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The results of photometric and polarimetric observations carried out for some bright atmosphere-less bodies of the Solar system near the zero phase angle reveal the simultaneous existence of two spectacular optical phenomena, the so-called brightness and polarization opposition effects. In a number of studies, these phenomena were explained by the influence of coherent backscattering. However, in general, the interference concept of coherent backscattering can be used only in the case where the particles are in the far-field zones of each other, i.e., when the scattering medium is rather rarefied. Because of this, it is important to prove rigorously and to demonstrate that the coherent backscattering effect may also exist in densely packed scattering media like regolith surface layers of celestial bodies. From the results of the computer modeling performed with the use of numerically exact solutions of the macroscopic Maxwell equations for discrete random media with different packing densities of particles, we studied the origin and evolution of all the opposition phenomena predicted by the coherent backscattering theory for low-packing-density media. It has been shown that the predictions of this theory remain valid for rather high packing densities of particles that are typical, in particular, of regolith surfaces of the Solar system bodies. The results allow us to conclude that both opposition effects observed simultaneously in some high-albedo atmosphereless bodies of the Solar system are caused precisely by coherent backscattering of solar light in the regolith layers composed of microscopic particles.  相似文献   

It is well known that under cosmic conditions the various modes of plasma turbulence waves (including MHD waves) are easily excited. In this paper we are trying to show that the turbulent wave also generates a source-term for the magnetic induced equations as does the turbulent fluid with nonzero helicity. By expanding the turbulent field in Fourier series, we have obtained dynamo equation for turbulent wave and a reasonable solution which indicates that the poloidal field may be built-up in the turbulent source region. Perhaps, we may think that the poloidal field of Equation (9) is the analytical form of the magnetic field in a turbulent source region of celestial bodies.  相似文献   

We took the degenerate neutrino celestial body (NCO) to be transparent. We solved the geodesic equation for the light rays emitted by sources inside and outside the body. We then derived the expression for the amplication factor K by a transparent gravitational lens, and evaluated K and the redshift under the metric of the NCO. Our calculations show that, for light travelling in certain directions from sources in certain positions, the brightness may be amplified several hundred times. We point out that some quasars may be galactic nuclei inside NCOs.  相似文献   

A general approach to the solution of the perturbed oscillation problem for celestial bodies is considered. The solution sought describes unperturbed virial oscillations (zero approximation) affected by external perturbing effects. In the general case, these perturbations can be expressed by an arbitrary given function of time, Jacobi's function and its first derivative. Standard methods and modes of perturbation theory are used for solution of the problem.It is shown that while studying the evolution of a celestial body as a dissipative system in the framework of perturbed virial oscillations, the analytical expression for perturbing function can be derived, assuming the celestial body to be an oscillating electrical dipole emitting electromagnetic energy.The general covariant form of Jacobi's equation is derived and its spur is examined. It is shown that the scalar form of Jacobi's equation appears to be more universal than Newton's laws of motion from which it is derived.  相似文献   

In this paper the ‘class of near homoaxial rotations’ is defined, being suitable for treatment of problems of nonuniform rotation of stars. This class is represented by a proper form of the so-called ‘velocity tensor’, the latter describing efficiently the motion of a deformable finite material continuum in the common frame. The ‘class of particular near homoaxial rotations’ is then defined, characterized by simple transformation equations of the velocity tensor in two noninertial frames; namely, in a ‘frame rotating uniformly’ relative to the common frame, and in a ‘frame rotating nonuniformly’ relative to it. A sufficient condition is also derived so that a near homoaxial rotation be reducible to a particular one. ‘Preferred frames’ are then defined in the sense that they preserve a near homoaxial rotation in its class when referring thismotion; that is, such frames keep invariant the intertial class of the motion. Finally, a method is proposed for constructing a nonuniformly rotating preferred frame, to which a near homoaxial rotation is referred simply as ‘radial distortion’.  相似文献   

1.40M . C12+C12Mg24+. Bruenn (1972) . , ( ), . , URCA . ( , ) . .  相似文献   

In a previous paper of this series (Tokis, 1974b), we have discussed the solution of the Eulerian equation which governs the axial rotation, applied to the effects of viscous friction exhibited in binary systems which consist of a close pair of fluid bodies of arbitrary structure. The aim of the present paper will be to give an application of those results to the Earth-Moon system. It is shown that synchronism between the axial rotation of the Earth and the revolution of the Moon will occur at the value of 650 h, in a time scale which depends strongly on the value of the mean viscosity of the Earth (regarded as spherical or spheroidal). In particular, the variation of rotational angular velocity of the Earth over the next ten centuries commencing from 1900 A.D., depends sensitively on the value of viscosity. On the other hand, the time for synchronism of axial rotation of the Moon is not affected by the viscosity for values between 1024g cm?1 s?1 and 1027g cm?1 s?1.  相似文献   

