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本文根据太阳系各行星运动参数构建了行星系日心经度运动学方程,利用行星系质心日心经度的变化规律探讨太阳绕太阳系质心运动的周期性规律.通过对行星系质心日心经度运动学方程进行数值模拟发现,太阳绕太阳系质心运动存在明显的11.5年的周期;同时对行星系日心经度运动学方程和行星会合指数运动学方程进行数值模拟,获得了太阳质心与太阳系质心相互运动的轨迹,数值模拟结果显示太阳与太阳系质心的相互运动轨迹具有11.5年的周期;同时,通过对1000年来太阳系质心与太阳本体位置关系的统计,发现太阳在绕太阳系质心运动过程中,太阳系质心位于太阳本体内的时间约占全程时间的三分之一.  相似文献   

Tlatov(2007)研究认为,太阳活动和太阳磁场变化的22年周期,可能与太阳自转速度的变化有关.可是关于太阳自转速度为什么呈现出22年的变化周期,尚未见到有说服力的解释.本文通过对行星会合指数、行星系质心绕太阳系质心的运动、太阳绕太阳系质心运动以及太阳自转角动量变化的分析,发现行星系统的会合与相互背离,导致了太阳系质心与太阳质心的背离和靠近,从而引发太阳绕太阳系质心旋转角动量与太阳自转角动量的分离与叠加.由此认为,这两种角动量间的转换是太阳自转角速度呈现22年周期性变化的原因.太阳自转速度极小值对应于行星会合指数极大值;而太阳自转速度极大值对应行星会合指数极小值.其中平均11年左右为太阳自转加速期,另外11年则为太阳自转减速期.这一发现,可能为太阳活动与太阳磁场变化22年周期的成因机制的解释提供一个新的线索.  相似文献   

本文在创建行星会合指数(K)运动学方程,并获得太阳绕太阳系质心绕转具有约22年周期的基础上,试从行星摄动对地球轨道偏心率(e)影响出发.分析了行星系统中对地球引力最大的地外行星-木星和引力其次的地内行星-金星的轨道拱线与地球轨道拱线的会合周期,发现木星可造成e具有40万年周期性变化,而金星可造成e具有10万年周期性变化.  相似文献   

基于行星会合指数和行星系日心经度分别获得行星系质心到太阳的距离和日心经度的变化特征,发现杨学祥等(1999)指出的在1990—1994年太阳轨道运动并没有绕过太阳系质心这一特征具有准179年周期.根据对会合指数K极小值的分析表明,当会合指数向量K_(sp)0时,行星系质心和木星在太阳一侧,保持与太阳同步绕太阳系质心运动;当K_(sp)0时,则出现行星系质心和木星分别处在太阳质心的两侧,此时行星系质心没有绕过太阳质心,致使太阳质心没能绕过太阳系质心.行星会合指数与行星系质心日心经度两个时间序列的功率谱检测出不同的周期,表明二者指代的物理特征不同.分别对行星会合指数和行星系质心日心经度最强功率谱所标定的19.86年和11.86年周期的物理意义进行澄清,前者是行星会合指数K在极大值附近具有相等K值的频率所表现出的周期,它不是方向周期;后者主要指相对于太阳质心,行星系质心轨迹的封闭曲线旋进和旋出所对应的相同日心经度的频率明显增大所表现出来的周期,它不是理论上K指数相等条件下的周期.这为探索太阳轨道运动与太阳活动的关系研究具有参考价值.  相似文献   

基于创建的行星会合指数运动学方程,获得了太阳绕太阳系质心的运动周期为准22年.太阳轨道运动周期和北半球高空大气温度场准22年变化周期二者具有极大的相关性.在整个太阳系角动量守恒的前提下,得到太阳轨道角动量和太阳自转角动量之和守恒.理论上,通过太阳绕转和自转角动量间的转换,建立了行星会合指数与全球高层大气温度场变化的对应关系,进而在大气温度场变化与太阳活动之间建立了联系,并对全球气候变化的成因机制进行了新的探索.  相似文献   

标识行星会合或排成直列程度的方法,是分析行星系统与太阳活动关系的关键.两颗行星会合可以给出准确的会合周期.行星越多获得准确的会合周期就越困难.以往表达多个行星排成近似直列的方法多采用I指数,I取值在0和1之间.但I指数无法呈现多个行星排成直列程度的连续变化过程,也无法区分行星在I指数构成中是位于太阳一侧还是分居在太阳两侧,更无法确定行星系质心与太阳位置关系的变化.K指数是将8大行星轨道半径按质量权重构成的矢量和的模除以一个天文单位的距离长度.K取值在0和7.5105之间.研究表明,行星引潮力会合指数KJ-M具有指代对太阳造成引潮力和引力周期规律的作用.行星质量权重会合指数KJ-N具有指代行星系质心绕太阳系质心的运动规律,进而指代太阳绕太阳系质心的运动规律.这为进一步探讨太阳轨道运动和太阳活动关系研究提供一种有效方法.  相似文献   

