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Riverbank erosion is an important component of catchment sediment budget models but remains one of the least well-understood processes, particularly at large spatial scales. Here, we develop and test a new bank migration model in New Zealand for large catchment applications that (1) better represents spatial variability in factors influencing bank erosion and (2) improves predictive performance. We represent bank migration rates as a function of reach-scale stream power, channel sinuosity, soil texture, valley confinement, riparian woody vegetation and channel protection works. The new model significantly improves prediction compared to the SedNetNZ model. Comparison of measured bank migration rates with individual variables shows percent silt + clay derived from soil maps exhibited the strongest correlation, whereas other variables were non-significant. The model results demonstrate that improved prediction can be achieved by combining spatial representation of multiple factors over large areas, despite low correlation between individual variables and bank migration rates.  相似文献   

Using a space-for-time substitution design, we investigated the response of structural instream habitat and fish populations to different riparian management practices throughout a Dairy Best Practice Catchment. We found a significant negative correlation between the upstream area of stock exclusion fencing and deposited instream fine sediment cover. Furthermore, we determined that this relationship emerges when ≥300?m lengths of upstream riparian area were included in the analysis, indicating the scale at which stock exclusion fencing results in a positive instream habitat response. Specifically, for this historically degraded spring-fed stream, our findings indicate that riparian segments with 5 m wide stock exclusion fences (both banks) are required to achieve instream fine sediment cover below 20% in downstream reaches. Fish were sparse and evenly spread throughout the catchment. Fish distributions were not correlated with reach-scale riparian or instream habitat variables, possibly because the available habitat quality gradient was too narrow.  相似文献   

Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A small stream in a predominantly dairying catchment in the Waikato region of New Zealand was monitored for 2 years at three sites. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were up to 7.09 g m‐3 in winter, with the bulk comprising nitrate nitrogen (NO 3‐N). During summer NO 3‐N was near zero and TN mostly comprised organic nitrogen. Maximum concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) were 1.64 and 0.555 g m‐3, respectively, and peaks coincided with spring and autumn applications of phosphorus fertiliser. Ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations exceeded 1 g m‐3 on several occasions and mean concentrations at the three sites were 0.165–0.272 g m‐3. Faecal coliform and enterococci bacteria concentrations were 64–26000 and 7–23000 cfu per 100 ml, respectively. Specific yields of TN and NO 3‐N (35.3 and 30.7 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were much greater than any previously reported for New Zealand pasture catchments, whereas TP and DRP yields (1.16 and 0.54 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were more in accord with other studies. Greater use of land treatment of liquid wastes will reduce stream inputs of faecal organisms, NH4‐N and P.  相似文献   

根据1842—2004年海图资料分析发现,南汇边滩存在近百年尺度的强烈冲刷—淤积旋回。长江主泓走南港或北港是造成冲刷期"北滩、东滩淤积,南滩、过渡带冲刷"或淤积期冲淤态势反相的主要原因;冲刷期内风暴强度和频数明显多于淤积期,造成冲刷期滩面叠置记忆的是暴风浪成因的"高滩冲刷、低滩淤积"的冲淤态势,而淤积期保存的是弱风浪成因的"高滩淤积、低滩冲刷"叠置增强的剖面特征。尽管三角洲整体冲淤态势的转变主要受流域来沙量的控制,但不同岸段受河口河势分水分沙作用、潮流和波浪等共同作用,明显存在此冲彼淤、冲淤动态调整等特征。已有的入海泥沙含量阈值研究以点代面或以局部代整体,这是造成阈值估算偏高的主要原因。2003年三峡水库开始蓄水后平均年输沙量154 Mt/a已低于低阈值184 Mt/a,但三角洲尚未如预测那样发生由净淤积向净侵蚀的转变。已有的河口水文观察资料显示,水体含沙量也未发生明显下降,这可能是潮控型三角洲潮流对泥沙在河口的再分配起主导作用,并可能由此延长三角洲冲淤转变对入海泥沙量减少的滞后。今后需进一步加强潮控型河口复杂过程的综合研究,提高对泥沙含量阈值估算和应对可能面临的海岸侵蚀及其相关的环境地质灾害的能力。  相似文献   

