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It is widely accepted that chemical weathering of Ca–silicate rocks could potentially control long-term climate change by providing feedback interaction with atmospheric CO 2 drawdown by means of precipitation of carbonate, and that in contrast weathering of carbonate rocks has not an equivalent impact because all of the CO 2 consumed in the weathering process is returned to the atmosphere by the comparatively rapid precipitation of carbonates in the oceans. Here, it is shown that the rapid kinetics of carbonate dissolution and the importance of small amounts of carbonate minerals in controlling the dissolved inorganic C (DIC) of silicate watersheds, coupled with aquatic photosynthetic uptake of the weathering-related DIC and burial of some of the resulting organic C, suggest that the atmospheric CO 2 sink from carbonate weathering may previously have been underestimated by a factor of about 3, amounting to 0.477 Pg C/a. This indicates that the contribution of silicate weathering to the atmospheric CO 2 sink may be only 6%, while the other 94% is by carbonate weathering. Therefore, the atmospheric CO 2 sink by carbonate weathering might be significant in controlling both the short-term and long-term climate changes. This questions the traditional point of view that only chemical weathering of Ca–silicate rocks potentially controls long-term climate change. 相似文献
129I is one of the three major radiation risk contributors to the public as a consequence of past nuclear processing activities at Department of Energy (DOE) facilities. Elevated levels of 129I are present in the surface soils of F-Area of Savannah River Site, which used to be an isotope separation facility for the production of nuclear weapons components. The 129I in soils is thought to be bound predominantly to soil organic matter (SOM). Measurements of stable 127I and radioactive 129I in humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) obtained by five successive alkaline, two glycerol and one citric acid-alkaline extraction, demonstrated that these extractable humic substances (HS) together account for 54-56% and 46% of the total 127I and 129I in the soil, respectively. The remainder was likely bound to residual SOM. The iodine content (μg-I/g-C) generally decreased with each subsequent extract, while 129I/ 127I increased concurrently. The coincident variations in chemical compositions, aromaticity (estimated by UV spectroscopy), functional groups (e.g., aliphatic), degree of humification, relative migration in the hydrophobic interaction column, and molecular weight indicated that: (1) iodine in different HAs was bound to a small-size aromatic subunit (∼10 kDa); (2) the large-size subunit (∼90 kDa), which likely linked the small-size unit through some weak chemical forces (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic or electrostatic interactions), determined the relative mobility of iodine bound to organic matter; (3) from the strong correlation between iodine content and aromaticity in the HAs, we suggested that iodine incorporation into the SOM via covalent aromatic C-I bond is the key mechanism controlling iodine behavior in this system. However, this relationship is not universal for all fractions of organic matter as evidenced from the different slopes of this relationship at the two sampling sites, as well as from the different relationships for HAs and FAs, respectively. These differences in iodination are due to different SOM molecular sizes, compositions, and availability of preferred iodination sites. 129I in the soil downstream from the contaminated site and near a wetland abruptly dropped below our detection limit (0.5 pCi- 129I/g-soil), which suggests that the high SOM in the plume soil around the 129I-contaminated F-Area might be a natural barrier to scavenge radioiodine released from the nuclear waste repository by forming organo-iodine compounds. Soil resuspension experiments showed that mobile 129I was mostly associated with a low average molecular weight amphiphilic organic carrier (13.5-15 kDa). SOM clearly behaves as a sink for iodine at the Savannah River Site F-Area. However, this work demonstrates that a small fraction of the SOM can also behave as a source, namely that a small fraction that may be readily dispersible under some environmental conditions and presumably release iodine in the organic-colloidal form. This radioiodinated organo-colloid likely can get into the groundwater through infiltration or surface runoff where it might migrate further into the wetlands. Results from this study provide the geochemical basis for future 129I migration controls, remediation, and/or land-groundwater management strategies. 相似文献
