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We conducted a detailed analysis of along-trench variations in the flexural bending of the subducting Pacific Plate at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. Inversions were conducted to obtain best-fitting solutions of trench-axis loadings and variations in the effective elastic plate thickness for the analyzed flexural bending profiles. Results of the analyses revealed significant along-trench variations in plate flexural bending: the trench relief(W_0) of 1.9 to 5.1 km;trench-axis vertical loading(V_0) of –0.5×(10)~(12) to 2.2×(10)~(12) N/m; axial bending moment(M_0) of 0.1×(10)~(17) to 2.2×(10)~(17) N;effective elastic plate thickness seaward of the outer-rise region(T_e~M) of 20 to 65 km, trench-ward of the outer-rise(T_e~m) of 11 to 33 km, and the transition distance(X_r) of 20 to 95 km. The Horizon Deep, the second greatest trench depth in the world, has the greatest trench relief(W_0 of 5.1 km) and trench-axis loading(V_0 of 2.2×(10)~(12) N/m); these values are only slightly smaller than that of the Challenger Deep(W_0 of 5.7 km and V_0 of 2.9×(10)~(12) N/m) and similar to that of the Sirena Deep(W_0 of 5.2 km and V_0 of 2.0×(10)~(12) N/m) of the Mariana Trench,suggesting that these deeps are linked to great flexural bending of the subducting plates. Analyses using three independent methods, i.e., the T_e~M/T_e~m inversion, the flexural curvature/yield strength envelope analysis, and the elasto-plastic bending model with normal faults, all yielded similar average Te reduction of 28%–36% and average Te reduction area S¢Te of 1 195–1 402 km~2 near the trench axis. The calculated brittle yield zone depth from the flexural curvature/yield strength envelope analysis is also consistent with the distribution of the observed normal faulting earthquakes. Comparisons of the Manila, Philippine, Tonga-Kermadec, Japan, and Mariana Trenches revealed that the average values of T_e~M and T_e~m both in general increase with the subducting plate age.  相似文献   

玻安岩为一类具有特殊地球化学性质的岩石,具有高SiO2(>52%)、高MgO(>8%)和低TiO2(<0.5%)等特征。前人认为其形成主要是在俯冲起始阶段大洋板块所释放的流体导致亏损程度较高的难熔地幔楔发生熔融,因此其成因的研究对深入理解板块俯冲起始等地球动力学问题具有重要意义。虽然普遍认为俯冲物质对玻安岩岩浆源区具有重要贡献,但玻安岩中元素的不同富集程度反映了复杂的俯冲板片流体物理化学性质和对玻安岩形成的不同影响。通过对比分析伊豆–小笠原(Izu-Bonin)和北祁连造山带大岔大坂地区玻安岩样品,发现二者具有明显的地球化学差异:与伊豆–小笠原玻安岩相比,大岔大坂玻安岩中没有呈现“U”型稀土配分模式,不富集轻稀土元素或Zr、Hf等元素;而二者流体活动性/不相容元素比值(如Ba/La)变化较大,并具有较高的(87Sr/86Sr)i。这些特征反映了俯冲板片释放的流体和熔体分别对大岔大坂和伊豆–小笠原玻安岩岩浆地幔源区的贡献,从而表明大岔大坂玻安岩形成过程与伊豆–小笠原玻安岩所代表的俯冲初始形成模型不同,更可能形成于存在弧后扩张作用的成熟岛弧阶段。结合区域地质背景和前人研究,本文针对大岔大坂玻安岩成因提出了两种与俯冲初始阶段无关的可能形成机制:① 玻安岩产出于弧后扩张中心,弧后岩石圈的拉张环境和较热的地幔上隆区为玻安质岩浆的形成提供了温压条件,充分交代的水化地幔楔和蛇纹岩化地幔也参与了玻安质岩浆的形成;② 虽与弧后扩张中心相关,但玻安岩的产出位于前弧或弧。由于弧后地幔对弧下深度地幔楔进行侧向加热,导致地幔楔内部对流重新启动,弧后地区已经熔融出弧后玄武岩的残余橄榄岩进入前弧–弧下地幔楔,地幔楔底部和俯冲板片表面被重新加热而发生变质脱水,富水流体交代上部地幔楔使其部分熔融形成玻安质岩浆。  相似文献   