We present new polarimetric and photometric observations of the high-albedo Asteroid 64 Angelina in the UBVRI wavebands at phase angles ranging from 0.43° to 13.02° during oppositions in 1995, 1999, and 2000/2001. The polarization opposition effect has been observed in the form of a sharp peak of negative polarization with amplitude of about −0.4% centered at αmin≈1.8°, which is superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch. The amplitude of the polarization opposition effect appears to be apparition-dependent. Our photometric data confirm the early detected by Harris et al. [1989. Phase relations of high-albedo asteroids: The unusual opposition brightening of 44 Nysa and 64 Angelina. Icarus 81, 365-374] of a very strong and unusually narrow opposition spike, i.e., brightness opposition effect, for Angelina. Thus, 64 Angelina is the first asteroid for which both the polarization opposition effect and the brightness opposition effect have been detected. We observed that the polarization opposition effect as well as the regular negative polarization branch depends on the wavelength of scattered light, but in different manners. In addition, the colors B-V and V-R show little phase-angle dependence, while the color U-B increases with increasing phase angle, thus indicating that the amplitude of the brightness opposition effect is larger in the U band and almost the same in the B, V, and R bands. It appears that all colors indices begin to increase with decreasing phase angle to zero. The composite lightcurve computed with a period of 8.752 h has amplitude of 0.13 magnitude.  相似文献   

We present new polarimetric and photometric observations of high-albedo E-type Asteroid 44 Nysa in the BVRI wavebands at phase angles ranging from 0.41° to 7.49° during the 2005 opposition. A bimodal phase-angle dependence of polarization was found for Nysa in the V band. The polarization opposition effect was revealed in the form of a secondary minimum of negative polarization with amplitude ∼0.3% centered at a phase angle ∼0.8°. It is superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch with minimal polarization −0.30% at a phase angle 5.8°. We analyzed all available polarimetric data for E-type Asteroids 44 Nysa, 64 Angelina, and 214 Ashera and confirmed the presence of the polarization opposition effect for high-albedo asteroids at phase angle ∼1° with an amplitude ∼0.35%. The magnitude-phase curves reveal the presence of spike-like opposition effect of brightness for 44 Nysa in the BVRI spectral bands. 44 Nysa is the second high-albedo asteroid after 64 Angelina for which both the polarization opposition effect and the brightness opposition effect are detected. The differences between the parameters of the opposition effects for silicate surfaces (44 Nysa, 64 Angelina, Io) and icy surfaces (Europa, Ganymede, Iapetus, Saturn's rings) are discussed. The specific morphological parameters of opposition effects, in particular the angular width of the polarization opposition effect is comparable to that of the brightness opposition effect, provide almost unequivocal evidence that they are caused by coherent backscattering. One of unexpected results of our investigation is that 44 Nysa becomes bluer with increasing phase angle, while 64 Angelina shows phase reddening.  相似文献   

Celestial body rotation about its center of mass, taking into account the body orbit evolution, is considered. Non-linear evolution equations of motion are constructed. Empirical Cassini's laws describing the Moon motion result from these equations as their stationary points. Bifurcation conditions of steady motions are written out and conditions of their stability are investigated. Hypothesis of Mercury's resonance motion analogous to the motion by Cassini is discussed. Consequences of this hypothesis are considered.The first information including the results mentioned in the paper was previously published in preprint [1].  相似文献   

High-precision spectrophotometry at 5% resolution has been obtained for the Uranian satellites Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. These spectra cover the wavelength region 1.43–2.57 μm and represent a substantial improvement in precision or wavelength coverage over previous studies. The presence of a spectrally dominant water-ice component in the surface of Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon is confirmed. The 1.5- and 2.0-μm water absorption band depths and the continuum reflectance (as defined by the reflectance at 1.78 and 2.25 μm) indicate significant differences among the surface compositional properties of the four satellites. Comparisons of the new spectra to those of other solar system bodies, and to laboratory spectra of water ice of various degrees of purity, indicate that these satellites have a significant non-water-ice component on/in their surfaces. The lack of spectral absorptions at 5% resolution attributable to anything other than water ice suggests that the non-water-ice component is a roughly neutral reflector in the 1.5- to 2.5- μm region. The nature of the non-water-ice component cannot be uniquely determined from these data, but it is relatively dark and has spectral similarities to substances such as carbon black, the dark substance covering one face of Iapetus, or other neutral-color, low-reflectance materials. Finally, preliminary measurements of the near-infrared opposition brightness surges of Ariel, Titania, and Oberon show them to be among the largest in the solar system.  相似文献   