This study focuses on two Mediterranean oligotrophic high mountain lakes located in the Sierra Nevada National Park (southern Spain): Río Seco (RS) and La Caldera (LC). A combination of field measurements and laboratory experiments is used: (i) to quantify in situ settling fluxes; (ii) to study the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) release or uptake by settling and resuspended particles; and (iii) to discriminate between the biotic and abiotic contribution for such patterns. In general, all suspensions (lake water untreated and lake water enriched with settling and with resuspended matter) in both study lakes release significantly more SRP to the solution when biological activity was suppressed. Biological uptake from settling and resuspended matter is likely to be limited by the bacterial consumption of P. Despite of these similarities, this study has revealed notable differences in the effect of sediment resuspension on SRP dynamics in both study lakes, when simulating natural conditions (biotic and abiotic processes). While in LC, the enrichment of lake water with settling and with resuspended matter did not cause an increase in SRP concentrations in lake water, SRP concentrations in RS at the end of the experiment were significantly higher (probability P < 0.05) in lake water enriched with resuspended matter (3.2 μg/l) than in natural lake water (lower than the detection limit). Accordingly, it is reasonable to expect that sediment resuspension, which occurs more frequently in RS compared with LC, affects drastically the SRP availability in the water column in RS. 相似文献
Guangdong is the most economically developed province in China, which is a large CO 2 emitter and hence is faced with severe carbon reduction pressures. In this paper, a cost assessment methodology based on scenario analysis is presented. A CO 2 source and sink database was built at Guangdong after detailed investigations on the point sources and sedimentary basins. Fifteen transport and five storage scenarios were defined and studied, respectively. Cost estimates based on these scenarios show that during its lifetime, the costs of both transport and storage depend on the amount of CO 2 processed. More CO 2 being processed will bring down the unit costs of both transport and storage. However, it was observed that there is a cost inflection point between the storage amount of 35.2 and 52.8 Mt/year, which means that as the storage amount increases, the storage cost will first decrease and then increase. Source region S1 in Guangdong has been recommended for an early chance of CO 2 storage. Preliminary cost comparisons have shown that the results presented in this study are reasonable, but to improve the cost assessment accuracy of offshore CO 2 storage, a methodology based on a CO 2 storage design that can integrate local prices needs to be further developed. 相似文献
It has been suggested that part of the so-called “missing sink” of carbon dioxide introduced into the atmosphere by anthropogenic
activities, that is the imbalance between estimated anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions and oceanic uptake, may be stored
in the vegetation in midlatitudes. Precise mechanisms of abstraction of additional carbon dioxide by vegetation, also known
as the “fertilization effect”, are poorly understood. Stable carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios of cellulose extracted from
annual growth rings (covering the time period 1980–1993) in an oak tree from Kalamazoo, SW Michigan provide a basis to investigate
at a physiological level how the fertilization effect may operate. The carbon isotope ratios show that the intercellular concentration
of carbon dioxide increased due to an increase in stomatal opening. Although increased intercellular concentration of carbon
dioxide translated to increased Water Use Efficiency and assimilation rates, it also resulted in increased transpiration rate
as shown by higher D/H of the fixed carbon. The two-fold significance of the isotope data are: first, they provide the first
field evidence based on isotope studies for excess CO 2 induced biomass production and second, they suggest that this mechanism is likely to operate only in limited environments.
Vegetation in regions where moisture availability is not restricted so that there can be a gain in water use efficiency despite
increased leaf evaporation are best suited to sequester excess carbon from the atmosphere. 相似文献
The Oder river drains a highly polluted industrial area and enters the Baltic Sea through a system of shallow lagoons. Surficial sediments in the discharge area of the Oder are highly enriched in heavy metals compared to their preindustrial background levels. Pore-water studies in short sediment cores reveal anoxic environments over the entire sediment column, except for a suboxic layer in the uppermost 5 to 20 mm of the sediment where Mn- and Fe-oxyhydroxides are reduced by organic matter. Heavy metals (such as Cu, Zn and Pb) are mobilized within the suboxic zones in the inner lagoon (represented by the Oder Lagoon) and in the open Baltic (represented by the Arkona Basin). The Achterwasser, located between the Oder Lagoon and the Arkona Basin, is directly affected by sea-level fluctuations in the Baltic. Pore-water studies indicate that, in contrast to the situation in the Oder Lagoon and Arkona Basin, surficial sediments of the Achterwasser represent a sink for heavy metals. This is associated with the high rate of Fe-sulphide formation occurring there, at least seasonally during salt-water inflow. 