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This study investigates the impact of driving time and retail agglomerations on consumer store choice within a retail network. A pairwise comparison of confluencing store trade areas is conducted based on loyalty card information and exit questionnaires for six retailers operating in different product categories in Belgium. Results show that there is a stronger emphasis in the preference hierarchy on driving time towards a store for the daily goods retailer. Moreover, there is varying intra-network spatial competition depending on the type of location strategy pursued by the different retailers. Results show that for some retailers retail agglomeration effects are more outspoken than for others. However, impact of driving time on consumer intra-network store choice was independent of retail agglomeration size. Finally, results indicate that opening stores outside the pursued location strategy should be approached with care as significant impacts on sales cannibalization can emerge within the store network. These findings are important for crafting an overall expansion strategy for expansion managers as well as for marketing managers occupied with network changes at operational level.  相似文献   

张英浩  汪明峰 《热带地理》2021,41(3):573-583
零售活动的空间关系研究是城市地理学研究的一个热点问题.以上海市内环地区的星巴克、COSTA和瑞幸咖啡三家咖啡连锁公司的门店为研究对象,综合运用多种空间统计方法和实地调研分析三者之间的空间关联特征.结果表明:1)无论是传统零售还是新零售模式下的咖啡门店,其空间分布均大致表现出靠近消费市场的空间导向特征;2)星巴克门店的空...  相似文献   

社区化新零售是新兴的商业模式,也是商业与社区互动的重要场域,值得从城市空间视角深入探究。基于南京市盒马鲜生及相关兴趣点(point of interest,POI)与兴趣面(area of interest,AOI)数据,综合运用空间分析、定量统计、实地调研等方法,解析盒马鲜生的服务类型及对象、空间布局特征、区位选址因素,并提出优化发展建议。研究发现:① 南京市盒马鲜生服务对象以社区为主,酒店、写字楼为辅;服务客户以具有一定经济基础和消费能力的中青年人群为主。② 空间布局总体呈现南—北走向的主城区+近郊区的“5+7三组团”格局,均为“点”状门店+不规则“面”状服务区相结合的“中心—外围”结构,实际配送范围与3 km缓冲区存在差异。③ 区位选址主要受社区密度和交通环境的影响,对商圈、地价具有依赖性,竞争对手对门店选址影响较小;主要位于社区与道路密度中高值区、商圈边缘地带、主干道两侧及地价中等区域,并利用面状服务区延伸服务范围,获取更多潜在目标客户群。最后从消费群体、运营成本、品牌竞争3个方面探索其区位选址的影响机制,并基于区位选址特征提出优化发展建议。  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑 《热带地理》2016,36(2):174-180
全球化使品牌与地方之间的联系日益密切。西方国家的快时尚品牌实行全球同价、全球同款和标准化的经营模式,被认为具有消极的品牌形象,然而却在异源文化背景的中国实现品牌升级。以ZARA为例,从时间和空间2个维度出发,描述其品牌空间发展史,分析品牌源地、空间发展、店铺选址等参与快时尚品牌的文化生产过程。结论如下:1)快时尚品牌与全球时尚城市建立积极联系,将全球时尚城市想象写入品牌发展史中,品牌空间发展史比品牌源地对品牌形象的影响更大;2)ZARA与全球时尚城市互动成功塑造全球时尚品牌形象,“全球”品牌头衔对于中国本土向往全球化的消费者来说具有很强的吸引力,对于其跨国升级有积极影响;3)ZARA在中国大陆的品牌空间发展依然延续“下沉式”模式,利用上海、北京、深圳、广州等地在全国时尚产业中的引领地位影响二级城市消费者的品牌选择,实现其跨国品牌升级;4)专卖店选址于高端消费街区,在跨国过程中重新定位于中高端消费群体,使得ZARA实现跨国品牌升级。  相似文献   

This study proposes a modified Huff model that takes directly into account spatial competition between stores of the same brand, brand attraction based on actual brand performance and spatially variable substitution. The model uses only publicly available or easily acquirable data as input, whereas model output is extensively validated on various levels. These levels include comparison of modeled and real market shares on block, store and brand level for the Belgian food market. Results show that multi-objective optimization of model parameters yields comparable results on block level to other models in the literature but improved results on store and brand levels, thereby ensuring model robustness. This robustness also enables the application of the model for various business purposes as store location determination, leaflet distribution optimization, store and store concept benchmarking, without loss of spatial generality.  相似文献   

