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文章描述了发现于南海南沙海槽的一新种——南沙深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia nanshaensis sp. nov.)。该种个体小,壳长度(CL<1.0mm)和壳高度(~70% CL)与小深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia paulula)和太平洋深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia pacifica)非常相似。但是, 根据不对称腺体开口的位置、下颌骨的臀齿边缘的结构, 以及第六肢的位置可以把该种和这两个相似的物种区分开。  相似文献   

王绍武 《海洋与湖沼》1981,12(2):142-147
原新糠虾属Proneomysis属于糠虾科Mysidae糠虾族Mysini,它的第2触角鳞片披针形,周围具羽状刚毛,末节小,顶端圆形;尾节末端完全,无缺刻,呈三角形或舌状,与刺糠虾Acanthomysis近似。但雄性第4腹肢外肢由3节构成,第3节末端具2根带小刺的长刚毛,与后者显著不同。这个属自Tattersall,1933建立以来已知共14种,其中除模式  相似文献   

双刺拟浮萤──浮游介形类一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们在分析研究中日黑潮调查研究东海东北部浮游介形类样品时,发现一个隶属于拟浮萤属Paraconchoecia的新种,现根据其双壳皆具后背刺的独有特征以及其他特征,与该属的“Procera”群的其他7种相区别,并由此将它命名为双刺拟浮萤Paraconchoecia diacanthus n.sp.  相似文献   

本文记录采自福建省东山湾的底栖介形类真喜萤属一新种:多刺真喜萤Euphilomedes spinulosasp.nov对其进行绘图和详细的描述,并与它的相似种非洲真喜萤Euphilomedes africanus(Klie,1940)进行特征比较,确定其新种地位。多刺真喜萤Euphilomedes spinulosasp.nov鉴别特征:(1)左壳腹缘内侧中部具13束短刺毛束;(2)第1、2、4、6对尾叉爪为主爪且细长,第3、5和7~11对尾叉爪为副爪,其中,第3和第5对爪夹于主爪之间;(3)第7附肢末端的开口下缘仅具1弯刺。  相似文献   

通过对南海采集的沉积物进行分析,发现一新种奇足威伦狭腹猛水蚤,这也是首次在中国海报道威伦狭腹猛水蚤属。新种奇足威伦狭腹猛水蚤与同属其它种的主要区别特征是:身体表面除尾节有小刺外,其余各节表面均光滑;第四胸足外肢第三节内侧具两根刚毛;雌性第五胸足內肢具4根刚毛和刺,外肢顶端具一根尖刺,尾叉长约为宽的六倍。  相似文献   

粗刺刺萤——东海浮游介形类一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈瑞祥  林景宏 《海洋学报》1986,8(3):355-359
作者在分析东海断面调查(1977年12月—1978年11月,28°—34°N,127°E以西)的浮游介形类样品时,发现一个具有刺萤属Spinoecia的一切特征,而又有别于该属所有已知种的雌性标本,现经比较和鉴别,我们确认它是刺萤属的一个新种,并根据其前器官的头节具许多粗壮的长刺的这一独有特征,命名为粗刺刺萤Spinoecia crassispina n.sp。  相似文献   