根据1842—2004年海图资料分析发现,南汇边滩存在近百年尺度的强烈冲刷—淤积旋回。长江主泓走南港或北港是造成冲刷期"北滩、东滩淤积,南滩、过渡带冲刷"或淤积期冲淤态势反相的主要原因;冲刷期内风暴强度和频数明显多于淤积期,造成冲刷期滩面叠置记忆的是暴风浪成因的"高滩冲刷、低滩淤积"的冲淤态势,而淤积期保存的是弱风浪成因的"高滩淤积、低滩冲刷"叠置增强的剖面特征。尽管三角洲整体冲淤态势的转变主要受流域来沙量的控制,但不同岸段受河口河势分水分沙作用、潮流和波浪等共同作用,明显存在此冲彼淤、冲淤动态调整等特征。已有的入海泥沙含量阈值研究以点代面或以局部代整体,这是造成阈值估算偏高的主要原因。2003年三峡水库开始蓄水后平均年输沙量154 Mt/a已低于低阈值184 Mt/a,但三角洲尚未如预测那样发生由净淤积向净侵蚀的转变。已有的河口水文观察资料显示,水体含沙量也未发生明显下降,这可能是潮控型三角洲潮流对泥沙在河口的再分配起主导作用,并可能由此延长三角洲冲淤转变对入海泥沙量减少的滞后。今后需进一步加强潮控型河口复杂过程的综合研究,提高对泥沙含量阈值估算和应对可能面临的海岸侵蚀及其相关的环境地质灾害的能力。  相似文献   

Twelve Galaxias postvectis (shortjaw kokopu) and four G. fasciatus (banded kokopu) spawning sites were found on the margins of the Katikara Stream, Taranaki, New Zealand. This is the first time G. postvectis spawning sites have been documented. G. fasciatus spawning sites discovered in this study confirm previous observations elsewhere in New Zealand. These spawning sites were all found out of water, variable distances from the base flow water level amongst stony substrate, vegetation, and debris. Most G. fasciatus appeared to lay their eggs, and subsequently hatch, c. 3 weeks earlier than G. postvectis, which spawned from 9 to 17 May 2001. G. brevipinnis (koaro) larvae were also identified drifting downstream in late May and mid June 2001. Deposition of eggs and subsequent hatching were found to be associated with elevated flows.  相似文献   


Rates of coastal erosion and accretion for New Zealand are calculated for the period since early European colonisation. Methods used for calculating rates from cadastral plans, vertical aerial photographs and field measurements are described, evaluated, and illustrated with examples. The most natural reference line for measurements of shoreline changes and for defining the seaward boundary of land is the seaward limit of land vegetation. Measurements made from air photographs and plans at scales larger than 1:4000 have errors less than ± 1 m. As scales become small, errors increase proportionately. Along depositional shorelines, erosion and accretion generally occur at 0.5–4.0 m.y?1. Maximum erosion and accretion rates are 25.4 m.y?1 at North Kaipara Head and 68.9 m.y?1 at Farewell Spit respectively. Cliff recession generally occurs at 0.25 ‐ 1.0 m.y?1 with maximum rates of 2.25 m.y?1 for mudstone cliffs at Cape Tumagain and 3.46 m.y?1 for conglomerate cliffs at Ngapotiki.  相似文献   

Randall Bess 《Marine Policy》2012,36(2):550-558
In the last few decades Western democracies, predominately those of British origin, have debated vigorously about how to improve public management performance. These debates have created an influx of new ideas and initiatives regarding the concept and practise of public management. New Zealand implemented public management reform further and faster than most other nations. At the same time, New Zealand implemented sweeping reforms to the management of fisheries, which led to the quota management system based on the allocation of individual transferable quota. This article briefly outlines the history of changes in New Zealand's public management system and the effect these changes have had on institutional arrangements for managing fisheries. Each institutional arrangement has been devised to accommodate the priorities and policies of the government of the day, spanning the Marine Department established in 1866 to recent structural changes made to the Ministry of Fisheries. The recent structural changes have placed greater emphasis on governance to improve performance, but have also led to substantial losses of in-house experience and institutional knowledge. This article contributes to the broader discussion about whether structural changes provide measureable benefits or the most cost effective way to deliver improvements in performance.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of native fish were investigated down the length of a relatively pristine, medium‐sized, fourth‐order stream on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A limited fish fauna was recorded (six species), including three threatened large galaxiid species (Galaxias argenteus, Galaxias fasciatus, and Galaxias brevipinnis), which have restricted distributions on mainland New Zealand. Results indicated that these large galaxiids occupy diverse habitats including pools and backwaters within the mainstems of this stream. Their extensive distributions and wide habitat usage were attributed to factors such as the intact catchment vegetation, unmodified stream channel, and the absence of introduced fishes, particularly salmonids. Results suggest that some native species have been excluded from mainstem habitats elsewhere in New Zealand. It was also evident that interactions among the native species influenced habitat use; G. brevipinnis avoided backwaters, runs, and pools in reaches occupied by G. fasciatus and Anguilla dieffenbachii; whereas G. fasciatus appeared to avoid habitats occupied by G. argenteus and A dieffenbachii. Maximum densities and biomass of galaxiids and eels occurred in deepwater habitats (>0.75 m). Furthermore the fish inhabiting these deeper waters were larger and more likely to be female. These findings have significant implications for the design and application of sampling protocols for native New Zealand fishes and for the protection of their habitats. If deeper waters are not sampled then species, sex, and size biased data may result.  相似文献   

