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A central question to any understanding of ecology is how animals use their habitat, and how habitat use is influenced by temporally changing features of the environment. Previous research on Hector's dolphins at Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand suggested that dolphins leave inshore, harbour environments during or after rough weather. To test this hypothesis, visual sightings (2000–2012) and acoustic detections (2007–2008) of Hector's dolphins in Akaroa Harbour were modelled to test for a relationship with swell height and swell direction. Sighting rates and acoustic detection rates in Akaroa Harbour were significantly lower on days after big swell events and in some linear models after swell events from the south. These results indicate that swell events influence Hector's dolphin movements in and around Akaroa Harbour. Possible reasons for this behaviour are diverse and need further investigation. However, this information can be used both to predict daily dolphin movement for conservation and research purposes, and to suggest how dolphins may react in future if extreme weather events are becoming frequent.  相似文献   

黄梓荣  梁沛文 《台湾海峡》2012,31(3):437-439,449
2011年4月17日在南沙海域调查时,采集到2尾棘箱鲀属(Kentrocapros)标本,经鉴定为黄带棘箱鲀(Kentrocapros flavofasciantus),标本现保存在南海水产研究所标本馆.标本体长分别为108、135 mm.无鳍棘和腹鳍,背鳍和臀鳍各1个.背鳍鳍条数目为11,胸鳍鳍条数目为12,臀鳍鳍条数目为10,尾鳍鳍条数目为11.体长为体高的2.41~2.57倍,体宽的3.07~3.09倍,头长的3.38~3.48倍,吻长的4.35~4.70倍.头长为眼径的2.22~2.38倍,眼间隔的1.35~1.54倍,鳃孔长度的3.10~3.33倍.除尾柄、胸鳍基部、背鳍基部、臀鳍基部、肛门附近之外,体披硬体甲,体甲刚好在背鳍前方闭合,体甲为6棱形,无刺平滑,从肛门连续沿纵线到胸鳍基部下前方形成裸褶.体侧无侧线.上下颌每侧具8个小柱状切牙.胸鳍最上第一鳍条很短,长度约为第二鳍条的1/6.体为褐黄色,体甲有两条较宽的纵向黄带.唇为褐棕色,牙为红褐色.所有鳍条为黄色或略显褐黄色.  相似文献   

Fishing activities have the potential to alter the behaviour of cetaceans and pose a threat through bycatch. We present observations concerning the influence of inshore trawling on group size and behaviour of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, made during photo‐ID surveys from 2003 to 2007. Aggregations of dolphins, typically involved in what we assumed to be foraging behaviour, were observed following small inshore trawlers year‐round. Group size was larger for aggregations of dolphins following trawlers (mean ± SE = 22.9 ± 1.3, n = 83) than for non‐trawler groups (3.7 ± 0.2, n = 439), and dolphins were typically in a more “excited” state, frequently exhibiting aerial and sexual behaviours. We suggest that trawlers increase the availability of prey for Hector's dolphins and hence foraging behind trawlers is an energetically favourable activity. However, following trawlers probably also increases the risk of being caught in trawl nets, compounding the threats faced by this endangered species.  相似文献   

北部湾出现苏门答腊金线鱼及其形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄梓荣  王跃中 《台湾海峡》2009,28(4):516-519
2008年1月在北部湾调查时,采集到1金线鱼科标本,经鉴定为苏门答腊金线鱼.渔获总尾数156尾,带回5尾到实验室作进一步鉴定,标本现保存在南海水产研究所标本馆.体长范围为50mm-126mm,背鳍X-9;臀鳍Ⅲ-7;胸鳍15;腹鳍I-5;尾鳍21.体适度延长,侧扁,体长为体高的3.5~3.8倍,体高在躯干中部背鳍第七鳍棘处为最高.上下颌几等长,仅上颌前端具较大犬牙.眼眶下缘处于吻端与胸鳍基部上端连线的上方,眼眶下缘顶端微凹,后缘几呈直线.前鳃盖骨裸露(无鳞)宽度是有鳞宽度的1.4~1.7倍.体被薄栉鳞,背鳍与侧线间具鳞4~7行,有腋鳞.侧线完全,位高,近似与背缘平行.眼下至上颌骨呈倾钭的金黄色带,体上部略带桃色,下部银白色,体侧有明显的金黄色带,并延至尾鳍叉端附近鳍条.体侧有一红斑,红斑位于背鳍起点与胸鳍基部之间的侧线下缘.背鳍边缘黄色,中间有明显的黄色带,臀鳍粉红色并有2条黄色带,尾鳍粉红色,近叉端鳍条呈金黄色.背鳍第一鳍棘与第二鳍棘由隔膜分开,第一鳍棘和第二鳍棘其长度短于其他鳍棘,无丝状延长.背鳍鳍棘部与鳍条部连接完全,中间无缺刻.胸鳍伸达肛门上方,胸鳍长度为头长的1.1~1.5倍.腹鳍中等长,约与胸鳍等长,不伸达臂鳍起点.臂鳍最后鳍条不明显长于其他鳍条.尾鳍呈叉形,上叶末端呈锐角或钝圆,上叶末端略呈丝状延长或延长不明显.  相似文献   