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between household expenditure and CO2 emissions among different income groups of urban and rural households in China. Having employed the 2007 Social Accounting Matrix of China, this study examines the direct and indirect CO2 emissions caused by household demand. The results show that within both urban and rural households, the higher the income level is, the higher the per capita emissions are; the CO2 emissions per unit expenditure due to savings and taxes are generally much larger than those from consumption of goods and services; and these emissions per unit consumption expenditures mainly come from indirect emissions. To deeply explore the relationships between consumption patterns and CO2 emissions, two scenarios are established to eliminate the differences in income level and consumption propensity among different groups step by step. Main results indicate that (1) the income gap is the primary cause of the significant differences in emission levels among each group; (2) the difference in consumption propensity is also a notable reason; and (3) the rural higher income groups spend a larger share of their income on those carbon-intensive goods (e.g., electricity, transportation, energy products), thus making their consumption patterns more carbon-intensive, while for the urban, the consumption patterns of lower income groups are more carbon-intensive. Finally, policy recommendations on the reduction of household emissions are also made. 相似文献
A structural interpretation of the Ziarat block in the Balochistan region (a part of the Suleiman Fold and Thrust Belt) has been carried out using seismic and seismological data. Seismic data consists of nine 2.5D pre‐stack migrated seismic lines, whereas the seismological data covers the Fault Plane Solution and source parameters. Structural interpretation describes two broad fault sets of fore and back thrusts in the study area that have resulted in the development of pop‐up structures, accountable for the structural traps and seismicity pattern in terms of seismic hazard. Seismic interpretation includes time and depth contour maps of the Dungan Formation and Ranikot group, while seismological interpretation includes Fault Plane Solution, that is correlated with a geological and structural map of the area for the interpretation of the nature of the subsurface faults. Principal stresses are also estimated for the Ranikot group and Dungan Formation. In order to calculate anisotropic elastic properties, the parameters of the rock strength of the formations are first determined from seismic data, along with the dominant stresses (vertical, minimum horizontal, and maximum horizontal). The differential ratio of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses is obtained to indicate optimal zones for hydraulic fracturing, and to assess the potential for geothermal energy reservoir prospect generation. The stress maps indicate high values towards the deeper part of the horizon, and low towards the shallower part, attributed to the lithological and structural variation in the area. Outcomes of structural interpretation indicate a good correlation of structure and tectonics from both seismological and seismic methods. 相似文献
It is shown that the main problem in earthquake prediction consists not in separating a useful signal on an imminent strong earthquake from noise but in determining the character of the signal itself. The signal, due to the fractal and roughly discontinuous nature of the geological medium, is not an isolated precursor anomaly but always presents a host of varied-rank wavelets that are not distinctly recognizable and, in addition, are fluctuating in their amplitudes and duration. Bifurcation and the extreme dependence of the behavior of nonlinear geological system upon initial and continuously variable current conditions explain the inevitable unreliability of predicting the most mature earthquake sources. 相似文献
The organic horizon (the mor layer) of podzolized boreal forest soils has accumulated atmospheric fallout of mercury and lead over centuries, resulting in current concentrations close to levels where negative effects on soil biota are thought to occur. To what extent the pollution history is preserved in the stratigraphy of this horizon is not well known. In this study we asses whether the chronology of a large historic pulse of atmospheric pollution emitted from the Rönnskär smelter in northern Sweden, particularly between 1950 and 1980, is preserved within the stratigraphy of the mor layer, which is typically 5-cm thick. Vertical sub-sampling (?5 mm) of five mor profiles sampled along a 100-km pollution gradient away from the smelter are analyzed for mercury and lead concentrations, spheroidal carbonaceous particles from fossil fuel combustion (SCPs) and stable lead isotopes ( 206Pb/ 207Pb and 208Pb/ 207Pb). Their vertical distribution is compared with the temporal variations in atmospheric inputs reconstructed for the last ∼100 years from analyses of an ombrotrophic peat core and a varved lake sediment core sampled within a distance of 50 km of the smelter. The mor profiles situated ?12 km from the smelter record the pollution history of the smelter. There is a 20 to 40-times enrichment of Hg, Pb and SCP at the transition in the O-horizon from the F- to H-layer compared to the basal part and a distinct peak in the 206Pb/ 207Pb ratio (∼1.22) in the F-layer. The mor profiles situated outside the historical contamination range of the smelter (80 and 100 km away) record no obvious influence from the Rönnskär smelter, instead their vertical 206Pb/ 207Pb profiles follow the general regional pollution history in northern Sweden. We conclude that the mor layer preserves a record of atmospheric Hg, Pb and SCP inputs and due to low leaching rates this organic horizon serves as a semi-archive of atmospheric Hg and Pb pollution. We stress the need of including this property in the existing ‘black-box’ models predicting the fate of Hg and Pb within contaminated boreal forest soils. 相似文献