俯冲变形作用是板块汇聚过程中存在的构造地质现象,是当前构造地质研究的热点。目前对板块俯冲变形的研究尚不完善,俯冲角度变化对变形过程造成的影响还需进一步研究。位于欧亚板块东南部的中国东海大陆架盆地的构造演化特征及动力学机制与菲律宾板块向欧亚板块的俯冲作用有关。利用构造地质领域中新兴的离散元模拟方法,通过构建离散元模型模拟研究板块俯冲变形演化过程,并将实验结果与菲律宾板块向中国东海俯冲部位地层相比较,结果表明:(1)板块俯冲变形特征与俯冲角度有关,俯冲角度不同,其最终形成的变形样式也不同;(2)断层数目随着俯冲角度的减缓而增加,断层所扩展的水平距离随俯冲角度的减缓而增大,且不同俯冲角度下相同位置所形成的断距不同;(3)俯冲楔高度随着俯冲角度的减缓而增大,地壳变形幅度越大,且最终形成俯冲楔形态类型不同;(4)反冲断层形成时间随着俯冲角度的减缓而越来越晚;(5)实验模拟结果与实例具有相似的构造特征。研究结果解析了不同俯冲角度下板块俯冲变形的演化过程,有助于对板块汇聚过程中俯冲变形作用的进一步认识。  相似文献   

中国南海新生代处于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块相互作用的交汇处,其形成演化受三大板块复杂动力学过程和相互间作用所制约,尤其是中始新世印度板块同欧亚板块之间的“硬”碰撞及随后的楔入的影响.利用FLAC软件对该次碰撞对南海形成效应进行了模拟,模拟结果表明在模型东-东南边界为自由边界和考虑太平洋向欧亚板块的俯冲作用的支持应力边界条件两种情形下,均能引起构造物质或地幔流向南东、南逃逸,在南海地区产生足够的侧向挤出和南北向的剪切,从而在该地区导致广泛的南北向拉张,这些极有利于南海的打开.  相似文献   

海山等粗糙海底的俯冲对增生楔的结构、地貌、应力和地震灾害有着重要的影响。希库朗伊(Hikurangi)俯冲带位于新西兰北岛外海,希库朗伊高原向西正以40~47 mm/a的速率俯冲于澳大利亚板块之下。希库朗伊高原内部发育大量形态各异的海山,其俯冲造成希库朗伊北缘经历了严重的构造侵蚀。目前该区域的慢滑移事件有了很好的地震学和测地学约束,但对于希库朗伊北缘的构造侵蚀和构造应力体制如何演化以及对地震活动的影响仍然不清。本文基于离散元方法(DEM)数值模拟,结合地震反射剖面,探讨了海山俯冲对希库朗伊俯冲带北缘增生楔的形态、断裂结构、活动性、应变分配的影响。模拟结果显示海山的俯冲在其顶部形成一条巨型分支断层(mega-splay fault),吸收主要的缩短量并沿海底发生长距离、低角度逆冲推覆。随着俯冲的持续,海山前缘形成一个双重构造剪切带,而随着滑脱层的下移并向前扩展,最终形成前缘逆冲断裂体系。模拟证实海山俯冲提高了弧前增生楔内应力分布的非均质性,海山前缘最大剪切应力显著累积,而海山后缘则表现为一个稳定的应力影区。海山俯冲显著增加了希库朗伊俯冲带板间逆冲断层的几何粗糙度和物质非均质性,对微地震和...  相似文献   

In July 2007, new marine heat flow data were collected at ten sites (HF01–10) in the central and southwestern sectors of the Ulleung Basin (East Sea or Sea of Japan) as part of regional gas hydrate research. In addition, cores were collected at five of these sites for laboratory analysis. The results show that the geothermal gradient ranged from 103–137 mK/m, and the in-situ thermal conductivity from 0.82–0.95 W/m·K. Laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity were found to deviate by as much as 40% from the in-situ measurements, despite the precautions taken to preserve the cores. Based on the in-situ conductivity, the heat flow was found to increase with water depth toward the center of the basin, ranging from 84–130 mW/m2. Using a simple model, we estimated the heat flow from the depths of the BSR, and compared this with the observed heat flow. In our study area, the two sets of values were quite consistent, the observed heat flows being slightly higher than the BSR-derived ones. The evaluation of regional pre-1994 data revealed that the heat flow varied widely from 51–157 mW/m2 in and around the basin. Due to a large scatter in these older data, a clear relationship between heat flow and water depth was not evident, in contrast to what would be expected for a rifted sedimentary basin. This raises the question as to whether the pre-1994 data represent the true background heat flow from the underlying basin crust since the basin opening, and/or whether they contain large measurement errors. In fact, evidence in support of the latter explanation exists. BSRs are generally found in the deep parts of the basin, and vary by only ±15 m in depth below the seafloor. From the average BSR depth, we inferred the background heat flow using a simple model, which in the case of the Ulleung Basin is approximately 120 and 80 mW/m2 for 2.5 and 1 km below sea level, respectively.  相似文献   