生物多样性是农业遗产系统的重要组成部分,一些消费者倾向于花费更高的价格去购买通过保护生物多样性的方式生产的农产品。那么,具有促进农产品生物多样性价值提高作用的市场导向型政策能否被用来保护生物多样性?我们的研究着眼于消费者对"life brand"产品的反应,研究对象之一就是在丰冈(Toyooka)销售的标有"Stork-raising"标识的大米,大米生产所采取的环境友好型措施有助于濒危鹳的保护。同时,运用选择实验,我们分析了此类农产品能否获得更高的市场价格。结果表明,对鹳数量上升是由于农业措施的改变这一事实有所了解的消费者,他们愿意购买较贵的大米以促进生物多样性的保护。然而,还有一部分消费者仅仅出于对绿色食品的偏好而选择购买价格高昂的大米,他们缺少对鹳复苏历史的了解,因此他们并不愿意为了促进生物多样性的保护而花费更高。事实上,日本绝大多数的农产品消费者均属于后者。因此,仅通过"life brand"农产品来促进生物多样性的保护是远远不够的,政府支持和公共活动对生物多样性保护而言是必不可少的。  相似文献   

基于中国最具代表性的C2C网络零售商圈——淘宝网,选择居民消费最常见的五类店铺进行数据搜集,以店铺的服务质量为特征量,分析中部地区C2C店铺服务质量的空间分异格局及其影响因素。结果表明:① 从省域层次看,综合、服装类、电子类排名依次为湖北、湖南、河南、安徽、江西、山西,湖北呈现一枝独秀的状态。家居箱包类、美食类与美妆类前四位排名与综合服务质量有所差别,后两位保持不变。② 从市域层面看,省会城市、城市群核心城市、经济强市的综合服务质量较高,外围区综合服务质量较低,北部太原市周边形成低值集聚区。无论是综合还是分类服务质量均存在微弱的负空间关联,彼此之间的临近效应不明显。其中长株潭城市群、武汉市处于显著HL区,对周边的极化效应明显。城市空间联系特征主要呈现以省会城市为中心向四周扩散的辐射状模式,其中长株潭城市群、中原城市群内部城市之间的联系程度较高。以电子、美妆类为表征的空间联系强度网络比另外三类相对复杂,且城市联系强度明显优于另外三类。从复杂网络特征看,总体上表现出以核心城市和少数综合实力强市为主的“核心—外围”空间布局结构,产生了中心度与集聚系数不相匹配的倒置现象。③ 从影响因素看,基础规模实力发挥着决定性的影响,城镇化质量扮演着重要的推动作用,文化教育水平提供了重要的知识与技能支撑,信息化起着融合助推作用,物流环境的影响在逐渐弱化,区位优势的作用有所下降,六类影响因素交织影响造成了中部市域店铺服务质量的分异格局。  相似文献   

Empirical testing of a decision model yields insights concerning the ways in which shoppers process information about grocery stores. Confirming hypotheses from the literature on consumer preferences, the results show that respondents are primarily concerned with quality and price of merchandise and that behavior is directly linked to derived utility measures. Clustering of the subjects discloses subtle differences among consumer groups in their approaches to evaluating the attributes of grocery stores.  相似文献   

In a competitive business environment, retailers brand themselves using unique location strategies. New retailers, especially, use their location strategy to construct a different brand concept from that of the first mover. Therefore, retail chains in the same industry show different location patterns. This article aims to investigate how a new retailer uses its location strategy to differentiate itself from the first mover by comparing the location patterns of two coffee chains. The location patterns of Starbucks Coffee (a “first mover” that employs a premium brand concept) and Ediya Coffee (a “new retail chain” that promotes an economical brand concept) are analyzed for the study. We use a Bayesian spatial model to explore the two retailers' location patterns in Seoul, Korea. Considerable differences are found in the spatial distribution patterns of the two coffee franchises. Starbucks has formed store groupings in prime areas such as the city center based on its cluster location strategy, reflecting its premium brand concept. Conversely, many Ediya Coffee shops have been located in less desirable areas such as fringe areas with low land prices, reflecting their economical brand concept and differentiating the company from Starbucks. These findings lead to a useful marketing implication for a retail startup formulating its location strategy for differentiation. Furthermore, this study's company-level analysis of retail location patterns provides a better understanding of complex retail geography.  相似文献   

