,LMCS):40 dBz以上反射率因子连续或准连续回波带尺度≥100 km并持续至少1 h,镶嵌着40 dBz回波的35 dBz回波要求严格连续,线状或准线状的对流区域拥有一个共同的前边缘,最大回波强度≥50 dBz。从2012—2016年雷达资料中挑选出27个影响山东的LMCS,分析其天气学特征。结果表明:影响山东的LMCS 8月出现次数最多,形成时间集中在傍晚到前半夜,生命史一般为1~2 h,大多数具有后向传播特征;形成LMCS的初始对流单体绝大多数位于河北省,单体生成后一般向东偏南方向移动;LMCS大多数是东北—西南向,尺度一般介于100~200 km。文章提炼了形成LMCS的后倾槽、前倾槽和冷涡等三类天气学模型。850 hPa伴有暖温度脊或暖中心是形成LMCS的一个重要特征,冷涡和前倾槽类500 hPa中空急流以及后倾槽类700 hPa以下低空急流在形成LMCS中起着重要作用。当850 hPa比湿8 g·kg~(-1),沙氏指数和抬升指数均为负值时,可能出现LMCS。若对流有效位能1 000 J·kg~(-1),对流抑制较小,且850 hPa与500 hPa气温差大于25℃,出现LMCS的概率达80%。LMCS出现时均伴有短时强降水,70.4%的LMCS造成雷暴大风、冰雹或强降水灾害。冰雹和大风比短时强降水需要大气层结的不稳定度更高,仅有短时强降水出现时,0℃层和-20℃层的高度明显比冰雹和大风出现时的高度高。  相似文献   

广州地区雷电时空分布特点及天气学分析   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
利用2000~2003年闪电定位资料,对广州地区雷电时空变化的分析表明,广州地区的雷电主要发生在4~10月,电闪有准双峰的日变化,其中13:00~21:00雷电发生最频繁。广州市区是雷电的高发区,其次是其东北部山区。正电闪的空间分布中心偏于市区的南侧。对相关环流形势和影响系统进行统计,结果表明导致频闪的天气类型主要有西风槽类、副热带高压类和热带系统类等3类6型,在不同的季节频闪天气型的系统配置有所不同。  相似文献   

许爱华  谌芸 《气象》2013,39(7):883-893
对12 h 50 mm以上的强降水带的预报,模式输出的降水资料是预报的重要依据,但是有时偏差可达100~200 km.本文尝试依据国家气象中心2010年下发的《中尺度天气图分析技术规范(暂行稿)》,利用探空资料,对2011年6月我国南方梅雨期间强降水过程中4次12 h最强降水时段的环境场进行中尺度天气图分析,得到了有利于梅雨锋附近的强降水的预报着眼点,给出了判断强降水落区的一些参考依据.700 hPa以下西南(偏南)急流汇合区,在这些地区,具备了较强的动力、水汽辐合和一定的风垂直切变.地面气压槽中低于日变化的3h变压低值区(中心)易形成变压风辐合流场,也是强降水易发区(中心).多数情况下锋面可以作为强降水南界,但当925 hPa暖切变位于地面锋面南侧(附近),强降水发生在锋前暖区,10 m·s-1以上西南急流所能到达的纬度可作为南界.500 hPa槽前≥18 m·s-1中层西南急流轴一般可作为50 mm以上的强降水区域的北界,但当925 hPa切变位置与中层西南急流位置重叠或位于其北侧时,则以700 hPa切变为北边界.将这些判据应用于多次强降水天气时段中,并与日本模式输出降水比较,在强雨带南北界以及降水中心方面有订正作用.中尺度天气图分析技术及预报思路是订正模式对强降水落区预报的有效手段之一.  相似文献   

四川盆地西南部短时强降水天气特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对2008~2013年四川盆地西南部短时强降水时空分布分析,发现四川盆地西南部短时强降水的中心在雅安和峨嵋;从短时强降水的年际、月际以及日变化分布来看,短时强降水在2008年是谷值年;短时强降水集中时段在7~8月,5月和9月短时强降水较少,特别是大量级短时强降水更少;短时强降水出现在00~04时最多,尤其是02~03时。根据落区分型对盆地西南部短时强降水建立预报模型,盆地西南部短时强降水的天气尺度影响系统主要是南亚高压稳定,高原低槽或切变发展配合中低层南风,近地层东北风与西南部地形的辐合抬升更容易触发对流发展,中低层的风场对强降水落区更有指导意义。  相似文献   