东海浮游介形类生态适应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐兆礼 《海洋学报》2007,29(5):123-131
根据1997~2000年东海23°30'~33°N,118°30'~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,用浮游介形类物种丰度和同步表层温、盐度数据进行曲线拟合,构造数学模型,计算介形类分布最适温度和盐度值,并参考其地理分布和生态适应特征分析,确定东海浮游介形类主要物种的生态类型.结果表明:在浮游介形类优势种中,后圆真浮萤(Euconchoecia maimai)、短棒真浮萤(E.Chierchiae)、针刺真浮萤(E.aculeata)、细长真浮萤(E.elongata)和齿形海萤(Cypridina dentata)等为亚热带外海种.这些种具有广泛的分布,如果冬、春季在较低水温出现,与东海北部外海暖流带入有密切的关系.腹突拟浮萤(Paraconchoecia decipiens)、猬刺拟浮萤(P.echinata)、棘刺拟浮莹(P.spinifera)、长拟浮萤(P.oblonga)、大浮萤(Conchoecia magna)和葱萤(Porroecia porrecta)等是热带大洋种,这些种主要分布在黑潮暖流、台湾暖流和台湾海峡水域.同心假浮萤(Pseudocon-choecia concentrica)和Paraconchoecia sp.最适温度较低,但地理分布特征显示前者是亚热带外海种,后者是暖温带外海种.所提到介形类其他物种最适盐度大多超过34,但最适温度在15~20℃之间.依据有关文献,这些种在我国从东海到南沙海域都有分布,分布虽广但数量稀少,难有证据表明这些种分布与暖流有密切的关系,是亚热带外海种.  相似文献   

中华拟阮水蚤Paramisophria sinica n.sp.(桡足类,哲水蚤目,尖头水蚤科)的正模(♀)与副模(♀)标本分别采自南黄海东南部和南海北部海域。与本属以往己知种比较,它有若干明显的特征差异,如雌性末胸节后缘每侧各具2个尖锐刺突;生殖节不对称,愈合线明显存在;第5对胸足内肢具4羽状刚毛,外肢具3~4外缘刺及1末端刺。  相似文献   

1长额虾总科简介长额虾总科 (Pandaloidea)属节肢动物门甲壳动物软甲亚纲十足目腹胚亚目真虾次目 ,包括长额虾科(Pandalidae)和小海虾科(Thalassocarididae)两个科。该类群动物体多侧扁 ;头胸部比例较对虾总科者大 ,头胸甲发达 ,完全包被头胸部各体节 ;额角发达而长 ,某些种类额角极长 ;第一触角多具柄刺 ,第二触角鳞片发达 ;眼有柄 ;大颚具臼齿和门齿 ,大颚须通常3节 ;胸部附肢特化为颚足与步足 ,其中颚足3对 ,步足5对 ,第二颚足具7节 ,末节侧面附在第六节上 ,第三颚足具有或不具有外肢 ,第…  相似文献   

中华拟阮水蚤Paramisophriasinican.sp.(桡足类,哲水蚤目,尖头水蚤科)的正模(♀)与副模(♀)标本分别采自南黄海东南部和南海北部海域。与本属以往己知种比较,它有若干明显的特征差异,如雌性末胸节后缘每侧各具2个尖锐刺突;生殖节不对称,愈合线明显存在;第5对胸足内肢具4羽状刚毛,外肢具3~4外缘刺及1末端刺。  相似文献   

Halocyprid ostracods are appreciable part of ostracods floating through virtually everywhere in marine environment.In this study,we describe a new species of genus Polyconchoecia Xiang,Chen and Du,2018,tribe Conchoeciini Chavtur and Angel,2011,family Halocyprididae Dana,1853 from the middle of the South China Sea.Polyconchoecia chenii sp.nov.is very close to P.commixtus Xiang,Chen and Du,2018.But it differs from P.commixtus by the distinctions of locations of major glands of carapace and the characteristics of appendages:more posteriorly situated left asymmetric gland of carapace,no right asymmetric gland;segmented frontal organ;the endopod 2 of the first antenna with a very small seta;a-and c-setae of the first antenna with long end joint have long end joint,the b-and d-setae have no end joint,spinose e-seta without end joint;the e-seta of the second antenna is present;teeth side is distinctive;the setal counts of the mandible,maxilla,fifth limb,and sixth limb are individual.The locations of the major glands on carapace and the characteristics of the first antenna can be the key of the new species.This work is the second discovery of the genus Polyconchoecia from the world.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Haloschizopera Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae, Diosaccinae) was identifi ed based on the samples collected from the East China Sea, near the off shore of Zhejiang Province, East China. The new species is closely related to H . pygmaea Norman & Sccot T., 1905 and shares a combination of the following features: A1 eight-segmented;A2 exp-2 with one distal seta, exp-3 with three setae;P1 endopodal segments subequal, enp-1 not exceeding exp-2;exp-3 of P3 with one inner seta, of P4 with two inner setae. The new species is characterized by the presence of one inner seta on P2 exp-3 of both sexes. It can also be distinguished from its congeners by the characters of female: P5 exopod subcircular, endopodal lobe extending beyond half-length of exopod;genital doublesomite ornamented with three dorsolateral rows of spinules on anterior part.  相似文献   

