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Summary Over the last decade sensitive observations of radio recombination line emission using high angular resolution synthesis telescopes have become available. As a result it has now become possible to image the physical parameters deduced from radio recombination lines across individual sources. In the case of HII regions this work has resulted in detailed images of radial velocities, electron temperatures and the abundance of singly ionized helium (Y+). Direct observational evidence has been found for pressure broadening and non-LTE effects. Dramatic variations have been found in the ratio of He+ to H+, from as low as a few percent (the galactic centre) to as high 34% in one region of W3. Detailed images have been obtained of the partially ionized medium (CII and H regions) close to HII regions. Observations of recombination lines at very low frequencies have revealed the existence of very low density ionized gas in all directions in our galaxy. Higher resolution observations have led to a partial understanding of this medium. The first complete velocity field of the ionized gas in the centre of our galaxy has been obtained. Very recently the first images were made of extragalactic radio recombination lines, offering the possibility to study the kinematics of the ionized gas in the central few hundred parsecs of external galaxies.  相似文献   

We describe a method for determining the primordial helium abundance (Y p) from radio recombination lines and present results of the first stage of our measurements. We analyze the observational data for hydrogen and helium radio recombination lines from six Galactic H II regions obtained at different times. We have found Y p = 25.2−25.5% with an error of ±0.9% from four sources.  相似文献   

In order to study the ionized gas with low electron density the H159 and H200 radio recombination lines (v = 1.62 GHz) atl = 30°5 andl = 31°0 in the galactic plane, observed with the NRAO 43 m radiotelescope, are analyzed. The profiles show the LTE/ intensity ratio for the more distant component of the profiles ( LSR = 100 km s–1) (Cersosimo and Onello, 1991).To derive the electron density and temperature of the emitting gas a new interpretation of the radio recombination lines is made. We suppose that the emission originates in a superposition of ionized gas layers with different densities along the line of sight. The number of layers in the model is equal to the numbers of different order transitions observed. By solving an equations set, the contribution of different components can be calculated. The method is used to estimate the electron density and temperature of the gas. Eleven models of two non-LTE components are considered. The photon flux required to ionize the regions are calculated and the results are compared with previous observations obtained in the region at 3 cm (H85, H87, H88 lines) (Lockman, 1989).Our results suggest that the necessary photon flux to ionize the extended envelopes of the regions is at least one order of magnitude larger than that needed for ionizing the core of the regions.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico y Tecnológico del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) from Argentina.Also Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia.  相似文献   

The intensities of carbon radio recombination lines (RRL’s) are definedallowing for the effect of dielectronic-like recombination. The rate ofdielectronic-like recombination is calculated as functions of line number,electron density and temperature accurate to 0.05. Following from the balanceequation solutions for populations, the RRL intensities are analytically foundby the method of successive approximations to an accuracy of 0.15. Theobservations of carbon RRL’s are analyzed toward Cassiopeia A. The averageelectron temperature, density, expanded CII region lengths and inaccuraciesare found with the experimental values of RRL widths and intensities.  相似文献   

The radio spectrum of the Orion A (combined spectrum of both the M42 and M43 sources) is established by using more data than previous authors. The frequency range is also substantially expanded by using recent results. A peculiar feature appearing in the produced radio spectrum is discussed.  相似文献   

We give a review of problems connected with the interpretation of meter and decameter carbon radiolines. The lines are formed inside clumps of molecular clouds in layers with a column density N ≈ 6 · 1021 cm−2. These clumps are very typical structures. The distribution of physical parameters (number density, temperature, etc.) inside the clumps is poorly known. The most difficult and important question is the penetration of subcosmic rays into the clumps. Observations show that the ionization rate is ζ = (1–7) · 10−17 s−1 inside molecular clouds and significantly greater in the diffuse gas. Long-wave radio recombination lines can probably be used for the analysis of the distribution of subcosmic rays inside molecular clouds. The interpretation is complicated by the influence of low-temperature dielectron recombination and poorl known variations of carbon depletion in the clumps.  相似文献   

The radial brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 8.6 mm is synthesized from observations using a sixteen element east-west interferometer in Nagoya. The observed brightness is flat from the disk center to 0.8R . A slight darkening appeared between 0.8R and the limb. No evidence of the bright ring near the limb is found. The radio radius at 8.6 mm is 1.015±0.005R . In addition there exists a coronal component just outside the radio limb.  相似文献   

Observations of a radio burst at 8.6 mm wavelength on 1970 November 5, are described with the particular interest on the correspondence between radio and polarized X-ray events. The radio observations were carried out using an interferometer with a half power width of 2.9 at the Dept. of Physics, Nagoya University, and indicated that the location of the radio burst coincided with preceding sunspots and the size of the burst source must be very small, less than about 1. Mechanisms of radio and X-ray emissions are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Observations of Orion A, M 17, and W 3 made at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory show Stark broadening in the , , and hydrogen recombination lines at 22 cm. Stark effect has such a large effect on the line profiles that fitted Gaussian profiles cannot be used to measure the area of the line. Theoretical line profiles have been derived from modelHii regions. Voigt profiles fitted to the theoretical line profiles indicate that the areas of the lines derived from the fitted profiles may be systematically too small. Using Voigt profiles fitted by least squares to the observations, we found that the line intensities at 22 cm agree with the intensity ratios predicted by LTE theory.  相似文献   