The East/Japan Sea is a mid-latitude marginal sea that has undergone dramatic changes during the last 50–60 years. One of the most prominent characteristics of these changes is a rapid decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in deep waters. As a consequence of these changes, some investigators have even argued that the East/Japan Sea might become an anoxic sea in the next 200 years. While the causes of these changes are still under investigation, it has been shown that they are mainly due to modifications in the mode of the deep water ventilation system in the East/Japan Sea: a slowdown and complete cessation of bottom water formation accompanied by an enhancement of upper water formation instead. A simple moving-boundary box model (MBBM) was developed in order to analyze and quantify the processes involved in such changes over the last 50–60 years. Using a MBBM, we estimated the levels of several conservative chemical tracers (CFCs, Tritium, SF6, 137Cs) and bioactive tracers (oxygen and phosphate) in the deep water masses of the East/Japan Sea, comparing these with the historical data available, and making predictions for the near future. The model predicts that the East/Japan Sea should remain well-oxygenated, despite recent rapid oxygen decreases in its deep waters, accompanied by such structural changes as a shrinking of its oxygen-depleted deeper waters and an expansion of its oxygen-rich upper waters over the next few decades.  相似文献   

In 2014 and 2015, we examined the spatial distribution of cesium-134 (half-life: 2.06 years) from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) in marine sediments within coastal–basin areas (water depths of 40–520 m) off central Honshu Island (the main island of Japan) in the Sea of Japan. The 134Cs concentrations in both the surface sediment (0–1 cm depth) and whole-core inventory exhibited wide variations, and were highest at the site closest to the Agano River Estuary area (6.7 Bq/kg-dry and 886 Bq/m2, respectively). This indicates that 134Cs in coastal areas was delivered by riverine suspended solids (SS). Given the spatial variation in 134Cs concentrations, we believe that 134Cs partially migrated northeastward within ~50 km along Honshu Island (at water depths shallower than ~140 m), and southwestward, including the Sado Basin area. This is predominantly attributable to the transport of SS by bottom currents and unsteady downward delivery onto the steep slopes of the basin. The total amount of 134Cs in the study area in 2014 was estimated at approximately 0.6 TBq (decay-corrected to March 11, 2011, date of FDNPP accident).  相似文献   

The Dongsha area is one of the most promising target areas for gas hydrate exploration in the South China Sea(SCS).The study of pore water geochemistry has played a key role in Chinese gas hydrate exploration.Br/Cl,I/Cl and δ37Cl in pore water were applied here in tracing gas hydrate occurrence,chemical evolution of pore fluids and water/rock interactions in low temperature sediment environments.The samples were collected from Sites HD255 PC and HD309 PC in the Dongsha area in 2004.At Site HD255 PC,we found the elevated Br/Cl,I/Cl and decreased SO_4/Cl at the depth of 4–5 m,suggestive of a laterally migrated fluid probably generated from the gas hydrate occurrence.The range of δ37Cl is –0.54‰ to +0.96‰,and positive δ~(37)Cl at 4–5 m interval should be related with different diffusion rates between ~(35)Cl and ~(37)Cl.At Site HD309 PC,a laterally migrated fluid was also found at the depth of 3–4 m,with the Br/Cl two times to that of the seawater and decreased I/Cl,indicating the fluid has no relationship with the gas hydrate.In this site,the chlorine isotopic composition varies from –0.7‰ to+1.9‰.Extra high Br/Cl might relate with the deep generated fluid.At higher temperature and pressure,the Br/Cl of the fluid is elevated during the hydrous silicate formation,while positive δ37Cl is also associated with the same mechanism.  相似文献   

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