AnewspeciesofthegenusParamisophria(Copepoda,Calanoida,Arietellidae)fromtheChinaSeas¥LianGuangshanandQianHonglin(ReceivedFebru...  相似文献   

Two species of benthopelagic calanoid Copepoda, Neoscolecithrix cf. magna (Grice, 1972) and N. ornata n. sp., are described from the upper slope off North Cape, New Zealand. Neoscolecithrix ornata is distinguished from other species of Neoscolecithrix Canu, 1896 s.s. that have a female leg 5 terminal segment with 4 spines (2 terminal and 1 on each border) principally by the transverse row of long, fine spines on the female genital double somite; and by the more squat terminal segment of leg 5 (length/width ratio about 3.7). This is the second time Neoscolecithrix has been recorded from New Zealand. A new genus, Cenognatha n. gen., is distinguished from Neoscolecithrix principally because: rostrum short (bearing 2 filaments); mandibu‐lar gnathobase masticatory margin with slender dorsal spinulose seta; maxilla endite 1 with 5 well‐developed setae, endite 3 without brush‐like sensory seta, endopod usually with 3 long worm‐like sensory setae and 5 brush‐like setae; posterodistal border of basis of legs 1–3 without spines; distal segment of female leg 5 and its basis subequal in length; male leg 5 of similar lengths on both sides (styliform on right), endopod present at least on 1 side, 1‐segmented and spine‐like on right.  相似文献   

Eight species of the Hatschekiidae are recorded as parasites of marine fishes from southern coast of Korea. One new species, Hatschekia jejuensis, parasitic on Cheilodactylus zonatus Cuvier is included. The remaining seven species are new to Korean fauna: Hatschekia iridescens Wilson, 1913, H. japonica Jones, 1985, H. monacanthi Yamaguti, 1939, H. tenuis (Heller, 1865) H. pseudolabri Yamaguti, 1953, H. cylindrica Shiino, 1957, and Pseudocongericola chefoonensis Yü, 1933. Hatschekia jejuensis n. sp. has a combination of characteristics in the female where the trunk is 2.35 times as long as the cephalothorax and displays a pair of posterolateral bulges on both sides, the antennules is 5-segmented, the mandible bears six teeth, and the armature formulae of the legs are I-0; III (exopod) and 0-0; II (endopod) for leg 1 and I-0; I (exopod) and 0-0; II (endopod) for leg 2.  相似文献   

Mesoproboloid.es excavata n. sp. is described and illustrated from material collected at Kaikoura, New Zealand. It differs most conspicuously from the other three known species of the genus in the posterodistally excavate coxa 4, the stout, blunt lobe distally on article 1 of antenna 1, the crenulate ventral margins of coxae 2–4, and the castellate posterior margin of article 2 of pereopod 5. The structure and distribution of minute organs, probably sensory receptors, densely distributed over much, of the integument was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The genus Mesoproboloides is now seen to be cold temperate‐subantarctic in occurrence.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn January 2003, undisturbed sediments were tak-en from a grid of 22 sampling stations (from 32.5° to37°N, 122° to 125°E) during the cruise of an ecologi-cal survey of the over-winter ground for anchovy inthe Huanghai Sea. Meiofaunal abundance varied from55.3 to 152.0 ind/cm2 [(95.4 ±27.0) ind/cm2], with81% to 93% [(83.1 ±22.7) ind/cm2] of the specimensbeing nematodes. Up to now, twenty-nine species ofmarine nematodes have been recorded from theHuanghai Sea (Zhang and P…  相似文献   