条斑星鲽(Verasper moseri)的早期生长发育特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用显微观察和测绘法对条斑星鲽早期生长发育的数量和形态特征进行了系统的观察和测量。结果表明,条斑星鲽成熟卵子为悬浮性、端黄卵,圆球形,卵径1.7—1.9mm,无油球。在水温(9.0±0.5)℃条件下,受精卵经196.3h孵化出膜。在水温12—14℃条件下,7日龄(DAH,days after hatching)仔鱼卵黄囊消耗殆尽,开口,肛门与外界相通,开始进入外源性营养阶段。仔鱼开口饵料为轮虫,8日龄仔鱼开始摄食轮虫,12日龄开始摄食卤虫无节幼体,30日龄开始进行配合饲料转化,40日龄后苗种摄食配合饲料良好。生活史无鳔。脊椎骨末端上曲发生在21日龄,至28日龄完成。70日龄幼鱼鳞片和侧线已形成,鳍条数量与成体完全一致。变态过程:32日龄苗种进入变态期,左侧眼睛开始上移,42日龄眼睛转移至头顶,50日龄眼睛转到右侧,完成变态。研究了鳍的发生及生长过程:背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍、臀鳍分别发生于19、0、20、19、10天,至50日龄幼鱼,除胸鳍外其它鳍的鳍条数与成鱼一致。  相似文献   

中华白海豚是国家一级重点保护水生哺乳动物,厦门湾是中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一。文章以厦门英春—围里海底电缆工程为例,评价工程建设对中华白海豚及其栖息地的影响,并提出中华白海豚的保护措施,以期为海洋工程建设对水生野生保护动物的保护管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文的研究基于文莱湾浅水域的一头野生伊洛瓦底海豚水声定位信号的调查数据。在记录期间,有一艘渔船突然开启发动机,惊扰了其附近的一头伊洛瓦底海豚,接着渔船开始两次连续追逐海豚。这期间海豚回声定位信号的变化情况被记录下来。当伊洛瓦底海豚受惊吓被追逐时,信号的声压级、每分钟嘀嗒声信号串的发生次数、每个嘀嗒声信号串中的脉冲个数和平均脉冲间隔都发生了相应的变化。平均的脉冲间隔在事件发生的瞬间立即增大,并在追逐期间呈现轻微下降趋势。脉冲间隔的增大对应着探测距离的增加,代表着海豚对未知区域的探索能力,制约着它的逃离速度。数据记录结果的分析表明,伊洛瓦底海豚会根据外界干扰对发出的回声定位信号进行调整,改变自己对潜在危险的探查能力。分析结果同时提醒我们需要随海豚生存环境的噪声进行管理,避免突然的发动机操作或者追逐它们。  相似文献   

张仁斋  陈士群 《台湾海峡》1991,10(4):373-379
本文观察了太平深海带鱼早期发育形态,主要特征是背鳍第一棘延长呈鞭状,向后可达体长的1/2以后,随着鱼体的长大,延长的鳍棘退化。到后期仔鱼,腹鳍和臀鳍分别生有刺和棘,形状尖利。发育到稚鱼期臀鳍第二棘长大,似蝉翼状。随着鱼体长成幼鱼时,腹鳍刺和臀鳍棘相继退化。  相似文献   

1994~ 1 999年 ,在厦门港 2 0个中华白海豚监视站进行观测 ,实施了87航次跟踪拍照 ,对 7头幼仔和 6头成体标本进行了现场测量和解剖。第二次下水的中华白海豚既具备哺乳动物纲最基本的特征 ,也在运动 (游泳 )、水下生殖和哺乳、呼吸和感觉 (包括声纳 )等方面产生了一系列对水环境的适应。  相似文献   

厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅴ.对水生生活的适应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1994~1999年,在厦门港20个中华白海豚监视站进行观测,实施了87航次跟踪拍照,对7头幼仔和6头成体标本进行了现场测量和解剖。第二次下水的中华第豚既具备哺乳动物纲最基本的特征,也在运动(游泳)、水下生殖和哺乳、呼吸和感觉(包括声纳)等方面产生了一系列对水环境的适应。  相似文献   

