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在选择了各污染物的“参照值”情况下,用污染物的实测学相对值代替水质污染损害率公式中的浓度监测值,公式中的参数可认为与污染物的特性无关。采用遗传算法优化中的参数,得到了多种水质污染物都能适用的水质污染损害率和污染损害指数公式。提出用对比加权对污染损害分指数进行赋权的新方法,计算水质综合污染损害指数。该方法用于水质综合评价的物理意义明确、计算简单、使用方便,具有普适性和可比性。  相似文献   

在分析可持续发展指标特征基础上,提出按持续、协调、结构和集聚四类建立可持续发展分类单项指标指数公式和综合指数公式,并用遗传算法对公式中参数进行优化,建立了可持续发展的综合指数评价模型。该模型应用于乌鲁木齐市的可持续发展评价结果与实况分析结果基本一致,该模型有简单、实用的特点。  相似文献   

为克服传统的突变模糊公式用于室内空气评价不能普适、通用的局限,适当设定指标参照值和指标值的规范变换式,使室内空气同级标准不同指标的规范值差异尽可能小,从而用规范值表示的各指标皆与某个规范指标等效。因此任意多项指标的室内空气质量的突变模型均可用若干个尖点突变和(或)燕尾突变两种突变模型组合表示。用突变模糊指数公式对2个室内空气质量评价结果与实况相符合,基于指标规范变换的室内空气质量突变模糊指数公式具有形式简洁、计算简单和普适通用的特点。  相似文献   

为建立适用于多种灾情的评估指数公式,运用遗传算法,优化公式中的参数.该公式对于分级指标项数没有限制,使用范围广泛.应用该公式对1990年我国部分省市发生的9次自然灾害进行等级划分,并与其它方法的评估结果进行比较,验证了公式的正确性.  相似文献   

为了建立一种对多项指标都能普遍适用的大气环境质量评价模型,利用反馈式突变进化算法对幂函数加和型指数评价公式中参数进行优化,并用优化后的综合评价指数公式对大气环境进行综合评价。通过对武汉市大气环境质量状况的评价实例研究,表明了综合指数公式的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

The underground water qualitymodel with non-linear inversion problem is illposed, and boils down to solving the minimum of nonlinear function. Genetic algorithms are adopted in a number of individuals of groups by iterative search to find the optimal solution of the problem, the encoding strings as its operational objective, and achieving the iterative calculations by the genetic operators. It is an effective method of inverse problems of groundwater, with incomparable advantages and practical significances.  相似文献   

The underground water quality model with non-linear inversion problem is ill-posed, and boils down to solving the minimum of nonlinear function. Genetic algorithms are adopted in a number of individuals of groups by iterative search to find the optimal solution of the problem, the encoding strings as its operational objective, and achieving the iterative calculations by the genetic operators. It is an effective method of inverse problems of groundwater, with incomparable advantages and practical significances.  相似文献   

提出了基于s型生长曲线函数的地下水水质评价的污染损害率公式,并采用粒子群优化算法对水质污染损害率公式中的参数进行优化.将优化好的水质污染损害率公式用于某地20个采样点地下水水质评价,并与其它评价方法的评价结果进行了比较,结果表明公式能较好地用于地下水水质的综合评价,有明确的物理意义,简单适用,并具有一定的普适性.  相似文献   

AMULTI-WINDOWGISAPPROACHFORWATERQUALITYDATAANALYSISLinHui(DepartmentofGeography,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong,Shatin,NewTerr...  相似文献   

教学评价是提升高等学校教育质量的重要手段,而课堂教学质量评价又是实施教学评价的关键性环节,直接关系到教学评价的指向和功能的发挥.通过对课堂教学评价系统多方面、内在的分析,提出需要建立一种符合社会最终需求的课堂教学评价系统导向性,即以学生为课堂教学评价的主体,以培养具有创新意识和发展潜能的人才作为教学评价的目标,并对相应解决方案进行了有针对性地研究与探讨.  相似文献   

Precise comprehensive evaluation of flood disaster loss is significant for the prevention and mitigation of flood disasters. Here, one of the difficulties involved is how to establish a model capable of describing the complex relation between the input and output data of the system of flood disaster loss. Genetic programming (GP) solves problems by using ideas from genetic algorithm and generates computer programs automatically. In this study a new method named the evaluation of the grade of flood disaster loss (EGFD) on the basis of improved genetic programming (IGP) is presented (IGP-EGFD). The flood disaster area and the direct economic loss are taken as the evaluation indexes of flood disaster loss. Obviously that the larger the evaluation index value, the larger the corresponding value of the grade of flood disaster loss is. Consequently the IGP code is designed to make the value of the grade of flood disaster be an increasing function of the index value. The result of the application of the IGP-EGFD model to Henan Province shows that a good function expression can be obtained within a bigger searched function space; and the model is of high precision and considerable practical significance. Thus, IGP-EGFD can be widely used in automatic modeling and other evaluation systems.  相似文献   

For the Pinang River, originating in the western highlands of Penang Island, the nature, sources and extent of pollution were studied. The river water samples collected at five selected sites were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters, namely temperature, DO, BOD, COD, SS, pH, ammoniac nitrogen (AN), and conductance. Long-term data of rainfall and temperature were analyzed to determine the seasonal variations of the streamflow.The streamflow during the dry season is extremely low compared to the wet season, thus concentrations of contaminants derived from point pollution source increase due to lack of rainfall and runoff events. On the contrary, in the predominantly urban and agricultural catchments, non-point pollution source increases during rainy season through seepage and runoff. Effects of seasonal variations consequently deterrnine the quantity and quality of the water parameters.The Jelutong River, the Dondang River and the Air Itam River carry the seepage from widely urban and residential areas to the main Pinang River systems. Water quality of the Pinang River at different points assessed by the water quality indices was compared. According to the quality indices during the study period, water quality in the upper reaches of the river is medium to good. It dwindled in the plains, due to the seepage from urban areas and discharges from the industrial and agricultural lands.  相似文献   

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