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本文阐述了目前农村集体土地所有权野外确权实施过程及数据库建设中应注意的问题,并描述了实际工作中遇到问题的处理方法,对从事该项工作的同行有着参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李红霞 《山西地质》2012,(4):116-119
深入农村调查的人都知道我国现行农村土地制度存在着种种弊端与完善策略。我个人认为农村土地的所有权问题是研究其他问题的基础。将简要分析集体土地所有权制度存在的弊端,并提出自己的一些完善策略与建议。  相似文献   

为加快推进农村集体土地确权登记发证工作,浙江省国土资源厅近日排出时间表,力争在2012年底前完成农村集体土地所有权的确权登记发证工作。  相似文献   

刘晓 《广西地质》2010,(1):35-37
龚州东风吹,南国春讯早。2009年2月25日,平南县国土资源局农村集体土地所有权登记发证工作在贵港市第一个通过预检,4月10日又以总评分99分的优秀成绩通过广西国土资源厅的检查验收,并于8月13日获得该厅的表彰。平南县国土人凭什么取得如此优异的成绩?  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会《关于推进农村改革发展若干问题的决定》明确提出:“健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度。……搞好农村土地确权、登记、颁证工作”。天津市于2007年下半年开展了第二次土地调查集体土地所有权登记发证工作。在原土地详查的基础上,由集体土地所有权人提出土地登记申请,经宗地相关的权利主体对宗地界址进行确认、  相似文献   

针对近年来由于经济建设的快速发展,土地的后备资源不足,建设用地的供需矛盾较为突出等问题,提出了进一步完善《土地管理法》的有关条款,和健全相关法律体系,用立法的方式来约束之。从而充分体现农民集体及广大村民的意愿,切实保障农民的权益。对农村的稳定与长治久安及构建和谐社会,具有深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

农村产权制度改革试点工作启动以来,莒县农村集体土地确权办及时进行实地调研,全面了解分析村情,确定工作方案,调整工作重点。但工作中存在权属争议较多、历史遗留问题多、时间紧迫、所需经费较多等问题,今后工作中应加大力度,创新工作方法,妥善调处好各类土地权属纠纷;加大软件开发力度,全面实现土地登记信息化;充分应用调查成果,积极服务社会经济发展,以确保农村集体土地确权登记发证工作按时、全部完成。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会《关于推进农村改革发展若干问题的决定》明确提出:“健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度。……搞好农村土地确权、登记、颁证工作”。按照国家所有权到组的要求,辽宁省正在积极开展已发所有权证书与第二次土地调查成果的核实工作,明确权属界线,换发证书。值此之际,笔者就推进辽宁省农村集体土地所有权登记发证工作相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

安徽省蒙城县国土资源局进一步加大农村集体土地确权登记发证工作,截至2012年底,该县已完成农村集体土地所有权发证277宗,集体建设用地使用权发证10宗,农村宅基地使用权发证268605宗,  相似文献   

Ella Ödmann 《Geoforum》1973,4(1):31-41
Urbanisation is a functional change in land utilisation which requires a high degree of coordination in time and space. Swedish society has not considered it possible to entrust this coordination to the free market forces. A number of measures was introduced during the latter part of the sixties with a view to coordinating housing development by means of local authority-land ownership and preventing land speculation. In a recently published report of a Government Commission it is proposed that dwellings receiving Government housing loans (more than 90 % of building construction) shall only be built on land which is owned by the local authorities. The local authorities may then be assumed to be the only purchasers of land for housing development purposes. Their housing policy can be given a more short-term character and can be better adapted to urban planning. Urban development in Sweden during recent decades is characterised by a struggle between the two groups of our mixed-economy society, i. e., a social democratic government, and capitalistic enterprise. As far as the private individual is concerned, both parties are remote decision makers. The important question is whether an improvement in town environment may be expected before the private individual has been given a chance to influence planning. The relationship between housing development and land ownership in some Swedish towns over the period 1950–1970 is presented as an example of the realization of land policy.  相似文献   