In Ohio, 1985 H.R. Bill 501 authorizes the local authorities to issue permits to use oil-field brine surface spreading as a dust and ice control agent. Such permits are usually given without any necessary hydrogeological expertise as to the potential impact on the shallow aquifers, particularly if the brine spreading occurs in a recharge area. One such case occurred recently in the southwestern suburb of the City of Wooster, OH, USA, where a group of home owners were seeking judicial relief when their water wells began yielding salty water as a result of brine spreading on a nearby large open storage area for oil and gas well drilling supplies. The defendant, owner of the storage yard, acted in accordance with the permit issued by the local authorities. Yet, decentralized decision making and an increased emphasis on local and citizen involvement have created a gap between science and society. The local authorities were not required by law to condition the issuance of the permit on an analysis of the potential environmental impact. The decision to issue that permit was made purely on non-scientific grounds. Therefore, the residents had no choice but to embark on a costly process of proving the damages, causation, and liability in court of law. During the protracted, 6-year long conflict, an extensive hydrogeological and hydrochemical data set (including stable isotopes’ analyses along with the complete chemical analyses of major and minor constituents) was amassed at a great cost to both sides . The following article presents the hydrogeological and hydrochemical interpretation of this data set. In addition, the case illustrates a glaring deficiency in the Ohio, 1985 H.R. Bill 501, and one pitfall in the “politically correct” philosophy of delegating decision-making process entirely to the non-professional local authorities. 相似文献
Research on the “source–sink” landscape pattern of nonpoint source pollution is of great significance to natural resource management, environmental protection, water quality improvement, nonpoint source pollution prevention and control, and ecological security pattern construction. Remote sensing has proven by many scholars as a practical and effective technique to study landscape patterns and nonpoint source pollution. However, there are still many obstacles to the application of remote sensing technology, such as classification errors, scale effects and the issue, whereby landscape metrics cannot describe the landscape information comprehensively. In view of the characteristics of the macroscale and multi-scale of remote sensing, the analysis of landscape patterns is the basis for the study of the relationship research between patterns and ecological processes, and it is also the key to the study of landscape dynamics and functions. This paper attempts to summarize the representative results and the challenges of remote sensing in the study of the source and sink landscape of the nonpoint source pollution landscape and provide corresponding solutions as a reference for future research. 相似文献
Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO 2-EOR) has been widely applied to the process of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Here, we investigate CO 2–oil–water–rock interactions under reservoir conditions (100 °C and 24 MPa) in order to understand the fluid–rock interactions following termination of a CO 2-EOR project. Our experimental results show that CO 2-rich fluid remained the active fluid controlling the dissolution–precipitation processes in an oil-undersaturated sandstone reservoir; e.g., the dissolution of feldspar and calcite, and the precipitation of kaolinite as well as solid phases comprising O, Si, Al, Na, C, and Ti. Mineral dissolution rates were reduced in the case that mineral surfaces were coated by oil. Mineral wettability and composition, and oil saturation were the main controls on the exposed surface area of grains, and mineral wettability in particular led to selective dissolution. In addition, the permeability of the reservoir decreased substantially due to the precipitation of kaolinite and solid-phase particles, and due to the clogging of less soluble mineral particles released by the dissolution of K-feldspar and carbonate cement, whereas porosity increased. The results provide insight into potential formation damage resulting from CO 2-EOR projects. 相似文献
At present the best estimates of the oxygen fugacity of spinel-lherzolites that could be the source material of basic magmas is about five log units below the Ni–NiO buffer to one above it. However partially glassy basic lavas, ranging from MORBs to minettes, all with olivine on their liquidus, cover a wider range, and may have oxygen fugacities that extend to four log units above NNO. Surprisingly the range of oxygen fugacities observed in silicic lavas and ashflows with quartz phenocrysts is smaller, despite a crustal dominated evolution. The peralkaline silicic lava type pantellerite is the most reduced, equivalent to MORBs, whereas the large volume ashflows with phenocrysts of hornblende and/or sphene are the most oxidised. As the concentration of water in the basic lavas is correlated with increase in their redox state, it would seem that water could be the agent of this increase. That this is unlikely is seen in the behavior of silicic ashflows and lavas, particularly those of Yellowstone. Here the silicic magmas of the last 2Ma contain about 2 wt% FeO (total), and typically