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利用Megellan号探测器确定的重力场和地形模型资料,进一步分析了金星重力场特征,并利用金星地幔对流模型建立了动力学模型的大地水准面地形比,即动力学模型导纳.然后利用该动力学模型导纳,基于2~40阶大地水准面是由与动力学过程相联系的岩石圈下密度异常产生的假定,在扣除重力场和地形的动力学影响的基础上,利用球面Parker公式反演了金星地壳的厚度.结果显示:金星重力场和地形受到金星地幔动力学过程的强烈影响;金星地壳也对地形产生显著影响;金星地壳厚度变化范围主要集中在28~70 km,Ishtar高原以及Aphrodite高原西部的Ovda和Thetis区域是金星地壳最厚的区域(大于50 km),该区的高地形主要与地壳均衡相关,这与其是古老陆地残留的推测一致.在Beta,Themis,Dione,Eistla,Bell和Lada区域地壳厚度较薄,且与地形无明显相关.特别是在Aphrodite高原东部的Atla和Imdr区域,地壳厚度与周围区域地壳厚度基本一致.这种特征与这些区域的高地形主要是由热柱的动力学过程引起的假定相一致.与包含动力学影响得到的金星地壳厚度相比,扣除动力学影响后得到的金星地壳厚度能更好地反映金星地壳的演化和内部动力学过程.  相似文献   

月球地形、重力场和内部构造不仅对于研究月球起源和发展具有重要意义,而且对月球探测器轨道的飞行控制、月球着陆器的着陆区选择也有重要的影响.本文首先回顾了月球地形观测的方法和模型,并对新近"嫦娥一号"和"Kaguya/Selene"得到的地形模型做了分析和比较.其次,讨论了新近月球重力场研究的现状,并给出了综合新近及既往数据解算重力场的方法.最后,分析了综合地形和重力场,并给出利用新近数据研究月球内部构造的进展.  相似文献   

月球是人类深空探测的首要目标,而月球的内部结构则是我们了解月球与地月系形成与演化的重要窗口.相比于其他物理场,月球重力场模型具有全球均匀覆盖、精度和分辨率持续提高的特点,在月球内部结构研究中扮演着重要作用.本文对月球重力场在月球内部结构研究中发挥的作用进行了论述,包括月壳、月幔以及月核,其中重点介绍了高阶次重力场模型对...  相似文献   

月球探测及月球重力场的确定   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
针对近年月球探测渐成热点和我国即将发射“嫦娥卫星”的状况,本文首先归纳了月球各项几何与物理特性以及月球探测的经济、科学和战略意义.然后,讨论了月球重力场在探月中的作用,并对国外月球重力场研究的发展历程、主要方法及面临的困难进行了综述.最后,结合我国“嫦娥工程”,对我国月球重力场探测的可行性,从航天运载能力、轨道跟踪手段、重力场恢复技术以及方法创新等方面进行了分析,以期为我国自主确定月球重力场模型提供参考依据.  相似文献   

空间跟踪技术的发展对月球重力场模型的改进   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于绕月卫星跟踪技术的三种模式,即地面跟踪模式、高低跟踪模式和低低跟踪模式,将月球重力场的发展历程分为四个阶段.分别介绍了各阶段跟踪模式的主要原理、技术特点以及所获取的具有代表性的重力场模型,并对这些模型的精度特征进行了评述.进而,通过分析不同阶段重力场模型所获取的月球重力异常特征和精度、不同阶段重力场模型的定轨精度,阐明了:空间跟踪技术的进步,极大地提高了月球重力场模型的精度,并且,有效地促进了对月球物质结构特征的认识和绕月卫星定轨的可靠性.最后对月球重力场模型中尚存在的问题以及探测技术的发展前景进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   

基于配置法的局部重力场延拓模型构建与应用分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大地坐标系下利用Forsberg局部扰动位协方差模型(即DPM模型)导出了实用的局部重力异常协方差模型(即GAC模型)和局部扰动重力协方差模型(即GDC模型),两种模型形式完全一致.针对GAC模型,提出了两种模型参数的拟合方法,即按照泊松积分向上延拓获得的不同高度数据进行拟合以及按照测量区域的平面实测数据进行拟合,通过某地区的实测数据检验得出两种参数拟合方法得到的参数值相差不大,这种差别在向上和向下延拓过程中的影响可以忽略.依据本文的算例,GAC模型作为配置法的协方差模型用于延拓时,其向上延拓的精度在1.8×10-5 m·s-2左右,向下延拓的精度在5×10-5 m·s-2左右,完全满足局部重力场在中等山区的延拓要求.通过对不同高度下GAC模型用于延拓效果的对比,可以得出基于GAC模型的延拓精度随着高度的增加而衰减,在满足测量精度要求下其最大向下延拓高度约为7 km.总体而言,本文推导的GAC模型能够很好地利用地形数据,较好地满足了航空重力测量在局部重力场的延拓要求.  相似文献   