Shaul Krakover 《GeoJournal》1999,47(4):551-561
Geo-political changes and the drive to higher standards of living induce growing numbers of nomad populations to give-up their special way of life. The Bedouin of the Israeli Negev are no exception. Gradually, they settled down in scattered, unauthorized clusters of tents and shacks in the open lands of the northern Negev. Governments of Israel were unsatisfied with the emerging unplanned spontaneous settlements. Consequently, governmental planning agencies came up with a program to house the Bedouin population in seven new towns. The government's initiative in establishing the towns had two main objectives. First, urban settlements were viewed as conduits for the provision of modern utilities and social services that were very hard to supply and distribute among the many small and scattered spontaneous settlements. Second, Bedouin put forward claims over much of the lands they arguably were using in their former way of life as nomads. Although the claims were not – and could not be – supported by legal documents, the government offered the Bedouin subsidized developed urban land in exchange of their claims over the undeveloped dry desert lands. Currently, more than 60 per cent of the Negev Bedouin population reside in the seven planned urban settlements. Nevertheless, only a small proportion of the land claims has been settled. This paper argues that the attempt to achieve both goals via the urban settlement program was too ambitious. While the goal of providing better services in urban areas has been partially accomplished, the goal of removing the claims over the lands is far from being resolved. The paper argues that the link between the two goals should be reconsidered. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tourism policy in rural New South Wales — policy and research priorities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines tourism policies and actions in rural New South Wales. It explaines the roles of the New South Wales Tourism Commission, the New England Tourism Development Authority, and New South Wales State and Local Government planning legislation. In response to what is clearly a complex and neglected public policy sector, several suggestions are made as to rural tourism policy and research priorities. Particular attention is given to aspects of co-ordination and power in rural tourism policy formulation and implementation.  相似文献   

J. H. Drummond 《GeoJournal》1990,22(3):335-343
In recent years geographers have researched the problems of many rural areas of the third world. However, analysis of rural and agricultural development in the Bantustans of South Africa has been conspicuously absent. Although mythically independent, the Bantustans have their own Departments of Agriculture, as well as parastatal bodies, which develop and implement agricultural policies. This paper examines agricultural policy in the Bophuthatswana Bantustans, which is largely based on increasing food production for national self-sufficiency through the establishment of agricultural development projects. The effects of the implementation of this programme on a specific rural community, the village of Dinokana, are discussed. Two irrigation based projects were implemented in Dinokana in the early 1980's. The project planners did not seem to be concerned about the existence of an indigenous irrigation system which had been the foundation for agricultural development at Dinokana for several decades, and which could have been revived and upgraded. This suggests that there is a need for agricultural planners to have a detailed historial knowledge of local African agriculture. Geographers could play a valuable role here, by uncovering the dynamics of past systems of African agricultural production, in particular focusing on patterns of rural resource management.  相似文献   

Understanding and evaluating disaster risk due to natural hazard events such as earthquakes creates powerful incentives for countries to develop planning options and tools to reduce potential damages. The use of models for earthquake risk evaluation allows obtaining outputs such as the loss exceedance curve, the expected annual loss and the probable maximum loss, which are probabilistic metrics useful for risk analyses, for designing strategies for risk reduction and mitigation, for emergency response strategies and for risk financing. This article presents, based on probabilistic risk models, the design and implementation of a risk transfer instrument to cover the private buildings of the city of Manizales, Colombia. This voluntary collective instrument provides financial protection to both, the estate tax payers and the low-income homeowners through a cross-subsidy strategy; besides, it promotes not only the insurance culture but also the solidarity of the community. The city administration and the insurance industry are promoting this program using the mechanism of the property tax payment. This collective insurance helps the government to access key resources for low-income householders recovery and improve disaster risk management at local level.  相似文献   