Understanding species distributions, and how they change in space and time, is vital when prioritising conservation or management initiatives. We assessed the distribution and density patterns of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Dedicated boat-based surveys were conducted in the inner Hauraki Gulf (IHG) and off Great Barrier Island (GBI) during 2010–2012. Generalised linear models were used to investigate temporal changes in relative densities and kernel density estimation was implemented to examine spatial trends. Common dolphins were widely distributed during all seasons, with higher densities observed during winter and spring in the IHG but during autumn off GBI. There was inter-annual variation in Bryde’s whale distribution, with high densities recorded off GBI in 2011. Bottlenose dolphins were infrequently sighted in the IHG but regularly encountered off GBI, with the highest densities during spring and summer.  相似文献   

Spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris longirostris off the south-west coast of Mauritius are subject to ongoing anthropogenic disturbance in the form of daily dolphin tourism, which has intensified since 1998. Abundance of this species was estimated using photo-identification data and mark-recapture analysis. Between April 2008 and June 2010, identification photographs were collected from dolphins occurring along a 30 km length of the coast of south-west Mauritius. A total of 250 groups were encountered over 229 survey days. Mark-recapture analyses were performed on a photographic dataset of more than 8 000 good- and excellent-quality images and 83 animals were identified as distinctively marked individuals. The majority (85.5%) were seen more than once and resightings indicated a resident population. The compiled version of SOCPROG 2.4 was used to investigate the lagged identification rate. The fitted model supported a mostly resident population with additional animals moving in and out of the study area. The estimated abundance of the total population in the study area ranged between 138 and 399 individuals. Our results can be used for monitoring the population for fluctuations and for encouraging both the enforcement of laws regarding dolphin watching and the development of further means of management needed to ensure the long-term presence of this population.  相似文献   

The abundance of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus off the south-west coast of Mauritius was estimated using capture-mark-recapture modelling. Over the past two decades this population has been subjected to ongoing anthropogenic disturbance in the form of extensive coastal development. Furthermore, daily dolphin tourism, which started in 1998, has rapidly increased in intensity. Identification photographs were collected between April 2008 and June 2010 from dolphins occurring along a 30 km length of coast where a dolphin tourism industry is concentrated. A total of 137 groups were encountered over 229 survey days. Over 5 000 photographs were taken, from which 35 individuals were considered to be sufficiently distinctively marked to use in mark-recapture analyses. The majority (85.7%) were seen more than once and resighting frequencies indicated a resident population. Three newborn calves were recorded during the study. Open population models produced abundance estimates of <100 individuals in the population. These results will be used to make recommendations for the conservation and management of this small, resident population, which is a valuable economic resource for the island but is currently under threat from high levels of human activity.  相似文献   

黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora Richardson)早期生长发育研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究黄姑鱼胚胎发育特征和胚后发育的仔、稚、幼鱼发育阶段的形态学,2010-06-08在实验室利用显微镜和显微镜数码摄像显示系统对黄姑鱼胚胎发育过程进行连续观察拍摄,描述并记录其发育过程和时间。结果表明,黄姑鱼卵为圆球形的端黄卵,盘状分裂,中央有一个油球,卵径为(0.89±0.028)mm,油球直径为0.25mm;在水温为24℃、S为27条件下经22.5h完成孵化,胚胎发育可分为24期。胚后发育阶段,1~3日龄为卵黄囊期仔鱼;4日龄仔鱼开口,卵黄囊完全消失,此时仔鱼处于混合营养阶段,进入前弯曲期;6日龄仔鱼油球完全消失,进入外源性营养阶段;16日龄仔鱼尾鳍担鳍骨形成,脊椎末端上曲,进入弯曲期;21日龄仔鱼尾下骨后缘与尾索垂直,鳍条数不断增加,同时背鳍、臀鳍和腹鳍原基出现,进入后弯曲期;26日龄鱼苗全身被菊花状黑色素细胞,尾柄处开始被鳞,进入稚鱼期;31日龄以后,鱼苗全身被鳞,进入幼鱼期。在水温为25~27℃,S为26~28的条件下,仔、稚、幼鱼全长与日龄具有显著的正相关性。研究表明,黄姑鱼进入稚鱼期之后,其生长速率明显增大,为减少自残,应及时分池和投足饵料。  相似文献   