海洋动力作用下,河口海岸地区海床通常处于动态变化之中。作为地质环境的控制因素,海床沉积物侵蚀再悬浮过程的研究具有重要意义。为阐明胶州湾海域水动力条件对海床侵蚀再悬浮的作用,本文利用海底原位观测三脚架进行了现场观测。观测结果显示:通常条件下,潮流导致的最大海床剪应力可达0.35 N/m2,高于波浪引起的剪应力。涨潮期间,海床发生侵蚀;退潮期间,海床发生淤积。风速达到5 m/s时,波浪引起的剪应力近似等于流致剪应力。风速达到7 m/s时,有效波高为26 cm,波浪对海床侵蚀再悬浮过程起主要作用;此时也会导致海水浊度显著上升,高于通常条件下的2-8倍。分析表明:通常条件下,周期性海流影响海床侵蚀再悬浮过程;而大幅度沉积物再悬浮过程由偶发的波浪事件控制。针对胶州湾沉积物动力学机制的深入研究仍待进一步开展。  相似文献   

东碇倾倒区疏浚泥悬沙输移和海床冲淤数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用区域海洋模型ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)在东碇倾倒区建立三维水动力与泥沙输移数值模型,在水动力验证的基础上模拟预测了在冬、夏季节不同背景潮流和风场作用下的疏浚泥悬沙输移规律及海床沖淤变化。结果表明:在纯潮流作用下,悬沙扩散以抛泥点为中心,呈圆对称分布,且冬季泥沙输移扩散范围比夏季大;加入风场驱动后,悬沙扩散呈下风面拖拽的椭圆形,同时水体混合加强更有利于高浓度悬沙的扩散,但对悬沙输移的作用不明显;抛泥点位置从倾倒区中心变为西北角后,其作用主要体现在冬季较高浓度区面积的减小和由于局地水槽引导而形成的向北延伸的浓度舌;在海床冲淤方面,潮流和风场的作用主要是改变地形增量较大的面积,而更改抛泥点位置则会导致地形增量最大值出现较大的差异。  相似文献   

The association between abundance of invertebrates and presence of extensive periphyton cover in the Waitakere River (36° 28′S, 174° 31′E), northern New Zealand, was studied from October 1974 to June 1975. A black polythene canopy (44 m2) was placed across the stream, and the quantity of algal material and numbers of invertebrates in shaded and unshaded areas was measured. The presence of the canopy and the associated absence of periphyton influenced the distribution of several invertebrate species; those more abundant beneath the canopy were Slavina appendiculata (Oligochaeta: Naididae), Austrosimulium australense (Diptera: Simuliidae), and Aoteapsyche colonica (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae), whereas the chironomids Maoridiamesa harrisi (Diamesinae), Austrocladius sp. (Orthocladiinae), and Paratanytarsus agameta (Chironominae) and the trichopterans Hydrobiosis parumbripennis (Rhyacophilidae), Oxyethira albiceps (Hydroptilidae), and Pycnocentrodes spp. (Conoesucidae) were more abundant outside. Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Mollusca: Hydrobiidae) and Hydora nitida (Coleoptera: Elmidae), commonly recorded from algal mats in New Zealand, were equally abundant in shaded and unshaded areas. Differences in distribution between experimental and control sites may have been due to interference by periphyton with attachment sites (simuliids and hydropsychids) and feeding habits of the invertebrates (remaining species).  相似文献   

现行黄河口滨海区冲淤时空演变及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自黄河入海流路人工改道清8汊后,受自然因素变化和人类活动干预影响,入海水沙出现新的情势,河口滨海区水下地形也发生相应调整。本文基于1997—2018年实测水深断面资料,建立水下地形数字高程模型(DEM),综合研究了黄河口滨海区冲淤的时空演变及其影响因素。结果表明,1997—2018年黄河口滨海区整体呈淤积状态,累积淤积量为5.36×108m3。从时间上来看,水下地形演变经历3个阶段:缓慢冲刷(1997—2002年)、快速淤积(2002—2007年)、缓慢淤积(2007—2018年)。从空间上来看,现行河口区呈淤积状态,而孤东近岸和老河口区呈冲刷状态。在水下地形不同的发展阶段,维持冲淤平衡的临界输沙量也有所不同,调水调沙之前为1.65×108t/a,调水调沙以来为1.09×108t/a。来水来沙对河口滨海区的冲淤演变起着主导作用,2016—2017年调水调沙中断,河口滨海区大面积冲刷。2018年防洪调度的实施使水下地形迅速淤积。黄河口滨海区演变除了受来水来沙的直接影响,还受泥沙粒径和口门位置的影响。  相似文献   