本文针对已有月球探测任务主要为极轨的特点,仿真分析了大倾角轨道卫星跟踪数据在月球重力场解算中的贡献.文中针对极轨道、77°倾角和极轨道结合77°倾角轨道三种情况各三个月的轨道跟踪数据进行了月球重力场模型仿真解算,通过重力场功率谱、基于解算模型位系数协方差矩阵的重力异常及月球大地水准面误差以及精密定轨等手段对解算模型进行了精度评价.结果表明结合大倾角的轨道可以较为明显地改进月球重力场模型的计算精度.  相似文献   

月球重力场是月球科学研究的重要部分,是进一步了解月球内部结构和构造的基础,也是我国探月计划“嫦娥工程”一个重要的科学研究内容.本文针对“嫦娥工程”,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNII/SOLVE轨道分析软件,分析计算了利用单星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场的能力,同时模拟计算了双星跟踪数据在恢复月球重力场方面的能力,结合可能的工程环境我们对两种情况分别给出了30天、60天和90天的计算结果.计算表明双星相比于单星对月球重力场的中低阶位系数有比较显著的改善.  相似文献   

陆洋  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》1994,37(04):487-498
根据当今全球模型研究的Molodensky理论,推导了相应的区域高阶重力场模型系数修正公式.考虑了球近似边值条件引起的各种偏差,使用了椭球坐标系,按椭球调和展开.并利用中国青藏地区地面重力资料对原始全球模型OSU91A1F的高阶部分系数进行修正,获得该地区的局部重力场模型QZ93G(完整到360阶),它对实测平均重力异常的恢复精度为±11.8×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

区域高阶重力场模型与青藏地区局部位系数模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据当今全球模型研究的Molodensky理论,推导了相应的区域高阶重力场模型系数修正公式.考虑了球近似边值条件引起的各种偏差,使用了椭球坐标系,按椭球调和展开.并利用中国青藏地区地面重力资料对原始全球模型OSU91A1F的高阶部分系数进行修正,获得该地区的局部重力场模型QZ93G(完整到360阶),它对实测平均重力异常的恢复精度为±11.8×10-5m/s.  相似文献   

利用重力地形导纳估计月壳厚度   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在频域使用多窗口(Multitaper)方法来计算月球正面四个形成于不同历史时期月海区(Smythii, Crisium, Imbrium, Orientale)的重力地形导纳,然后将其与月球弹性岩石圈的理论导纳模型相比较,由最小二乘法得出四个月海区的月球岩石圈的平均弹性厚度约为8 km,月壳的厚度分别为:Smythii 盆地,72 km; Crisium 盆地 70 km;Orientale 盆地 60 km;Imbrium 盆地57 km.随着月球的演化,月壳厚度呈现变厚的趋势.  相似文献   

通过现有的最新月球重力场模型LP165P和GLGM-2模型对月球重力场的特征进行了分析,计算了相应重力场的阶方差,给出了两种模型在月球外部空间不同高度上的重力异常分布图,分析比较了截断至不同阶次的月球重力场模型在不同高度上所反映的月球重力场的特征和差异.此外,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNⅡ轨道分析软件模拟计算了不同高度处卫星的轨道变化,得出了在进行一定高度的轨道计算时,可以对重力场模型进行适当截断的结论.  相似文献   