姜洪强  梅林  杨立青 《地理科学》2020,40(3):428-436
以淘宝最常见的五大类皇冠和金冠店铺数据为基础,构建淘宝店铺服务质量评价指标体系,运用熵权-TOPSIS、引力模型及地理探测器等方法,分析中国淘宝整体和五大类店铺服务质量空间分异特征及影响因素。结果表明:直辖市、省会城市和经济发达城市比经济欠发达城市淘宝店铺整体及各大类服务质量高;家居类、电子类比服装类、美妆类、食品类店铺服务质量高值区集聚明显。长三角、珠三角地区整体及各大类店铺服务质量均呈网络状分布,两两城市相互作用较强;北京、武汉、郑州等与外围城市呈“中心-外围”的辐射状分布;其他城市两两间相互联系较弱。美妆类、食品类店铺服务质量空间联系比电子类、服装类、家居类更为复杂,并且城市联系强度明显高于后3类。全国尺度下,社会消费品零售总额对淘宝店铺服务质量具有主导作用,地区货运总量、互联网宽带接入户数、城市行政等级、普通高等学校数量起助推作用。东部地区店铺服务质量影响因素相互关联性强,以多因素叠加影响为主;中部地区影响因素呈一定等级性,各因素影响力层次性明显;西部地区与中部地区相似,但各因素影响力弱于中部地区;东北地区影响因素相对较少,各因素单独作用于店铺服务质量。  相似文献   

Fast food restaurants and liquor stores—vice stores—have been shown to be more prevalent in predominantly Black and low income U.S. neighborhoods, and are associated with a number of health risks and social ills. The purpose of this study was to investigate in the City of Chicago vice store density and spatial distribution as a function of racial, socioeconomic, and other population characteristics; to examine spatial clustering among these outlets; and to study how store turnover follows population change over a 13-year period. We used spatial point process analysis to fit linear and non-linear models for the intensity function of stores. Spatial clustering was estimated using the K function. We found heterogeneous associations between stores and population characteristics, with the most consistent finding being a positive association between percent Black and liquor store exposure. A high degree of spatial clustering was evident, and liquor stores were more likely to stay in business over time than fast food restaurants. However, when liquor stores closed, they were more likely to be replaced by non-vice businesses. Results suggest that vice stores are associated with lower positions in racial and socioeconomic hierarchies, and this patterning is often durable over time.  相似文献   

消费因素影响下广州市大型百货商店的发展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
大型百货商店的发展受多方面的综合作用 ,消费因素是其中的一个重要因素。城市基本消费结构和消费者行为规律对大型百货商店的选址、市场定位、空间拓展等有着举足轻重的影响。论文通过实际问卷调查 ,对广州市整体消费结构和消费的空间差异进行分析 ,对商店在业态和空间方面的发展提出借鉴性的建议  相似文献   

跨地方饮食品牌重塑的理论模型与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国军  孙树芝 《地理学报》2016,71(2):338-1589
采用结构方程模型,构建了基于原产地形象,在地消费文化,品牌知名度,感知质量,品牌忠诚度,购买意愿等6个概念的理论模型,以广州哈根达斯为例,探讨文化地理因素如何作用于哈根达斯在中国的跨地方品牌重塑.研究发现:① 哈根达斯借助品牌重塑已在中国广泛确立其高档冰激凌品牌定位,实现了品牌升级,价格成为品牌升级的表征;② 原产地形象,在地消费文化均显著正向影响品牌知名度及感知质量,进一步对品牌忠诚度及购买意愿产生积极影响;③ 哈根达斯的品牌知名度对品牌忠诚度的影响不显著,感知质量对购买意愿的影响不显著;④ 不同于购买频率低的消费者,购买频率高的消费者的感知质量不再受原产地形象和在地消费文化的影响.本研究有助于推进跨地方饮食文化生产理论的发展,也是对品牌重塑理论的补充,将促进饮食地理领域的国际对话.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze and explain, from a locational perspective, differences in the performance of Wal-Mart and Kmart stores in the Greater Cincinnati Area. A modified Huff model, taking competition and agglomeration into consideration, is developed to estimate the potential sales of individual Kmart and Wal-Mart stores. Results show that the modified Huff model is capable of more accurately estimating individual store sales than traditional interaction models. This study also suggests that the selection of store locations partially explains the difference in performance between Kmart and Wal-Mart stores. The model is calibrated using data collected in 2003, and the validity of the model is supported by the latest development of the stores in Greater Cincinnati Area since 2003.  相似文献   