大同地区暴雨的天气分型及其成因的初步分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据大同市所辖8个县气象站点自有气象记录以来的暴雨资料,应用天气学及气候学等原理,对大同地区暴雨的天气气候特征和形成机制进行了系统的分析与研究,得出了相关结论。  相似文献   

基于聚类天气分型的KNN方法在风预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以模式识别和相似预报思想为基础, 建立基于自组织神经网络 (SOM) 的聚类天气分型和交叉验证的K最近邻域非参数估计仿真模型 (KNN)。该模型首先以自组织神经网络技术对西北地区的高空流场和高度场进行聚类分型, 针对不同天气形势下的历史样本, 通过交叉检验, 分别寻求各类天气型下的最佳K组合。为了验证聚类天气分型对KNN方法的影响, 使用2003—2006年冬半年T213数值预报产品和宁夏日最大风速资料, 同时建立了宁夏冬半年日最大风速≥6 m/s天气分型和未分型的KNN预报模型, 并对2007年1—5月进行了预报试验, 预报评估结果表明:天气分型后的预报模型总体上降低了预报空报率, 提高了预报准确率, 特别是某些类天气型, 提高幅度更大, 为分类相似预报开拓了思路。  相似文献   

利用常规资料、NCEP/GFS(0.5°×0.5°)再分析资料,结合EC细网格(0.25°×0.25°)客观分析及乌鲁木齐风廓线雷达等资料,分析了乌鲁木齐2014年12月8日极端暴雪中尺度成因及演变特点。结果表明:暴雪是在低空西北急流与中高层西南急流叠加并维持的有利环流背景下,由700hPa至地面的风切变、风速辐合、地面冷锋及地形强迫抬升等中小尺度系统共同作用造成的。降雪前期乌鲁木齐近地层有较强的逆温、风场扰动及低层东南急流,干暖盖起到了储蓄和积累能量的作用,而强降雪时冷暖空气在山前交汇,促进了斜压不稳定增长。低空西北急流对乌鲁木齐强降雪起到动力触发作用,地形强迫抬升使迎风坡维持强的垂直上升运动和中β尺度次级环流圈,低层强水汽辐合的维持为暴雪提供了充足的水汽,乌鲁木齐特殊地形对暴雪增幅作用明显。风廓线雷达资料表明降雪前后低层东南风与西北风切变明显,强降雪时段雷达探测高度达到最高,低层较强偏北风与C2n大值区相对应,水平风向风速的垂直变化对暴雪短临预报有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

浙南梅汛期大暴雨天气分型及诊断分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
周功铤  叶子祥  余贞寿 《气象》2006,32(5):67-73
利用美国NCEP再分析资料,分析计算了1960--2002年5—6月发生在浙南地区的17次大暴雨个例的天气形势场、物理量场(其中包括Q矢量散度场)。通过分析,给出大暴雨发生时的天气形势分型以及物理量场特征,并着重探讨了Q矢量场和大暴雨的关系。分析结果表明:采用温度场为主的大暴雨天气形势分型简明实用。中低层Q矢量的辐合和大暴雨的发生有着很好的对应关系,非热低压引起的大暴雨位于Q矢量辐合中心区附近,或者辐合中心区南-西南方。利用上述分析特征,指导2005年浙南地区5—6月份暴雨过程预报,取得了较好的实际效果。  相似文献   