Tlatov(2007)研究表明太阳自转具有准22年振荡周期,并认为是太阳系自引力造成的.根据刘复刚和王建(2013)创建的行星会合指数KP(令KP=K是为了和其他指数的表现形式相统一)和获得的修正系数发现:太阳轨道运动具有平均准22.1826年运动周期,认为太阳轨道角动量和太阳自转角动量的周期性叠加致使太阳自转角速度具有准22.20年周期性变化.基于行星会合指数KP同时标定了太阳质心S相对于一个无法观测到的太阳系质心C位置关系的变化规律,进而通过太阳轨道运动指数KS、速率指数Kv、加速度指数Kα对太阳轨道运动特征进行了系统描述,这使得从行星系统之视角分析、揭示太阳运动和太阳活动成为可能,并对太阳自转运动的准11年和22年周期振荡受控于太阳轨道运动的调控进行了分析,这从探索途径和思想方法上是一种突破.依K_P表达式给出的太阳轨道运动轨迹与Jose(1965)、杨志根等(1988)、Scafetta(2014)、Mc Cracken等(2014)给出的图像不但形态特征相同而且图像的相位也完全一致.行星会合指数KP更重要的作用是标定了行星系统质心距离太阳位置关系的变化.本文从行星系统质心出发,根据行星系统质心P与太阳质心S绕太阳系质心C同步运动这一基本原理来进一步揭示太阳轨道运动规律.由于研究问题的出发点和视角不同,按这一途径可根据8大行星公开的天文数据分析太阳轨道运动规律.这种方法不但把纷繁复杂的行星系统统一起来,呈现出行星系统固有的整体运动规律,而且在整个太阳系中建立了与太阳处于相同子系统地位的行星系统质心.在此基础上,通过行星系统质心P与太阳S间位置关系变化,系统分析了太阳S和太阳系质心C的统一与分野规律.其重要意义是通过行星系质心运动规律发现它与太阳轨道运动特征间的本质联系,这使得从行星系统质心的运动特征对太阳运动与太阳活动关系的探寻成为可能.  相似文献   

刘复刚  王建 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3834-3840
对于太阳活动22年周期的成因机制长期存在着争论.本文借助于行星会合指数以及开普勒第三定律,对太阳绕太阳系质心运动周期进行了分析计算.结果发现,太阳绕太阳系质心运动存在22.1826年显著周期,这与太阳磁场变化的22.20年周期相吻合.并从太阳系角动量守恒的角度解释了两者之间的成因联系:在太阳绕太阳系质心运动的准22年周期中,太阳系质心与太阳质心逐步接近而后逐步分离.当两个质心之间的距离接近零的时候,太阳轨道角动量与自转角动量叠加,会导致太阳自转角速度的加快;当两个质心之间的距离逐渐远离的时候,则导致太阳自转角速度的减慢.这可能是引发太阳活动和太阳磁场变化的原因.这一新认识为太阳活动准22年周期成因机制的解释提供了新的线索和依据.  相似文献   

基于刘复刚和王建(2013)创建的行星会合指数(K),已经给出了太阳绕太阳系质心的运动轨迹,并得到其恒星周期为准22年.这一恒星周期是根据行星系统中按各自行星质量权重求得的23.77208年周期与通过图像获得的19.8585年行星会合周期的平均值得到的.因为各行星的周期都是恒星周期,故本文通过对K2函数求导方法得到的23.36886年周期也是恒星周期,它与23.77208年周期近似相等,这进一步证实太阳轨道运动恒星周期与由行星系统质心运动所指代的会合周期不同,二者之差异可能与坐标系的选择有关.顾及太阳质心的动与不动两种情况,选取其平均值22.33年作为太阳轨道运动的恒星周期.结果发现,这一周期与太阳活动22.20年磁周期一致.这表明通过修正后的太阳轨道运动特征图像可以近似预测太阳活动和相应时间尺度的气候变化.  相似文献   