phenocrysts of fayalite, quartz and Fe–Ti oxides. Despite extensive exchange of the 18O of the magma with meteoric water after caldera collapse (Hildreth et al. 1984), there is no displacement of the redox equilibria. Thus the thermal dissociation of molecular H 2O to H 2, and its subsequent diffusive loss to cause oxidation must have been minimal. This could only be so if the activity of water was small, as it would be if H 2O reacted with the silicate liquid to form OH groups (Stolper 1982). The conclusion is that silicic magmas with small amounts of iron and large amounts of water do not have their redox states reset, which in turn presumably reflect their generation. By analogy basic magmas with large amounts of iron and far less water are even less likely to have their redox equilibria disturbed, so that their oxygen fugacities will also reflect their source regions. The effect of pressure on the ferric-ferrous equilibrium in basic magmas can be calculated from experimental measurements of the partial molar volumes of FeO and Fe 2O 3, and their pressure derivatives V/P, in silicate liquids. The effect of pressure is found to be about the same on the liquid as it is for various solid oxygen buffers. Accordingly there should be mantle source regions covering the same range of oxygen fugacity as that found in basic lavas, but so far samples of spinel-lherzolite of equivalent oxygen fugacity to minettes or other potassic lavas have not been found. Whether or not the redox state of phlogopite-pyroxenites is equivalent to these potassic lavas cannot be established without experiment. 相似文献
To evaluate how the land carbon reservoir has been acting as a sink to the anthropogenic CO 2 input to the atmosphere, it is important to study how plants in natural forests physiologically adjust to the changing atmospheric conditions. This has been studied intensively using controlled experiments, but it has been difficult to scale short-term observations to long-term ecosystem-level response. This paper derives variations of plant intrinsic water-use efficiency from natural trees for the past 100–200 years using carbon isotope chronologies. This parameter may potentially cause an increase in plant growth rate by improving the efficiency of plant water use, especially in arid environments. Attempts were made to isolate the variations of intrinsic water-use efficiency as a function of only the CO 2 concentration of the atmosphere. The intrinsic water-use efficiency of almost all trees increased with increasing atmospheric CO 2 concentration. This is caused by an increase in the carbon assimilation rate ( A) and/or a decrease in the stomatal conductance ( g). The increase in plant intrinsic water-use efficiency may imply an increase in plant transpiration efficiency which may have a direct connection with changes in plant biomass. 相似文献
The main aim of this study was to assess the natural and anthropogenic contributions of CO 2 in the urban atmosphere of Wrocław City (SW Poland) using combined quantitative (CO 2 concentrations) and qualitative analysis (δ 13C of CO 2). Between 21 January 2011 and 22 December 2011, 17 sampling campaigns were performed at 3-week intervals and in total 255 samples were collected. The mean CO 2 concentration was 469 ± 71 ppm and the mean δ 13C(CO 2) was −10.8 ± 1‰.The measured δ 13C(CO 2) values of major end-members for two winter heating seasons (−25.7‰ in January–March of 2011 and −27.6 ‰ in October–December of 2011) and for one vegetative season (−20.4‰ in April–September of 2011) suggest soil respiration as a main source of atmospheric CO 2 during the vegetative season, and a very significant impact of fossil fuel combustion during the winter heating seasons. There were significant increases of CO 2 concentrations at many sampling locations after the opening of a new motorway on 31 August 2011. The authors hypothesise that the new motorway contributes to the increase of CO 2 across the city. 相似文献
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive and biodiverse wetlands on earth. Yet, these unique coastal tropical forests are among the most threatened habitats in the world. Muthupet mangroves situated in the southeastern coast of India, has a reverse “L” shaped structure. Four cores were collected in 2008, sliced and subsampled at 2.5 cm length. The heavy metals (Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Cd) and other associated geochemical parameters were evaluated to determine pollution history of Muthupet. An evaluation of the status of heavy metal pollution through the index analysis approach was attempted by computing geoaccumulation index, anthropogenic factor, enrichment factor, contamination factor and degree of contamination, pollution load index and metal pollution index. To compensate for the natural variability of heavy metals in the core sediments, normalization using Al was carried out so that, any anthropogenic metal contributions may be detected and quantified. Results of the study reveal that significant metal contamination exists, and all the metals are found to be higher than continental crustal values. The fine sediments of Muthupet vary between uncontaminated and moderately contaminated with almost no enrichment (EF < 1) to severe enrichment (EF > 10). On comparison, the core collected close to aquafarms and dense mangrove forest (C3) is the most polluted core and the core retrieved where minor rivers drain (C2) is the least polluted. 相似文献