依据商丘市8个站1961~2004年雾资料,分析了大雾天气的分布和气候变化特征。结果表明:商丘市雾的地理分布是西部睢县至宁陵一带为多雾区,南部柘城至夏邑一带为少雾区。宁陵出现大雾最多,睢县次之,柘城雾日最少。年际变化总体呈上升趋势。月际变化呈“V”型特征,秋冬季雾最多,夏季最少。雾的日变化一般在下半夜到清晨日出前后形成,05:00~06:00最易生成大雾,雾消时间一般在06:00~12:00,日出后07:00~08:00雾最容易消散。最长连雾日一般出现在11至次年1月,而1月出现最长连雾日的次数最多。雾的持续时间3 h以下的短雾最多,12~24 h的最少,没有超过24 h的长雾,连雾时间最长为23.3 h。年最多雾日,宁陵最多为120 d,柘城最少只有32 d,其余各站在40~77 d之间。商丘市雾发生时的地面天气形势主要有大陆高压型、冷锋前暖区型、均压场型和(低压)倒槽型。  相似文献   

Air pollution episodes in urban coastal areas follow certain pre-determined patterns, being associated with certain local meteorological conditions and emission of primary pollutants. In this study, the synoptic and local scale atmospheric circulation that prevails during air pollution episodes in a coastal major city in Greece, Thessaloniki, is examined for a period of 15 years (1989–2004). The study signifies the importance of studying air pollution meteorological patterns between coastal areas with different terrain characteristics. For Thessaloniki, it was found that the episodes occur mainly during the cold period of the year, while four types of synoptic scale circulation were recognized (I, II, III, IV) and five patterns of the local scale circulation (A1, A2, B1, B2 and B3). The highest percentage of episodes is associated with the presence of an anticyclone over the northern Greece (types I and IV), being characterized by weak or very weak surface pressure gradient intensity, according to the position and extension of the anticyclone. Moreover, a temperature increase of at least 1°C during the previous 3 days is required in the lower troposphere. Consistent with the synoptic conditions, the development of the sea breeze plays a crucial role in the occurrence of the episodes, even in the cold period of the year, when the sea breeze can still develop with smaller frequency and intensity. Finally, it was found that a small number of episodes is related with the advection of polluted air masses from the industrial area in the northwest of the city and from the Eordaia area in the west, which is the largest lignite producing area of Balkans.  相似文献   

福州市大雾天气环流分型研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1981~2005年NCEP再分析资料、常规地面和高空观测资料,结合Lamb-Jenkinson(L—J)环流分型方法和传统天气形势分型方法,分析了福州大雾发生时的天气形势特征。分析结果表明:传统分型方法和L—J分型方法对大雾发生时的主要天气形势分型具有基本一致的气压场分布,即大雾发生时海平面气压为均压场分布;并且L-J分型方法可得到较传统分型方法更细致和全面的结果,可为福州大雾的客观预报提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

The effects of aerosol–radiation interactions(ARI) are not only important for regional and global climate, but they can also drive particulate matter(PM) pollution. In this study, the ARI contribution to the near-surface fine PM(PM2.5)concentrations in the Guanzhong Basin(GZB) is evaluated under four unfavorable synoptic patterns, including "northlow", "transition", "southeast-trough", and "inland-high", based on WRF-Chem model simulations of a persistent heavy PM pollution episode in January 2019. Simulations show that ARI consistently decreases both solar radiation reaching down to the surface(SWDOWN) and surface temperature(TSFC), which then reduces wind speed, induces sinking motion,and influences cloud formation in the GZB. However, large differences under the four synoptic patterns still exist. The average reductions of SWDOWN and daytime TSFC in the GZB range from 15.2% and 1.04°C in the case of the"transition" pattern to 26.7% and 1.69°C in the case of the "north-low" pattern, respectively. Furthermore, ARI suppresses the development of the planetary boundary layer(PBL), with the decrease of PBL height(PBLH) varying from 18.7% in the case of the "transition" pattern to 32.0% in the case of the "north-low" pattern. The increase of daytime near-surface PM2.5 in the GZB due to ARI is 12.0%, 8.1%, 9.5%, and 9.7% under the four synoptic patterns, respectively. Ensemble analyses also reveal that when near-surface PM2.5 concentrations are low, ARI tends to lower PM2.5 concentrations with decreased PBLH, which is caused by enhanced divergence or a transition from divergence to convergence in an area. ARI contributes 15%–25% toward the near-surface PM2.5 concentrations during the severe PM pollution period under the four synoptic patterns.  相似文献   