旅游者目的地选择影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文旨在提供旅游者目的地选择中实际消费行为的经济学解释。介绍了旅游者目的地选择模式的理论构建,分析旅游者目的地选择过程中的主要影响因素,它包括:花费与时间限制、旅游价格、消费者偏爱、旅游产品质量、信息与广告、旅游城市化及新旅游目的地的出现等。  相似文献   

The technological underdevelopment of secondary manufacturing in Canada is inferred from patterns of trade, industrial structure, and the range of industrial functions performed within firms in Canada. These patterns are explained by reference to the behavior of foreign subsidiaries that have major direct and indirect effects on the linkages and developmental potential of the Canadian industrial system. Canadian manufacturing is found to have a low level of innovative capability because of inadequate R & D and product and design engineering in foreign and domestic firms. In view of the strong need for new policy initiatives, the components of a techno-industrial strategy are evaluated.  相似文献   

马惠兰  颜璐 《干旱区地理》2013,36(1):156-163
 在对广州和深圳两市消费者调查的基础上,对消费者选择新疆水果的购买渠道及影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:大型连锁超市和水果专营店是华南市场消费者购买新疆水果的主要渠道,其中影响消费者选择在大型连锁超市购买新疆水果的主要因素是水果质量,同时也受消费者收入水平、消费能力、购买频率的正向影响。影响消费者选择在水果专营店购买新疆水果的因素较多,其中注重水果外观及包装、用做“礼品”是其主要原因,受教育程度、消费能力和购买频率也成显著的正向影响。此外,考虑价格因素以及收入水平和受教育程度较低的消费者倾向于在批发市场购买。一些年轻消费者、女性消费者、受教育程度较高的消费者会选择网购新疆干果。  相似文献   

梁馨文  曾国军 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1236-1245
文章反思了当代消费现实,将品牌原产地文化与在地消费文化作为品牌资产前置因素创建结构方程模型,对已有的跨地方餐饮品牌重塑模型进行了验证和拓展,进一步探讨不同的文化因素对于品牌重塑的影响作用机制。研究发现:品牌资产的持续提升促成了品牌跨地方的重塑过程。原产地形象对品牌知名度、品牌忠诚度和感知质量具有直接、显著的正向影响。在地消费文化只影响品牌知名度,对感知质量和品牌忠诚度没有直接的影响作用,但是在地消费文化可以通过品牌知名度作用于感知质量,影响品牌忠诚度,而后决定购买意愿。跨地方品牌重塑的案例实践说明当代饮食消费主义的务实性回归。虽然原产地形象的光环效应仍然存在,但是良好的品牌质量感知成为顾客品牌忠诚度和购买意愿的另一重要影响因素。  相似文献   

This research aims to provide insight regarding Wal-Mart's retail development strategy in its expansion across the continental United States. The study examines store location patterns and relationships between Wal-Mart's store and distribution center locations and markets. The study shows that, although radial expansion is broadly characteristic of the dense store patterns that have been well established for Wal-Mart at the national level, expansion patterns at the regional level are consistent with a selective process based on factors other than store density. These results provide a new perspective on Wal-Mart's expansion, providing insights of value to retail practitioners and local government.  相似文献   

成都市体验性网络团购市场发展的空间特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
体验性网络团购模式正在对城市商业空间产生显著影响。以团购商品信息量作为基础数据,采用矢量数据符号法和空间插值法对成都市团购市场发展的空间特征进行分析。结果表明:餐饮、娱乐、生活和旅游酒店类团购信息在各商圈分布的集中化程度与摄影类相比较低。成都市中心区域的团购市场发展水平较高,形成了以春熙路商圈为核心的综合商业型热点区和以建设路商圈和双楠商圈为核心的生活服务型热点区。市场原则下团购市场发展的空间公平性较好的区域主要集中在成都市中心区域。团购市场发展的空间格局具有明显的区位特征,其空间发展的驱动力主要包括实体商业空间布局、消费者规模空间格局和区域可达性等;“时间距离”对团购市场区位特征产生的摩擦阻力已经超过空间距离。  相似文献   

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