The Laccadive Ridge (L-R), trending roughly parallel to the west coast of India, is an intriguing segment of the northernmost Chagos-Laccadive Ridge (C-L-R) system. Although crustal nature and isostatic response of the southern C-L-R is well known, there are no similar studies on the L-R. In the present study, the isostatic response of the lithosphere beneath the L-R is estimated so as to characterize its crustal nature, total crustal as well as effective elastic plate thickness and mode of compensation. Twelve gravity and bathymetry profiles across the ridge were analyzed using linear transfer function and forward model techniques. The observed admittance function within the diagnostic waveband of 250 < λ > 80 km (0.025 < k > 0.080 km−1) fits well with (i) the Airy model whose average crustal thickness (Tc) and density are 17 ± 2 km and 2.7 × 103 kg m−3, respectively, and (ii) the thin plate flexure model of isostasy with an effective elastic plate thickness (Te) of 2–3 km. The estimated average crustal thickness and density are in good agreement with published seismic refraction results over the ridge. The results of the present study support an Airy model of isostasy for the L-R. The low Te value, in view of other published results in the study area, suggests stretched and loaded continental lithosphere of the L-R during the evolution of the western continental margin of India.  相似文献   

The gravity field of the earth is a natural element of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Gravity field quantities are like spatial geodetic observations of potential very high accuracy, with measurements, currently at part-per-billion (ppb) accuracy, but gravity field quantities are also unique as they can be globally represented by harmonic functions (long-wavelength geopotential model primarily from satellite gravity field missions), or based on point sampling (airborne and in situ absolute and superconducting gravimetry). From a GGOS global perspective, one of the main challenges is to ensure the consistency of the global and regional geopotential and geoid models, and the temporal changes of the gravity field at large spatial scales. The International Gravity Field Service, an umbrella “level-2” IAG service (incorporating the International Gravity Bureau, International Geoid Service, International Center for Earth Tides, International Center for Global Earth models, and other future new services for, e.g., digital terrain models), would be a natural key element contributing to GGOS. Major parts of the work of the services would, however, remain complementary to the GGOS contributions, which focus on the long-wavelength components of the geopotential and its temporal variations, the consistent procedures for regional data processing in a unified vertical datum and Terrestrial Reference Frame, and the ensuring validations of long-wavelength gravity field data products.  相似文献   

重力和重力梯度数据三维相关成像   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了重力异常三维相关成像方法和重力梯度数据三维相关成像方法,并提出了基于异常分离的三维相关成像方法来提高成像分辨率.通过合成Y型岩脉模型和合成多个直立长方体组合模型的重力异常和重力梯度数据试验分析,验证了本文三维相关成像方法可显示出异常地质体的空间赋存状态和等效剩余质量分布,具有良好的纵向和横向分辨率.  相似文献   




Density within the Earth crust varies between 1.0 and 3.0 g/cm3. The Bouguer gravity field measured in south Iran is analyzed using four different regional-residual separation techniques to obtain a residual map of the gravity field suitable for density modeling of topography. A density model of topography with radial and lateral distribution of density is required for an accurate determination of the geoid, e.g., in the Stokes-Helmert approach. The apparent density mapping technique is used to convert the four residual Bouguer anomaly fields into the corresponding four gravity im-plied subsurface density (GRADEN) models. Although all four density models showed good correlation with the geological density (GEODEN) model of the region, the GRADEN models obtained by high-pass filter-ing and GGM high-pass filtering show better numerical correlation with GEODEN model than the other models.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of land surface topography   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Land surface topography significantly affects the processes of runoff and erosion. A system which determines slope, aspect, and curvature in both the down-slope and across-slope directions is developed for an altitude matrix. Also, the upslope drainage area and maximum drainage distance are determined for every point within the altitude matrix. A FORTRAN 66 program performs the analysis.  相似文献   

The increased popularity of airborne measurements of the gravity gradient tensor for resource studies and geological mapping has resulted in a new awareness of the importance of terrain effects. In these measurements, the terrain effect often overwhelms that of the underlying crust and it becomes important to formulate a strategy for taking it into account when presenting the data and when inverting the data into density models. Using newly acquired data from Northern Sweden, we first attempted to estimate a variable terrain density model by inverting the data using a terrain model with a laterally varying density. Using data weights related to the topography variations, we find the best estimate of the lateral variation of the terrain density. We translate this model into a full three-dimensional model such that all columns have the same vertical centre of mass as estimated from inspecting the radially averaged power spectrum of the area. This then defines a reference model for subsequent three-dimensional inversion of the gravity gradient tensor dataset. We tested this approach first on synthetic data calculated from the measured topography including two density anomalies before we applied it to the measured data. The result is a model in which the surface density variations are propagated downwards in a systematic manner now in better agreement with measured densities of rock samples in the area.  相似文献   

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