利用中尺度天气图分析方法和雷达资料分析了2015年5月7日盆地南部边缘一次强风雹天气过程。结果表明:1)在有利的天气尺度系统影响下,高低空冷暖平流叠加区域和中低层干线和湿舌交汇区域是强对流天气发生的落区;2)雷达回波显示,强对流风暴具有弓形回波、穹窿、弱回波区等冰雹回波特征,中层径向辐合和反射率因子核心的反复上升下降对形成地面大风和冰雹具有重要的指示意义,降雹前后VIL的突变对冰雹的预警也有重要的预警作用;3)地面大风与地形的关系密切,地形对大风的形成有很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

阳江市暖区暴雨的天气学分型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规气象资料、区域自动站资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和OLR日平均资料,对2003—2012年阳江市29次暖区暴雨过程按切变线型、低涡型和分别出现在南海夏季风爆发前后的南风型进行分型,并对4类暖区暴雨的平均环流场和个例进行分析,结果表明:(1)阳江暖区暴雨多为南风型,主要发生在南海夏季风爆发之后;(2)各类暖区暴雨环流相同点:高层受南亚高压影响,有较强辐散;低层南支槽影响明显,有低空急流向暴雨落区上空输送充沛的暖空气及不稳定能量,使中尺度对流云团生成或输入;(3)切变线型、低涡型和南海季风爆发后的南风型暖区暴雨中,暴雨发生时副高位置偏东、强度偏弱,并略有西伸或东退,处于南海季风槽活跃时期;(4)在南海季风爆发前的南风型中,副高位置较西,强度较强,强盛的西南风与副高位置偏西有关。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal features of synoptic and mesoscale variability of the Baltic Sea level are studied using long-term hourly data. The spectral analysis revealed significant difference in the structure of the sea level spectra between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. The maximum variance of the synoptic sea level variability is observed at the head of the Gulf of Bothnia and in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea, whereas the maximum variance of mesoscale variability is registered at the head of the Gulf of Finland and in the southwestern part of the sea. The minimum variance of synoptic sea level variability was observed in the Gulf of Bothnia in the 1950s–1960s, and the maximum was recorded at the beginning and at the end of the 20th century. The series of interdecadal variability of synoptic sea level fluctuations have a weak negative trend up to ?0.11 cm2/year in Kungsholmfrost. A significant qualitative and quantitative correlation was detected between the interannual variability of variance of mesoscale sea level variations in the Gulf of Finland (Gornyi Institut) and the Gulf of Riga (Parnu) and the interannual variability of the NAO index.  相似文献   

Summary  The Mediterranean basin experiences considerable cyclone activity mostly during fall, winter and spring and diminished activity during summer. In this study we present results of synoptic disturbance track analysis for two contrasting winter months and two, near average, summer months over the eastern Mediterranean. The surface and 500 hPa disturbance tracks were subjectively analyzed from two points of view. First, looking at tracks of conventionally defined cyclone centers (eddies) based on actual pressure and height distribution and second, looking at tracks of transient cyclonic disturbances (TRADs), defined as centers of negative deviations from the time mean. The second type of analysis demonstrated a considerable increase in the number of detectable tracks. Over the Mediterranean and vicinity the ratio between the number of surface TRAD tracks to cyclone tracks is, about 2, whereas at 500 hPa the ratio is much higher, about 5. However, the average life span of transient disturbances was only slightly longer than that of conventional cyclones (mainly at 500 hPa). At the surface and at 500 hPa about 50% of the cyclone tracks coincided to a certain extent with TRAD tracks. In summer, when conventional analysis over the eastern Mediterranean yields mostly quasi‐stationary low pressure centers associated with the Persian Gulf Trough, we detected clear signs of transient disturbances. Some interpretations of the differences between cyclones and TRADs in terms of weather in the eastern Mediterranean are also made. Received January 19, 1999Revised June 23, 1999  相似文献   

松花江嫩江流域暴雨天气形势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用国家气象局提供的松嫩流域39个发报站点1951~1998年降水资料及相应年份NCAR-NCEP资料,对松花江、嫩江流域出现的暴雨进行总结并对形成区域性暴雨的环流形势、系统配置进行分析归类,以期获得进一步的经验。  相似文献   

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