运用刘复刚和王建(2013a)创建的行星会合指数K指代太阳绕太阳系质心运动时,一般情况,行星系质心是和木星位于太阳一侧.当其它3颗大质量行星(或其它7颗行星)和木星分居在太阳两侧,并且这4颗大质量行星(或8颗行星)与太阳近似排成直列的状态时,行星系质心则处在木星相反一侧,这时造成了太阳绕太阳系质心顺时针旋转的假象.本文对这一认识进行了澄清,并通过图示的方法定性地解释了太阳在一个行星系统平均轨道会合周期内角速度的变化特征.相当太阳系质心(C)从太阳本体旋出直到C再次旋进太阳本体这一时段,太阳轨道运动是处在减速期;而当C旋进直到旋出太阳本体这一时段,太阳轨道运动处在加速期.并将其运动特征与太阳轨道角动量的变率进行了对比,这将为揭示太阳活动规律的动力学机制提供了一种可能途径和新的思想方法.  相似文献   

Exoplanets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
George Cole reviews the properties and significance of the planetary systems discovered around stars other than our Sun.
There has been speculation for centuries that planets might exist around stars other than our Sun. Might they form planetary systems like our solar system? Will life be found elsewhere one day? Planets were, in fact, discovered orbiting a pulsar in 1991 but, more interestingly, companions were found to stars like our Sun four years later. More stars with companions are continually being discovered and some 50 systems are known at the present time. Can some of these orbiting bodies be planets and what might they be made of? Is there a pattern in the systems being found? How do they compare with the solar system? Can they sustain living material? This article attempts to throw light on these questions.  相似文献   

The spectrum of velocity and magnetic fields in the solar wind is self-similar (power-law type) in the frequency range greater than >1/day indicating well-mixed turbulence. But it loses self-similarity for lower frequencies indicating the presence of large-scale patterns, which are intermittently generated inside the Sun and propagate from the Sun to the Earth.Here we discuss the spatia–temporal characteristics and origin of the 1.3-year quasi-periodic pattern found inside the Sun by helioseismic methods and detected in the solar wind. To identify and characterize this pattern on the Sun we use time series of solar magnetic Carrington maps generated at the Wilcox Solar Observatory and independent component data analysis. This analysis shows the latitudinal distribution of the pattern, its variable frequency and intermittent appearance.  相似文献   

Using modern wavelet analysis techniques, we have made an attempt to search for oscillations of intensity of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), sunspot numbers (SS) and magnitudes of coronal index (CI) implying that the time evolution of those oscillations may serve as a precursor of Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) of solar cosmic rays (SCR). From total number of 70 GLEs registered in 1942–2006, the four large events — 23 February 1956, 14 July 2000, 28 October 2003, and 20 January 2005 — have been chosen for our study. By the results of our analysis, it was shown that a frequency of oscillations of GCR decreases as time approaches to the event day. We have also studied a behaviour of common periodicities of GCR and SCR within the time interval of individual GLE. The oscillations of GLE occurrence rate (OR) at different stages of the solar activity (SA) cycle is of special interest. We have found some common periodicities of SS and CI in the range of short (2.8, 5.2, 27 and 60 days), medium (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.3, 1.8 and 3.2 years) and long (4.6 and 11.0 years) periods. Short and medium periodicities, in general, are rather concentrated around the maxima of solar cycles and display the complex phase relations. When comparing these results with the behaviour of OR oscillations we found that the period of 11 years is dominating (controlling); it is continuous over the entire time interval of 1942–2006, and during all this time it displays high synchronization and clear linear ratios between the phases of oscillations of η, SS and CI. It implies that SCR generation is not isolated stochastic phenomena characteristic exclusively for chromospheric and/or coronal structures. In fact, this process may have global features and involve large regions in the Sun’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

The large solar vacuum telescope (LSVT) was designed to study solar phenomenas with high spatial and spectral resolution. Due to the large size of the telescope, its real spatial resolution may be as high as ≈0.4 arcsec, which makes it possible to observe fine-structure solar phenomenas like Ellerman bombs and pores. At present, the main subjects of investigation are solar flares. The LSVT research methods—spectral, spectropolarimetric, and filter—provide valuable information on the physical parameters in the phenomenas under study. Spectra and images of the Sun are recorded through an birefringent filter by two CCD cameras.  相似文献   

The relations between sunspot numbers and earthquakes (M≧6), solar 10.7 cm radio flux and earthquakes, solar proton events and earthquakes have been analyzed in this paper. It has been found that: (1) Earthquakes occur frequently around the minimum years of solar activity. Generally, the earthquake activities are relatively less during the peak value years of solar activity, some say, around the period when magnetic polarity in the solar polar regions is reversed. (2) the earthquake frequency in the minimum period of solar activity is closely related to the maximum annual means of sunspot numbers, the maximum annual means of solar 10.7 cm radio flux and solar proton events of a whole solar cycle, and the relation between earthquake and solar proton events is closer than others. (3) As judged by above interrelationship, the period from 1995 to 1997 will be the years while earthquake activities are frequent. In the paper, the simple physical discussion has been carried out. These results supported the exploration and studies of some researchers to a certain extent. This work is supported by Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (major item).  相似文献   

Observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) allow accurate solar wind velocity measurements to be made at all heliographic latitudes and at a range of distances from the Sun. The data may be obtained with either single, double or multiple antennas, each requiring a different method of analysis. IPS data taken during the 1998 whole sun month (30th July–31st August 1998) by EISCAT, the ORT (Ooty Radio Telescope), India, and the Nagoya IPS system, Japan, allow the results of individual methods of analysis to be compared. Good agreement is found between the velocity measurements using each method, and when combined an improved understanding of the structure of the solar wind can be obtained.On leave from the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380 009, India  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the variation of the 11-year solar cycle since the 15th century revealed by the measurement of radiocarbon content in single-year tree-rings of Japanese cedar trees. Measurements of radiocarbon content in absolutely dated tree-rings provide a calibration curve for accurate dating of archaeological matters, but at the same time, enable us to examine the variations of solar magnetic activity in the pre-historical period. The Sun holds several long-term quasi-cyclic variations in addition to the fundamental 11-year sunspot activity cycle and the 22-year polarity reversal cycle, and it is speculated that the property of the 11-year and the 22-year solar cycle varies in association with such long-term quasi-cycles. It is essential to reveal the details of solar variations around the transition time of solar dynamo for illuminating the mechanisms of the long-term solar variations. We therefore have investigated the property of the 11-year and 22-year cycles around the two grand solar minima; the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD) and the Spoerer Minimum (1415–1534 AD), the periods of prolonged sunspot minima. As a result, slight stretching of the “11-year” and the “22-year” solar cycles was found during these two grand solar activity minima; continuously during the Maunder Minimum and only intermittently during the Spoerer Minimum. On the contrary, normal or slightly shortened 11-year cycles were detected during the interval period of these two minima. It suggests the inverse correlation between the solar cycle length and solar magnetic activity level, and also the change of meridional flow during the grand solar activity minima. Further measurements for the beginning of the grand solar minima will provide a clue to the occurrence of such prolonged sunspot disappearance. We also discuss the effect of solar variations to radiocarbon dating.  相似文献   

SOLAR2000 is a collaborative project for accurately characterizing solar irradiance variability across the spectrum. A new image- and full-disk proxy empirical solar irradiance model, SOLAR2000, is being developed that is valid in the spectral range of 1–1,000,000 nm for historical modeling and forecasting throughout the solar system. The overarching scientific goal behind SOLAR2000 is to understand how the Sun varies spectrally and through time from X-ray through infrared wavelengths. This will contribute to answering key scientific questions and will aid national programmatic goals related to solar irradiance specification. SOLAR2000 is designed to be a fundamental energy input into planetary atmosphere models, a comparative model with numerical/first principles solar models, and a tool to model or predict the solar radiation component of the space environment. It is compliant with the developing International Standards Organization (ISO) solar irradiance standard. SOLAR2000 captures the essence of historically measured solar irradiances and this expands our knowledge about the quiet and variable Sun including its historical envelope of variability. The implementation of the SOLAR2000 is described, including the development of a new EUV proxy, E10.7, which has the same units as the commonly used F10.7. SOLAR2000 also provides an operational forecasting and global specification capability for solar irradiances and information can be accessed at the website address of http://www.spacenvironment.net.  相似文献   

Measurements of the hydroxyl rotational temperatures at about 87 km altitude above Wuppertal (51.3°N, 7.2°E), Germany, are analysed. The time series covers the time interval from 1987 until 2005 and consists of more than 4000 night mean temperature data. Seasonal and longer-term trends are removed from the data set and OH* temperature fluctuations on temporal scales of about 3–40 days are derived. Various spectral analysis techniques (harmonic analysis, maximum entropy method and wavelet transform) are applied. Can – due to the Sun's rotation – the irregular pattern of sunspots on the solar disc lead to OH* temperature fluctuations? Pronounced spectral components in the OH* temperature fluctuations around a period from 27 to 31 days are frequently observed. We tentatively attribute these signatures to the differential rotation of the Sun: Sun's equatorial regions rotate faster (taking only about 27 days) than the polar regions. Sunspots occur at heliographic latitudes at about ±40°, which correspond to a rotation rate of about 27–31 days. The OH* temperature fluctuations within this period range show a long-term modulation of 11 years. Thus, tracking the spectral intensity of the 27- to 31-day component should allow the indirect monitoring of the solar sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

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