土地整治研究进展综述与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国土地整治于上世纪90年代后期提出并开始实施。十多年来,我国土地整治在提高农业综合生产能力、加快农业现代化、推进工业化和城镇化进程及实现城乡统筹发展等方面发挥了重要作用。随着土地整治工作的全面推进,土地整治日益受到专家学者的重视。文章系统总结了近年来国内外在土地整治模式、土地整治规划、土地整治评价、土地整治公众参与、土地整治工程技术、土地整治对生态环境影响等方面研究所取得的重要进展。基于我国土地整治工作在新形势下面临更加严峻挑战的背景,提出土地整治中土地财产权保护、生态文明建设、制度保障体系、工程技术支撑等重点研究方向。  相似文献   

P. Agrawal 《GeoJournal》1999,49(3):311-322
Many Asian mega-cities are growing rapidly and they face formidable urban problems: unplanned squatter settlements, inadequate infrastructure and basic amenities. Smaller Asian urban areas also need badly the provision of basic infrastructure and facilities. However, efforts to improve are often constrained by either nonavailability of suitable land or its exorbitant cost. Strategies such as land consolidation have shown considerable promise. Implementation of the strategy varies from country to country and from project to project. In general, the land consolidation approach is participatory in nature and places emphasis on in situ development with voluntary contribution of private assets by affected households in need of infrastructure and basic services. However, to make any significant impact of the land consolidation strategy on urban development, financial support from multilateral agencies such as the World Bank is necessary. To enable this it is necessary that the policy and implementation procedures fully conform to the objectives of the World Bank's safeguard policies such as OD 4.30 `Involuntary Resettlement'. This study reviews the land consolidation policies and procedures as applied in several Asian countries in general, and in Indonesia in particular. The objective is to identify the gaps that exist between the policy and procedures and that of the objectives of the World Bank's Policy of Involuntary resettlement and to recommend general policy and procedural guidelines for land consolidation projects that would enable financial support from multilateral agencies such as the World Bank. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

上海地面沉降研究的过去、现在与未来   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
地面沉降是我国东部沿海平原地区城市化进程中,资源与环境如何由对立走向统一的焦点之一.上海地面沉降具有一定的代表性,经几代地质工作者的努力,在地面沉降监测、研究与防治方面取得了一定的经验与成绩.本文初步总结了上海地面沉降研究与防治工作的现状与存在的问题,并分析了我们在新世纪所面临的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

Opoku Pabi 《GeoJournal》2007,68(4):369-383
Accurate information on land-use/cover change is a critical input for natural resource use management policy decisions. In Ghana, however, land-use/cover change is premised on the assumption that there has been a historically simple, linear, and uniform degradation of vegetation across all landscapes. The Kintampo and neighboring districts have become a subject of intense debate as to the real nature of prevailing land cover changes .It is commonly assumed that there is ubiquitously progressive irreversible woody vegetation loss across the area. The paper reports on the process and amount of land-use/cover changes that have prevailed in specific localities across the area within a 10-year period. It is hoped this will improve understanding and management of land-use/cover change in Ghana. Remote sensing and Geographic information systems technologies were used for the investigation. A multi-site satellite imagery approach was adopted to ensure that inductive inferences could be made. The outcome of the study indicated that, in space and time, there have been significant land-use/cover changes. Variability in change was a constant, rather than occasional feature across these human dominated landscapes. The conversion and transformation processes indicated that the traditional land-use strategies are self-sustaining. Any effective land-use/cover management strategy should be built upon the existing traditional farming system knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

Kevin A. Gould 《Geoforum》2010,41(1):15-18
Based on my political opposition to neoliberal policies, I elected to conduct dissertation research on a World Bank-funded land policy in Guatemala. This paper explores emotional aspects of this work. Specifically, I describe my fear that research subjects would accuse me of being a spy. I then describe my efforts to cope with these fears and the ways that fear and coping influenced my meaning-making work.  相似文献   

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