High resolution strip maps of CS (J=1–0) and H51 line emission across the Orion bright bar are presented. They reveal the existence of a high density molecular layer (molecular sheet) plane parallel to the ionization front. This molecular sheet is redshifted relative to the ambient molecular cloud by about 2 km s–1. The rapid decrease of the CS emission at about 50 arc sec from the bar suggests that a shock front exists here and the sheet is a post shock layer.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.This work was carried out under the common use observation program at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO). NRO, a branch of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo, Japan, is a cosmic radio observing facility open to outside users.  相似文献   

The results are given of observation of solar radio emission of the S-component at 8.15 mm-, and 2.25 mm- made with the 22 m radio telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. Solar radio images are obtained at both wavelengths. The data are presented of radio emission intensity and brightness temperatures of 10 sources of the S-component as well as the result of a flare observed. The sources of the S-component appear to be opaque at millimetre wavelengths.  相似文献   

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory; SKB Granit; Geneva Observatory; Cosmonaut Preparation Center. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 197–202, March–April, 1990.  相似文献   

Observations at a wavelength of 1.32 mm have been made of the Jovian planets, Ceres, the satellites Callisto and Ganymede, and the HII region DR 21. The observed brightness temperatures are presented. Those of the Jovian planets agree with the values expected from model atmosphere calculations, except that of Jupiter, which is lower than expected. Ceres and the satellites do not have atmospheres so their emission arised in their subsurface layers. The observed brightness temperatures are intermediate between those measured at infrared and centimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

The recent survey of H 272α recombination line (324.99 MHz) in the direction of 34 Hn regions, 12 SNRs and 6 regions of continuum minimum (‘blank’ regions) in the galactic plane is used to derive the properties of diffuse ionized gas in the inner Galaxy. The intensity of radio recombination lines at high frequencies is dominated by spontaneous emission in high-density gas and that at low frequencies (325 MHz) by stimulated emission in low-density gas. We have used this property to obtain the electron density in the gas in the direction of blank regions and SNRs, by combining the H 272 α measurements (preceeding paper) with the published data at higher frequencies. Further, we have imposed constraints on the electron temperature and pathlength through this gas using the observed high-frequency continuum emission, average interstellar electron density and geometry of the line-emitting regions. The derived properties of the gas are (i) electron density 0.5–6 cm-3, (ii) electron temperature 3000–8000 K and (iii) emission measures 500–3000 pc cm-6 The corresponding pathlengths are 50–200 pc. As the derived sizes of the low-density regions are small compared to the pathlength through the Galaxy, the low-frequency recombination lines cannot be considered as coming from a widely distributed component of the interstellar medium. The Hn regions studied in the above survey cannot themselves produce the H 272α lines detected towards them because of pressure broadening, optical depth, and beam dilution. However, the agreement in velocity of these lines with those seen at higher frequencies suggests that the low-frequency recombination lines arise in low-density envelopes of the Hn regions. Assuming that the temperature of the envelopes are similar to those of the cores and invoking geometrical considerations we find that these envelopes should have electron densities in the range 1–10 cm-3 and linear sizes of 30–300 pc in order to produce the observed H 272α lines.  相似文献   

The widths and rms variations of line centers for 1393 profiles from the Si iv ion in the solar transition zone, as observed by OSO-8, are analyzed to give the amplitudes and periods of three postulated types of disturbance: sinusoidal acoustic waves; sinusoidal acoustic shocks; and normally propagated MHD waves. All three assumptions lead to mean intervals between disturbances of 40–50 s, but acoustic waves and shocks are rules out because they predict intensifications of brightness far in excess of anything observed. MHD disturbances in magnetic fields 2 G are consistent with observations, but normally propagated disturbances also give too great an intensification in brightness. Disturbances with wave vectors at an angle to the magnetic field are suggested.  相似文献   

The interferometer visibility of Jupiter, observed at a wavelength of 3.4 mm, is used to determine the global limb darkening of the planet's brightness. From a single-parameter fit to the visibility curve, we find an ammonia-to-molecular hydrogen mixing ratio of 6.4[+5.1, ?1.9] × 10?5, which corresponds to 35[+28, ?10]% of the solar nitrogen abundance if all of the nitrogen is in the form of ammonia. The fitting procedure uses a simple model atmosphere for the Jovian atmosphere which is based on other observations of the planet. The dependence of the result on the various model parameters is studied.  相似文献   

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