The conceptual part of the physics of baryonic protomatter and the alternative approach to understanding the internal structure of highly compact stationary supermassive celestial bodies were previously suggested in [1–5]. There are a number of advantages to this approach, which differs in principle from the standard black hole accretion models and is in good agreement with the observational data from active galactic nuclei. In order to be more consistent and convinced in the correctness of previously drawn statements, in our research it has been advantageous to verify them by expansion of the basic ideas with the appropriate and consistent theoretical constructions backed up by detailed numerical studies of the models, which are physically more realistic, with the spherical-symmetric distribution of matter in many-phase stratified states. Multiple integrations in the aftermath prove the validity of the previous physical scenario and correctness of drawn statements that the process of inner distortion of the space-time continuum just serves as the eligible mechanism counteracting to collapse.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 659–666, October–December, 1995.  相似文献   

The cosmogonic role of tidal effects in planetary rotations is considered. According to the cosmogonic modern theory by Eneev-Kozlov [3], the evolution of a protoplanetary cloud resulted in protoplanets of enormous initial sizes. Due to this, the tidal evolution of planetary rotations played a great part; it developed with rate by a few orders of magnitude higher than that of the evolution in contemporary epoch. The compression of protoplanets to their present sizes had played a certain (in some cases, dominating) role. These two factors effected in a present variety of planetary inclinations and rotations.  相似文献   

In recent years, following the Chelyabinsk event of February 15, 2013, the lower size limit for presumably dangerous near-Earth objects has been decreased manyfold (essentially, from 140 m to ~10 m). This has drawn an increased attention to the properties of the population of decameter-sized bodies, in particular, the bodies that approach the Earth from the sunward side (daytime sky). The current paper is concerned with various properties of this population. The properties of the ensemble are analyzed using both observational data from other authors and theoretical estimates obtained by cloning virtual bodies. This question is of great practical importance, as the means for detecting such bodies (for example, the SODA project) need to be developed with consideration for the requirements imposed by the population properties. We have shown that the average rate of entering near-Earth space (NES), i.e., at distances less than ~1 million km from the Earth, for decameter-sized and larger bodies from the daytime sky (elongation values of entry points less than 90°) is approximately 620 objects per year for elongation angles of the detection point <90° and approximately 220 objects per year for elongation angles of the detection point <45°.  相似文献   

Several contemporary modified models of gravity predict the existence of a non-Newtonian Yukawa-type correction to the classical gravitational potential. We study the motion of a secondary celestial body under the influence of the corrected gravitational force of a primary. We derive two equations to approximate the periastron time rate of change and its total variation over one revolution (i.e., the difference between the anomalistic period and the Keplerian period) under the influence of the non-Newtonian radial acceleration. Kinematically, this influence produces apsidal motion. We performed numerical estimations for Mercury, for the companion star of the pulsar PSR 1913+16, and for the extrasolar Planet b of the star HD 80606. We also considered the case of the artificial Earth satellite GRACE-A, but the results present a low degree of reliability from a practical standpoint.  相似文献   

Die Funktion R9 der Oberfläche von unregelmäßigen Himmelskörpern (kleine Monde wie Phobos und Deimos, Kometenkerne oder kleine Asteroiden) wird nach Kugelfunktionen entwickelt. Es wird eine Methode angegeben, nach der die Entwicklungskoeffizienten durch Vergleich der berechneten Konturen mit den Konturen bestimmt werden, die aus einer Folge von Abbildungen des Körpers gewonnen wurden. Bei gegebenen Entwicklungskoeffizienten kann diese Methode für Orientierungssysteme von Raumschiffen beim Anflug auf den Himmelskörper verwendet werden. Weiterhin können physikalische Größen, wie das Volumen, die Schwerpunktskoordinaten, Trägheitsmomente und Gravitationsfeld analytisch berechnet werden. Unter der Voraussetzung, daß das Gravitationspotential experimentell bestimmt werden kann, wird eine Methode zur Berechnung des radialen Dichteprofiles des Körpers beschrieben.  相似文献   

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