Three species of Ditrichocorycaeus [D. dahli (Tanaka, 1957), D. lubbocki (Giesbrecht, 1981), and D. subtilis (Dahl, 1912)] are first redescribed from southern area of Jeju Island, Korea. Morphological details such as mouthparts, ornamentation of genital double-somite, spine lengths of legs, and proportional lengths of caudal setae, are provided as new identification keys separating each species within Ditrichocorycaeus and/or each genus within Corycaeidae. In particular, the number and location of each segment on the body and antenna are re-examined and precisely defined. Also, few valid morphological characters of this genus distinguishing it from other genera are newly proposed as follows: 1) prosomes of both sexes are five-segmented; 2) basis of maxilliped with relatively longer proximal seta than in other genera.  相似文献   

This species is the neritic animal in warm waters, especially a large number of the species appear in the tide pool in spring to summer season. The species has the adaptability to the environment, namely, the species is eurythermal and euryhaline organism. Each nauplius stage ofT. japonicus changed into the next stage in 18 to 20 hours. After hatching the nauplius developed into the copepodite stage in 3 to 5 days. The nauplius is disk-shaped in outline. A small antennule is 3-segmented. The antenna and mandible are the assistant oral organs for foods rather than swimming ones. On the antenna the coxa has the process with the strong cutting edge, the basipodite is extremely small, the long endopodite has a hook and a seta ventrally, and a hook, a seta and a spine terminally, and the long exopodite has the setae of which the number was changed according to the stage. On the mandible the coxa with a seta is a bulge. The endopodite is a small mound, on this mound there are a strong hook and a few setae which were changed according to the stage. The exopodite has a ventral seta and a small and a long thick terminal setae. The caudal appendages are rudimentary. The maxillule first appears as a seta on the 2nd stage. On the copedite stage ofT. japonicus the segment of body is short. The cephalothoracic segments are indistinguishable from the abdominal segments. It is the character of Harpacticoida that the antennules are small. On this copedodite there are 6 stages as in the nauplius, but the last stage is the adult stage. The 1st and the 2nd stages changed into the next stage in 18 to 20 hours as in the nauplius. The 3rd to the 5th stages changed into the next stage within 1 day. After hatching the nauplius developed into the adult by 10 days. The period of each stage fluctuates according to the amount of foods which were supplied to the animal. On the starved condition the development of this animal does not occur by any means. The most of male have mated with the adult female, but some of them mated with the earlier stage, especially the 2nd copepodite stage female. The female which developed into the adult produced the first brood in a few minutes to 3 days. A period of the adult stage is assumed 1 to 2 months. A female produced 5~10 broods. After hatching of the brood the next brood was bred in a few minutes to 1 day. The female which was 0.9 mm in the mean length produced 30 eggs per a brood.  相似文献   

王博文  郭东晖 《海洋学报》2019,41(6):93-102
记述了采自九龙江口桡足类1个新种——沈氏伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus sheni Guo&Wang,sp.nov.),对其形态特征进行了拍照、绘图和描述。形态上,新种头部钝尖,雌性胸部后侧角内缘乳状突起明显、生殖厣末端突起呈长倒刺状、尾叉外侧第2和第3尾刚毛基部膨大、第5胸足外肢第1节内末角突起尖细,雄性第5胸足左足第2基节后缘中部三角形突起狭尖,与火腿伪镖水蚤[P.poplesia(Shen,1955)]存在显著的形态差异;两者基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(mtCOI)基因片段的遗传差异为17.4%~19.5%。沈氏伪镖水蚤的命名旨在纪念中国科学院动物研究所甲壳动物分类学家沈嘉瑞(1902-1975)研究员,模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋科技博物馆。  相似文献   

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