以杭州湾北岸金山咀—龙泉港岸段边滩及海床为研究区域,利用1989—2014年实测及海图资料分析岸滩断面地形变化和岸段冲淤变化。结果表明:在该研究时段,岸段存在长期稳定的冲刷深槽;近岸海床的冲淤表现出“波动性”,5 m等深线(2014年)以浅区以淤积为主,5 m等深线以深冲淤更迭,1989年以来总体呈现冲刷态势。长江入海泥沙量变化为该岸段发生侵蚀/淤积的影响因子之一,台风大浪及海床侵蚀/淤积波的移动导致海床冲淤复杂化。  相似文献   

钱塘江河口段长周期泥沙冲淤和河床变形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余炯  曹颖 《海洋学研究》2006,24(2):28-38
通过对钱塘江河口段50多年连续水下地形资料的整理和分析,给出了该河口段在遭遇连续丰、枯水文年时的长周期泥沙冲淤特点,以及相应塑造的顺直、弯曲两种河势在河床形态与演变上的差异。研究结果认为,长周期泥沙冲淤和河床变形是钱塘江河口段保持冲淤平衡的一种自动调整手段;与冲积河流不同的是,钱塘江河口段通过河型、比降、断面等因素的调整来改变进入该河口段潮流量的大小。  相似文献   


Degradation of aquatic ecosystems by fine sediment is a global environmental problem, and damages reflect particle properties as well as mass concentration. We studied sediment-related water quality (SRWQ) of small streams in hill-country near Whatawhata, NZ, that have been monitored since 1995. In 2001, an integrated catchment management (ICM) plan was implemented in the Mangaotama (originally sheep-beef) catchment – including conversion of steep headwaters to pine plantation, cattle exclusion, and native riparian plantings. The long-term SRWQ within the Mangaotama catchment was examined with reference to a nearby native-forested control catchment. Correlations between visual clarity, suspended particulate matter concentration and related variables were moderate to fairly strong. The ICM has not improved SRWQ as expected – plausibly because removal of cattle disturbance has been offset by decline in pasture ground cover under increasing shade of tree plantings. Worsening SRWQ is expected over the next several decades as channels widen towards a ‘forest’ morphology.  相似文献   

GIS支持下的长江口拦门沙泥沙冲淤定量计算   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
依据1842~1997年10幅不同年代的长江口海图资料,利用地理信息系统和数字化仪进行处理,建立不同时期的长江口水下数字高程模型,以此作为基础资料,实现了从横剖面、深泓线纵剖面、平面变化等不同角度对长江口拦门沙地区滩槽演变、岸线侵蚀、沙岛形成与变迁等进行研究.通过计算河槽容积,实现了对不同时段泥沙冲淤量的计算.结果表明,155a来拦门沙总的趋势是不断淤积,但不同时期淤积速度大不一样,个别时期甚至会发生一定程度的冲刷,这主要与动力条件的波动有关.1842~1997年,共淤积泥沙38.10亿t,平均每年淤积0.246亿t,约占长江来沙的5%,年均淤厚为1.1cm泥沙淤积部位主要在九段沙、横沙及横沙东滩、崇明东滩三处.发生冲刷的范围较小,仅占总面积的21.4%,主要在北槽,北港上段和南槽局部也有轻微的冲刷发生.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate community composition was compared across streams draining catchments dominated by either native bush, agricultural or urban land uses within the Water of Leith stream catchment near Dunedin, New Zealand. Land use was associated with differences in taxon richness and faunal composition of communities present in each stream. The mean abundance levels of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera were highest in native bush catchments, and lowest in urban catchments. In contrast, the mean abundance of Oligochaeta exhibited the opposite pattern. Increasing dominance of the urban and agricultural streams by pollution tolerant taxa was reflected in the Macroinvertebrate Community Index and Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index scores.  相似文献   

While there is considerable international research focused on the conservation outcomes of marine protected areas (MPAs) and marine reserves (MRs) there is little information on the economic cost to establish and manage these protected areas. This study estimated the MR pre-establishment and establishment costs for the Taputeranga Marine Reserve (TMR) in New Zealand (NZ) and determined the annual management costs for this reserve and four further NZ MRs. Finally, the cost to local rock lobster fishers resulting from the displaced fishing effort once the TMR had been established was estimated. This research found that the TMR pre-establishment cost was approximately NZ$508,000, and the establishment process cost was approximately NZ$353,000. The annual management costs across the five reserves ranged between NZ$43,200 and NZ$112,500 between 2008/09 and 2010/11. The annual fishers displacement cost at TMR was approximately NZ$22,000 per annum. This research showed that on a unit area basis, small MRs in NZ are just as expensive to maintain as large MRs. This study also highlighted how volunteer effort helped to considerably reduce the monetary cost of the MR pre-establishment process. This research increases our understanding of establishment and management costs, and supports future planning of MRs both within NZ and internationally.  相似文献   

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