Shark fin has long been one of the most highly demanded 'luxury seafood' in the Chinese market. From the latest available data (1998–2013), 130 countries/territories around the world were recorded as exporting shark fin to Hong Kong. Spain, Taiwan, Indonesia, UAE, Singapore and Japan made up over 50% of all of Hong Kong's shark fin imports. Comparison of Hong Kong's import data with the exporting countries/territories' FAO declarations indicates that some countries/territories are potentially consistently underreporting shark fin exports. Since 2009 Vietnam had overtaken China as the most important destination of Hong Kong's shark fin re-exports, a change that warrants further investigation. Ocean transportation was also identified as the most important transportation mode for shark fin imports into and re-exports from Hong Kong. Given the importance of Hong Kong and based on findings from this study, suggestions are made for the Hong Kong Government to tighten controls to reduce illegal trades, and eliminate loopholes so that a more comprehensive statistical representation of the shark fin trade may be captured for future analysis.  相似文献   

Larval specimens ofHalicampus punctatus were collected off Ulsan and Uljin in December 2002 (three specimens) and off Ulsan in December 2003 (one specimen). These specimens are characterized by the following morphological characteristics: rings, 14 + 35 = 49; subdorsal rings, 1 + 3 = 4; dorsal fin rays, 19 – 20; pectoral fin rays, 14 – 15; anal fin rays, 9; head length (HL), 5.8 – 6.7 in the standard length; snout length, 1.9 in HL; snout depth, 3.7 – 5.2 in snout length. The number of caudal fin rays 9 is less than those of the other species in the same genus 10. Wide stripe bands composed of small pigments are shown in the trunk and the tail. Melanophores are not found in the dorsal fin, the pectoral fin, and the anal fin except the caudal fin. The supraoccipital crest is on the head. The frontal ridge is on the dorsal side of front trunk. The blanched ridges on the opercular are fused with a main ridge like a tree branch. A few branched ridges that are small and narrow on the trunk and the tail are fused with the main ridges. We report these specimens as the first record in Korea and name them ‘Byeol-silgo-ki’ in Korean.  相似文献   

Parties to the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) can export specimens if the exporting party issues a non-detriment finding (NDF), stating that removals will not harm wild populations. NDFs are supposed to be based on science. This article discusses the issuance, and acceptance, of non-detriment findings despite concerns expressed by experts and a lack of scientific data, using a controversial trade of dolphins as a case study. In early 2003, at least 94 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) were captured in the coastal waters of Solomon Islands. Bottlenose dolphins are listed on CITES Appendix II and as such require an NDF for their export. The IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group advised against this proposed export, stating that it knew of no published population assessments or other research upon which a valid NDF could be based. Despite this, in July 2003, 28 dolphins were exported to Mexico. A second controversial export occurred on 18 October 2007, when 28 dolphins were exported from Solomon Islands to the United Arab Emirates, an export regarding which IUCN experts again expressed concerns. Two additional exports, of 18 dolphins total, went to the Philippines in 2008.  相似文献   

Recently, aquaculture has generated worldwide interest as a result of the overexploitation of wild stocks combined with a growing international demand for fish and seafood products. Wild fish attracted to the marine fish farms, together with the presence of the farmed fish, are powerful attractants to predators that normally feed on similar or identical fish stocks in nature. This 9‐year study describes for the first time in Mediterranean waters the temporal variability of mammalian and avian predators in a coastal fin fish farm. In all, 99 months (1062 days during 36 consecutive seasons) were spent in the field. By examining the results of this study, it is clear that species as seagulls, shags, bottlenose dolphins and grey herons (considered to cause economic loss in aquaculture owing to direct predation) interact regularly with the fish farm. Although bottlenose dolphins and grey herons were not the most important of all predator species, predatory interactions with the fish farm occurred with what seems to be increasing regularity. Another result observed is the possible bottlenose dolphins’ attraction caused by the harvesting operations in the fish farm. The fish farm offers an alternative food source for predators; hunting at fish farms usually requires less effort on the part of the predator, and becomes a more attractive option than hunting wild fish over wide ranges. During the period of this study, individually identified dolphins feeding were regularly observed feeding on discarded fish from fish farm workers during harvesting operations, supporting the possibility that some individuals are habituated to this food supply. Based on the evidence presented in this paper, it is recommended that strategies for the management of both the aquaculture industry and marine mammal populations should take the results of this study into consideration.  相似文献   

Declines in the abundance of bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands and in Doubtful Sound have contributed to the species being classified as Nationally Endangered in New Zealand waters. Updated information on distribution and abundance nationwide is therefore a high priority. This study presents data from the first photo-identification surveys of Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island, conducted to document bottlenose dolphin presence, abundance and residency. Open-population mark-recapture models indicate that 18 (95%CI = 15–20) dolphins regularly use Paterson Inlet. Photo-identification of dolphins from unknown populations during two chance encounters in Otago Harbour and Dusky Sound included 11 individuals previously identified at Stewart Island. These results indicate that dolphins found regularly at Stewart Island are part of a larger, wide ranging southern population with a minimum population abundance of 92 (95%CI = 80–111) individuals.  相似文献   

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